on Chamaesyce sp. Panama, Cocle Province, Aguadulce, 8°13.227'N, 80°36.558'W, 24 Nov. 2004, leg. J.R. Hernandez 2004-083, II-III(BPI864141).On Poinsettia heterophylla (L.) Klotzsch and Garcke. Panama, Chiriqui Province, Distrito de Alanje, La Barqueta, 8°18.258'N, 82°34.822'W, 27 Nov. 2004, leg. J. R. Hernandez 2004-135, II (BPI 864142).
U. euphorbiae is cosmopolitan, reported as widespread in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania on species of Euphorbiaceae (Farr et al. 2004; Hernandez et al. 2005a, b). This is the first report of U. euphorbiae from Panama.
Uromyces euphorbiae is a plant pathogen infecting poinsettias.