
Distribution ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego, Chiloe, Chile central, Chile norte
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Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
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Durvillaea antarctica ( Alman )

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Durvillea antarctica, auch Cochayuyo oder Bull Kelp genannt, ist eine große Seetangart der Braunalgen aus dem subantarktischen Küstenbereich. Sie erreicht eine Länge von bis zu 10 Meter.[1] Der Artname D. antarctica ist irreführend, da sie nicht in der antarktischen Region vorkommt. Die Gattung wurde zu Ehren von Jules Dumont d’Urville benannt. Die Alge wird in Chile als Grundnahrungsmittel genutzt und ist hier als Cochayuyo bekannt.[1] Auch in Südaustralien wurde die Algenart von den Ureinwohnern als Nahrung genutzt.[2]


Bei der Durvillea antarctica handelt es sich um eine widerstandsfähige Großalge mit einem kräftigen Cauloid (Stiel).[3] Das Rhizoid (Wurzel) ist ebenfalls gut ausgebildet und mit einem enormen Haftungsvermögen versehen. Das Phylloid (das blattähnliche Organ der Alge) ist schmal und band-förmig. Im Phylloid befinden sich Luftkammern, die Honigwaben ähneln.[4] Dadurch und durch das massive Haftorgan bekommt die Alge eine enorme Widerstandskraft gegen starke Wellen und Brandung. Wenn die Alge vom Substrat losgerissen wird, fördern die Luftkammern durch Auftrieb auch den Transport der Alge. Die Art ist dadurch wahrscheinlich auf der Südhalbkugel stärker verbreitet als die anderen Arten ihrer Gattung, deren Phylloiden keine Luftkammern enthalten.[4]

Die honigwaben-ähnliche Struktur innerhalb des Blattes

Das Wachstum erfolgt diffus und nicht, wie bei anderen Vertreter der Ordnung Fucales, durch eine Scheitelzelle.[4]

Durvillaea antarctica – losgerissen und angespült (Neuseeland / Otago (Region))


Durvillaea antarctica hat wie alle Arten der Gattung einen diplontischen Lebenszyklus ohne einen Generationswechsel. Es werden durch eine Meiose unbewegliche Eizellen und bewegliche Spermatozoiden gebildet (Oogamie). Die Spermatozoiden sind heterokont begeißelt und werden durch das Pheromon Hormosirene von den Eizellen angelockt. Nach der Befruchtung wird sofort wieder eine diploide Alge gebildet.[5]

Das Pheromomon Hormosirene


Die Verbreitung reicht nördlich von 29° S in Chile über die subantarktischen Inseln bis Neuseeland.[6]


  1. a b Sharon R. Chester: A Wildlife Guide to Chile: Continental Chile, Chilean Antarctica, Easter Island, Juan Fernandez Archipelago. Princeton Univ Pr, 2008, ISBN 978-0-691-12976-1.
  2. Klaus-Jürgen Götting, Ernst F. Killian und Reinhard Schnetter: Einführung in die Meeresbiologie 2: Das Meer als Lebensraum und seine Nutzung 1988, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag. ISBN 978-3-528-07245-2.
  3. Wolfram Braune: Meeresalgen. Ein Farbbildführer zu den verbreiteten benthischen Grün-, Braun- und Rotalgen der Weltmeere. Gantner Verlag, 2008, ISBN 978-3-906166-69-8.
  4. a b c Klaus Lüning: Meeresbotanik – Verbreitung, Ökophysiologie und Nutzung mariner Makroalgen. Georg Thieme Verlag, 1995, ISBN 978-3-13-667501-4.
  5. Christiaan van den Hoek, David Mann und M. Jahns: Algae. An Introduction to Phycology. Cambridge University Press, 1995, ISBN 978-0-521-31687-3.
  6. J.M.B. Smith, T. Bayliss-Smith (1998) Kelp-plucking: coastal erosion facilitated by bull-kelp Durvillaea antarctica at subantarctic Macquarie Island. In: Antarctic Science. 10(1998), S. 431–438.
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Durvillaea antarctica: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Durvillea antarctica, auch Cochayuyo oder Bull Kelp genannt, ist eine große Seetangart der Braunalgen aus dem subantarktischen Küstenbereich. Sie erreicht eine Länge von bis zu 10 Meter. Der Artname D. antarctica ist irreführend, da sie nicht in der antarktischen Region vorkommt. Die Gattung wurde zu Ehren von Jules Dumont d’Urville benannt. Die Alge wird in Chile als Grundnahrungsmittel genutzt und ist hier als Cochayuyo bekannt. Auch in Südaustralien wurde die Algenart von den Ureinwohnern als Nahrung genutzt.

