
Armillaria putrida

Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da North American Flora
Armillaria putrida (Scop.) Murrill
Agaricus putridus Scop. Fl. Cam. ed. 2. 2: 420. 1772.
Agaricus melleus Vahl, Fl. Dan. 9. 1792. Not A. melleus Schaeff. 1774.
Agaricus polymyces Pers. Syn. Fung. 269. 1801.
Agaricus {Armillaria) melleorubens Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 283. 1868.
Armillaria mellea Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 38. 1872.
Armillaria solidipes Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 27: 611. 1900.
Pileus convex to expanded, cespitose, 41 2 cm. broad, very variable ; surface usually dry, smooth or becoming striate toward the margin, pale-honey-yellow to dark-reddish-brown, usually adorned with minute tufts of brown or blackish hairs, which are more abundant on the disk ; context white or whitish, somewhat acrid and unpleasant to the taste ; lamellae adnate or decurrent, white or whitish, becoming discolored or spotted with age, rarely yellow; spores ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, 7-10X4-6.5 p; stipe melleous, reddish-brown or dirty-brown below, paler above, nearly equal, firm, fibrous, spongy within, usually floccose-scaly below the annulus, 41 2 cm. long, 51 5 mm. thick ; annulus white, cottony, with dark specks, or thin, arachnoid,
and evanescent.
Type locality: Carniola.
Habitat: On stumps and buried roots of both deciduous and evergreen trees.
Distribution: Cosmopolitan.
sitassion bibliogràfica
William Alphonso Murrill. 1914. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 10(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY