
Dunaliella salina ( Cech )

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Dunaliella salina je jednobuněčná zelená řasa z třídy zelenivek, vyskytující se ve velkém množství v extrémně slaných vodách (je tedy halofilní). Byla pojmenována po francouzském vědci Michel Felix Dunalovi, který ji roku 1838 objevil nedaleko Montpellier. Obsahuje vysoké množství betakarotenu.

Má dva bičíky, je schopná pohlavního rozmnožování. Chrání se proti silně hypertonickému prostředí produkcí glycerolu.


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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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Dunaliella salina je jednobuněčná zelená řasa z třídy zelenivek, vyskytující se ve velkém množství v extrémně slaných vodách (je tedy halofilní). Byla pojmenována po francouzském vědci Michel Felix Dunalovi, který ji roku 1838 objevil nedaleko Montpellier. Obsahuje vysoké množství betakarotenu.

Má dva bičíky, je schopná pohlavního rozmnožování. Chrání se proti silně hypertonickému prostředí produkcí glycerolu.

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Dunaliella salina ( Alman )

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Mikrofotografie einer Probe aus dem hyper­salinen Lake Tyrrell (Australien) mit orange­farbenen Chlorophyten (Dunaliella cf. salina) und mehreren kleineren quadratisch-flachen Walsby-Archaeen (Halo­quadratum walsbyi).

Dunaliella salina ist eine Art der Gattung Dunaliella aus der Klasse der Chlorophyceae, einer der beiden großen Gruppen von Grünalgen. Die einzellige Alge lebt in hypersalinen Gewässern, die bei Massenvorkommen rötlich gefärbt sind.


Dunaliella salina ist sehr vielgestaltig und kann von anderen Arten der Gattung dadurch unterschieden werden, dass sie unter hohen Licht- und Salzkonzentrationen sehr große Mengen an β-Carotin, nämlich über 5 % (bis zu 14 %) des Trockengewichtes anreichern kann.[1] Dunaliella salina besteht allgemein aus grünen bis dunkelroten einzelnen Zellen, die oval, sphärisch, ei- oder birnenförmig, ellipsoid oder zylindrisch geformt sein können. Sie sind meist radiärsymmetrisch geformt, unter extremen Bedingungen kann die Form aber auch bilateral, dorsiventral oder asymmetrisch sein. Ihre rote Farbe erhalten sie durch die starke Anreicherung von β-Carotin, das mehr als 5 % ihres Trockengewichtes ausmacht und das als Tröpfchen im Inneren des Chloroplasten gespeichert wird. Die Zellen werden 5–29 μm (im Durchschnitt 10,9–16,9 μm) lang und 3,8–20,3 μm (im Durchschnitt 7,9–13,2 μm) breit. Die zwei Geißeln sind ungefähr so lang wie ihre Zelllänge. Der Chloroplast ist kelchförmig mit gut ausgebildeten seitlichen Lappen, die manchmal bis an die Geißelbasis reichen.[1] Das Pyrenoid ist groß und sowohl axial als auch basal mit vielen Stärkekörnern durchsetzt (die sogenannte Amylosphäre). Der vordere Augenfleck ist nur verschwommen und undeutlich, besonders in roten Zellen.[1] Die Fortpflanzung erfolgt heterothallisch, die glatten Zygosporen (begeißelte Sporen) sind kugelig und messen 17–19 μm im Durchmesser. Deren roter bis grüner Inhalt hängt von den kopulierenden Gameten ab. Die Aplanosporen (unbegeißelte Dauersporen) sind ebenfalls kugelig und 12–20 μm groß mit einer dicken, runzeligen, oft zweischichtigen Zellwand, und einem grünen, bräunlichen oder roten, oft körnig wirkenden Inhalt. Es können Palmellae (das sind unbegeißelte Zellen, die gelatinöse Aggregate bilden) vorkommen.[1]

Ökologie und Verbreitung

Dunaliella salina lebt in einer hypersalinen Umgebung in natürlichen und künstlichen Gewässern wie Teiche und Dämme weltweit von der Antarktis bis in Wüstenregionen in der Nähe des Äquators. Besonders bekannt ist der Lac Rose an der Atlantikküste Senegals. Die Salinität der Gewässer kann von 5 % bis zur Sättigung von 20 bis 25 % NaCl reichen.[1] Auch extreme basische Bedingungen bis zu einem pH-Wert 11 kann die Alge aushalten.[2]


Durch ihre Fähigkeit, Carotine zu produzieren, wird Dunaliella salina auch industriell genutzt. So gibt es Anlagen in Australien, in den USA und Israel. Kleinere Anlagen gibt es in China, Chile, Australien, USA, Spanien und Kuwait.[3][4] Zudem wird die Art auch benutzt, um Glycerol zu produzieren, da Glycerol Dunaliella salina zur Osmoseregulation dient. Es wird auch vermutet, dass Glycerol die Enzymaktivitäten bei diesen Bedingungen schützt.[2][5]


Michel Félix Dunal beobachtete die Art das erste Mal und beschrieb sie 1837 als Haematococcus salinus. Teodoresco erstellte 1905 die Gattung Dunaliella zu Dunals Ehren mit Dunaliella salina als Typusart.[6] Clara Hamburger erkannte im selben Jahr die Eigenständigkeit der Gattung.[4]