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Durvillaea antarctica ( Anglèis )

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Durvillaea antarctica, also known as cochayuyo and rimurapa,[1] is a large, robust species of southern bull kelp found on the coasts of Chile, southern New Zealand, and Macquarie Island.[2][3][4][5] D. antarctica, an alga, does not have air bladders, but floats due to a unique honeycomb structure within the alga's blades, which also helps the kelp avoid being damaged by the strong waves.[6][7]


D. antarctica in Otago, New Zealand

The species was first described in 1822,[8] as Fucus antarcticus, and revised in 1892 as Durvillaea antarctica.[9] The genus name Durvillaea was given in memory of the French explorer Jules Dumont d'Urville, while the Latin derived epithet refers to antarctic.[10]

In 2012, a taxonomic revision led to the recognition of a new species, Durvillaea poha, based on genetic, morphological and ecological evidence,[3] which was previously recognised as the 'cape' lineage of Durvillaea antarctica.[3][11][12] D. poha is the only other species in the genus to share the honeycombed structure and buoyancy of D. antarctica. D. poha occurs only in southern New Zealand and on subantarctic islands (including Snares and Auckland Islands), whereas D. antarctica has a wider distribution, and is found around New Zealand, Chile and other subantarctic islands. In southern New Zealand, D. poha and D. antarctica can be found growing together, although D. poha normally grows higher up or further back on the rock platforms, or in more sheltered bays, where wave force is weaker. D. poha generally has wider fronds than D. antarctica, and can appear more 'orange' across the frond area.[3][5] Mitochondrial introgression has been observed between the two species, where some plants in Wellington exhibited the nuclear DNA of D. poha but also mitochondrial DNA belonging to D. antarctica.[13]

Further diversity, with additional unclassified lineages have been identified within the species.[5][12]

Cladogram of Durvillaea showing diversity within D. antarctica[5]

D. willana

D. potatorum

D. amatheiae

D. fenestrata

D. incurvata

D. poha

D. chathamensis

D. antarctica (New Zealand north)

D. antarctica (New Zealand south)

D. antarctica (Subantarctic and Chile)


D. antarctica at Manurewa Point, in the Wairarapa

The blades of Durvillaea antarctica are green to golden brown with a leathery texture. The honeycomb structure of the blade gives strength and buoyancy.[6][7] This novel structure is thought to be responsible for the wide distribution of this genus, as the kelp is able to float when its holdfast fails. It can colonise other coastlines in this manner, and has been shown to carry communities of invertebrates across vast ocean distances from one shore to another.[14] Specimens of D. antarctica have been found to float for up to 210 days, during which time high wind speeds transport kelp rafts up to 10,000 km.[15] Environmental factors such as temperature, solar radiation and surface winds (all of which vary with latitude) affect buoyancy of rafts and their rate of travel.[15] Rafts of D. antarctica are more likely to disperse offshore if plants detach during outgoing tides during autumn and winter.[16] It is thought that this 'rafting' with Durvillaea antarctica and other floating seaweeds allowed a wide range of species to recolonise sub-Antarctic shores scoured clean by ice during the last Ice Age.[17]

The holdfast of D. antarctica is large and is very difficult to remove. D. antarctica has to resist forces equivalent to 1100 km/h on land.[18] The holdfast failing is usually the result of worms and molluscs which feed on the tissue because of the sheltered habitat it creates.[19] It is also common for its host rock to be broken off without the holdfast losing its grip, with this contributing significantly to erosion in some areas.[2] Recruitment rates of this species is very low, therefore the ecological impact of harvesting this species is too great.[19]

Morphology of D. antarctica

Life cycle

Durvillaea antarctica reproduces sexually by producing egg and sperm that are released into the water. Eggs and sperm are produced on specific sites of the frond. A large individual can produce 100 million eggs in twelve hours.[19] The season when reproduction occurs varies with location, but is generally during winter months.


D. antarctica growing in Cooper Bay, South Georgia

Durvillaea antarctica has a circumpolar distribution between the latitudes of 29°S and 55°S, found in Chile, southern New Zealand, and Macquarie Island.[2][3][4][5][20][21][22] The type locality is Cape Horn, Chile.[6]

It is found on exposed shores, especially in the northern parts of its range, and attaches itself with a strong holdfast.[2][3]

Epifauna, parasites and rafting

Beachcast D. antarctica kelp frond with blisters caused by an infection

Holdfasts of D. antarctica are often inhabited by a diverse array of epifaunal invertebrates, many of which burrow into and graze on the kelp.[23] In New Zealand, epifaunal species include the crustaceans Parawaldeckia kidderi, P. karaka[23] and Limnoria stephenseni, and the molluscs Cantharidus roseus, Onchidella marginata,[24] Onithochiton neglectus,[23] and Sypharochiton sinclairi.[25][26][27] The intertidal spider Desis marina also inhabits the holdfasts of D. antarctica.[28][29]

Plants of D. antarctica can from detach substrates, particularly during storms. The kelp floats as a raft and can travel vast distances at sea, driven by ocean currents. Kelp-associated invertebrates can be transported inside of drifting holdfasts, potentially leading to long-distance dispersal and a significant impact upon the population genetic structure of those species.[24][25][26][27]

Fronds of D. antarctica can be infected by an endophytic, phaeophycean algal parasite Herpodiscus durvillaeae (Lindauer) G. R. South.[30][31] Fronds can also be infected Maullinia, a genus of intracellular, protistan parasites.[32][33][34] Based on genetic evidence, both H. durvillaeae and Maullinia have likely been dispersed across the Southern Hemisphere via rafting bull kelp.[31][32][34][35]

Human use

A pōhā covered with tōtara bark and inserted into a flax basket

Chilean culture

Use in cuisine

Stems and holdfasts of D. antarctica and D. incurvata are harvested from the coast of Chile and is used in Chilean cuisine for various recipes, including salads and stews.[5] In Quechua the species is called: cochayuyo (cocha: lake, and yuyo: weed), and hulte.[5] The Mapuche indigenous people refer to it as collofe or kollof.[5][36]


The expression remojar el cochayuyo (literally: to soak the cochayuyo) is used in Chilean Spanish to refer to sexual intercourse.[37] The expression derives from the fact that harvested D. antarctica is preserved by being sun-dried and then softened by soaking in a dish of water.

Cochayuyo cuisine

Māori culture

Along with D. poha, blades of D. antarctica are used to make traditional pōhā bags, which are used to carry and store food and fresh water, to propagate live shellfish, and to make clothing and equipment for sports.[38][39][40] Pōhā are especially associated with Ngāi Tahu and are often used to carry and store muttonbird (tītī) chicks.[38][39] The species is called rimurapa in Māori.[1][38][39]


