Plancia ëd Eunectes Wagler 1830
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Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus 1758)

Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

fornì da AnAge articles
Maximum longevity: 31.8 years (captivity)
drit d'autor
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

Sensa tìtol ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

The genus Eunectes is proposed to have originated in the Miocene Epoch. In the early 20th century, President Theodore Roosevelt offered a $5000 reward for the capture of a green anaconda and its transportation to the New York Zoological Society (now known as the Wildlife Conservation Society). This prize has since been withdrawn.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Behavior ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anacondas are able to detect approaching animals using vibrations. They are also able to detect chemical cues of nearby animals in the air using their forked tongues and Jacobson's organs. Male anacondas also use these structures to detect the pheromones of nearby females during the mating season. In addition to their chemosensory abilities, anacondas have pit organs along the upper lip, which are able to sense heat signatures of prey organisms. They are able to perceive visual and auditory stimuli as well, although these senses are more poorly developed than the above sensory modalities.

Communication Channels: tactile ; chemical

Other Communication Modes: pheromones

Perception Channels: visual ; infrared/heat ; tactile ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Associations ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Levels of predation pressure are typically based upon the size and health of an individual snake. Juveniles and small adult anacondas experience high mortality rates, as they are subject to predation by larger predators. There have been accounts of caiman and jaguars preying on young male snakes. As a result, small anacondas are extremely aggressive and bite frequently. Environmental pressures can also influence levels of predation, as savanna-dwelling anacondas experience increased predation during the dry season. Large anacondas, especially those that are females, experience lower rates of predation than their smaller counterparts. Female green anacondas will frequently cannibalize males, usually during breeding aggregations.

To avoid attackers, green anacondas will hide by burrowing into mud or fleeing into nearby water. However, when directly attacked or threatened, anacondas coil up into a ball. This posture allows them to protect their head, and also enables them to strike at the attacker. They also defend themselves by emitting an odor from their cloacal glands.

Known Predators:

  • broad-snouted caimans (Caiman latirostris)
  • black caimans (Melanosuchus niger)
  • jaguars (Panthera onca)
  • green anacondas (Eunectes murinus)

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Morphology ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anacondas are one of four closely related species of constrictors, the other species being Eunectes notaeus (yellow anaconda), E. deschauenseei (dark-spotted anaconda), and E. beniensis (Bolivian anaconda). These boas can be distinguished from other constricting snakes by the absence of the supraorbital bone in the roof of the skull. Boas have an external horny claw, a hind limb remnant that is more evident in males than in females. Like all snakes, anacondas have a forked tongue thay helps them locate prey and mates and to navigate their environment, in conjunction with the tubular Jacobson’s organ in the roof of the snake’s mouth.

Green anaconda coloration is characteristically dark olive-green dorsally, gradually changing to yellow ventrally. They have round dorsal blotches that are brown with diffused black borders, and are dispersed over the mid to posterior length of their body. Like other Eunectes species, they have narrow ventral scales and small, smooth dorsal scales. The scale plates at the anterior portion of their body are much larger than those at the posterior end. Their skin is soft, loose, and can endure extended periods of water absorption. Anacondas have dorsal nostrils and small eyes that are positioned on the top of the head. They also have a prominent black post-ocular stripe that runs from the eye to the angle of the jaw.

Green anacondas are the largest snakes in the world. There are records of 10 to 12 meter anacondas weighing up to 250 kg, though the actual maximal size of an anaconda is the subject of much dispute. Females typically have a much larger mass and length than males, with males reaching an average of 3 meters in length and females 6 meters. The sex of an anaconda is also reflected by the size of the spurs located in the cloacal region. Males have larger spurs (7.5 millimeters) than females, regardless of the female’s size.

Range mass: 250 (high) kg.

Range length: 3 to 12 m.

Average length: 6 m.

Other Physical Features: heterothermic

Sexual Dimorphism: female larger

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

The lifespan of green anacondas in the wild averages 10 years. In captivity, they may live for over 30 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
10 years.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
30 (high) years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
29.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
8.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
13.9 years.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Habitat ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anacondas are semi-aquatic snakes that inhabit shallow, slow-moving freshwater habitats, as well as tropical savannas, grasslands, and rainforests.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; terrestrial ; freshwater

Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; rainforest

Aquatic Biomes: lakes and ponds; rivers and streams

Wetlands: swamp

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Possible threats to this species include habitat loss and the exotic pet trade. Anacondas are listed as a CITES Appendix II species, but information on them is relatively scarce. The Profauna (the Venezuelan Fish and Wildlife Service), the Wildlife Conservation Society, and the Convention for the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) has funded the Green Anaconda Project to further understand potential threats to this species.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: appendix ii

State of Michigan List: no special status

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Life Cycle ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anaconda neonates are larger than most snakes at birth. At a mean of 200 grams and 68 centimeters, they are on average 1% of the mass of the female that gave birth to them. They then undergo a 500 fold increase in biomass from birth to adulthood. Anacondas start to show evidence of sexual dimorphism after the first year of life.

There are differences in rates of development between savanna and river-dwelling snakes. Strong seasonality of prey availability may be present in savanna environments, with the result that river-dwelling individuals often are larger and heavier than savanna-dwelling snakes.

Development - Life Cycle: indeterminate growth

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Distribution ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anacondas are found throughout the tropical lowlands of South America. This species is particularly common in the Orinoco basin of eastern Columbia, Amazon River basin of Brazil, and the seasonally flooded Llanos grasslands of Venezuela. Additional countries where they may be found include Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, the Bolivarian Republic of Argentina, the Guianas, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Trinidad. Small populations of green anacondas have also been introduced into Florida.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Introduced ); neotropical (Native )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anacondas are opportunistic apex predators, feeding on any prey that they can kill and swallow. Their diet includes various aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates such as fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals.

Juvenile anacondas feed on prey such as small birds and juvenile caiman that are typically 40-70 grams in size. As they develop, their diet becomes increasingly complex. Prey availability varies more in grasslands than in river basins. Green anacondas in both habitats have been found to feed on large prey, usually ranging from 14% to 50% of its own mass. A few examples of their prey include broad-snouted caimans (Caiman latirostris), wattled jacanas (Jacana jacana), capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), red-rumped agoutis (Dasyprocta leporine), collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu), South American tapirs (Tapirus terrestris), red side-necked turtles (Rhinemys rufipes), and northern pudús Pudu mephistophiles. Green anacondas take a high risk by feeding on larger prey, which occasionally lead to serious injuries or even death. Some also feed on carrion and conspecifics, usually inside or around water. Occasionally, female green anacondas will feed on males. Large anacondas can go weeks to months without food after eating a large meal, because of their low metabolism. However, females show increased postpartum feeding rates to recover from their reproductive investment.

Green anacondas rely on stealth and ambush techniques as they hunt. Their body pattern provides effective camouflage, allowing a submerged anaconda to be virtually invisible from a short distance away. They attack at any time of day, restraining their prey using their needle-sharp, curved teeth for a secure grip while killing it by constriction. The more the prey struggles, the tighter the coiling will become, until the victim becomes unconscious. Death occurs through respiratory arrest and circulatory failure. Since feeding usually takes place near the water, prey are as likely to die from drowning as from constriction. The snake then slowly releases its coils and ingests its victim headfirst. This technique allows it to reduce obstruction of the limbs as it swallows its meal whole.

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; amphibians; reptiles; fish; carrion

Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Piscivore )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Associations ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anacondas act as predators to a wide array of vertebrate species, with young snakes also serving as prey to a number of large predators. Health assessments of green anacondas in captivity have found that they can harbor a number of internal parasites. Captive snakes are also predisposed to diseases. Opportunistic parasites are most likely due to suboptimal husbandry and captivity. For the most part, wild anacondas seem to withstand parasitic loads well and are seemingly healthy.

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • Elizabethkingia meningoseptica (Class Flavobacteria, Phylum Bacteriodetes)
  • Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (Class Gammaproteobacteria, Phylum Proteobacteria)
  • Aeromonas hydrophila (Class Gammaproteobacteria, Phylum Proteobacteria)
  • Providencia rettgeri (Class Gammaproteobacteria, Phylum Proteobacteria)
  • Haemoproteus sp. (Phylum Apicomplexa, Kingdom Chromalveolata)
  • iguana ticks (Amblyomma dissimile)
  • Amblyomma fulvum (Family Ixodidae, Class Arachnida)
  • Phaeotabanus nigriflavus (Order Diptera, Class Insecta)
  • Stenotabanus bequaerti (Order Diptera, Class Insecta)
  • Stenotabanus cretatus (Order Diptera, Class Insecta)
  • Tabanus occidentalis (Order Diptera, Class Insecta)
  • Dracunculus brasiliensis (Family Dracunculidae, Phylum Nematoda)
  • Crepidobothrium sp. (Class Cestoda, Phylum Platyhelminthes)
drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

The indigenous peoples of Brazil and Peru practice the commercialization of anacondas. The folklore of these regions considers green anacondas to have magical and spiritual properties, and their body parts are sold for ritualistic purposes. Their fat is used as medicine against rheumatism, inflammation, infection, asthma, and thrombosis in these areas.

Positive Impacts: body parts are source of valuable material; source of medicine or drug

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anacondas are among the only snakes that can reach the proportions necessary to possibly kill and consume a human being. However, attacks by green anacondas are rare due to low human population densities where the snakes are normally found.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings)

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Green anacondas are polyandrous. Studies have reported that green anacondas breed in multiple-male aggregations of up to 13 males. Mating can last for several weeks. During this time, a female can mate several times with the courting males. Males surround the female to make a breeding ball, in which the snakes form a mass of writhing bodies. Males compete to gain access to the female by coiling around her, searching for her cloaca with their tails. Visual or chemical cues do not seem to be involved.

Females are selective in mating aggregations. In conditions of high density or when females are easy to track, males can encounter each other, which may lead to combat. However, male-to-male combat is rare. If one male is exceptionally large, it can be mistaken for a female by other males and may be courted. Large males typically mate with the most fertile and largest females.

Mating System: polyandrous

Green anacondas reach sexual maturity at approximately 3–4 years of age. Mating occurs during the dry season, between March and May, with males searching for females to mate with. Males have short term sperm storage, using up their reservoir after mating is completed. After mating, the female may eat one or more of her mating partners, as she does not take in food for up to seven months. This behavior may be beneficial in helping her to survive through the gestation period. Afterwards, males usually leave the impregnated female and return to their home ranges; the female does not migrate.

Females are ovoviviparous and incubate their eggs for 7 months until they give birth to live young. Their movements and foraging behaviors are limited to avoid compromising the health and success of their clutch. Females give birth in shallow water during the evening or late afternoon, at the end of the wet season. Females may give birth to as many as 82 young, averaging 20-40 offspring. Scientists report an association between clutch size and the size of the female, with large females typically having larger clutch sizes than smaller females. This association may be due to greater fat reserves in larger individuals. On average, these snakes breed every other year, allowing recuperation from the loss of energy required for reproduction.

Breeding interval: Green anacondas breed every other year

Breeding season: Breeding takes place from March-May. Birth occurs approximately 7 months later, at the end of the wet season.

Average number of offspring: 29.

Average gestation period: 7 months.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 3-4 years.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 3-4 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; sexual ; fertilization ; ovoviviparous

Maternal provisioning and protection occurs throughout the gestation period. After birth, offspring are independent and receive no parental care.

Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Milord, L. 2012. "Eunectes murinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Eunectes_murinus.html
Luckele Milord, Radford University
Joel Hagen, Radford University
Jeremy Wright, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da EOL authors
There are four species of anaconda. These snakes live in rivers in South America. Like other boas, they squeeze their prey before swallowing them whole. The Green Anaconda is one of the largest snakes and can grow over 30 feet long. Its eyes and nostrils are on top of its head. This lets it see and breathe when mostly underwater.
drit d'autor
Sebastian Velvez
visité la sorgiss
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EOL authors

Distribution ( Anglèis )

fornì da ReptileDB
Continent: South-America
Distribution: Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil (Goias etc.), Ecuador, E Paraguay, N Bolivia, NE Peru, Guyana, French Guiana, Trinidad
Type locality: "America".
drit d'autor
Peter Uetz
visité la sorgiss
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Anakonda ( Aser )

fornì da wikipedia AZ

Anakonda[1], və ya Nəhəng anakonda[2][3], Adi anakonda[3][4], Yaşıl anakonda[3] (lat. Eunectes murinus), — yatağanlar fəsiləsinə aid olan ilan növü. Köhnə ədəbiyyatda «su yatağanı» olaraq keçərlidir.


«Peru xronikası» kitabının birinci hissəsi, (1553).

Anakondalar haqqında ilk yazılı məlumat Pedro Sesa de Leonun 1553-cü ildə «Peru Xronikası» kitabında əks olunmuşdur.

Xarici görünüş

ASnakonda müasir dünya faunasının ən əzələli ilanı kimi anılır. Gövdəsinin rəngi gümüş-yaşıldır və düzbucaqlı, dairəvi formalı, iki qəhvəyi şaxmat quruluşlu ləkələrə sahib olurlar. Bu formalı rəngi sayəsində suyun altında, sıx yarpaqların və yosunların işində asanlıqla gizlənə bilirlər. Zəhərsiz canlılardır. İnsanları dişləməsi böyük təhlükə törətməsə də, dişləmələr kifayət qədər ağrılı ola bilir.


Bu canlıların uzunluğunun 6 metrdən böyük olması barədə çoxlu şayələr gəzir. Ancaq bunların heç biri öz rəsmi təsdiqini tapmamışdır. İsveç naturalisti Qeorq Dal özünün «Həhşi yollar» kitabında, Kolumbiyanın cəngəlliklərində, Quyabero çayı hövzəsində uzunluğu 8,43 m[5] olan anakondadan bəhs edir. Digər İsveç naturalisti Ralf Blomberq özünün «Nəhəng ilanlar və qorxulu kərtənkələlər» kitabında, Klifford Poupun istinadlarına əsaslanaraq uzunluğu 28 fut (8,54 m)[6] olan anakonda barədə məlumat verir. 1944-cü ildə Kolumbiyada uzunluğu 11 m 43 sm[7] uzunluğunda ilanın tutulması qeyd edilir. İndiyənə qədər ədəbiyyatda qeyd olunmuş ən uzun anakonların uzunluğu 62 fut (18,59 m) və 80 fut (24,38 m) olmuşdur. Bu bir daha bəyanatların uyğunsuzluğunu təsdiqləyir.

Rəsmi məlumata görə isə Venesuelada ovlanmış 780 fərd arasında ən böyüyü 5.21 m uzunluğa və 97,5 kq çəkiyə malik olmuşdur. Bununla belə qeydə alınmış yetkinlik yaşına çatan ən kiçik anakonda 2.1 m (quyruqsuz) uzunluğa malik olmuşdur[8]. Anakondaların uzunluğu bir çox hallarda mübahisə pridmetinə çevrilmişdir. Bu araşdırmalar nəticəsində o qərara gəlimnmişdir ki, onların maksimal uzunluğu 6,7 m təşkil edə bilər. Bu isə alimlər tərəfindfən ələ keçirilmiş ən böyük ilandan olduqca iri ölçülərdir[8][9].

Yetkin fərdlər adətən 5 metri keçmir. Dişilər bir qayda olaraq erkəklərdəın uzun və iri olur. Onların uzunluğu 4,6 m, erkəklərin uzunluğu isə 3 m təşkil edir[10][11][12]. Əslində anakondalar həcmcə iri olsalar da pitonların bir çoxu uzunluqda onları üstələyir. Əsasən torlu pitonlar uzunluq baxımından daha uzundurlar. Dişi anakondaların böyük əksəriyyətində uzunluq 4.5 m olaraq qeydə alınsa da, torlu pitonlarda uzunluq 7 metr təşkil edir[4]. Yetkin fərdlərin çəkisi 30 - 70 kq[13][14] arasında dəyişir. Bununlada anakonda ilanlar arasında ən ağır çəkili heyvandır. Pulcuqlular arasında isə yalnız Komodo varanından geri qalırlar][15].

Anaconda (Eunectes murinus).jpg

Areal və qorunmasındakı problemlər

Anakondalar Cənubi Amerikanın tropik ərazilərində, And dağlarından şərqdəki ərazilərdə yayılmışlar: Venesuela, Braziliya, Kolumbiya, Ekvador, ŞərqiParaqvay, Şimali Boliviya, Şimal-şərqi Peru, Qayana, Fransa Qvianası, Trinidad adası.

Onların əlçatmaz ərazilərdə yayılması onların sayı barədə dəqiq məlumat verməyə imkan vermir. Bu səsbəbdən anakondalar Qırmızı kitaba "Haqqında məlumat olmayanlar" mühafizə statusu altında daxil edilmişlər. Ömür müddəti terrariumlarda 28, təbiətdə isə 5—6 ildir.

Həyat tərzi

Anakondalar demək olar ki bütünlüklə su həyat tərzi keçirirlər. Əsasən çayların zəif axan qollarında, göllərdə yaşayırlar. Onlara AmazonkaOrinoko çaylarının qollarında rastlanılır Bu çür sakit sularda anakonda səssiz duraraq şikarını gözləyir. Bununla belə bəzi hallarda günəş vannası qəbul etmək məqsədi ilə quruya çıxa və ağacların budaqlarına dırmaşa bilir. Uzun zaman suda qala bilirlər. Buna onların burun dəliklərində olan klapanlar inkan verir.

Yaşadığı su tutarı quruduqda axar boyunca açağı intiqamətdə gedə bilir. Quraqlıq mövsümündə isə lilin altında yağışlar mövsümünü gözləyə bilir.

Qabıq dəyişdirmə prosesi su altında baş verir. Qapoalı bir şəraitdə hovuzun dibinə enən ilanın köhnə qabığını necə çıxardığını müşahidə etmək mümkün olmuşdur.


İlin böyük qismi anakondalar tənha yaşayırlar. Ancaq cütləşmə dönəmində qruplar halında toplaşırlar. Bu əsasən yağışlar mövsümünün başlanğıcında baş verir. Amazonka çayı hövzəsində bu əsasən aprel-may aylarına təsadüf edir. Bəzi alimlər onların feromon buraxmaları barədə fərziyələr edirlər. Ancaq bunun isbatı üçün araşdırmalar aparılmalıdır. Bəzən müşahidələr zamanı bir dişinin ətrafına bir neçə erkəyin toplaşdığını müşahidə edirlər. Bir çox digər ilanlar kimi anakondalar da bir neçə fərdlə çütləşə bilir. Erkək quyruğunu dişiyə sarılmaq məqsəi ilə istifadə edir. Bu ritual zamanı xarakterik bir səslər gəlir.

Anakondalardiri bala doğurlar. Bu proses ümümilikdə 6-7 ay davam edir. Bu ərəfələrdə dişi iki dəfəmdən çox çəkisini itirir. Dişi 28 - 42 arası bala doğur (onların sayı 100-ə çata bilir). Uzunluqları 50—80 sm-dir. Nadir də olsa yumurta da qoya bilir.


Anakondalar müxtəlif növ məməlilər, quşlarsürünənlərlə qidalanıər. Daha iri fərdlər hətta pekarlar, kapibaralar və kaymanları belə övlaya bilirlər. Adətən isə onlar aqutilər, su quşları və iquanaları belə ovlayırlar. Nahara olar daha çox tısbağa, kərtənkələlər və hətta ilanları belə yeyə bilirlər. Zooparkda hətta bir 2,5 metrlik pitonu boğması və yeməsi qeydə alınmışdır. Selva zonasında onların əsas qidalarını balıqlar təşkil edir. Digər yatağanlarda olduğu kimi anakondalar bir yerdə duraraq qidanı udurlar. Digər yatağanlardan fərqli olaraq isə onlar şikarlarının sümüklərioni dındıraraq deyil onları boğaraq öldürürlər. Bu canlılar şikarını bütöv şəkildə udurlar. Braziliyanın San-Paului şəhərində 4,2 m uzunluğa və 94 kq çəkiyə malik anakonda 4 - 5 illik, 42 kq olan pumanı udmuşdur. Ancaq udma zamanı zəhərli otda udduğundan tələf olmuşdur[16]. Anakondalar arasında hannibalizm adi haldır.

Anakondanın başı


Yetkin fərdlərin təbiətdə demək olar ki, təbii düşməni yoxdur. Bununla belə onlar bəzən puma, yaquar[17], Braziliya samuru[18], orinoko timsahıqara kaymanların şikarına çevrilə bilirlər. Ən çox onlar timsah kaymanlarının şikarlarına çevrilirlər. Kaymanlar adətən balalar, çütləşmədən sonra güçdən düşmüş erkəkləri ovlaya bilirlər[8].


Əvvəllər anakondalar iki yarımnövə ayrılırdılar:

Bu iki yarımnöv müvafiq olaraq 1758 və 1801-ci illərdə qeydə alınmışdır. Bu yarımnövləri rənginə və ölçülərinə görə fərqləndirirdilər.

Hazırda isə nəhəng anakondalar yarımnövə ayrılmır[19].


Uruqvay ədəbiyyatının klassiki Horacio Silvestre Quiroqa "Anaconda" (Anaconda, 1921) adlı fəlsəfi nağılının əsas personajlarından biri.


Amerikada 1997-ci ildə «Anakonda» triller filmi çəkilmişdir. Onun davamı olaraq «Anakonda 2: Lənətlənmiş orxideya ovu» (2004), «Anakonda 3: Eksprementin bədəli» (2008) və «Anakonda 4: Qanlı ləpir» (2009), həmçinin «Qorxu gölü: Anakonda» (2015) filmləri çəkilmişdir.


  1. Зенкевич Л. А. Жизнь животных. Позвоночные. Т. 4, ч. 2: Земноводные, Пресмыкающиеся. — М.: Просвещение, 1969. — 487 c., с. 339.
  2. Кудрявцев С. В., Фролов В. Е., Королев А. В. Террариум и его обитатели (обзор видов и содержание в неволе). / Отв.ред. В. Е. Флинт. — М.: Лесная промышленность, 1991. — С. 317. — 349 с. — ISBN 5-7120-018-2
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Систематический список позвоночных животных в зоологических коллекциях на 01.01.2011 // Информационный сборник Евроазиатской региональной ассоциации зоопарков и аквариумов. Вып. 30. Межвед. сбор. науч. и науч.-метод. тр. — М.: Московский зоопарк, 2011. — С. 304. — 570 с. — УДК [597.6/599:639.1.04]:59.006 — ISBN 978-5-904012-09-0
  4. 4,0 4,1 «Биологический энциклопедический словарь.» Гл. ред. М. С. Гиляров; Редкол.: А. А. Бабаев, Г. Г. Винберг, Г. А. Заварзин и др. — 2-е изд., исправл. — М.: Сов. Энциклопедия, 1986. — С.25.
  5. Qeorq Dal. Çayı izlərkən.
  6. Ralf Blomberq. Nəhəng ilanlar və qorxulu kərtənkələlər
  7. Бобров В. В. Гиганты змеиного царства // Биология. — № 46 (629). — 16-30.11.2001
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 Rivas, Jesús Antonio (2000). The life history of the green anaconda, with emphasis on its reproductive Biology (PDF) (Ph.D. thesis). University of Tennessee.
  9. Pritchard, P. C. (1994). «Letters to the editor». Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 29 (12).
  10. Rivas, J., G. Burghardt. 2001. Understanding Sexual Size Dimorphism in Snakes: wearing the snake’s shoes. Animal Behaviour, 62: F1-F6.
  11. Minton, Sherman A., and Madge Rutherford Minton. Giant Reptiles. New York: Scribners, 1973.
  12. Mark O’Shea, Boas and Pythons of the World.
  13. Duellman, W. 2005. Cusco Amazonico: The Lives of Amphibians and Reptiles in an Amazonian Rainforest. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Books in Herpetology.
  14. Pope, Clifford Millhouse. The Giant Snakes: The Natural History of the Boa Constrictor, the Anaconda, and the Largest Pythons, Including Comparative Facts about Other Snakes and Basic Information on Reptiles in General. New York: Knopf, 1961.
  15. Wood, Gerald (1983). The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.
  16. "Predation of an adult puma by an anaconda in south-eastern Brazil (PDF Download Available)" (ingilis). ResearchGate. İstifadə tarixi: 2017-10-15.
  17. What Kills Anacondas?
  18. "IOSF - International Otter Survival Fund". 2007-10-11. 2007-10-11 tarixində orijinalından arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2015-12-03.
  19. The Reptile Database: Eunectes murinus


  • Dirksen L, Böhme W. 1998. Studien an Anakondas 2: Zum taxonomischen Status von Eunectes murinus gigas (Latreille, 1801) (Serpentes: Boidae), mit neuen Ergebnissen zur Gattung Eunectes Wagler, 1830.- Salamandra 34(4): 359-374.
  • Dirksen L. 2002. Anakondas. Monographische Revision der Gattung Eunectes (Wagler, 1830).- Natur und Tier-Verlag Münster. ISBN 3-931587-43-6. 187 pp.
  • Rivas, J. A., M. d. C. Muñoz, J. B. Thorbjarnarson, G. M. Burghardt, W. Holmstrom, and P. Calle. 2007. Natural History of the green anacondas in the Venezuelan llanos. Pages 128-138 in R. W. Henderson, and R. Powell, editors. Biology of Boas, Pythons, and Related Taxa. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain.


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Anakonda: Brief Summary ( Aser )

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Anakonda, və ya Nəhəng anakonda, Adi anakonda, Yaşıl anakonda (lat. Eunectes murinus), — yatağanlar fəsiləsinə aid olan ilan növü. Köhnə ədəbiyyatda «su yatağanı» olaraq keçərlidir.

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Anakonda velká ( Cech )

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Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit.
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Tři metry dlouhá anakonda (Brazílie)

Anakonda velká (Eunectes murinus) je velký had z čeledi hroznýšovitých. Žije v tropických a subtropických oblastech Jižní Ameriky. Je přizpůsobena dlouhodobému pobytu ve vodním prostředí. Dosahuje nejčastěji délky 2,5 až 5 metrů, obzvláště velcí jedinci měří 5 až 6 metrů, přičemž se předpokládá, že ve výjimečných případech a za vhodných podmínek může dorůst až k 7 metrům. Zprávy o devítimetrových, desetimetrových či dokonce ještě delších jedincích nejsou považovány za věrohodné. Jelikož je robustně stavěná, jedná se o nejtěžšího hada světa, dosahuje hmotnosti i více než 100 kg. Ačkoliv je anakonda velmi populární jak mezi herpetology tak i laiky, o jejím životě se ví relativně málo informací. Živí se rozličnými živočichy až do velikosti kajmana či dospělé kapybary, které zabíjí udušením ve smyčkách svého těla.

Mezinárodní svaz ochrany přírody (IUCN) anakondu velkou nevyhodnocuje.


Jméno "anakonda" je odvozené od řeckého slova ευνήκτης, což znamená "dobrý plavec".


Anakondy patří mezi nejdelší hady světa. Běžně dorůstají okolo 3-4 metrů, výjimkou nejsou jedinci přibližně 5 metrů dlouzí, ovšem ve výjimečných případech mohou dorůst až do délky okolo 7 metrů, podobně jako několik druhů krajt. Rekordní jedinci měřící nad 8 m nejsou považováni za věrohodně potvrzené. Anakondy jsou nejtěžšími hady na světě. Jejich průměrná hmotnost se pohybuje okolo 30 až 70 kg, ale hmotnost velkých jedinců může dosahovat hodnot okolo 100 kg a předpokládá se, že výjimečně snad i téměř 200 kg (hmotnost se udává po odečtení váhy obsahu žaludku).[1] Samice bývají zpravidla mnohem větší než samci, zvláště hmotnostně.