Zurzeit (Stand 2007) wird die Art in die Sektion Dunaliella gestellt mit vier beschriebenen Unterarten bzw. Formen, deren Status noch nicht vollständig geklärt ist:[1]

  • Dunaliella salina ssp. salina f. salina: typische Akkumulation von β-Carotin
  • Dunaliella salina ssp. salina f. magna: größer als die Typusform: 7,5–29 μm lang und 4–19 μm breit
  • Dunaliella salina ssp. salina f. oblonga: die Zellform ist mehr länglich bis ellipsoid
  • Dunaliella salina ssp. sibirica: Die Zellen sind umgekehrt eiförmig und breiter in der Mitte oder dem vorderen Ende und einem schmaleren und abgerundetem, leicht spitz abgerundetem hinteren Ende. Die vegetativen Zellen produzieren α-Carotin. Die Einteilung als Unterart ist allerdings umstritten.



  1. a b c d e f Michael A. Borowitzka & Christopher J. Siva: The taxonomy of the genus Dunaliella (Chlorophyta, Dunaliellales) with emphasis on the marine and halophilic species. In: J Appl Phycol. Band 19, 2007, S. 567–590, doi:10.1007/s10811-007-9171-x.
  2. a b Michael A. Borowitzka: The Mass Culture of Dunaliella salina. In: Technical Re​source Papers: REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE CULTURE AND UTILIZATION OF SEAWEEDS; VOLUME II. Cebu City, Philippinen 1990 (online verfügbar).
  3. Dorinde M.M. Kleinegris, Marcel Janssen, Willem A. Brandenburg, René H. Wijffels: Continuous production of carotenoids from Dunaliella salina. In: Enzyme and Microbial Technology. Band 48, Nr. 3, 2011, S. 253–259, doi:10.1016/j.enzmictec.2010.11.005.
  4. a b Aharon Oren: A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905–2005. In: Saline Systems. Band 1, Nr. 2, 2005, doi:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2.
  5. M. R. Hadi, M. Shariati, S. Afsharzadeh: Microalgal biotechnology: Carotenoid and glycerol production by the green algae Dunaliella isolated from the Gave-Khooni salt marsh, Iran. In: Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering,. Band 13, Nr. 5, 2008, S. 540, doi:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2.
  6. Algaebase, abgerufen am 28. Dezember 2015
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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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 src= Mikrofotografie einer Probe aus dem hyper­salinen Lake Tyrrell (Australien) mit orange­farbenen Chlorophyten (Dunaliella cf. salina) und mehreren kleineren quadratisch-flachen Walsby-Archaeen (Halo­quadratum walsbyi).

Dunaliella salina ist eine Art der Gattung Dunaliella aus der Klasse der Chlorophyceae, einer der beiden großen Gruppen von Grünalgen. Die einzellige Alge lebt in hypersalinen Gewässern, die bei Massenvorkommen rötlich gefärbt sind.

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Dunaliella salina ( Giavanèis )

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Dunaliella salina iku jeneng alga ijo [1]. Kéwan unisèlulèr iki gampang tinemu ing papan mawa konsèntrat uyah sing dhuwur. Dunaliella salina nggawé pigmèn abang lan jambon sing mratandhani konsèntrat uyahé dhuwur [2]. Alga iki toléran marang konsèntrat uyah (NaCl) saka 0,2% tekan 35%.

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  1. Kaca info Dunaliella salina saka Wikipedia Indonesia(Kaundhuh tanggal 16 Fèbruari 2016)
  2. Kaca info Dunaliella salina saka Wikipedia Inggris(Kaundhuh tanggal 16 Fèbruari 2016)

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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( Giavanèis )

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Dunaliella salina iku jeneng alga ijo . Kéwan unisèlulèr iki gampang tinemu ing papan mawa konsèntrat uyah sing dhuwur. Dunaliella salina nggawé pigmèn abang lan jambon sing mratandhani konsèntrat uyahé dhuwur . Alga iki toléran marang konsèntrat uyah (NaCl) saka 0,2% tekan 35%.

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Dunaliella salina ( Anglèis )

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Salt ponds in San Francisco Bay
Dunaliella salina orange-colored water of the salt lake Sivash, Crimea
Dunaliella salina, tentatively identified from the hypersaline Lake Tyrrell, Victoria, Australia. Alongside are small haloarchaeons, Haloquadratum walsbyi, with their flat square-shaped cells.

Dunaliella salina is a type of halophile unicellular green algae especially found in hypersaline environments, such as salt lakes and salt evaporation ponds. Known for its antioxidant activity because of its ability to create large amount of carotenoids, it is responsible for most of the primary production in hypersaline environments worldwide, and is also used in cosmetics and dietary supplements.


