False gharials are not considered to be a threat to humans. There has been only one documented case of an attack on a human, and one documented attack on a cow in eastern Kalimantan.
Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings)
There is debate over this species’ taxonomic classification. False gharials are currently listed included in the family Crocodylidae based on fossil evidence and morphological similarities to extant crocodiles. Other data, including biochemical, immunological and molecular characters suggest a closer relationship to the family Gavialidae. Studies of nuclear genes suggest the grouping of tomistomine and gavialine crocodilians into one taxon, which would comprise a sister group to the Crocodylidae. Other crocodilian researchers suggest considering Tomistominae and Gavialinae as sister taxa.
Communication among false gharials has not been observed in the wild. From observed mating behaviors, it can be assumed that they communicate visually, tactilely and through olfaction. Although most crocodilians use a variety of calls to communicate with their own species and to other animals, these have not been recorded for false gharials and, in fact, their mating has been observed to be silent, rather than accompanied by calls. All crocodilians possess integumentary sense organs located in the skin and covering much of the animal’s body including the body, tail, cloaca and inner surfaces of the legs, as well as on the head and jaws. These are likely used to detect changes in pressure caused by touch or the movement of prey in water; this sense is likely used for hunting in murky water.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic
Other Communication Modes: vibrations
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical
Since the 1890s, sightings and captures of wild specimens have been rare, and it has become increasingly difficult for researchers to locate any individuals for study. Populations, which tend to be very small, are restricted to small patches of swamp or forest. There has been a significant decline in the density of populations since the 1940s. In 2000 this species was assessed by the Crocodile Specialist Group and reported as endangered, with an estimate of less than 2,500 individuals remaining in the wild. More surveys must be conducted to determine the number of individuals remaining before a conservation plan can be developed. The Crocodile Specialist Group Tomistoma Task Force (CSG-TTF) has conducted fundraising for field research and international awareness, and produced reports on conservation priorities and captive breeding. False gharials are threatened by many factors including habitat loss through forest fires, drainage of wetlands, logging, agriculture development, slash and burn agriculture, and dam building. These activities have reduced this species' range in Sumatra by 30-40%. False gharials are now legally protected throughout their entire range, but enforcement of laws has been insufficient to maintain stable populations and breeding habitat. Trade of the species is also prohibited by law, but not well enforced.
US Federal List: endangered; no special status
CITES: appendix i
State of Michigan List: no special status
False gharial eggs have a soft inner membrane and harder, calcified shell. Crocodilian sex is determined by temperature rather than genetics. Incubation lasts approximately 90 days and young resemble small adults upon hatching. Hatchlings are equipped with an “egg tooth”, a pointed structure on the end of the snout that allows the hatchling to slice through the egg shell; this recedes a few weeks after hatching.
Development - Life Cycle: temperature sex determination; indeterminate growth
False gharials were once hunted for their skins, but their skins are not currently considered commercially valuable. In the Mesangat area, their eggs are collected for use in traditional medicine. There is a good deal of research being done to learn more about the roles these animals play in their environments, as well as to determine whether they should be placed in the family Crocodylidae or the family Gavialidae.
Positive Impacts: body parts are source of valuable material; source of medicine or drug ; research and education
The role of false gharials in their ecosystem is not completely understood due to a lack of study in the wild. They are large predators, preying on a variety of animals and keeping their populations in check. Their distribution overlaps with that of Siamese crocodiles (Crocodylus siamensis) and saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus), and it is not known how much competition for resources there is amongst these species.
Commensal/Parasitic Species:
False gharials are opportunistic carnivores. They have been reported to grab monkeys (Crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and other Macaca sp.) from river banks, submerging and drowning their prey or beating it against the bank. Other prey items include wild pigs, mouse deer, dogs, otters, fish, birds, turtles, snakes, monitor lizards, and aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates.
Animal Foods: birds; mammals; reptiles; fish; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods; aquatic crustaceans
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Piscivore )
False gharials are freshwater crocodiles that are found throughout Indonesia (including Kalimantan, eastern Sumatra, western Java, and western Borneo), parts of Malaysia (including Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak), and Brunei. There have been unconfirmed reports of false gharials in Vietnam and Sulawesi, Indonesia. They are assumed to be extirpated in southern Thailand, where they have not been seen since the 1970s. False gharial populations are isolated and occur in low densities throughout their range. The largest known populations are in Sumatra and Kalimantan, with smaller established populations in Malaysia. The highest density population of false gharials is in Tanjung Puting National Park in Kalimantan.
Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native )
False gharials are found in a variety of habitats throughout their range, including lowland freshwater swamp forests, flooded forests, peat swamps, lakes, and blackwater streams and rivers. They are also found on the fringes of rainforests near slow-moving rivers. Their preferred habitats are peat swamp areas with low elevation and acidic, slow-moving muddy water; they are also found in secondary forest habitat, characterized by more defined river channels and banks, higher pH and elevation, and a lack of peat mounds. This species needs terrestrial areas for basking and nesting.
Range elevation: 0 to 20 m.
Range depth: 0.30 to 1.10 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial ; freshwater
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest
Aquatic Biomes: lakes and ponds; rivers and streams; temporary pools
Wetlands: marsh ; swamp ; bog
Other Habitat Features: riparian
False gharials are long-lived animals with an estimated lifespan in the wild of 60 to 80 years, similar to that of other crocodilians. Reports show that captive specimens have a shorter lifespan.
Typical lifespan
Status: wild: 60 to 80 years.
False gharials are large crocodilians characterized by a long, narrow snout snout filled with 76-84 sharp pointed teeth, similar to that of gharials (Gavialis gangeticus), from which false gharials get their common name. False gharials have a streamlined body and muscular tail, eyes and nostrils on top of the head, and a palatal valve that prevents water from entering the throat while underwater. They are known to grow to 4-5 m in length and may grow even larger. There are records of captive adults weighing from 93-201 kg. Both adults and juveniles have dark, sometimes chocolate brown coloration, with black banding on the tail and body and dark patches on the jaws. The belly is cream-colored or white. Males are longer and heavier than females.
Range mass: 93 to 210 kg.
Range length: 4 to 5 m.
Sexual Dimorphism: male larger
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Adult false gharials are usually safe from predators due to their large size. Eggs and hatchlings preyed upon by Wild pigs (Sus scrofa) and larger reptiles, such as monitor lizards. Eggs may be collected and consumed by humans as well. In captivity, hatchlings have been killed by termites and ants before emerging from the nest mound.
Known Predators:
Very little is known about the natural mating behaviors of false gharials; most details are from captive breeding programs, with a few acocunts from the wild. Courtship behavior and nesting appear to take place during the rainy season in both cases. Males approach females in the water, swimming around them. In some cases, this is accompanied by both animals hitting each other with their tails, in others copulation proceeds immediately. The male mounts the female, wrapping his tail around and under hers. Copulation occurrs once a day for several days to a week, and is accompanied by a strong odor. One captive breeding program in Malaysia had success housing a group of 3 males and 1 female. The female chose the largest male and appeared to stay near him during the courting period. When 2 females were kept in the same enclosure with the males, no mating occurred and it is theorized that females living in close proximity may suppress breeding in one another.
Mating System: monogamous
False gharials are mound-nesting crocodilians that lay very large eggs (records up to 9.5 cm long and 6.2 cm wide), with a total mass approximately double that of any other species (eggs may weigh up to 155 gm each). Mounds are usually constructed on land at the shady base of a tree near water, using sand and vegetation including peat, twigs, tree seeds, and dried leaves. Females have been observed beginning nest building a month or more after copulation and laying a clutch of 20-60 eggs 1-2 weeks after beginning to nest. After eggs are laid, more vegetation is added to the top of the nest by the female. Mounds typically measure 45-60 cm high and 90-110 cm in diameter. Eggs are laid just above ground level and the temperature within the nest fluctuates depending on the environment and rainfall (records in captivity of 26°C-32°C). Eggs hatch after 90-100 days. Captive breeding initiatives have shown that abundant vegetation improves the chances of breeding because it provides more cover and nesting material for the female. Both sexes reach sexual maturity at around 20 years of age (females measuring 2.5-3 m in length).
Breeding interval: False gharials breed twice yearly.
Breeding season: False gharial breeding occurs during the wet seasons: November-February and April-June.
Range number of offspring: 20 to 60.
Range gestation period: 90 to 115 days.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 20 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 20 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; oviparous
Males exhibit no parental investment beyond fertilization. Females have occasionally been observed sitting on top of nest mounds or defending them by stomping the ground, but more often flee the nest if approached. There is evidence that females may help to excavate nests before or during hatching. but they have not been observed helping hatchlings to the water as some crocodilians do. No parental investment beyond this has been observed.
Parental Investment: female parental care ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning); pre-hatching/birth (Protecting: Female)
Gavial Malaysia (Tomistoma schlegelii) a zo ur stlejvil hag a vev en Indonezia ha Malaysia.
Renket e c'hell bezañ er c'herentiad Crocodylidae.
Tiriad gavial IndezTomistoma úzkohlavá, známá též jako gaviál sundský, krokodýl úzkohlavý a sundský gaviál (Tomistoma schlegelii)[2], je krokodýl z čeledi gaviálovití (Gavialidae) a jediný žijící zástupce rodu tomistoma (Tomistoma). Druh popsal Salomon Müller v roce 1838.[3] Obývá jihovýchodní Asii. Mezinárodní svaz ochrany přírody jej řadí mezi zranitelné druhy.
Tomistoma úzkohlavá byla dříve řazena do čeledi krokodýlovití (Crocodylidae) a monotypického rodu tomistoma (Tomistoma). Do této čeledi byl rod zařazen na základě vnějších znaků.[4] Roku 2007 však byla provedena molekulární analýza ze sekvenovaných 352 párů bází DMP1, které byly získány celkem z 30 jedinců, a také 424 párů bází genu C-MOS, jenž byl odebrán ze 74 tomistom. Výsledky ukázaly, že tento druh by měl být přeřazen do čeledi gaviálovití (Gavialidae), s gaviálem indickým sdílí sedm párů bází, které nebyly nalezeny u jiných rodů.[5]
Druh objevil H. Schlegel, po němž nese druhové jméno a popsal jej Salomon Müller roku 1838. Rodové jméno tomistoma znamená v překladu z řečtiny ostrá tlama.[6]
Tomistoma úzkohlavá se vyskytuje v Asii. Tyto oblasti obývá 5° severně a jižně od rovníku. Vyskytuje se v nížinaté oblasti ostrova Borneo, například v Národním parku Puting, kde byla pozorována kupříkladu v roce 1984 či 2006 a dalších letech, nepotvrzená pozorování pocházejí z jižní části ostrova. Dále ji lze najít na východě Sumatry, rozptýleně i v jiných oblastech ostrova, na Sumatře však populace od roku 1950 silně poklesla. Zbytkové populace obývají Malajský poloostrov. Výskyt na Javě není jasný, stejně tak jako v Thajsku, kde druh patrně vyhynul, či ve Vietnamu, nepotvrzená pozorování pocházejí ze Sulawesi.[4][7]
Tomistoma úzkohlavá se může vyskytovat v řadě prostředí, obývá sladké vodní toky, avšak pro jeho život je nutná také suchá zem, na kterou klade vejce a vyhřívá se zde na slunci. Preferuje bažiny složené z rašeliníků v nižší nadmořské výšce, lze ji najít asi do 200 m n. m.. Rovněž jiné lesní biotopy představují vhodný habitat pro tento druh.[8]
Tomistoma úzkohlavá měří 4 až 5 m, avšak mohou existovat i větší exempláře, hmotnost je odhadována na 93 až 210 kg. U druhu je vyvinut pohlavní dimorfismus, samci jsou větší než samice a dosahují velikosti minimálně pěti metrů. Trup je aerodynamicky stavěn, ocas dobře osvalený. Podobně jako gaviál indický má tomistoma úzkohlavá dlouhé čelisti, je v nich 76 až 84 zubů. Oči s nosními otvory leží na vrchu hlavy, které zůstávají nad hladinou, když se krokodýl potopí. Zbarvení je u samců i samic včetně mláďat tmavé, na břiše krémové, ocas je posázen černými pruhy, tmavé skvrny se nacházejí rovněž na čelistech tohoto druhu.[8][9]
O chování tomistomy úzkohlavé nebylo zjištěno dostatečné množství informací. Většinu času tráví ponořena pod vodou s vyčnívajícíma očima a nozdrami, avšak je schopna i ponoru až na dvě hodiny, čehož dosáhne zpomalením metabolismu. Vyhřívání na slunci u tohoto druhu není časté. Velikost teritoria nebyla zjištěna, avšak jedinci chovaní v zajetí k sobě neměli agresivní sklony. Tomistomy se dorozumívají hmatem, čichem a zrakem, na rozdíl od ostatních druhů krokodýlů jsou naopak spíše tiché. Na velké části těla má tento druh smyslové orgány citlivé na tlak okolní vody, čímž vyhledává kořist. Jejich čelisti jsou vhodné na chytání ryb, avšak na rozdíl od indického gaviála může tomistoma požírat i jiná zvířata, například savce, zaznamenány byly útoky na makaky jávské (Macaca fascicularis) či prasata divoká (Sus scrofa). Je oportunistickým živočichem, nepohrdne různými druhy potravy.[8][9]
Rovněž rozmnožování není důkladně prozkoumáno a bylo zaznamenáno jen 20 hnízd z volné přírody. Nastává dvakrát za rok v období dešťů, kdy samci obyčejně připlavou k samici a začnou kolem ní plavat. Páří se vždy jednou denně po dobu až jednoho týdne. Samice následně naklade do hnízda, které postaví z listí a rašeliníku a jehož výška se odhaduje na 45 až 60 cm, snůšku o průměrném počtu 30 vajec měřících 9,5 × 6,2 cm a vážících 155 g, což je mezi krokodýly maximální hmotnost. Po 90−100 dnech se vylíhnou mláďata. Neexistují důkazy k tomu, že by se tomistomy o svá mláďata staraly, což je vzácnost mezi krokodýly. Kvůli tomu patrně některá mláďata padnou za oběť predátorům, žerou je například divoká prasata a větší plazi.[8][9] Pohlavní dospělosti je dosaženo ve dvaceti letech, což je na krokodýly hodně.[4] Ve volné přírodě se druh může dožít 60 až 80 let.[8]
Tomistoma úzkohlavá je vedena Mezinárodním svazem ochrany přírody jako zranitelný druh s klesající populací o 2 500−9 999 kusech. Nebezpečí způsobuje ztráta přirozeného prostředí, lesy jsou káceny či je zachvacují požáry, někde jsou vytvářeny rovněž plantáže či vysoušeny bažiny. Dalším nebezpečím jsou divoká prasata, která žerou vejce těchto krokodýlů, někdy jsou rovněž vysbírávána lidmi. Lov pro kůži probíhal mezi lety 1950−1970 a podepsal se na stavu tohoto druhu, avšak již k němu nedochází. Například na východě ostrova Borneo však tento druh nebyl pro svou kůži ceněn. Mimo to se některé tomistomy mohou zamotat do rybářských sítí.[4]
Druh je zapsán na Úmluvu o mezinárodním obchodu s ohroženými druhy volně žijících živočichů a rostlin v první příloze. Od roku 1990 probíhají výzkumy a sčítání jedinců ve volné přírodě, které mimo to přinesly některé informace o ekologii druhu. Probíhá ochrana oblastí, kde se druh vyskytuje, například na východním Borneu, ochranářské akce probíhají dále v Národním parku Sentarum, v blízkosti jezera Siawan-Belida a dalších. Ochrana druhu je však stále omezena.[4]
Tomistoma úzkohlavá, známá též jako gaviál sundský, krokodýl úzkohlavý a sundský gaviál (Tomistoma schlegelii), je krokodýl z čeledi gaviálovití (Gavialidae) a jediný žijící zástupce rodu tomistoma (Tomistoma). Druh popsal Salomon Müller v roce 1838. Obývá jihovýchodní Asii. Mezinárodní svaz ochrany přírody jej řadí mezi zranitelné druhy.
Der Sunda-Gavial oder Falsche Gavial (Tomistoma schlegelii) ist die südostasiatische der beiden rezenten Arten der Gaviale (Gavialidae). Er stellt zudem die einzige rezente Art der Gattung Tomistoma.
Der Sunda-Gavial erreicht eine Länge von bis zu fünf Metern. Die Schnauze ist langgezogen und besitzt sowohl im Ober- als auch im Unterkiefer zahlreiche schmale und spitze Zähne. Sein weitgehend hell- bis dunkelbrauner Körper ist durch dunklere Bänder und Flecken gezeichnet, die sowohl bei den Jungtieren als auch bei den Ausgewachsenen sehr deutlich erkennbar sind.
Sunda-Gaviale leben ausschließlich im Süßwasser in Seen, Flüssen und Sümpfen. Brackwasservorkommen sind nicht bekannt. Der Verbreitungsraum umfasst den Süden der Malaiischen Halbinsel sowie die Inseln Borneo, Sumatra und möglicherweise auch noch den äußersten Westen von Java.[1][2] Subfossile Funde in Guangdong (Kwatung) in China lassen vermuten, dass sein Verbreitungsgebiet noch zu Beginn der Ming-Dynastie (1368) auch das südliche China umfasste.[1]
Der Sunda-Gavial ist heute vom Aussterben bedroht. Die „Tomistoma Task Force“ der „IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group“ schätzt die Zahl der noch in Freiheit lebenden Sunda-Gaviale auf maximal 2.500 Tiere. Der Grund für die Bedrohung sind die Zerstörung der natürlichen Lebensräume durch Holzeinschlag und das Trockenlegen der Torfmoore, Fischfang und Wilderei.
Sunda-Gaviale leben zurückgezogen und scheu vorwiegend in Torfmoorwäldern und bewohnen dort Flüsse, Seen und Teiche.