  1. ^ a b "rimurapa". māoridictionary.co.nz. Retrieved 21 November 2019.
  2. ^ a b c d Smith, J.M.B. and Bayliss-Smith, T.P. (1998). Kelp-plucking: coastal erosion facilitated by bull-kelp Durvillaea antarctica at subantarctic Macquarie Island, Antarctic Science 10 (4), 431–438. doi:10.1017/S0954102098000522.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Spencer, Hamish G.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2012). "Durvillaea poha sp. nov. (Fucales, Phaeophyceae): a buoyant southern bull-kelp species endemic to New Zealand". Phycologia. 51 (2): 151–156. doi:10.2216/11-47.1. S2CID 86386681.
  4. ^ a b Parvizi, Elahe; Craw, Dave; Waters, Jonathan M. (2019). "Kelp DNA records late Holocene paleoseismic uplift of coastline, southeastern New Zealand". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 520: 18–25. Bibcode:2019E&PSL.520...18P. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.05.034. S2CID 189974346.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Velásquez, Marcel; Nelson, Wendy A.; Macaya, Erasmo C.A.; Hay, Cameron (2019). "The biogeographic importance of buoyancy in macroalgae: a case study of the southern bull‐kelp genus Durvillaea (Phaeophyceae), including descriptions of two new species". Journal of Phycology. 56 (1): 23–36. doi:10.1111/jpy.12939. PMID 31642057.
  6. ^ a b c W. A., Nelson (2013). New Zealand seaweeds : an illustrated guide. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Papa Press. p. 66. ISBN 9780987668813. OCLC 841897290.
  7. ^ a b Maggy Wassilieff. Seaweed - Bull kelp’s honeycombed structure, Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, Ministry of Culture and Heritage. Updated 2 March 2009. Retrieved 9 March 2010.
  8. ^ Choris, L. (1822). Voyage pittoresque autour du monde. Part I. pp. vi + 17, 12 plates. Paris
  9. ^ Hariot, P. (1892). Complément à la flore algologique de la Terre de Feu. Notarisia 7: 1427-1435.
  10. ^ Guiry, M.D.; Guiry, G.M. "Durvillaea antarctica". AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.
  11. ^ Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Hay, Cameron H.; Spencer, Hamish G.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2009). "Genetic and morphological analyses of the southern bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica (Phaeophyceae: Durvillaeales) in New Zealand reveal cryptic species". Journal of Phycology. 45 (2): 436–443. doi:10.1111/j.1529-8817.2009.00658.x. PMID 27033822. S2CID 18309093.
  12. ^ a b Fraser, C.I.; Winter, D.J.; Spencer, H.G.; Waters, J.M. (2010). "Multigene phylogeny of the southern bull-kelp genus Durvillaea (Phaeophyceae: Fucales)". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 57 (3): 1301–11. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.10.011. PMID 20971197.
  13. ^ Vaux, Felix; Craw, Dave; Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2021). "Northward range extension for Durvillaea poha bull kelp: Response to tectonic disturbance?". Journal of Phycology. 57 (5): 1411–1418. doi:10.1111/jpy.13179. PMID 33942304.
  14. ^ Fraser CI, Nikula R & Waters JM (2011) Oceanic rafting of a coastal community. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 278:649-655.
  15. ^ a b Tala, Fadia; López, Boris A.; Velásquez, Marcel; Jeldres, Ricardo; Macaya, Erasmo C.; Mansilla, Andrés; Ojeda, Jaime; Thiel, Martin (2019). "Long-term persistence of the floating bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica from the South-East Pacific: Potential contribution to local and transoceanic connectivity". Marine Environmental Research. 149: 67–79. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.05.013. PMID 31154063. S2CID 173993590.
  16. ^ Hawes, Nicola A.; Taylor, David I.; Schiel, David R. (2019). "Transport of drifting fucoid algae: Nearshore transport and potential for long distance dispersal". Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 490: 634–41. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2017.02.001.
  17. ^ Fraser CI, Nikula R, Spencer HG & Waters JM (2009) Kelp genes reveal effects of subantarctic sea ice during the Last Glacial Maximum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 106:3249-3253.
  18. ^ Hurd, C (2003). The Living Reef. Nelson, New Zealand: Craig Potton Publishing.
  19. ^ a b c Bradstock, M (1989). Between the Tides. New Zealand: David Bateman Limited.
  20. ^ Parvizi, Elahe; Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Dutoit, Ludovic; Craw, Dave; Waters, Jonathan M. (2020). "The genomic footprint of coastal earthquake uplift". Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287 (1930): 20200712. doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.0712. PMC 7423469. PMID 32635859.
  21. ^ Vaux, Felix; Parvizi, Elahe; Craw, Dave; Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2022). "Parallel recolonisations generate distinct genomic sectors in kelp following high magnitude earthquake disturbance?". Molecular Ecology. 31 (18): 4818–4831. doi:10.1111/mec.16535. PMC 9540901. PMID 35582778.
  22. ^ Vaux, Felix; Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Craw, Dave; Read, Stephen; Waters, Jonathan M. (2023). "Integrating kelp genomic analyses and geological data to reveal ancient earthquake impacts". Journal of the Royal Society Interface. doi:10.1098/rsif.2023.0105.
  23. ^ a b c Parvizi, Elahe; Dutoit, Ludovic; Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Craw, Dave; Waters, Jonathan M. (2022). "Concordant phylogeographic responses to large-scale coastal disturbance in intertidal macroalgae and their epibiota". Molecular Ecology. 31 (2): 646–657. doi:10.1111/mec.16245. PMID 34695264. S2CID 239888553.
  24. ^ a b Cumming, Rebecca A.; Nikula, Raisa; Spencer, Hamish G.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2014). "Transoceanic genetic similarities of kelp-associated sea slug populations: long-distance dispersal via rafting?". Journal of Biogeography. 41 (12): 2357–2370. doi:10.1111/jbi.12376. S2CID 84574097.
  25. ^ a b Nikula, Raisa; Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Spencer, Hamish G.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2010). "Circumpolar dispersal by rafting in two subantarctic kelp-dwelling crustaceans". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 405: 221–230. Bibcode:2010MEPS..405..221N. doi:10.3354/meps08523.
  26. ^ a b Nikula, Raisa; Spencer, Hamish G.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2013). "Passive rafting is a powerful driver of transoceanic gene flow". Biology Letters. 9 (1): 20120821. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0821. PMC 3565489. PMID 23134782.
  27. ^ a b Waters, Jonathan M.; King, Tania M.; Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Craw, Dave (2018). "An integrated ecological, genetic and geological assessment of long-distance dispersal by invertebrates on kelp rafts". Frontiers of Biogeography. 10 (3/4): e40888. doi:10.21425/F5FBG40888.
  28. ^ McLay, C. L.; Hayward, T. L. (1987-01-01). "Population structure and use of Durvillaea antarctica holdfasts by the intertidal spider Desis marina (Araneae: Desidae)". New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 14 (1): 29–42. doi:10.1080/03014223.1987.10422679. ISSN 0301-4223.
  29. ^ Vink, C., McQuillan, B., Simpson, A., & Correa-Garhwal, S. (2017). The marine spider, Desis marina (Araneae: Desidae): new observations and localities. The Weta, 51, 71-79. Retrieved from http://publications.ento.org.nz/index.php/weta/article/view/167
  30. ^ Heesch, Svenja; Peters, Akira F.; Broom, Judy E.; Hurd, Catriona L. (2008). "Affiliation of the parasite Herpodiscus durvillaeae (Phaeophyceae) with the Sphacelariales based on DNA sequence comparisons and morphological observations". European Journal of Phycology. 43 (3): 283–295. doi:10.1080/09670260801911157.
  31. ^ a b Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2013). "Algal parasite Herpodiscus durvillaea (Phaeophyceae: Sphacelariales) inferred to have traversed the Pacific Ocean with its buoyant host". Journal of Phycology. 49 (1): 202–206. doi:10.1111/jpy.12017. PMID 27008401. S2CID 21397549.
  32. ^ a b Blake, Callum; Thiel, Martin; López, Boris A.; Fraser, Ceridwen I. (2017). "Gall-forming protistan parasites infect southern bull kelp across the Southern Ocean, with prevalence increasing to the south". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 583: 95–106. Bibcode:2017MEPS..583...95B. doi:10.3354/meps12346.
  33. ^ Murúa, Pedro; Goecke, Franz; Westermeier, Renato; van West, Pieter; Küpper, Frithjof C.; Neuhauser, Sigrid (2017). "Maullinia braseltonii sp. nov. (Rhizaria, Phytomyxea, Phagomyxida): A Cyst-forming Parasite of the Bull Kelp Durvillaea spp. (Stramenopila, Phaeophyceae, Fucales)". Protist. 168 (4): 468–480. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2017.07.001. PMC 5673062. PMID 28822911.
  34. ^ a b Mabey, Abigail L.; Parvizi, Elahe; Ceridwen, Fraser I. (2021). "Pathogen inferred to have dispersed thousands of kilometres at sea, infecting multiple keystone kelp species". Marine Biology. 168 (4): 47. doi:10.1007/s00227-021-03853-8.
  35. ^ Baranuik, Chris (5 April 2021). "Kelp Pathogen Has Spread Across the Southern Ocean". The Scientist. Retrieved 14 April 2021.
  36. ^ Stuart, Jim (15 April 2010). "Seaweed: Cochayuyo and Luche". Eating Chilean.
  37. ^ La Ficha Pop Archived 2011-06-14 at the Wayback Machine, La Cuarta, 31 October 2006.
  38. ^ a b c "Page 4. Traditional use of seaweeds". Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. 12 Jun 2006. Retrieved 19 November 2019.
  39. ^ a b c "Traditional Māori food gathering". Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. 2016-05-30. Retrieved 21 November 2019.
  40. ^ "Maori shellfish project wins scholarship". SunLive. 13 May 2018. Retrieved 26 November 2019.

