
Togaviridae ( Aser )

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Togaviridae ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Togaviridae és una família de virus del tipus ARN monocatenari +. Inicialment estaven classificats dins el que ara es coneix com la família Flaviviridae dins del gènere Alphavirus. Causa entre altres la malaltia de la rosa o rubèola (virus Rubella). Aquesta malaltia es va identificar com una malaltia separada, no com un símptoma, a principi del segle XIX i a partir de 1969 es disposa d'una vacuna per a ella.



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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Togaviridae és una família de virus del tipus ARN monocatenari +. Inicialment estaven classificats dins el que ara es coneix com la família Flaviviridae dins del gènere Alphavirus. Causa entre altres la malaltia de la rosa o rubèola (virus Rubella). Aquesta malaltia es va identificar com una malaltia separada, no com un símptoma, a principi del segle XIX i a partir de 1969 es disposa d'una vacuna per a ella.

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Togaviridae ( Cech )

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Čeleď Togaviridae zahrnuje dva rody RNA virůAlphavirus a Rubivirus. Dříve byl k této čeledi řazen i rod Arterivirus, ale nyní je řazen do samostatné čeledi Arteviridae z řádu Nidovirales[1]; pouze viry rodu Alphavirus jsou přenášeny členovci. Gradient hustoty v sacharóze je 1,2 g/ml. Některé togaviry vykazují hemaglutinační aktivitu v závislosti na pH.


Čeleď Togaviridae (podle římského oděvu, tógy), zahrnovala skupinu A, Alphaviry, a skupinu B, Flaviviry. Rody Rubivirus a Pestivirus byly poté přidány po prozkoumání umístění nestrukturních a strukturních genů na genomu (viz dále). I když jsou genomy a viriony obou rodů stejné, jejich replikační strategie jsou dostatečně odlišné, aby se dalo pochybovat o jejich společném původu.



Virus se řadí mezi obalené viry (má membránovou schránku), přičemž se na membráně (o průměru 65-70 nm) vyskytuje 80 špic složených z trojic heterodimerů glykoproteinů E1 a E2, společně s menším proteinem 6K. Membrána je bohatá na cholesterol a sfingolipid, což jsou složky nezbytné pro vstup a výstup z buňky. Kapsid je sférický (ikosahedrický) o průměru 35-40 nm a skládá se z 240 podjednotek, (T=4). Molekulová váha je 52×10^6 d a hustota je 1,22 gramů na čtverečný centimetr.


Genom tvoří jedna molekula jednovláknové RNA s pozitivní polaritou o délce 9,7 (rubivirus) nebo 11,8 (alphavirus) kb a o mol.hm. 4 x 106. Nestrukturní proteiny (replikáza) jsou umístěné na 5' konci, zaujímající zhruba 2/3 délky genomu, zatímco strukturní (kapsidový protein a 3 obalové proteiny) jsou v poslední třetině, na 3' konci. Obě tyto skupiny jsou překládány jako polyprotein, který je následně rozštěpen. Genom je očepičkován a polyadenylován. nestrukturní proteiny jsou překládány rovnou z genomu, zatímco strukturní proteiny jsou překládány z subgenomické mRNA. Na začátku genomu je průměrně 59 nukleotidů dlouhá nepřekládaná oblast, zatímco na konci je dlouhá průměrně 322 nukleotidů.


Proteom togavirů se seskládá z několika proteinů, které jsou translatovány v nestrukturním polyproteinu a v strukturním polyproteinu. Oba proteiny jsou schopny se samy rozštěpit a uvolnit tak funkční proteiny.


Tento protein je součástí nestrukturního polyproteinu P123(4). Skládá se z 540 aminokyselinových zbytků a jako jediný je v asociaci s membránou, skrze palmytolilovaný cystein(420). Protein se však může vázat i hydrofobními zbytky aminokyselin 245-264. Má methyltransferázovou a guanylyltranferázovou aktivitu.


Tento protein je součástí nestrukturního polyproteinu P123(4). Skládá se z 807 aminokyselinových zbytků. N koncová doména má helikázovou NTP a RNA-TP aktivitu, zatímco C koncová doména má papain-like serinovou proteázovou aktivitu a nefunkční methyltransferázovou aktivitu. Obsahuje také sekvenci, díky které je transportován do jádra, což vysvětluje fakt, že 50 % celkového množství tohoto proteinu je lokalizováno právě v jádře.


Tento protein je součástí nestrukturního polyproteinu P123(4). Skládá se z 556 aminokyselinových zbytků. Funkce tohoto proteinu zůstávají sporné, avšak ukazuje se, že má roli v RNA syntéze. Zatímco N koncová doména je konzervativní napříč alphaviry, C koncová doména, obsahující asi 200 aminokyselinových zbytků, je bohatá na serinové a threoninové zbytky, které mohou být fosforylované, avšak význam této modifikace je stále nejasný. Protein má k membránám slabou afinitu, avšak asociuje s nimi v případě, že je exprimován v nepřítomnosti dalších nsP.


Tento protein je součástí nestrukturního polyproteinu P123(4). Skládá se z 610 aminokyselinových zbytků. Jde o hlavní replikační protein. Jeho hladina je nižší, kvůli opal stop kodonu v polyproteinu P1234 mezi nsP3 a nsP4. Ukázalo se však, že odstranění tohoto stop kodonu spíše sníží replikaci virové RNA. I když je z větší části homologní s dalšími RdRP, N koncová doména obsahuje úsek, který nemá u jiných replikáz obdoby a slouží zřejmě jako vazebná doména pro ostatní nsP. N konec však také obsahuje tyrosinové zbytky, které zodpovídají za nestabilitu tohoto proteinu a za jeho degradaci. Protein se však stává relativně stabilním v komplexu s ostatními replikačními proteiny.


Tento protein se skládá z 264 aminokyselinových zbytků a jeho úloha je obalení RNA a vytvoření nukleokapsidu. Prostupuje membránou a jeho 33 aminokyselin tvořících C koncovou doménu má strukturu dvou řeckých klíčů a aktivitu serionové proteázy. Jde o strukturní protein.


Tento protein se skládá z 64 aminokyselinových zbytků a je součástí pE2 prekurzoru, jehož součástí je i E2. Jde o strukturní protein.


Tento protein se skládá z 423 aminokyselinových zbytků a je součástí pE2 prekurzoru, jehož součástí je i E3. Je zodpovědný za navázání na receptor. Jeho doména tyr-ala-leu interaguje s hydrofobní kapsou nukleokapsidu. Jde o strukturní protein.


Tento protein se skládá z 439 aminokyselinových zbytků a je zodpovědný za fúzi membrán. Membránou protein prostupuje, avšak dovnitř zasahují pouze 2 aminokyselinové zbytky. Obsahuje fúzní peptid, který je však v heterodimeru s E2 blokován. Tento heterodimer se však v nízkém pH rozpadne, čímž se peptid odkryje. Ten se pak zanoří do cílené membrány (obsahující cholesterol), načež dojde k trimerizaci E1 a masivní konformační změně tohoto glykoproteinu. Trimer má pak za následek deformaci membrány a její spojení s membránou endozomu, čímž vznikne pór, kterým nukleokapsid vnikne do buňky. E1 má také zjevně vlastnosti iontového kanálu, což je důležité pro replikaci. Jde o strukturní protein.


Tento protein se skládá z 55 aminokyselinových zbytků. Zesiluje aktivitu jednotlivých částic. Jde o strukturní protein.

Životní cyklus

Podrobnější informace naleznete v článcích Alphavirus a Rubivirus.

Vir do buňky vstupuje pomocí heparan sulfátu, avšak zdá se, že neslouží jako vstupní receptor, ale pouze jako „záchytný receptor“, díky kterému pak může dojít k interakci se vstupním receptorem. Některé výzkumy také naznačují, že se virulence zvýší, pokud je heparan sulfát z povrchu odstraněn, čímž se zabrání sekvestraci. Poté je indukována endocytóza, načež je translatována replikáza jako polyprotein, který je následně rozštěpen na nsP4 a P123, čímž se zajistí syntéza komplementárního (negativního) řetězce. Následně je z P123 rozštěpen nsP1, čímž se zajistí změna afinity k negativním řetězcům a syntéze pozitivního řetězce. Nakonec je zbytek polyproteinu znovu rozštěpen na nsP2 a nsP3, čímž se zaručí syntéza pozitivního řetězce a subgenomická mRNA. Následně pak dojde k translaci strukturních proteinů (kapsidový protein, E1-3). Virus poté následně vypučí z hostitelské buňky.


Alphaviry jsou rozšířené prakticky po celém světě. Většina z nich byla zavlečena člověkem, ovšem některé z nich jsou lidmi nepřenositelné. Příkladem jsou nemoci lososovitých. Bylo také zjištěno, že viry, které napadají mořské savce mohou být přenášené skrze vši. Tato schopnost infikovat velké množství organismů ukazuje na možnost identifikace ptačích a plazích alphavirů.



  1. http://www.expasy.ch/viralzone/all_by_species/294.html


  • JURAJDA, Vladimír. Nemoci drůbeže a ptactva – virové infekce. 1. vyd. Brno: ES VFU Brno, 2002. 184 s. ISBN 80-7305-436-1. (anglicky)

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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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Čeleď Togaviridae zahrnuje dva rody RNA virůAlphavirus a Rubivirus. Dříve byl k této čeledi řazen i rod Arterivirus, ale nyní je řazen do samostatné čeledi Arteviridae z řádu Nidovirales; pouze viry rodu Alphavirus jsou přenášeny členovci. Gradient hustoty v sacharóze je 1,2 g/ml. Některé togaviry vykazují hemaglutinační aktivitu v závislosti na pH.

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Togaviridae ( Danèis )

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Togaviridae er en virusfamilie, der tilhører gruppen af positiv enkeltstrenget RNA-virus (gruppe IV, +ssRNA)


Familie: Togaviridae (2 slægter)

  • Slægt: Alphavirus (29 arter)
    • Sindbis virus
  • Slægt: Rubivirus (1 art)


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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( Danèis )

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Togaviridae er en virusfamilie, der tilhører gruppen af positiv enkeltstrenget RNA-virus (gruppe IV, +ssRNA)

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Togaviridae ( Alman )

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Die Familie Togaviridae (Togaviren) umfasst derzeit zwei Gattungen von behüllten Viren (lat. toga: Mantel) mit einer einzelsträngigen RNA mit positiver Polarität. Zu den Togaviridae gehören in der Gattung Alphavirus wichtige Virusarten, die durch Insekten Krankheiten auf Menschen und Tiere übertragen.


Die kugelförmigen Viruspartikel (Virionen) der Togaviridae sind etwa 70 nm im Durchmesser groß und von einer Lipidmembran (Virushülle) umgeben. In der Hülle sind als deutliche Spikes Heterodimere der beiden viralen Hüllproteine E1 und E2 (45-58 kDa) eingelagert. Innerhalb der Gattung Alphavirus lagern sich die Heterodimere wiederum zu 80 Trimeren zusammen und bilden eine (sonst nur bei Kapsiden vorkommende) ikosaedrische Hüllstruktur. Bei einigen Alphaviren kann noch ein drittes Hüllprotein E3 (10 kDa) hinzutreten.
Sehr eng an die Hülle angelagert findet sich im Innern ein etwa 40 nm im Durchmesser großes Kapsid aus 240 Molekülen des Coreproteins CP (30-33 kDa) mit einer ikosaedrischen Symmetrie (T=4). Das feststehende Verhältnis von Hüllproteinen zu Kapsidproteinen (1:1) ist besonders beim Zusammenbau der Kapside der Alphaviren von Bedeutung.

Das Kapsid des Rubellavirus (Gattung Rubivirus) besteht aus 180 Homodimeren des Coreproteins in einer ikosaedrischen Symmetrie (T=3) und hat keine so enge Assoziation zur Virushülle wie bei Alphaviren; das Rubellavirus ist deshalb in seiner Form oft variabel. Diese Gattung wurde vom ICTV 2018/2019 mit der Master Species List #34 in eine eigene Familie Matonaviridae verschoben.[2]

Das Genom der Togaviridae besteht aus einer einzelsträngigen, linearen RNA mit positiver Polarität ((+)ssRNA) und ist 9,7 bis 11,8 kb groß. An ihrem 5'-Ende befindet sich eine 5'-Cap-Struktur, es folgen die Sequenzen für die meist vier Nicht-Strukturproteine (nsP1-4), die Strukturproteine (CP, E1, E2) und am 3'-Ende ein Poly(A)-Schwanz. Damit kann das Genom als messenger-RNA (mRNA) für die Translation dienen.


Togaviren heften sich über spezifische Rezeptoren an der Zelloberfläche an und werden durch ein sich ausbildendes Endosombläschen aufgenommen. Bei neutralem pH-Wert außerhalb der Zelle deckt das E2-Hüllprotein das E1-Protein ab. Im Innern des Endosoms werden nun bei saurem pH-Wert die äußeren Domänen des E1-Proteins freigelegt, die eine Fusionssequenz beinhalten und die Fusion von Endosommembran und Virushülle induzieren. Damit wird das Kapsid in das Zytosol freigesetzt, zerfällt und gibt das Genom frei.
Die (+)ssRNA dient zunächst nur der Translation der Nicht-Strukturproteine, die als großes Polyprotein synthetisiert und durch zelluläre Signalpeptidasen von diesem abgespalten werden. Die Sequenzen für die Strukturproteine werden hingegen erst über eine komplementäre (-)ssRNA als Matrize durch die virale RNA-Polymerase (Replikase) vervielfältigt und als eigene kurze mRNA translatiert. Diese kurze (subgenomische) mRNA wird beim Rubellavirus auch zusätzlich in das Virion verpackt.
Nach der Synthese der neuen genomischen RNA und der viralen Strukturproteine beginnt der Transport der glykosylierten Hüllproteine vom endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) über den Golgi-Apparat zur Zellmembran. Hier findet schließlich der Zusammenbau von Hülle und Kapsid und die Knospung (Budding) neuer Virionen statt. Bei Alphaviren wird das Kapsid mit der RNA bereits vorher gebildet, beim Rubellavirus beginnt die Kapsidbildung erst mit der Anlagerung vorwiegend an die Membran des ER statt, von der auch die Knospung des Rubellavirus geschieht.


Innere Systematik

Die folgende Gliederung der Togaviridae folgt den Vorgaben des International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) mit Stand Februar 2019,[2][3] die Gruppen vom Rang einer Untergattung haben vorschlagsmäßigen Character und sind bisher nicht vom ICTV bestätigt, ebenso die in Anführungszeichen aufgeführten Spezies.

Die Gattung Rubivirus (mit der Spezies Rötelnvirus, englisch Rubella virus, RuV) wurde vom ICTV 2018/2019 in eine eigene Familie Matonaviridae, seit März 2020 Ordnung Hepelivirales in derselben Klasse, gestellt.[2]

Äußere Systematik

Koonin et al. haben 2015 die Togaviridae taxonomisch (aufgrund ihrer Verwandtschaft) der von ihnen postulierten Supergruppe ‚Alphavirus-like superfamily‘ zugeordnet.[5] Schwestergruppe ist danach die Familie Hepeviridae.[6] Die Mitglieder dieser vorgeschlagenen Supergruppe gehören verschiedenen Gruppen der Baltimore-Klassifikation an, in der Regel handelt es sich um einzelsträngige RNA-Viren positiver Polarität ((+)ssRNA, Baltimore-Gruppe 4), es sind aber auch doppelsträngige Vertreter (mit dsRNA gekennzeichnet, Baltimore-Gruppe 3) zu finden.

Dieser Vorschlag ist inzwischen abgelöst durch die Master species List #35 des ICTV vom März 2020.[1] Eine Gegenüberstellung der Kladogramme findet sich bei Tymovirales §ICTV Master Species List #35.


  • S. Schlesinger, M. J. Schlesinger: Togaviridae: The viruses and their replication. In: David M. Knipe, Peter M. Howley et al. (Hrsg.): Fields’ Virology. 4. Auflage. Philadelphia 2001
  • C.M. Fauquet, M.A. Mayo et al.: Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. London / San Diego 2004


  1. a b c d e ICTV: ICTV Master Species List 2019.v1, New MSL including all taxa updates since the 2018b release, March 2020 (MSL #35)
  2. a b c d ICTV Master Species List 2018b v1. MSL #34, Feb. 2019
  3. ICTV: Master Species List 2018a v1, MSL (#33) including all taxa updates since the 2017 release. Herbst 2018
  4. Google Patents: RU2350622C2 “Conjugate of angiotensin peptide component with carrier, vaccine composition, method of animal immunisation and method of treatment or prevention of physical disorder related to angiotensin system activated by renin”
  5. Da diese Gruppe (von den Autoren als englisch superfamily bezeichnet) mit den Tymovirales eine Ordnung enthält, muss ihr Rang höher sein als dieser und ist nicht etwa als Überfamilie zu verstehen. Ränge höher als Ordnung waren zum Zeitpunkt der Arbeit vom ICTV aber noch gar nicht vorgegeben.
  6. Eugene V. Koonin, Valerian V. Dolja, Mart Krupovic: Origins and evolution of viruses of eukaryotes: The ultimate modularity. In: Virology, Mai 2015, S. 479-480. 2–25, Epub 12. März 2015, PMC 5898234 (freier Volltext), PMID 25771806
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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Die Familie Togaviridae (Togaviren) umfasst derzeit zwei Gattungen von behüllten Viren (lat. toga: Mantel) mit einer einzelsträngigen RNA mit positiver Polarität. Zu den Togaviridae gehören in der Gattung Alphavirus wichtige Virusarten, die durch Insekten Krankheiten auf Menschen und Tiere übertragen.

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Togaviridae ( Anglèis )

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Alphavirus is a genus of RNA viruses, the sole genus in the Togaviridae family. Alphaviruses belong to group IV of the Baltimore classification of viruses, with a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome. There are 32 alphaviruses, which infect various vertebrates such as humans, rodents, fish, birds, and larger mammals such as horses, as well as invertebrates. Alphaviruses that could infect both vertebrates and arthropods are referred dual-host alphaviruses, while insect-specific alphaviruses such as Eilat virus and Yada yada virus are restricted to their competent arthropod vector.[1] Transmission between species and individuals occurs mainly via mosquitoes, making the alphaviruses a member of the collection of arboviruses – or arthropod-borne viruses. Alphavirus particles are enveloped, have a 70 nm diameter, tend to be spherical (although slightly pleomorphic), and have a 40 nm isometric nucleocapsid.[2]


The alphaviruses are small, spherical, enveloped viruses with a genome of a single strand of positive-sense RNA. The total genome length ranges between 11,000 and 12,000 nucleotides, and has a 5’ cap and a 3’ poly-A tail. The four non-structural protein genes are encoded in the 5′ two-thirds of the genome, while the three structural proteins are translated from a subgenomic mRNA colinear with the 3′ one-third of the genome.

There are two open reading frames (ORFs) in the genome, nonstructural and structural. The first is non-structural and encodes proteins (nsP1–nsP4) necessary for transcription and replication of viral RNA. The second encodes three structural proteins: the core nucleocapsid protein C, and the envelope proteins P62 and E1, which associate as a heterodimer. The viral membrane-anchored surface glycoproteins are responsible for receptor recognition and entry into target cells through membrane fusion.

Structural proteins

The proteolytic maturation of P62 into E2 and E3 causes a change in the viral surface. Together the E1, E2, and sometimes E3, glycoprotein "spikes" form an E1/E2 dimer or an E1/E2/E3 trimer, where E2 extends from the centre to the vertices, E1 fills the space between the vertices, and E3, if present, is at the distal end of the spike.[3] Upon exposure of the virus to the acidity of the endosome, E1 dissociates from E2 to form an E1 homotrimer, which is necessary for the fusion step to drive the cellular and viral membranes together. The alphaviral glycoprotein E1 is a class II viral fusion protein, which is structurally different from the class I fusion proteins found in influenza virus and HIV. The structure of the Semliki Forest virus revealed a structure that is similar to that of flaviviral glycoprotein E, with three structural domains in the same primary sequence arrangement.[4] The E2 glycoprotein functions to interact with the nucleocapsid through its cytoplasmic domain, while its ectodomain is responsible for binding a cellular receptor. Most alphaviruses lose the peripheral protein E3, but in Semliki viruses it remains associated with the viral surface.

Nonstructural proteins

Four nonstructural proteins (nsP1–4) which are produced as a single polyprotein constitute the virus' replication machinery.[5] The processing of the polyprotein occurs in a highly regulated manner, with cleavage at the P2/3 junction influencing RNA template use during genome replication. This site is located at the base of a narrow cleft and is not readily accessible. Before cleavage, nsP3 creates a ring structure that encircles nsP2. These two proteins have an extensive interface.

Mutations in nsP2 that produce noncytopathic viruses or a temperature sensitive phenotypes cluster at the P2/P3 interface region. P3 mutations opposite the location of the nsP2 noncytopathic mutations prevent efficient cleavage of P2/3. This in turn affects RNA infectivity altering viral RNA production levels.


The virus has a 60–70 nanometer diameter. It is enveloped, spherical and has a positive-strand RNA genome of ~12 kilobases. The genome encodes two polyproteins. The first polyprotein consists of four non-structural units: in order from the N terminal to the C terminal - nsP1, nsP2, nsP3, and nsP4. The second is a structural polyprotein composed of five expression units: from the N terminal to the C terminal - Capsid, E3, E2, 6K and E1. A sub genomic positive strand RNA - the 26S RNA - is replicated from a negative-stranded RNA intermediate. This serves as template for the synthesis of viral structural proteins. Most alphaviruses have conserved domains involved in regulation of viral RNA synthesis.

