
Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Dictyopteris undulata Holmes

Dictyopteris undulata Holmes, 1896:251, pl. 8: fig. 1; Abbott, 1972:260, fig. 1; Abbott and Hollenberg, 1976:212, fig. 176; Devinny, 1978:358; Huerta-Múzquiz, 1978:336; Lewbel et al., 1981:165; L. Aguilar-Rosas, 1982:31; Stewart and Stewart, 1984:141; Mendoza-González and Mateo-Cid, 1985:24; Benson, 1986:448; Sánchez-Rodríguez et al., 1989:40; R. Aguilar-Rosas et al., 1990:123; Stewart, 1991:48; Rocha-Ramírez and Siqueiros-Beltrones, 1991:32; Martínez-Lozano et al., 1991:23; Lluch-Cota et al., 1993:336; Mateo-Cid and Mendoza-González, 1994a:50; Kajimura, 1995:89; González-González et al., 1996:145; Pacheco-Ruíz and Zertuche-González, 1996b:171; Tanaka, 1998:75, figs. 1–15; Yoshida, 1998:211; Mateo-Cid et al., 2000b:196, figs. 13, 14, 64, 65, 94; Mendoza-González and Mateo-Cid, 2005:57, figs. 60–69; Mateo-Cid et al., 2006:49,

57; Pacheco-Ruíz et al., 2008:203; Pedroche et al., 2008:36.

Haliseris undulata (Holmes) Okamura, 1899b: Exsiccate No. 41; Okamura, 1902a:110; Okamura, 1907:51, pl. XI: figs. 1–10.

Neurocarpus undulata (Holmes) Okamura, 1928:190 [Corrigenda]; Okamura, 1936:172, fig. 88 (1–5).

Dictyopteris polypodioides sensu Hariot, 1891:217 [non Dictyopteris polypodioides (de Candolle) J. V. Lamouroux, 1809d:332].

Haliseris polypodioides sensu McClatchie, 1897:354 [non Haliseris polypodioides (de Candolle) C. Agardh, 1820:142; = Dictyopteris polypodioides (de Candolle) J. V. Lamouroux, 1809d:332].

Dictyopteris zonarioides Farlow, 1899:73; Dawson, 1951:52; Dawson, 1952:431; Dawson, 1959a:18; Dawson et al., 1960a:34, pl. 3: fig. 4, pl. 4: fig. 2; Dawson et al., 1960b:11; Dawson, 1961b:388; Dawson, 1966a:11; Guzmán del Próo et al., 1972:260; Norris, 1973:4; Fenical et al., 1973:2383; Espinoza-Ávalos, 1993:332; González-González et al., 1996:145.

Neurocarpus zonarioides (Farlow) M. Howe, 1914:69; Setchell and Gardner, 1924a:728; Setchell and Gardner, 1925:656, pl. 34: fig. 4, pl. 35: fig. 11, pl. 36: fig. 21, pl. 38: fig. 39, pl. 95; Dawson, 1944:229.

Algae erect, flat, irregularly dichotomously branched fronds, up to 35 cm tall, (3–)10–20 mm wide, with a prominent percurrent midrib and lacking any veins, often with undulate margins; ultimate branches shorter than lower segments; with rounded apices; arising from a more or less conical holdfast. In lower portions the wider blade may be worn away, leaving the midribs. Midribs may be tomentose. Thallus in transverse section up to 12 layers of cells and up to 400 µm thick. Growth from an apical group of meristematic cells.

Sporangia grouped in sori, 750–1000 µm long, along both sides of the midrib. Oogonial and antheridial sori scattered over frond. Oogonium 95–150 µm tall by 95–125 µm wide.

HABITAT. On rocks, usually in shaded areas and tide pools; mid intertidal to shallow subtidal.

DISTRIBUTION. Gulf of California: Puerto Peñasco to San José del Cabo. Pacific coast: southern California to Baja California Sur; Japan; China; Taiwan.

TYPE LOCALITY. Misaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, central Japan.
sitassion bibliogràfica
Norris, James N. 2010. "Marine algae of the northern Gulf of California : Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 276-276. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.94.276