Dunaliella salina was named by Emanoil C. Teodoresco of Bucharest, Romania after its original discoverer, Michel Felix Dunal, who first scientifically reported sighting the organism in saltern evaporation ponds in Montpellier, France in 1838. He initially named the organism Haematococcus salinus and Protococcus. The organism was fully described as a new, separate genus simultaneously by Teodoresco and Clara Hamburger of Heidelberg, Germany in 1905. Teodoresco was the first to publish his work, so he is generally given credit for this categorization.[1]


Few organisms can survive like D. salina does in such highly saline conditions as salt evaporation ponds. To survive, these organisms have high concentrations of β-carotene to protect against the intense light, and high concentrations of glycerol to provide protection against osmotic pressure. This offers an opportunity for commercial biological production of these substances.[1]

It has been thought for a long time that the colour of pink lakes was the result of this alga, as it has been found in many pink lakes and contains substances in a range of hues which include pink.[2] However, research done in Australia since 2015 in Lake Hillier found several species of halophilic bacteria and archaea as well as several species of Dunaliella, nearly all of which contain some pink, red or salmon-coloured pigment.[3][4][5][2]

Morphology and characteristics

Species in the genus Dunaliella are morphogically similar to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with the main exception being that Dunaliella lack both a cell wall and a contractile vacuole. Dunaliella has two flagella of equal length and has a single cup-like chloroplast that often contains a central pyrenoid. The chloroplast can hold large amounts of β-carotene, which makes it appear orange-red. The β-carotene appears to protect the organism from long-term UV radiation that D. salina is exposed to in its typical environments. D. salina comes in various shapes and symmetries depending on the conditions in its current environment.[6]

D. salina lacks a rigid cell wall, which makes the organism susceptible to osmotic pressure. Glycerol is used as a means by which to maintain both osmotic balance and enzymatic activity.[7] D. salina preserves a high concentration of glycerol by maintaining a cell membrane with low permeability to glycerol and synthesizing large quantities of glycerol from starch as a response to high extracellular salt concentration, which is why it tends to thrive in highly salinic environments.[8]

Reproduction and life cycle

D. salina can reproduce asexually through division of motile vegetative cells and sexually through the fusion of two equal gametes into a singular zygote. Though D. salina can survive in salinic environments, Martinez et al. determined that sexual activity of D. salina significantly decreases in higher salt concentrations (>10%) and is induced in lower salt concentrations.[9] Sexual reproduction begins when two D. salina’s flagella touch leading to gamete fusion. The D. salina zygote is extraordinarily hardy and can survive exposure to fresh water and to dryness. After germination, the zygotes release up to 32 haploid daughter cells.[10]

Commercial uses

D. salina is responsible for most of the primary production in hypersaline environments worldwide.[1]


From a first pilot plant for D. salina cultivation for β-carotene production established in the USSR in 1966, the commercial cultivation of D. salina for the production of β-carotene throughout the world is now one of the success stories of halophile biotechnology.[11][12][13] Different technologies are used, from low-tech extensive cultivation in lagoons to intensive cultivation at high cell densities under carefully controlled conditions.[14]

Anti-oxidant & nutritional supplement

Due to the abundance of β-carotene, which is an anti-oxidant as well as a vitamin A precursor, D. salina is a popular pro-vitamin A food supplement and cosmetic additive.[15] D. salina may also be a source of vitamin B12.[16]


Attempts have been made to exploit the high concentrations of glycerol accumulated by D. salina as the basis for the commercial production of this compound. Although technically the production of glycerol from D. salina was shown to be possible, economic feasibility is low and no biotechnological operation exists to exploit the alga for glycerol production.[8]

See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dunaliella salina.


  1. ^ a b c Oren, Aharon (2005). "A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905-2005". Saline Systems. 1: 2. doi:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2. PMC 1224875. PMID 16176593.
  2. ^ a b Cassella, Carly (13 December 2016). "How an Australian lake turned bubble-gum pink". Australian Geographic. Retrieved 22 January 2022.
  3. ^ Salleh, Anna (4 January 2022). "Why Australia has so many pink lakes and why some of them are losing their colour". ABC News. ABC Science. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 21 January 2022.
  4. ^ "Here's the Real Reason Why Australia Has Bubblegum Pink Lakes". Discovery. 24 December 2019. Retrieved 22 January 2022.
  5. ^ "Why is Pink Lake on Middle Island, off the coast of Esperance, pink?". Australia's Golden Outback. Includes extract from Australian Geographic article. 18 January 2021. Retrieved 22 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  6. ^ BOROWITZKA, MICHAEL A. "THE MASS CULTURE OF DUNALIELLA SALINA". fao.org. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. Retrieved 7 May 2016.
  7. ^ Craigie JS, McLachlan J. Glycerol as a photosynthetic product in Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher. Can J Bot. 1964;42:777–778.
  8. ^ a b Chen BJ, Chi CH. Process development and evaluation for algal glycerol production. Biotechnol Bioengin. 1981;23:1267–1287. doi: 10.1002/bit.260230608.
  9. ^ Martinez, G.; Cifuentes, A.; Gonzalez, M.; Parra, O. (1995). "Effect of salinity on sexual activity of Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodoresco, strain CONC-006". Revista Chilena de Historia Natural.
  10. ^ Lerche W. Untersuchungen über Entwicklung und Fortpflanzung in der Gattung Dunaliella. Arch f Protistenkd. 1937; 88:236–268.
  11. ^ Ben-Amotz A. Glycerol, β-carotene and dry algal meal production by commercial cultivation of Dunaliella. In: Shelef G, Soeder CJ, editor. Algae Biomass. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1980. pp. 603–610.
  12. ^ Ben-Amotz A, Avron M. Accumulation of metabolites by halotolerant algae and its industrial potential. Annu Rev Microbiol. 1983;37:95–119. doi: 10.1146/annurev.mi.37.100183.000523.
  13. ^ Borowitzka LJ, Borowitzka MA, Moulton TP. The mass culture of Dunaliella for fine chemicals: from laboratory to pilot plant. Hydrobiologia. 1984;116/117:115–121. doi: 10.1007/BF00027649.
  14. ^ Ben-Amotz A, Avron M. The biotechnology of mass culturing Dunaliella for products of commercial interest. In: Cresswell RC, Rees TAV, Shah, N, editor. Algal and Cyanobacterial Biotechnology. Harlow: Longman Scientific and Technical Press; 1989. pp. 91–114.
  15. ^ Mokady S, Abramovici A, Cogau U. The safety evaluation of Dunaliella bardawil as a potential food supplement. Food Chem Toxicol. 1989;27:221–6.
  16. ^ Kumudha A, Sarada R. Characterization of vitamin B12 in Dunaliella salina. J Food Sci Technol. 2016;53:888-894.
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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Salt ponds in San Francisco Bay Dunaliella salina orange-colored water of the salt lake Sivash, Crimea Dunaliella salina, tentatively identified from the hypersaline Lake Tyrrell, Victoria, Australia. Alongside are small haloarchaeons, Haloquadratum walsbyi, with their flat square-shaped cells.

Dunaliella salina is a type of halophile unicellular green algae especially found in hypersaline environments, such as salt lakes and salt evaporation ponds. Known for its antioxidant activity because of its ability to create large amount of carotenoids, it is responsible for most of the primary production in hypersaline environments worldwide, and is also used in cosmetics and dietary supplements.

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Dunaliella salina ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Dunaliella salina es un tipo de microalga halófila que se conoce por su actividad antioxidante, y es usada en cosméticos y en suplementos nutricionales. Es la responsable de que las salinas se vean rojizas, ya que es una gran productora de carotenoides, especialmente el beta-caroteno. Son las condiciones de estrés salino y luminoso, lo que hace que tengan esta reacción.

La acumulación de esta especie en las aguas saladas del mar de Sivash le dan un aspecto rojizo peculiar.
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Dunaliella salina ( Finlandèis )

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Dunaliella salina on yksisoluinen viherlevä, joka menestyy erittäin suolapitoisessa ympäristössä, eli se on halofiili. Sitä esiintyy paikoissa, joissa suolapitoisuus on hyvin suuri, kuten suolajärvissä ja suola-altaissa.


Soluseinämätön Dunaliella salina -solu sisältää suuren määrän glyserolia, joka suojaa sitä ympäristön suolan aiheuttamalta osmoottiselta paineelta. Suojautuakseen ultraviolettisäteilyltä levä kehittää karotenoideja, jotka värjäävät sen vaaleanpunaiseksi tai oranssiksi. Suola-altaiden voimakkaankin punaiset värit johtuvat Dunaliella salinan ja muiden halofiilisten mikrobien väriaineista. Solulla on kaksi siimaa, joiden avulla se liikkuu.


Antioksidanttisten ominaisuuksiensa vuoksi sitä käytetään kosmetiikkateollisuudessa ja ravintolisävalmisteissa. Suolankukka saa värinsä ja arominsa muun muassa Dunaliella salina -levästä.


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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Dunaliella salina on yksisoluinen viherlevä, joka menestyy erittäin suolapitoisessa ympäristössä, eli se on halofiili. Sitä esiintyy paikoissa, joissa suolapitoisuus on hyvin suuri, kuten suolajärvissä ja suola-altaissa.

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Dunaliella salina ( Fransèis )

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Dunaliella salina est une espèce d'algue verte halophile que l'on peut trouver plus particulièrement dans les marais salants et les zones dont la salinité est moyenne.

Vue aérienne du rivage du Syvach en Crimée teinté par Dunaliella salina en rose.

Connue pour ses qualités antioxydantes, elle est utilisée en cosmétique et dans des suppléments diététiques. Les organismes pouvant survivre dans de telles conditions de salinité sont peu nombreux. La résistance au sel de cette algue vient de la forte concentration d'astaxanthine (un caroténoïde) qui la protège de la lumière et des teneurs élevées en glycérol. Ces conditions peu favorables engendrent une pression osmotique élevée que l'algue arrive à compenser.

Elle est à l'origine de la couleur rose/rouge caractéristique des marais salants.

Sa taille microscopique est en moyenne de 10 µm.


Pline l'Ancien mentionne la flos salis comme étant le meilleur type de fleur de sel qui produit une sorte d'huile, qui, aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraître, de la graisse même dans le sel... une sorte de rouille de sel[2]. L'indication de la couleur laisse penser qu'il s'agit d'une fleur de sel contenant Dunaliella salina. Pline ajoute que dans des récipients, la blancheur peut être vue à la surface alors que l'intérieur est humide. Une bouillie de glycérol et de saumure saturée est susceptible de déposer une couche de sel sur le récipient lorsque l'eau s'évapore. Flos salis était très répandue dans l'industrie du parfum de la Rome antique. D'après Pline, c'était en partie à cause de la couleur mais le glycérol qui agissait en tant que solvant, était encore plus intéressant pour les parfumeries.

En 1838, elle est étudiée par le Français Michel Félix Dunal près de Montpellier qui lui donne le nom de Haematococcus salinus. Il mettait ainsi un terme à une discorde qui voulait qu'une grande partie de la couleur soit produite par des crevettes.

En 1905, le Roumain E.C Teodoresco (ro) publie un document[3] décrivant avec précision cette algue, classée dans un nouveau genre : Dunaliella. L'Allemande Clara Hamburger est sur le point de terminer un rapport similaire lorsqu'elle apprend l'existence des recherches de Teodoresco[4]. L'algue fut par la suite l'objet de nombreuses recherches destinées à comprendre sa tolérance au sel.

Notes et références

  1. (en) A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905–2005.
  2. Nat His. 31 90
  3. Organisation et développement du Dunaliella, nouveau genre de Volvocaceae – Polyblepharidée.
  4. (en) A hundred years of Dunaliellaresearch: 1905-2005 | Saline Systems - Mirror @ Uni Potsdam.

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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Dunaliella salina est une espèce d'algue verte halophile que l'on peut trouver plus particulièrement dans les marais salants et les zones dont la salinité est moyenne.

 src= Vue aérienne du rivage du Syvach en Crimée teinté par Dunaliella salina en rose.

Connue pour ses qualités antioxydantes, elle est utilisée en cosmétique et dans des suppléments diététiques. Les organismes pouvant survivre dans de telles conditions de salinité sont peu nombreux. La résistance au sel de cette algue vient de la forte concentration d'astaxanthine (un caroténoïde) qui la protège de la lumière et des teneurs élevées en glycérol. Ces conditions peu favorables engendrent une pression osmotique élevée que l'algue arrive à compenser.

Elle est à l'origine de la couleur rose/rouge caractéristique des marais salants.

Sa taille microscopique est en moyenne de 10 µm.

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Dunaliella salina ( Islandèis )

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Dunaliella salina er tegund saltelskandi grænna örþörunga sem finnast sérstaklega í eða við tjarnir með sjávarsalti. Fáar lífverur þola seltu eins og D. salina gerir í salttjörnum. Til að lifa af hafa frumurnar hátt innihald betakarótíns til varnar kröftugu ljósi, og mikið magn glýseróls til varnar osmótísks þrýstings. Tegundin þrífst í vatni með 3 til 31% salti og með sýrustigI á milli 1 og 11.[1]


Dunaliella salina var nefnd af E.C. Teodoresco frá Búkarest eftir upprunalegum fundarmanni tegundarinnar, Michel Felix Dunal, sem fyrstur skráði tegundina opinberlega frá saltvatnstjörnum í Montpellier í Frakklandi 1838. Upphaflega nefndi hann lífveruna Haematococcus salinus og Protococcus. Lífverunni var að lokum lýst sem nýrri, aðskilinni ættkvísl samtímis af Teodoresco og Clara Hamburger frá Heidelberg í Þýskalandi 1905. Teodoresco var fyrstur til að gefa út greininguna, svo hann fær yfirleitt heiðurinn fyrir flokkunina.[2]


  1. Michael A. Borowitzka: The Mass Culture of Dunaliella salina. In: Technical Resource Papers: REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE CULTURE AND UTILIZATION OF SEAWEEDS; VOLUME II. Cebu City, Philippines 1990
  2. Oren, Aharon (2005). „A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905-2005“. Saline Systems. 1: 2. doi:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2. PMC 1224875. PMID 16176593.


  • Borowitzka, M.J. & Siva, C.J. (2007). The taxonomy of the genus Dunaliella (Chlorophyta, Dunaliellales) with emphasis on the marine and halophilic species. Journal of Applied Phycology 19: 567-590.
  • Chen H., Lu Y. and Jiang J. “Comparative Analysis on the Key Enzymes of the Glycerol Cycle Metabolic Pathway in Dunaliella salina under Osmotic Stresses.” PLoS ONE, 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037578
  • Massjuk, N.P. & Lilitska, G.G. (2011). Dunaliellales. In: Algae of Ukraine: diversity, nomenclature, taxonomy, ecology and geography. Volume 3: Chlorophyta. (Tsarenko, P.M., Wasser, S.P. & Nevo, E. Eds), pp. 152–157. Ruggell: A.R.A. Gantner Verlag K.-G..
  • Mixed Carotenoids. Rejuvenal healthy aging, n.d. Web. 22 Nov 2012.
  • Shariati M., Hadi M.R. “Microalgal Biotechnology and Bioenergy in Dunaliella” Biomedical Engineering, 2011. DOI: 10.5772/19046
  • Smith D., Lee R., Cushman J., Magnuson J., Tran D. and Polle J.” The Dunaliella salina organelle genomes: large sequences, inflated with intronic and intergenic DNA.” BMA Plant Biology, 2010. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-10-83
  • Zhao, R., Cao, Y., Xu, H., Lv, L., Qiao, D. & Cao, Y. (2011). Analysis of expressed sequence tags from the green alga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 47(6): 1454-1460.

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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( Islandèis )

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Dunaliella salina er tegund saltelskandi grænna örþörunga sem finnast sérstaklega í eða við tjarnir með sjávarsalti. Fáar lífverur þola seltu eins og D. salina gerir í salttjörnum. Til að lifa af hafa frumurnar hátt innihald betakarótíns til varnar kröftugu ljósi, og mikið magn glýseróls til varnar osmótísks þrýstings. Tegundin þrífst í vatni með 3 til 31% salti og með sýrustigI á milli 1 og 11.