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Durvillaea antarctica: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Durvillaea antarctica, also known as cochayuyo and rimurapa, is a large, robust species of southern bull kelp found on the coasts of Chile, southern New Zealand, and Macquarie Island. D. antarctica, an alga, does not have air bladders, but floats due to a unique honeycomb structure within the alga's blades, which also helps the kelp avoid being damaged by the strong waves.

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Durvillaea antarctica ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El cochayuyo, cachiyuyo, cochaguasca, cochahuasca,[1]​ o coyofe (Durvillaea antarctica), es un alga parda[1]​ comestible rica en yodo que habita en la costa de los mares subantárticos, en Chile, Nueva Zelanda y el océano Atlántico Sur.


Cochayuyo seco.

Se trata de un alga de gran tamaño que puede llegar a alcanzar los 15 metros de longitud. Sus filoides ("hojas"), también llamadas como toda la planta, son de color pardo verdoso cuando están en el mar y pardo rojizo después de secarse, tienen consistencia carnosa y su interior es una estructura de panal que les da gran resistencia para soportar el embate del oleaje. Su cauloide ("tallo") es circular y no tiene espacios llenos de aire, su color es verde claro y mide alrededor de un metro de largo hasta el nacimiento del primer filoide. El disco basal o rizoide es una estructura muy fuerte que se adhiere a las rocas en la zona de la rompiente, ya que debe ser capaz de resistir el golpe continuo de las olas sin desprenderse del sustrato.