The nucleocapsid, 40 nanometers in diameter, contains 240 copies of the capsid protein and has a T = 4 icosahedral symmetry. The E1 and E2 viral glycoproteins are embedded in the lipid bilayer. Single E1 and E2 molecules associate to form heterodimers. The E1–E2 heterodimers form one-to-one contacts between the E2 protein and the nucleocapsid monomers. The E1 and E2 proteins mediate contact between the virus and the host cell.

Several receptors have been identified. These include prohibitin, phosphatidylserine, glycosaminoglycans and ATP synthase β subunit.

Replication occurs within the cytoplasm, specifically in areas termed "spherules" separated by plasma membrane invaginations from the rest. Each complex occupies one such area of about 50-nm in inner diameter.[6]

Virions mature by budding through the plasma membrane, where virus-encoded surface glycoproteins E2 and E1 are assimilated. These two glycoproteins are the targets of numerous serologic reactions and tests including neutralization and hemagglutination inhibition. The alphaviruses show various degrees of antigenic cross-reactivity in these reactions and this forms the basis for the seven antigenic complexes, 32 species and many subtypes and varieties. The E2 protein is the site of most neutralizing epitopes, while the E1 protein contains more conserved, cross-reactive epitopes.


A study of this taxon suggests that this group of viruses had a marine origin—specifically the Southern Ocean—and that they have subsequently spread to both the Old and New World.[7]

There are three subgroups in this genus: the Semliki Forest virus subgroup (Semliki Forest, O'nyong-nyong and Ross River viruses); the eastern equine encephalitis virus subgroup (eastern equine encephalitis and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses) and the Sindbis virus subgroup.[8] Sindbis virus, geographically restricted to the Old World, is more closely related to the eastern equine encephalitis subgroup, which are New World viruses, than it is to the Semliki Forest virus subgroup which is also found in the Old World.


The following species are assigned to the genus:[9]

The seven complexes are:

Barmah Forest virus complex
Barmah Forest virus
Eastern equine encephalitis complex
Eastern equine encephalitis virus (seven antigenic types)
Middelburg virus complex
Middelburg virus
Ndumu virus complex
Ndumu virus
Semliki Forest virus complex
Bebaru virus
Chikungunya virus
Getah virus
Mayaro virus
Subtype: Una virus
O'nyong'nyong virus
Subtype: Igbo-Ora virus
Ross River virus
Subtype: Sagiyama virus
Semliki Forest virus
Subtype: Me Tri virus
Venezuelan equine encephalitis complex
Cabassou virus
Everglades virus
Mosso das Pedras virus
Mucambo virus
Paramana virus
Pixuna virus
Rio Negro virus
Trocara virus
Subtype: Bijou Bridge virus
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
Western equine encephalitis complex
Aura virus
Babanki virus
Kyzylagach virus
Sindbis virus
Ockelbo virus
Whataroa virus
Recombinants within this complex
Buggy Creek virus
Fort Morgan virus
Highlands J virus
Western equine encephalitis virus
Eilat virus
Mwinilunga alphavirus
Salmonid Alphavirus
Southern elephant seal virus
Tonate virus
Caaingua virus[10]


Barmah Forest virus is related to the Semliki Forest virus. Middelburg virus, although classified as a separate complex, may be a member of the Semliki Forest virus group.

It seems likely that the genus evolved in the Old World from an insect-borne plant virus.[11]

Sindbis virus may have originated in South America.[12] The equine encephalitis viruses and the Sindbis virus are related.

The Old World and New World viruses appears to have diverged between 2000 and 3000 years ago.[13] Divergence between the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus and the eastern equine virus appears to have been ~1400 years ago.[14]

The fish infecting clade appears to be basal to the other species.

The southern elephant seal virus appears to be related to the Sinbis clade.

Pathogenesis and immune response

There are many alphaviruses distributed around the world with the ability to cause human disease. Infectious arthritis, encephalitis, rashes and fever are the most commonly observed symptoms. Larger mammals such as humans and horses are usually dead-end hosts or play a minor role in viral transmission; however, in the case of Venezuelan equine encephalitis the virus is mainly amplified in horses. In most other cases the virus is maintained in nature in mosquitoes, rodents and birds.

Terrestrial alphavirus infections are spread by insect vectors such as mosquitoes. Once a human is bitten by the infected mosquito, the virus can gain entry into the bloodstream, causing viremia. The alphavirus can also get into the CNS where it is able to grow and multiply within the neurones. This can lead to encephalitis, which can be fatal.

When an individual is infected with this particular virus, its immune system can play a role in clearing away the virus particles. Alphaviruses are able to cause the production of interferons. Antibodies and T cells are also involved. The neutralizing antibodies also play an important role to prevent further infection and spread.

Diagnosis, prevention, and control

Diagnoses is based on clinical samples from which the virus can be easily isolated and identified. There are no alphavirus vaccines currently available. Vector control with repellents, protective clothing, breeding site destruction, and spraying are the preventive measures of choice.


Alphaviruses are of interest to gene therapy researchers, in particular the Ross River virus, Sindbis virus, Semliki Forest virus, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus have all been used to develop viral vectors for gene delivery. Of particular interest are the chimeric viruses that may be formed with alphaviral envelopes and retroviral capsids. Such chimeras are termed pseudotyped viruses. Alphaviral envelope pseudotypes of retroviruses or lentiviruses are able to integrate the genes that they carry into the expansive range of potential host cells that are recognized and infected by the alphaviral envelope proteins E2 and E1. The stable integration of viral genes is mediated by the retroviral interiors of these vectors. There are limitations to the use of alphaviruses in the field of gene therapy due to their lack of targeting, however, through the introduction of variable antibody domains in a non-conserved loop in the structure of E2, specific populations of cells have been targeted. Furthermore, the use of whole alphaviruses for gene therapy is of limited efficacy both because several internal alphaviral proteins are involved in the induction of apoptosis upon infection and also because the alphaviral capsid mediates only the transient introduction of mRNA into host cells. Neither of these limitations extend to alphaviral envelope pseudotypes of retroviruses or lentiviruses. However, the expression of Sindbis virus envelopes may lead to apoptosis, and their introduction into host cells upon infection by Sindbis virus envelope pseudotyped retroviruses may also lead to cell death. The toxicity of Sindbis viral envelopes may be the cause of the very low production titers realized from packaging cells constructed to produce Sindbis pseudotypes. Another branch of research involving alphaviruses is in vaccination. Alphaviruses are apt to be engineered to create replicon vectors which efficiently induce humoral and T-cell immune responses. They could therefore be used to vaccinate against viral, bacterial, protozoan, and tumor antigens.


Initially, the Togaviridae family included what are now called the Flaviviruses, within the Alphavirus genus. The flaviviruses were formed into their own family when sufficient differences with the alphaviruses were noted due to the development of sequencing.[15] Rubella virus was formerly included in the family Togaviridae in its own genus Rubivirus, but is now classified in its own family Matonaviridae.[16] Alphavirus is now the sole genus in the family.

See also



  1. ^ Elrefaey AM, Abdelnabi R, Rosales Rosas AL, Wang L, Basu S, Delang L (31 August 2020). "Understanding the Mechanisms Underlying Host Restriction of Insect-Specific Viruses". Viruses. 12 (9): 964. doi:10.3390/v12090964. PMC 7552076. PMID 32878245.
  2. ^ Chen R, Mukhopadhyay S, Merits A, Bolling B, Nasar F, Coffey LL, et al. (June 2018). "ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Togaviridae". The Journal of General Virology. 99 (6): 761–2. doi:10.1099/jgv.0.001072. PMID 29745869.
  3. ^ Vénien-Bryan C, Fuller SD (February 1994). "The organization of the spike complex of Semliki Forest virus". J. Mol. Biol. 236 (2): 572–83. doi:10.1006/jmbi.1994.1166. PMID 8107141.
  4. ^ Lescar J, Roussel A, Wien MW, Navaza J, Fuller SD, Wengler G, Wengler G, Rey FA (April 2001). "The Fusion glycoprotein shell of Semliki Forest virus: an icosahedral assembly primed for fusogenic activation at endosomal pH". Cell. 105 (1): 137–48. doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(01)00303-8. PMID 11301009. S2CID 16535677.
  5. ^ Shin G, Yost SA, Miller MT, Elrod EJ, Grakoui A, Marcotrigiano J (2012). "Structural and functional insights into alphavirus polyprotein processing and pathogenesis". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109 (41): 16534–9. Bibcode:2012PNAS..10916534S. doi:10.1073/pnas.1210418109. PMC 3478664. PMID 23010928.
  6. ^ Spuul, P; Balistreri, G; Hellström, K; Golubtsov, AV; Jokitalo, E; Ahola, T (May 2011). "Assembly of alphavirus replication complexes from RNA and protein components in a novel trans-replication system in mammalian cells". Journal of Virology. 85 (10): 4739–51. doi:10.1128/JVI.00085-11. PMC 3126202. PMID 21389137.
  7. ^ Forrester NL, Palacios G, Tesh RB, Savji N, Guzman H, Sherman M, Weaver SC, Lipkin WI (December 2011). "Genome scale phylogeny of the Alphavirus genus suggests a marine origin". J Virol. 86 (5): 2729–38. doi:10.1128/JVI.05591-11. PMC 3302268. PMID 22190718.
  8. ^ Levinson RS, Strauss JH, Strauss EG (1990). "Complete sequence of the genomic RNA of O'nyong-nyong virus and its use in the construction of alphavirus phylogenetic trees". Virology. 175 (1): 110–123. doi:10.1016/0042-6822(90)90191-s. PMID 2155505.
  9. ^ "Virus Taxonomy: 2020 Release". International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). March 2021. Retrieved 15 May 2021.
  10. ^ Tschá MK, Suzukawa AA, Gräf T, Piancini LD, da Silva AM, Faoro H, et al. (2019). "Identification of a novel alphavirus related to the encephalitis complexes circulating in southern Brazil". Emerging Microbes & Infections. 8 (1): 920–933. doi:10.1080/22221751.2019.1632152. PMC 6598490. PMID 31237479.
  11. ^ Powers AM, Brault AC, Shirako Y, Strauss EG, Kang W, Strauss JH, Weaver SC (November 2001). "Evolutionary relationships and systematics of the alphaviruses". J. Virol. 75 (21): 10118–31. doi:10.1128/JVI.75.21.10118-10131.2001. PMC 114586. PMID 11581380.
  12. ^ Lundström JO, Pfeffer M (November 2010). "Phylogeographic structure and evolutionary history of Sindbis virus". Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 10 (9): 889–907. doi:10.1089/vbz.2009.0069. PMID 20420530.
  13. ^ Weaver SC, Hagenbaugh A, Bellew LA, Netesov SV, Volchkov VE, Chang GJ, Clarke DK, Gousset L, Scott TW, Trent DW (November 1993). "A comparison of the nucleotide sequences of eastern and western equine encephalomyelitis viruses with those of other alphaviruses and related RNA viruses". Virology. 197 (1): 375–90. doi:10.1006/viro.1993.1599. PMID 8105605.
  14. ^ Weaver SC, Rico-Hesse R, Scott TW (1992). "Genetic diversity and slow rates of evolution in New World alphaviruses". Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 176: 99–117. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-77011-1_7. ISBN 978-3-642-77013-5. PMID 1318187.
  15. ^ "Togaviridae". stanford.edu.
  16. ^ "ICTV Taxonomy List". Retrieved 5 May 2020.
  17. ^ "Aedes vigilax". NSW Arbovirus Surveillance & Vector Monitoring Program. The New South Wales Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Monitoring Program. Retrieved 5 June 2010. Note that 'Ochlerotatus vigilax' prior to 2000, was known as 'Aedes vigilax'
  18. ^ Doherty RL, Carley JG, Best JC (May 1972). "Isolation of Ross River virus from man". The Medical Journal of Australia. 1 (21): 1083–4. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.1972.tb116646.x. PMID 5040017. S2CID 13048176.
  19. ^ Calisher CH (January 1994). "Medically important arboviruses of the United States and Canada". Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 7 (1): 89–116. doi:10.1128/CMR.7.1.89. PMC 358307. PMID 8118792.
  20. ^ Boughton CR, Hawkes RA, Naim HM (February 1988). "Illness caused by a Barmah Forest-like virus in New South Wales". The Medical Journal of Australia. 148 (3): 146–7. doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.1988.tb112780.x. PMID 2828896. S2CID 30837260.
  21. ^ Tsetsarkin K, Higgs S, McGee CE, De Lamballerie X, Charrel RN, Vanlandingham DL (2006). "Infectious clones of Chikungunya virus (La Réunion isolate) for vector competence studies". Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 6 (4): 325–37. doi:10.1089/vbz.2006.6.325. PMID 17187566.
  22. ^ Lahariya C, Pradhan SK (December 2006). "Emergence of chikungunya virus in Indian subcontinent after 32 years: A review". Journal of Vector Borne Diseases. 43 (4): 151–60. PMID 17175699.

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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Alphavirus is a genus of RNA viruses, the sole genus in the Togaviridae family. Alphaviruses belong to group IV of the Baltimore classification of viruses, with a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome. There are 32 alphaviruses, which infect various vertebrates such as humans, rodents, fish, birds, and larger mammals such as horses, as well as invertebrates. Alphaviruses that could infect both vertebrates and arthropods are referred dual-host alphaviruses, while insect-specific alphaviruses such as Eilat virus and Yada yada virus are restricted to their competent arthropod vector. Transmission between species and individuals occurs mainly via mosquitoes, making the alphaviruses a member of the collection of arboviruses – or arthropod-borne viruses. Alphavirus particles are enveloped, have a 70 nm diameter, tend to be spherical (although slightly pleomorphic), and have a 40 nm isometric nucleocapsid.

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Togaviridae ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Togaviridae es una familia de virus que infectan vertebrados e incluye el siguiente género:


Togaviridae pertenece al grupo IV de la clasificación Baltimore de virus. El genoma es de ARN lineal de cadena simple, única, con rotación (polaridad) positiva. Consta 10.000 a 12.000 nucleótidos (10-12 Kb) de largo, completando del 5-8% del peso de la partícula. La terminación o extremo 5' es un nucleótido metilado y el tercer término (extremo 3') tiene una cola poliadenilada de unos 70 nucleótidos, que recuerda a un ARN mensajero.