Má olivově nebo žlutohnědě zbarvené tělo s okrouhlými tmavými až černými skvrnami. Od očí se až ke koutkům tlamy táhnou nažloutlé, bílošedé nebo načervenalé, černě olemované proužky. Její mláďata jsou zbarvena velice pestře.[2]

Dospělec anakondy velké


Anakonda velká v ZOO Praha

Oba nejznámější druhy anakond (velká a žlutá) jsou snad nejvíce ze všech hroznýšovitých spjaty s vodou. Jejich oči, vystouplé a položené navrch hlavy, jsou toho důkazem. Anakondy se téměř nikdy nevzdalují daleko od vody. Nejčastěji dávají přednost stojaté nebo líně tekoucí vodě, velmi hojné jsou v záplavových oblastech. Z tohoto faktu také vyplývají střety s člověkem, kdy se anakondy v době povodní často dostanou až do blízkosti lidských obydlí. V době, kdy bažiny a řeky vysychají, upadá anakonda do stavu jakési strnulosti. Výborně plave, ve vodě vyvine značnou rychlost a obrovskou sílu. Na souši se pohybuje pomalu. Jejím biotopem je Amazonský deštný prales. Vyskytuje se např. v Brazílii, Kolumbii, Peru, Venezuele, Guyaně a také na Trinidadu.


V potravě není vybíravá, v přírodě loví kajmany, želvy, antilopy a ryby, ale i ptáky, kapybary a jiné savce. V zajetí se krmí savci a ptáky přiměřené velikosti. Anakondy jsou schopny ulovit až sedmdesátikilové prase. Většinou útočí z vody, ale jsou známy i případy, kdy svou kořist napadla ze stromu. Svou kořist tráví několik týdnů zalezlá v různých úkrytech.


V současnosti jsou anakondě uznávány tři poddruhy:

  • Eunectes murinus murinus
  • Eunectes murinus scytale
  • Eunectes murinus gigas

Chov v zajetí

Pro chov anakondy je třeba mít povolení[zdroj?]. Vzhledem k její velikosti a časté útočnosti je nutné zachovávat potřebná bezpečnostní opatření. Jde o velmi kousavé hady s ostrými a dlouhými zuby pro lovení kluzkých ryb. Kousnutí anakondou značně krvácí a může se nepříjemně zanítit. Je zřejmé, že patří do terárií jen nejzkušenějším chovatelům[zdroj?].

Pro anakondu velkou zařizujeme co největší nádrž se silnou větví a velkým vyhřívaným bazénem, neboť tento had tráví většinu času ve vodě. Teplotu 26–32 °C udržujeme po celých 24 hodin. V teráriích se páří od listopadu do února, samice bývá gravidní asi 200 dní. Mláďata jsou dlouhá od 35 do 70 cm a bývá jich kolem 30. Anakondy se dožívají až 25 let.

Je chována v zoologických zahradách. Anakondu chovají u nás např. ZOO Brno, ZOO Praha či ZOO Dvorec.

Pověsti o obřích exemplářích anakondy

Podle Guinessovy knihy rekordů byla největší délka anakondy 845 cm. Nicméně existují zprávy o mnohem větších exemplářích. Je možné, že právě gigantičtí jedinci anakondy velké stojí za legendou amazonských indiánů o buiuně, vodní nestvůře se svítícíma očima, připomínající obřího hada. Zmíněný 845 centimetrů dlouhý jedinec byl zastřelen v roce 1960 v Brazílii. Byla to samice vážící 227 kilogramů a obvod jejího těla byl 111 centimetrů. Její tělo v nejširším místě měřilo 35 centimetrů.[3]

Americký cestovatel Algot Lange tvrdil, že zastřelil anakondu delší než 25 metrů. Nejvěrohodnějším tvrzením o gigantické anakondě je zpráva anglického cestovatele Percyho Fawcetta, který velice barvitě popsal zastřelení jedince dlouhého 18,6 metru.

Newyorská zoologická společnost vypsala vysokou odměnu za exemplář delší 9,15 metrů. I přes množství hlášení o mnohem větších jedincích odměna na svého adresáta stále čeká, neboť žádný z těchto exemplářů nebyl věrohodně doložen.


V dobrodružných hororech a filmech žánrově podobných Spielbergovým Čelistem (1975) je pochopitelně variace na téma vraždícího predátora velmi oblíbená. Ušetřen nezůstal ani druh anakond velkých, vznikl např. snímek Anakonda (1997) s Jennifer Lopez a Jonem Voightem či kritikou poměrně nepříznivě přijatý film Anakonda: Honba za krvavou orchidejí (2004).




  1. REED, Robert N.; RODDA, Gordon H. Giant Constrictors: Biological and Management Profiles and an Establishment Risk Assessment for Nine Large Species of Pythons, Anacondas, and the Boa Constrictor [online]. Reston, Virginia: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2009 [cit. 2017-12-29]. Dostupné online.
  2. MILORD, Luckele. Eunectes murinus (Anaconda, Green Anaconda). Animal Diversity Web [online]. 2012 [cit. 2018-02-22]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  3. Biggest Snake: Giant Anaconda [online]. Extremescience.com [cit. 2016-05-15]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)


  • RIVAS, Jesús Antonio. The Life History of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus), With Emphasis on its Redproductive Biology. , 2000. 170 s. Doktorská práce. The University of Tennessee. . Dostupné online. (anglicky)

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Anakonda velká: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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ikona Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit.
Jste-li s popisovaným předmětem seznámeni, pomozte doložit uvedená tvrzení doplněním referencí na věrohodné zdroje.  src= Tři metry dlouhá anakonda (Brazílie)

Anakonda velká (Eunectes murinus) je velký had z čeledi hroznýšovitých. Žije v tropických a subtropických oblastech Jižní Ameriky. Je přizpůsobena dlouhodobému pobytu ve vodním prostředí. Dosahuje nejčastěji délky 2,5 až 5 metrů, obzvláště velcí jedinci měří 5 až 6 metrů, přičemž se předpokládá, že ve výjimečných případech a za vhodných podmínek může dorůst až k 7 metrům. Zprávy o devítimetrových, desetimetrových či dokonce ještě delších jedincích nejsou považovány za věrohodné. Jelikož je robustně stavěná, jedná se o nejtěžšího hada světa, dosahuje hmotnosti i více než 100 kg. Ačkoliv je anakonda velmi populární jak mezi herpetology tak i laiky, o jejím životě se ví relativně málo informací. Živí se rozličnými živočichy až do velikosti kajmana či dospělé kapybary, které zabíjí udušením ve smyčkách svého těla.

Mezinárodní svaz ochrany přírody (IUCN) anakondu velkou nevyhodnocuje.

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Stor anakonda ( Danèis )

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Stor anakonda (Eunectes murinus) eller grøn anakonda er en stor kvælerslange. Den kan blive op til 8–9 m lang[1][2] og veje op til 227 kilogram[2] (svarende til 3 fuldvoksne mænd). Anakondaen kan være tyk som et traktordæk, hvilket gør den til den tungeste slangeart i verden. Den lever i sumpområder i Sydamerika og befinder sig næsten kun i vandet, hvor den parrer sig og jager, samt spiser de dyr, der kommer ned til vandet enten for at drikke eller bade.

Anakondaen lever også i The Everglades, Florida formentlig pga. løsslupne kæledyr. Formering er ikke observeret her.[1][3]

En stor anakonda er så stærk, at den kan kvæle mennesker. Der er også gået historier om, at den har spist et. Der er dokumenteret angreb mod mennesker.[4]


Normalt lever slangen af pattedyr, som kan være alt den lige får fat i, lige fra mus til større pattedyr.

Anakondaen kan også spise vandfugle, som den sniger sig ind på og angriber bagfra. Flodsvin, hjorte, tapirer, alligatorer og selv jaguarer står også på slangens menukort.

Der kan gå op til 9 måndeder før Anakondaen er sulten igen, hvis den har fået et ordentligt måltid.


Den store anakonda jager i dagslys, fordi dens øjne ikke er bygget til at se så godt om natten. Den kan også finde på at angribe krokodiller. Kampene mod krokodillen kan vare meget længe.

Parring & unger

Hunnen er som regel større end hannen. Når hun er parringsklar udsender hun en duft der tiltrækker hannen, ofte bliver flere hanner tiltrukket af samme duft, endda på flere km's afstand. Når de har fundet hinanden snor slangerne sig rundt om hinanden til en stor, rodet knude. Man har set op til 12 hanner på én gang viklet rundt om en hun. De ligger og bevæger sig langsomt som i en slowmotion brydekamp. Det er hunnens måde at se hannerne an på. Kampen kan vare i en måned, før hunnen beslutter sig for en af hannerne.

Efter parringen kan hunnen finde på at æde hannen for at have noget "energi" når hun nu skal til at producere unger. Man har fundet hunner, der havde slugt en mindre han. Hunanakondaen lægger ikke æggene, som de fleste andre slanger, men beholder dem inde i sig, til de klækker. Efter ½ år føder hun de levende unger. En stor hun kan få op til 100 babyslanger, der hver er 60 cm lange.


  1. ^ a b usgs.gov: Eunectes murinus
  2. ^ a b arkive.org: Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
  3. ^ ufl.edu: Burmese Pythons in South Florida: Scientific Support for Invasive Species Management Citat: "...Other large nonnative snakes — such as the common boa (Boa constrictor), green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), yellow anaconda (Eunectes notaeus), and reticulated python (Python reticulatus) — have been observed in the wild in South Florida, but only Burmese pythons and common boas are known to be breeding..."
  4. ^ Rivas, J. A, 1999. Predatory attacks of green anacondas (Eunectes murinus) on adult human beings. Herptological Natural History. 6(2): 158-160

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Stor anakonda: Brief Summary ( Danèis )

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Stor anakonda (Eunectes murinus) eller grøn anakonda er en stor kvælerslange. Den kan blive op til 8–9 m lang og veje op til 227 kilogram (svarende til 3 fuldvoksne mænd). Anakondaen kan være tyk som et traktordæk, hvilket gør den til den tungeste slangeart i verden. Den lever i sumpområder i Sydamerika og befinder sig næsten kun i vandet, hvor den parrer sig og jager, samt spiser de dyr, der kommer ned til vandet enten for at drikke eller bade.

Anakondaen lever også i The Everglades, Florida formentlig pga. løsslupne kæledyr. Formering er ikke observeret her.

En stor anakonda er så stærk, at den kan kvæle mennesker. Der er også gået historier om, at den har spist et. Der er dokumenteret angreb mod mennesker.

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Große Anakonda ( Alman )

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Die Große Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) ist eine Schlangenart aus der Familie der Boas (Boidae) und wird dort in die Unterfamilie der Boaschlangen (Boinae) gestellt. Sie ist eine der größten Schlangen der Welt. Große Anakondas bewohnen die Tropen Südamerikas. Die Tierart ist eng an Wasser gebunden und bewohnt größere Gewässer aller Art.


Die Große Anakonda zählt zu den größten Riesenschlangen der Welt, gesicherte Daten über die Maximallänge lebender oder frischtoter Individuen sind jedoch nicht verfügbar. Nach Dirksen ist die längste bekannte, vermutlich nicht nach dem Tod gestreckte Haut einer Großen Anakonda etwa 8,9 m lang. Bei dieser Haut fehlten Kopf und Schwanzspitze, das Tier hätte demnach eine Gesamtlänge von über 9 m gehabt. Gesicherte Angaben zum Maximalgewicht liegen ebenso wenig vor, Ausnahmeexemplare „sollen über 200 kg schwer werden können.[1] Die gesicherten Werte größerer Stichproben liegen erheblich niedriger, wobei die Große Anakonda hinsichtlich Körperlänge und -gewicht einen extremen Geschlechtsdimorphismus zeigt. Weibchen sind im Mittel größer und erheblich schwerer als Männchen. In Venezuela hatten im Rahmen einer Studie vermessene, geschlechtsreife Männchen Gesamtlängen von 1,88–3,34 m, im Mittel 2,63 m und wogen 2,5–14,3 kg, im Mittel 7,0 kg; Weibchen erreichten 2,43–5,17 m, im Mittel 3,70 m und wogen 9,3–82,5 kg, im Mittel 32,6 kg.[2] Das größte von denselben Autoren im Rahmen einer weiteren Studie gefangene Weibchen wog 97,5 kg.[3]

Die Art ist sehr kräftig gebaut, der Körper ist im Querschnitt annähernd rund. Der Kopf ist relativ klein und nur wenig vom Hals abgesetzt. Der Schwanz ist, verglichen mit anderen Arten der Unterfamilie Boinae, relativ lang,[4] auf ihn entfallen etwa 15 % der Gesamtlänge. Die Augen und die Nasenlöcher befinden sich in Anpassung an die aquatische Lebensweise hoch am Kopf.

Die Anzahl der Supralabialia kann zwischen 14 und 19 liegen, der Unterkiefer zeigt 18–25, im Mittel 21 Infralabialia. Die Anzahl der Bauchschuppen (Ventralschilde) variiert zwischen 239 und 266 und beträgt im Mittel 249, die der Subcaudalia zwischen 55 und 78 (Mittelwert 68) und die Anzahl der dorsalen Schuppenreihen in der Körpermitte beträgt 55–74, im Mittel 63.[5]

Die Grundfärbung der Großen Anakonda variiert zwischen braun und olivgrün. Auf dem Rücken zeigt die Art ovale bis runde schwarze Flecken, die ein helleres Zentrum haben können und in der Anzahl stark variieren. Seitlich hat sie Augenflecken mit gelben Zentren. Hinter den Augen befinden sich je zwei parallele schwarze Streifen, die ein variabel weißes, oranges oder rotes Feld eingrenzen; dieses Feld kann aber auch dieselbe Farbe wie der Körper haben. Die Unterseite ist cremeweiß bis hellgelb, die Bauchschuppen sind unregelmäßig schwarz gefleckt; diese Flecken können als paarige Linien ausgebildet sein. Die Zunge ist schwarz.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Verbreitungsgebiet der Großen Anakonda

Von allen Anakondas ist die Große Anakonda am weitesten verbreitet. Sie kommt östlich der Anden im gesamten nördlichen Tiefland Südamerikas vom Orinoko- und Amazonas-Flusssystem nach Süden bis zum mittleren Rio Paraná und Río Paraguay vor. Die Art ist eng an Wasser gebunden und bewohnt wasserreiche Lebensräume aller Art mit dichter Vegetation, vor allem Sümpfe, Stillgewässer und langsam fließende Flüsse.


Die Große Anakonda bewegt sich an Land eher träge. In Gewässern, in denen sie sich viel aufhält und aus denen sie auch jagt, kann sie höhere Geschwindigkeiten erreichen. Dabei bewegt sie sich oftmals mit ihrem Körper knapp unter der Wasseroberfläche und nur mit ihrem Kopf über der Wasserlinie. Zudem wurde beobachtet, dass die Schlange auch einige Zeit unter Wasser tauchen kann. Dabei bewegt sie sich schlängelnd auf dem Gewässerboden und orientiert sich, wie auch an Land, mit Hilfe ihrer gespaltenen Zunge.


Für die Art werden heute keine Unterarten mehr anerkannt. Eine früher beschriebene Unterart (E. m. gigas) ist nach Dirksen nicht ausreichend von der Nominatform differenzierbar.[6]

Jagdweise und Nahrung

Eine Große Anakonda verschlingt ein Capybara. Präparat im Frankfurter Naturmuseum Senckenberg

Die Art ist ein Lauerjäger; die wesentliche Jagdmethode ist offenbar das bewegungslose Warten im Wasser, bis Beute in erreichbare Nähe kommt. Sie ist dabei durch ihre Färbung sehr gut getarnt. Wie alle Riesenschlangen verbeißt sich die Große Anakonda dann in die Beute, umschlingt sie und bringt so deren Atmung (Ventilation) und Blutkreislauf zum Erliegen, was schnell zum Tod führt. Anschließend wird die Beute mit dem Kopf voran verschlungen.

Das Nahrungsspektrum der Großen Anakonda umfasst alle in ihrem Lebensraum vorkommenden kleinen bis mittelgroßen Wirbeltiere, also Fische, Amphibien, Reptilien, Vögel und Säugetiere. Die Art zeigt jedoch, abhängig von Geschlecht und Größe, deutliche Präferenzen bei der Nahrungswahl. Kleinere Exemplare fressen in erster Linie Vögel, Männchen tun dies während ihres gesamten Lebens. Weibchen erbeuten ab einer Länge von etwa 3 m und mit Erreichen der Geschlechtsreife überwiegend Reptilien und Säugetiere, vermutlich um stärker wachsen zu können und um den für die Reproduktion nötigen hohen Energiebedarf zu decken.[3]

Systematische Untersuchungen zur Zusammensetzung des Beutespektrums wurden bisher offenbar nicht veröffentlicht; zur regelmäßigen Nahrung großer Weibchen zählen nach Einzelbeobachtungen junge Capybaras, daneben werden auch junge Weißwedelhirsche, Kaimane und kleinere Artgenossen erbeutet.

Insbesondere die Erbeutung von Capybaras ist für die Anakonda nicht risikolos. In Venezuela hatten 35 von 38 untersuchten Weibchen Narben, die vermutlich auf Bisswunden zurückzuführen waren. In einem Fall wurde dort eine Anakonda, die gerade ein Capybara fraß, mit einer frischen großen Fleischwunde angetroffen. In einem weiteren Fall war eine Anakonda, die ein 2,5 kg schweres junges Capybara erbeutet hatte, offensichtlich von anderen Capybaras getötet worden.[7][3]

Natürliche Feinde

Im ersten Lebensjahr ist die Mortalität der Jungtiere offenbar sehr hoch; diese werden von Großkatzen, Kaimanen und größeren Artgenossen erbeutet. Mit zunehmender Größe sinkt die Mortalität. Ausgewachsene Anakondas haben kaum noch natürliche Feinde.


Die Paarungszeit variiert je nach geographischer Lage; systematische Untersuchungen hierzu liegen bisher nur aus Venezuela vor. Hier wurden Paarungen nach Beginn der Trockenzeit von Mitte März bis Ende Mai festgestellt. Die Paarungen finden meist in flachem Wasser statt. Bei der Paarung umschlingt das Männchen das Weibchen mit ein bis zwei Schlingen der hinteren Körperpartie. Häufig bilden sich Paarungsknäuel (englisch mating balls), die aus einem Weibchen und mehreren Männchen bestehen, die dieses Weibchen gleichzeitig umschlingen. In Venezuela wurden zusammen mit einem Weibchen 1 bis 13, im Mittel 3,8 Männchen gefunden, die Anzahl der Männchen war mit der Größe der Weibchen positiv korreliert. Innerhalb dieser Gruppen versuchen die Männchen zur Kopulation jeweils zur Kloake des Weibchens zu gelangen, indem sie andere Männchen zur Seite drängen; große Männchen sind dabei deutlich erfolgreicher. Die Große Anakonda ist polyandrisch, die Weibchen kopulieren mit mehreren Männchen hintereinander, während die Männchen pro Saison offenbar nur mit einem Weibchen kopulieren.[8]

Die Große Anakonda ist ovovivipar. Die Jungtiere werden nach einer Tragzeit von sechs bis acht Monaten lebend geboren. Die Wurfgröße nimmt offenbar, wie bei vielen Schlangenarten, mit der Größe der Weibchen zu. Vier Weibchen mit einer Länge von drei bis vier Metern brachten 18 bis 30 Jungtiere zur Welt, in einem 4,5 Meter langen Weibchen wurden 45 Embryos gefunden und der Wurf eines 6,3 m langen Weibchens umfasste 72 Jungschlangen. Die frisch geborenen Jungtiere sind meist 70 bis 90 cm lang und 150–400 g schwer.[9]

Weibchen investieren erheblich in ihren Nachwuchs; in Venezuela betrug das Geburtsgewicht aller Jungtiere zusammen im Mittel 40 % der nach der Geburt ermittelten Körpermasse des Weibchens. Dieser hohe energetische Aufwand bedingt vermutlich, dass die Weibchen nur jedes zweite Jahr Junge bekommen.[10]


Angaben zur Gefährdung sind zurzeit nicht verfügbar, die Art wird auch von der IUCN nicht gelistet. Angesichts des großen Verbreitungsgebietes dürfte die Art jedoch ungefährdet sein.


  • L. Dirksen: Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). II. Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758). herpetofauna 22 (126), 2000: S. 23–34.
  • J. A. Rivas, M. C. Muñoz, G. M. Burghardt, J. B. Thorbjarnarson: Sexual size dimorphism and mating system of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). In: R. W. Henderson, R. Powell (Hrsg.): Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain 2007: S. 312–325. ISBN 978-0-9720154-3-1
  • J. A. Rivas, M. C. Muñoz, J. B. Thorbjarnarson, G. M. Burghardt, W. Homstrom, P. P. Calle: Natural History of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) in the Venezuelan Llanos. In: R. W. Henderson, R. Powell (Hrsg.): Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain 2007, S. 129–138. ISBN 978-0-9720154-3-1


  1. L. Dirksen: Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). II. Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758). In: herpetofauna 22 (126), 2000, S. 28.
  2. J. A. Rivas, M. C. Muñoz, G. M. Burghardt und J. B. Thorbjarnarson: Sexual size dimorphism and mating system of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). In: R. W. Henderson and R. Powell (Hrsg.): Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain 2007, S. 315
  3. a b c J. A. Rivas, M. C. Muñoz, G. M. Burghardt und J. B. Thorbjarnarson: Sexual size dimorphism and mating system of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). In: R. W. Henderson and R. Powell (Hrsg.): Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain 2007, S. 321
  4. L. Pizzato, O. A. V. Marques, M. Martins: Ecomorphology of Boine snakes, with emphasis on South-American forms. In: R. W. Henderson, R. Powell (Hrsg.): Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain, S. 35–48
  5. L. Dirksen: Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). II. Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758). In: herpetofauna 22 (126), 2000, S. 26.
  6. L. Dirksen: Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). II. Eunectes murinus linnaeus, 1758. In: herpetofauna 22 (126), 2000, S. 23 und 25.
  7. J. A. Rivas, M. C. Muñoz, J. B. Thorbjarnarson, G. M. Burghardt, W. Homstrom und P. P. Calle: Natural History of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) in the Venezuelan Llanos. In: R. W. Henderson and R. Powell (Eds.): Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain., 2007: S. 131 u. 135
  8. J. A. Rivas, M. C. Muñoz, G. M. Burghardt und J. B. Thorbjarnarson: Sexual size dimorphism and mating system of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). In: R. W. Henderson and R. Powell (Eds.): Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain., 2007: S. 312–325
  9. L. Dirksen: Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). II. Eunectes murinus linnaeus, 1758. In: herpetofauna 22 (126), 2000, S. 29–30
  10. J. A. Rivas, M. C. Muñoz, G. M. Burghardt, J. B. Thorbjarnarson: Sexual size dimorphism and mating system of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). In: R. W. Henderson, R. Powell (Eds.): Biology of the Boas and Pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain 2007, S. 318
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Große Anakonda: Brief Summary ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE

Die Große Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) ist eine Schlangenart aus der Familie der Boas (Boidae) und wird dort in die Unterfamilie der Boaschlangen (Boinae) gestellt. Sie ist eine der größten Schlangen der Welt. Große Anakondas bewohnen die Tropen Südamerikas. Die Tierart ist eng an Wasser gebunden und bewohnt größere Gewässer aller Art.

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Green anaconda ( Scossèis )

fornì da wikipedia emerging languages

The green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), an aa kent as the common anaconda an watter boa, is a non-venomous boa species foond in Sooth Americae. It is the hiviest an ane o the langest kent extant snake species. The term anaconda eften refers tae this species, tho the term could an aa apply tae ither members o the genus Eunectes.


  1. McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, Volume 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).
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Wikipedia authors and editors

Green anaconda: Brief Summary ( Scossèis )

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The green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), an aa kent as the common anaconda an watter boa, is a non-venomous boa species foond in Sooth Americae. It is the hiviest an ane o the langest kent extant snake species. The term anaconda eften refers tae this species, tho the term could an aa apply tae ither members o the genus Eunectes.

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Groote Anakonda ( Stq )

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Groote Anakonda Groote Anakonda (Eunectes murinus)
een Groote Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) in Fangenskup Systematik Unneroardenge: Slangen (Serpentes) Uurfamilie: Boa-Oardige (Booidea) Familie: Boas (Boidae) Unnerfamilie: Boa-Slangen (Boinae) Sleek: Anakondas (Eunectes) Oard: Groote Anakona (Eunectes murinus) Beskrieuwen fon LINNAEUS, 1758

Ju Groote Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) is een Slangen-Oard. Dät is een fon do grootste Slangen ap ju Waareld. Groote Anakondas lieuwje in do Tropen fon Suud-Amerikoa.

Ju Slange is ääng oun't Woater buunen. Ju kumt aastelk fon do Anden in't heele noudelke Joop-Lound fon Suud-Amerikoa foar, uum do Stroom-Systeme tou fon dän Orinoko un dän Amazonas ätter't Suude bit do dän Middelloop fon dän Rio Paraná un dän Río Paraguay. Junner is ju Oard in woaterrieke Lieuwendruumten tou fienden, jädden mäd tichte Vegetatsjoon, foaraaln in Sumpe, stille Woaterdoaben un loangsoam fljootende Äien.

Ju Groote Anakonda frät litje bit middelgroote Wirbelde Dierte, of dät nu Fiske, Amphibien, Reptilien, Fuugele of Suugedierte sunt.

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Groote Anakonda: Brief Summary ( Stq )

fornì da wikipedia emerging languages

Ju Groote Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) is een Slangen-Oard. Dät is een fon do grootste Slangen ap ju Waareld. Groote Anakondas lieuwje in do Tropen fon Suud-Amerikoa.

Ju Slange is ääng oun't Woater buunen. Ju kumt aastelk fon do Anden in't heele noudelke Joop-Lound fon Suud-Amerikoa foar, uum do Stroom-Systeme tou fon dän Orinoko un dän Amazonas ätter't Suude bit do dän Middelloop fon dän Rio Paraná un dän Río Paraguay. Junner is ju Oard in woaterrieke Lieuwendruumten tou fienden, jädden mäd tichte Vegetatsjoon, foaraaln in Sumpe, stille Woaterdoaben un loangsoam fljootende Äien.

Ju Groote Anakonda frät litje bit middelgroote Wirbelde Dierte, of dät nu Fiske, Amphibien, Reptilien, Fuugele of Suugedierte sunt.

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Kuriju ( Guarani )

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Kuriju (lasioñe'ẽ: Eunectes murinus, karaiñe'ẽ: Boa constrictora), ha´e mbói guasu oikóva karuguaha rehe ha okaru vakara'y, térã ambue mymba rehe. Kuriju oakauapavove ohupyty 9 terã 10 metros voi ipukukue. Kuriju jajuhu Paraguai, Vrasil, Argentina, Uruguai, Venezuela, Colombia ha ambue tetã oĩva Amérika Ñembýgotyo.

Ikatu avei remoñe´ẽmie

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Kuriju: Brief Summary ( Guarani )

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 src= Kuriju.

Kuriju (lasioñe'ẽ: Eunectes murinus, karaiñe'ẽ: Boa constrictora), ha´e mbói guasu oikóva karuguaha rehe ha okaru vakara'y, térã ambue mymba rehe. Kuriju oakauapavove ohupyty 9 terã 10 metros voi ipukukue. Kuriju jajuhu Paraguai, Vrasil, Argentina, Uruguai, Venezuela, Colombia ha ambue tetã oĩva Amérika Ñembýgotyo.

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Yana amaru ( quechua )

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Yana amaru icha Yakumama (Eunectes murinus) nisqaqa Amarumayu sach'a-sach'a suyupi mayukunapi kawsaq yana amarum.

Hap'isqa uywakunatam muyurikuspa ñit'ipaspa wañuchin mikhunapaq. Manam miyuyuqchu.

Umawa runakuna nin, yana amaruqa yaku mamas, nispa.

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Аврага анаконда ( mòngol )

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Аврага анаконда (Eunectes murinus) Өмнөд Америкт тархсан, Боагийнхан овгийн хоргүй анаконда могой юм. Могойнууд дунд хамгийн хүнд жинтэй. Ердийн хэрэглээнд анаконда гэвэл ихэнхдээ аврага анакондаг заана.


  1. McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, vol. 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).
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Wikipedia зохиогчид ба редакторууд

Аврага анаконда: Brief Summary ( mòngol )

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Аврага анаконда (Eunectes murinus) Өмнөд Америкт тархсан, Боагийнхан овгийн хоргүй анаконда могой юм. Могойнууд дунд хамгийн хүнд жинтэй. Ердийн хэрэглээнд анаконда гэвэл ихэнхдээ аврага анакондаг заана.

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Wikipedia зохиогчид ба редакторууд

Анакондæ ( osset )

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Анакондæ, хуымæтæджы анакондæ кæнæ цъæх анакондæ (лат. Eunectes murinus) у кæлмыты хуыз.

Цæры Хуссар Америкæйы тропикты цæугæдæтты, царды фылдæр хай ленк кæны.

Æппæты даргъ анакондæ ахст æрцыд Венесуэлæйы, йæ дæргъ уыдис 5,21 метры, йæ уæз та — 97,5 кг. Сылтæ сты нæл-кæлмытæй бирæ стырдæр.[1][2][3] Анакондæйы знæгты ’хсæн сты крокодилтæ — уый хæрынц лæппынтæ æмæ нæл-анакондæты.


  • Жизнь животных. В 6 т. Т. 4. — М., 1971. — С. 340—342.
  • Акимушкин И. И. Мир животных. Т. 4. Рассказы о змеях, крокодилах, черепахах, лягушках, рыбах / Серия Эврика. — М.: «Молодая гвардия», 1974. — С. 280. — 320 с.
  • Акимушкин И. И. Причуды природы. — М.: Мысль, 1981. — с. 186—189.
  • Биокка Этторе. Яноама. — М.: Мысль, 1972. — с. 31-32.
  • Бломберг Ральф. В поисках анаконды / Пер. со швед. Л. Л. Жданова. — М.: Детская литература, 1958. — 160 с.: ил.
  • Бломберг Ральф. Змеи-гиганты и страшные ящеры / Пер. со швед. Л. Л. Жданова. — М.: Знание, 1966. — 64 с.: ил.
  • Даль Георг. Последняя река. 20 лет в дебрях Колумбии / Пер. со швед. Л. Л. Жданова. — М.: Мысль, 1972. — 192 с.: ил.
  • Фосетт Перси. Неоконченное путешествие. — М.: Мысль, 1975. — с. 116—117.


  1. Rivas, J., G. Burghardt. 2001. Understanding Sexual Size Dimorphism in Snakes: wearing the snake’s shoes. Animal Behaviour, 62: F1-F6.
  2. Minton, Sherman A., and Madge Rutherford Minton. Giant Reptiles. New York: Scribners, 1973.
  3. Mark O’Shea, Boas and Pythons of the World.
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Анакондæ: Brief Summary ( osset )

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 src= Анакондæ

Анакондæ, хуымæтæджы анакондæ кæнæ цъæх анакондæ (лат. Eunectes murinus) у кæлмыты хуыз.

Цæры Хуссар Америкæйы тропикты цæугæдæтты, царды фылдæр хай ленк кæны.

Æппæты даргъ анакондæ ахст æрцыд Венесуэлæйы, йæ дæргъ уыдис 5,21 метры, йæ уæз та — 97,5 кг. Сылтæ сты нæл-кæлмытæй бирæ стырдæр. Анакондæйы знæгты ’хсæн сты крокодилтæ — уый хæрынц лæппынтæ æмæ нæл-анакондæты.

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Анаконда ( tagich )

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Анаконда (лот. Eunectes murinus) — навъе аз морҳои азим.

Дарозиаш 6–7 (баъзан то 9) м. Баданаш пулакчаҳои ҳамвори ҷилодор дорад. Рангаш хокистарии зардтоб, ба дарозии бадан ду қатор холҳои ҷигарранг мавҷуданд. Сӯрохии биниаш пӯшида мешавад. Дар соҳили дарёҳо, кӯлҳо ва ботлоқзорҳои Бразилия ва Гвиана зиндагӣ мекунад. Нағз шино карда, қисми зиёди ҳаёти худро дар об мегузаронад. Ғизояш моҳӣ, бачаи аллигатор, парандаҳо ва ҷонварони хурд. Ба одам кам ҳамла мекунад. Дар вақтҳои хушксолӣ зери лойқа даромада карахт мешавад. Анаконда даҳҳо бача мезояд, баъзан тухм мегузорад. Анакондаро барои пӯст, гӯшт ва равғанаш шикор мекунанд.



  • Жизнь животных. В 6 т. Т. 4. — М., 1971. — С. 340—342.
  • Акимушкин И. И. Мир животных. Т. 4. Рассказы о змеях, крокодилах, черепахах, лягушках, рыбах / Серия Эврика. — М.: «Молодая гвардия», 1974. — С. 280. — 320 с.
  • Акимушкин И. И. Причуды природы. — М.: Мысль, 1981. — с. 186—189.
  • Биокка Этторе. Яноама. — М.: Мысль, 1972. — с. 31-32.
  • Бломберг Ральф. В поисках анаконды / Пер. со швед. Л. Л. Жданова. — М.: Детская литература, 1958. — 160 с.: ил.
  • Бломберг Ральф. Змеи-гиганты и страшные ящеры / Пер. со швед. Л. Л. Жданова. — М.: Знание, 1966. — 64 с.: ил.
  • Даль Георг. Последняя река. 20 лет в дебрях Колумбии / Пер. со швед. Л. Л. Жданова. — М.: Мысль, 1972. — 192 с.: ил.
  • Фосетт Перси. Неоконченное путешествие. — М.: Мысль, 1975. — с. 116—117.


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Муаллифон ва муҳаррирони Wikipedia

Анаконда ( Kirghiz; Kyrgyz )

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Анаконда (лат. Eunectes murinus) — Түштүк Американын дарыяларында жашоочу чоң жылан.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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Wikipedia жазуучу жана редактор

Анаконда: Brief Summary ( tagich )

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Анаконда (лот. Eunectes murinus) — навъе аз морҳои азим.

Дарозиаш 6–7 (баъзан то 9) м. Баданаш пулакчаҳои ҳамвори ҷилодор дорад. Рангаш хокистарии зардтоб, ба дарозии бадан ду қатор холҳои ҷигарранг мавҷуданд. Сӯрохии биниаш пӯшида мешавад. Дар соҳили дарёҳо, кӯлҳо ва ботлоқзорҳои Бразилия ва Гвиана зиндагӣ мекунад. Нағз шино карда, қисми зиёди ҳаёти худро дар об мегузаронад. Ғизояш моҳӣ, бачаи аллигатор, парандаҳо ва ҷонварони хурд. Ба одам кам ҳамла мекунад. Дар вақтҳои хушксолӣ зери лойқа даромада карахт мешавад. Анаконда даҳҳо бача мезояд, баъзан тухм мегузорад. Анакондаро барои пӯст, гӯшт ва равғанаш шикор мекунанд.

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Муаллифон ва муҳаррирони Wikipedia

Зелена анаконда ( macédon )

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Зелената анаконда или само анаконда (науч. Eunectes murinus) е неотровен вид од фамилијата удави што може да се најде во Јужна Америка. Тој е најмасивен од сите познати видови на змии. Моментално се познати два подвида, вклучувајќи го споменатиот подвид опишан овде. Терминот анаконда (без каков било понатамошен опис) често се однесува на овие видови, иако терминот исто така може да се употреби и за другите членови од родот.


Зелената анаконда е една од најдолгите змии во светот, достигнувајќи должина поголема од 5 м (17 фт). Исто така постојат информации за анаконди со должина од 35-40 стапки па дури и подолги, но таквите тврдења треба да бидат разгледани со внимание, бидејќи примери со споменатата должина никогаш не биле поставени во музеј, а за тоа се потребни силни докази. Постои награда од $ 50 000 во готово за секој кој може да фати анаконда долга 30 стапки или повеќе, но наградата се уште не е подигната. Иако, питонот е подолг, анакондата е најтешката змија. Најдолгиот (и најтежок) научно забележан примерок беше женка со должина 521 цм (18.1 фт) и тежина 97.5 кг (214 лбс). Бојата се состои од маслинесто зелена позадина прекриена со црни дамки по должината на телото. Главата е тесна во споредба со телото, обично со карактеристични портокалово-жолти крлушки и на едната и на другата страна. Очите се поставени високо на главата, овозможувајќи и на змијата за време на пливањето да гледа над водата без изложување на телото.

Максимална Голөмина

Зелената анаконда е меѓу најдолгите и најмасивни змии во светот, заедно со питонот. Меѓутоа, бидејќи инспирираше многу диви приказни за змии рангирани од долги до крајно огромни, вистинската максимална големина на оваа змија и понатаму останува предмет на многу расправи.

Төшкотии во утврдувањөто на максималната голөмина

Оддалечената локација на живеалиштето на змиите историски го има отежнато наоѓањето, фаќањето и враќањето на примероците. Доста тешко е пренесувањето на многу големи примероци до музеите, посебно пред реално изумирање (иако треба да биде забележано дека ова не го спречува враќањето на многу поголемиот и поопасен крокодилски примерок). Кожите можат значително да се растегнуваат, зголемувајќи ја големината на змиите со повеќе од 50 %, ако се испружени за време на процесот на штавење. Извештаите, без физички доказ се сметаат за сомнителни ако не се поднесени од научнии, и како такви индивидуите во најлош случај можат повеќе да бидат заинтересирани за унапредување на нив самите или за кажување на добра приказна, или најпосле може да не бидат доволно обучени за соодветните методи во мерењето. Извештаите за надгледување на животни кои не беа фатени се уште повеќе сомнителни, што дури и обучените научници често доста ја потценуваат големината на анакондите кои се игумен на фаќање.

Историски забелешки

Постојат многубројни историски известувања за зелените анаконди со апсурдни неверојатни големини. Неколку зоолози (особено Хенри Волтер Бејтс и Алфред Расел Балас меѓу други) забележаа мрморења на змии долги од 30 до 40 стапки, но во секој од случаите се забележува дека нивните директни надгледувања на змиите беа ограничени со приближно 20 стапки во должина. Многу проценки и извештаи од втора рака, во главно се сметаат за несигурни. Во еден од најдоверливите извештаи, геолог убил голема анаконда и ја измерил употребувајќи прачка од 4 м, прикажувајќи ја како долги 3 прачки (12 м), како и да е информацијата не беше објавена многу години подоцна, и подоцна геолозитте предложиле дека тој можеби има заборавено и дека анакондата била долга само 2 прачки (8 м).

Момеңтана проценка за максималната голөмина

Питер Причард ги зема во предвид статистичките аспекти за големината на зелената анаконда, заедно со многу други змии од сите видови големини. Во многу случаи, максималната големина беше од 1.5 до 2.5 пати, што е минимална должина за возрасна змија. Врз основа на ова и проценката од 3.2 м (10.5 фт), за минимална големина на возрасна зелена анаконда, најголемата очекувана змија би имала должина од 8 м (26.3 фт). Како и да е, во случајот на мрежестиот питон, заробената возрасна женка го надмина 2.5х правило, така што би требало да биде разгледан како предлог. Понатаму, беше спомнато дека повеќето анаконди се фатени во ланоси (високотревни савани во Југозападен САД и Јужна Америка), коишто се повеќе достапни за луѓето, а помалку достапни за пленот, додела дождовните шуми, коишто се помалку истражени и имаат многу поголема достапност на пленот, можат да бидат дом на поголемите змии.

ОпштоприФатени имиња

Зелена анаконда, анаконда, обична анаконда, воден удав, водна боа.

Локалните имиња во Јужна Америка го вклучуваат шпанскиот поим „ matatoro “ што значи „бикоубиец“ и индијанскиот поим sucuri tupi-guarani и „ yaqumama “ во Перуанскиот Амазон, што значи „мајка на водата“ во јазикот на Индијанците во Јужна Америка или „водни луѓе“. Во Тринидат, традиционално се мисли на huille или huille (изговорено whee-yay или whee-ya, соодветно).

ГеограФски опсег

Зелената анаконда може да се најде во Јужна Америка во државите источно од Андите, вклучувајќи ја и Колумбија, Венецуела, Гвинеја, Еквадор, Перу, Боливија, Бразил и на островот Тринидат. Дадениот тип на локалитеот е „Америка“. Мала суипопулација беше забележана во Флорида Еверглас и оваа популација се смета за инвазивна. Во 2010 година, Флорида издаде лиценци за ловење со цел да ги истреби големите змии препознаени како закана за екосистемот, меѓу кои е и зелената анаконда. Анакондите живеат во бари, мочуришта и реки со слаб проток, главно во базените на тропските дождовни шуми во Амазон и Ориноко. Тие се опасни на копно, но тајни и блескави во вода. Нивните очи и назални отвори се наоѓаат на врвот од нивните глави, што им овозможува да лежат во исчекување на жртвата додека се задржуваат за да не бидат потопени.


Во главно видот, ноќна анаконда претендира поголемиот дел од нејзиниот живот да го помине во вода или околу вода. Анакондите понекогаш исто така се познати и како „ Водни Бои“, тие поминуваат повеќе време во вода отколку било која удав. Поради нивната големина, тие по копно се движат бавно и тромаво. Меѓутоа, сосем спротивно во вода, анакондите се познати по нивниот потенцијал да достигнат голема брзина во сите длабочини на водата. Тие се стремат да пливаат со отворена уста зиркајќи над површината на водата. Кога ќе помине жртва или ќе застане да пие вода, гладната анаконда ќе ја зграпчи со нејзините вилици (без да ја јаде или да ја проголта) и ќе се извитка околу неа со своето тело. Змијата тогаш ќе почне да ја стега жртвата додека не ја задуши.


Senckenberg Museum Пример на хранење на анаконда во Senckenberg музејот.

Пред се водни, тие јадат доста разновидни жртви, речиси се што можат да совладаат, вклучувајќи риби, птици, разновидни цицачи, и други влечуги. Особено големите анаконди можат да консумираат дури и големи жртви како тапир, елен, глодар и крокодил, но вакви обилни оброци не земаат редовно. Има голем број на локални приказни и легенди во кои анакондата се опишува како човекојадец, но постојат многу малку докази кои би ја оправдале оваа активност. Тие се служат со стегање за да ја потчинат нивната жртва.Канибализмот е исто така познат меѓу зелените анаконди, каде што во повеќето забележани случаи секогаш поголема женка јаде помал мажјак. Научниците цитираат неколку можни причини за тоа, вклучувајќи го драматичниот полов диморфизам кај видовите и можноста дека женката анаконда бара дополнителна храна притекната, после размножувањето за да може да го поднесе периодот на инкубација но вистинската причина за тоа не е позната.


Овој вид е осамен се до сезоната на парење, која се случува за време на дождовната сезона, и може да трае неколку месеци, обично од април до мај. За ова време, мажјаците мора да ги најдат женките. Типично, женките змии би испучтиле мирис од феромони за мажјакот да ги следи, но се уште е нејасно како мажјаците од овој вид успеваат да го следат мирисот на женките. Друга можност е дека женката ослободува стимуланс преку воздухот. Оваа теорија е поддржана од набљудувањето на женките кои остануваат неподвижни додека голем бројна мажјаци доаѓаат кон нив од сите правци. Анакондите мажјаци, фреквентно и нагло ги движат нивните јазици за да ги осетат хемикалиите што го потврдуваат присуството на женките.

Во секој случај многу од мажјаците често ги наоѓаат истите женки. И покрај тоа што можеби за една женка нема да биде потребно да има повеќе од еден мажјак, ова резултира со преку бројни локални групи, познати како „топки за размножување“, во кои до 12 мажјаци се навртуваат околу истата женка и се обидуваат да ја спарат. Групата може да остане во оваа позиција од 2-4 недели. Овој акт дејствува како бавни движења во натпревар во борење меѓу мажјаците, секој од нив борејќи се за правото да се пари со женка.

За време на парењето, мажјаците ги употребуваат нивните стимуланси за да ги поттикнат женките. Тие агресивно ја притискаат областа околку клоаката, силно против телото на женката, додека континуирано ја гребат со нивните стимуланси. Ова може да предизвика звук на шкрипење. Парењето доаѓа до својата точка на кулминација кога стимулансот на мажјакот ја поттикнува змијата женка да ја крене областа околу клоаката, дозволувајќи клоаките на двете змии да се движат заедно. Тогаш мажјакот ја замотува неговата опашка, опколувајќи ја женката и тие се спаруваат. Нај силниот и нај големиот мажјак често е победник. Меѓутоа, женките се физички поголеми и посилни и можат сами да одлучат кој од мажјаците ќе го изберат. Додворувањето и парењето скоро секогаш се случува во вода.

Парењето е следено од периодот на инкубација, кој трае околу 6-7 месеци. Женките од овој вид ги донесуваат на овој свет младите преку внатрешно оплодување. Носилките, обично раѓаат од 20-40 потомци, иако можат да се родат и до 100 млади. После раѓањето, женките можат да изгубат и до половина од нивната тежина.


Анакондите, истот како и другите змии и повеќето од останатите влечуги, многу лесно можат да се приспособат на климатските промени, животната средина и блиски опкружувања кога тоа е потребно. Причините за потребата на анакондата за адаптирање, можат да варираат. Тие треба да се адаптираат за да се прилагодат на промените во достапноста на храната, и многуте болести на кои што може да бидат изложени во новата средина. Анакондата може исто така да се прилагоди и на промените во температурата и влагата. Промените во температурата можат драстично да ја афектираат змијата, бидејќи таа е егзотерм, и нејзината температура зависи од температурата на животната средина. Ако температурата на средината се зголемува, змијата ќе направи се што е можно да го заштити своето тело од презагревање а ако пак се намалува, ќе се обиде да лежи во загреани области за да помогне во одржувањето на нејзината нормална температура. Анакондите, како и сите други змии, температурата на нивното тело ја контролираат и регулираат со менување на делот од површината на кожата којшто е изложен на сонце. Ако терариумот, локацијата или местото каде што се чува влечугата постојано се загрева, постигнувајќи го ефектот на стаклената градина, тогаш змијата најверојатно би умрела од презагревање (хипертемија). Влагата на нивната околина исто така може да биде малку различна од влагата на која змијата претходно била навикната. Ова може драстично да го измени нивниот циклус. Пречката на овој циклус е мошне опасна. Одложувањето на циклусот на анакондата најчесто предизвикува, задржување на очните капаци. За време на овие состојби и емоции на змијата, анакондите се познати по нивната агресивна природа.

Временските услови во животната средина

Некој разумно може да одржува просечна и прифатлива температура за змијата со употреба на едноставен загрејувач и инфрацрвени зраци. Анакондите и другите змии мораат да бидат изложени на ултравиолетова радијација.Ова е од суштинско значење бидејќи на змијата и е потребно за да го произведува витаминот Д3 за дополнително развивање на коски во нејзиното тело.Повремено излагање на зраци кои емитуваат ултравиолетова радијација со соодветна бранова должина,или уште подобро,сонцето е исто така потребно за да го одржува здравјето на анакондата.Тешко е да се одржува соодветна влага и мора да бидат направени истражувања за да се утврди точното ниво на влага кое би и одговарало на змијата.Мора да се одржува влага од 80% во кафезот за да може видовите анаконда да се донесат од тропските региони,додека незначително помалку од 30% влага мора да биде одржувана во регионот на пустините.

E.m.gigas(Latreille,1801) E.m.murinus(Linnaeus 1758)


Анакондите се опишани во хорор-филмовите и литературата, често способни да проголтаат возрасни луѓе,овие закани понекогаш им се придаваат на други видови,како што е бурманскиот питон и удавот.Меѓу најпопуларните филмови кои ги опишуваат нејзините особености се Анаконда од 1997 год.,заедно со нејзините три продолженија Анаконди, Ловот за крвавата Орхидеја, Анаконда 3, Потомство и анаконди, Крвави траги.Овие видови исто така се главни антагонисти во новелата Анаконди од Матијас Бредли, Теророт на Амазонската Тропска Шума во која многубројни хибридни анаконди бегаат од научна лабораторија во Амазонската тропска шума и доаѓаат во контакт со отровни хемикалии,што предизвикуваат брза мутација во гигантски змии.Попозитивни насликување на анакондата постои во кратките приказни Анаконда и Враќањето на анакондата од Хорасио Куирога,кои се прераскажани од гледна точка на анакондите.



  1. McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, Volume 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).

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Автори и уредници на Википедија

Зелена анаконда: Brief Summary ( macédon )

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Зелената анаконда или само анаконда (науч. Eunectes murinus) е неотровен вид од фамилијата удави што може да се најде во Јужна Америка. Тој е најмасивен од сите познати видови на змии. Моментално се познати два подвида, вклучувајќи го споменатиот подвид опишан овде. Терминот анаконда (без каков било понатамошен опис) често се однесува на овие видови, иако терминот исто така може да се употреби и за другите членови од родот.

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Автори и уредници на Википедија

Green anaconda ( Anglèis )

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The green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), also known as the giant emerald anaconda, common anaconda, common water boa or sucuri, is a boa species found in South America and the Caribbean island of Trinidad. It is the heaviest and one of the longest known extant snake species. No subspecies are currently recognized. Like all boas, it is a non-venomous constrictor.

The term "anaconda" often refers to this species, though the term could also apply to other members of the genus Eunectes. Fossils of the snake date back to the Late Pleistocene in the Gruta do Urso locality.[1]


The green anaconda's specific name is derived from the Latin murinus, meaning 'of mice', for being thought to prey on mice.


E. murinus, New England Aquarium

The green anaconda is the world's heaviest and one of the world's longest snakes, reaching a length of up to 5.21 m (17 ft 1 in) long.[5] More typical mature specimens reportedly can range up to 5 m (16 ft 5 in), with adult females, with a mean length of about 4.6 m (15 ft 1 in), being generally much larger than the males, which average around 3 m (9 ft 10 in).[6][7][8] Weights are less well studied, though reportedly range from 30 to 80 kg (66 to 176 lb) in a typical adult.[9][10][11] It is the largest snake native to the Americas. Although it is slightly shorter than the reticulated python, it is far bulkier; the bulk of a 5.2-metre (17 ft 1 in) green anaconda is comparable to that of a 7.4-metre (24 ft 3 in) reticulated python.[12] Reports of anacondas 11–12 m (35–40 ft) or even longer also exist, but such claims must be regarded with caution, as no specimens of such lengths have ever been deposited in a museum and hard evidence is lacking.[13] The longest and heaviest verified specimen encountered by Dr. Jesús Antonio Rivas, who had examined more than 1,000 anacondas,[14] was a female 5.21 m (17 ft 1 in) long and weighing 97.5 kg (214 lb 15 oz).[5] In 1937, a specimen shot in Guyana measured 5.9 m (19 ft 4 in) long and weighed 163 kg (359 lb 6 oz).[15]

Close-up of head

The color pattern consists of an olive green background overlaid with black blotches along the length of the body. The head is narrow compared to the body, usually with distinctive orange-yellow striping on either side. The eyes are set high on the head, allowing the snake to see out of the water while swimming without exposing its body. The anaconda's jaw bones splay open at the front because they are loosely connected. This allows it to swallow prey larger than the size of its head. The windpipe in its mouth allows it to breathe while swallowing its prey. Its largest organ is the liver. The digestion process takes many days to complete and during this time the anaconda behaves very sluggishly.[16]

Difficulties in determining maximum size

The remote location of the snake's habitat has historically made locating, capturing, and returning specimens difficult. Transporting very large specimens to museums, especially before substantial decay, is difficult (though this has not prevented the return of much larger and more cumbersome crocodilian specimens).[13] Skins can stretch substantially, increasing the snake's size by more than 50% if stretched during the tanning process. Reports without physical proof are considered dubious if from non-scientists, as such individuals may at worst be more interested in promoting themselves or telling a good tale, or at the least may not be sufficiently trained in proper measurement methods. Observational reports of animals which were not captured are even more dubious, as even trained scientists often substantially overestimate the size of anacondas prior to capture.[13] According to the Guinness Book of World Records, this species has been perhaps subject to the most extreme size exaggerations of any living animal.[17]

Historical records

Numerous historical accounts of green anacondas are reported, often of improbable sizes. Several zoologists (notably Henry Walter Bates and Alfred Russel Wallace, among others) note rumors of snakes beyond 9 or 12 m (30 or 40 ft) long, but in each case, their direct observations were limited to snakes around 6 m (20 ft) in length. Numerous estimates and second-hand accounts abound, but are generally considered unreliable. To prove the point of overestimating, in Guyana in 1937, zoologist Alpheus Hyatt Verrill asked the expedition team he was with to estimate the length of a large, curled-up anaconda on a rock. The team's guesses ran from 6.1 to 18.3 m (20 ft 0 in to 60 ft 0 in); when measured, this specimen was found to be 5.9 m (19 ft 4 in).[17]

Almost all specimens in excess of 6 m (20 ft), including a much-publicized specimen allegedly 11.36 m (37 ft 3 in) long, have no voucher specimens including skins or bones.[17]

The skin of one specimen, stretched to 10 m (32 ft 10 in), has been preserved in the Instituto Butantan in São Paulo and is reported to have come from an anaconda of 7.6 m (24 ft 11 in) in length.[17] While in Colombia in 1978, herpetologist William W. Lamar had an encounter with a large female specimen 7.5 m (24 ft 7 in) long, estimated to weigh between 136 and 180 kg (300 and 397 lb).[13] In 1962, W.L. Schurz claimed to have measured a snake in Brazil of 8.46 m (27 ft 9 in) with a maximum girth of 112 cm (3 ft 8 in).[17] One female, reportedly measuring 7.9 m (25 ft 11 in) in length, shot in 1963 in Nariva Swamp, Trinidad, contained a 1.5-metre (4 ft 11 in) caiman.[17] A specimen of 7.3 m (23 ft 11 in), reportedly with a weight of 149 kg (328 lb), was caught at the mouth of the Kassikaityu River in Guyana, having been restrained by 13 local men, and was later air-lifted for a zoo collection in the United States, but died in ill health shortly thereafter.[17] The largest size verified for E. murinus in captivity was for a specimen kept in Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium, which grew to a length of 6.27 m (20 ft 7 in) by the time she died on July 20, 1960. When this specimen was 5.94 m (19 ft 6 in) long, she weighed 91 kg (200 lb 10 oz).[17] The estimated weight for an anaconda in the range of 8 m (26 ft) would be at least 200 kg (441 lb).[17] National Geographic has published a weight up to 227 kg (500 lb) for E. murinus, but this is almost certainly a mere estimation.[18] Weight can vary considerably in large specimens depending on environmental conditions and recent feedings, with Verrill's aforementioned specimen, having been extremely bulky, scaled at 163 kg (359 lb 6 oz), whereas another specimen considered large at 5.06 m (16 ft 7 in), weighed only 54 kg (119 lb 1 oz).[17][19]

Current estimates of maximal size

Size presents challenges to attain breeding condition in larger female anacondas. While larger sizes provide the benefit of a larger number of offspring per clutch, the breeding frequency of the individuals reduces with size, indicating that a point exists at which the advantage of a larger clutch size is negated by the female no longer being able to breed.[5] For the anaconda, this limit was estimated at 6.7 m (22 ft) in total length.[5] This is consistent with the results of a revision of the size at maturity and maximum size of several snakes from North America, which found that the maximum size is between 1.5 and 2.5 times the size at maturity.[20] The minimum size of breeding anacondas in a survey of 780 individuals was 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) in snout–vent length, indicating that maximum size attained by anacondas following this pattern would be 5.3 m (17 ft 5 in) in snout–vent length.[5] However, most anacondas are captured from the llanos, which is more accessible to humans and has smaller prey available, while the rainforest, which is much less explored and has more plentiful large prey, may be home to larger snakes.[5][21]

Scientific and common names

A 4.3-metre (14 ft) anaconda skeleton on display at Museum of Osteology with other squamates

In the famous 10th edition of Systema Naturae of 1758, Carl Linnaeus cited descriptions by Albertus Seba and by Laurens Theodorus Gronovius to erect the distinct species murina of his new genus Boa, which contained eight other species, including Boa constrictor.[22] The generic name Boa came from an ancient Latin word for a type of large snake. The first specimens of Boa murina were of immature individuals from 75 to 90 cm (2.5 to 3.0 ft) in length.[23] In 1830, Johann Georg Wagler erected the separate genus Eunectes for Linnaeus's Boa murina after more and larger specimens were known and described.[24] Because of the masculine gender of Eunectes, the feminine Latin specific name murina was changed to murinus.

