
Comments ( Anglèis )

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Lima bean is cultivated as a vegetable.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
sitassion bibliogràfica
Flora of Pakistan Vol. 0: 240 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of Pakistan @ eFloras.org
S. I. Ali & M. Qaiser
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Description ( Anglèis )

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Perennial climber, stem glabrous or pubescent. Leaf trifoliolate, petiole 1.5-19 cm long; leaflets 3-15 cm long, 1.2-10 cm broad, the lateral leaflets oblique, ovate to lanceolate or narrowly rhombic; acuminate, sparsely pubescent or glabrous; petiolules 3-5 mm long; stipules 2-3.5 mm long. Inflorescence a peduncled raceme; peduncle 1.5-30 cm long. Bracts 1.5 mm long, bracteoles 1.5-2.0 mm long. Pedicel 5-10 mm long. Calyx pubescent, tube 1.5-2.5 mm long, teeth 5-8 mm long, upper 2 joined to form an emarginate lip. Corolla white, yellowish or pale rose. Vexillum 5-7 mm long, sparsely pubescent or glabrous externally. Keel 10-14 mm long, spirally twisted for 1½ turns. Fruit 5-10.5 cm long, 1.2-2.5 cm broad, oblong-falcate or oblong, 3-4-seeded, glabrous or pubescent.
drit d'autor
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
sitassion bibliogràfica
Flora of Pakistan Vol. 0: 240 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of Pakistan @ eFloras.org
S. I. Ali & M. Qaiser
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Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
sitassion bibliogràfica
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
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Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Distribution: Native of Tropical America, now widely cultivated throughout the tropics of the world including Pakistan.
drit d'autor
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
sitassion bibliogràfica
Flora of Pakistan Vol. 0: 240 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of Pakistan @ eFloras.org
S. I. Ali & M. Qaiser
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Elevation Range ( Anglèis )

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1100-2100 m
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
sitassion bibliogràfica
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
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Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da EOL authors
Lima Bean or Butter Bean (Phaseolus lunatus) probably originated in the Andes. The current geographic range of wild Lima beans in Central and South America was probably shaped by a fragmentation event in the northern Andes, isolating populations that continued to evolve independently, and by migration into Central America after the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. A third region that appears to harbor a genetically distinct group is the area to the west and northwest of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico. Lima Beans were likely domesticated independently in both Central and South America. Archaeologists have found samples dating back to 5000 B.C.E. Today, Lima Bean is found in many tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate parts of North America, Africa, and Asia. Depending on the cultivar, the plant may be a small annual bush (30 to 90 cm in height) or a large climber (2 to 4 m tall). It may be grown as an annual or perennial. The seeds are variable in size (1 to 3 cm in length), shape, and color (white, cream, red, purple brown, black, or mottled). The dried beans are used as pulses. In the United States, the world's largest producer, the immature seeds are frozen or canned (Madagascar and Peru are also major Lima bean producers). The pulse yields a protein-rich flour which is added to bread and noodles in the Philippines and is used in bean paste in Japan. The pods and leaves may also be eaten. The pulse contains 20% protein, 1.3% fat, and 60% carbohydrates (the immature seeds [beans] contain less of these constituents and more water). The mature beans contain the glycoside linamarin, which can produce toxic hydrocyanic acid (prussic acid), although the amount produced varies among cultivars and the United States regulates the concentration allowed commercially. Soaking and boiling the seeds in water, which should be changed during the process, addresses this problem. (Vaughan and Geissler 1997; Serrano-Serrano et al. 2010)
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Leo Shapiro
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EOL authors

Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da EOL authors
Phaseolus lunatus, butter bean or lima bean, is an herbaceous plant in the Fabaceae (legume or bean family) native to Central and South America, now cultivated in warm, semi-tropical regions throughout the world for its beans, which can be eaten fresh (generally without the bean pods) or dried (although they must be cooked for at least 10 minutes, or treated by fermentation, to destroy toxic cyanogenic glycosides). P. lunatus includes a large-seeded type, the butter bean, thought to have been domesticated in Peru around 4,000 years ago—hence the common name, lima bean, for the capital of Peru, although the latter name may also refer to the beans from the species P. limensis (which is sometimes classified as a variety of P. lunatus)—and imported to Africa and Madagascar by way of Brazil, A second, smaller-seeded variety, the sieva, was developed later, probably in Central America and Mexico around 500 years ago, and introduced from there to the Philippines and other parts of Asia by the Spaniards. Plants of both varieties are perennial, but are generally grown as annuals, and have erect bush forms, which grow to around 1 m (3.25 ft) tall, and twining forms, up to 4 m (13 ft) long. Plants have trifoliate compound leaves with oval leaflets, each up to 9 cm (3.5 in) long. The white to yellow flowers, which occur in loose, open unbranched clusters (racemes) develop into broad, flat pods up to 9 cm long. This species requires a long, warm growing season for beans to develop. Butter beans, which are high in protein, vitamins B and C, and various minerals (including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium) are sometimes picked when green, shelled, and prepared as a cooked vegetable with a relatively short cooking time (or frozen or canned). More often, however, the beans are harvested when the pods have fully matured and dried. The dried beans are then soaked and cooked for several hours, and cooked into numerous soups, stews, and meat dishes. Dried beans, including this species, are an important source of protein in many parts of Africa, southeast Asia, and South America. The U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization estimates that total commercial production of dried beans (which includes butter beans but also beans of other species and numerous varieties) was 23.23 million metric tons worldwide in 2010, harvested from 29.92 million hectares. India was the leading producer, responsible for 21% of total production, followed by Brazil, Myanmar, China, the U.S., and Mexico. Within the U.S., the major dried-bean producing states in 2007 were North Dakota, Michigan, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Idaho, although California produces a large share of lima beans. (Bailey et al. 1976, USDA 2012, van Wyk 2005.)
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Jacqueline Courteau
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EOL authors

Distribution ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da IABIN
Chile Central
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Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
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Physical Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da USDA PLANTS text
Annual, Perennial, Herbs, Vines, twining, climbing, Woody throughout, Taproot present, Nodules present, Stems erect or ascending, Stems or branches arching, spreading or decumbent, Stems less than 1 m tall, Stems 1-2 m tall, Stems greater than 2 m tall, Stems solid, Stems or young twigs glabrous or sparsely glabrate, Stems or young twigs sparsely to densely hairy, Leaves alternate, Leaves petiolate, Stipules inconspicuous, absent, or caducous, Stipules green, triangulate to lanceolate or foliaceous, Stipules persistent, Stipules free, Leaves compound, Leaves pinnately 3-foliolat e, Leaves odd pinnate, Leaf or leaflet margins entire, Leaflets opposite, Stipels present at base of leaflets, Leaflets 3, Leaves glabrous or nearly so, Inflorescences racemes, Inflorescence axillary, Bracts conspicuously present, Bracteoles present, Flowers zygomorphic, Calyx 5-lobed, Calyx 4-lobed, Calyx glabrous, Petals separate, Corolla papilionaceous, Petals white, Petals greenish yellow, Banner petal suborbicular, broadly rounded, Banner petal auriculate, Wing petals narrow, oblanceolate to oblong, Keel abruptly curved, or spirally coiled, Keel tips obtuse or rounded, not beaked, Keel petals fused on sides or at tip, Stamens 9-10, Stamens diadelphous, 9 united, 1 free, Filaments glabrous, Style terete, Style spirally coiled, Style hairy, Fruit a legume, Fruit unilocular, Fruit freely dehiscent, Fruit oblong or ellipsoidal, Fruit strongly curved, falcate, bent, or lunate, Fruit exserted from calyx, Fruit explosively or elastically dehiscent, Valves twisting or coiling after dehiscence, Fruit glabrous or glabrate, Fruit hairy, Fruit 3-10 seeded, Seeds ovoid to rounded in outline, Seed surface smooth, Seeds white or off-white, Seeds olive, brown, or black.
Dr. David Bogler
Missouri Botanical Garden
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Phaseolus lunatus ( Aser )

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Phaseolus lunatus

Phaseolus lunatus (lat. Phaseolus lunatus) - paxlakimilər fəsiləsinin lobya cinsinə aid bitki növü.


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Phaseolus lunatus: Brief Summary ( Aser )

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 src= Phaseolus lunatus

Phaseolus lunatus (lat. Phaseolus lunatus) - paxlakimilər fəsiləsinin lobya cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Garrofó ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Phaseolus lunatus

El garrofó, fesol de la peladilla o mongeta de Lima (Phaseolus lunatus) és una planta herbàcia anual de la família de les Fabaceae, cultivada als països càlids per les seues granes consumides com a llegum a la manera de la mongeta comuna. Normalment es mengen les llavors sense la bajoca o tavella.[1]


L. var. lunatus (Sinònim: .), família de les Fabaceae, subfamília de les Faboideae, tribu de les Phaseoleae, subtribu de les Phaseolinae.

Nom comú

  • català: garrofó, bajocó, fesol de garrofa, fesol de la ferradura, fesol de la peladilla, mongeta de Lima
  • castellà: haba de Lima
  • anglès: Lima bean
  • francès: haricot de Lima[1]

Origen i distribució

Aquesta espècie és originària d'Amèrica tropical i subtropical. Es va domesticar en dos centres separats, el primer als Andes cap a 2000 aC i el segon a Mesoamèrica cap al 800 de la nostra era. Cap a 1300 arribà a Nord-amèrica. Es cultiva principalment a: Mèxic, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Hondures, Nicaragua, Panamà, Veneçuela, Brasil, Bolívia, Colòmbia, Equador, Perú. Avui és molt cultivada en països càlids.


És un fesol blanc gros amb una textura untuosa i un sabor delicat. Temps de cocció, 40 minuts després d'haver portat a ebullició l'aigua perquè la pell no se separe. Entra com ingredient principal en nombroses receptes. Nutricionalment, com les altres espècies de mongeteres, aporta fibra i poc de greix.

Es considera essencial en l'elaboració de la paella valenciana.[1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 «El garrofó de la paella, en perill - Revista Mètode» (en ca). [Consulta: 1r maig 2018].

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Garrofó: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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 src= Phaseolus lunatus

El garrofó, fesol de la peladilla o mongeta de Lima (Phaseolus lunatus) és una planta herbàcia anual de la família de les Fabaceae, cultivada als països càlids per les seues granes consumides com a llegum a la manera de la mongeta comuna. Normalment es mengen les llavors sense la bajoca o tavella.

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Limabohne ( Alman )

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Die Limabohne (Phaseolus lunatus), auch Mondbohne genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Phaseolus in der Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler (Faboideae). Diese Nutzpflanze ist nahe verwandt mit einer Reihe anderer „Bohnen“ genannter Feldfrüchte. Es gibt eine groß- und eine kleinsamige Unterart, die manchmal als Limabohne (groß) und Mondbohne (klein) unterschieden werden.

Die Limabohne stammt aus den Anden und Mittelamerika. Man nimmt an, dass die Kultivierung an beiden Orten unabhängig voneinander begann, in den Anden um 2000 v. Chr.,[1] wo eine großsamige Varietät entstand (Lima-Typ), und um 800 in Mittelamerika, wo eine kleinsamige Varietät (Sieva-Typ) entstand.[1] Um 1300 hatte sich der Anbau bis nördlich des Rio Grande ausgebreitet.[1]

Sie braucht ausreichend Wärme und kann daher in Mitteleuropa nur bedingt wirtschaftlich angebaut werden.


Die Limabohne ist eine einjährige buschige oder rankende, ausdauernde krautige Pflanze, deren Stängel Längen von 2 bis zu 4 Meter erreichen kann. Die Kronblätter sind meist hell-grün, manchmal violett.


Die meist gekrümmten Hülsenfrüchte sind 5 bis zu 15 Zentimeter lang, 1,5 bis 2,5 Zentimeter breit und enthalten zwei bis vier Samen. Die in ihrer Form, Größe und Farbe sehr variablen Samen sind 1 bis 3 Zentimeter lang, oval bis rund, und weiß oder dunkel gefärbt.

Dunkel gefärbte Samen enthalten Linamarin[2][3][4], ein cyanogenes Glycosid, aus dem Blausäure entstehen kann. Samen mit weißer Schale gelten als unbedenklich.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 22.[5]



  1. a b c Jenny R. Motta-Aldana, Martha L. Serrano-Serrano, Jorge Hernández-Torres, Genis Castillo-Villamizar, Daniel G. Debouck, Maria I. ChacónS.: Multiple Origins of Lima Bean Landraces in the Americas: Evidence from Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Polymorphisms. In: Crop Science. Band 50, Nr. 5, 2010, S. 1773–1787, doi:10.2135/cropsci2009.12.0706.
  2. Adolf Stählin: Nährstoffzusammensetzung von Samen der Bohnenarten. In: Die Beurteilung der Futtermittel. Methodenbuch Bd. XII. Verlag Neumann, Radebeul und Berlin. 1957, S. 370–372.
  3. Walter H. Schuster, Joachim Alkämper, Richard Marquard & Adolf Stählin: Leguminosen zur Kornnutzung: Kornleguminosen der Welt, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 1998.: W. Schuster: Mondbohne, Limabohne (Phaseolus lunatus L. [= Ph. bipunctatus Jacq.)]
  4. Walter H. Schuster, Joachim Alkämper, Richard Marquard & Adolf Stählin: Leguminosen zur Kornnutzung: Kornleguminosen der Welt, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 1998.: W. Schuster: Mondbohne, Limabohne (Phaseolus lunatus L. [= Ph. bipunctatus Jacq.)]
  5. Phaseolus lunatus bei Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
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Limabohne: Brief Summary ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE

Die Limabohne (Phaseolus lunatus), auch Mondbohne genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Phaseolus in der Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler (Faboideae). Diese Nutzpflanze ist nahe verwandt mit einer Reihe anderer „Bohnen“ genannter Feldfrüchte. Es gibt eine groß- und eine kleinsamige Unterart, die manchmal als Limabohne (groß) und Mondbohne (klein) unterschieden werden.

Die Limabohne stammt aus den Anden und Mittelamerika. Man nimmt an, dass die Kultivierung an beiden Orten unabhängig voneinander begann, in den Anden um 2000 v. Chr., wo eine großsamige Varietät entstand (Lima-Typ), und um 800 in Mittelamerika, wo eine kleinsamige Varietät (Sieva-Typ) entstand. Um 1300 hatte sich der Anbau bis nördlich des Rio Grande ausgebreitet.

Sie braucht ausreichend Wärme und kann daher in Mitteleuropa nur bedingt wirtschaftlich angebaut werden.

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Mfiwi ( swahili )

fornì da wikipedia emerging languages

Mfiwi (Phaseolus lunatus) ni jina la mmea katika familia Fabaceae. Mbegu zake huitwa fiwi. Asili ya mfiwi ni milima ya Andes na Amerika ya Kati. Siku hizi mimea hii hukuzwa mahali pengi katika maeneo yaliyo na joto wastani.


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Mfiwi: Brief Summary ( swahili )

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Mfiwi (Phaseolus lunatus) ni jina la mmea katika familia Fabaceae. Mbegu zake huitwa fiwi. Asili ya mfiwi ni milima ya Andes na Amerika ya Kati. Siku hizi mimea hii hukuzwa mahali pengi katika maeneo yaliyo na joto wastani.

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Patani ( tagalog )

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Phaseolus lunatus

Ang patani (Ingles: Lima bean) ay isang uri ng munggong nagmula sa Lima, Peru. [1]

Mga sanggunian

  1. Leo James English, Diksyunaryong Tagalog-Ingles, Kongregasyon ng Kabanalbanalang Tagapag-ligtas, Maynila, ipinamamahagi ng National Book Store, may 1583 na mga dahon, ISBN 971-91055-0-X

Usbong Ang lathalaing ito ay isang usbong. Makatutulong ka sa Wikipedia sa nito.

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Patani: Brief Summary ( tagalog )

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 src= Phaseolus lunatus

Ang patani (Ingles: Lima bean) ay isang uri ng munggong nagmula sa Lima, Peru.

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Mga may-akda at editor ng Wikipedia

Pwachouk ( Haitian; Créol haitian )

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Phaseolus lunatus

Pwachouk se yon plant. Li nan fanmi plant kategori: Fabaceæ . Non syantifik li se Phaseolus lunatus L.




Kèk lyen

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Pwachouk: Brief Summary ( Haitian; Créol haitian )

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 src= Phaseolus lunatus

Pwachouk se yon plant. Li nan fanmi plant kategori: Fabaceæ . Non syantifik li se Phaseolus lunatus L.

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Roay ( sondanèis )

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Roay disebut ogé kacang jawa atawa kekara (Phaséolus lunatus) nyaéta tangkal kacang tina kulawarga Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Di Indonésia Saméméhna ieu tangkal dipelak pikeun panutup taneuh atawa lahan sangkan henteu dipinuhan ku hama gulma, Hasil anu bisa dipanén tina kacang roay nyaéta sikina tina buah anu geus kolot, Sakapeung dipanén sikina dinamangsa gumading kénéh, ogé polongna nyaéta buah roay anu masih kénéh ngora mangsa sikina masih hipu, pucukna ogé bisa dimangpaatkeun pikeun lalab.

Tangkal kacang anu hirupna ngarambat ieu disabaraha daérah dipiwanoh ogé kusebutan kacang roay (Sunda); kårå, kratok (Jawa); kratok, gribig (Madura); saru (Minahasa),[4] jeung kacang beureum (Ptk). Di Malaysia malah katelahna kacang jawa, kacang cina, atawa kekara kratok; di Filipina sibatse simaron, patáni, zabache; di Thailand thua rachamat; jeung di Vietnam dâu ngu[5]. Di tempat-tempat séjénna di pulo Jawa ogé katelah kårå legi, kårå manis, atawa kårå bethik.

Ciri mandiri

Roay anu digambarkeun ku Blanco

Tangkal roay mangrupa terna nyaéta tangkal anu hirupna ngan sausum tapi sakapeung aya ogé anu nahun; tangkalna mangrupa areuy anu ngarambat jangkungna bisa nepikeun ka 0,6 m, tapi di mana areuyna ngarambat kana turus jangkungna bisa nepikeun ka 2–4 m. Akarna bisa nyebar kurang leuwih 1,5–2 m ka jeroeun taneuh .[5]

Daunna ngarendeng tilu dina sagagang, anak daunna lonyod rada méncos panjangna 5—19 cm x 3– 11 cm. Kembangna ngaranggeuy bijil dina sela-sela areuy jeung gagang daun, panjangna bisa nepikeun ka 15 cm, daun anu ngiuhana (braktéola) henteu ragrag. Kembangna laleutik wujud palapahna jiga locéng ; mahkota 0,7–1 cm, aya bandérana jiga tudung, kelirna héjo pias sakapeung aya ogé kelir ganaria; palapahna sakapeung bodas atawa gandaria. Benang sari 10 lambar dina dua beulah. Polongan wujudna lonyod 5–12 cm x 2,5 cm, biasana melengkung jiga useup, sikina 2-4. Siki ukuranna rupa-rupa , wujud, jeung kelir; aya anu jiga ginjal, kupat, atawa buleud; Kelir sarua, aya totol totol (berbintik), bodas, héjo, konéng, Coklat, beureum, hideung, atawa gandola.[5]

Asalmuasal jeung mangpaat

Siki roay anu geus kolot

Citakan:Nutritional value Roay asal mulana ti Benua Amerika, sahenteuna aya dua wilayah nyaéta Amerika Tengah (Meksiko, Guatemala) pikeun kultivar sikina anu laleutik, jeung Amerika Selatan (terutama Peru) pikeun kultivar mibanda siki galaledé. Réngsé mangsa jajahan bangsa-bangsa Barat, kacang roay nyebar ka sakuliah dunya. Pamayang Spanyol mentasan Pasifik ka Filipina, tah ti mimiti di dieu roay nyebar ka Asia, Utamana ka pulo Jawa, Burma, jeung Mauritius. Aya ogé nepi ka nagara Brazilia ku lantaran ayana jual beuli budak beulian nepikeun ogé ka Afrika, utamana wilayah kulon jeung tengah.[5]

Dina ahir abad ka 19, ieu tangkal roay mimiti dipelak di Minahasa, patutur tutur dipelak ogé di pulo Jawa beulah wétan, di dieu ieu pepelakan dimangpaatkeun pikeun ngiuhan atawa panutup taneuh supaya heunteu dipinuhan ku jujukutan anu sakirana bisa ngaganggu pepelakan séjéna gulma. Sanajan dianggap kurang mangpaat jeung hasilna dina ngajaga hama, roay diaggap mibanda mangpaat séjén nyaéta bisa jadi dipelak dina taneuh anu angar, kurang subur tur garing bisa gancang nutupan taneuh anu engkena bisa nimbulkeun ayana humus pikeun nyuburkeun taneuh.[4]

Roay ngora

Roay geus dipelak tibaheula kénéh tujuana pikeun ngahasilkeun pangan tambahan. Bisa disayur, sikina bisa diolah pikeun dahareun sambilan (snack) Kacang roay ogé sakapeung dicampur jeung béas pikeun dijieun sangu reumbeuy utamana didaérah Nusa Tenggara Wetan bisa ogé digoréng nepikeun ka garing dijieun lawuh atawa deungeun sangu, jagong, jeung sampeu biasana mah urang Bali. Anu biasa dijadikeun sumber pangan tambahan biasana tina kultivar anu henteu mibanda racun. Sikina bisa dijieun témpé ku jalan maké ragi.[6] Buah anu ngorana dikulub pikeun sayuran Sikina anu geus kolot, hususna kultivar kacang jawa, mibanda kandungan asam sianida, Alatan éta kudu diolah heula saméméh didahar. Bisa dikeueuman dina cai, dikulub, atawa dipeuyeum sangkan racuna leungit. Baheula mah, kacang roay ogé ku urang walanda rijsttaffel.[4]

Siki tina sababaraha kultivar anu séjén ngan saeutik malahan mah hente ngandung racun sianida sama sakali, anun gajadikeun gampang di olah. Di Filipina, Siki Roay garing diolah pikeun dijieun tipung anu loba ngandung protein.[5]

Daunna bisa dimangpaatkeun pikeun parab ingon-ingon/ternak. Dimangpaatkeun ogé pikeun budak leutik nyaéta ubar nyeuri beuteung ku jalan ngarieus daunna dicampur jeung adas pulasari. Bahan pikeun nyelep kadaharan nyaéta ku jalan ngarieus daunna dicampur jeung cai.[4]


Kacang roay beunang meresihan pikeun diolah (diasakan)

Spesies Phaseolus lunatus kawengku tina varietas-varietas liar jeung budidaya (kultivar[7] aya opat golongan kultivar kacang roay/kratok, nyaéta[5]:

  • Kacang jawa – ukuran sikina sedeng , beureum -ganola nepikeun ka rada hideung, loba ngandung HCN.
  • Kacang burma beureum atawa kacang rangon beureum – sikina leuwih leutik, rada beureum , sintal, sakapeung aya totol beureum. ngan saeutik ngandung HCN.
  • Kacang burma bodas atawa kacang rangoon bodas – sikina laleutik, buleud jeung bodas sarua jeung buncis. Ampir teu ngandung HCN.
  • Kacang lima – sikina galaledé, bodas atawa rada bodas, buleud. henteu ngandung HCN.

Dicutat tina

Pikeun nutupan taneuh. Dicobaan di kebon Ciomas
  1. Linne, C. von. 1753. Species plantarum :exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, ... 2: 724. Holmiae : Impensis Laurentii Salvii
  2. Jacquin, N.J. von. 1770. Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis v. 1: 44. Vindobonae : Typis Leopoldi Joannis Kaliwoda, aulae imperialis typographi.
  3. Macfadyen, J. 1837. Flora of Jamaica; a description of the plants of that island, arranged according to the natural orders. 1: 279. London : Longman.
  4. a b c d Heyne, K. 1987. Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia 2: 1047-50. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Bogor. (versi 1916: 333)
  5. a b c d e f Baudoin, J.P. 1989. Phaseolus lunatus L. In: L.J.G. van der Maesen & S. Somaatmadja (Editors). Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 1: Pulses. [Internet] Record from Proseabase, PROSEA (Plant Resources of South-East Asia) Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia. Diakses pada 16-Aug-2013
  6. Sastrapradja, Setijati; Lubis, Siti Harti Aminah; Soetarno, Hadi; Lubis, Ischak (1981) [1981]. Sayur-Sayuran. 6:72 – 73. Jakarta:LBN - LIPI bekerjasama dengan Balai Pustaka.
  7. Kultivar nyaeta

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Roay: Brief Summary ( sondanèis )

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Roay disebut ogé kacang jawa atawa kekara (Phaséolus lunatus) nyaéta tangkal kacang tina kulawarga Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Di Indonésia Saméméhna ieu tangkal dipelak pikeun panutup taneuh atawa lahan sangkan henteu dipinuhan ku hama gulma, Hasil anu bisa dipanén tina kacang roay nyaéta sikina tina buah anu geus kolot, Sakapeung dipanén sikina dinamangsa gumading kénéh, ogé polongna nyaéta buah roay anu masih kénéh ngora mangsa sikina masih hipu, pucukna ogé bisa dimangpaatkeun pikeun lalab.

Tangkal kacang anu hirupna ngarambat ieu disabaraha daérah dipiwanoh ogé kusebutan kacang roay (Sunda); kårå, kratok (Jawa); kratok, gribig (Madura); saru (Minahasa), jeung kacang beureum (Ptk). Di Malaysia malah katelahna kacang jawa, kacang cina, atawa kekara kratok; di Filipina sibatse simaron, patáni, zabache; di Thailand thua rachamat; jeung di Vietnam dâu ngu. Di tempat-tempat séjénna di pulo Jawa ogé katelah kårå legi, kårå manis, atawa kårå bethik.

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Lima bean ( Anglèis )

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Lima beans in a seed catalogue, 1894

A lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus), also commonly known as the butter bean,[2] sieva bean,[3] double bean,[4][5] Madagascar bean, or wax bean is a legume grown for its edible seeds or beans.

Origin and uses

Phaseolus lunatus is found in Meso- and South America. Two gene pools of cultivated lima beans point to independent domestication events. The Mesoamerican lima bean is distributed in neotropical lowlands, while the other is found in the western Andes.[6] They were discovered in Peru and may have been the first plant that was brought up under civilization by the native farmers.[7][8]

The Andes domestication took place around 2000 BC[9] and produced a large-seeded variety (lima type), while the second, taking place in Mesoamerica around 800 AD, produced a small-seeded variety (Sieva type).[9] By around 1300, cultivation had spread north of the Rio Grande, and, in the 1500s, the plant began to be cultivated in the Old World.[9]

The small-seeded (Sieva) type is found distributed from Mexico to Argentina, generally below 1,600 m (5,200 ft) above sea level, while the large-seeded wild form (lima type) is found distributed in the north of Peru, from 320 to 2,030 m (1,050 to 6,660 ft) above sea level.

The Moche culture (1–800 CE) cultivated lima beans heavily and often depicted them in their art.[10] During the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru, lima beans were exported to the rest of the Americas and Europe, and since the boxes of such goods had their place of origin labeled "Lima, Peru", the beans got named as such.[8] Despite the origin of the name, when referring to the bean, the word "lima" is generally pronounced differently from the Peruvian capital.[11][12]

The term "butter bean" is widely used in North and South Carolina for a large, flat and yellow/white variety of lima bean (P. lunatus var. macrocarpus, or P. limensis[13]). In the United States Sieva-type beans are traditionally called butter beans, also otherwise known as the Dixie or Henderson type. In that area, lima beans and butter beans are seen as two distinct types of beans, although they are the same species. In the United Kingdom and the United States, "butter beans" refers to either dried beans which can be purchased to rehydrate, or the canned variety which are ready to use. In culinary use there, lima beans and butter beans are distinct, the former being small and green, the latter large and yellow. In areas where both are considered to be lima beans, the green variety may be labelled as "baby" (and less commonly "junior") limas.

In Spain, it is called garrofón, and constitutes one of the main ingredients of the famous Valencian paella.

In India, they are called double beans. Dried beans are soaked overnight and pressure-cooked as ingredients in curries.


The lima bean is a domesticated species of economic and cultural importance worldwide, especially in Mexico. The species has two varieties. The wild variety is silvester and the domesticated one is lunatus.[6]


In the U.S, it is a warm-season crop, grown mainly in Delaware and the mid-Atlantic region for processing and in the Midwest and California for dry beans. Baby lima beans are planted in early June and harvested about 10–12 weeks later. In western New York State, baby lima bean production increased greatly from 2011 to 2015.[14]

Cultivation and cultivars


In Oaxaca, Mexico, the main rainy season lasts from June to August and most of the above-ground parts die during dry season. Germination or budding occurs in June or July. The first inflorescence is in October or November. The production of flowers and fruits usually ends between February and April.[15]


Both bush and pole (vine) cultivars exist; the latter range from 1 to 5 metres (3 ft 3 in to 16 ft 5 in) in height. The bush cultivars mature earlier than the pole cultivars. The pods are up to 15 cm (5.9 in) long. The mature seeds are 1 to 3 cm (0.39 to 1.18 in) long and oval to kidney-shaped. In most cultivars, the seeds are quite flat, but in the "potato" cultivars, the shape approaches spherical. White seeds are common, but black, red, orange, and variously mottled seeds are also known. The immature seeds are uniformly green. Lima beans typically yield 2,900 to 5,000 kg (6,400 to 11,000 lb) of seed and 3,000 to 8,000 kg (6,600 to 17,600 lb) of biomass per hectare.

The seeds of the cultivars listed below are white unless otherwise noted. Closely related or synonymous names are listed on the same line.

Bush types

  • 'Henderson' / 'Thorogreen', 65 days (heirloom)
  • 'Eastland', 68 days
  • 'Jackson Wonder', 68 days (heirloom, seeds brown mottled with purple)
  • 'Dixie Butterpea', 75 days (heirloom, two strains are common: red speckled and white seeded)
  • 'Fordhook 242', 75 days, 1945 AAS winner

Pole types

  • 'Carolina Sieva', 75 days (heirloom, suffered a seed crop failure in the years 2011 and 2012 causing this variety to still not be widely sourced ten years later)
  • 'Christmas' / 'Chestnut' / 'Giant Speckled' / 'Speckled Calico', 78 days (heirloom, seeds white mottled with red)
  • 'Big 6' / 'Big Mama', 80 days[16]
  • 'Willow Leaf', 80 days (heirloom, there are white-seeded and variously mottled strains)[17]
  • 'Mezcla', 82 days
  • 'King of the Garden', 85 days (heirloom)


Phytophthora phaseoli is one example of a pathogen of the lima bean. It is an oomycete plant pathogen that causes downy mildew of lima bean during cool and humid weather conditions. To combat this pathogen, developing lima bean cultivars with resistance is a relatively cost-efficient method that is also environmentally safe as compared to using pesticides.[14]

Didymella is a foliar disease found in baby lima beans first reported in New York State. Symptoms include small necrotic tan spots with red to reddish brown irregular margins that come together to eventually cover the entire leaf. Lesions occur after around 3–4 weeks of planting and increase until there is considerable defoliation. Lesions are usually observed on the stems. Two pynidial fungi were found on leaves included Didymella sp. And Boeremia exigua var. exigua which is pathogenic on baby lima bean and plays a role in the foliar disease complex. Other fungal diseases on lima beans with similar symptoms are B. exigua var. exigua, pod blight caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum, and leaf spots caused by Phyllosticta sp. and Phoma subcircinata.[18]


The two-spotted spider mites[19] or Tetranychus urticae lay eggs on lima bean leaves. It prefers lima bean plants as host food source over other plants such as tomato or cabbage plants.[20]

Spider mites pose the greatest threat to the lima bean plants as compared to other species such as the Common cutworm (Spodoptera litura) that are also known to feed on lima bean plants. They are host plants for their larvae.[19]

One herbivore of lima bean is Spodoptera littoralis, the African cotton leafworm. An attack by this herbivore induces hydrogen peroxide in the leaves. This may be also advantageous to defend against pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, or viruses, as they can easily invade herbivore-infected leaves.[21]

Other predatory insects include ants, wasps, flies[22] and beetles.[23]


Lima beans use extrafloral nectar (EFN) secretion when exposed to volatiles from other plants infested by herbivore species. Producing EFN can be an indirect defense since it supplies enemies of herbivores with an alternative food source. The predator of lima bean, spider mites, also have their own predators, the carnivorous mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. These predatory mites use EFN as an alternative food source and thus the production of this by the lima bean can attract P. persimilis and thus deter their herbivore hosts.[19]

The main induced defense of the lima bean is the Jasmonic acid pathway. Jasmonic acid induces production of extrafloral nectar flow or induces it when herbivory occurs such as when attacked by spider mites.[22]

One direct chemical defense involves cyanogenesis which is the release of hydrogen cyanide when the cell senses damage. Cyanide acts as a repellent on leaves of the lima bean.[23]

Plant behavior

Phaseolus lunatus has adapted to live in many different climates around the world.[24] One of these adaptations includes a particularly effective induced herbivory defense. The lima bean is able to signal to the carnivorous natural enemy of herbivores, the carnivorous mite, mediated by HIPVs (Herbivore Induced Plant Volatiles) in an attempt to save itself from further predation.[25]

The lima bean plant does this as an induced defense when being eaten by herbivorous predators. It is the mechanical wounding and chemical elicitors from insect oral secretions that first begin the signaling pathway to induce HIPV production.[26] Once this pathway is induced, the plant produces HIPVs which are released in to the air and can be received by any organisms that have receptors capable of receiving HIPVs, which includes: carnivores, conspecific and heterospecific herbivores, as well as neighboring plants.[25] It is this signaling of the carnivorous natural enemy of herbivores that is of particular interest, as they become attracted to the plant and will then come and prey upon the plant's herbivorous enemy, thereby reducing herbivory of the plant.[27]

One particular experiment in which this was made apparent was in the understanding of the tritrophic system between the lima bean plant, two-spotted spider mite, and the carnivorous mite.[25] Here experimenters noticed an increase in HIPVs when the lima bean plant was preyed on by the two-spotted spider mite.[25] Then, when the carnivorous mite was introduced, it had increased prey searching efficacy and overall attraction to the lima bean plant, even once the two-spotted spider mite was removed, but the HIPVs remained high.[25]


Like many beans, raw lima beans are toxic (containing e.g. phytohaemagglutinin) if not boiled for at least 10 minutes. However, canned beans can be eaten without having to be boiled first, as they are pre-cooked.[28]

The lima bean can contain anti-nutrients like phytic acids, saponin, oxalate, tannin, and trypsin inhibitor. These inhibit absorption of nutrients in animals and can cause damage to some organs. In addition to boiling, methods of roasting, pressure cooking, soaking, and germination can also reduce the antinutrients significantly.[29]


The most abundant mineral in the raw lima bean is potassium, followed by calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and iron. When lima beans germinate, there is increased bioavailability of calcium and phosphorus.[29] Additionally, it is a good source of vitamin B-6.[30]



Canned beans

Lima beans, like many other legumes, are a good source of dietary fiber, and a virtually fat-free source of high-quality protein.

Lima beans contain both soluble fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol, and insoluble fiber, which aids in the prevention of constipation, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and diverticulitis.