Los lípidos reflejan la composición de la membrana celular del hospedador: un 60% fosfolípidos, 30% grasas neutras y un 8% glucolípidos. Las proteínas son componentes altamente específicos: la proteína estructural nucleocapside C, glucoproteínas de la envoltura (E1 y E2) con especificidades para el grupo y tipo del virus. Los carbohidratos dependen de la enzima glucotransferasa del hospedador.

El virus está encapsulado y forma partículas esféricas de 65 a 70 nm de diámetro. La cápside vírica es icosaedrica, construida mediante 240 monómeros, con un número de triangulación equivalente a 4. Los receptores de enlace son desconocidos, y aunque el tropismo es variado se sabe que la glicoproteína actúa como proteína de enlace. Luego del enlace y entrada del virus a la célula, la expresión y replicación genética se da en el citoplasma.

Los togaviridos son estables a 70 °C, inactivados por el éter y solventes apolares y desoxicolato sódico de 1:1000.


El grupo presenta reactividad cruzada por razón de la proteína C y de la envoltura , E1 y E2. Ciertos tipos pueden entrecruzar reactividad por las proteínas E1 y E2 y los subtipos presentan reactividad cruzada por hemaglutininas. Las hemaglutininas son las espículas superficiales del virus, con especificidad para los glóbulos rojos de pollo recién nacido, gansos y patos adultos. La actividad máxima de las hemaglutininas ocurre a un pH de 6,4 y a 37°C y puede ser inhibida por lípidos celulares.

Los anticuerpos aparecen después de 7 días de iniciada la enfermedad y persisten por varios años y en algunos casos por toda la vida, confiriendo inmunidad a reinfecciones virales. Son fijadores del complemento con una rápida elevación de la concentración en el suero sanguíneo. No son detactables después de 12 a 14 meses.

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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Togaviridae es una familia de virus que infectan vertebrados e incluye el siguiente género:

Género Alphavirus; especies típicas: Sindbis virus, virus de la artritis epidémica chinkunguña Virus de la encefalitis equina oriental, Virus de la encefalitis equina occidental, Virus de la encefalitis equina venezolana, Virus del Río Ross, Virus O'nyong'nyong.
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Togaviridae ( Fransèis )

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Les Togaviridés (Togaviridae) sont une famille de virus à ARN, qui comprend le seul genre des Alphavirus : virus du chikungunya (espèce type), virus Sindbis, virus de l'encéphalite équine de l'Est, virus de l'encéphalite équine de l'Ouest, virus de Ross River, virus o'nyong-nyong.

Jusqu'en 2018 la famille des Togaviridae comprenait aussi le genre Rubivirus (espèce type : virus de la rubéole), mais il en a depuis été sorti pour constituer le seul genre de la famille des Matonaviridae[2].

Le génome des Togaviridae est linéaire, simple brin et à polarité positive (groupe IV), de taille comprise entre 10 et 12 kilobases. L'extrémité 5' porte une tête nucléotide méthylée et l'extrémité 3' a une queue polyadénylée. Les Togaviridae utilisent une stratégie à subgénome pour synthétiser les protéines virales. Les virus de cette famille ont une capside icosaédrique et une enveloppe biologique.

Notes et références

Référence biologique

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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Les Togaviridés (Togaviridae) sont une famille de virus à ARN, qui comprend le seul genre des Alphavirus : virus du chikungunya (espèce type), virus Sindbis, virus de l'encéphalite équine de l'Est, virus de l'encéphalite équine de l'Ouest, virus de Ross River, virus o'nyong-nyong.

Jusqu'en 2018 la famille des Togaviridae comprenait aussi le genre Rubivirus (espèce type : virus de la rubéole), mais il en a depuis été sorti pour constituer le seul genre de la famille des Matonaviridae.

Le génome des Togaviridae est linéaire, simple brin et à polarité positive (groupe IV), de taille comprise entre 10 et 12 kilobases. L'extrémité 5' porte une tête nucléotide méthylée et l'extrémité 3' a une queue polyadénylée. Les Togaviridae utilisent une stratégie à subgénome pour synthétiser les protéines virales. Les virus de cette famille ont une capside icosaédrique et une enveloppe biologique.

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Togaviridae ( Croat )

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Togaviridae su porodica virusa, u koju ubrajamo dva roda virusa:

Togavirusi pripadaju IV grupi virusa prema Baltimorskoj klasifikaciji. Genom im je jednolačana pozitivna RNK duga 10,000-12,000 nukleotida. Promjer viriona je oko 70 nm, kubične je simetrije sa lipoproteinskim omotačem koji sadrži glikoproteinske peplomere. Replikacija je u citoplazmi a ćeliju napuštaju pupljenjem kroz ćelijsku membranu. Virusi ove porodice su osjetljivi na povišenu temperaturu, organske rastvarače i nisku pH vrijednost. Infekcija kod čovjeka je citolitičkog tipa i dovodi do prekida sinteze ćelijskih makromolekula. Široko su rasprostranjeni.

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Togaviridae ( Italian )

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Alphavirus (nella letteratura in lingua italiana talora Alfavirus) è un genere di virus ad RNA a singolo filamento positivo, unico membro della famiglia dei Togaviridae, di medie dimensioni, forma rotondeggiante, nucleocapside a simmetria icosaedrica avvolto da membrana lipoproteica, in grado di infettare numerosi vertebrati per mezzo di artropodi[1]. Ubiquitari e distribuiti in sette gruppi sierologici[2], gli Alphavirus determinano due gruppi di patologie: encefaliti[3] e sindromi febbrili con eruzioni cutanee e poliartriti[4].


Il genere Alphavirus è rappresentato da una trentina di specie di virus patogeni trasmessi da zanzare distribuiti in sette gruppi sierologici[2][5]. La specie tipo è il virus Sindbis. In passato il genere Alphavirus era classificato fra gli Arbovirus, precisamente nel gruppo A degli Arbovirus, assieme a virus a RNA classificati successivamente nelle famiglie Flaviviridae[6] e Arteriviridae[7].

Caratteristiche virali


Superficie di un Alphavirus: immagine generata al computer in base a immagini fornite dalla microscopia crioelettronica

Al microscopio elettronico i virioni degli Alphavirus appaiono costituiti da un nucleocapside a simmetria icosaedrica (numero di triangolazione T = 4) ricoperto da una membrana lipoproteica virale. I virioni appaiono di forma sferica (diametro di circa 40 nm) o pleiomorfi (diametro di circa 60-70 nm) localizzati nel citoplasma della cellula ospite. La membrana virale è originata dalla membrana della cellula infettata; sulla sua superficie appaiono prolungamenti lunghi circa 10 nm costituiti da glicoproteine virali, di cui due (denominate E1 ed E2) sono antigenicamente ben caratterizzate e permettono una classificazione sierologica degli Alphavirus[8].

