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Lentisphaerae ( macédon )

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Lentisphaerae е колено на бактерии кои се сродни со хламидиите и Verrucomicrobia.[1][2]

Вклучува двa монотипски редови Lentisphaerales и Victivallales. Членовите на ова колено можат да бидат аеробни или анаеробни и да имаат два различни фенотипа. Едниот фенотип го сочинуваат видови кои се дел од цревната микрофлора на цицачите и птиците. Другиот фенотип вклучува морски претставници изолирани од микробиомот на риби и корали, како и од морски седименти.


Филогенијата е врз основа на Проектот "Животно дрво на сите видови" (анг. The All-Species Living Tree Project).[3]

Oligosphaera ethanolica

Victivallis vadensis


L. araneosa

L. marina


Моментално прифатената таксономија е врз основа на Листата на имиња на прокариотите со евиденција во номенклатурата (анг. List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature - LPSN)[4] и Националниот центар за биотехнолошки информации (анг. National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI).[5]

  • Колено Lentisphaerae Cho et al. 2004
    • Класа Oligosphaeria Qiu et al. 2013
      • Ред Oligosphaerales Qiu et al. 2013
        • Фамилија Oligosphaeraceae Qiu et al. 2013
          • Род Oligosphaera Qiu et al. 2013
            • Вид Oligosphaera ethanolica Qiu et al. 2013
    • Класа Lentisphaeria Cho et al. 2012
      • Ред Victivallales Cho et al. 2004
        • Фамилија Victivallaceae Derrien et al. 2012
          • Род Victivallis Zoetendal et al. 2003
            • Вид Victivallis vadensis Zoetendal et al. 2003
      • Ред Lentisphaerales Cho et al. 2004
        • Фамилија Lentisphaeraceae Cho & Hedlund 2012
          • Род Lentisphaera Cho et al. 2004 emend. Choi et al. 2013
            • Вид L. araneosa Cho et al. 2004
            • Вид L. marina Choi et al. 2013
            • Вид "L. profunda" ♠

Забелешки: ♠ Видот може да се најде на NCBI, но не е наведен во LPSN.


Листа на бактериски редови


  1. Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae. „Environ Microbiol“ том 6 (6): 611–21. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00614.x. PMID 15142250.
  2. Detection of WWE2-related Lentisphaerae by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization in landfill leachate. „Can. J. Microbiol.“ том 56 (10): 846–52. октомври 2010 г. doi:10.1139/w10-065. PMID 20962908. http://article.pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/ppv/RPViewDoc?issn=0008-4166&volume=56&issue=10&startPage=846.
  3. „16S rRNA-based LTP release 123 (full tree)“ (PDF). Silva Comprehensive Ribosomal RNA Database. конс. 2016-03-20.
  4. J.P. Euzéby. „Lentisphaerae“. List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN). конс. 2016-03-20.
  5. Sayers и др. „Lentisphaerae“. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) taxonomy database. конс. 2016-03-20.
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Lentisphaerae ( Antërlenga (Assossiassion Antërnassional për na Lenga Ausiliaria) )

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Lentisphaerae es un phylo de Negibacteria.

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Lentisphaerae: Brief Summary ( macédon )

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Lentisphaerae е колено на бактерии кои се сродни со хламидиите и Verrucomicrobia.

Вклучува двa монотипски редови Lentisphaerales и Victivallales. Членовите на ова колено можат да бидат аеробни или анаеробни и да имаат два различни фенотипа. Едниот фенотип го сочинуваат видови кои се дел од цревната микрофлора на цицачите и птиците. Другиот фенотип вклучува морски претставници изолирани од микробиомот на риби и корали, како и од морски седименти.

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Автори и уредници на Википедија

Lentisphaerota ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

Lentisphaerota is a phylum of bacteria closely related to Chlamydiota and Verrucomicrobiota.[2][3]

It includes two monotypic orders Lentisphaerales and Victivallales. Phylum members can be aerobic or anaerobic and fall under two distinct phenotypes. These phenotypes live within bodies of sea water and were particularly hard to isolate in a pure culture.[4] One phenotype, L. marina, consists of terrestrial gut microbiota from mammals and birds. It was found in the Sea of Japan.[4] The other phenotype (L. araneosa) includes marine microorganisms: sequences from fish and coral microbiomes and marine sediment.