Por una parte, esta alga tiene dos nombres de origen quechua: cochayuyo, qucha yuyu, «planta de mar», y cochaguasca o cochahuasca,[1]qucha waska, «soga de mar», que le fue dado por el parecido que tiene con las cuerdas.

Por otra parte, también recibe nombres de origen mapuche: "coyofe" es una adaptación de la voz original kollof, que designa sus filoides. En la zona sur de Chile los cauloides son llamados "ulte" (o "huilte"),[1]​ en los alrededores de Valdivia reciben el nombre de "lunfo" (del término lüngfo o lenfü[1]​) y en Chiloé llaman "lembo" o "raguay" a esta estructura junto con el disco basal, nombre que se le aplicaba humorísticamente al pene por su parecido en forma y constitución. Ya vieja, esta alga es llamada müngo.[1]


Paquetes de cochayuyo a la venta en Ancud, Región de Los Lagos, Chile.

Esta alga ha sido uno de los recursos alimenticios de comunidades indígenas americanas durante siglos y hoy día forma parte de la gastronomía chilena. En Chile se ha extraído desde las costas y secado en paquetes que, gracias a su bajo peso, eran intercambiados en el interior del país. Existen muchos platos chilenos que usan esta alga, formando parte de guisos (el más típico es el llamado charquicán de cochayuyo), ensaladas, pasteles y sopas, fabricándose incluso una "mermelada de cochayuyo", saborizada con frutas. Sin embargo, en los últimos años su consumo ha disminuido.

A los alimentos que contienen esta alga, se les atribuyen efectos antiescrofulosos, digestivos y tónicos.[1]

En el pasado se usaba para que los bebés que estaban desarrollando los dientes la mordieran. Asimismo, los mapuches obtenían de los tallos un colorante pardo muy oscuro para teñir sus telas.[1]

Actualmente, existe un gel de cochayuyo, en fase experimental, que sirve como sustrato nutritivo para lograr que semillas de plantas colonicen terrenos pobres y que se ha usado para criar pasto sobre el subsuelo que queda al descubierto después de construir caminos.

Véase también


  1. a b c d e f g h de Mösbach, Ernesto Wilhelm (1992). «Collofe». Botánica indígena de Chile (PDF|formato= requiere |url= (ayuda)) (1ª edición). Santiago, Chile: Editorial Andrés Bello. p. 51. ISBN 956-13-0970-X. |fechaacceso= requiere |url= (ayuda)

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Durvillaea antarctica: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El cochayuyo, cachiyuyo, cochaguasca, cochahuasca,​ o coyofe (Durvillaea antarctica), es un alga parda​ comestible rica en yodo que habita en la costa de los mares subantárticos, en Chile, Nueva Zelanda y el océano Atlántico Sur.

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Durvillaea antarctica ( Fransèis )

fornì da wikipedia FR

Durvillaea antarctica est une espèce d'algues brunes géantes des régions sub-antarctiques de la famille des Durvillaeaceae.

Son nom rend hommage à l'explorateur français Jules Dumont d'Urville (1790-1842).


Groupe de D. antarctica, coalescentes par leurs crampons, échoué sur une plage de Nouvelle-Zélande
Coupe transversale de Durvillaea antarctica séchée montrant la structure en nid d'abeille qui assure la flottabilité.

Les thalles comprennent depuis la base : un crampon par lequel l'algue est fixée aux rochers, un stipe cylindrique, une lame palmée divisée en lanières plus ou moins nombreuses. Bien que génétiquement plus proche des Fucus, la forme générale évoque plutôt celle de certaines laminaires à lame digitée comme Laminaria digitata ou Laminaria hyperborea. Durvillaea antarctica peut dépasser fréquemment 10 m de longueur, voire atteindre les 15 m. La surface est épaisse et coriace, elle a l'aspect et la consistance du cuir. À l'intérieur de la lame, l'algue développe des structures alvéolaires formées de grandes cellules remplies d'air qui lui permet de se maintenir dans la colonne d'eau[1]. En grossissant, les bases de thalles voisins peuvent fusionner en un seul crampon collectif.

Répartition géographique

On rencontre Durvillaea antarctica le long des côtes du sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande, de l'Argentine et du Chili (Patagonie et Terre de Feu), et autour des îles sub-antarctiques : îles Malouines, Géorgie du Sud, archipel du Prince-Édouard, Kerguelen, Crozet, Heard-et-MacDonald, Auckland, Campbell et Macquarie.