Linnaeus almost certainly chose the scientific name Boa murina based on the original Latin description given by Albertus Seba[25] in 1735: "Serpens testudinea americana, murium insidiator" [tortoise-patterned (spotted) American snake, a predator that lies in wait for mice (and rats)]. The Latin adjective murinus (murina) in this case would mean "of mice" or "connected with mice", understood in context as "preying on mice", and not as "mouse-gray-colored" (another possible meaning of Latin murinus) as now often wrongly indicated for E. murinus. Early English-language sources, such as George Shaw, referred to the Boa murina as the "rat boa" and the Penny Cyclopaedia (Vol. 5) entry for boa explained: "The trivial name murina was given to it from being said to lie in wait for mice." Linnaeus[22] described the appearance of the Boa murina in Latin as rufus maculis supra rotundatis [reddish-brown with rounded spots on upper parts] and made no reference to a gray coloration. Early descriptions of the green anaconda by different authors variously referred to the general color like brown, glaucous, green, or gray.

Common names for E. murinus include green anaconda, anaconda, common anaconda, and water boa.[26]

Distribution and habitat

Eunectes murinus is found in South America east of the Andes, in countries including Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, the island of Trinidad, and as far south as northern Paraguay.[27] The type locality given is "America".[4]

At least one anaconda, a juvenile, has been found in the Florida Everglades.[28]

Anacondas live in swamps, marshes, lagoons, and slow-moving streams and rivers, mainly in the tropical rainforests and seasonally flooded savannas of the Amazon and Orinoco basins.[29] They are cumbersome on land, but stealthy and sleek in the water. Their eyes and nasal openings are on top of their heads, allowing them to lie in wait for prey while remaining nearly completely submerged.[18]


At the Hato El Cedral

The primarily nocturnal anacondas tend to spend most of their lives in or around water.[30] They have the potential to reach high speeds when swimming. They tend to float beneath the surface of the water with their snouts above the surface. When prey passes by or stops to drink, the anaconda strikes (without eating or swallowing it) and coils around it with its body. The snake then constricts until it has suffocated the prey.[31]


Senckenberg Museum exhibit of a capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) being swallowed by an anaconda

Primarily aquatic, they are apex predators, preying on a wide variety of prey, almost anything they can manage to overpower, including fish, amphibians, birds, a variety of mammals, and other reptiles.[32][33] Particularly large anacondas may consume large prey such as tapirs, deer, peccaries, capybaras, jaguars, and caimans, but such large meals are not regularly consumed.[34][18] Juvenile anacondas feed on prey such as small birds and juvenile caiman that are typically 40–70 grams in size. As they develop, their diet becomes increasingly complex. Prey availability varies more in grasslands than in river basins. Green anacondas in both habitats have been found to feed on large prey, usually ranging from 14% to 50% of its own mass. A few examples of their prey include broad-snouted caimans, spectacled caimans, yacare caimans, black caimans, smooth-fronted caimans, wattled jacanas, capybaras, red-rumped agoutis, collared peccaries, South American tapirs, boa constrictors, brown-banded water snakes, green iguanas, cryptic golden tegus, scorpion mud turtles, gibba turtles, Arrau turtles, savanna side-necked turtles, red side-necked turtles, and northern pudús.[35] Green anacondas take a high risk by feeding on larger prey, which occasionally lead to serious injuries or even death. However, in addition to using constriction to subdue their prey, anacondas have the ability to drown them by keeping them upside down in the water. In the wild, by drowning your victim during subjugation, it will likely reduce the chances of sustaining injuries during predation.[36] Some also feed on carrion and conspecifics, usually inside or around water. Large anacondas can go weeks to months without food after eating a large meal, because of their low metabolism. However, females show increased postpartum feeding rates to recover from their reproductive investment.[33] The green anaconda's eyes and nose are located on the top of the head, allowing the snake to breathe and watch for prey while the vast majority of the body is hidden underwater.[37] Many local stories and legends report the anaconda as a man-eater, but little evidence supports any such activity. They employ constriction and drowning to subdue their prey.[36] Cannibalism among green anacondas is also known, most recorded cases involving a larger female consuming a smaller male. While the exact reason for this is not understood, scientists cite several possibilities, including the dramatic sexual dimorphism in the species, and the possibility that a female anaconda requires additional food intake after breeding to sustain the long period of gestation. The nearby male simply provides the opportunistic female a ready source of nutrition.[38]


Skeleton of E. murinus, exhibit in the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan

This species is solitary until the mating season, which occurs during the rainy season, and can last for several months, usually from April to May. During this time, males must find females. Typically, female snakes lay down a trail of pheromones for the males to follow, but how the males of this species track a female's scent is still unclear. Another possibility is that the female releases an airborne stimulant. This theory is supported by the observation of females that remain motionless, while many males move towards them from all directions. Male anacondas also frequently flick their tongues to sense chemicals that signal the presence of a female.[39]

Many males can often find the same female. This results in odd clusters referred to as "breeding balls", in which up to 12 males wrap around the same female and attempt to copulate. The groups can stay in this position for two to four weeks. This ball acts as a slow-motion wrestling match between the males, each one fighting for the opportunity to mate with the female.[40]

During mating, males make use of their spurs to arouse the female. They aggressively press their cloacal regions hard against the female body, while continuously scratching her with their spurs. This can produce a scratching sound. Mating approaches its climax when the stimulus of the males' spurs induces the female snake to raise her cloacal region, allowing the cloacae of the two snakes to move together. The male then coils his tail, surrounding the female, and they copulate.[41] The strongest and largest male is often the victor. However, females are physically much larger and stronger and may decide to choose from among the males. Courtship and mating occur almost exclusively in water.

Mating is followed by a gestation period of six to seven months. The species is ovoviviparous, with females giving birth to live young. Litters usually consist of 20 to 40 offspring, although as many as 100 may be produced. After giving birth, females may lose up to half their weight.

Neonates are around 70–80 cm (2 ft 4 in – 2 ft 7 in) long [42] and receive no parental care. Because of their small size, they often fall prey to other animals. Should they survive, they grow rapidly until they reach sexual maturity in their first few years, after which they continue to grow at a slower pace.[31]

However, when no male anacondas are available to provide offspring, facultative parthenogenesis is possible, have records of viable, female homozygous litter.[30] In August 2014, West Midlands Safari Park announced that on 12 August 2014 a female green anaconda, which was being kept with another female anaconda, through parthenogenesis had given birth to three young.[43][44]


Green Anacondas in the wild live for approximately 10 years. In captivity, however, they can live up to 30 years and beyond. The current Guinness Book of World Records for the oldest living snake in captivity is a green anaconda aged 37 years 317 days when verified (14 May 2021 – Paul Swires) held by Annie the Green Anaconda, currently at Montecasino Bird & Reptile Park in Johannesburg, South Africa.[45]

In popular culture

Anacondas have been portrayed in horror literature and films, often incredibly gigantic and with the ability to swallow adult humans; these traits are occasionally also attributed to other species, such as the Burmese python and the reticulated python, but to less extent than to the green anaconda. Despite having the capability to overpower a man, there is no verified evidence of this species consuming humans, unlike the reticulated python. This is possibly because large specimens inhabit remote areas deep inside the Amazon jungle, which is isolated from humans, unlike the python in Asia.[46][47][48][49] Among the most popular of such films are the 1997 film Anaconda and its four sequels.


  1. ^ a b Hsiou, Annie; Winck, Gisele; Schubert, Blaine; dos Santos Avilla, Leonardo (1 June 2013). "On the Presence of Eunectos Murinus (Squamata, Serpentes) from the Late Pleistocene of Northern Brazil". Revista Brasileira de paleontologia. 16 (1).
  2. ^ Calderón, M.; Ortega, A.; Scott, N.; Cacciali, P.; Nogueira, C. de C.; Gagliardi, G.; Catenazzi, A.; Cisneros-Heredia, D.F.; Hoogmoed, M.S.; Schargel, W.; Rivas, G.; Murphy, J. (22 November 2014), "Eunectes murinus", IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), doi:10.2305/iucn.uk.2021-2.rlts.t44580041a44580052.en Accessed 2022-04-08.
  3. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  4. ^ a b McDiarmid, R. W.; Campbell, J. A.; Toure, T. (1999). Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Vol. 1. Washington, District of Columbia: Herpetologists' League. ISBN 1893777014.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Rivas, Jesús Antonio (2000). The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive Biology (PDF) (Ph.D. thesis). University of Tennessee. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 March 2016.
  6. ^ O'Shea 2007.
  7. ^ Minton, Sherman A.; Minton, Madge Rutherford (1973). Giant Reptiles. New York: Scribners. ISBN 0684132672.
  8. ^ Rivas, Jesús; Burghardt, Gordon (30 January 2001). "Understanding Sexual Size Dimorphism in Snakes: wearing the snake's shoes". Animal Behaviour. 62 (3): F1–F6. doi:10.1006/anbe.2001.1755. S2CID 5374924.
  9. ^ Pope, Clifford Millhouse (1961). The Giant Snakes: The Natural History of the Boa Constrictor, the Anaconda, and the Largest Pythons, Including Comparative Facts about Other Snakes and Basic Information on Reptiles in General. New York: Knopf. ASIN B000T8CAN8.
  10. ^ Duellman, W. (2005). Cusco Amazónico: The Lives of Amphibians and Reptiles in an Amazonian Rainforest. Comstock Books in Herpetology. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Publishing Associates. ISBN 0801439973.
  11. ^ "Giant Snakes" (PDF). Murphy, John C., and Tom Crutchfield. March 2019. p. 13.
  12. ^ O'Shea 2007, p. 55.
  13. ^ a b c d Murphy, John C.; Henderson, Robert W. (1997). Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons. Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing Company. ISBN 0-89464-995-7.
  14. ^ Rivas, Jesús. "Life history and conservation of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)". Archived from the original on 3 March 2016.
  15. ^ Wood, Gerald L. (1982). The Guinness book of animal facts and feats (3rd ed.). Enfield, Middlesex: Guinness Superlatives. p. 107. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.
  16. ^ Derek Harvey, Smithsonian Super Nature Encyclopedia, First American Edition, 2012, www.dk.com
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Wood, Gerald L. (1982). The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats (3 ed.). London: Guinness Superlatives. ISBN 0-85112-235-3. The Guinness book of animal facts and feats at the Internet Archive.
  18. ^ a b c "Green Anaconda Eunectes murinus". National Geographic. Archived from the original on 8 July 2012. Retrieved 3 May 2010.
  19. ^ Rivas, Jesús. "Predatory attacks of green anacondas (Eunectes murinus) on adult human beings". Archived from the original on 11 April 2019.
  20. ^ Pritchard, P. C. H. (1994). "Letter to Editors: The Tympanum". Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society. 29 (2): 37–39.
  21. ^ O'Shea 2007, p. 25.
  22. ^ a b Linnaeus, Carolus (1758). Systema naturae per regna tria naturae (in Latin). Vol. I (10 ed.). Holmia (Stockholm): Laurentius Salvius. p. 215. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.542 – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  23. ^ Shaw, George (1802). General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History. Vol. III. Part II Amphibia (Order Serpentes). London: Thomas Davison. pp. 351–352. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.1593 – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  24. ^ Wagler, Johann Georg (1830). Natürliches System der Amphibien, mit vorangehender Classification der Säugetiere und Vögel. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Zoologie (in German). München, Stuttgart & Tübingen: J. G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung. p. 167. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.58730 – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  25. ^ Seba, Albertus (1735). Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio (in Latin and French). Vol. 2. Amsterdam: J. Wetstenium, & Guil. Smith, & Janssonio-Waesbergios. p. 30. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.62760 – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  26. ^ Mehrtens, John M. (1987). Living Snakes of the World in Color. New York: Sterling Publishers. ISBN 0-8069-6460-X.
  27. ^ ""Pescaron" una anaconda de siete metros y 90 kilos" [Seven-meter-long, 90-kilogram anaconda "fished"] (in Spanish). ABC Color. 4 January 2008. Archived from the original on 25 February 2016. Retrieved 7 February 2011.
  28. ^ "The Largest Snake in the World Has Invaded the United States". Slate Magazine. 15 November 2013. Retrieved 25 May 2021.
  29. ^ "Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus)".
  30. ^ a b Abrahão-Charles, Henrique; Lamonica-Charles, Rita de Cássia (2022). THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS SNAKES: AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOG. Translated by Entiauspe-Neto, Omar Machado (1º ed.). Macaé-RJ, Brazil: Editorial seal: Independently published. p. 28. ISBN 9798839529939.
  31. ^ a b Soomro, Adil (2001). "Eunectes murinus". Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Archived from the original on 24 May 2005. Retrieved 10 October 2008.
  32. ^ Thomas, Oliver; Allain, Steven J. R. (2021). "A Review of Prey Taken by Anacondas (Squamata: Boidae: Eunectes)". IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians. 28 (2): 329–334. doi:10.17161/randa.v28i2.15504. S2CID 237839786. Retrieved 24 July 2021.
  33. ^ a b Milord, Luckele. "Eunectes murinus (Anaconda, Green Anaconda)". Animal Diversity Web.
  34. ^ Sahibdeen, Raeesah (2011). "Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda or Huille)" (PDF). The Online Guide to the Animals of Trinidad and Tobago. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 October 2022.
  35. ^ "Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus)".
  36. ^ a b Charles, H. A. (2007). Comportamento predatório de serpentes Boidae de diferentes hábitos e biometria de Eunectes murinus Linnaeus, 1758 em laboratório. Disponível em: https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/bitstream/tede/188/20/2007%20-%20Henrique%20Abrah%c3%a3o%20Charles.pdf
  37. ^ Tamisiea, John (10 September 2010). "Green Anaconda". National Geographic.
  38. ^ Rivas, Jesús A.; Owens, Renee Y. (2000). "Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda): Cannibalism". Herpetological Review. 31 (1): 45–46. Archived from the original on 1 March 2010. Retrieved 3 July 2008.
  39. ^ Burton, Maurice; Burton, Robert (2002). International Wildlife Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Cavendish Square. p. 44. ISBN 0761472665. International wildlife encyclopedia at the Internet Archive.
  40. ^ Ceurstemont, Sandrine (9 August 2017). "Snake sex is every bit as peculiar as you would expect". www.bbc.com. Retrieved 8 February 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  41. ^ "Herpetologist Jesus Rivas Hardworking Herpetologist". Extreme Science. Archived from the original on 26 July 2010.
  42. ^ Lamonica, Rita de Cássia; Abrahao-Charles, Henrique; Loguercio, Mariana Fiuza de Castro; Rocha-Barbosa, Oscar (2007). "Growth, Shedding and Food Intake in Captive Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Serpentes: Boidae)". International Journal of Morphology. 25. doi:10.4067/S0717-95022007000100014. ISSN 0717-9502.
  43. ^ "BBC News - Female anaconda's West Midlands Safari Park 'virgin birth'". BBC News. 21 August 2014.
  44. ^ "Miraculous Birth at West Midland Safari Park". West Midland Safari Park. 20 August 2014. Archived from the original on 31 August 2014.
  45. ^ "Oldest living snake in captivity". Guinness Book of World Records. Retrieved 16 July 2022.
  46. ^ Nurhadi (28 March 2017). "Beginilah Ular Piton Menelan Akbar Petani Sawit Memuju Tengah". Tribun Timur (in Indonesian). Retrieved 28 March 2017.
  47. ^ "Missing man found dead in belly of 7m-long python in Indonesia: Report". Straits Times. 29 March 2017. Retrieved 29 March 2017.
  48. ^ "Indonesian man's body found inside python – police". BBC News. 29 March 2017. Retrieved 29 March 2017.
  49. ^ "23-foot python swallows Indonesian woman near her garden". Los Angeles Times. Associated Press. Retrieved 17 June 2018.
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Green anaconda: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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The green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), also known as the giant emerald anaconda, common anaconda, common water boa or sucuri, is a boa species found in South America and the Caribbean island of Trinidad. It is the heaviest and one of the longest known extant snake species. No subspecies are currently recognized. Like all boas, it is a non-venomous constrictor.

The term "anaconda" often refers to this species, though the term could also apply to other members of the genus Eunectes. Fossils of the snake date back to the Late Pleistocene in the Gruta do Urso locality.

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Eunectes murinus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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La anaconda verde o común (Eunectes murinus) es una especie de serpiente constrictora de la familia de las boas (Boidae). Es endémica de los ríos del trópico de Sudamérica. De todas las serpientes esta es la de mayor longitud;[cita requerida] se la hace rivalizar con la pitón reticulada (Malayopython reticulatus) por el título de la serpiente más grande del mundo, que suele ser más voluminosa, pero menos larga. Se conocen casos de humanos adultos atacados,[cita requerida] aunque ninguna serpiente (Malayopython reticulatus como excepción) tiende a atacar a un ser humano, salvo por defensa propia, ya que estos no forman parte de su cadena trófica.


Habita en las cuencas de los ríos Orinoco, Putumayo, Napo, Amazonas, Paraguay y Alto Paraná. Cuenta con poblaciones en Guyana, Trinidad, Venezuela, Colombia, Brasil, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia y hay una población introducida en los Everglades.


Eunectes murinus.

La anaconda es de color verde oscuro, con marcas ovales de color negro y ocre en los flancos. El vientre es más claro, y en la parte final de la cola muestra diseños en amarillo y negro que son únicos para cada ejemplar. El hocico está cubierto por seis escamas engrosadas, tres a cada lado, que constituyen el rasgo más distintivo que separa las especies del género Eunectes de las estrechamente relacionadas serpientes del género Boa.

La cabeza es estrecha, y no presenta un cuello muy marcado. Las narinas y los ojos están en una posición elevada, facilitando así la respiración y la percepción durante los largos períodos que la anaconda pasa sumergida cuando caza. Los receptores olfativos se encuentran en la lengua, como en todas las serpientes. Además posee fosetas loreales y pupilas dilatadas, que le permiten cazar en la oscuridad. El cuerpo es ligero pero muy musculoso, adaptado a la forma de presa de la serpiente, que mata a sus presas por constricción.

El único sector de todo el cuerpo no cubierto por escamas se encuentra en la región caudal, en la zona de la cloaca, la cual presenta espolones en sus inmediaciones, que son restos atrofiados que otrora eran extremidades locomotoras.

Rara vez supera los 10 años, aunque se han documentado casos de hasta 50 años.[cita requerida]


E. murinus en el acuario de Nueva Inglaterra

Aún se debate cuál de las serpientes conocidas es la más grande. Un mito popular asegura que se trata de la serpiente más grande (y que pueden alcanzar tamaños descomunales no comprobados de 15-40 metros y 160-400 kilos), sin embargo, ese título pertenece a su pariente asiática, la pitón reticulada. Aun así, la anaconda es una de las mayores serpientes conocidas al ser por mucho la más larga y, cuanto menos, la tercera más grande, después de la pitón reticulada y la pitón de seba.

La anaconda verde es el caso más marcado de dimorfismo sexual entre las serpientes, ya que las hembras son significativamente mayores que los machos, alcanzando estas un promedio de 5 a 10 metros de largo y un peso de 35 a 85 kg, mientras que los machos alcanzan una longitud de 4 a 5 metros de largo y un peso máximo de 25-35 kg.

En las cercanías de San Félix, en el estado Bolívar, Venezuela, se midió una hembra de 10 metros de largo y 97 kilos de peso; es la anaconda más larga registrada en el país. Sin embargo, los locales la mataron y la colocaron sobre un Chevrolet Spark, lo cual causó furor en las redes sociales.[2]

Una anaconda hallada en Iquitos, en la selva de Perú, el 4 de septiembre de 2014, llegó a los 12.37 metros de largo y pesaba 106 kilogramos. Se considera el reptil más largo del mundo y la más larga y pesada de la especie, aunque algunos dudan la veracidad de las imágenes asegurando que indican un cálculo de tamaño no superior a los 7 metros y 65 kg de peso aproximado. Lamentablemente, fue matada a palazos en la cabeza por los seis jóvenes pescadores que la hallaron.[3][4]

Hábitat y comportamiento

Representación de una anaconda comiéndose una capibara.

La anaconda se siente a gusto tanto en los árboles como en el agua; prefiere los estanques de aguas quietas a las corrientes rápidas. Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo recostada en los árboles pero para cazar suele bajar al agua y se sumerge, acechando a su presa; la posición superior de las narinas le permite sumergir casi todo el cuerpo a modo de cripsis, y su poderosa musculatura la hace una rápida nadadora y buena trepadora.

Su mayor rival es el jaguar (Panthera onca). En los llanos venezolanos, su rival es el cocodrilo del Orinoco (Crocodylus intermedius), que compite con ella al alimentarse de capibaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris).[cita requerida]

Caza y dieta

Suelen estar en las profundidades de los ríos la mayor parte del tiempo.

Caza por lo general animales que se acercan a beber, sujetándolos con sus mandíbulas y aferrándose a ellos para enroscarse alrededor de su cuerpo y asfixiarlos. El ataque es extremadamente rápido; en algo más de 3 segundos ya han sometido a su presa. Si encuentra la oportunidad de cazar en tierra, normalmente se descuelga desde una rama para sorprender a su presa. Se enroscan a su presa formando anillos con su cuerpo, pero, por lo general, no es la fuerza de la constricción lo que mata a la presa, sino que le impide respirar, presionando el tórax para imposibilitar la inhalación, y lo logran por la inmensa fuerza de su cuerpo.

La anaconda no tritura sus presas; su mandíbula se desencaja, permitiéndole tragar la presa entera y utiliza su fila de dientes interior (tienen cuatro filas de dientes, una ordinaria y otra en el paladar) para ir avanzando sobre su alimento e irlo introduciendo en su garganta. La digestión de una presa grande puede demorar varias semanas, durante las cuales la serpiente se encuentra casi inactiva y dormida en una rama o junto al agua.

La anaconda pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en los árboles, aunque también baja al agua para capturar presas fáciles. Es capaz de comer animales de gran tamaño; el carpincho es una de sus presas más comunes, así como ejemplares jóvenes de tapires, pecaríes, ciervos, coatíes, grandes roedores y animales acuáticos como peces. En los árboles se alimenta de monos, aves y en ocasiones caza murciélagos: donde espera en la entrada de sus cuevas y los atrapa en pleno vuelo. También se alimenta de anfibios, reptiles y de sus huevos.[cita requerida]

Se han visto anacondas caníbales, la mayoría hembras devorando machos pequeños,[5]​ posiblemente para asegurar la supervivencia durante la temporada seca, cuando escasean las presas.

En su fase adulta, las anacondas solo pueden ser depredadas por el jaguar, aunque también se sabe de casos de anacondas adultas que han matado a estos.[cita requerida]

Foto de un joven ejemplar entre las ramas de la orilla del río Amazonas.


El apareamiento de la anaconda se produce entre los meses de abril y mayo; las hembras atraen a los machos mediante una señal olfativa, y estos se congregan en torno a ellas a lo largo de varias semanas. En la última fase del cortejo, hasta una docena de machos se enrosca en torno a la hembra, luchando por acceder a la cloaca de esta, formando una bola característica; pueden permanecer enroscados de este modo hasta 15 días, muchas veces en aguas poco profundas, hasta que la hembra —más grande y más fuerte— escoge al vencedor.[cita requerida]

Durante la cópula propiamente dicha, los espolones del macho estimulan la región caudal de la hembra; ambas cloacas entran en contacto, y las colas se enroscan mientras se produce la inseminación.


La anaconda no tiene particular valor comercial, aunque su piel se usa ocasionalmente en marroquinería[cita requerida]. La principal amenaza para su conservación es la destrucción de su hábitat, así como la caza por quienes la consideran un riesgo para el ganado doméstico y los niños, sin tener en cuenta el papel que juega en el control de las plagas de roedores.

Cultura popular

Captura de una anaconda en los Llanos venezolanos.

Las anacondas han aparecido en películas y libros de terror, frecuentemente con la habilidad de tragar humanos adultos; estos rasgos ocasionalmente también son atribuidos a otras especies, como la pitón de Birmania y la boa constrictora (aunque esta última no crece lo suficiente como para tragar un humano adulto). Entre las películas más populares se encuentran Anaconda del año 1997, junto con sus tres secuelas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid, Anaconda 3: Offspring y Anacondas: Trail of Blood. Esta especie también es el principal antagonista en la novela de Mathias Bradley, The Terror of the Amazon Rainforest, en la cual múltiples anacondas escapan de un campo de investigación en la selva del Amazonas y entran en contacto con un químico tóxico que las hace mutar rápidamente y las convierte en serpientes gigantes. Una visión más positiva de la anaconda se puede encontrar en los relatos de Horacio Quiroga, Anaconda y El regreso de la anaconda, los cuales son narrados desde el punto de vista del animal.


  1. Eunectes murinus en el Catalogue of Life (en inglés).
  2. Clarín.com. «Video: cazaron una anaconda de 10 metros». www.clarin.com. Consultado el 6 de octubre de 2019.
  3. «Iquitos: pobladores atraparon a una enorme anaconda de doce metros». América Noticias. Consultado el 6 de octubre de 2019.
  4. EDUCACIONENRED.PE. «Atrapan anaconda de 12 metros de largo en Iquitos [VIDEO]». EDUCACIONENRED.PE. Consultado el 6 de octubre de 2019.
  5. Rivas, J. A. & R. Y Owens. (2000). «Eunectes murinus (Green anaconda): cannibalism». Herpetological Review 31: (In press). Archivado desde el original el 1 de marzo de 2010.