Blood Sugar Level

The high fiber content in lima beans prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after eating them due to the presence of those large amounts of absorption-slowing compounds in the beans, and the high soluble fiber content. Soluble fiber absorbs water in the stomach, forming a gel that slows down the absorption of the bean's carbohydrates. They can therefore help balance blood sugar levels while providing steady, slow-burning energy, which makes them a good choice for people with diabetes suffering with insulin resistance.[31][32]


  1. ^ "Phaseolus lunatus L. — The Plant List". theplantlist.org.
  2. ^ BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  3. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Phaseolus lunatus". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 31 January 2016.
  4. ^ "Double Beans". IndiaMART.
  5. ^ "Splendour Seeds Butter beans,double beans,lima beans vegetable seeds". ASIN B078MDLFC4. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  6. ^ a b Serrano-Serrano, Martha L.; Andueza-Noh, Rubén H.; Martínez-Castillo, Jaime; Debouck, Daniel G.; Chacón S, María I. (July 2012). "Evolution and Domestication of Lima Bean in Mexico: Evidence from Ribosomal DNA". Crop Science. 52 (4): 1698–1712. doi:10.2135/cropsci2011.12.0642.
  7. ^ "Cookbook:Lima Bean - Wikibooks, open books for an open world".
  8. ^ a b Leonard, Jonathan Norton (1970). Recipes, Latin American cooking. Time-Life International (Nederlands). p. 21. ISBN 9780809400638.
  9. ^ a b c Motta-Aldana, Jenny R.; Serrano-Serrano, Martha L.; Hernández-Torres, Jorge; Castillo-Villamizar, Genis; Debouck, Daniel G.; Chacóns, Maria I. (September 2010). "Multiple Origins of Lima Bean Landraces in the Americas: Evidence from Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Polymorphisms". Crop Science. 50 (5): 1773–1787. doi:10.2135/cropsci2009.12.0706.
  10. ^ Larco Hoyle, Rafael. Los Mochicas. Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera. Lima 2001. ISBN 9972-9341-0-1.
  11. ^ Lima Bean, Cambridge Dictionary
  12. ^ Allison Keene, Dietribes: Lima Beans, Mental Floss
  13. ^ Oxford English Dictionary, 45th Edition, various quotations
  14. ^ a b Kunjeti, S. G.; Donofrio, N. M.; Marsh, A. G.; Meyers, B. C.; Evans, T. A. (2010). "Phytophthora phaseoli, destroyer of lima bean production". Phytopathology. 100 (6): 1.
  15. ^ Heil, Martin (June 2004). "Induction of two indirect defences benefits Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus, Fabaceae) in nature". Journal of Ecology. 92 (3): 527–536. doi:10.1111/j.0022-0477.2004.00890.x.
  16. ^ "Improving Heirloom varieties". Mother Earth News. Retrieved 2010-01-07.
  17. ^ "Beans, Willow-Leaf Lima—Phaseolus lunatus forma salicis Van Esel". University of Florida. Retrieved 2017-05-29.
  18. ^ Gorny, Adrienne M.; Kikkert, Julie R.; Shivas, Roger G.; Pethybridge, Sarah J. (2 July 2016). "First report of Didymella americana on baby lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus)". Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 38 (3): 389–394. doi:10.1080/07060661.2016.1195877. S2CID 88592578.
  19. ^ a b c Choh, Yasuyuki; Ozawa, Rika; Takabayashi, Junji (March 2013). "Do plants use airborne cues to recognize herbivores on their neighbours?". Experimental and Applied Acarology. 59 (3): 263–273. doi:10.1007/s10493-012-9616-z. PMID 23011105. S2CID 18086635.
  20. ^ Choh, Yasuyuki; Takabayashi, Junji (16 February 2007). "Predator avoidance in phytophagous mites: response to present danger depends on alternative host quality". Oecologia. 151 (2): 262–267. Bibcode:2007Oecol.151..262C. doi:10.1007/s00442-006-0590-1. PMID 17102994. S2CID 26065975.
  21. ^ Maffei, Massimo E.; Mithöfer, Axel; Arimura, Gen-Ichiro; Uchtenhagen, Hannes; Bossi, Simone; Bertea, Cinzia M.; Cucuzza, Laura Starvaggi; Novero, Mara; Volpe, Veronica; Quadro, Stefano; Boland, Wilhelm (March 2006). "Effects of Feeding Spodoptera littoralis on Lima Bean Leaves. III. Membrane Depolarization and Involvement of Hydrogen Peroxide". Plant Physiology. 140 (3): 1022–1035. doi:10.1104/pp.105.071993. PMC 1400574. PMID 16443697.
  22. ^ a b Kost, Christian; Heil, Martin (June 2005). "Increased availability of extrafloral nectar reduces herbivory in Lima bean plants (Phaseolus lunatus, Fabaceae)". Basic and Applied Ecology. 6 (3): 237–248. doi:10.1016/j.baae.2004.11.002.
  23. ^ a b Ballhorn, Daniel J.; Kautz, Stefanie; Heil, Martin; Hegeman, Adrian D. (8 May 2009). "Cyanogenesis of Wild Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Is an Efficient Direct Defence in Nature". PLOS ONE. 4 (5): e5450. Bibcode:2009PLoSO...4.5450B. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005450. PMC 2675055. PMID 19424497.
  24. ^ Maffei, Massimo E and Boland, Wilhelm. "The Silent Scream of the Lima Bean." Congress Report, Chemical Ecology, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265947933_The_Silent_Scream_of_the_Lima_Bean
  25. ^ a b c d e Arimura, G.-I.; Matsui, K.; Takabayashi, J. (1 May 2009). "Chemical and Molecular Ecology of Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles: Proximate Factors and Their Ultimate Functions". Plant and Cell Physiology. 50 (5): 911–923. doi:10.1093/pcp/pcp030. PMID 19246460.
  26. ^ Vivaldo, Gianna; Masi, Elisa; Taiti, Cosimo; Caldarelli, Guido; Mancuso, Stefano (8 September 2017). "The network of plants volatile organic compounds". Scientific Reports. 7 (1): 11050. arXiv:1704.08062. Bibcode:2017NatSR...711050V. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-10975-x. PMC 5591229. PMID 28887468.
  27. ^ Hettenhausen, Christian; Li, Juan; Zhuang, Huifu; Sun, Huanhuan; Xu, Yuxing; Qi, Jinfeng; Zhang, Jingxiong; Lei, Yunting; Qin, Yan; Sun, Guiling; Wang, Lei; Baldwin, Ian T.; Wu, Jianqiang (8 August 2017). "Stem parasitic plant Cuscuta australis (dodder) transfers herbivory-induced signals among plants". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114 (32): E6703–E6709. Bibcode:2017PNAS..114E6703H. doi:10.1073/pnas.1704536114. PMC 5559024. PMID 28739895.
  28. ^ Adeparusi, E. O. (2001). "Effect of processing on the nutrients and anti-nutrients of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) flour". Food/Nahrung. 45 (2): 94–96. doi:10.1002/1521-3803(20010401)45:2<94::AID-FOOD94>3.0.CO;2-E. PMID 11379294.
  29. ^ a b Jayalaxmi, Baddi; Vijayalakshmi, D.; Usha, Ravindra; Revanna, M. L.; Chandru, R.; Gowda, P. H. Ramanjini (21 December 2015). "Effect of different processing methods on proximate, mineral and antinutrient content of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) seeds". Legume Research (OF). doi:10.18805/lr.v0iOF.7108.
  30. ^ Ekanayake, Athula; Nelson, Philip E. (January 1990). "Effect of Thermal Processing on Lima Bean Vitamin B-6 Availability". Journal of Food Science. 55 (1): 154–157. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.1990.tb06040.x.
  31. ^ Allen, Chelsey (1 November 2015). "How to Regulate Your Blood Sugar—Naturally". Alive.
  32. ^ Chandalia, Manisha; Garg, Abhimanyu; Lutjohann, Dieter; von Bergmann, Klaus; Grundy, Scott M.; Brinkley, Linda J. (11 May 2000). "Beneficial Effects of High Dietary Fiber Intake in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus". New England Journal of Medicine. 342 (19): 1392–1398. doi:10.1056/NEJM200005113421903. PMID 10805824.