Dort ernähren sie sich vorwiegend von Fischen, aber auch kleinere Amphibien, Reptilien, Vögel und Säugetiere (z. B. Affen) gehören zum Nahrungsspektrum. Dort, wo sich Lebensraum bzw. Jagdreviere von Sunda-Gavialen und Menschen überschneiden, können ihnen auch Menschen zum Opfer fallen. So griff im Jahr 2008 in Zentral-Kalimantan ein vier Meter langes Weibchen einen Fischer an und fraß ihn. Dies war der erste verifizierte tödliche Angriff eines Sunda-Gavials auf einen Menschen.[3] Bis Juni 2014 gab es mindestens drei weitere verifizierte tödliche Angriffe auf Menschen.[4] Bedeutend gefährlicher ist jedoch das in der gleichen Region vorkommende Leistenkrokodil mit weit mehr als 100 Todesopfern von 2007 bis 2014.[4]
Die Weibchen des Sunda-Gavials bauen zur Eiablage Hügelnester aus Pflanzenmaterial vorwiegend am Fuß von Urwaldbäumen. Die Brutdauer ist mit der anderer Krokodilarten vergleichbar und beträgt um die 90 Tage bei einer Bruttemperatur von ca. 31 Grad Celsius. Sunda-Gaviale legen die größten Eier aller Krokodile.
Der Sunda-Gavial verdankt seinen zweiten Trivialnamen, „Falscher Gavial“, dem Umstand, dass er zwar eine lange, schlanke Schnauze wie der Ganges-Gavial (Gavialis gangeticus) hat, aber ausgehend von einer Reihe anderer Körpermerkmale (u. a. der Form des Hirnschädels) traditionell den Echten Krokodilen (Crocodylidae) zugeordnet worden ist und teilweise noch heute zugeordnet wird. Diese Zuordnung war jedoch stets kontrovers und ein Teil der Forschergemeinde favorisiert seit langem eine enge Verwandtschaft mit dem Ganges-Gavial und damit eine Zuordnung in die Familie Gavialidae.[5] Mit dem Aufkommen molekulargenetischer Methoden zur Bestimmung der Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse in den 1980er Jahren verdichteten sich die Indizien, die letztgenannte Hypothese stützen.[6][7][8] Mittlerweile gilt ein Schwestergruppenverhältnis von Ganges-Gavial und Sunda-Gavial innerhalb der rezenten Krokodile als relativ gesichert.[9][10][11][12][13]
Der Sunda-Gavial, Tomistoma schlegelii, ist die einzige rezente Art der Gattung Tomistoma, die wiederum die einzige rezente Gattung der Unterfamilie Tomistominae ist. Jedoch zeigt die Fossilüberlieferung, dass die Tomistominen in der geologischen Vergangenheit offenbar diverser und auch deutlich weiter verbreitet waren. So sind Krokodile, die als Vertreter dieser Unterfamilie interpretiert werden, aus dem Tertiär Asiens, Nord- und Südamerikas sowie Europas bekannt,[1] unter anderem durch Funde im Eozän der Grube Messel.
Der Sunda-Gavial oder Falsche Gavial (Tomistoma schlegelii) ist die südostasiatische der beiden rezenten Arten der Gaviale (Gavialidae). Er stellt zudem die einzige rezente Art der Gattung Tomistoma.
Лажниот гавијал (Tomistoma schlegelii) познат и под името Малајски гавијал е рептил кој живее во слатки води. Наликува на крокодил со многу тенка и издолжена муцка слична на гавијалот, одкаде го добива и името.
Поради морфолошките карактеристики, ова животно долго време било класифицирано во фамилијата Crocodylidae, но со најновите имунолошки истражувања се покажало дека е всушност многу поблизок до гавијалот отколку што се мислело претходно. Денес заедно со фосилните роднини од Maroccosuchus се ставени во фамилијата Gavialidae[1].
Природното живеалиште на лажниот гавијал се шест речни системи во Суматра и Малезија. Исто така го среќаваме и во Борнео, Јава, Виетнам и Тајланд (не е забележан од 1970 година). Фосили од овој вид пронајдени во јужна Кина укажуваат на тоа дека во одреден период овој вин ги населувал и тие региони.
И лажниот гавијал како и останатите крокодиловидни видови се размножува со јајца. Сеуште е непознато кога е периодот на парење во дивината, и кога е периодот наположување на јајцата. Женките обично достигнуваат сексуална зрелост кога се со големина од 2-3 метри. Женките положуваат 30-60 јајца во гнездата во форма на ритче изградени од суви листови или тресет. Откако ќе ги положи јајцата и ќе го изгради гнездото женката го напушта. За разлика од повеќето други крокодиловидни видови, младите на лажниот гавијал немаат никаква родителска грижа и многу често завршуваат како плен на предатори како мунгосот, големи мачки како тигар и леопард, виверови и диви кучиња. Младите излегуваат од јајцата после 90-дневен период на инкубација.
Лажниот гавијал е загрозен вид во повеќето региони каде што е распространет. Најголема опасност претставува сушењето на слатководните мочуришта и уништувањето на околните дождовни шуми. Овој вид е често ловен поради неговата кожа и месо. Исто така неговите јајца се собирани од луѓето кои ги конзумираат. Сепак, превземени се позитивни мерки од малезиската и индонезиската влада за да се заштити видот од изумирање. Се проценува дека има околу 2500 индивидуи. Во Европа и во САД се создадени и фарми за одгледување.
Лажниот гавијал (Tomistoma schlegelii) познат и под името Малајски гавијал е рептил кој живее во слатки води. Наликува на крокодил со многу тенка и издолжена муцка слична на гавијалот, одкаде го добива и името.
The false gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), also known by the names Malayan gharial, Sunda gharial and tomistoma is a freshwater crocodilian of the family Gavialidae native to Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra and Java. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, as the global population is estimated at around 2,500 to 10,000 mature individuals.[2]
The specific name schlegelii honors Hermann Schlegel.[3][4]
The scientific name Crocodilus (Gavialis) schlegelii was proposed by Salomon Müller in 1838 who described a specimen collected in Borneo.[5] In 1846, he proposed to use the name Tomistoma schlegelii, if it needs to be placed in a distinct genus.[6]
The genus Tomistoma potentially also contains several extinct species like T. cairense, T. lusitanicum, T. taiwanicus, and T. coppensi. However, these species may need to be reclassified to different genera as evidence suggests they may be paraphyletic.[7][8]
The false gharial's snout broadens considerably towards the base and so is more similar to those of true crocodiles than to the gharial (Gavialis gangeticus), whose osteology indicated a distinct lineage from all other living crocodilians.[9] However, although more morphologically similar to Crocodylidae based on skeletal features, recent molecular studies using DNA sequencing consistently indicate that the false gharial and by inference other related extinct forms traditionally viewed as belonging to the crocodylian subfamily Tomistominae actually belong to Gavialoidea and Gavialidae.[10][11][12][13][14][15][7][16]
Fossils of extinct Tomistoma species have been found in deposits of Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary ages in Taiwan, Uganda, Italy, Portugal, Egypt and India, but nearly all of them are likely to be distinct genera due to older age compared to the false gharial.[17]
The below cladogram of the major living crocodile groups is based on molecular studies and shows the false gharial's close relationships:[11][14][15][7][16]
Crocodilia Alligatoridae Caimaninae Alligatorinae Longirostres Crocodylidae GavialidaeThe following cladogram shows the false gharial's placement within the Gavialidae; it is based on a tip dating study, for which morphological, DNA sequencing and stratigraphic data were analysed:[7]
Gavialoidea GavialidaeFalse gharial
(crown group) (stem-based group)The false gharial is dark reddish-brown above with dark brown or black spots and cross-bands on the back and tail. Ventrals are grayish-white, with some lateral dark mottling. Juveniles are mottled with black on the sides of the jaws, body, and tail. The smooth and unornamented snout is extremely long and slender, parallel sided, with a length of 3.0 to 3.5 times the width at the base. All teeth are long and needle-like, interlocking on the insides of the jaws, and are individually socketed. The dorsal scales are broad at midbody and extend onto the sides of the body. The digits are webbed at the base. Integumentary sensory organs are present on the head and body scalation. Scales behind the head are frequently a slightly enlarged single pair. Some individuals bear a number of adjoining small keeled scales. Scalation is divided medially by soft granular skin. Three transverse rows of two enlarged nuchal scales are continuous with the dorsal scales, which consist of 22 transverse rows of six to eight scales, are broad at midbody and extend onto the sides of the body. Nuchal and dorsal rows equals a total of 22 to 23 rows. It has 18 double-crested caudal whorls and 17 single-crested caudal whorls. The flanks have one or two longitudinal rows of six to eight very enlarged scales on each side.[18]
The false gharial has one of the slimmest snouts of any living crocodilian, comparable to that of the slender-snouted crocodile and the freshwater crocodile in slenderness; only that of the gharial is noticeably slimmer.[9] Three mature males kept in captivity measured 3.6 to 3.9 m (12 to 13 ft) and weighed 190 to 210 kg (420 to 460 lb), while a female measured 3.27 m (10.7 ft) and weighed 93 kg (205 lb).[19] Females have been recorded at lengths of up to 4 m (13 ft).[20] Males can grow up to 5 m (16 ft) in length and weigh up to 590 kg (1,300 lb).[21][22] The false gharial apparently has the largest skull of any extant crocodilian, in part because of the great length of the slender snout. Out of the eight longest crocodilian skulls from existing species that could be found in museums around the world, six of these belonged to false gharials. The longest crocodilian skull belonging to an extant species was of this species and measured 84 cm (33 in) in length, with a mandibular length of 104 cm (41 in). Most of the owners of these enormous skulls had no confirmed (or even anecdotal) total measurements for the animals, but based on the known skull-to-total length ratio for the species they would measure approximately 5.5 to 6.1 m (18 to 20 ft) in length.[23]
Three individuals ranging from 2.9 to 4.05 m (9 ft 6 in to 13 ft 3 in) in length and weighing from 79 to 255 kg (174 to 562 lb) had a bite force of 1,704–6,450 N (383–1,450 lbf).[24]
False gharials are native to Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak, and Indonesia (Sumatra, and Borneo), but were extirpated in Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand. It is unclear if they remain in Java. Apart from rivers, they inhabit swamps and lakes.[2] The species is almost entirely found today in peat swamps and lowland swamp forests.[25] In the 1990s, information and sightings were available from 39 localities in 10 different river drainages, along with the remote river systems of Borneo.
