Figures 1–5.General appearance of males of Cryptothele verrucosa (1–3) and Cryptothele alluaudi (4–5). 1, 4 dorsal 2 ventral 3, 5 frontal 4–5 after Marusik and Omelko (2012). Abbreviations: AL anterior lateral eye; AM anterior median eye; At anal tubercle, Sn spinneret.
Figures 6–12.Male palp of Cryptothele verrucosa (6–11) and Cryptothele alluaudi (12). 6 bulbus, ventral 7 bulbus, ventro-prolateral 8, 10 bulbus, retrolateral 9 bulbus, prolateral 11 palp with removed bulbus, retrolateral 12 palp, ventral (after Marusik and Omelko (2012)). Abbreviations: Co conductor; Ea terminal process of embolus; Eb embolus base; Em embolus; Ep posterior process of embolus; Sd seminal duct; Sp subtegular process; St subtegulum; Te triangle extesion of tegulum; Ts threads of subtegulum.