Durvillaea antarctica est fixée au niveau des plus basses marées et est donc rarement complètement exondée. Les lames flottent en permanence à la surface de l'eau et peuvent ainsi former des ceintures continues le long du littoral. Durvillaea antarctica a besoin d'une eau brassée en permanence : on ne les rencontre donc que sur les côtes battues, où le ressac est important et où le marnage est peu marqué. Plus l'agitation est intense, plus les lanières sont nombreuses, fines et longues.

Cette espèce a tendance à se détacher du substrat pour former des amas flottants de taille variable qui dérivent un certain temps, portés par le vent et les courants marins[2]. Ce détachement peut être dû à l'action d'organismes herbivores, des vagues ou simplement de l'enchevêtrement des lames provoquant l'usure et éventuellement la rupture des stipes[3]. Comme ces amas peuvent dériver longtemps et sur de longues distances, ils pourraient faciliter la colonisation de nouveaux lieux par cette espèce[4]. De plus, de nombreuses espèces de l'ordre des Peracarida épibiontes, notamment des amphipodes et des isopodes, y vivent et se nourrissent de la matière végétale[5].

Cycle biologique

Le cycle biologique de Durvillaea antarctica est caractéristique de l'ordre des Fucales ; il est de type diplophasique. Le thalle est diploïde, la phase gamétophytique n'est pas libre et se réduit à la production des gamètes. La maturation de ces gamètes se produit pendant la période hivernale dans des conceptacles répartis à la surface de l'algue dans l'épaisseur des couches superficielles. La fécondation s'opère à l'extérieur de l'algue entre gamètes libérés[6]. Comme chez les autres algues brunes, l'attraction sexuelle des spermatozoïdes vers les oosphères est assurée par l'émission d'une phéromone. Pour le genre Durvillaea cet attractant est l'hormosirène[7].


Ballot de cochayuyo prêt à être distribué dans un marché chilien.

Durvillaea antarctica contient une très forte proportion d'alginates et est exploitée pour l'extraction de l'acide alginique ou pour diverses préparations cosmétiques.

Ces algues sont localement consommées comme aliments au Chili où elles sont appelées cochayuyo. Les extrémités des lanières fines sont les meilleures parties à préparer. On les trouve sur les marchés sous forme de petits paquets séchés et ficelés.

En Nouvelle-Zélande, les māori utilisaient les durvilléas (rimurapa) fendus dans l'épaisseur comme sacs de conservation (poha) ou de cuisson des produits de leur chasse et de leur pêche.

Notes et références

  1. Maggy Wassilieff. Seaweed - Bull kelp’s honeycombed structure, Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, Ministry of Culture and Heritage. Mise à jour le 2 mars 2009. Consultée le 24 juin 2012.
  2. Eva Rothäusler, Lars Gutow, and Martin Thiel, «Floating Seaweeds and Their Communities», dans Wiencke, C. and Bischof, K. (Eds.) Seaweed Biology: Novel Insights into Ecophysiology, Ecology and Utilization, Ecological Studies, vol. 219, Springer, Berlin.
  3. Eva Rothäusler, Iván Gómez, Iván A. Hinojosa, Ulf Karsten, Fadia Tala & Martin Thiel. 2009. Effect of temperature and grazing on growth and reproduction of floating Macrocystis spp. (Phaeophyceae) along longitudinal gradient. Journal of Phycology 45: 547-559.
  4. Ceridwen I. Fraser, Martin Thiel, Hamish G. Spencer & Jonathan M Waters. 2010. Research article Contemporary habitat discontinuity and historic glacial ice drive genetic divergence in Chilean kelp. Evolutionary Biology 10:203.
  5. Iván Hinojosa, Exequiel González, Pabla Ugalde, Nelson Valdivia, Erasmo Macaya & Martin Thiel. 2007. Distribución y abundancia de macroalgas flotando a la deriva y su fauna peracarida asociada en los canales de la XI Región, Chile. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar 30(2): 37-50.
  6. (es) Collantes Gloria, Merino Ana, Lagos Verónica, « Fenología de la gametogénesis, madurez de conceptáculos, fertilidad y embriogénesis en Durvillaea antarctica (Chamisso) Hariot (Phaeophyta, Durvillaeales) », Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, vol. 37, no 1,‎ juillet 2002, p. 83-112 (lire en ligne)
  7. Bruno de Reviers, Biologie et phylogénie des algues, t. 1, Paris, Belin, coll. « Belin Sup Sciences », octobre 2002, 352 p. (ISBN 978-2-7011-3083-5, ISSN ), p. 270

Références taxonomiques

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Durvillaea antarctica: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Durvillaea antarctica est une espèce d'algues brunes géantes des régions sub-antarctiques de la famille des Durvillaeaceae.