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Dunaliella salina ( Italian )

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Dunaliella salina è una specie di alghe verdi flagellate, appartenente al genere Dunaliella, che vive in ambienti estremamente salini.


Dunaliella salina è un'alga verde alofila, che sopravvive in condizioni di salinità estrema, come nelle saline, conferendo alle acque il colore rosso/arancione.

D. salina riesce a sopravvivere in ambienti così inospitali grazie a due meccanismi di difesa[1]:


I pigmenti che conferiscono a D. salina la tipica colorazione rossa sono i cosiddetti carotenoidi; l'analisi al microscopio elettronico mostra come sia il β-carotene ad essere presente in granuli tra i tilacoidi all'interno dell'unico cloroplasto che la cellula possiede.

La presenza dei carotenoidi garantisce una costante e intensa attività antiossidante, proteggendo la cellula dai danni molecolari causati dalla radiazione solare[2].


Per contrastare la forte pressione osmotica prodotta dalla concentrazione salina esterna, la cellula di D. salina sintetizza e trattiene glicerolo; la sua membrana cellulare, a differenza di altre membrane biologiche, è infatti scarsamente permeabile a tale molecola[1].


  1. ^ a b Aharon Oren, A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905–2005, in Saline Systems, vol. 1, n. 2, 2005, DOI:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2.
  2. ^ Wilhelm Stahl, Antioxidant activity of carotenoids, in Molecular aspect of medicine, vol. 24, dicembre 2003, pp. 345-51, PMID 14585305.

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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Dunaliella salina è una specie di alghe verdi flagellate, appartenente al genere Dunaliella, che vive in ambienti estremamente salini.

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Dunaliella salina ( ucrain )

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  1. Oren, Aharon 2005 A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905–2005 Saline Systems 1(2). Published online 2005 July 4. DOI:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2.. Reports on Dunaliella Prior to 1905
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Dunaliella salina ( vietnamèis )

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Màu đỏ trong ruộng muối này là do Dunaliella salina, tại nam vịnh San Francisco, California.
Nước hồ nước mặn Sivash chứa Dunaliella salina.

Dunaliella salina là một loài vi tảo ưa mặn hay sống trong ruộng muối biển. Với khả năng chống oxy hóa do có thể tạo lượng lớn carotenoid, D. salina được dùng trong bào chế mỹ phẩmthực phẩm bổ sung. Ít sinh vật có thể sống sót trong điều kiện độ mặn cao của ruộng muối như D. salina. Để tồn tại, sinh vật này có nồng độ β-carotene cao nhằm che chắn chúng khỏi nắng chói, và nồng độ glyxerol cao bảo vệ chúng khỏi áp suất thẩm thấu. Điều này tạo điều kiện cho việc khai thác thương mại các chất trên.

Lịch sử

Dunaliella salina được E.C. Teodoresco đặt theo tên người nhận dạng loài này đầu tiên, Michel Felix Dunal, người xác nhận một cách khoa học rằng đã quan sát nó trong ruộng muối tại Montpellier, France năm 1838. Dunal ban đầu gọi nó là Haematococcus salinusProtococcus. Cả Teodoresco và Clara Hamburger độc lập nhau xác định loài này thuộc một chi mới, riêng rẽ năm năm 1905. Teodoresco là người công bố phát hiện trước, nên ông thường được nhìn nhận là người phân loại D. salina.[1]

Hình thái học

Các loài trong chi Dunaliella tương tự về hình thái với Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Nét khác biệt chính là Dunaliella thiếu cả vách tế bàokhông bào co bóp. Dunaliella có hai tiêm mao dài ngang nhau và một lục lạp hình chén. Lục lập này có thể đựng β-carotene, mà sinh vật này màu đỏ-cam. β-carotene che chắn chúng khỏi tia tử ngoạiD. salina phải phơi mình ra trong môi trường sống. D. salina có nhiều hình dạng, tùy vào điều kiện môi trường hiện tại của chúng.[2]

D. salina có thể sinh sản vô tính hay sinh sản hữu tính (bằng cách hợp nhất hai giao tử thành hợp tử). Dù D. salina sống sót trong nước mặn, Martinez et al. xác định rằng hoạt động sinh sản của D. salina giảm đáng kể trong điều kiện nước mặn>10%.[3] Hoạt động sinh sản hữu tính bắt đầu khi hai tiêm mao của D. salina chạm nhau dẫn đến sự hợp giao tử. Hợp tử D. salina chống chịu tốt, sống sót cả trong nước ngọt lẫn khi thiếu nước. Sau khi nở, 32 tế bào con đơn bội chui ra từ hợp tử.[4]

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Chú thích

  1. ^ Oren, Aharon (2005). “A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905-2005”. Saline Systems 1: 2. PMC 1224875. PMID 16176593. doi:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2.
  2. ^ BOROWITZKA, MICHAEL A. “THE MASS CULTURE OF DUNALIELLA SALINA”. fao.org. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. Truy cập ngày 7 tháng 5 năm 2016.
  3. ^ Martinez, G.; Cifuentes, A.; Gonzalez, M.; Parra, O. (1995). “Effect of salinity on sexual activity of Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodoresco, strain CONC-006”. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural.
  4. ^ Lerche W. Untersuchungen über Entwicklung und Fortpflanzung in der Gattung Dunaliella. Arch f Protistenkd. 1937; 88:236–268.