Prior to the 1950s, Tomistoma occurred in freshwater ecosystems along the entire length of Sumatra east of the Barisan Mountains. The current distribution in eastern Sumatra has been reduced by 30-40% due to hunting, logging, fires, and agriculture.[26]
Until recently, very little was known about the diet or behaviour of the false gharial in the wild. Details are slowly being revealed. In the past, the false gharial was thought to have a diet of only fish and very small vertebrates, but more recent evidence indicates that it has a generalist diet despite its narrow snout. In addition to fish and smaller aquatic animals, mature adults prey on larger vertebrates, including proboscis monkeys, long-tailed macaques, deer, water birds, and reptiles.[27] There is an eyewitness account of a false gharial attacking a cow in East Kalimantan.[25]
The false gharial may be considered an ecological equivalent to Neotropical crocodiles such as the Orinoco and American crocodiles, which both have slender snouts but a broad diet.[9]
False gharials are mound-nesters. Females lay small clutches of 13 to 35 eggs per nest, and appear to produce the largest eggs of extant crocodilians. Sexual maturity in females appears to be attained around 2.5 to 3 m (8.2 to 9.8 ft), which is large compared to other crocodilians.[26]
It is not known when they breed in the wild or when the nesting season is. Once the eggs are laid, and construction of the mound is completed, the female abandons her nest. Unlike most other crocodilians, the young receive no parental care and are at risk of being eaten by predators, such as mongooses, tigers, leopards, and wild dogs. The young hatch after 90 days and are left to fend for themselves.
In 2008, a 4-m female false gharial attacked and ate a fisherman in central Kalimantan; his remains were found in the gharial's stomach. This was the first verified fatal human attack by a false gharial.[27] However, by 2012, at least two more verified fatal attacks on humans by false gharials had occurred indicating perhaps an increase of human-false gharial conflict possibly correlated to the decline of habitat, habitat quality, and natural prey numbers.[28]
The false gharial is threatened with extinction throughout most of its range due to the drainage of its freshwater swamplands and clearance of surrounding rainforests. The species is also hunted frequently for its skin and meat, and the eggs are often harvested for human consumption.[27]
The false gharial is listed on CITES Appendix I.[2] Currently population surveys indicate that while the false gharial is not for the most extirpated from areas it used to inhabit, the distribution of individuals is much more spotty than the previously more connective distribution, putting the animals at risk of genetic isolation.[29] In large part, the isolation of false gharials is due to extremely extensive habitat destruction and disturbance within the species' area of distribution, few areas outside of legally protected areas are likely to bear viable breeding populations.[30]
Steps have been taken by the Malaysian and Indonesian governments to prevent its extinction in the wild. There are reports of some populations rebounding in Indonesia, yet with this slight recovery, mostly irrational fears of attacks have surfaced amongst the local human population.[27] Yayasan Ulin (The Ironwood Foundation) is currently attempting to manage a wetland area in East Kalimantan, which is known to contain the false gharials.[31]
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: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) The false gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), also known by the names Malayan gharial, Sunda gharial and tomistoma is a freshwater crocodilian of the family Gavialidae native to Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra and Java. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, as the global population is estimated at around 2,500 to 10,000 mature individuals.
The specific name schlegelii honors Hermann Schlegel.
El falso gavial, gavial malayo o falso gavial malayo (Tomistoma schlegelii) es una especie de saurópsido crocodilio de la familia Gavialidae que vive en ríos de Malasia e Indonesia Occidental. Es verde con manchas negras y mide hasta 4 m. Durante mucho tiempo se creyó que su parecido con el gavial (Gavialis gangeticus) era debido a convergencia evolutiva, sin embargo estudios bioquímicos recientes lo incluyen en la misma familia.[2]
Estudios recientes han confirmado algunos datos sobre su alimentación que lo diferencian de su pariente el gavial verdadero. Se ha podido confirmar que dadas las dimensiones ligeramente mayores del hocico que el de su pariente, suele alimentarse de pequeños vertebrados como murciélagos de la fruta y crías de animales aún mayores como ciervos y roedores.
La especie se encuentra actualmente seriamente amenazada dado el drenaje continuado de pantanos y cauces de ríos, también son cazados por su piel e incluso por su carne. Sus huevos igualmente han sido objeto de recolección por parte de comunidades locales y cazadores furtivos. No obstante algunas medidas recientes adoptadas por los gobiernos de Malasia e Indonesia están permitiendo ampliar su población volviendo a presentarse ejemplares en vida salvaje en Indonesia que se creyó llegaron prácticamente a su desaparición.
Desaparecido de Indochina, se han encontrado algunos restos fósiles en Taiwán y sur de China, lo que ha permitido conocer que esta especie se extendió más allá de los límites que se creía había tenido.
El falso gavial, gavial malayo o falso gavial malayo (Tomistoma schlegelii) es una especie de saurópsido crocodilio de la familia Gavialidae que vive en ríos de Malasia e Indonesia Occidental. Es verde con manchas negras y mide hasta 4 m. Durante mucho tiempo se creyó que su parecido con el gavial (Gavialis gangeticus) era debido a convergencia evolutiva, sin embargo estudios bioquímicos recientes lo incluyen en la misma familia.
Sasigabial (Tomistoma schlegelii) Tomistoma generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Crocodylidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Sasigabial (Tomistoma schlegelii) Tomistoma generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Crocodylidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Valegaviaali eli sundagaviaali (Tomistoma schlegelii) on kaakkoisaasialainen krokotiili. Se pyytää kaloja ravinnokseen.
Valegaviaali on yleensä 3,5–4 metrin pituinen. Joskus valegaviaalilla on pitkä kuono ja se muistuttaa paljon gaviaalia. Se kuuluu kuitenkin krokotiilien heimoon. Valegaviaalin leuat ovat pitkät, kapeat ja hennot. Valegaviaalin silmäterä on kellanruskea, kun muilla krokotiileilla se on tumma. Valegaviaalin jalat ovat pitkät ja hentorakenteiset. Hampaita sillä on 76–84 kappaletta ja väritykseltään se on suklaanruskea.
Valegaviaali elää vain Indonesiassa ja Malesiassa. Indonesiassa se elää Sumatrassa ja Kalimantanissa Borneossa. Malesiassa Malakan niemimaalla ja Sarawakissa. Thaimaasta ei ole havaintoja vuoden 1970 jälkeen. Valegaviaalista on tehty havaintoja myös Sulawesista, Jaavasta ja Vietnamista.
Valegaviaali elää joissa, makeanveden järvissä ja suoalueilla. Se myös viihtyy ajoittain tulvan valtaamilla alueilla. Laji on nykyään uhanalainen elinalueiden häviämisen vuoksi. Lisääntymisikäisiä yksilöitä arvioidaan olevan jäljellä enää alle 2 500. Tilannetta on yritetty parantaa tarhauksella, metsästyskiellolla ja elinalueiden suojelulla. Valegaviaaleja elää muun muassa Negaran kansallispuistossa, Indonesiassa.
Valegaviaalin elintavat tunnetaan huonosti. Laji kalastaa seuraamalla saaliskalaa ja nappaa sen takaapäin leukoihinsa. Se syö kalan lisäksi myös muutakin. Valegaviaalien tiedetään napanneen veden varaan joutuneita apinoita.
Naaraat tulevat lisääntymisikään, kun ne ovat kasvaneet 2,5–3 metrin pituisiksi. Ne rakentavat lehdistä, turpeesta ja muusta maa-aineksesta pesäkeon, joka on noin 60 senttimetriä korkea. Emo munii pesään 20–60 munaa, jotka hautuvat pesässä 90 päivän ajan. Vastakuoriutuneet poikaset ovat oliivinvihreitä, ja niiden selkää ja pyrstöä koristavat mustat poikkijuovat. Niiden kyljissä on mustia täpliä. Emon huolenpidosta huolimatta poikaskuolleisuus on suuri ja useimmat joutuvat petojen, tai jo munina pesärosvojen saaliiksi.
Valegaviaali eli sundagaviaali (Tomistoma schlegelii) on kaakkoisaasialainen krokotiili. Se pyytää kaloja ravinnokseen.
Tomistoma schlegelii
Tomistoma schlegelii, unique représentant du genre Tomistoma, est une espèce de crocodiliens de la famille des Gavialidae[1].
En français cette espèce est appelée Faux-gavial de Malaisie ou Gavial de Schlegel. Son nom est donné à la base en raison de sa ressemblance avec le Gavial du Gange, espèce appartenant a la famille des Gavialidae, dans laquelle il était inclus avant d’être exclu et mis dans celui des Crocodylidae, avant que des analyses génétiques ne le replacent dans sa famille originelle[1],[2]. Son existence dans cette famille (bien que ne faisant pas partie du genre Gavialis de la sous-famille des Gavialinae mais de la sous-famille à part des Tomistominae et du genre à part Tomistoma) fait que, ironiquement, malgré son nom, il soit un vrai gavial. De fait, on pourrait techniquement l'appeler simplement Gavial de Malaisie.