The phylogeny based on the work of the All-Species Living Tree Project.[5]

Oligosphaera ethanolica

Victivallis vadensis


L. araneosa

L. marina


The currently accepted taxonomy is based on the List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LSPN)[6] and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).[7]

♠ Strain found at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) but not listed in the List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN)

See also


  1. ^ Oren A, Garrity GM (2021). "Valid publication of the names of forty-two phyla of prokaryotes". Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 71 (10): 5056. doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.005056. PMID 34694987. S2CID 239887308.
  2. ^ Cho J, Vergin K, Morris R, Giovannoni S (2004). "Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae". Environ Microbiol. 6 (6): 611–21. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00614.x. PMID 15142250.
  3. ^ Limam RD, Bouchez T, Chouari R, et al. (October 2010). "Detection of WWE2-related Lentisphaerae by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization in landfill leachate". Can. J. Microbiol. 56 (10): 846–52. doi:10.1139/w10-065. PMID 20962908. Archived from the original on 2012-12-16. Retrieved 2010-11-04.
  4. ^ a b Choi, Ahyoung; Yang, Seung-Jo; Rhee, Kwang-Hyun; Cho, Jang-CheonYR 2013 (2013). "Lentisphaera marina sp. nov., and emended description of the genus Lentisphaera". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 63 (Pt_4): 1540–1544. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.046433-0. ISSN 1466-5034. PMID 22888188.
  5. ^ "16S rRNA-based LTP release 123 (full tree)" (PDF). Silva Comprehensive Ribosomal RNA Database. Retrieved 2016-03-20.
  6. ^ J.P. Euzéby. "Lentisphaerae". List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN). Retrieved 2016-03-20.
  7. ^ Sayers; et al. "Lentisphaerae". National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) taxonomy database. Retrieved 2016-03-20.
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Lentisphaerota: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Lentisphaerota is a phylum of bacteria closely related to Chlamydiota and Verrucomicrobiota.

It includes two monotypic orders Lentisphaerales and Victivallales. Phylum members can be aerobic or anaerobic and fall under two distinct phenotypes. These phenotypes live within bodies of sea water and were particularly hard to isolate in a pure culture. One phenotype, L. marina, consists of terrestrial gut microbiota from mammals and birds. It was found in the Sea of Japan. The other phenotype (L. araneosa) includes marine microorganisms: sequences from fish and coral microbiomes and marine sediment.

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Lentisphaerae ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Las lentisferas (Lentisphaerae) son una clase de bacterias[1][2]​ formado por varias especies recientemente descubiertas en aguas marinas y hábitats terrestres.

  • Victivallis vadensis fue aislada de las heces humanas. Es una bacteria con forma de coco no móvil y con una capa mucosa extracelular. Es estrictamente anaerobia y degradante de la celobiosa.[3]
  • Lentisphaera araneosa fue descubiera en aguas del océano pacífico. Es un microorganismo con forma de coco, Gram negativo, estrictamente aerobio, quimiheterótrofo y oligotrófico facultativo.[4]​ Otras cadenas relacionadas de ADNr 16S han sido detectadas usando PCR en aguas marinas y hábitats terrestres anaerobios.


  1. Donovan H. Parks, Maria Chuvochina, David W. Waite, Christian Rinke, Adam Skarshewski, Pierre-Alain Chaumeil, Philip Hugenholtz (2018). A proposal for a standardized bacterial taxonomy based on genome phylogeny. Biorxiv.
  2. Genome database. Verrucomicrobia.
  3. Zoetendal EG, Plugge CM, Akkermans AD, de Vos WM. (2003) "Victivallis vadensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a sugar-fermenting anaerobe from human faeces", Int J Syst Evol Microbiol., Jan, 53(Pt 1), pp. 211-5.
  4. Cho J, Vergin K, Morris R, Giovannoni S (2004). «Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae.». Environ Microbiol 6 (6): 611-21. PMID 15142250.
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Lentisphaerae: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Las lentisferas (Lentisphaerae) son una clase de bacterias​​ formado por varias especies recientemente descubiertas en aguas marinas y hábitats terrestres.

Victivallis vadensis fue aislada de las heces humanas. Es una bacteria con forma de coco no móvil y con una capa mucosa extracelular. Es estrictamente anaerobia y degradante de la celobiosa.​ Lentisphaera araneosa fue descubiera en aguas del océano pacífico. Es un microorganismo con forma de coco, Gram negativo, estrictamente aerobio, quimiheterótrofo y oligotrófico facultativo.​ Otras cadenas relacionadas de ADNr 16S han sido detectadas usando PCR en aguas marinas y hábitats terrestres anaerobios.
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Lentisphaerae ( Fransèis )

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Les Lentisphaerae sont une division de bactéries.