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Lima bean: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Lima beans in a seed catalogue, 1894

A lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus), also commonly known as the butter bean, sieva bean, double bean, Madagascar bean, or wax bean is a legume grown for its edible seeds or beans.

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Limofazeolo ( Esperant )

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La limofazeolo (Phaseolus lunatus) aŭ lunfazeolo , estas plantspecio el la subfamilio de la Faboideoj (Faboideae) ene de la familio de la Fabacoj (Fabaceae). Tiu planto estas utilplanto, kiu parencas al la aliaj „fazeoloj“.

La limofazeolo verŝajne venas el Peruo, de kiu originas ĝia nomo (Limo estas la ĉefurbo de Peruo). Ĝi bezonas sufiĉe da varmo por bone kreski. En Eŭropo oni ne povas kultivi ĝin ekonomie.


La lunfazeolo estas arbusteca, unujara, grimpantaj herba planto, kies tigoj atingas longecon de 2 ĝis 4 metroj. La petaloj estas helverda, kelkfoje violkoloraj.

La kurbiĝintaj guŝoj longas 5 ĝis 15 cm, larĝas 1,5 ĝis 2,5 cm kaj enhavas du ĝis kvar semojn. La en formo, grandeco kaj koloro tre variaj semoj longas unu ĝis tri cm, estas ovalaj ĝis rondaj kaj blankaj ĝis malhelaj.

La malhelaj semoj enhavas linamarino, glikozido, el kiu povas estiĝi hidrogena cianido. La semoj kun blanka tegumento estas nedanĝeraj.

Vidu ankaŭ


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Limofazeolo: Brief Summary ( Esperant )

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La limofazeolo (Phaseolus lunatus) aŭ lunfazeolo , estas plantspecio el la subfamilio de la Faboideoj (Faboideae) ene de la familio de la Fabacoj (Fabaceae). Tiu planto estas utilplanto, kiu parencas al la aliaj „fazeoloj“.

La limofazeolo verŝajne venas el Peruo, de kiu originas ĝia nomo (Limo estas la ĉefurbo de Peruo). Ĝi bezonas sufiĉe da varmo por bone kreski. En Eŭropo oni ne povas kultivi ĝin ekonomie.

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Phaseolus lunatus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Phaseolus lunatus
Vista de la planta

El frijol ancho, pallar, garrofón, habones, frijolito de Cuba,[1]​ judía de Lima, haba de Lima, patani de Filipinas,[1]​ frijol mantequilla, poroto pallar, guaracaro, chilipuca colorada (Phaseolus lunatus), altramuces, es una especie herbácea anual de la familia de las leguminosas. Se cultiva en diversos países cálidos y templados con el objeto de consumir su semilla comestible, que es la alubia o judía blanca, grande y plana. Se le cultiva desde el norte de México hasta el sur de Chile. La lista roja de la UICN la considera como de preocupación menor (LC).[2]


Son hierbas trepadoras, perennes, con raíz primaria no engrosada; tallos estriados, glabros a escasamente pubescentes. Folíolos ovados a rómbicos o deltoide-ovados, de 3–13 cm de largo y 1.5–6 cm de ancho, ápice agudo, base redondeada o ampliamente cuneada, membranosos a subcoriáceos, esparcidamente estrigosos, estipelas lineares, ovadas a lanceoladas; pecíolos 1.8–12 cm de largo, estípulas triangulares a lanceoladas, 1.5–2.5 (3.5) mm de largo, generalmente reflexas. Inflorescencias 8–36 cm de largo, raquis a veces con nudos con más de 2 flores, pedicelos hasta 13 mm de largo, brácteas primarias oblongo-ovadas, 1–2 mm de largo, con 3 nervios, bractéolas oblongo-ovadas, raramente lanceoladas, 1–2 mm de largo, generalmente con 3 nervios, flores 1–1.5 cm de largo, lilas, rosadas a violetas (blancas en las plantas cultivadas); cáliz campanulado, 2.5–3.5 mm de largo, glabro o escasamente hírtulo, dientes laterales e inferior triangulares, ca 1 mm de largo; estandarte oblongo u orbicular, 6.5–7 mm de largo, alas obovadas, 10–15 mm de largo, quilla con 1.5–2 espiras; estambre vexilar con apéndice globoso basal; ovario glabro, estigma introrso. Frutos oblongos, falcados, péndulos, 3.5–6.5 (8.3) cm de largo y 1–1.4 cm de ancho, comprimidos, dehiscentes, valvas delgadas a subcoriáceas, glabras o escasamente pubescentes; semillas 3–6, oblongas, cuadradas, reniformes u orbiculares, 6–10 mm de largo y 5–9 mm de ancho, comprimidas, cafés a negras, moteadas con negro, hilo oblongo-oblanceolado, 1.5–2.5 mm de largo, germinación epigea.[3]


Existe una variedad más grande, achatada, y blanquecina de pallar: P. lunatus var. macrocarpus, o P. limensis[4]​), y en el sur de EE. UU. se la llama tipo Dixie o Henderson.

Origen del nombre común

El nombre de pallar proviene del mochica paxller [paɬeɾ], a través del quechua pallar.[5]

Durante el Virreinato del Perú el pallar fue exportado al resto de América y Europa, y debido a que las cajas que los transportaban llevaban el sello "Lima, Perú", es que se le conoce como Lima Bean en los países de habla inglesa.[6]​En el quechua cuzqueño se registra como neologismo dentro del idioma vernáculo, dice

pallar.s. Bot. (Phaceolus lunatus aluvia).NEOL: Variedad de leguminosa de frutos en vaina y semillas blancas y grandes como las habas

Origen, domesticación y distribución

Esta leguminosa es originaria de la América tropical y subtropical, en concreto de las zonas andina y mesoamericana.

Se cree que habrían ocurrido dos acontecimientos separados de domesticación. El primero se llevó a cabo en los Andes alrededor de 2000 aC, el cual produjo una variedad de semilla grande (tipo Lima), mientras que el segundo se produjo muy probablemente en Mesoamérica alrededor del 800, el cual produjo una variedad de semilla pequeña (tipo Sierva). Por el 1301, su cultivo se había expandido a Norteamérica, y en el siglo XVI esta planta llegó al Hemisferio Oriental donde empezó a ser cultivada.

La forma silvestre de semilla pequeña (tipo Sierva) se encuentra distribuida desde México hasta Argentina, generalmente por debajo de los 1600 msnm, mientras que la variedad de semilla grande (tipo Lima) se encuentra distribuida en el norte del Perú, entre los 320 y 2030 msnm.


Los granos de esta planta contienen muchos factores bioquímicos antinutricionales (antialimentarios), como lectinas e inhibidores de la proteasa,[8]​ así como de faseolunatina, o linamarina: glucósido cianogenético 2-(alfa-D-Glucopiranosiloxi)-2-metilpropanenitrilo[9]​ que libera ácido cianhídrico bajo la acción de enzimas. Esas sustancias se destruyen por cocción en ciertas condiciones.


El pallar produce de 2900 a 5000 kg de semilla y de 3000 a 8000 kg de biomasa por ha [cita requerida]. Los pallares contienen linamarina, el glucósido cianógeno, sin embargo cuando se cuecen las semillas, estas se vuelven comestibles, y las variedades bajas en linamarina son usadas típicamente para usos culinarios.