Proprietà fisico-chimiche

La massa molecolare dei virioni è 52 x 106 dalton. I virioni hanno una densità di flottazione in saccarosio di 1,18-1,19 g cm−3; il coefficiente di sedimentazione è di 280 svedberg (s20,w). Il punto di inattivazione termica (Thermal inactivation point, TIP) è a 58 °C. I virioni sono costituiti per il 30% in peso di lipidi, presenti nella membrana lipoproteica virale, di composizione simile ai lipidi delle membrane cellulari delle cellule ospiti. La longevità in vitro (Longevity in vitro, LIV) è 0,35 giorni (a 37 °C in terreno di coltura). In vitro le proprietà dei virioni sono stabili in ambiente blandamente alcalino (pH 7-8). L'infettività è ridotta dopo irraggiamento. A causa della presenza di lipidi, i virioni sono sensibili al trattamento con solventi organici (per esempio, etere) e detergenti[9].


Il genoma degli Alphavirus è costituito da un singolo filamento positivo di RNA di circa 11800 nucleotidi[10]. L'estremità 5' porta un cappuccio di 7-metil guanosina metilata e l'estremità 3' una coda poliadenilata. Dopo la penetrazione nella cellula infettata, l'RNA virale scapsidato funziona da RNA messaggero, dirigendo la sintesi delle proteine virali. Viene sintetizzato dapprima un singolo lungo polipeptide che successivamente viene tagliato in frammenti per formare un certo numero di proteine più piccole. Si ha prima la traduzione dell'estremità 5', che codifica per le proteine funzionali; dopo la replicazione del genoma vengono prodotti mRNA subgenomici che produrranno le proteine strutturali corrispondenti all'estremità 3'[11]. I nucleocapsidi completi acquistano l'involucro dalla membrana plasmatica cellulare e solo allora il virione diviene infettivo.


Diffusione geografica del Chikungunya Virus (2019)
Aedes albopictus, vettore di Alphavirus

Gli Alphavirus sono diffusi in tutto il mondo e sono in grado di causare malattie anche all'uomo. Le infezioni da Alfavirus si diffondono attraverso artropodi vettori, soprattutto zanzare. Una volta che un vertebrato viene morso dalla zanzara infetta, il virus può entrare nel flusso sanguigno, provocando viremia. A loro volta le zanzare acquisiscono il virus ingerendo sangue di un ospite viremico; il virus si moltiplica nei tessuti e negli organi della zanzara, comprese le ghiandole salivari. Nella maggior parte dei casi i vertebrati infettati appaiono sani e non infetti (per esempio, gli uccelli nell'encefalite equina dell'ovest (Western equine encephalitis virus). Altre volte, tuttavia, compaiono malattie. Nell'uomo queste ultime sono essenzialmente di due categorie:

  1. encefaliti talora mortali diffuse soprattutto nel Nuovo Mondo[3]; e
  2. sindromi febbrili con eruzioni cutanee e poliartriti, diffuse soprattutto nel Vecchio mondo e in Australia[4].

Nel singolo individuo la comparsa delle malattie da Alphavirus può essere impedita dal sistema immunitario: nell'immunità specifica sono coinvolti anticorpi neutralizzanti e cellule T; gli Alphavirus sono in grado di provocare inoltre la produzione di interferone[12].


  1. ^ Weaver S C, Dalgarno L, Frey T K, et al. (editors), «Virus taxonomy. Classification and nomenclature of viruses». In: Seventh report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. San Diego, Calif: Academic Press, Inc., 2000. pp. 879–889
  2. ^ a b Powers AM, Brault AC, Shirako Y, et al. «Evolutionary relationships and systematics of the alphaviruses». J Virol. 2001 Nov;75(21):10118-31. PMID 11581380 (Free article)
  3. ^ a b Steele KE, Twenhafel NA. «Review paper: pathology of animal models of alphavirus encephalitis». Vet Pathol. 2010 Sep;47(5):790-805. PMID 20551475
  4. ^ a b Harley D, Sleigh A, Ritchie S. «Ross River virus transmission, infection, and disease: a cross-disciplinary review». Clin Microbiol Rev. 2001 Oct;14(4):909-32, PMID 11585790 (Free article)
  5. ^ Myles KM, Morazzani EM, Adelman ZN. «Origins of alphavirus-derived small RNAs in mosquitoes». RNA Biol. 2009 Sep-Oct;6(4):387-91, PMID 19535909 (Free article)
  6. ^ Westaway EG, Brinton MA, Gaidamovich SYa, et al. «Flaviviridae». Intervirology. 1985;24(4):183-92, PMID 3000978
  7. ^ Balasuriya and Snijder, Arteriviruses, in Animal Viruses: Molecular Biology, Caister Academic Press, 2008, ISBN 978-1-904455-22-6.
  8. ^ Calisher C H, Karabatsos N. «Arbovirus serogroups: definition and geographic distribution». In: Monath TP (editor), The arboviruses: epidemiology and ecology, Vol. I. Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press, Inc.; 1988. pp. 19–57
  9. ^ Westaway EG, Brinton MA, Gaidamovich SYa, et al. «Togaviridae». Intervirology 1985;24(3):125-39, PMID 2999027
  10. ^ Luers AJ, Adams SD, Smalley JV, Campanella JJ. «A phylogenomic study of the genus Alphavirus employing whole genome comparison». Comp Funct Genomics. 2005;6(4):217-27, PMID 18629194 (Free article)
  11. ^ ten Dam E, Flint M, Ryan MD. «Virus-encoded proteinases of the Togaviridae». J Gen Virol. 1999 Aug;80 (Pt 8):1879-88, PMID 10466783 (Free article Archiviato il 21 agosto 2010 in Internet Archive.)
  12. ^ Griffin DE. «Recovery from viral encephalomyelitis: immune-mediated noncytolytic virus clearance from neurons». Immunol Res. 2010 Jul;47(1-3):123-33. PMID 20087684


  • «Togaviridae». In: Gaetano Crepaldi e Aldo Baritussio, Trattato di medicina interna, Vol. III, Padova: Piccin, 2003, pp. 575–7, ISBN 88-299-1642-0 (Google libri)
  • Fauquet CM, Mayo MA, Maniloff J, Desselberger U, Ball LA (Eds): «Virus Taxonomy». In: 'VIIIth Report of the ICTV. London: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2005

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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Alphavirus (nella letteratura in lingua italiana talora Alfavirus) è un genere di virus ad RNA a singolo filamento positivo, unico membro della famiglia dei Togaviridae, di medie dimensioni, forma rotondeggiante, nucleocapside a simmetria icosaedrica avvolto da membrana lipoproteica, in grado di infettare numerosi vertebrati per mezzo di artropodi. Ubiquitari e distribuiti in sette gruppi sierologici, gli Alphavirus determinano due gruppi di patologie: encefaliti e sindromi febbrili con eruzioni cutanee e poliartriti.

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Togawirusy ( polonèis )

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Togawirusy – rodzina wirusów obejmująca rodzaje:

  • Alphavirus
  • Rubivirus, do którego należy wirus różyczki

Rodzina Togaviridae należy do grupy IV klasyfikacji wirusów Baltimore. Ich genom tworzy jednoniciowa, liniowa nić RNA o rozmiarze 10 000–12 000 nukleotydów.


  • Patrick R. Murray: Review of medical microbiology. Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby, 2005. ISBN 0-323-03325-3.
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Togawirusy: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Togawirusy – rodzina wirusów obejmująca rodzaje:

Alphavirus Rubivirus, do którego należy wirus różyczki

Rodzina Togaviridae należy do grupy IV klasyfikacji wirusów Baltimore. Ich genom tworzy jednoniciowa, liniowa nić RNA o rozmiarze 10 000–12 000 nukleotydów.

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Togaviridae ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT
São cobertos por glicoproteínas de superfície E1 e E2 usados para adesão a células.

Togaviridae é uma das famílias de vírus RNA de cadeia simples positiva, envolvidos, esféricos ou ovais, icosaédricos, de 40 a 80nm em diâmetro e com cápside simétrica T4. Inclui os gêneros Alphavirus e Rubivirus. Alphavirus causam diversas patologias em humanos, outros mamíferos e também em aves, enquanto os Rubivirus infectam apenas humanos. Ambos entram por endocitose mediada por clatrina ao citoplasma onde se replicam e são sintetizados. [1]


Os alphavirus são transmitidos por mosquitos e causam encefalites equinas e febres com erupções cutâneas e artrites como chikungunya e febre de Mayaro.[2]

Por outro lado os rubivirus, mais comuns no inverno, são transmitidos pela saliva no ar e causam rubéola pós-natal, também conhecida como rubella congênita.[2]


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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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 src= São cobertos por glicoproteínas de superfície E1 e E2 usados para adesão a células.

Togaviridae é uma das famílias de vírus RNA de cadeia simples positiva, envolvidos, esféricos ou ovais, icosaédricos, de 40 a 80nm em diâmetro e com cápside simétrica T4. Inclui os gêneros Alphavirus e Rubivirus. Alphavirus causam diversas patologias em humanos, outros mamíferos e também em aves, enquanto os Rubivirus infectam apenas humanos. Ambos entram por endocitose mediada por clatrina ao citoplasma onde se replicam e são sintetizados.

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Togaviridae ( romen; moldav )

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Togaviridae sunt o familie de viruși , ce cuprinde genurile:


Familia Togaviridae aparține grupei IV a clasificării Baltimore Genomul este liniar, neramificat, monocatenar, formta din 10.000-12.000 nucleotide.Capătul 5' este metilat, iar capătul 3' este adenosilat, servind drept matriță pentru ARNm.Anvelopa virală este prezentă , virusul are formă sferică, dimensiunile sale atingând circa 65-70 nm în diametru.Capsida virală are structură icosaedrică, formată din 240 monomeri. Număr de triangulație 4 [2].Receptorii de legare sunt necunoscuți, iar tropismul variază în funcție de natura glicoproteinelor ce formează [3] așa numiții "țepi", parte integrantă a structurii proteice.

Replicarea virală

Proteinele non-structurale sunt codate de capătul 5’,formate în timpul translației.2 lanțuri de RNA [4] sunt translatate într-o poliproteina. care suferă ă reacție de autoclivare , dând naștere la 4 proteine non-structurale (NSP1- cu rol în metilarea ARN, NSP2- helicază și protează, NSP3-convertirea RNA-replicazei pentru formarea a încă unui lanț proteic, NSP4 -replicază) cu rol în viitoarea sinteză a ARN (a 2- fază a translației).Asamblarea proteinelor virale are loc la suprafața celulei țintă.Procesul de replicare este rapid , durata fiind de circa 4 ore.


Legături externe


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Togaviridae: Brief Summary ( romen; moldav )

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Togavirusi ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Togavirusi (Togaviridae) so družina srednje velikih ikozaedričnih virusov z enoverižno RNK in ovojnico, z rodovoma alfavirusi in rubivirusi,[1] v katera se uvršča skupno 32 vrst.[2][3] Povzročajo bolezni pri različnih vrstah vretenčarjev. Večina okužuje tudi členonožce, ki viruse prenašajo, sami pa ne zbolijo.[4]


Skupina: ssRNA(+)



  1. http://www.termania.net/slovarji/slovenski-medicinski-slovar/5541759/togaviridae?query=togaviridae&SearchIn=All, Slovenski medicinski e-slovar, vpogled: 25. 9. 2017.
  2. "Viral Zone". ExPASy. Pridobljeno dne 15. 6. 2015.
  3. 3,0 3,1 ICTV. "Virus Taxonomy: 2014 Release". Pridobljeno dne 15. 6. 2015.
  4. http://www.termania.net/slovarji/mikrobioloski-slovar/6745298/togavirus?query=togavirus&SearchIn=All, Slovenski medicinski slovar - Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta, vpogled: 25. 9. 2017.
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Togavirusi: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Togavirusi (Togaviridae) so družina srednje velikih ikozaedričnih virusov z enoverižno RNK in ovojnico, z rodovoma alfavirusi in rubivirusi, v katera se uvršča skupno 32 vrst. Povzročajo bolezni pri različnih vrstah vretenčarjev. Večina okužuje tudi členonožce, ki viruse prenašajo, sami pa ne zbolijo.

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Togavirus ( turch )

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Togavirus'lar 50-70 nm büyüklüğünde, tek iplikçikli, RNA ihtiva eden, ikozahedral simetrili, zarflı virüslerdir.

Bu familyada

  • Alfavirus
  • Rubivirus (Rubella)
  • Pestivirus cinsleri bulunur.
Stub icon Virüsler ile ilgili bu madde bir taslaktır. Madde içeriğini geliştirerek Vikipedi'ye katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.
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トガウイルス科 ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

トガウイルス科(とがういるすか、Family Togaviridae)とはウイルスの1科。そのビリオンは直径約70nmの球形粒子であり、エンベロープを有し、プラス一本鎖RNAをゲノムとする。ビリオンの表面には微小なスパイクが存在する。細胞質で増殖し、出芽の際にエンベロープを獲得する。




  • 鹿江雅光ほか編集 『最新家畜微生物学』 朝倉書店 1998年 ISBN 4-254-46019-8
  • 大里外誉郎 『医科ウイルス学 改訂第2版』 南江堂 2000年 ISBN 4-524-21448-8
  • 原澤亮 「動物ウイルスの新しい分類(2005)」 『獣医畜産新報』 58号 921-931頁 2005年 ISSN 0447-0192
ウイルスの分類(ボルティモア分類) DNA
I: 2本鎖DNAウイルス (dsDNA) カウドウイルス目 ヘルペスウイルス目 Ligamenvirales 未分類
II: 1本鎖DNAウイルス (ssDNA) RNA
III: 2本鎖RNAウイルス (dsRNA)
IV: 1本鎖RNA+鎖 ((+)ssRNA) ニドウイルス目 ピコルナウイルス目 ティモウイルス目 未分類
V:1本鎖RNA-鎖 ((−)ssRNA) モノネガウイルス目 未分類 逆転写
VI: 1本鎖RNA逆転写ウイルス(ssRNA-RT)
VII: 2本鎖DNA逆転写ウイルス (dsDNA-RT) 執筆の途中です この項目は、生物学に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますプロジェクト:生命科学Portal:生物学)。
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トガウイルス科: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

トガウイルス科(とがういるすか、Family Togaviridae)とはウイルスの1科。そのビリオンは直径約70nmの球形粒子であり、エンベロープを有し、プラス一本鎖RNAをゲノムとする。ビリオンの表面には微小なスパイクが存在する。細胞質で増殖し、出芽の際にエンベロープを獲得する。

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