  • (en) Cho, Vergin, Morris & Giovannoni, 2004 : « Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov., a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae » Environ. Microbiol., 2004, 6, 611-621.
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Lentisphaerae: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Les Lentisphaerae sont une division de bactéries.

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Lentisferas ( Galissian )

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As lentisferas ou Lentisphaerae (en grego esferas pegañentas) son un filo de bacterias estreitamente relacionadas coas Chlamydiae e as Verrucomicrobia.[1][2] Os membros do grupo poden ser aerobios ou anaerobios e viven en animais, augas doces e mariñas. Algúns viven anaerobicamente no intestino de mamíferos e aves. Dos mariños atopáronse secuencias xenéticas en peixes, corais e sedimentos mariños.

O filo foi definido pola análise filoxenetica do ARNr 16S. O filo inclúe dous xéneros, Lentisphaera e Victivallis, ambos os dous cocos gramnegativos quimioorganotrofos, que se nutren de azucres como monosacáridos, disacáridos, azucres alcohois, ou azucres ácidos, e producen un material limoso extracelular pegañento.[3]


Véxase tamén: Taxonomía bacteriana.

O grupo pode clasificarse nunha clase con dúas ordes, familias e xéneros:[4] Clase Lentisphaeria

  • Orde Lentisphaerales Cho et al. 2004
  • Orde Victivallales Cho et al. 2004
    • Familia Victivallaceae


  1. Cho J, Vergin K, Morris R, Giovannoni S (2004). "Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae". Environ Microbiol 6 (6): 611–21. PMID 15142250. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00614.x.
  2. Limam RD, Bouchez T, Chouari R; et al. (2010). "Detection of WWE2-related Lentisphaerae by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization in landfill leachate". Can. J. Microbiol. 56 (10): 846–52. PMID 20962908. doi:10.1139/w10-065. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 16 de decembro de 2012. Consultado o 03 de xullo de 2012.
  3. Phylum XXII. Lentisphaerae Cho, Vergin, Morris and Giovannoni 2004a, 1005VP (Effective publication: Cho, Vergin, Morris and Giovannoni 2004b, 617.) Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. 2010, pp 785-793 Brian P. Hedlund, Jang-Cheon Cho, Muriel Derrien, Kyle C. Costa [1]
  4. J.P. Euzéby. "Lentisphaerae". List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 27 de xaneiro de 2013. Consultado o 3 xullo 2012.
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Autores e editores de Wikipedia

Lentisferas: Brief Summary ( Galissian )

fornì da wikipedia gl Galician

As lentisferas ou Lentisphaerae (en grego esferas pegañentas) son un filo de bacterias estreitamente relacionadas coas Chlamydiae e as Verrucomicrobia. Os membros do grupo poden ser aerobios ou anaerobios e viven en animais, augas doces e mariñas. Algúns viven anaerobicamente no intestino de mamíferos e aves. Dos mariños atopáronse secuencias xenéticas en peixes, corais e sedimentos mariños.

O filo foi definido pola análise filoxenetica do ARNr 16S. O filo inclúe dous xéneros, Lentisphaera e Victivallis, ambos os dous cocos gramnegativos quimioorganotrofos, que se nutren de azucres como monosacáridos, disacáridos, azucres alcohois, ou azucres ácidos, e producen un material limoso extracelular pegañento.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia

Lentisphaerae ( portughèis )

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Lentisphaerae é um filo de bactérias recém descrito.[1] Compreende duas ordens, Lentisphaerales e Victivallales.


  1. Cho J, Vergin K, Morris R, Giovannoni S (2004). «Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae». Environmental Microbiology. 6 (6): 611–21. PMID 15142250. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00614.x
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Lentisphaerae: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Lentisphaerae é um filo de bactérias recém descrito. Compreende duas ordens, Lentisphaerales e Victivallales.

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Lentisphaerae ( ucrain )

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  1. Cho JC, Vergin KL, Morris RM, Giovannoni SJ (2004). Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae. Environ Microbiol. 6 (6): 611–621. PMID 15142250.

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Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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Lentisphaerae: Brief Summary ( ucrain )

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Cho JC, Vergin KL, Morris RM, Giovannoni SJ (2004). Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae. Environ Microbiol. 6 (6): 611–621. PMID 15142250.