Tài liệu

Borowitzka, M.J. & Siva, C.J. (2007). The taxonomy of the genus Dunaliella (Chlorophyta, Dunaliellales) with emphasis on the marine and halophilic species. Journal of Applied Phycology 19: 567-590.

Chen H., Lu Y. and Jiang J. “Comparative Analysis on the Key Enzymes of the Glycerol Cycle Metabolic Pathway in Dunaliella salina under Osmotic Stresses.” PLoS ONE, 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037578

Massjuk, N.P. & Lilitska, G.G. (2011). Dunaliellales. In: Algae of Ukraine: diversity, nomenclature, taxonomy, ecology and geography. Volume 3: Chlorophyta. (Tsarenko, P.M., Wasser, S.P. & Nevo, E. Eds), pp. 152–157. Ruggell: A.R.A. Gantner Verlag K.-G..

Mixed Carotenoids. Rejuvenal healthy aging, n.d. Web. 22 Nov 2012.

Shariati M., Hadi M.R. “Microalgal Biotechnology and Bioenergy in Dunaliella” Biomedical Engineering, 2011. DOI: 10.5772/19046

Smith D., Lee R., Cushman J., Magnuson J., Tran D. and Polle J.” The Dunaliella salina organelle genomes: large sequences, inflated with intronic and intergenic DNA.” BMA Plant Biology, 2010. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-10-83

Zhao, R., Cao, Y., Xu, H., Lv, L., Qiao, D. & Cao, Y. (2011). Analysis of expressed sequence tags from the green alga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology 47(6): 1454-1460.

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Dunaliella salina: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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 src= Màu đỏ trong ruộng muối này là do Dunaliella salina, tại nam vịnh San Francisco, California.  src= Nước hồ nước mặn Sivash chứa Dunaliella salina.

Dunaliella salina là một loài vi tảo ưa mặn hay sống trong ruộng muối biển. Với khả năng chống oxy hóa do có thể tạo lượng lớn carotenoid, D. salina được dùng trong bào chế mỹ phẩmthực phẩm bổ sung. Ít sinh vật có thể sống sót trong điều kiện độ mặn cao của ruộng muối như D. salina. Để tồn tại, sinh vật này có nồng độ β-carotene cao nhằm che chắn chúng khỏi nắng chói, và nồng độ glyxerol cao bảo vệ chúng khỏi áp suất thẩm thấu. Điều này tạo điều kiện cho việc khai thác thương mại các chất trên.

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Дуналиелла солоноводная ( russ; russi )

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Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Семейство: Дуналиелловые
Вид: Дуналиелла солоноводная
Международное научное название

Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodor., 1905

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 5421NCBI 3046EOL 921153IPNI ???TPL ???

Дуналие́лла солоново́дная (лат. Dunaliella salina) — вид одноклеточных зелёных водорослей, обитающих преимущественно в солёных морях. Известны своими антиоксидантными свойствами, благодаря способности к выработке каротина в больших количествах, который широко используется в производстве косметики и БАД. Один из немногих организмов, способных выживать в таких засолённых условиях, как высыхающие солёные пруды. Выживать в таких условиях им позволяет высокая концентрация β-каротина, защищающая водоросли от интенсивного светового излучения и высокая концентрация глицерола, защищающая от осмотического давления. Эти качества позволят выращивать водоросли в коммерческих целях.

Впервые культивирование дуналиеллы для получения β-каротина было налажено в СССР в 1966 году. Коммерческое культивирование дуналиеллы для производства β-каротина во всем мире — несомненный успех галофитной биотехнологии. При этом используются различные технологии — от примитивного экстенсивного выращивания водорослей в лагунах до интенсивного разведения культур высокой плотности в тщательно контролируемых условиях. Несмотря на то, что Dunaliella salina вырабатывает большое количество β-каротина в сильнозасолённой среде, за окраску солёных озёр в розовый и красный цвет ответственны археи, такие, например, как Halobacterium, а не Dunaliella[1]. Лишь иногда колонии Dunaliella могут добавлять оранжевые пятна.

Розовые колонии дуналиеллы солоноводной

Также делались попытки использовать высокие концентрация глицерина, накапливаемого Dunaliella, в качестве основы для коммерческого производства этого соединения. Несмотря на то, что получение глицерина из этих водорослей оказалось технически возможным, такое производство оказалось экономически невыгодным. На июль 2005 года не было ни одного биотехнологического предприятия, использовавшего водоросли для получения глицерина.

В некоторых водоёмах, например, таких как озёра Хиллиер и Ретба, повышенная концентрация этой водоросли является причиной необычного оттенка воды в них.