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Eunectes murinus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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La anaconda verde o común (Eunectes murinus) es una especie de serpiente constrictora de la familia de las boas (Boidae). Es endémica de los ríos del trópico de Sudamérica. De todas las serpientes esta es la de mayor longitud;[cita requerida] se la hace rivalizar con la pitón reticulada (Malayopython reticulatus) por el título de la serpiente más grande del mundo, que suele ser más voluminosa, pero menos larga. Se conocen casos de humanos adultos atacados,[cita requerida] aunque ninguna serpiente (Malayopython reticulatus como excepción) tiende a atacar a un ser humano, salvo por defensa propia, ya que estos no forman parte de su cadena trófica.

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Hiidanakonda ( Éston )

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Hiidanakonda ehk anakonda ehk suur anakonda (Eunectes murinus) on boalaste sugukonda pärisboalaste alamsugukonda anakonda perekonda kuuluv maoliik.[1] Hiidanakondasid loetakse maailma suuremateks madudeks. Hiidanakonda puhul ei ole loomadele ohtlik mitte maohammustus vaid tema haardesse sattumine. Hiidanakonda on suurepärane ujuja ja võib kaua vee all viibida, kuid armastab samal ajal ka kallastel päikesevanne võtta.[2]

Nomenklatuur ja süstemaatika

Perekonnanimi Eunectes pärineb vanakreeka sõnast, mis tähendab 'hea ujuja'. Liigiepiteet murinus tähendab 'hiire-, hiirte-'.


Tänapäeval tunnistatakse hiidanakondal kaht alamliiki[3]:


Madude elupaik on tänapäeval peamiselt Andidest idas asuvates riikides, ka Colombia, Venezuela, Guajaana, Ecuador, Peruu, Boliivia, Brasiilia ja Trinidadi saar.[4]

Nad elunevad eelistatult voolava mageda (vahel ka veidi soolaka) vee läheduses: soode, järvede, jõgede juures ja nende kallastel asuvates koobastes.[5]

Anakondasid loetakse üsna paigatruudeks loomadeks, kuigi nende elupaik võib ilmastikuoludest sõltuvalt aasta vältel muutuda, siis pöörduvad nad vihmade alates kodupaika uuesti tagasi.[6]

Anatoomia ja füsioloogia



Eluiga sõltub suuresti elupaigast, kas looduslikes tingimustes ehk loomaaias ja/või koduses terraariumis aga ka indiviidist. Looduses elavate anakondade eluiga teatakse olevat 40–50 aastat.[7]


Hiidanakondasid loetakse üsna pikkadeks ning jämeda ja lihaselise kehaehitusega ja kaalult raskevõitu madudeks. Emased on isastest tavaliselt suuremad. On edastatud, valdavalt kinnitamata, teateid 10–12 meetri pikkustest anakondadest, kes võivad kaaluda kuni 250 kg.[8]


Anakondade haistmisel, mida nad vajavad saaklooma asukoha määramisel, paaritumisel ja keskkonnast saabuva info edastamisel, osalevad kaheharuline keel ja sahkluu-ninaelund ehk Jakobsoni elund, vähesel määral ninasõõrmed ja muidugi peaaju.[8]


Värvus (seljal) võib paikkonniti ja indiviiditi erineda, kuid rohelistel anakondadel on selgmised soomused rohekas-pruunikat, oliivi- ja/või hallikas-rohekat värvi.[9][10] Keha katavad pealt tumepruunid või mustad ovaalsed laigud. Hiidnakondade kõhualused soomused on kollakat või kreemjat värvi.[9]


Hiidanakondadel on tagakeha küljes, kloaagi läheduses paarilised väiksemõõtmelised vaagnakannused (Pelvic spurs), mis on neil kohati abiks kopulatsioonil.[11]


Hiidanakondadel on kaks kopsu, mida nad kasutavad hingamiseks.[11]


Anakondade hambad vahetuvad regulaarselt ja neil on oluline abistav roll lämmatatud saaklooma alla neelamisel, mürki neist hammastest teadlastel eraldada pole õnnestunud. Hiidanakonda tapab saagi rahulikult, saaklooma hingetõmmetega sünkroonis, lämmatades ja oletatakse, et ta võib ühe toidukorra ajal alla neelata oma kehakaaluga võrdse ja/või suurema koguse toitu.[12] Tõepärasena tunduvaid allikaid hiidanakondade saakloomade lämmatamise ning vee alla tõmbamisega seonduvalt avaldatud palju pole, ka kahtlevad madude uurijad kirjanduslikes kirjeldustes sarvedega loomade pea ees allaneelamisega seonduvas. Täiskasvanud hiidanakondad toituvad peamiselt vees elavatest selgroogsetest. Saakloomadeks võivad olla närilised, kalad, linnud, kilpkonnad, kaimanid, Odocoileus virginianus, Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris Jacana jacanad, Iguana iguanad, tiigerpüütonid.[8][13] Osad allikad loevad anakondat ka, täpsemaid asjaolusid toomata, kannibaliks, seetõttu loetakse, et anakonda hambad anakonda seede-elundkonnas võivad sinna sattuda loomuliku hammaste vahetumise protsessi käigus. Kirjanduslikes allikates mainitakse, et värskelt einestanud anakonda suu lehkab hirmuäratavalt.


Paaritumisaeg sõltub suuresti geograafilisest piirkonnast. Enamikul hiidanakondadel levinud seksuaalse käitumise vormiks on polüandria, emased anakondad paarituvad mitme isasega ning sündinud järglased kannavad edasi geene mitmelt kopulatsioonides osalenud isaselt.[8]

On täheldatud, et hiidanakondade alamliigi Eunectes murinus gigas'e (Latreille, 1801) paaritumine, keda kohalikud kutsuvad huilliaks, toimub detsembrisjaanuaris. Paaritumisel võivad ühe vastuvõtliku emase ümber koguneda üsna mitmed aktiivsed isased (12) anakondad moodustades "paaritumiskuhja" (inglise keeles breeding ball) ja võideldes paaritumisõiguse üle mitu nädalat.[14] Emase anakonda pojad (kuni 78 poega) sünnivad juulisaugustis.[2] Poegi, kes sünnivad 40–95 cm pikkustena, on väga raske kunstlikes tingimustes sööma meelitada.[2]


Anakondade käitumises saab eristada mitut kaitserefleksi. Nad võivad püüda ennast kaitsta, hammustades agressorit. Anakondal on teisigi kaitsestrateegiaid, näiteks lähedal asuvasse veekogusse liuglemine ja/või mutta peitumine aga ka kloaagi lähedal asuvate kloaaginäärmete eritiste väljutamine.[8]


Suurimaks ohuks anakondadele loetakse anakondadele vihmametsade äratarbimist ning ka inimesi, kes neid (erinevatel motiividel, ka tulusa müügiartiklina) kütivad.

Looduslikud vaenlased

Esimesel eluaastal võivad noored anakondad langeda teiste loomade saagiks. Täiskasvanud anakondad ei karda ühtegi kiskjat, isegi mitte võimsat kaimanit (Melanosuchus niger). Ohuks neile peetakse jaaguari (Panthera onca), kaimani (Caiman latirostris).[8]

Haigused, parasiidid

Nii vabas looduses elavatel anakondadel kui ka kinnipeetavatel anakondadel on tuvastatud mitmeid parasiite, nagu:


  • Taruma indiaanlased on väitnud, et põlvnevad anakondast.[7]
  • 1749 teatas George Cumberland, et orjad Tobagos sõid neid madusid.[16]
  • Hiidanakondad, vastupidi kommertsfilmides esitatule, liiguvad kuival maal vaevaliselt (kehakaal on oluline tegur) ja kord juba saagi allaneelanuna eelistavad vee peal justkui hõljuda.
  • Anakondasid peetakse loomaaedades kõikjal maailmas. Sealsetes terraariumides külastavad neid igal aastal paljud inimesed.



  1. [1] Veebiversioon (vaadatud 02.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Hans E. A. Boos, "The Snakes of Trinidad and Tobago", lk 70, 2001, ISBN 1-58544-116-3 Google`i raamatu osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 01.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  3. Anaconda, Green Anaconda Veebiversioon (vaadatud 02.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  4. The Reptile Database Veebiversioon (vaadatud 31.08.2013) (inglise keeles)
  5. Hans E. A. Boos, "The Snakes of Trinidad and Tobago", lk 11, 2001, ISBN 1-58544-116-3 Google`i raamatu osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 01.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  6. Anaconda, Green Anaconda, Animal Diversity Web, Veebiversioon (vaadatud 02.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  7. 7,0 7,1 Maurice Burton, Robert Burton, "International Wildlife Encyclopedia", 3 ed, lk 44, 2002, Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Google`i raamatu osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 01.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 8,4 8,5 8,6 [2] Veebiversioon (vaadatud 02.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  9. 9,0 9,1 Linda George, "Anacondas", lk 13, 2002, Capstone Press, ISBN 0-7368-0907-4 Google`i raamatu osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 02.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  10. Mark O'Shea, Boas and Pythons of the World, lk 54–57, 2007, New Holland Publischers, ISBN 978 1 84537 5447 Google`i raamatu osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 31.08.2013) (inglise keeles)
  11. 11,0 11,1 Linda George, "Anacondas", lk 10, 2002, Capstone Press, ISBN 0-7368-0907-4 Google`i raamatu osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 02.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  12. "Frequently Asked Questions". Jesus Rivas. Vaadatud 30. juuli 2012.
  13. Rivas, Jesús Antonio, "The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive Biology", (Ph.D. thesis). University of Tennessee. lk 37, 2000, Veebiversioon (vaadatud 02.09.2013) (inglise keeles) (Pdf)
  14. Hans E. A. Boos, "The Snakes of Trinidad and Tobago", lk 71, 2001, ISBN 1-58544-116-3 Google`i raamatu osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 01.09.2013) (inglise keeles)
  15. Werner Frank, Arwid Schepky, "Metastasierendes Lymphosarkom bei einer Riesenschlange, Eunectes murinus(Linnaeus, 1758)" doi: 10.1177/030098586900600507 Veterinary Pathology September 1969 vol. 6 no. 5 437–443, Osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 31.08.2013) (inglise keeles)
  16. Hans E. A. Boos, "The Snakes of Trinidad and Tobago", lk 11, 2001, ISBN 1-58544-116-3 Google`i raamatu osaline veebiversioon (vaadatud 31.08.2013) (inglise keeles)



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Hiidanakonda: Brief Summary ( Éston )

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Hiidanakonda ehk anakonda ehk suur anakonda (Eunectes murinus) on boalaste sugukonda pärisboalaste alamsugukonda anakonda perekonda kuuluv maoliik. Hiidanakondasid loetakse maailma suuremateks madudeks. Hiidanakonda puhul ei ole loomadele ohtlik mitte maohammustus vaid tema haardesse sattumine. Hiidanakonda on suurepärane ujuja ja võib kaua vee all viibida, kuid armastab samal ajal ka kallastel päikesevanne võtta.

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Anakonda arrunt ( Basch )

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Anakonda arrunta (Eunectes murinus) Eunectes generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Boidae familian sailkatuta dago.

Bederatzi metro luze izan ditzakeen sugea da, kolorez berde iluna, bizkarrean biribil ilunez osatutako lerro bat duena. Ezagutzen den sugerik handienetakoa da, Ameriketan bizi da; uretan ibiltzen da, eta odol beroko animalia txikiz elikatzen da.[2]


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Anakonda arrunt: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Anakonda arrunta (Eunectes murinus) Eunectes generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Boidae familian sailkatuta dago.

Bederatzi metro luze izan ditzakeen sugea da, kolorez berde iluna, bizkarrean biribil ilunez osatutako lerro bat duena. Ezagutzen den sugerik handienetakoa da, Ameriketan bizi da; uretan ibiltzen da, eta odol beroko animalia txikiz elikatzen da.

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Viheranakonda ( Finlandèis )

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Viheranakonda[2] eli aiemmalta nimeltään anakonda[1] (Eunectes murinus) on jättiläiskäärmeiden heimoon kuuluva käärme. Vihreää anakondaa pidetään paljon vankeudessa, niin kotioloissa kuin eläintarhoissa. Laji on lisätty CITES-sopimuksen Appendix II -liitteeseen. Laji on maailman painavin käärmelaji. Se ei ole kuitenkaan yleisen uskomuksen vastaisesti maailman pisin käärme, pisin on aasialainen verkkopyton.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Viheranakonda on yksi maailman pisimmistä käärmeistä ja läntisen pallonpuoliskon pisin käärme. Naaraalla saattaa olla mittaa 6-9 metriä ja painoa yli 100 kg. Koiraat eivät juuri kasva kolmea metriä pidemmäksi.

Viheranakondan ruumis on päältä oliivinvihreä ja mustatäpläinen. Sivuilla on täpliä, joissa on mustan lisäksi keltainen keskus. Vatsa on keltaisenvihreä. Pää on ruumiin värinen ja pieni. Silmien takana on mustat juovat.


Viheranakondaa tavataan Etelä-Amerikassa Andien itäpuolella Kolumbiassa, Venezuelassa, Guayanassa, Surinamessa, Ranskan Guayanassa, Trinidadin saarella ja Brasiliassa. Laji elää sademetsissä suurten jokien lähistöllä yksinään.


Viheranakondat syövät aikuisina pääasiassa lintuja, monenlaisia nisäkkäitä, kaloja ja muita matelijoita. Laji tappaa saaliinsa kuristamalla. Suuret yksilöt voivat tappaa ja syödä jopa jaguaarin tai kaimaanin. Joissain legendoissa ja tarinoissa väitetään, että viheranakonda olisi ihmissyöjä, mutta tällaisille väitteille ei ole löydetty tarpeeksi todisteita. Ruokaa etsiessään vihreät anakondat voivat olla jopa 10 minuuttia sukelluksissa.


Vihreranakondien lisääntymisaika on sadekautena. Uskotaan, että naarat lähettävät ilmaan feromoneja, joiden avulla koiras löytää naaraan. Kosinta ja parittelu tapahtuvat lähes yksinomaan vedessä.

Naaraan tiineys kestää jopa 6-7 kuukautta. Viheranakonda on vivipaarinen eli se synnyttää eläviä poikasia. Poikasia syntyy kerralla muutamasta kymmenestä jopa sataan. Vastakuoriutuneet poikaset ovat 70-80 cm pitkiä, ja ne kärsivät muista eläimistä. Selvinneet poikaset kasvavat nopeasti sukukypsyyteen asti muutaman vuoden ikään, jonka jälkeen ne kasvavat hitaammin.


Viheranakonda on jakautunut kahteen alalajiin, Eunectes murinus gigas (Latreille, 1801), ja Eunectes murinus murinus (Linné, 1758).


Viheranakondan suurin uhka on ihminen. Paikalliset asukkaat tappavat anakondia, koska pitävät niitä ihmissyöjinä. Myös metsästäjät tappavat niitä tehdäkseen niistä matkamuistoja. Kauppaa on rajoitettu CITES-sopimuksen Appendix II -liitteellä, mutta silti niitä salakuljetetaan ympäri maailmaa. Lisäksi suuri uhka on elinympäristöjen tuhoaminen.



  1. a b c Dahlström, Harri (päätoim.): Maailman eläimet: Kalat, sammakkoeläimet, matelijat, s. 284. Helsinki: Tammi, 1988. ISBN 951-30-6533-2.
  2. Lokki, Juhani; Lappalainen, Jyrki ym.: Maailman luonto: Kalat, sammakkoeläimet ja matelijat. [Espoo] Porvoo: [Weilin+Göös] WSOY, 2000. ISBN 951-35-6505-X.

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Viheranakonda: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Viheranakonda eli aiemmalta nimeltään anakonda (Eunectes murinus) on jättiläiskäärmeiden heimoon kuuluva käärme. Vihreää anakondaa pidetään paljon vankeudessa, niin kotioloissa kuin eläintarhoissa. Laji on lisätty CITES-sopimuksen Appendix II -liitteeseen. Laji on maailman painavin käärmelaji. Se ei ole kuitenkaan yleisen uskomuksen vastaisesti maailman pisin käärme, pisin on aasialainen verkkopyton.

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Eunectes murinus ( Fransèis )

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Anaconda vert, grand Anaconda, Anaconda géant

Eunectes murinus est une espèce de serpent constricteur de la famille des Boidae[1]. En français il est nommé grand Anaconda, Anaconda vert, Anaconda géant ou Anaconda de Barbour.


La peau d'un Eunectes murinus, conservée au Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP, Brésil.

L'anaconda géant peut mesurer jusqu'à 8,45 m[2]. Sa masse peut atteindre les 200 kg. Il est moins long que le Python reticulatus (10 m) du Sud-Est asiatique, mais il est plus gros et plus lourd et c'est pour cela qu'on le considère comme le plus grand serpent du monde.

Il vit principalement dans l'eau et peut rester 10 à 20 minutes sous l'eau sans respirer. Lorsqu'il est dans l'eau, la plupart du temps, seuls ses yeux et ses narines dépassent en surface.


Un anaconda adulte se nourrit principalement de rongeurs et d'oiseaux. Il peut aussi ingurgiter des petits caïmans et des animaux domestiques (porcs et chèvres). Ils sont aussi ophiophages voire cannibales.

Il existe des photos d'un anaconda étouffant un caïman adulte, mais il est peu vraisemblable qu'il l'ingère, car il ne pourrait plus alors se mouvoir ni bouger. Les jeunes anacondas mangent des petits mammifères, d'autres serpents et des oiseaux.

Il n'est pas prouvé que les anacondas puissent avaler des êtres humains adultes (les serpents ne machent pas la nourriture, ils l'ingèrent entier).

Mode de chasse

Ce sont de redoutables prédateurs. Ils chassent principalement de nuit, plus rarement de jour[3]. Ils ont deux manières de chasser selon leur masse :

  • Les jeunes chassent de préférence depuis une branche d'arbre grâce à laquelle ils peuvent approcher et surplomber la proie. Puis ils se laissent tomber dessus et s'enroulent tout autour pour l'étouffer.
  • Les animaux plus âgés rampent dans la boue ou nagent dans l'eau à moitié immergés. La proie sera prise par en dessous, attirée dans l'eau et tuée par noyade et étouffement.


Leurs prédateurs sont l'être humain, le Caïman noir et le Jaguar[4], ainsi que les piranhas lorsque les anacondas sont blessés ou lorsqu'ils sont jeunes.


Lorsqu'elle est sexuellement active, la femelle anaconda émet des phéromones qui attirent des dizaines de mâles qui se regroupent dans un entrelacs de corps grouillants, nommé « boule de reproduction ». Le mâle qui parviendra de haute lutte à lover son cloaque contre celui de la femelle aura le droit de la féconder. Cet animal est ovovivipare.

Distribution et habitat

Anaconda vert au Zoo de Louisville.

Cette espèce se rencontre en Équateur, au Pérou, en Colombie, au Venezuela, à la Trinité, au Guyana, en Guyane, au Brésil, en Bolivie et au Paraguay[1].

Il vit nageant sous l'eau des lacs ou des cours d'eau qui s'écoulent lentement, dans des savanes inondées saisonnièrement et les marécages dans le bassin de l'Orénoque, le bassin de l'Amazone, le bassin du Rio Paraná et le bassin du Río Paraguay. C'est l'espèce d'anaconda la plus répandue.

Publication originale

  • Linnaeus, 1758 : Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, ed. 10 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b Reptarium Reptile Database, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. Bellosa, 2003 : Record Snake Fascination. Reptilia (GB) n. 27, p. 28-30
  3. (it) Massimo Capula, Tutto anfibi e rettili.
  4. Fiche anaconda sur dinosoria.com
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Eunectes murinus: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Anaconda vert, grand Anaconda, Anaconda géant

Eunectes murinus est une espèce de serpent constricteur de la famille des Boidae. En français il est nommé grand Anaconda, Anaconda vert, Anaconda géant ou Anaconda de Barbour.

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Anaconda común ( Galissian )

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A anaconda común[2][3] (Eunectes murinus) é unha serpe constritora da especie das boas.

Cunha lonxitude que nas femias pode superar os sete metros de lonxitude, e un grosor que pode acadar os trinta centímetros, este animal pode chegar a pesar ata douscentos cincuenta quilogramos. Rivaliza co pitón reticulado polo título de serpe máis grande. Cunha alimentación estritamente carnívora, pode chegar a engulir caimáns de talle medio, capibaras adultas (o roedor máis grande que existe, con ata sesenta quilos de peso), felinos etc.

Habita á beira das augas ou mergullada en ríos e lagos, primordialmente nas cuncas do Amazonas e do Orinoco, pois ten unha grande habilidade natatoria. Animal ovovivíparo ten niñadas de 20 ou 40 exemplares que nacen en febreiro ou marzo[4]


  1. McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, Volume 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).
  2. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para anaconda.
  3. Luís Daviña Facal (2000): Diccionario das ciencias da natureza e da saúde. Tomo 1. A-B. A Coruña, Deputación da Coruña, páx. 233. ISBN 84-95335-45-X
  4. Robert Burton International Wildlife Encyclopedia, Marshall Cavendish, 2002, páxina 44
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Anaconda común: Brief Summary ( Galissian )

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A anaconda común (Eunectes murinus) é unha serpe constritora da especie das boas.

Cunha lonxitude que nas femias pode superar os sete metros de lonxitude, e un grosor que pode acadar os trinta centímetros, este animal pode chegar a pesar ata douscentos cincuenta quilogramos. Rivaliza co pitón reticulado polo título de serpe máis grande. Cunha alimentación estritamente carnívora, pode chegar a engulir caimáns de talle medio, capibaras adultas (o roedor máis grande que existe, con ata sesenta quilos de peso), felinos etc.

Habita á beira das augas ou mergullada en ríos e lagos, primordialmente nas cuncas do Amazonas e do Orinoco, pois ten unha grande habilidade natatoria. Animal ovovivíparo ten niñadas de 20 ou 40 exemplares que nacen en febreiro ou marzo

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Anakonda hijau ( Indonesian )

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Anakonda hijau (Eunectes murinus) adalah spesies ular boa besar yang tersebar di daerah tropis Amerika Selatan. Ular ini merupakan ular terbesar di dunia, berdasarkan diameter lingkar tubuh bagian tengahnya. Istilah anakonda (tanpa kata tambahan) sering digunakan untuk menyebut ular ini, walaupun istilah ini juga digunakan untuk menyebut jenis-jenis lain dari marga Eunectes.

Deskripsi fisik

Panjang tubahnya bisa mencapai 8 meter, dan merupakan ular terpanjang di Benua Amerika. Berat tubuhnya secara keseluruhan bisa mencapai 250 kg. Diameter lingkar tubuh bagian tengah ular ini mencapai hampir satu meter. Banyak pula penemuan-penemuan spesimen yang panjangnya mencapai 15 meter dengan ketebalan tubuh melebihi batang pohon kelapa. Walupun ukuran itu adallah ukuran ular terbesar yang pernah tercatat, namun masyarakat di daerah aliran sungai Amazon, Brazilia mempercayai adanya spesimen-spesimen yang lebih besar.[2][3][4]

Warna tubuhnya hijau kecokelatan atau hijau lumut dengan bercak-bercak bundaran hitam besar di punggung, dari leher hingga ekor. Di kedua sisi badannya terdapat bercak-bercak hitam berbentuk huruf "O" dari leher hingga ekor. Di bagian belakang matanya terdapat garis berwarna hitam dengan garis warna oranye di bawahnya. Tubuh bagian bawah berwarna cokelat pucat atau kuning pucat agak kehijauan dengan bintik-bintik kecil berwarna gelap.[5][6][7]

Penyebaran dan habitat

Anakonda hijau tersebar luas di pedalaman hutan hujan tropika di Amerika Selatan sebelah timur Barisan Andes, meliputi Peru bagian timur, Brazilia, Bolivia, Paraguay bagian utara, Ekuador bagian timur, Kolombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guyana Prancis, serta di Pulau Trinidad dan Tobago di pantai timur-laut Brazilia. Anakonda menyukai tempat-tempat basah dan perairan yang luas. Biasanya ular ini beraktivitas di rawa-rawa terbuka dan sungai-sungai hilir di tengah hutan.[8][9][10]

Perilaku, makanan, dan reproduksi

Anakonda menghabiskan waktunya di sekitar perairan dan jarang naik ke darat. Meskipun begitu, ular ini seringkali memanjat pohon tinggi untuk berjemur atau mencari makan. Makanan anakonda terdiri dari ikan, katak, burung, mamalia dan reptilia. Hewan yag paling sering diburu ular ini terutama kapibara (sejenis hewan pengerat besar yang endemik di Amerika Selatan) dan kaiman (sejenis Alligator yang endemik di Amerika Selatan). Ular ini berkembangbiak dengan bertelur-melahirkan (ovovivipar). Jumlah anak yang dilahirkan bisa mencapai 40 ekor.[11][12][13]


Anakonda dan manusia

Seringkali beredar legenda yang menggambarkan anakonda sebagai monster hutan dan pemakan manusia (misalnya, seperti cerita dalam film Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid). Hal ini dipercaya oleh banyak orang, walaupun belum ada bukti samasekali mengenai mitos ini. Banyak pula mitos yang beredar di dunia maya atau internet, yang menyebutkan tentang keberadaan anakonda raksasa berkeliaran di pedalaman Kalimantan. Akan tetapi, hal ini disanggah dan tidak benar, karena sampai sekarang tidak ada bukti nyata yang menunjukkan kebenaran hal ini.[10]

Daftar pustaka

  1. ^ McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, Volume 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).
  2. ^ Rivas, Jesús Antonio (2000) (PDF). The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive Biology (Ph.D. thesis). University of Tennessee. http://www.anacondas.org/diss/disser.pdf.
  3. ^ O'Shea, M. 2007. Boas and pythons of the world. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
  4. ^ Minton, Sherman A., and Madge Rutherford Minton. Giant Reptiles. New York: Scribners, 1973.
  5. ^ Murphy JC, Henderson RW. 1997. Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons. Krieger Pub. Co. 221 pp. ISBN 0-89464-995-7.
  6. ^ www.reptile-database.org
  7. ^ Rivas, J., G. Burghardt. 2001. Understanding Sexual Size Dimorphism in Snakes: wearing the snake's shoes. Animal Behaviour, 62: F1-F6.
  8. ^ ""Pescaron" una anaconda de siete metros y 90 kilos" (dalam bahasa Spanish). ABC Color. 4 January 2008. Parameter |trans_title= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)Pemeliharaan CS1: Bahasa yang tidak diketahui (link)
  9. ^ "Green Anaconda Eunectes murinus". National Geographic. Diakses tanggal March 14, 2011.
  10. ^ a b Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda): Cannibalism at Prodigy. Accessed 3 July 2008.
  11. ^ Burton, Maurice, and Robert Burton. International Wildlife Encyclopedia, pg. 44.
  12. ^ Herpetologist Jesus Rivas
  13. ^ Soomro, Adil (2001). "Eunectes murinus". University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Animal Diversity Web. Diakses tanggal 2008-10-10.

  • Dirksen L, Böhme W. 1998. Studien an Anakondas 2: Zum taxonomischen Status von Eunectes murinus gigas (Latreille, 1801) (Serpentes: Boidae), mit neuen Ergebnissen zur Gattung Eunectes Wagler, 1830.- Salamandra 34(4): 359-374.
  • Dirksen L. 2002. Anakondas. Monographische Revision der Gattung Eunectes (Wagler, 1830).- Natur und Tier-Verlag Münster. ISBN 3-931587-43-6. 187 pp.
  • Rivas, J. A., M. d. C. Muñoz, J. B. Thorbjarnarson, G. M. Burghardt, W. Holmstrom, and P. Calle. 2007. Natural History of the green anacondas in the Venezuelan llanos. Pages 128-138 in R. W. Henderson, and R. Powell, editors. Biology of Boas, Pythons, and Related Taxa. Eagle Mountain Publishing Company, Eagle Mountain.