Cette espèce se rencontre[3] :
Le Gavial de Schlegel vit dans les vastes marais.
Le faux-gavial de Malaisie peut atteindre cinq à six mètres[4]. Malgré sa taille impressionnante, il est généralement inoffensif pour l'homme : sa grande taille et ses dents acérées peuvent être dangereuses mais l'animal n'attaque que pour se défendre et non pour capturer un humain. Il se nourrit presque exclusivement de poisson.
Comme beaucoup de crocodiles, il a longtemps été massacré pour sa peau par les hommes et l'industrie du cuir de luxe[5].
La position familiale de cette espèce est discutée, traditionnellement placé dans les Crocodylidae, des analyses génétiques récentes la rapproche des Gavialidae[6].
Les effectifs de l'espèce sont estimés à 2 500 individus. Des programmes d'élevage ont été lancés en Europe et aux États-Unis.
Le Faux-gavial de Malaisie partage comme principale similitude avec le Gavial du Gange un museau plus long et fin que les autres espèces de crocodiles, trait physique également remarqué chez le Faux-gavial d'Afrique, bien que celui du Faux-gavial de Malaisie et celui d'Afrique soit moins long. Étant avec le Gavial du Gange dans une famille différente du Faux-Gavial d'Afrique, cette particularité s'explique par un phénomène de convergence évolutive, dont le résultat est l'acquisition d'un trait caractéristique à plusieurs êtres vivants, mais non hérité d'un ancêtre commun à ces derniers, mais qui a évolué de façon indépendante. Il faut cependant noté que c'est dans l'ordre des Gavialoidae que cette particularité physique est la plus dominante dans son histoire évolutive et poussé à l'extrême.
Ce phénomène a pu être favorisé par le régime alimentaire, car celui des trois espèces de crocodiles se compose principalement, uniquement même pour le vrai gavial, de poissons, car le museau serait trop fragile pour s'en prendre à des créatures plus grosse. De par le fait, il s'agirait là aussi d'une spécialisation évolutive. Cependant, ce genre de phénomène peut être néfaste à long terme, car n'étant spécialisées que dans la pêche, ces trois espèces pourrait disparaître si leur seules proies de prédilections venaient à disparaitre elles aussi, ce qui est déjà en partie l'une des causes de leur raréfaction en raison de l'activité humaine.
Tomistoma schlegelii
Tomistoma schlegelii, unique représentant du genre Tomistoma, est une espèce de crocodiliens de la famille des Gavialidae.
En français cette espèce est appelée Faux-gavial de Malaisie ou Gavial de Schlegel. Son nom est donné à la base en raison de sa ressemblance avec le Gavial du Gange, espèce appartenant a la famille des Gavialidae, dans laquelle il était inclus avant d’être exclu et mis dans celui des Crocodylidae, avant que des analyses génétiques ne le replacent dans sa famille originelle,. Son existence dans cette famille (bien que ne faisant pas partie du genre Gavialis de la sous-famille des Gavialinae mais de la sous-famille à part des Tomistominae et du genre à part Tomistoma) fait que, ironiquement, malgré son nom, il soit un vrai gavial. De fait, on pourrait techniquement l'appeler simplement Gavial de Malaisie.
Tomistoma schlegelii, xeralmente coñecido internacionalmente como gavial malaio ou falso gavial, é unha especie de crocodiliano de auga doce nativa da Península de Malaca, Borneo, Sumatra e Xava. Está incluída como especie vulnerable na lista vermella da IUCN, xa que a súa poboación global se estima en só 2 500 individuos maduros.[1]
O nome específico schlegelii déuselle en honor ao herpetólogo alemán Hermann Schlegel.[3][4]
A diferenza do gavial indio (ou simplemente gavial, por antonomasia), o morro do gavial malaio ou falso gavial faise considerablemente máis ancho na súa base, polo que é moito máis similar ao dos verdadeiros crocodilos que ao do gavial indio, cuxa osteoloxía indica unha liñaxe diferente á dos outros crocodilianos vivos.[5] Porén, as secuenciacións xenéticas nucleares preliminares parecen indicar que o gavial indio e o malaio compartiron un antepasado nalgún punto da prehistoria.[6] Outros estudos moleculares indican igualmente que é o parente máis próximo (un taxon irmán) do gavial.[2] Xunto con parentes próximos fósiles, como o Maroccosuchus, cada vez é máis frecuente que se clasifique na familia Gavialidae.[7]
A especie ten unha cor marrón avermellada escura polo dorso con manchas marróns ou negras e bandas transversais no dorso e cola. A parte ventral e branca agrisada, con algunhas pintas escuras laterais. Os individos novos teñen manchas negras nas partes laterais das mandíbulas, corpo e cola. O morro liso e sen ornamentos é extremadaemnte longo e delgado, de lados paralelos, cunha lonxitude de 3,0 a 3,5 veces a anchura na base. Todos os dentes son longos e con forma de agulla, enganchados nas partes internas das mandíbulas, e inseridos individualmente en alvéolos. As escamas dorsais son amplas na parte media do corpo e esténdense polos lados do corpo. Os dedos teñen membranas interdixitais na base. Hai órganos sensoriais tegumentarios nas escamas de cabeza e corpo. As escamas de detrás da cabeza son frecuentemente só un par e algo agrandadas. Algúns individuos levan certa cantidade de escamas carenadas pequenas adxacentes. O conxunto de escamas do corpo está dividido medialmente por pel granular branda. Hai tres ringleiras transversas cada unha de dúas escamas nucais agrandadas que teñen continuidade coas escamas dorsais, que constan de 22 ringleiras transversas de seis a oito escamas, son anchas na parte media do corpo e esténdese polos laterais do corpo. Hai 22 ou 23 ringleiras nucais e dorsais. Ten 18 escamas caudais de dobre crista e outras 17 de de crista simple. Os flancos teñen unha ou dúas ringleiras lonxitudinais de seis a oito escamas moi agrandadas a cada lado.[8]
O animal ten un dos morros máis delgados entre os crocodilos vivos, quizais comparable co dos crocodilos Mecistops cataphractus e Crocodylus johnsoni, e só superado polo gavial indio.[5] O gavial malaio é un crocodiliano grande, só un pouco menor que o gavial indio. Tres machos maduros mantidos en catividade mediron de 3,6 a 3,9 m e pesaron de 190 a 210 kg, mentres que unha femia mediu 3,27 m e pesou 93 kg.[9] Hai algúns informes de medidas aínda maiores, así das femias informáronse lonxitudes de ata 4 m e dos machos foron confirmadas lonxitudes de ata 5 m.[10][11] O gavial malaio aparentemente ten o cranio máis longo de todos os crocodilos existentes, obviamente grazas ao seu longo morro. Dos oito cranios máis longos de crocodilianos que se conservan en museos, seis deles pertencen a gaviais malaios, o máis grande dos cales medía 84 cm, cunha lonxitude mandibular de 104 cm, polo que se estima que a lonxitude corporal total dese exemplar debeu de ser de 5,5 a 6,1 m.[12]
A especie é nativa da Malaisia peninsular, Sarawak e Indonesia (Sumatra e Borneo, pero non está claro se continúa habendo poboacións en Xava), pero foron erradicados de Tailandia. Ademais dos ríos, habitan en pantanos e lagos.[1] Hoxe encóntranse case exclusivamente en pantanos turbosos e bosques pantanosos de teras baixas.[13]
Antes da década de 1950, Tomistoma aparecía en ecosistemas de auga de todo o leste de Sumatra nas Montañas Barisan. A distribución actual no leste de Sumatra reduciuse nun 30 a 40% debido á caza, cortas de bosques, incendios e agricultura.[14]
Ata recentemente, sabíase pouco sobre a dieta e o comportamento do gavial malaio na natureza, e vanse pouco a pouco revelando datos. No pasado, pensábase que tiña unha dieta exclusivamente piscívora e de vertebrados moi pequenos. Pero as probas e observacións máis recentes inidican que ten unha dieta xeralista malia o seu estreito morro. Ademais de peixes e pequenos animais acuáticos, os adultos maduros depredan grandes vertebrados, incluíndo monos Nasalis larvatus, macacos Macaca fascicularis, cervos, aves acuáticas e réptiles.[15] Unha testemuña visual relatou o ataque dun gavial malaio a unha vaca en Kalimantán.[13]
A especie pode considerarse un equivalente ecolóxico dos crocodilos do Neotrópico como o Crocodylus intermedius e o Crocodylus acutus, que tamén teñen fociños delgados e unha dieta diversa.[5]
Constrúen niños con forma de morea. As femias fan postas pequenas de 13 a 35 ovos por niño, e probalemente os seus ovos son os máis grandes dos crocodilos existentes. A madurez sexual nas femias adoita alcanzarse cando medran ata os 2,5 a 3 m, que é un tamaño grande comparado co doutros crocodilianos cando chegan á madurez.[14]
Non se sabe cando se reproducen na natureza nin cando é a estación reprodutora. Unha vez que rematan a construción do niño e poñen os ovos, a femia abandona o niño. As crías eclosionan pasados 90 días e teñen que valerse por si soas. A diferenza doutros crocodilianos, as crías non reciben coidados parentais e están en risco de ser comidos por predadores, como mangostas, tigres, leopardos, civetas e cans salvaxes.