  1. Oren, Aharon 2005 A hundred years of Dunaliella research: 1905—2005 Saline Systems 1(2). Published online 2005 July 4. DOI:10.1186/1746-1448-1-2.. Reports on Dunaliella Prior to 1905

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Дуналиелла солоноводная: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

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Дуналие́лла солоново́дная (лат. Dunaliella salina) — вид одноклеточных зелёных водорослей, обитающих преимущественно в солёных морях. Известны своими антиоксидантными свойствами, благодаря способности к выработке каротина в больших количествах, который широко используется в производстве косметики и БАД. Один из немногих организмов, способных выживать в таких засолённых условиях, как высыхающие солёные пруды. Выживать в таких условиях им позволяет высокая концентрация β-каротина, защищающая водоросли от интенсивного светового излучения и высокая концентрация глицерола, защищающая от осмотического давления. Эти качества позволят выращивать водоросли в коммерческих целях.

Впервые культивирование дуналиеллы для получения β-каротина было налажено в СССР в 1966 году. Коммерческое культивирование дуналиеллы для производства β-каротина во всем мире — несомненный успех галофитной биотехнологии. При этом используются различные технологии — от примитивного экстенсивного выращивания водорослей в лагунах до интенсивного разведения культур высокой плотности в тщательно контролируемых условиях. Несмотря на то, что Dunaliella salina вырабатывает большое количество β-каротина в сильнозасолённой среде, за окраску солёных озёр в розовый и красный цвет ответственны археи, такие, например, как Halobacterium, а не Dunaliella. Лишь иногда колонии Dunaliella могут добавлять оранжевые пятна.

 src= Розовые колонии дуналиеллы солоноводной

Также делались попытки использовать высокие концентрация глицерина, накапливаемого Dunaliella, в качестве основы для коммерческого производства этого соединения. Несмотря на то, что получение глицерина из этих водорослей оказалось технически возможным, такое производство оказалось экономически невыгодным. На июль 2005 года не было ни одного биотехнологического предприятия, использовавшего водоросли для получения глицерина.

В некоторых водоёмах, например, таких как озёра Хиллиер и Ретба, повышенная концентрация этой водоросли является причиной необычного оттенка воды в них.

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盐生杜氏藻 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Dunaliella salina

盐生杜氏藻學名Dunaliella salina),亦作杜氏盐藻[1],是一種嗜鹽英语Halophile的綠色微藻,屬绿藻纲团藻目,常見於海鹽田。鹽生杜氏藻是一種抗氧化能力非常強的藻類,因為它能夠生產大量類胡蘿蔔素,所以常用於化粧品營養補充劑。很少有生物可以在這樣的高鹽度條件下鹽蒸發池中能生存。為了生存,這些生物體有高濃度β胡蘿蔔素的保護以防範強光,和高濃度甘油的保護以防範滲透壓。這提供了生物生產這些物質用於商業機會。




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 粉紅湖 像草莓奶昔. 台灣蘋果日報. 2012-06-06 [2012-06-06] (中文(繁體)‎).
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盐生杜氏藻: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
 src= 加州南舊金山灣這些紅色的池塘就是因為有鹽生杜氏藻的緣故。  src= 锡瓦什湖鹽湖中的由于杜氏盐藻而具有橙色的水。

盐生杜氏藻(學名:Dunaliella salina),亦作杜氏盐藻,是一種嗜鹽(英语:Halophile)的綠色微藻,屬绿藻纲团藻目,常見於海鹽田。鹽生杜氏藻是一種抗氧化能力非常強的藻類,因為它能夠生產大量類胡蘿蔔素,所以常用於化粧品營養補充劑。很少有生物可以在這樣的高鹽度條件下鹽蒸發池中能生存。為了生存,這些生物體有高濃度β胡蘿蔔素的保護以防範強光,和高濃度甘油的保護以防範滲透壓。這提供了生物生產這些物質用於商業機會。



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ドナリエラ ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
ドナリエラ FleurDeSel.JPG
塩田に増殖した Dunaliella salina
分類 ドメ
: 真核生物 Eukaryota : 植物界 Plantae もしくは

アーケプラスチダ Archaeplastida

亜界 : 緑色植物亜界 Viridiplantae : 緑藻植物門 Chlorophyta : 緑藻綱 Chlorophyceae : ドナリエラ目 Dunaliellales : ドナリエラ科 Dunaliellaceae : ドナリエラ属 Dunaliella
Beijerinck, 1890 学名 Dunaliella 下位分類
  • D. salina
  • D. tertiolecta

ドナリエラDunaliella)は真核藻類である緑藻の一種である。代表種の D. salina はシオヒゲムシという和名を持つ。細胞単細胞でやや細長い楕円形、先端に二本の等長鞭毛を持つ。カロテノイドを大量に産生するので、ドナリエラが大発生すると水面がオレンジがかったピンク色に染まる。




D. salina は塩分濃度の高い場所で繁殖し、塩田死海、アメリカ合衆国のグレートソルトレイク、オーストラリアのヒリアー湖、クリミア半島の腐海などの塩湖で見ることができる。日本では普通に見られるものではないが、D. tertiolecta など海洋性の種は日本近海にも分布する。また、広島湾の一部で、夏期に生じた赤潮の構成員として、渦鞭毛藻類の GymnodyniumPeridinium と共に確認されたという報告もある。







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ドナリエラ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

ドナリエラ(Dunaliella)は真核藻類である緑藻の一種である。代表種の D. salina はシオヒゲムシという和名を持つ。細胞単細胞でやや細長い楕円形、先端に二本の等長鞭毛を持つ。カロテノイドを大量に産生するので、ドナリエラが大発生すると水面がオレンジがかったピンク色に染まる。

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