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Anakonda hijau: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Anakonda hijau (Eunectes murinus) adalah spesies ular boa besar yang tersebar di daerah tropis Amerika Selatan. Ular ini merupakan ular terbesar di dunia, berdasarkan diameter lingkar tubuh bagian tengahnya. Istilah anakonda (tanpa kata tambahan) sering digunakan untuk menyebut ular ini, walaupun istilah ini juga digunakan untuk menyebut jenis-jenis lain dari marga Eunectes.

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Græn anakonda ( Islandèis )

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Græn anakonda (fræðiheiti: Eunectes murinus) er slanga sem finnst í Suður-Ameríku. Hún er þyngsta og næstlengsta þekkta slanga síns ættbálks. Þegar vísað er til anakondu er oftast verið að tala um grænu anakonduna en hugtakið gæti einnig gilt um aðra meðlimi ættkvíslarinnar Eunectes.


E. murinus, New England Aquarium

Græna anakondan getur orðið meira en sex metrar að lengd og sú lengsta varð 8,8 m. Hún hefur gin sem er 30 cm og getur orðið allt að 227 kg. Græna Anakondan er ættuð frá Suður-Ameríku er þyngsta og ein af lengstu slöngum sem finnast í heiminum. Hún á heima í mýrum og straumlitlum ám, aðallega í hitabeltis regnskógum Amazon og Orinoco vatnssvæðum. Þær eru mjög fyrirferðamiklar á landi en í vatni fer mjög lítið fyrir þeim. Græna anakondan hefur augu nasir efst á höfðinu sem gerir þeim kleift að leita sér að bráð meðan þær eru eiginlega á kafi svo bráðin sér þær aldrei fyrr en það er of seint.


Mestur tími grænu anakondunar fer í að veiða í vatni og getur hún étið eiginlega allt sem upp í hana kemst en aðal fæða hennar er fiskur, fuglar, villt svín og hefur einnig komið upp atvik þar sem hún át hlébarða. Græna anakondan er ekki eitruð en í staðinn kæfa þær bráðina áður en þær borða. Þegar hún sér bráðina sína finnur hún sér fullkomið tækifæri og grípur bráðina með munninum og læsir með tönnunum sínum. Því næst vefur hún sér utan um hana og kreistir þar til allt líf úr henni er farið og þegar bráðin er dauð étur hún hana í einum bita. Þegar bráðin er mjög stór tekur græna anakondan kjálkann sinn úr lið til þess að geta komið allri bráðinni upp í sig.

Græna anakondan er ekki þekkt fyrir að éta menn en koma hafið upp atvik þar sem það hefur gerst. Einnig hafa komið upp atvik þar sem kvenkyns anakondur hafa étið karlkyns anakondur sem eru minni en þær.


Græna anakondan eyðir mestum sínum tíma ein en í apríl og maí leita karlar út konur til þess að makast og oft eltast mörg karldýr við eitt kvendýr. Þegar Anakondan er orðin þunguð tekur það eggin átta til tólf vikur að þróast og síðan klekjast eggin á meðan þau eru enþá inn í líkama móðurinnar. Þá fæðir hún allt að 80 litla snáka sem er hver um það bil 30-40 cm að lengd.

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Græn anakonda: Brief Summary ( Islandèis )

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Græn anakonda (fræðiheiti: Eunectes murinus) er slanga sem finnst í Suður-Ameríku. Hún er þyngsta og næstlengsta þekkta slanga síns ættbálks. Þegar vísað er til anakondu er oftast verið að tala um grænu anakonduna en hugtakið gæti einnig gilt um aðra meðlimi ættkvíslarinnar Eunectes.

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Eunectes murinus ( Italian )

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L'anaconda verde (Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758)), anche conosciuta come anaconda gigante, anaconda comune o sucuri, è un grande serpente non velenoso, appartenente alla famiglia Boidae, nativo del Sud America. È uno dei serpenti esistenti più pesanti, nonché uno dei più longevi. Il termine "anaconda" viene usato spesso per riferirsi a questa specie, sebbene il termine possa essere applicato anche ad altri membri del genere Eunectes.

Il record fossile di questo serpente risale al tardo Pleistocene nella località di Gruta do Urso, in Brasile.[3]


Uno scheletro di 4,3 metri di anaconda verde, presso il Museum of Osteology, insieme ad altri squamati

Il nome specifico murinus viene dal latino, e significa "dei topi", in quanto si credeva che questi roditori costituissero la dieta di questo serpente.

Nella famosa decima edizione del Systema Naturae, del 1758, Carl Linnaeus citò le descrizioni di Albertus Seba e di Laurens Theodorus Gronovius per erigere la distinta specie murina all'interno del suo nuovo genere Boa, che conteneva altre otto specie, tra cui Boa constrictor.[4] Il nome generico Boa deriva da un'antica parola latina per un tipo di grande serpente. I primi esemplari di Boa murina erano individui giovani di 75-90 centimetri di lunghezza.[5] Nel 1830, Johann Georg Wagler eresse un nuovo genere separato, Eunectes (che significa "buon nuotatore" in greco) per il Boa murina di Linneo, dopo aver esaminato e descritto esemplari sempre più grandi.[6] Per via del nome del genere maschile Eunectes, il nome specifico latino femminile murina fu cambiato in murinus.

Linneo, quasi certamente, scelse il nome scientifico Boa murina sulla base della descrizione latina originale data da A. Seba,[7] nel 1735: "Serpens testudinacea americana, murium insidiator" [serpente americano dalle macchie a tartaruga (maculato), un predatore che attende in agguato topi (e ratti)]. L'aggettivo latino murinus (murina) in questo caso significherebbe "di topi" o "connesso ai topi", inteso nel contesto come "predatore di topi", e non come "topo grigio" (altro possibile significato del nome latino murinus) come ora spesso erroneamente indicato per E. murinus. Le prime fonti in lingua inglese, come George Shaw, riferirono Boa murina come "boa dei topi", e la Penny Cyclopaedia (Vol. 5) nel suo testo spiegava: "Il nome murina gli è stato dato perché si diceva che stesse in agguato a caccia di topi". Linneo[8] descrisse l'aspetto del Boa murina in latino come rufus maculis supra rotundatis [bruno-rossastro con macchie arrotondate sulla parte superiore] e non fece alcun riferimento a una colorazione grigia. Le prime descrizioni dell'anaconda verde da diversi autori si riferivano in vario modo al colore generale come marrone, glauco, verde o grigio.

I nomi comuni per E. murinus includono anaconda verde, anaconda gigante, anaconda comune e boa d'acqua.[9]


Dimensioni di E. murinus (in verde scuro), insieme al pitone reticolato (verde chiaro), e gli estinti Gigantophis (rosso) e Titanoboa (blu)
Esemplare di anaconda verde, presso Loreto, Perù

L'anaconda verde è il serpente più pesante al mondo, nonché uno dei serpenti più lunghi, raggiungendo una lunghezza di 5,21 m.[10] Secondo quanto riferito, gli esemplari adulti in media possono raggiungere i 5 m di lunghezza, con le femmine adulte, che presentano una lunghezza media di circa 4,6 metri, essendo generalmente molto più grandi dei maschi, che in media si aggirano intorno ai 3 m.[11][12][13] Il peso di questi serpenti è meno documentato, anche se secondo quanto riferito gli adulti medi pesano tra i 30 e i 70 kg.[14][15] È il più grande serpente originario delle Americhe. Anche se è leggermente più corta del pitone reticolato, è molto più robusta; La robustezza di un anaconda verde di 4,5 metri è paragonabile a quella di un pitone reticolato di 7,4 metri.[16] Esistono anche rapporti di anaconda di 11-12 m o anche più lunghi, ma tali affermazioni devono essere considerate con cautela, poiché nessun esemplare di tali lunghezze è mai stato posseduto da un museo e mancano prove concrete che questi serpenti possano raggiungere tali dimensioni.[17] Tuttavia, è stata offerta una ricompensa in contanti di 50 000 US$ a chiunque riesca a catturare un anaconda di 9,1 metri o più lungo.[18] L'esemplare registrato più lungo e più pesante venne incontrato dal Dr. Jesús Antonio Rivas, che aveva esaminato più di mille anaconda.[19] Si trattava di una femmina di 5,21 m, e del peso di 97,5 kg.[10] Il serpente è interamente ricoperto di squame, tranne nella regione della cloaca. Caratteristica particolare degli anaconda e di tutti gli altri grandi serpenti costrittori è la presenza, nello scheletro del bacino, cui sono anatomicamente collegati, di speroni, ossia minuscoli arti posteriori vestigiali visibili anche esternamente.

La colorazione di questi serpenti è costituita da uno sfondo verde oliva ricoperto da macchie nere lungo tutta la lunghezza del corpo. La testa è stretta rispetto al corpo, solitamente adornata da distintive strisce giallo-arancione su entrambi i lati. Gli occhi sono posizionati in alto sulla testa, consentendo al serpente di vedere fuori dall'acqua mentre nuota senza esporre il resto del corpo.

Difficoltà nel determinare le dimensioni massime

Primo piano della testa di anaconda verde, allo zoo di Hellabrunn

La posizione remota dell'habitat di questo serpente ha storicamente reso difficile localizzare, catturare e trasportare esemplari per i musei. Trasportare esemplari molto grandi nei musei, soprattutto prima di un sostanziale degrado, è piuttosto difficile (sebbene ciò non abbia impedito il ritorno di esemplari di coccodrilli molto più grandi e ingombranti).[17] Le pelli possono allungarsi in modo sostanziale, aumentando le dimensioni del serpente di oltre il 50% se allungate durante il processo di concia, il che ha portato a stime eccessive per questi animali. Rapporti e registri privi di prove fisiche sono considerati dubbi soprattutto se forniti da un'équipe priva di scienziati, poiché tali individui possono, nel peggiore dei casi, essere più interessati a promuovere sé stessi o raccontare storie, o comunque non essere sufficientemente addestrati nei metodi di misurazione scientifica. I rapporti osservativi di animali che non sono stati catturati, sono ancora più dubbiosi, poiché anche scienziati addestrati spesso sovrastimano sostanzialmente le dimensioni degli anaconda prima della cattura.[17] Secondo il Guinness dei primati, questa specie è stata forse soggetta alle esagerazioni delle dimensioni più estreme di qualsiasi altro animale vivente.[20]

Documenti storici

Iconografia di Boa murina, dalla collezione dell'Università di Amsterdam

Sono riportati numerosi resoconti storici di anaconda verdi, spesso di dimensioni improbabili. Diversi zoologi (in particolare Henry Walter Bates e Alfred Russel Wallace, tra gli altri) udirono di voci di serpenti dalla lunghezza superiore a 9 o 12 m, ma in ogni caso, le loro osservazioni dirette erano limitate a serpenti di circa 6 m di lunghezza. Numerose stime e resoconti di seconda mano abbondano, ma sono generalmente considerati inaffidabili. Per dimostrare il punto delle sovrastimazioni, in Guyana nel 1937, lo zoologo Alpheus Hyatt Verrill chiese alla propria squadra di spedizione con cui si trovava di stimare la lunghezza di un grande anaconda rannicchiata su una roccia. Le stime della squadra andavano da 6,1 a 18,3 m; quando misurato, questo esemplare è risultato essere lungo solo 5,9 m.[20]

Quasi tutti gli esemplari che superano i 6 m, compreso un mirabolante esemplare molto pubblicizzato di 11,36 m di lunghezza, non sono rappresentati da buoni esemplari, e sono spesso composti solo da pelli e ossa.[20]

La pelle di un esemplare, allungata a 10 m, è conservata nell'Instituto Butantan di San Paolo e si dice che provenga da un anaconda di 7,6 m di lunghezza.[20] Mentre si trovava in Colombia nel 1978, l'erpetologo William W. Lamar ebbe un incontro con una grande femmina lunga 7,5 m, che si stima pesasse tra i 136 e i 180 kg.[17] Nel 1962, WL Schurz affermò di aver misurato un serpente in Brasile di 8,46 m con una circonferenza massima di 112 cm.[20] Una femmina, che secondo quanto riferito misurava 7,9 m di lunghezza, uccisa nel 1963 a Nariva Swamp, Trinidad, aveva nel suo stomaco un caimano di 1,5 metri.[20] Un esemplare di 7,3 m, con un peso riferito di 149 kg, fu catturato alla foce del fiume Kassikaityu in Guyana, essendo stato trattenuto da 13 uomini locali, e in seguito fu revocato per una collezione di zoo negli Stati Uniti, ma morì per le cattive condizioni di salute poco dopo.[20] Le dimensioni massime verificate per E. murinus in cattività sono di un esemplare tenuto allo Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Acquarium, che crebbe fino a 6,27 m di lunghezza, quando morì il 20 luglio 1960. Quando questo esemplare era lungo 5,94 m, pesava 91 kg.[20] Il peso stimato per un anaconda nel raggio di 8 m è di almeno 200 kg.[20] Il National Geographic pubblicò un peso massimo di 227 kg per E. murinus, ma questa è quasi certamente una semplice stima.[21] Il peso di questi animali può variare considerevolmente negli esemplari di grandi dimensioni a seconda delle condizioni ambientali e dell'alimentazione, con il suddetto esemplare di Verrill, estremamente voluminoso, stimato a 163 kg di peso, mentre un altro esemplare considerato grande a 5,06 m, pesava solo 54 kg.[20][22]

Stime attuali della dimensione massima

Pelle tassidermata di anaconda verde

Le dimensioni presentano una sfida per raggiungere le condizioni di riproduzione negli anaconda femmine più grandi. Sebbene delle dimensioni più grandi offrono il vantaggio di poter avere un maggior numero di prole per covata, le maggiori dimensioni limitano la frequenza degli accoppiamenti degli individui più grandi, indicando che esiste un punto in cui il vantaggio le dimensioni maggiori di una covata possono negare alla femmina la capacità di riprodursi nuovamente.[10] Per gli anaconda, questo limite è stimato a circa 6,7 m di lunghezza totale.[10] Ciò è coerente con i risultati di una revisione delle dimensioni alla maturità sessuale e delle dimensioni massime di diversi serpenti del Nord America, che ha rilevato che le dimensioni massime sono comprese tra i 1,5 e i 2,5 al raggiungimento della maturità sessuale.[23] Le dimensioni minime degli anaconda per riprodursi, in un sondaggio di 780 individui, è di 2,1 m di lunghezza, indicando che le dimensioni massime raggiunte dagli anaconda seguendo questo modello sarebbe di 5,3 m.[10] Tuttavia, la maggior parte degli anaconda analizzate è stata catturata nelle llanos, che sono più accessibili agli umani e ospitano prede più piccole, mentre le foreste pluviali, che sono meno esplorate e presentano prede più abbondanti, potrebbero ospitare serpenti più grandi.[10][24]

Distribuzione e habitat

Un esemplare al Hato El Cedral

L'anaconda verde è un serpente nativo del Sud America, e la sua distribuzione geografica si estende a est delle Ande, in paesi come Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Perù, Bolivia, Brasile, l'isola di Trinidad, fino al nord del Paraguay.[25] La località tipo indicata è "America".[2]

Gli anaconda vivono in zone umide, paludi e corsi d'acqua dalla corrente lenta, principalmente nelle foreste pluviali tropicali del bacino dell'Amazzonia e dell'Orinoco. Sono animali lenti e goffi a terra, ma sanno essere furtivi ed eleganti nell'acqua. I loro occhi e le aperture nasali sono in cima alla testa, permettendo loro di stare in agguato appena sotto il pelo dell'acqua rimanendo quasi completamente sommersi, attendendo la preda.[26]


Tutte le specie di anaconda sono principalmente notturne e tendono a trascorrere la maggior parte della loro vita dentro o nei pressi di sorgenti d'acqua. Sebbene possano raggiungere elevate velocità nuotando, tendono perlopiù a galleggiare sotto la superficie dell'acqua con il muso sopra la superficie. Quando la preda passa vicino al suo nascondiglio o si avvicina a un corso d'acqua per abbeverarsi, l'anaconda colpisce, serrando le fauci sulla preda, per poi avvolgerla completamente con le sue spire. Il serpente quindi comincerà a stringere la sua presa fino a soffocare la preda.[27]


Riproduzione museale di un anaconda verde intento a ingoiare un capibara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), al Senckenberg Naturmuseum

Principalmente acquatici, questi serpenti si nutrono di un'ampia varietà di prede, ossia quasi tutto ciò che riescono a sopraffare, inclusi pesci, uccelli, una gran varietà di mammiferi e altri rettili. Le prede abituali degli esemplari di taglia media includono agouti, paca e scimmie, oppure i più pericolosi caimani, e felini selvatici come gli ocelot o gli yaguarondi. Anaconda particolarmente grandi possono cacciare e ingoiare anche animali di grandi dimensioni come tapiri, cervi, capibara e caimani adulti, ma pasti così abbondanti non vengono consumati regolarmente.

Gli occhi e il naso dell'anaconda verde si trovano sulla sommità della testa, consentendo al serpente di respirare e tendere imboscate alla propria preda mentre il resto del corpo è nascosta sott'acqua.[28] Molte storie e leggende locali riportano che l'anaconda sia un mangiatore di uomini, sebbene esistano poche prove riguardanti la sua presunta antropofagia. È anche noto che gli anaconda verdi praticano il cannibalismo, e nella maggior parte dei casi registrati riguardano una grossa femmina che divora un maschio più piccolo. Sebbene la ragione esatta di tale comportamento non sia stata ancora del tutto compresa, gli scienziati citano diverse possibilità, tra cui il drammatico dimorfismo sessuale della specie e la possibilità che un anaconda femmina richieda un'assunzione di cibo aggiuntiva dopo la riproduzione per sostenere il lungo periodo di gestazione. Il maschio fornisce semplicemente alla femmina opportunista una fonte di nutrimento pronta.[29]


Questa specie è solitaria fino alla stagione degli amori, che si verifica durante la stagione delle piogge, e può durare diversi mesi, generalmente da aprile a maggio. Durante questo periodo, i maschi devono trovare le femmine, alcuni dei quali percorrono anche grandi distanze per raggiungerle. In genere, le femmine di serpente tracciano una scia di feromoni che i maschi devono seguire, ma non è ancora chiaro come i maschi di questa specie rintracciano il profumo di una femmina. Un'altra possibilità è che la femmina rilasci uno stimolante nell'aria. Questa teoria è supportata dall'osservazione delle femmine che rimangono immobili, mentre più maschi si avvicinano verso di loro da tutte le direzioni. Anche gli anaconda maschi scuotono spesso la lingua per percepire sostanze chimiche che segnalano la presenza di una femmina.[30]

Una "palla di riproduzione", a Los Llanos, Venezuela

Molti maschi possono trovare la stessa femmina. Sebbene più di un maschio possa non essere necessario, ciò si traduce in strani gruppi denominati "palle di riproduzione", in cui fino a 12 maschi si avvolgono attorno alla stessa femmina e tentano di accoppiarsi con essa. Vi sono casi in cui uno di questi gruppi non si sono sciolti per due o quattro settimane. Questa "palla" funge da combattimento al rallentatore tra i maschi, ognuno in lotta per l'opportunità di accoppiarsi con la femmina.

Durante l'accoppiamento, i maschi utilizzano i loro speroni per eccitare la femmina. Premono in modo aggressivo le loro regioni cloacali contro il corpo femminile, mentre la graffiano continuamente con i loro speroni. Questo può produrre un suono graffiante dato dall'attrito con le scaglie della femmina. L'accoppiamento si avvicina al suo culmine quando lo stimolo degli speroni dei maschi inducono la femmina a sollevare la sua regione cloacale, permettendo alle cloache dei due serpenti di muoversi insieme. Il maschio poi avvolge la coda, circondando la femmina e vi si accoppia.[31] Il maschio più forte e più grande è spesso il vincitore. Tuttavia, le femmine sono fisicamente molto più grandi e più forti e possono decidere di scegliere il proprio partner tra i vari maschi. Il corteggiamento e l'accoppiamento avvengono quasi esclusivamente in acqua.

L'accoppiamento è seguito da un periodo di gestazione da sei a sette mesi. La specie è ovovivipara, con femmine che danno alla luce cuccioli vivi. Le cucciolate di solito sono composte da 20 a 40 serpentelli, sebbene ne possano nascere fino a 100. Dopo il parto, le femmine possono perdere fino alla metà del loro peso.

I cuccioli appena nati sono lunghi circa 70-80 centimetri e non ricevono cure parentali. A causa delle loro piccole dimensioni, spesso cadono preda di altri animali. Se sopravvivono, crescono rapidamente fino a raggiungere la maturità sessuale nei loro primi anni, dopodiché il loro tasso di crescita continua a un ritmo più lento.[27]

Tuttavia, quando non sono disponibili maschi per l'accoppiamento, le femmine d'anaconda possono partorire per partenogenesi facoltativa. Nell'agosto 2014, il West Midlands Safari Park ha annunciato che il 12 agosto 2014 una femmina di anaconda verde, che era tenuta con un'altra femmina di anaconda, per partenogenesi diede alla luce tre cuccioli.[32][33]

Relazioni con l'uomo

Alcune leggende popolari e presunte esperienze locali narrano di vittime umane cadute preda di questo mastodontico rettile; sebbene non ci sia alcuna prova al riguardo, la veridicità di questi attacchi non è da ritenersi improbabile, sebbene attribuibile solo agli esemplari più grandi.

In cattività

Anaconda verde presso il Parco Natura Viva, Bussolengo, Italia
Un esemplare presso lo Zoo di Praga, Repubblica Ceca

L'anaconda verde è un serpente particolarmente ricercato nelle collezioni private e negli zoo, sebbene le sue dimensioni siano una sfida per il suo mantenimento. Il terrario per questo serpente deve essere abbastanza grande per consentire all'animale di muoversi, e necessita di una zona acquatica. La temperatura del terrario può essere mantenuta mediante l'uso di un elemento riscaldante o di lampade infrarossi, UVB. All'interno del rettilario deve essere presente un'area asciutta per consentire al serpente di crogiolarsi alla luce, ma bisogna fornire anche un'area fresca per permettere all'animale di termoregolarsi, in questo caso la zona fresca può essere la parte acquatica del terrario. L'umidità ottimale varia a seconda della provenienza dell'animale, con esemplari provenienti da climi più tropicali che necessitano di un'umidità superiore all'80%.[34]

Gli anaconda in cattività hanno la reputazione di essere imprevedibili e aggressivi, specialmente gli esemplari catturati in natura non adeguatisi all'ambiente domestico. Tuttavia, esemplari allevati in cattività sin dalla nascita, con le dovute cure, possono diventare animali calmi e relativamente tranquilli. A causa delle loro immense dimensioni e della loro forza, tuttavia, è necessario mantenere sempre il giusto rispetto e cautela, ed è meglio lasciarli a proprietari adulti esperti che possono fornire loro i requisiti appropriati.[35][36] Non è consigliabile procurarsi uno di questi serpenti a meno che non si abbiano già esperienze con altri serpenti di grandi dimensioni. I serpenti di grandi dimensioni richiedono grandi spazi e cure costose. Gli individui adulti, inoltre, richiedono grandi prede, delle dimensioni di un coniglio. Gli anaconda sono, inoltre, dipendenti dall'acqua, pertanto, la loro sistemazione dovrà avere almeno una zona acquatica dove possano immergersi completamente.[37]

Nella cultura popolare

Grazie a leggende popolari e presunte esperienze locali dei popoli che vivono nello stesso territorio di questi rettili, gli anaconda si sono guadagnati una cattiva nomea, e spesso sono interpretati nella letteratura e nei film dell'orrore, come mostri colossali capaci di ingoiare un essere umano adulto; questi tratti, volutamente mostruosi ed esagerati, sono occasionalmente attribuiti anche ad altre specie, come il pitone birmano, il pitone reticolato (l'unico serpente a cui sono stati effettivamente attribuiti attacchi a uomini adulti in natura)[38][39][40][41] e il boa constrictor (sebbene quest'ultimo non raggiunga dimensioni tali da poter uccidere e ingoiare un essere umano). Tra i più popolari di questi film ci sono il film del 1997 Anaconda e i suoi quattro sequel.


  1. ^ Calderón, M., Ortega, A., Scott, N., Cacciali, P., Nogueira, C. de C., Gagliardi, G., Catenazzi, A., Cisneros-Heredia, D.F., Hoogmoed, M.S., Schargel, W., Rivas, G. & Murphy, J. 2021. Eunectes murinus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T44580041A44580052. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-2.RLTS.T44580041A44580052.en. Downloaded on 12 October 2021.
  2. ^ a b McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, Volume 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).
  4. ^ Carl von Linné, Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, vol. 1, 10th, 1758, p. 215. Ospitato su Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  5. ^ Shaw, G. 1802. General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History Vol. III [(Part II) Amphibia (Order Serpentes): pgs. 351--352]. Thomas Davison, London. 615 pp.
  6. ^ Wagler, J. 1830. Natürliches System der Amphibien, mit Vorangehander Classification der Säugtiere und Vögel. J. G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, München. 354 pp.
  7. ^ Seba, A. 1735. Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio. Vol. 2. (pg 30). J. Wetstenium, & Guil. Smith, & Janssonio-Waesbergios, Amsterdam.
  8. ^ Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae. 10th ed., Vol. 1 (pg. 215). Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm, 824 pp.
  9. ^ Mehrtens JM. 1987. Living Snakes of the World in Color. New York: Sterling Publishers. 480 pp. ISBN 0-8069-6460-X.
  10. ^ a b c d e f Rivas, Jesús Antonio, The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive Biology (PDF), University of Tennessee, 2000 (archiviato dall'url originale il 3 marzo 2016).
  11. ^ O'Shea, M. 2007. Boas and pythons of the world. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
  12. ^ Minton, Sherman A., and Madge Rutherford Minton. Giant Reptiles. New York: Scribners, 1973.
  13. ^ Rivas, J., G. Burghardt. 2001. Understanding Sexual Size Dimorphism in Snakes: wearing the snake's shoes. Animal Behaviour, 62: F1-F6.
  14. ^ Pope, Clifford Millhouse. The Giant Snakes: The Natural History of the Boa Constrictor, the Anaconda, and the Largest Pythons, Including Comparative Facts about Other Snakes and Basic Information on Reptiles in General. New York: Knopf, 1961.
  15. ^ Duellman, W. 2005. Cusco Amazonico: The Lives of Amphibians and Reptiles in an Amazonian Rainforest. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Books in Herpetology.
  16. ^ O'Shea, Mark. Boas and Pythons of the World, page 55.
  17. ^ a b c d Murphy JC, Henderson RW. 1997. Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons. Krieger Pub. Co. 221 pp. ISBN 0-89464-995-7.
  18. ^ Rivas, Jesús A., Rafael E. Ascanio e Maria D. C. Muñoz, What is the length of a snake? (PDF), in Contemporary Herpetology, vol. 2008, n. 2, 2008, pp. 1-3 (archiviato dall'url originale il 25 luglio 2011).
  19. ^ https://web.archive.org/web/20160303183315/http://anacondas.org/
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Wood, Gerald, The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats, 1983, ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.
  21. ^ [1] National Geographic.
  22. ^ [2] Archived 11 April 2019.
  23. ^ P. C. Pritchard, Letters to the editor, in Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, vol. 29, n. 12, 1994.
  24. ^ O'Shea, Mark. Boas and Pythons of the World, pg. 25
  25. ^ (ES) "Pescaron" una anaconda de siete metros y 90 kilos [Seven-meter-long, 90 kg anaconda "fished"], ABC Color, 4 gennaio 2008.
  26. ^ Green Anaconda Eunectes murinus, su animals.nationalgeographic.com, National Geographic. URL consultato il 14 marzo 2011.
  27. ^ a b Adil Soomro, Eunectes murinus, in University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Animal Diversity Web, 2001. URL consultato il 10 ottobre 2008.
  28. ^ http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/green-anaconda/
  29. ^ Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda): Cannibalism Archiviato il 1º marzo 2010 in Internet Archive. at Prodigy Archiviato il 13 marzo 2010 in Internet Archive.. Accessed 3 July 2008.
  30. ^ Burton, Maurice, and Robert Burton. International Wildlife Encyclopedia, pg. 44.
  31. ^ Herpetologist Jesus Rivas Archiviato il 26 luglio 2010 in Internet Archive.
  32. ^ BBC News - Female anaconda's West Midlands Safari Park 'virgin birth', in BBC News.
  33. ^ Miraculous Birth at West Midland Safari Park, in wmsp.co.uk (archiviato dall'url originale il 31 agosto 2014).
  34. ^ Murray E. Fowler e Zalmir S. Cubas, Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of South American Wild Animals, Blackwell Publishing, 2001, pp. 40-41, ISBN 0-8138-2846-5.
  35. ^ http://blogs.thatpetplace.com/thatreptileblog/2011/12/09/captive-care-of-the-worlds-largest-snake-keeping-the-green-anaconda/#.WMnf4RiZP-Y
  36. ^ http://www.reptilesmagazine.com/Keeping-the-Green-Anaconda/
  37. ^ http://www.reptilerange.com/green-anaconda-care-sheet/
  38. ^ (IO) Nurhadi, Beginilah Ular Piton Menelan Akbar Petani Sawit Memuju Tengah , in Tribun Timur, 28 marzo 2017. URL consultato il 28 marzo 2017.
  39. ^ Missing man found dead in belly of 7m-long python in Indonesia: Report, su Straits Times, 29 marzo 2017. URL consultato il 29 marzo 2017.
  40. ^ Indonesian man's body found inside python – police, su BBC, 29 marzo 2017. URL consultato il 29 marzo 2017.
  41. ^ 23-foot python swallows Indonesian woman near her garden, su Los Angeles Times, Associated Press. URL consultato il 17 giugno 2018.

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Eunectes murinus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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L'anaconda verde (Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758)), anche conosciuta come anaconda gigante, anaconda comune o sucuri, è un grande serpente non velenoso, appartenente alla famiglia Boidae, nativo del Sud America. È uno dei serpenti esistenti più pesanti, nonché uno dei più longevi. Il termine "anaconda" viene usato spesso per riferirsi a questa specie, sebbene il termine possa essere applicato anche ad altri membri del genere Eunectes.

Il record fossile di questo serpente risale al tardo Pleistocene nella località di Gruta do Urso, in Brasile.

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Anakonda ( lituan )

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Binomas Eunectes murinus

Anakonda (lot. Eunectes murinus) – smauglinių (Boidae) šeimos pati sunkiausia pasaulyje gyvatė, galinti sverti iki 250 kg.

Gyvena upių pakraščiuose, Venesueloje, Kolumbijoje, Brazilijoje, šiaurės Bolivijoje, Peru ir kt. Pietų Amerikos valstybėse. Maistas – vandens paukščiai, smulkūs žvėreliai, kartais vėžliai, jauni kaimanai, kiaulės, šunys, vištos, antys.

Apie anakondas sukurta daug legendų. Pirmieji tyrinėtojai pranešdavo, kad jos net apie 40 m ilgio, tačiau daug realesnis yra maždaug 9 m ilgis. Sunku nustatyti susirangiusios ar vandenyje tykančios gyvatės ilgį. Anakonda – ne tik antra pagal dydį gyvatė, bet ir nepaprastai raumeninga bei stipri. Ji yra smauglys, todėl gali suspausti ir praryti elnią, kiaulę, tapyrą ar 2 m aligatorių. Patelė, kaip dauguma kitų gyvačių, kiaušinių nededa. Ji atveda net 45 jau susiformavusius 60 cm ilgio jauniklius.

Žmones puola retai, kartais tiesiog per klaidą, matydama tik žmogaus dalį arba jei jai atrodo, kad žmogus nori atimti jos grobį. Vietiniai gyventojai anakondų nebijo, medžioja dėl odos.

Nelaisvėje anakondos gyvena 5-6 metus; užregistruotas atvejis kai išgyveno 28 metus. Pagrindinis maistas – kiškiai, jūrų kiaulytės, žiurkės, bet taip pat minta įvairiais ropliais, žuvimis, kartais ir gyvatėmis.


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Anakonda: Brief Summary ( lituan )

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Anakonda (lot. Eunectes murinus) – smauglinių (Boidae) šeimos pati sunkiausia pasaulyje gyvatė, galinti sverti iki 250 kg.

Gyvena upių pakraščiuose, Venesueloje, Kolumbijoje, Brazilijoje, šiaurės Bolivijoje, Peru ir kt. Pietų Amerikos valstybėse. Maistas – vandens paukščiai, smulkūs žvėreliai, kartais vėžliai, jauni kaimanai, kiaulės, šunys, vištos, antys.

Apie anakondas sukurta daug legendų. Pirmieji tyrinėtojai pranešdavo, kad jos net apie 40 m ilgio, tačiau daug realesnis yra maždaug 9 m ilgis. Sunku nustatyti susirangiusios ar vandenyje tykančios gyvatės ilgį. Anakonda – ne tik antra pagal dydį gyvatė, bet ir nepaprastai raumeninga bei stipri. Ji yra smauglys, todėl gali suspausti ir praryti elnią, kiaulę, tapyrą ar 2 m aligatorių. Patelė, kaip dauguma kitų gyvačių, kiaušinių nededa. Ji atveda net 45 jau susiformavusius 60 cm ilgio jauniklius.

Žmones puola retai, kartais tiesiog per klaidą, matydama tik žmogaus dalį arba jei jai atrodo, kad žmogus nori atimti jos grobį. Vietiniai gyventojai anakondų nebijo, medžioja dėl odos.

Nelaisvėje anakondos gyvena 5-6 metus; užregistruotas atvejis kai išgyveno 28 metus. Pagrindinis maistas – kiškiai, jūrų kiaulytės, žiurkės, bet taip pat minta įvairiais ropliais, žuvimis, kartais ir gyvatėmis.


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Anakonda ( léton )

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Anakonda, arī parastā anakonda (Eunectes murinus) ir žņaudzējčūsku dzimtas (Boidae) suga[1] , kas dzīvo Dienvidamerikas tropu joslā. Tā ir masīvākā un smagākā, un pēc tīklainā pitona otra garākā no mūsdienās sastopamajām čūskām.

Anakonda nav indīga. Dzīvniekus nogalina, spēcīgi sažņaudzot upuru ķermeni. Pretēji daudziem nostāstiem, anakonda parasti neuzbrūk cilvēkam, pat ūdenī. Ieraugot cilvēku, tā klusi attālinās. Tomēr reizēm tiek fiksēti anakondu uzbrukumi cilvēkam. Retos uzbrukumus varētu skaidrot ar faktu, ka anakondas dzīvo purvos, un ar cilvēku tās ceļi krustojas ļoti reti.[2]


Iznākusi krastā uz sauszemes, anakonda salokās vai satinas kamolā, līdz ar to ir grūti nosakāms tās garums
Mātītes ir izteikti lielākas nekā tēviņi

Anakonda dzīvo Dienvidamerikā uz rietumiem no Andiem. Tā sastopama Kolumbijā, Venecuēlā, Gviānā, Gajānā, Surinamā, Ekvadorā, Peru, Bolīvijā, Brazīlijā, kā arī Trinidadā. Izplatības dienvidrobeža sasniedz Paragvajas ziemeļus.[3]

Anakonda mājo purvos, dažādās aizaugušās slīkšņās ar lēnu straumi. Tā galvenokārt sastopama Amazones un Orinoko upju baseinos.[4]


Ķermeņa pamatkrāsa pelēcīgi zaļgana. Uz muguras tumši plankumi, vēdera daļā tumšu riņķu ieskauti mazāka izmēra dzeltenīgi plankumi. Biezā meža audzē dzīvnieks ir lieliski nomaskējies. Grāmatā "Apskurbušais mežs" Džeralds Darels par anakondas maskējošo krāsu raksta: "Zem krūma gulēja anakonda; čūskas spīdīgie, lāsumainie gredzeni tik saskanīgi iekļāvās apkārtnes fonā, ka es viņu nebiju pamanījis".

Nāsis, tāpat kā krokodiliem, atrodas deguna galā un galvas virspusē, lai varētu peldot viegli elpot. Tā var stundām ilgi gulēt ūdenī, nepakustoties, laukā atstājot tikai nāsis un gaidot medījumu.[4]

Anakonda ir lielākā un smagākā čūska pasaulē (par to garāks ir tikai tīklainais pitons), tās masa var sasniegt 90 kg, garums līdz 5 metriem un retos gadījumos vairāk.[5] Taču parasti anakondu izmēri ir krietni mazāki. Garākais zināmais sugas garums ir bijis anakondai, kas mitinājās Pitsburgas zoodārzā Pensilvānijā. Tas bija 6,27 metri. Būdama vēl 5,94 metrus gara, tā jau svēra 91 kg. Nacionālās ģeogrāfijas biedrības informācija par 8,8 metrus garām un 227 kg smagām anakondām ir līdz šim nepierādīti lielumi.[4] Tā kā anakondas tiek intensīvi medītas, tās dzīvo pārāk īsu mūžu, lai sasniegtu rekordlielumu. Mātītes ir izteikti lielākas nekā tēviņi. Uz sauszemes anakonda salokās līkumos un tās garumu ir grūti noteikt, bet ūdenī tā izstiepjas visā garumā.[4]


Parasti vienpate. Iecienītākie biotopi ir Amazones baseinā lēni tekoši strauti un upes, pārplūduši purvi, dumbrāji un ezeri. Ievērojami labāk jūtas ūdenī. Uz sauszemes smagnēja un lēnīga, bet ūdenī pārvietojas neticami ātri un viegli. Zem ūdens iztur vairāk nekā desmit minūtes. Medījumam parasti uzglūn seklā ūdenī, uzreiz zem tā virsmas. Bieži saritinājusies nekustīgi guļ un ļaujas straumei, un virs ūdens redzama tikai galva.

Parasti medī naktī, bet dienā guļ seklā ūdenī vai sildās saulē. Tāpat kā lielākā daļa čūsku anakonda prot labi līst kokos, kur viņas spēcīgais ķermenis nokarājas no koku zariem. Bez cilvēkiem eksistē pavisam nedaudz radījumu, kas ir pietiekami spēcīgi, lai uzvarētu cīņā ar šo lielo čūsku. Viņas nopietnākais dabiskais ienaidnieks ir jaguārs.


Anakonda spēj atplest muti ļoti plaši un spēj norīt samērā lielus dzīvniekus
Pēc veiksmīgām medībām anakonda spēj iztikt bez ēšanas pat mēnesi

Parasti par anakondas upuriem kļūst dažādi ūdens dzīvnieki vai sauszemes dzīvnieki, kas atnākuši pie ūdenstilpes padzerties. Tie ir brieži, pekari, kapibaras, tapiri, arī putni, zivis. Reizēm tiek nomedīti pat kaimani. Starp anakondām ir novērots arī kanibālisms, visbiežāk lielākas mātītes aprij mazākus tēviņus. Šim novērojumam nav īsti skaidrojuma, bet zinātnieki ir izvirzījuši hipotēzi, ka pēc pārošanās, uzsākoties ilgstošajai olu attīstībai, mātītei ir nepieciešams liels barības patēriņš un tuvumā esošais tēviņš spēj uzreiz nodrošināt mātīti ar tik nepieciešamajām barības vielām.[6]

Anakonda aprij savu medījumu veselu, bet pirms tam apvijas tam apkārt un cieši sažņaudz, turot upuri tik ilgi, līdz tas noslāpst. Anakondas žokļa kauli, pateicoties ļoti plastiskām saitēm, ir brīvi savienoti cits ar citu, kā arī vaļīgi pievienoti pie galvaskausa, kas ļauj viņai norīt divas reizes lielāku dzīvnieku par pašu. Pēc tik sātīgas maltītes anakonda dažas nedēļas vai pat mēnesi var neēst vispār.[4]


Anakonda ir vientuļniece un ar saviem sugas brāļiem tiekas tikai pārošanās sezonā, kas sakrīt ar lietus sezonu no aprīļa līdz maijam. Šajā periodā tēviņi dodas mātītes meklējumos, kuras savukārt aiz sevis atstāj feromonu pēdas. Pie mātītes, kas gatava pāroties, ierodas vairāki tēviņi.[7] Anakondas saveļas lielā pārošanās mudžeklī, kurā var būt līdz 13 tēviņiem.[8] Tie apvijas ap mātīti un cenšas ar to sapāroties, vienam otru cenšoties atgrūst. Šāds anakondu mudžeklis, kas lēnām vijas un veļas, kopīgi pavada 2—4 nedēļas. Pārošanās laikā tēviņš, lai saturētu mātīti, izmanto savus piešus, radot skrāpējošu troksni pret mātītes ādu. Parasti uzvar un ar mātīti sapārojas lielākais un spēcīgākais tēviņš, turklāt sapārošanās notiek vairākas reizes.[8] Pārošanās notiek tikai ūdenī.

Grūsnības periods ilgst 6—7 mēnešus. Piedzimst dzīvi mazuļi, pilnībā attīstījušies. Metienā ir 20—40 mazuļi, lai gan var būt arī līdz 100 mazuļiem. Pēc mazuļu piedzimšanas mātīte zaudē pusi no savas masas. Piedzimšanas brīdī anakondas mazulis ir 70–80 cm garš. Uzreiz pēc dzimšanas tas sāk pats par sevi rūpēties un spēj uzreiz peldēt un medīt.[4] Mazuļi ļoti bieži kļūst par citu dzīvnieku barību. Lai izdzīvotu, tie aug ļoti ātri un jau pirmajā gadā sasniedz dzimumbriedumu. Pēc tam anakondas attīstība palēninās.[8] Anakonda apstākļos, ja trūkst tēviņu, spēj radīt pēcnācējus arī partenoģenēzes ceļā.[9]


Anakondu apdraud lietus mežu izciršana un medības ādas dēļ.

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Anakonda: Brief Summary ( léton )

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Anakonda, arī parastā anakonda (Eunectes murinus) ir žņaudzējčūsku dzimtas (Boidae) suga , kas dzīvo Dienvidamerikas tropu joslā. Tā ir masīvākā un smagākā, un pēc tīklainā pitona otra garākā no mūsdienās sastopamajām čūskām.

Anakonda nav indīga. Dzīvniekus nogalina, spēcīgi sažņaudzot upuru ķermeni. Pretēji daudziem nostāstiem, anakonda parasti neuzbrūk cilvēkam, pat ūdenī. Ieraugot cilvēku, tā klusi attālinās. Tomēr reizēm tiek fiksēti anakondu uzbrukumi cilvēkam. Retos uzbrukumus varētu skaidrot ar faktu, ka anakondas dzīvo purvos, un ar cilvēku tās ceļi krustojas ļoti reti.

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Anakonda ( norvegèis )

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For den amerikanske skrekkfilmer fra 1997, se Anaconda

Grønn anakonda (vitenskapelig navn Eunectes murinus) er en kvelerslange og hører til Boaslangenes familie (Boidae). Anakondaen er verdens tyngste slange, og kan veie over 100 kg. Den blir mellom seks og ni meter lang.

Anakondaen oppholder seg i sumper omkring Amazonasfloden. Den lever for det meste i vann, og graver seg ned i grøfter når det er tørke. Når den tar et bytte, drar den det med seg ned i vannet og drukner det. Den spiser imidlertid også fisk. Vanlige bytter er flodsvin, hjorter, og kaimaner. De er også kjent for å være kannibaler. Hunnen er gravid i sju måneder og føder opp til 80 levende unger.

En anakonda kan leve i opptil 60 år, og de vokser nesten hele livet. Den største registrerte anakondaen hadde en lengde på 11,36 meter, men det finnes ingen bevis for at dette er sant. Det finnes også rapporter om anakondaer som har vært opp mot 13 meter. Ifølge Guiness World Records var det største eksemplar av en Eunectes Murinus 8,46 meter lang, og er regnet ut til å veie rundt 227 kg (500 lbs). Den var også hele 1,13 meter rundt livet, og ble skutt i Brasil i 1960. Det er et 10 meter langt skinn fra en slange i Instituto Butantan i São Paulo, og skal ha kommet fra en anakonda som var 7,6 meter langt. Men skinn regnes ikke som pålitelig bevis fordi det kan øke størrelsen opp mot 50%. Den lengste og tyngste pålitelige eksemplar av en grønn anakonda var 5,21 meter lang og veide 97,5 kg, men denne slangen ble fanget i Los Llanos i Venezuela, der slangene er mindre enn i regnskogen.

En anakonda dreper effektivt ved å kveile seg rundt byttet sitt forså å kvele det med en kraft på opp til 90 PSI. Den har tenner, men disse brukes til å holde fast byttet. En anakonda, som alle andre slanger, svelger byttet sitt helt. En anakonda jakter som oftest annenhver måned , dvs at den bruker lang tid på å fordøye byttene sine. I filmen "Anaconda" sies det at anakondaen gulper opp byttet sitt for å jakte på nytt. Dette er ikke sant. En anakonda kan derimot gulpe opp byttet dersom den føler seg truet eller stresset.

Anakondaen er av mange fryktet for å spise mennesker. Fakta er at en anakonda sjeldent angriper mennesker, mest på grunn av skulderbredden til en voksen mann/kvinne, som gjør det praktisk talt umulig for en anakonda å svelge det. Det er derimot blitt rapportert om hendelser hvor anakondaer har angrepet barn.

Det er to underarter, Eunectes Murinus Murinus og Eunectes Murinus Gigas

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Anakonda: Brief Summary ( norvegèis )

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For den amerikanske skrekkfilmer fra 1997, se Anaconda

Grønn anakonda (vitenskapelig navn Eunectes murinus) er en kvelerslange og hører til Boaslangenes familie (Boidae). Anakondaen er verdens tyngste slange, og kan veie over 100 kg. Den blir mellom seks og ni meter lang.

Anakondaen oppholder seg i sumper omkring Amazonasfloden. Den lever for det meste i vann, og graver seg ned i grøfter når det er tørke. Når den tar et bytte, drar den det med seg ned i vannet og drukner det. Den spiser imidlertid også fisk. Vanlige bytter er flodsvin, hjorter, og kaimaner. De er også kjent for å være kannibaler. Hunnen er gravid i sju måneder og føder opp til 80 levende unger.

En anakonda kan leve i opptil 60 år, og de vokser nesten hele livet. Den største registrerte anakondaen hadde en lengde på 11,36 meter, men det finnes ingen bevis for at dette er sant. Det finnes også rapporter om anakondaer som har vært opp mot 13 meter. Ifølge Guiness World Records var det største eksemplar av en Eunectes Murinus 8,46 meter lang, og er regnet ut til å veie rundt 227 kg (500 lbs). Den var også hele 1,13 meter rundt livet, og ble skutt i Brasil i 1960. Det er et 10 meter langt skinn fra en slange i Instituto Butantan i São Paulo, og skal ha kommet fra en anakonda som var 7,6 meter langt. Men skinn regnes ikke som pålitelig bevis fordi det kan øke størrelsen opp mot 50%. Den lengste og tyngste pålitelige eksemplar av en grønn anakonda var 5,21 meter lang og veide 97,5 kg, men denne slangen ble fanget i Los Llanos i Venezuela, der slangene er mindre enn i regnskogen.

En anakonda dreper effektivt ved å kveile seg rundt byttet sitt forså å kvele det med en kraft på opp til 90 PSI. Den har tenner, men disse brukes til å holde fast byttet. En anakonda, som alle andre slanger, svelger byttet sitt helt. En anakonda jakter som oftest annenhver måned , dvs at den bruker lang tid på å fordøye byttene sine. I filmen "Anaconda" sies det at anakondaen gulper opp byttet sitt for å jakte på nytt. Dette er ikke sant. En anakonda kan derimot gulpe opp byttet dersom den føler seg truet eller stresset.

Anakondaen er av mange fryktet for å spise mennesker. Fakta er at en anakonda sjeldent angriper mennesker, mest på grunn av skulderbredden til en voksen mann/kvinne, som gjør det praktisk talt umulig for en anakonda å svelge det. Det er derimot blitt rapportert om hendelser hvor anakondaer har angrepet barn.

Det er to underarter, Eunectes Murinus Murinus og Eunectes Murinus Gigas

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Anakonda zielona ( polonèis )

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Anakonda zielona (Eunectes murinus) – gatunek węża z rodziny dusicieli, podrodziny boidae, znany także jako anakonda olbrzymia. Zamieszkuje dorzecza Amazonki i Orinoko. Jeden z największych węży na świecie, ale nie najdłuższy.


Choć większe rozmiary osiąga pyton siatkowy, anakondy są znacznie cięższe i mogą osiągać nawet 250 kg masy ciała (jest to możliwe dzięki wodnemu środowisku – anakonda potrafi pływać z szybkością 20 km/godz i trwać w zanurzeniu 20 minut), przy średnicy 30 cm i obwodzie 1 m. Samice są wyraźnie większe od samców. Samice średnio osiągają 4 – 4,5 m długości oraz masę 60 – 70 kg. Samce przeciętnie osiągają około 2,5 – 3 m, przy czym są znacznie szczuplejsze od samic. Bardzo rzadko spotkać można samicę mierzącą ponad 5 m i ważącą ponad 100 kg. Head i współpracownicy (2009) podają, że najdłuższa zmierzona anakonda, której pomiar jest weryfikowalny, mierzyła ok. 7 m długości[2].

Pożywienie i polowanie

Dorosłe anakondy żywią się tapirami, rybami, czasem jaguarami[potrzebny przypis] i kajmanami, a przede wszystkim kapibarami. Czają się na zdobycz w wodzie lub jej pobliżu, po czym znienacka atakują. Przytrzymują pyskiem i owijają się wokół ofiary. Ściskając silnymi mięśniami, doprowadzają do zatrzymania krążenia krwi: gdy zwierzę próbuje się wyrwać lub złapać oddech, wąż zaciska sploty silniej. Po zabiciu nasuwają się na zdobycz (nie połykają, gdyż nie posiadają przełyku). Zaczynając od głowy, pochłaniają ofiarę w całości. Po obfitym posiłku anakonda nie czuje głodu przez kilka tygodni, a bez szkody dla zdrowia może nie jeść przez wiele miesięcy.


Przed okresem godów węże te zapadają w sen zimowy. Choć de facto w tej części świata zima nie występuje, podczas grudnia i stycznia opady są nieco mniejsze i anakondy chowają się do głębokich jezior, gdzie czerpią powietrze z wielkich pęcherzy powietrza. Samice odizolowane od samców mogą rozmnażać się partenogenetycznie[3].


  1. Eunectes murinus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Jason J. Head, Jonathan I. Bloch, Alexander K. Hastings, Jason R. Bourque, Edwin A. Cadena, Fabiany A. Herrera, P. David Polly i Carlos A. Jaramillo. Giant boid snake from the Palaeocene neotropics reveals hotter past equatorial temperatures. „Nature”. 457, s. 715-717, 2009. DOI: 10.1038/nature07671 (ang.).
  3. Hiroki Shibata, Shuichi Sakata, Yuzo Hirano, Eiji Nitasaka i Ai Sakabe. Facultative parthenogenesis validated by DNA analyses in the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus). „PLoS ONE”. 12(12): e0189654, 2017. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189654 (ang.).

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Anakonda zielona: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Anakonda zielona (Eunectes murinus) – gatunek węża z rodziny dusicieli, podrodziny boidae, znany także jako anakonda olbrzymia. Zamieszkuje dorzecza Amazonki i Orinoko. Jeden z największych węży na świecie, ale nie najdłuższy.

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Sucuri-verde ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Eunectes murinus, vulgarmente conhecida como sucuri, sucuriú, sucuriju, sucuruju, sucurijuba, sucurujuba, boiaçu, boiguaçu, boiuçu, boioçu, boiçu, boiuna, boitiapoia, arigboia, anaconda e viborão,[1] é a maior e mais conhecida das espécies existentes de sucuri. É encontrada na América do Sul, nas regiões alagadas, onde há presas em abundância, como jacarés e capivaras. Pode ultrapassar os cinco metros de comprimento e exceder os noventa quilogramas, porém seu tamanho médio é bem menor.[2]


"Sucuri", "sucuriú", "sucuriju" e "sucuruju" provêm do tupi suku'ri.[1] "Sucurijuba" e "sucurujuba" provêm do termo tupi para "sucuri amarela".[1] "Boiaçu", "boiguaçu", "boiuçu", "boioçu" e "boiçu" provêm da contração dos termos tupis mboîa, "cobra" e gûasu, "grande".[3] "Boiuna" provém do termo tupi para "cobra preta": mboîuna.[3] "Arigboia" possui origem tupi.[4] "Anaconda" é proveniente do tâmil anai-kondra ("matadora de elefante")[5] ou do cingalês හෙනකඳයා (henakan̆dayā, "tronco relâmpago").[6][7] "Viborão" é o aumentativo de víbora.[8]

"Eunectes" vem do grego εὐνήκτης, significando "boa nadadora", enquanto "murinus" vem do latim e significa "dos ratos", por conta de seus hábitos alimentares.


Os desenhos de seu corpo do pescoço até o rabo lembram a letra O. Sua face possui dois riscos laterais: um deles surge do olho e o outro, da parte de cima da cabeça.

É uma das maiores serpentes do mundo e a mais pesada existente, chegando aos 5,21 metros de comprimento e a uma massa de 97,5 kg,[2] embora normalmente não passe dos 3 metros. A maior sucuri-verde já mantida em cativeiro supostamente media 6,28 metros quando morreu em 1960 no Zoológico de Pittsburgh, e pesava mais de 90 kg.[9] Uma sucuri de 4,5 m teria aproximadamente o peso de uma píton-reticulada de 7,4 m.[10] Normalmente possuem uma massa de 30-70 kg, porém não são raros os relatos de sucuris mais pesadas. Acredita-se que uma sucuri de 8 metros pesaria por volta de 200 kg.[9]

No Instituto Butantan, em São Paulo, há uma pele preservada de 10 m, que supostamente pertenceu à uma serpente de 7,6 metros.[9] Na Colômbia, em 1978, o herpetologista William W. Lamar teria encontrado um espécime de 7,5 m, cujas estimativas de peso variavam entre 136-180 kg.[11] Há também vários outros relatos não-confirmados de sucuris com tamanhos de 6 ou mais metros de comprimento, incluindo um suposto exemplar medido em 1962 que teria um comprimento de 8,46 metros.[9]


Geralmente, evitam contato com humanos e, quando se sentem ameaçadas, o mínimo que pode acontecer é reagir com uma mordida à pessoa. Extremamente raros são os casos de pessoas serem ingeridas, isso só acontece quando o animal está com muita fome. Vivem a maior parte do tempo submersas, pois na água é onde elas são mais rápidas, ficando mais fácil a captura dos alimentos.

Apesar de existirem muitas lendas sobre as anacondas, elas são animais lentos na terra, por isso elas podem ficar mais agressivas - por não ter muito refúgio, podem usar a agressividade como proteção. As principais defesas incluem dar botes para manter o agressor longe e proteger a própria cabeça enrolando o seu corpo em volta.

Distribuição geográfica

São encontradas na América do Sul. No Brasil, podem ser encontradas sucuris em todas regiões, de norte a sul. Os maiores exemplares são encontrados na Amazônia, pois lá encontra-se o habitat perfeito para a sobrevivência desses animais.


As sucuris não são cobras peçonhentas, pois elas possuem dentição áglifa e matam suas presas por constrição, para depois engolir a presa por inteiro.

Costumam se alimentar de vários tipos diferentes de presas: peixes, aves, mamíferos variados (incluindo antas, cervos, capivaras e até mesmo suçuaranas[12][13][14]) e outros répteis (incluindo jacarés[15]). Às vezes podem inclusive cometer canibalismo.[16]


  1. a b c FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p. 1.625
  2. a b Rivas, Jesús Antonio (2000). The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive Biology (PDF) (Ph.D. thesis). University of Tennessee. [S.l.: s.n.] 2000
  3. a b [1]
  4. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.163
  5. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.112
  6. Skeat, Walter W. (Walter William) ([1911]). A concise etymological dictionary of the English language. [S.l.]: Oxford : Clarendon Press
  7. Robarts - University of Toronto. Notes and queries. [S.l.]: London [etc.] Oxford University Press [etc.]
  8. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.1 773
  9. a b c d Wood, Gerald (1983). The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9. [S.l.: s.n.]
  10. Mark O'Shea, Boas and Pythons of the World, página 55.
  11. Murphy JC, Henderson RW. 1997. Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons. Krieger Pub. Co. 221 pp. ISBN 0-89464-995-7. [S.l.: s.n.]
  12. «Sucuri de 4 m engole onça adulta após briga; registro é inédito, diz estudo». 13 de agosto de 2016. Consultado em 8 de abril de 2017
  13. «Anaconda engole onça parda e é encontrada quase morta em São Paulo». 17 de agosto de 2016. Consultado em 8 de abril de 2017
  14. «Conheça a anaconda, uma das maiores cobras do mundo». Conheça a anaconda, uma das maiores cobras do mundo | National Geographic. 19 de outubro de 2018
  15. «Biólogos criticam naturalista que deixou sucuri engoli-lo». 14 de novembro de 2014. Consultado em 8 de abril de 2017
  16. Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda): Cannibalism at Prodigy. [S.l.: s.n.] |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)

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Sucuri-verde: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Eunectes murinus, vulgarmente conhecida como sucuri, sucuriú, sucuriju, sucuruju, sucurijuba, sucurujuba, boiaçu, boiguaçu, boiuçu, boioçu, boiçu, boiuna, boitiapoia, arigboia, anaconda e viborão, é a maior e mais conhecida das espécies existentes de sucuri. É encontrada na América do Sul, nas regiões alagadas, onde há presas em abundância, como jacarés e capivaras. Pode ultrapassar os cinco metros de comprimento e exceder os noventa quilogramas, porém seu tamanho médio é bem menor.

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Anakonda tmavá ( slovach )

fornì da wikipedia SK

Anakonda tmavá alebo anakonda veľká (lat. Eunectes murinus) je nejedovatý had z čeľade veľhadovitých obývajúci Južnú Ameriku. Je to najťažší had na svete a zároveň jeden z najdlhších hadov.


Slovo anakonda pochádza z tamilského slova anaikolra, čo v preklade znamená zabijak slonov. V Južnej Amerike je zaužívaný aj španielsky výraz mata-toro, znamenajúci zabijak býkov.


Anakonda tmavá je masívny had zeleno-čiernej farby. Dosahuje dĺžku 4 až 9 metrov a hmotnosť až 250 kilogramov (vďaka čomu je najťažším hadom na svete). Vo voľnej prírode sa dožíva okolo 10 rokov, v zajatí 25 alebo aj viac rokov. Anakonda je adaptovaná na vodu, v ktorej trávi väčšinu života. Jej oči a nozdry sú umiestnené takmer navrchu hlavy, čiže môže číhať na svoju korisť aj čiastočne ponorená vo vode.


Väčšinu života trávi ponorená v plytkej vode. Uprednostňuje miesta s vodnou vegetáciou, ktorá jej zaručuje maskovanie. Svoje silné telo využíva na škrtenie, dokonca dokáže zaškrtiť zviera veľkosti koňa. Často prepadáva svoju obeť, keď sa prichádza napiť. Loví najmä za tmy.


V potrave nie je vyberavá. Loví vtáky, kajmany, korytnačky, ryby, kapybary a iných cicavcov. Dokonca existujú zdokumentované správy o tom, že anakonda zožrala človeka.


Jej domovom je Južná Amerika, konkrétne oblasť Amazónie. Sú to štáty Venezuela, Kolumbia, Brazília, Ekvádor, východ Paraguaju, sever Bolívie.


Samce sú menšie ako samice, majú však veľké panvové výrastky, ktoré využívajú pri párení. Samice privádzajú na svet 4 – 80 mláďat, ktoré dospejú až za šesť rokov.


Iné projekty


  • BURNIE, David; KOVÁČ, Vladimír, a kol. Zviera: Obrazová encyklopédia živočíšnej ríše. Bratislava : Ikar, 2002. ISBN 80-551-0375-5.
  • Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článkov Eunectes murinus na anglickej Wikipédii a Anakonda velká na českej Wikipédii.
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Anakonda tmavá: Brief Summary ( slovach )

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Anakonda tmavá alebo anakonda veľká (lat. Eunectes murinus) je nejedovatý had z čeľade veľhadovitých obývajúci Južnú Ameriku. Je to najťažší had na svete a zároveň jeden z najdlhších hadov.

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Yeşil anakonda ( turch )

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Yeşil anakonda (Eunectes murinus) boagiller familyasından, Venezuela, Bolivya, Guyana ve Kolombiya'da yaşayan, anakonda cinsinden dünyanın büyük ve en ağır yılan türü. Yaygın anakonda, su boası ya da sadece anakonda olarak da bilinir. Dünyanın en ağır yılanıdır. Hatta komodo ejderiyle birlikte pullu sürüngenler takımının (yılanlar ve kertenkeleler) en ağır türü olarak kabul edilir.[1] 8,8 m uzunluğa ve 1,3 m kalınlığa erişebilir. Ağırlığı 227 kg olabilir.[2]

Jaguar, küçük anakondalar, timsah, geyik, maymun, kuş benzeri şeyler ile beslenir. İnsan için zararsız kabul edilmekle birlikte aç olduklarında tehlikeli olabilir.


Orionoco Nehri'nden Amazon Nehri'ne, oradan da São Francisco Nehri'ne kadar Güney Amerika'nın yağmur ormanlarında yaşar.

Stub icon Yılan ile ilgili bu madde bir taslaktır. Madde içeriğini geliştirerek Vikipedi'ye katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.
  1. ^ Wood, Gerald L. (1982). The Guinness book of animal facts and feats (3rd ed. bas.). Enfield, Middlesex: Guinness Superlatives. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.KB1 bakım: Fazladan yazı (link)
  2. ^ "Green Anaconda". Green Anaconda. National Geographic. 3 Haziran 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 8 Nisan 2016.
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Yeşil anakonda: Brief Summary ( turch )

fornì da wikipedia TR

Yeşil anakonda (Eunectes murinus) boagiller familyasından, Venezuela, Bolivya, Guyana ve Kolombiya'da yaşayan, anakonda cinsinden dünyanın büyük ve en ağır yılan türü. Yaygın anakonda, su boası ya da sadece anakonda olarak da bilinir. Dünyanın en ağır yılanıdır. Hatta komodo ejderiyle birlikte pullu sürüngenler takımının (yılanlar ve kertenkeleler) en ağır türü olarak kabul edilir. 8,8 m uzunluğa ve 1,3 m kalınlığa erişebilir. Ağırlığı 227 kg olabilir.

Jaguar, küçük anakondalar, timsah, geyik, maymun, kuş benzeri şeyler ile beslenir. İnsan için zararsız kabul edilmekle birlikte aç olduklarında tehlikeli olabilir.

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Eunectes murinus ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Eunectes murinus là một loài rắn trong họ Boidae. Loài này được Linnaeus mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1758. Đây là loài rắn lớn nhất và nặng nhất còn tồn tại, dài từ 5-9m, nặng từ 100–250 kg.

Anaconda xanh là loài rắn nhất thế giới và là một trong những loài rắn dài nhất thế giới, dài tới 5,21 m (17,1 ft). Các mẫu trưởng thành điển hình hơn có thể lên tới 5 m (16,4 ft), với con cái có chiều dài trung bình 4,6 m (15,1 ft), thường lớn hơn nhiều so với đực, trung bình khoảng 3 m. [3][4][5] Trọng lượng được nghiên cứu ít hơn, mặc dù sẽ được báo cáo từ 30 đến 70 kg (66 đến 154 lb) ở một người lớn tầm trung bình. [6][7] Nó là con rắn lớn nhất của châu Mỹ. Mặc dù nó hơi ngắn hơn trăn gấm, nhưng nó mạnh mẽ hơn nhiều: phần lớn của anaconda xanh 4,5 m sẽ có thể so sánh với một con trăn có bề mặt 7,4 m.[8] Eunectes murinus có lẽ là rắn còn tồn tại nặng nhất hoặc bò sát có vảy trên thế giới, có lẽ chỉ cạnh tranh với rồng Komodo.[9] Các báo cáo về những con anaconda dài 35–40 feet hoặc thậm chí lâu hơn cũng tồn tại, nhưng những tuyên bố như vậy cần được xem xét một cách thận trọng, vì không có mẫu vật nào có độ dài như vậy được gửi vào bảo tàng và bằng chứng khó thiếu.[10] Một giải thưởng trị giá 50.000 USD tiền mặt cho những ai có thể bắt một con anaconda dài 30 ft (9,1 m) hoặc dài hơn nhưng chưa có ai tuyên bố nhận giải.[11] Một cá thể dài nhất (và nặng nhất) của mẫu vật được kiểm tra được gặp bởi tiến sĩ Jesús Antonio Rivas, ông là người đã kiểm tra hàng ngàn mẫu anaconda, dài 5,21 m (17,1 ft)[Chuyển đổi: Số không hợp lệ] và cân nặng 97,5 kg (215 lb)[Chuyển đổi: Số không hợp lệ].[12]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ 10th edition of Systema Naturae
  2. ^ McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, Volume 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).
  3. ^ O'Shea, M. 2007. Boas and pythons of the world. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
  4. ^ Minton, Sherman A., and Madge Rutherford Minton. Giant Reptiles. New York: Scribners, 1973.
  5. ^ Rivas, J., G. Burghardt. 2001. Understanding Sexual Size Dimorphism in Snakes: wearing the snake's shoes. Animal Behaviour, 62: F1-F6.
  6. ^ Pope, Clifford Millhouse. The Giant Snakes: The Natural History of the Boa Constrictor, the Anaconda, and the Largest Pythons, Including Comparative Facts about Other Snakes and Basic Information on Reptiles in General. New York: Knopf, 1961.
  7. ^ Duellman, W. 2005. Cusco Amazonico: The Lives of Amphibians and Reptiles in an Amazonian Rainforest. Ithaca, New York: Comstock Books in Herpetology.
  8. ^ Mark O'Shea, Boas and Pythons of the World, page 55
  9. ^ Wood, Gerald (1983). The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats. ISBN 978-0-85112-235-9.
  10. ^ Murphy JC, Henderson RW. 1997. Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons. Krieger Pub. Co. 221 pp. ISBN 0-89464-995-7.
  11. ^ Rivas, Jesús A.; Rafael E. Ascanio & Maria D. C. Muñoz (2008). “What is the length of a snake?” (PDF). Contemporary Herpetology 2008 (2): 1–3. Bản gốc (PDF) lưu trữ ngày 25 tháng 7 năm 2011.
  12. ^ Rivas, Jesús Antonio (2000). The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive Biology (PDF) (Luận văn). University of Tennessee.

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Eunectes murinus: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Eunectes murinus là một loài rắn trong họ Boidae. Loài này được Linnaeus mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1758. Đây là loài rắn lớn nhất và nặng nhất còn tồn tại, dài từ 5-9m, nặng từ 100–250 kg.

Anaconda xanh là loài rắn nhất thế giới và là một trong những loài rắn dài nhất thế giới, dài tới 5,21 m (17,1 ft). Các mẫu trưởng thành điển hình hơn có thể lên tới 5 m (16,4 ft), với con cái có chiều dài trung bình 4,6 m (15,1 ft), thường lớn hơn nhiều so với đực, trung bình khoảng 3 m. Trọng lượng được nghiên cứu ít hơn, mặc dù sẽ được báo cáo từ 30 đến 70 kg (66 đến 154 lb) ở một người lớn tầm trung bình. Nó là con rắn lớn nhất của châu Mỹ. Mặc dù nó hơi ngắn hơn trăn gấm, nhưng nó mạnh mẽ hơn nhiều: phần lớn của anaconda xanh 4,5 m sẽ có thể so sánh với một con trăn có bề mặt 7,4 m. Eunectes murinus có lẽ là rắn còn tồn tại nặng nhất hoặc bò sát có vảy trên thế giới, có lẽ chỉ cạnh tranh với rồng Komodo. Các báo cáo về những con anaconda dài 35–40 feet hoặc thậm chí lâu hơn cũng tồn tại, nhưng những tuyên bố như vậy cần được xem xét một cách thận trọng, vì không có mẫu vật nào có độ dài như vậy được gửi vào bảo tàng và bằng chứng khó thiếu. Một giải thưởng trị giá 50.000 USD tiền mặt cho những ai có thể bắt một con anaconda dài 30 ft (9,1 m) hoặc dài hơn nhưng chưa có ai tuyên bố nhận giải. Một cá thể dài nhất (và nặng nhất) của mẫu vật được kiểm tra được gặp bởi tiến sĩ Jesús Antonio Rivas, ông là người đã kiểm tra hàng ngàn mẫu anaconda, dài 5,21 m (17,1 ft)[Chuyển đổi: Số không hợp lệ] và cân nặng 97,5 kg (215 lb)[Chuyển đổi: Số không hợp lệ].

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森蚺 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Eunectes murinus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

森蚺學名Eunectes murinus)是一種體型巨大的無,主要棲息於南美洲,為蚺科體型最大的成員,同時也是世上最大的之一。


森蚺是全世界最重的蛇,也是世界最大的蛇之一,可以長到6.6公尺(22英尺)以上[2]。有傳森蚺甚至可以長達10.6公尺至12.2公尺(35至40英尺),但是並沒有可靠的證據支持這些說法[3]。有人提供一筆50,000美元的獎金要給予捕捉到長度超過9.1公尺(30英尺)森蚺的人,但是直到目前為止仍然沒有人獲得獎金[4]。雖然亞洲網紋蟒比森蚺還要長,但是森蚺比網紋蟒還要重,是目前世界上最重的。 [Jesús Antonio Rivas]论文中记录捕获最长的一条森蚺长5.21米,215磅[5]


新英格蘭水族館(New England Aquarium)中的森蚺



許多森蚺的歷史長度紀錄極為誇大,一些動物學家(包括阿尔弗雷德·拉塞尔·华莱士亨利·貝茲)注意到許多森蚺的長度報告為30或40英尺,但是經過他們觀察顯示森蚺的長度不會超過20英尺,許多紀錄與估計都是不可靠的。曾經有一個可靠的案例,一位地理學家殺了一條森蚺後,使用一根4公尺長的棍子來計算森蚺的長度,結果發現森蚺的長度為棍子的3倍(12公尺)。但是這項資訊直到許多年以後才公開,而地理學家後來認為他可能搞錯了,森蚺的長度可能只有棍子的2倍(8公尺)。爬蟲學者威廉斯·拉瑪(William W. Lamar)在1978年的哥倫比亞曾經記錄到一條巨大的雌性森蚺,長度為7.5公尺(24.7英尺),重300至400







森肯伯格自然博物館(Naturmuseum Senckenberg)中展示的森蚺獵食過程









  1. ^ McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, Volume 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).
  2. ^ Boulenger, G.A. 1893. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History), Volume I., Containing the Families...Boidæ.... Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). London. p. 115.
  3. ^ Murphy JC, Henderson RW. 1997. Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons. Krieger Pub. Co. 221 pp. ISBN 0-89464-995-7.
  4. ^ Jesus A. Rivas, Rafael E. Ascanio & Maria D. C. Muñoz. What is the length of a snake? (PDF). Contemporary Herpetology. 2008, 2008 (2): 1–3. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-07-25).
  5. ^ Jesús Antonio Rivas. The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive Biology (PDF) (Ph.D.论文). 田納西大學. 2000. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016年3月3日).
  6. ^ "Pescaron" una anaconda de siete metros y 90 kilos [Seven-meter-long, 90 kg anaconda "fished"]. ABC Color. 4 January 2008 (西班牙语).
  7. ^ Green anaconda. University of Georgia. November 18, 2009 [March 14, 2011].[永久失效連結]
  8. ^ Green Anaconda Eunectes murinus. National Geographic. [March 14, 2011].
  9. ^ Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda): Cannibalism 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2010-03-01. at Prodigy 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2010-03-13.. Accessed 3 July 2008.
  10. ^ Herpetologist Jesus Rivas 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2010-07-26.
  11. ^ Soomro, Adil. Eunectes murinus. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (Animal Diversity Web). 2001 [2008-10-10].
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森蚺: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科

森蚺(學名:Eunectes murinus)是一種體型巨大的無,主要棲息於南美洲,為蚺科體型最大的成員,同時也是世上最大的之一。

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オオアナコンダ ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
オオアナコンダ オオアナコンダ
オオアナコンダ Eunectes murinus
保全状況評価 ワシントン条約附属書II 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 爬虫綱 Reptilia : 有鱗目 Squamata 亜目 : ヘビ亜目 Serpentes : ボア科 Boidae 亜科 : ボア亜科 Boinae : アナコンダ属 Eunectes : オオアナコンダ E. murinus 学名 Eunectes murinus
(Linnaeus, 1758) 和名 オオアナコンダ 英名 Green anaconda

オオアナコンダ学名Eunectes murinus)は、ボア科アナコンダ属に分類されるヘビ。単にアナコンダと言った場合、大抵は本種を指す。特定動物


南アメリカ大陸北部 アマゾン川流域に分布する。



全長400-600 cm、最大は900cmにも達する大蛇で、アミメニシキヘビとともに世界最大のヘビとして知られる。また体重も重く、500cm以上の個体では100kgを超えることも珍しくない。体色は緑褐色、褐色、暗緑色で、黒い円形や楕円形の斑紋が入る。




食性は動物食で魚類両生類、爬虫類、鳥類哺乳類等を食べる。大型の個体ではカイマンジャガーの捕食例もあるが、逆に彼らの餌食となることも少なくない。 水中や茂みの中等で獲物を待ち伏せ、通りかかった獲物を素早い噛み付きで捕らえ、長い体で巻き付いて締め上げてくる。 雌の方が大きい。 繁殖形態は卵胎生で、全長70cmくらいの幼蛇を一度に20-80頭ほど産む。





  • クリス・マティソン『ヘビ大図鑑』、緑書房、2000年、44-45、150頁。
  • 『爬虫類・両生類800図鑑 第3版』、ピーシーズ、2002年、100頁。
  • 山田和久『爬虫・両生類ビジュアルガイド ヘビ』、誠文堂新光社、2005年、18頁。
  • 『小学館の図鑑NEO 両生類はちゅう類』、小学館、2004年、116頁。


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、オオアナコンダに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにオオアナコンダに関する情報があります。


執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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オオアナコンダ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

オオアナコンダ(学名:Eunectes murinus)は、ボア科アナコンダ属に分類されるヘビ。単にアナコンダと言った場合、大抵は本種を指す。特定動物

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그린아나콘다 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

그린아나콘다(Green anaconda)는 남아메리카에서 발견되는 보아 종이다. 현존하는 뱀 중 가장 무겁고 가장 오래 알려진 종 중 하나이다. 다른 모든 보아들처럼, 독이 없는 왕뱀이다. "아나콘다"라는 용어는 종종 이 종을 가리키지만, 이 용어는 아나콘다속의 다른 구성원들에게도 적용될 수 있다. 뱀의 화석은 그루타두우르소 지방의 플라이스토세 후기까지 거슬러 올라간다.[1]


그린아나콘다의 구체적인 이름은 '쥐의'라는 뜻의 라틴어 "뮤리누스(murinus)"에서 유래되었는데, 이는 쥐를 잡아먹는 것으로 생각되기 때문이다.


뉴잉글랜드 수족관의 그린아나콘다

그린아나콘다는 세계에서 가장 무겁고 길이가 5.21m에 이르는 세계에서 가장 긴 뱀 중 하나이다.[2] 더 전형적인 성숙한 표본은 성인 암컷에서 최대 5m(16.4ft)까지 범위가 다양하며 평균 길이는 약 4.6m(15.1ft)로 평균 약 3m(9.8ft)인 수컷보다 훨씬 크다.[3][4] 체중은 일반적인 성인의 경우 30~70kg(66-154 lb)의 범위가 있지만 연구가 덜 이루어진다.[5][6] 아메리카가 원산지인 가장 큰 뱀이다. 비록 그물무늬비단뱀보다 약간 짧지만 훨씬 부피가 크다. 4.5미터(15피트)의 그린아나콘다의 부피는 7.4미터(24피트) 그물무늬비단뱀과 비슷하다. 아나콘다 11~12m(35~40ft) 이상에 대한 보고도 존재하지만, 그러한 길이의 표본은 박물관에 보관된 적이 없고 확실한 증거가 부족하기 때문에 이러한 주장은 신중히 검토되어야 한다.[7] 아나콘다를 9.14m 이상 잡을 수 있는 모든 사람에게 $50,000의 현금 보상이 제공된다.[8] 천 개 이상의 아나콘다를 검사한 제수스 안토니오 리바스 박사가 마주친 가장 길고 무거운 표본은 길이 5.21m(17.1ft)[9], 무게 97.5kg(215lb)의 암컷이었다.[2]

색상 패턴은 올리브 녹색 바탕에 몸길이를 따라 검은색 얼룩이 겹쳐져 있다. 머리는 몸에 비해 좁으며, 보통 양쪽이 오렌지색과 노란색 줄무늬가 뚜렷하다. 눈은 머리 높이 세워져 있어 뱀은 몸을 노출하지 않고 헤엄치면서 물 밖을 볼 수 있다.

최대 크기를 결정하는 데 어려움

이 뱀의 서식지는 역사적으로 멀리 떨어져 있어 표본을 찾고, 포획하고, 돌려보내는 데 어려움을 겪었다. 특히 상당한 부패 이전에 매우 큰 표본을 박물관으로 운반하는 것은 어렵다(이것은 훨씬 더 크고 거추장스러운 악어 표본의 귀환을 막지는 못했지만).[7] 피부를 태닝하는 동안 늘어난다면 뱀의 크기를 50% 이상 늘릴 수 있어 피부가 상당히 늘어날 수 있습니다. 물리적인 증거가 없는 보고서는 비과학자들로부터 의심스러운 것으로 여겨지는데, 이러한 개인들은 최악의 경우 자신을 홍보하거나 좋은 이야기를 하는 데 더 관심이 있거나 적어도 적절한 측정 방법에 대해 충분한 교육을 받지 못했을 수 있기 때문이다. 심지어 훈련된 과학자들도 포획 전에 아나콘다의 크기를 상당히 과대평가하는 경우가 많기 때문에 포획되지 않은 동물에 대한 관찰 보고서는 더욱 의심스럽다.[7]기네스 세계 기록》에 따르면, 이 종은 아마도 살아있는 동물 중 가장 극단적인 크기의 과장을 받아왔다고 한다.[10]

역사적 기록

그린아나콘다에 대한 수많은 역사적 설명이 보고되고 있으며, 종종 크기가 있을 것 같지 않다. 몇몇 동물학자들(특히 헨리 월터 베이츠앨프리드 러셀 월리스, 그 중에서도)은 길이가 9 또는 12m가 넘는 뱀에 대한 소문을 언급하지만 각각의 경우, 그들의 직접적인 관찰은 길이가 6m 정도인 뱀으로 제한되었다. 수많은 추정치와 중고거래처가 많지만 일반적으로 신뢰성이 낮은 것으로 간주된다. 과대평가의 이유를 증명하기 위해 1937년 가이아나에서 동물학자 알페우스 하얏트 베릴은 탐험대에게 바위에 웅크리고 있는 커다란 아나콘다의 길이를 측정해 달라고 부탁했다. 연구팀의 추측은 6.1에서 18.3m(20.0에서 60.0ft)까지였으며, 측정 결과 이 표본은 5.9m(19.4ft)인 것으로 밝혀졌다.[10]

11.36m(37.3ft) 길이의 널리 알려진 표본을 포함하여 6m(19.7ft)를 초과하는 거의 모든 표본에는 피부나 뼈를 포함한 바우처 표본이 없다.[10]

분포 및 서식지

그린아나콘다는 콜롬비아, 베네수엘라, 기아나, 에콰도르, 페루, 볼리비아, 브라질, 트리니다드섬, 그리고 파라과이 북부를 포함한 남아메리카에서 발견된다.[11]

미국 플로리다주 에버글레이즈에서 아나콘다 한 마리가 발견됐다.[12]

아나콘다는 주로 아마존오리노코 분지의 열대 우림에서 늪, 습지, 느리게 흐르는 개울에서 산다. 육지에서는 거추장스럽지만 물속에서는 은밀하고 날렵하다. 눈과 코구멍이 머리 위에 있어 거의 완전히 잠긴 채로 먹이를 기다리며 누워 있을 수 있다.[13]


주로 야행성 아나콘다 종은 대부분의 삶을 물이나 주변에서 보내는 경향이 있다. 그들은 수영할 때 빠른 속도를 낼 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있다. 그들은 주둥이를 수면 위로 올리고 수면 아래 떠다니는 경향이 있다. 먹이가 지나가거나 마시기 위해 멈추면 아나콘다는 그것을 먹거나 삼키지 않고 몸으로 감싸고 있다. 그리고 나서 뱀은 먹이를 질식시킬 때까지 수축한다.[14]


아나콘다는 종종 믿을 수 없을 정도로 거대하고 성인 인간을 삼킬 수 있는 능력을 가진 공포 문학과 영화에서 묘사되어 왔다. 이러한 특징들은 버마비단뱀, 그물무늬비단뱀(여기 나열된 유일한 뱀은 야생에서 성인 인간을 잡아먹은 것으로 확인되었다.)[15][16][17][18], 그리고 보아뱀(후자는 사람을 죽이고 삼킬 수 있을 만큼 자라지 않는다.)과 같은 다른 종들에 기인하기도 한다. 이러한 영화들 중 가장 인기 있는 것은 1997년 영화 《아나콘다》와 그 4개의 속편들이다.


  1. Hsiou, Annie; Winck, Gisele; Schubert, Blaine; dos Santos Avilla, Leonardo. (2013년 6월 1일). “On the Presence of Eunectes Murinus (Squamata, Serpentes) from the Late Pleistocene of Northern Brazil”. 《Revista brasileira de paleontologia》 16 (1).
  2. Rivas, Jesús Antonio (2000). 《The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive Biology》 (PDF) (학위논문). University of Tennessee. 2016년 3월 3일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서.
  3. Minton, Sherman A.; Minton, Madge Rutherford (1973). 《Giant Reptiles》. New York: Scribners. ISBN 0684132672.
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