En 2008, unha femia de 4 m de gavial malaio atacou e comeu un pescador no centro de Kalimantán; os seus restos foron atopados despois dentro do estómago do gavial. Este foi o primeiro ataque mortal verificado a un humano por esta especie.[15] Porén, en 2012, verificáronse dous ataques mortais a humanos por este animal, o que indica quizais que hai un maior conflito entre este gavial e os humanos relacionado co declive da extensión e calidade do seu hábitat, e a cantidade de presas naturais.[16]
A especie está ameazada de extinción na maioría da súa área debido á drenaxe das chairas pantanosas de auga doce e a destrución das zonas boscosas que as rodean. A especie é tamén cazada frecuentemente pola súa pel e carne, e os ovos son moitas veces recollidos para o consumo humano.[15]
O gavial malaio está listado no Apéndice I do CITES.[1] Os exames da poboación actual indican que non se extinguiu na maior parte das áreas onde adoitaba vivir, pero a distribución dos individuos é en zonas mási illadas entre si do que era previamente, o que pon os animais en risco de illamento xenético.[17] En grandes partes, o seu ilamento débese a unha destrución de hábitats moi grande e ás alteracións na súa área de distribución, probablemente poucas áreas fóra das zonas protexidas legalmente son axeitadas para manter poboacións reprodutoras viables.[18]
Os gobernos malaio e indonesio tomaron medidas para impedir a súa extinción na natureza. Hai informes de que algunhas das poboacións están aumentando lixeiramente en Indonesia, prinicpalmente debido aos medos irracionais a ataques das poboacións humanas locais.[15] Yayasan Ulin (The Ironwood Foundation) está intentando actualmente xestionar unha zona húmida en Kalimantán leste, onde viven estes animais.[19]
Aínda que Tomistoma schlegelii é a única especie existente do xénero Tomistoma, atopáronse fósiles de especies extintas parecidas en depósitos do Paleoxeno, Neoxeno e Cuaternario en Taiwán, Uganda, Italia, Portugal, Exipto e India, pero case todos eles se considera que probablemente son doutros xéneros.[20]
Tomistoma schlegelii, xeralmente coñecido internacionalmente como gavial malaio ou falso gavial, é unha especie de crocodiliano de auga doce nativa da Península de Malaca, Borneo, Sumatra e Xava. Está incluída como especie vulnerable na lista vermella da IUCN, xa que a súa poboación global se estima en só 2 500 individuos maduros.
O nome específico schlegelii déuselle en honor ao herpetólogo alemán Hermann Schlegel.
Sundski gavijal ili često i lažni gavijal (Tomistoma schlegelii) je vrsta iz porodice pravih krokodila, iako se u novije vrijeme ovaj njegov status osporava, i moguće je da će ga znanstvena zajednica iz ove premjestiti u porodicu gavijala (Gavialidae). Oblik njihove duge i uske gubice doveo je i do ovog imena, a prema novijim istraživanjima, moguće je da je doista srodniji s gavijalima nego s pravim krokodilima. Sundski gavijal je monotipična vrsta (jedina) u rodu Tomistoma.
Sundski gavijal može doseći dužino do pet metara. Gubica mu je neobično uska i izdužena, a kako u gornjoj tako i donjoj čeljusti ima brojne uske i šiljaste zube. Njegovo svjetlije do tamno smeđe tijelo je obilježeno tamnijim prugama i pjegama. Vidljive su kako kod mladih, tako i kod odraslih životinja.
Ova vrsta krokodila živi isključivo u slatkoj vodi jezera, rijeka i močvara, pojavljivanje ove vrste u bočatoj vodi nije poznato. Područje na kojem ove životinje žive obuhvaća Malajski poluotok i otoke Borneo, Sumatra i Java, dok njihova pojavnost na Sulawesiju nije dokazana. Na temelju nalaza fosila smatra se, da su još u vrijeme dinastije Ming (1368. - 1644.) živjeli na jugu Kine. Poznati su i fosilni ostaci njihovih srodnika i u Sjedinjenim Američkim državama i u Europi.
Danas su sundski gavijali vrlo ugroženi. Prema procjeni "Tomistoma Task Force" "IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group" u prirodi živi još samo oko 2.500 jedinki. Ugrožava ih uništavanje njihovih staništa sječom šuma, isušivanjem močvarnih tresetišta i krivolov.
Sundski gavijal živi povučeno i vrlo je plaha životinja. Hrani se pretežno ribama, ali i drugim manjim kralješnjacima, kao što su vodozemci, drugi gmazovi ptice i sisavci. Ženke grade brežuljkasta gnijezda od biljnog materijala najčešće u podnožju stabala.
Briga o podmlatku usporediva je s drugim krokodilima.
Sundski gavijal ili često i lažni gavijal (Tomistoma schlegelii) je vrsta iz porodice pravih krokodila, iako se u novije vrijeme ovaj njegov status osporava, i moguće je da će ga znanstvena zajednica iz ove premjestiti u porodicu gavijala (Gavialidae). Oblik njihove duge i uske gubice doveo je i do ovog imena, a prema novijim istraživanjima, moguće je da je doista srodniji s gavijalima nego s pravim krokodilima. Sundski gavijal je monotipična vrsta (jedina) u rodu Tomistoma.
Buaya sepit atau Senyulong (Tomistoma schlegelii atau dalam bahasa Inggris false gharial) adalah spesies mirip buaya namun bukan merupakan anggota genus buaya sejati (Crocodylus) yang ukuran tubuhnya lebih kecil dan pendek, dengan panjang maksimal hanya 3,5 meter. Bentuk moncong runcing serta sempit. Dan habitat aslinya banyak ditemukan di sungai-sungai pedalaman Sulawesi, Sumatra maupun Kalimantan. Di sepanjang Sumatra bagian timur, jumlah mereka terus berkurang sebesar 30-40% karena perburuan, penebangan, kebakaran, dan pertanian. Spesies ini terdaftar sebagai Rentan pada Daftar Merah IUCN, karena populasi global diperkirakan hanya kurang dari 2.500 individu dewasa.[1]
Buaya sepit atau Senyulong (Tomistoma schlegelii atau dalam bahasa Inggris false gharial) adalah spesies mirip buaya namun bukan merupakan anggota genus buaya sejati (Crocodylus) yang ukuran tubuhnya lebih kecil dan pendek, dengan panjang maksimal hanya 3,5 meter. Bentuk moncong runcing serta sempit. Dan habitat aslinya banyak ditemukan di sungai-sungai pedalaman Sulawesi, Sumatra maupun Kalimantan. Di sepanjang Sumatra bagian timur, jumlah mereka terus berkurang sebesar 30-40% karena perburuan, penebangan, kebakaran, dan pertanian. Spesies ini terdaftar sebagai Rentan pada Daftar Merah IUCN, karena populasi global diperkirakan hanya kurang dari 2.500 individu dewasa.
Il falso gaviale o tomistoma[2] (Tomistoma schlegelii (Müller, 1838))[3] è un rettile appartenente alla famiglia Crocodylidae, diffuso nel Sud-est asiatico. Rappresenta l'unica specie vivente del genere Tomistoma Müller, 1846.[4][5]
Il nome del genere si forma a partire dai termini greci τομός (tomós = tagliente, acuto) e στóμα (stóma = bocca), ad indicare la forma appuntita delle fauci.[6]
L'epiteto specifico è stato dato in onore dell'erpetologo tedesco Hermann Schlegel (1804-1884).[5]
È caratterizzato dalla forma del cranio, che presenta una parte anteriore stretta e lunga, munita di 76-84 denti aguzzi, tanto da ricordare i gaviali (da qui il nome comune), sebbene l'affinità sia dovuta esclusivamente ad una convergenza evolutiva. Presenta un corpo affusolato, con coda muscolosa, occhi e narici nella zona superiore della testa, oltre che una valvola sita nel palato. atta ad impedire l'ingresso di acqua durante le fasi di immersione. La lunghezza è di 4–5 m, ma sono stati osservati anche esemplari di dimensioni maggiori. Il peso degli adulti varia da 93 a 201 kg. Come gli individui più giovani, anche gli adulti mostrano una colorazione bruno-grigiastra, con striature nerastre sul corpo e sulla coda; sono inoltre osservabili macchie più scure in corrispondenza delle fauci. La zona ventrale varia dal bianco al color crema. Il dimorfismo sessuale è di fatto limitato alle dimensioni, che sono maggiori nei maschi.[7][8][9][10]
Nonostante la mascella sia fragile e inadatta a catturare grosse prede, anche perché non può afferrare, il falso gaviale possiede uno dei morsi più potenti in natura, proprio come tutti i coccodrilli[11]. La forza esercitata è dell'ordine di 15.000 N ma può anche essere molto superiore nei grandi esemplari, mentre la pressione mascellare registrata è di 400 kg/cm2[12].Per stabilire un paragone, la forza del suo morso è sei volte maggiore di quella di uno squalo bianco.[13] Le mascelle si chiudono con enorme velocità (oltre 400 km/h), senza lasciare scampo ai pesci che vi passano attraverso[13].