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レンティスファエラ門 ( Giaponèis )

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レンティスファエラ門 分類 ドメ
: 細菌 Bacteria : レンティスファエラ門
Lentisphaerae 学名 Lentisphaerae
Cho et al. 2004(暫) 下位分類(綱)

レンティスファエラ門ラテン語:Lentisphaerae)はグラム陰性真正細菌である。2綱3目に分けられているが、これまでに記載されている種は3属4種のみと少ない。16S rRNA系統解析により設定された門であり、共通する性質は乏しい。分離源は糞便、海洋、廃水処理装置など多岐に及ぶ。クロロビウム門ウェルコミクロビウム門に近縁と考えられている。


  • レンティスファエラ綱/Lentisphaeria
    • レンティスファエラ目/Lentisphaerales
      • レンティスファエラ科/Lentisphaeraceae
        • レンティスファエラ属/Lentisphaera
          • L. araneosa - L. marina
    • ウィクティウァルリス目/Victivallales
      • ウィクティウァルリス科/Victivallaceae
        • ウィクティウァルリス属/Victivallis
          • V. vadensis
  • オリゴスファエラ綱/Oligosphaeria
    • オリゴスファエラ目/Oligosphaerales
      • オリゴスファエラ科/Oligosphaeraceae
        • オリゴスファエラ属/Oligosphaera
          • O. ethanolica


  • Cho J, Vergin K, Morris R, Giovannoni S (2004). “Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae”. Environ Microbiol 6 (6): 611–21. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00614.x. PMID 15142250.
執筆の途中です この項目は、真正細菌(バクテリア)に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然ウィキプロジェクト 生物)。
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レンティスファエラ門: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

レンティスファエラ門(ラテン語:Lentisphaerae)はグラム陰性真正細菌である。2綱3目に分けられているが、これまでに記載されている種は3属4種のみと少ない。16S rRNA系統解析により設定された門であり、共通する性質は乏しい。分離源は糞便、海洋、廃水処理装置など多岐に及ぶ。クロロビウム門ウェルコミクロビウム門に近縁と考えられている。

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렌티스파이라문 ( Corean )

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렌티스파이라문(Lentisphaerae)은 세균 문의 하나로 의원체문과 우미균문과 밀접한 관련이 있다.[1][2]

3개의 단형목 렌티스파이라목빅티발리스목, 올리고스파이라목을 포함하고 있다. 여기에 속한 세균 종들은 유산소 또는 무산소 호흡을 할 수 있으며, 2개의 독특한 표현형으로 구별된다. 하나는 포유류와 조류의 장에 기생하는 육상 미생물 집단이다. 나머지 표현형(어류와 산호초 미생물 그리고 해양 퇴적물의 염기 서열 분석)은 해양미생물들이다.


렌티스파이라문을 다음과 같이 분류한다.[3]

  • 렌티스파이라강 (Lentisphaeria)
    • 렌티스파이라목 (Lentisphaerales) Cho et al. 2004
      • 렌티스파이라과 (Lentisphaeraceae)
        • 렌티스파이라속 (Lentisphaera) Cho et al. 2004
          • Lentisphaera araneosa Cho et al. 2004
    • 빅티발리스목 (Victivallales) Cho et al. 2004
      • 빅티발리스과 (Victivallaceae)
        • 빅티발리스속 (Victivallis) Zoetendal et al. 2003
          • Victivallis vadensis Zoetendal et al. 2003
  • 올리고스파이라강 (Oligosphaeria) Qiu et al. 2013
    • 올리고스파이라목 (Oligosphaerales) Qiu et al. 2013
      • 올리고스파이라과 (Oligosphaeraceae) Qiu et al. 2013
        • 올리고스파이라속 (Oligosphaera) Qiu et al. 2013
          • Oligosphaera ethanolica Qiu et al. 2013


  1. Cho J, Vergin K, Morris R, Giovannoni S (2004). “Lentisphaera araneosa gen. nov., sp. nov, a transparent exopolymer producing marine bacterium, and the description of a novel bacterial phylum, Lentisphaerae”. 《Environ Microbiol》 6 (6): 611–21. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00614.x. PMID 15142250.
  2. Limam RD, Bouchez T, Chouari R; 외. (2010년 10월). “Detection of WWE2-related Lentisphaerae by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization in landfill leachate”. 《Can. J. Microbiol.》 56 (10): 846–52. doi:10.1139/w10-065. PMID 20962908. 2012년 12월 16일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2010년 11월 4일에 확인함.
  3. J.P. Euzéby. “Lentisphaerae”. 《List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature》. 2013년 1월 27일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2011년 6월 5일에 확인함.
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