Son nom rend hommage à l'explorateur français Jules Dumont d'Urville (1790-1842).

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Durvillaea antarctica ( olandèis; flamand )

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Durvillaea antarctica is een soort kelp uit het geslacht Durvillaea. De soort is een overheersende zeewier in de zeeën rondom het zuiden van Nieuw-Zeeland en Chili.

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Durvillaea antarctica: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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Durvillaea antarctica is een soort kelp uit het geslacht Durvillaea. De soort is een overheersende zeewier in de zeeën rondom het zuiden van Nieuw-Zeeland en Chili.

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Durvillaea antarctica ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Durvillaea antarctica, a planta do mar, o cochayuyo, cachiyuyo, cochaguasca, cochahuasca, ou coyofe, é uma alga castanha[1] comestível rica em iodo que habita na costa dos mares sub-antárcticos, em Chile, Nova Zelândia e o oceano Atlântico Sul.[1] O seu nome rende homenagem ao explorador francês Jules Dumont d'Urville (1790-1842).


Cochayuyo seco.

Trata-se de uma alga de grande tamanho que pode chegar a atingir os 15 metros de longitude. Seus filoides ("folhas"), também chamadas como toda a planta, são de cor castanho verdoso quando estão no mar e castanho roxo após de secar, têm consistência carnosa e seu interior é uma estrutura de panal que lhes dá grande resistência para suportar o embate da ondulação. Seu cauloide ("talo") é circular e não tem espaços cheios de ar, sua cor é verde claro e mede ao redor de um metro de longo até o nascimento do primeiro filoide. O disco basal ou rizoide é uma estrutura muito forte que se adere às rochas na zona da rompente, pelo que deve ser capaz de resistir o golpe contínuo das ondas sem se desprender do substrato.


Por uma parte, esta alga tem dois nomes de origem quíchua: cochayuyo, qhutra yuyu, «planta de mar», e cochaguasca ou cochahuasca, qhutra waska, «soga de mar», que lhe foi dado pelo parecido que tem com as cordas.[1]

Por outra parte, também recebe nomes de origem mapuche: "coyofe" é uma adaptação da voz original kollof, que designa suas filoides. Na zona central e sul de Chile os cauloides são chamados "ulte" (ou "huilte"), nos arredores de Valdivia recebem o nome de "lunfo" (do termo lüngfo ou lenfü[1]) e em Chiloé chamam "lembo" ou "raguay" a esta estrutura junto com o disco basal, nome que se lhe aplicava humorísticamente ao pene por seu parecido em forma e constituição.[1] Já velha, esta alga é chamada müngo.[1]


Imagem de cochayuyo secando-se.
Pacote de cochayuyo que se consome em Chile desde épocas precolombinas.

Esta alga tem sido um dos recursos alimentares de comunidades indígenas americanas durante séculos e hoje em dia faz parte da gastronomia chilena. Em Chile tem-se extraído desde a costa e secado em pacotes que, graças a seu baixo peso, eram trocados no interior do país. Existem muitos pratos chilenos que usam esta alga, fazendo parte de guisados, saladas, pastéis e sopas, fabricando-se inclusive uma "marmelada de cochayuyo", com sabor de frutas. No entanto, nos últimos anos seu consumo tem diminuído. Aos alimentos que contêm esta alga, são atribuídos efeitos digestivos e tónicos.[1]

No passado usava-se para que os bebés que estavam a desenvolver os dentes a mordessem.

Mesmo assim, os mapuche obtinham dos talos um colorante castanho muito escuro para tender suas teias.[1]

Actualmente, existe um gel de planta do mar, em fase experimental, que serve como sustrato nutritivo para conseguir que sementes de plantas colonizem terrenos pobres e que se usou para criar pasto sobre o sub-solo que fica ao descoberto após construir caminhos.

Ver também


  1. a b c d e f g h de Mösbach, Ernesto Wilhelm (1992). «Collofe». Botánica indígena de Chile (PDF) 1ª ed. Santiago, Chile: Editorial Andrés Bello. 51 páginas. ISBN 956-13-0970-X. Consultado em 4 de janeiro de 2011

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Durvillaea antarctica: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Durvillaea antarctica, a planta do mar, o cochayuyo, cachiyuyo, cochaguasca, cochahuasca, ou coyofe, é uma alga castanha comestível rica em iodo que habita na costa dos mares sub-antárcticos, em Chile, Nova Zelândia e o oceano Atlântico Sul. O seu nome rende homenagem ao explorador francês Jules Dumont d'Urville (1790-1842).

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