Tomistoma schlegelii trascorre la maggior parte del tempo immerso in pozze poco profonde, lasciando in superficie soltanto gli occhi e le narici, in attesa di una possibile preda. Occasionalmente possono occupare tane nel terreno.[8][9][10]
La dieta è onnivora, sebbene tendenzialmente carnivora: è stato visto predare il macaco cinomolgo ed altre specie di macaco, oltre a cinghiali, traguli, cani, lontre, pesci, tartarughe, uccelli, serpenti, varani, insetti, crostacei ed altri invertebrati terrestri e acquatici, e persino piante.[7][8][9][10][14]
Si conosce poco il comportamento riproduttivo della specie, sebbene sia stato possibile osservarla in cattività negli zoo. La maturità sessuale si raggiunge a circa vent'anni di età in ambo i sessi, e l'aspettativa di vita è di sessanta-ottant'anni. Il corteggiamento e l'accoppiamento avvengono due volte l'anno, durante la stagione delle piogge: tra novembre e febbraio e tra aprile e giugno. Il maschio avvicina una femmina nuotandole intorno ed in alcuni casi i due iniziano a darsi vicendevolmente lievi colpi con la coda. A questo punto inizia l'accoppiamento vero e proprio, col maschio che sale sul dorso della compagna e la contorna con la coda. La copula avviene una volta al giorno per diversi giorni, talvolta per una settimana, ed è accompagnata dall'emissione di un odore intenso. La specie è monogama e ovipara. I nidi sono costruito a forma di tumulo, con un diametro di 90–110 cm ed un'altezza di 45–60 cm, sfruttando anche le radici degli alberi, oltre a terra, sassi e materiale di varia origine. Dopo una gestazione che varia da 90 a 115 giorni, vengono deposte da venti a sessanta uova di grandi dimensioni (fino a 9,5 cm di lunghezza e 6,2 cm di diametro, per un peso di 155 g). In seguito la femmina ricopre le uova con foglie ed altro materiale vegetale. La schiusa avviene dopo 90-100 giorni. Il maschio non attua cure parentali dopo l'accoppiamento. La femmina al contrario è stata vista appoggiarsi sui nidi e persino difenderli calpestando il terreno intorno; tuttavia, qualora disturbata, tende a scappare. Al contrario, non è mai stata osservata una femmina accompagnare i piccoli verso l'acqua, come accade in altre specie di Crocodylia.[7][8][9][10][14]
L'areale della specie comprende l'Indonesia (Sumatra, Borneo, Kalimantan, Giava e Sulawesi), la Malaysia (Penisola malese e Sarawak) ed il Vietnam. Si considera estinta in Thailandia.[1][5]
Il locus typicus è rappresentato dal fiume Karau, dal Lago Lamoeda e dal fiume Doeson, nel Borneo meridionale.[3]
L'habitat è costituito da paludi, fiumi, canali e laghi.[1]
Sono stati riportati i seguenti sinonimi:[5]
Non sono state individuate sottospecie.[5]
Da studi effettuati negli anni novanta[15] è emerso che T. schlegelii occupa un areale esteso, ma con scarsa densità. Il drenaggio dei canali e la caccia, per il commercio di pelle e uova, rappresentano le minacce più consistenti. Per queste ragioni la Lista rossa IUCN ha attribuito a questa specie lo status "VU" (vulnerabile).[1]
Questo taxon è anche stato inserito nell'Appendice I della CITES.[1][16]
Il falso gaviale o tomistoma (Tomistoma schlegelii (Müller, 1838)) è un rettile appartenente alla famiglia Crocodylidae, diffuso nel Sud-est asiatico. Rappresenta l'unica specie vivente del genere Tomistoma Müller, 1846.
Buaya Jejulong atau nama Inggerisnya Malayan gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii)[1] adalah reptilia air tawar, menyerupai buaya dengan muncung panjang tirus yang menyerupai gharial, dengan itu nama Inggerisnya.
Buaya Jejulong adalah tempatan bagi enam sistem sungai di Sumatra dan Malaysia. Ia turut di dapati di Borneo, Jawa, Vietnam, Thailand (Tidak kelihatan semenjak 1970) dan kemungkinannya di Sulawesi. Jumpaan fossil di China Selatan, menunjukkan pada satu ketika dahulu spesies ini turut terdapat di situ.
Buaya Jejulong False gharial, sebagaimana spesies buaya lain, bertelur. Bagaimanapun, disebabkan kekurangan maklumat mengenai habitatnya ketika hidup liar, ia tidak diketahui bila spesies ini membiak dan bila wakti ia bertelur. Ia merupakan pembuat sarang timbunan. Jejulong betina biasanya matang apabila bersaiz antara 2-3 m. Ia bertelur sekelompok 30-60 biji telur dalam timbunan daun kering atau tanah gambut peat. Tidak sebagaimana spesies buaya lain, anak muda tidak menerima penjagaan ibubapa dan terdedah kepada serangan pemangsa seperti babi liar, mongooses, kuching besar seperti harimau dan harimau bintang, civet dan anjing liar. Anak Jejulong menetas selepas 90 hari dan ditinggalkan bagi hidup bersendirian.
Dari segi morphologi, ia telah lama dikelaskan dalam keluarga Crocodylidae; bagaimanapun, kajian immunologikal terkini menunjukkan bahawa ia lebih berkait rapat dengan gharial berbanding apa yang dipercayai sebelum ini, dan telah dikelaskan dalam famili Gavialidae.
Buaya Jejulong diancam kepupusan dikeseluruhan tempat tinggalnya disebabkan pengeringan kawasan berpaya dan penebangan hutan hujan disekeliling tempat ia tinggal. Spesies ini turut diburu bagi kulit dan dagingnya dan telurnya turut diambil sebagai makanan manusia. Bagaimanapun langkah positif telah diambil oleh kerajaan Malaysia dan Indonesia bagi menghalang kepupusan Jejulong liar.
Buaya Jejulong atau nama Inggerisnya Malayan gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii) adalah reptilia air tawar, menyerupai buaya dengan muncung panjang tirus yang menyerupai gharial, dengan itu nama Inggerisnya.
Buaya Jejulong adalah tempatan bagi enam sistem sungai di Sumatra dan Malaysia. Ia turut di dapati di Borneo, Jawa, Vietnam, Thailand (Tidak kelihatan semenjak 1970) dan kemungkinannya di Sulawesi. Jumpaan fossil di China Selatan, menunjukkan pada satu ketika dahulu spesies ini turut terdapat di situ.
Gambar dekat JejulongBuaya Jejulong False gharial, sebagaimana spesies buaya lain, bertelur. Bagaimanapun, disebabkan kekurangan maklumat mengenai habitatnya ketika hidup liar, ia tidak diketahui bila spesies ini membiak dan bila wakti ia bertelur. Ia merupakan pembuat sarang timbunan. Jejulong betina biasanya matang apabila bersaiz antara 2-3 m. Ia bertelur sekelompok 30-60 biji telur dalam timbunan daun kering atau tanah gambut peat. Tidak sebagaimana spesies buaya lain, anak muda tidak menerima penjagaan ibubapa dan terdedah kepada serangan pemangsa seperti babi liar, mongooses, kuching besar seperti harimau dan harimau bintang, civet dan anjing liar. Anak Jejulong menetas selepas 90 hari dan ditinggalkan bagi hidup bersendirian.
Dari segi morphologi, ia telah lama dikelaskan dalam keluarga Crocodylidae; bagaimanapun, kajian immunologikal terkini menunjukkan bahawa ia lebih berkait rapat dengan gharial berbanding apa yang dipercayai sebelum ini, dan telah dikelaskan dalam famili Gavialidae.
Buaya Jejulong diancam kepupusan dikeseluruhan tempat tinggalnya disebabkan pengeringan kawasan berpaya dan penebangan hutan hujan disekeliling tempat ia tinggal. Spesies ini turut diburu bagi kulit dan dagingnya dan telurnya turut diambil sebagai makanan manusia. Bagaimanapun langkah positif telah diambil oleh kerajaan Malaysia dan Indonesia bagi menghalang kepupusan Jejulong liar.
Falsk gavial eller Malaysiagavial (Tomistoma schlegelii) er et ferskvannsreptil som tilhører gavialfamilien.[1]
Falsk gavial finnes på Sumatra og i Malaysia, men er også sett i Borneo, Thailand, Vietnam og på Java. Den finnes også muligens på Sulawesi.
Snuten er tynn og lang. En gjennomsnittlig hunn blir cirka 2-3 meter lang. I likhet med andre krokodiller legger den egg. Den kan legge 30-60 egg i året. I motsetning til andre krokodiller passer ikke moren på eggene når de er lagt, så det er en fare for at eggene blir spist av tigre, leoparder, mungoer eller ville hunder. Eggene klekkes etter ca. 90 dager.
Falsk gavial eller Malaysiagavial (Tomistoma schlegelii) er et ferskvannsreptil som tilhører gavialfamilien.
Falsk gavial finnes på Sumatra og i Malaysia, men er også sett i Borneo, Thailand, Vietnam og på Java. Den finnes også muligens på Sulawesi.
Snuten er tynn og lang. En gjennomsnittlig hunn blir cirka 2-3 meter lang. I likhet med andre krokodiller legger den egg. Den kan legge 30-60 egg i året. I motsetning til andre krokodiller passer ikke moren på eggene når de er lagt, så det er en fare for at eggene blir spist av tigre, leoparder, mungoer eller ville hunder. Eggene klekkes etter ca. 90 dager.
Krokodyl gawialowy, krokodyl sundajski (Tomistoma schlegelii) – gatunek krokodyla z grupy Tomistominae.
Krokodyl gawialowy, krokodyl sundajski (Tomistoma schlegelii) – gatunek krokodyla z grupy Tomistominae.
Systematyka Krokodyl gawialowy jest jedynym żyjącym współcześnie przedstawicielem rodzaju Tomistoma i grupy Tomistominae. Tradycyjnie zaliczany do rodziny krokodylowatych (krokodyli właściwych), co wspierają dane morfologiczne, jednak badania molekularne sugerują, że należy do gawiali. Rozwój czaszki Tomistoma schlegelii, kształt całej głowy, jak również jej części rostralnej i postrostralnej bardziej przypominają tę występującą u Crocodylidae, co wspiera hipotezę o pokrewieństwie krokodyla gawialowego powstałą w oparciu o dane morfologiczne. Morfologia Osiąga do 5 m długości. Głowa wąska i znacznie wydłużona (ok. 4,5 razy dłuższa u podstawy niż szeroka). Podobny smukły kształt pyska ma gawial gangesowy i od niego pochodzi jego nazwa. Zęby długie, cienkie i ostre o jednakowej długości. Górna szczęka nie ma wycięć jak u innych przedstawicieli rodziny. Grzbiet oliwkowobrązowy, brzuch żółtozielony lub żółtawy, na ogonie szerokie poprzeczne ciemnobrązowe pręgi. Biotop Słodkowodne jeziora, rzeki i bagna. Pokarm Głównie ryby oraz skorupiaki i ssaki. Behawior Wydłużony pysk z cienkimi długimi zębami jest wyspecjalizowanym narzędziem do chwytania ryb. Rozmnażanie Sezon godowy zaczyna się w maju. Samice budują gniazda w kształcie kopca do 60 cm wysokości. Budulcem są zazwyczaj suche liście i torf, do którego składają od 20 do 60 jaj. Każde jajo ma ok. 10 cm długości. Okres inkubacji trwa ok. 90 dni. Rodzice nie opiekują się młodymi. Występowanie Indonezja: (Sumatra, Kalimantan, Jawa, prawdopodobnie Celebes), Malezja: (Półwysep Malajski, Borneo), prawdopodobnie Wietnam. Przypuszcza się, że został wytępiony w Tajlandii, bo od 1970 roku nie zaobserwowano tam żadnego osobnika. Dziką populację szacuje się na poniżej 2500 dorosłych osobników.O gavial-da-malásia[2] (Tomistoma schlegelii), também conhecido como falso-garial, é um réptil pertencente à família Gavialidae. A espécie habita apenas cerca de seis sistemas fluviais na Malásia e na ilha de Sumatra. Até recentemente, considerava-se que fazia parte da família Crocodylidae, mas estudos filogenéticos recentes colocam-na na família Gavialidae, juntamente com o Gavial.[3] Tem um focinho muito longo, que faz lembrar o aspecto externo do gavial.
A espécie é considerada vulnerável graças ao perigo de redução do seu habitat.
A posição taxonómica do gavial-da-malásia é controversa e varia dependendo se se estão a considerar caráteres morfológicos ou moleculares. Análises morfológicas e paleontológicas agrupam o gavial-da-malásia com outros crocodilianos, enquanto que dados moleculares indicam que é uma espécie-irmã do gavial. A separação dos dois gaviais de acordo com os dados moleculares data do Eoceno ou Mioceno médio, enquanto que dados estratigráficos indicam a separação do gavial verdadeiro de outros crocodilianos (incluindo o gavial-da-malásia) como tendo ocorrido no Cretáceo Superior. O longirostro das duas espécies seria um exemplo de convergência evolutiva caso a hipótese morfológica/paleontológica seja verdadeira.[4]
O gavial-da-malásia (Tomistoma schlegelii), também conhecido como falso-garial, é um réptil pertencente à família Gavialidae. A espécie habita apenas cerca de seis sistemas fluviais na Malásia e na ilha de Sumatra. Até recentemente, considerava-se que fazia parte da família Crocodylidae, mas estudos filogenéticos recentes colocam-na na família Gavialidae, juntamente com o Gavial. Tem um focinho muito longo, que faz lembrar o aspecto externo do gavial.
A espécie é considerada vulnerável graças ao perigo de redução do seu habitat.
Malaya gavyali ya da tomistoma (Tomistoma schlegeli), Gavialidae familyasının en küçük türüdür. "Tomistoma", Malayca "hızlı şeytan" anlamına gelir. Malaya gavyali, Hint gavyaline benzemekle bereaber daha küçüktür ve burnu düzdür. 2-3 metre uzunluğundadırlar. Dişisi bir kerede 30 ila 60 yumurta yumurtlar. Diğer timsahların aksine, dişisi yavruların yumurtadan çıkmasına yardım etmez. Malaya gavyali, Sumatra ve Malezya'daki 6 nehirde yaşar. Ayrıca Borneo, Java ve Vietnam'da da yaşar. Tayland'da 1970'ten beri görülmemiştir. Sulawesi'de ise yaşayıp yaşamadığı bilinmemektedir.
Malaya gavyali ya da tomistoma (Tomistoma schlegeli), Gavialidae familyasının en küçük türüdür. "Tomistoma", Malayca "hızlı şeytan" anlamına gelir. Malaya gavyali, Hint gavyaline benzemekle bereaber daha küçüktür ve burnu düzdür. 2-3 metre uzunluğundadırlar. Dişisi bir kerede 30 ila 60 yumurta yumurtlar. Diğer timsahların aksine, dişisi yavruların yumurtadan çıkmasına yardım etmez. Malaya gavyali, Sumatra ve Malezya'daki 6 nehirde yaşar. Ayrıca Borneo, Java ve Vietnam'da da yaşar. Tayland'da 1970'ten beri görülmemiştir. Sulawesi'de ise yaşayıp yaşamadığı bilinmemektedir.
Cá sấu Mã Lai hay Cá sấu Ấn Độ giả (danh pháp hai phần: Tomistoma schlegelii) là loài bò sát nước ngọt, giống như cá sấu với mõm dài và mảnh tương tự như cá sấu Ấn Độ, vì thế có tên gọi này.
Cá sấu Mã Lai có nguồn gốc ở hệ thống sáu sông ở Sumatra và Malaysia. Nó cũng được tìm thấy tại Borneo, Java, Việt Nam, Thái Lan (không thấy kể từ thập niên 1970) và có thể ở cả Sulawesi. Các hóa thạch được tìm thấy ở miền nam Trung Quốc chỉ ra rằng ở một thời điểm nào đó loài này từng có mặt tại đây.
Từ quan điểm của hình thái học thì chúng được phân loại trong họ Crocodylidae từ rất lâu; tuy nhiên, các nghiên cứu về miễn dịch học gần đây chỉ ra rằng có thể chúng có quan hệ họ hàng gần gũi với cá sấu Ấn Độ hơn là người ta đã nghĩ lúc ban đầu. Hiện tại, cùng với các họ hàng hóa thạch gần, chẳng hạn như chi Maroccosuchus, nó được phân loại trong họ Gavialidae[1].
Cá sấu Mã Lai đẻ trứng giống như các loài cá sấu khác. Người ta vẫn chưa rõ khi nào là mùa sinh sản hay làm tổ của chúng trong tự nhiên. Chúng làm tổ thành ụ. Cá sấu cái thuần thục khi đạt độ dài 2–3 m. Cá sấu cái đã giao phối sẽ đẻ 30-60 trứng trong ụ gồm lá hay than bùn khô. Sau khi đẻ trứng xong, việc xây dựng tổ cũng kết thúc và cá sấu cái sẽ rời bỏ tổ. Không giống như các loài cá sấu khác, cá sấu con không được cha mẹ chăm sóc và chúng dễ bị các loài động vật ăn thịt (như cầy mangut, cầy hương, hổ, báo, chó hoang v.v) biến thành con mồi. Cá sấu non nở sau 90 ngày và tự xoay xở với cuộc sống.
Cá sấu Mã Lai bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng trong suốt khu vực phân bố của chúng do việc cải tạo thoát nước từ các vùng đất đầm lầy lội chứa nước ngọt cũng như sự phát quang các khu rừng mưa xung quanh. Loài này cũng hay bị săn bắt để lấy da và thịt hay trứng. Tuy nhiên, chính quyền Malaysia và Indonesia cũng đã có những bước đi cần thiết để ngăn chặn sự tuyệt chủng của loài này trong tự nhiên.
Cá sấu Mã Lai hay Cá sấu Ấn Độ giả (danh pháp hai phần: Tomistoma schlegelii) là loài bò sát nước ngọt, giống như cá sấu với mõm dài và mảnh tương tự như cá sấu Ấn Độ, vì thế có tên gọi này.
馬來長吻鱷(学名Tomistoma schlegelii),也叫馬來鱷。
馬來長吻鱷(学名Tomistoma schlegelii),也叫馬來鱷。
Crocodilus schlegelii Müller, 1838
和名 ガビアルモドキマレーガビアル(Tomistoma schlegelii)はクロコダイル科マレーガビアル属に分類されるワニの一種。本種のみでマレーガビアル属を構成する。別名ガビアルモドキ。
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