Esta alubia blanca, grande y plana precisa de una cocción de alrededor de cuarenta minutos para ser consumida, con lo que se consigue una textura suave y untuosa que se deshace en el paladar.

Se utiliza ampliamente en la gastronomía andina, tanto en la costa peruana, como en zonas originarias más elevadas.

Durante la colonización española de América, fue llevado a España, (llamada garrofón) un ingrediente fundamental de uno de los platos españoles más conocidos internacionalmente, la paella valenciana, aunque también se encuentra presente en otros platos típicos de la Comunidad Valenciana como el arroz caldoso con pollo y conejo.

En Huế, Vietnam, es el ingrediente principal del plato chè đậu ngự.


Phaseolus lunatus fue descrito por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 724. 1753.[3]

Variedades aceptadas
  • Dolichos tonkinensis Bui-Quang-Chieu
  • Phaseolus bipunctatus Jacq.
  • Phaseolus ilocanus Blanco
  • Phaseolus inamoenus L.
  • Phaseolus limensis Macfad.
  • Phaseolus macrocarpus Moench
  • Phaseolus portoricensis Spreng.
  • Phaseolus puberulus Kunth
  • Phaseolus rosei Piper
  • Phaseolus saccharatus Macfad.
  • Phaseolus tunkinensis Lour.
  • Phaseolus vexillatus "sensu Blanco, non L."
  • Phaseolus viridis Piper
  • Phaseolus vulgaris "sensu Blanco, non L."
  • Phaseolus xuaresii Zuccagni[10]


  1. a b Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.
  2. «Enciclovida. Frijol anho (Phaseolus lunatus)». Consultado el jueves, 19 de marxzo de 2020..
  3. a b «Phaseolus lunatus». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 24 de agosto de 2014.
  4. Oxford English Dictionary, 2.ª ed., varias cuotas
  5. Larco Hoyle, Rafael. Los Mochicas. Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera. Lima 2001. ISBN 9972-9341-0-1
  6. Oxford English Dictionary, 2.ª Edición, varias citas
  7. Diccionario Quechua -Español- Quechua. Municipalidad del Cusco (1995)
  8. «Phaseolus lunatus en Protabase». Archivado desde el original el 29 de mayo de 2012. Consultado el 26 de junio de 2019.
  9. Faseolunatina en CHEMOS GmbH)
  10. «Phaseolus lunatus». The Plant List. Consultado el 3 de agosto de 2014.


  1. Cowan, C. P. 1983. Flora de Tabasco. Listados Floríst. México 1: 1–123.
  2. Dodson, C.H. & A.H. Gentry. 1978. Flora of the Río Palenque Science Center: Los Ríos Province, Ecuador. Selbyana 4(1–6): i–xxx, 1–628.
  3. Dodson, C.H., A.H. Gentry & F.M. Valverde Badillo. 1985. Fl. Jauneche 1–512. Banco Central del Ecuador, Quito.
  4. Duchen, P. & S. G. Beck. 2012. Estudio taxonómico de las Leguminosas del parque nacional Área Natural de Manejo Integrado (PN-ANMI) Cotapata, La Paz-Bolivia. Revista Soc. Boliv. Bot. 6(1): 13–51.
  5. Forzza, R. C. 2010. Lista de espécies Flora do Brasil https://web.archive.org/web/20150906080403/http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Río de Janeiro.
  6. Freytag, G. F. & D. G. Debouck. 2002. Taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of the genus Phaseolus (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) in North America, Mexico and Central America. Sida Bot. Misc. 23: i–xviii,.
  7. Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber. (eds.) 2008. Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez. 1–860. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela, Caracas.
  8. Howard, R. A. 1988. Leguminosae. Fl. Lesser Antilles (Dicotyledoneae–Part 1) 4: 334–538.
  9. Idárraga-Piedrahíta, A., R. D. C. Ortiz, R. Callejas Posada & M. Merello. (eds.) 2011. Fl. Antioquia: Cat. 2: 9–939. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.

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Phaseolus lunatus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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 src= Phaseolus lunatus  src= Frutos  src= Vista de la planta

El frijol ancho, pallar, garrofón, habones, frijolito de Cuba,​ judía de Lima, haba de Lima, patani de Filipinas,​ frijol mantequilla, poroto pallar, guaracaro, chilipuca colorada (Phaseolus lunatus), altramuces, es una especie herbácea anual de la familia de las leguminosas. Se cultiva en diversos países cálidos y templados con el objeto de consumir su semilla comestible, que es la alubia o judía blanca, grande y plana. Se le cultiva desde el norte de México hasta el sur de Chile. La lista roja de la UICN la considera como de preocupación menor (LC).​

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Limako babarrun ( Basch )

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Limako babarruna (Phaseolus lunatus) Fabaceae familiako landarea da, Andeetan eta Mesoamerikan jatorria duena. Bi fasetan etxekotu zuten: lehendabizikoa K.a. 2000 inguruan izan zen Andeetan[1] (lima motakoa), eta bigarren 800 inguruan gertatu zen Mesoamerikan (Sieva motakoa).[1]


  1. a b Motta-Aldanaa, Jenny R.; Serrano-Serranoa, Martha L.; Hernández-Torresa, Jorge; Castillo-Villamizara, Genis; Debouckb, Daniel G.; ChacónS, Maria I. (2010) «Multiple Origins of Lima Bean Landraces in the Americas: Evidence from Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Polymorphisms» Crop Science (Crop Science Society of America) 50 (5): 1773–1787 doi:10.2135/cropsci2009.12.0706.
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Limako babarrun: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Limako babarruna (Phaseolus lunatus) Fabaceae familiako landarea da, Andeetan eta Mesoamerikan jatorria duena. Bi fasetan etxekotu zuten: lehendabizikoa K.a. 2000 inguruan izan zen Andeetan (lima motakoa), eta bigarren 800 inguruan gertatu zen Mesoamerikan (Sieva motakoa).

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Limanpapu ( Finlandèis )

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Phaseolus lunatus

Limanpapu eli voipapu (Phaseolus lunatus eli Phaeolus limensis) on hernekasvien heimoon kuuluva papulaji. Papu on saanut nimensä Perun pääkaupungin Liman mukaan.[1] Suuria limanpapuja myydään toisinaan härkäpapuina, vaikka ne ovat eri kasveja.[2]

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Phaseolus lunatus Blanco2.369.png

Limanpapu kasvaa joko 30–90 cm korkeana pensaana tai 2–4 m pitkinä köynnöksinä. Lehdet ovat kolmilehdykkäiset. Kukat ovat valkeat tai violetit. Juuret voivat tunkeutua kahden metrin syvyyteen.[3]

Alkuperä ja levinneisyys

Limanpapu elää luonnonvaraisena Guatemalassa, Meksikossa ja Perussa. Siitä on jalostettu monia lajikkeita joita viljellään laajalti tropiikissa. Monet niistä menestyvät vuoristossa mutta jotkut pärjäävät myös merenpinnan tason kuumuudessa. Toiset genotyypit vaativat kukkiakseen 11-12.3 tunnin päivän, toiset kukkivat olipa päivän pituus mitä vain 9 ja 18 tunnin väliltä.[3]


Tuoreita papuja.

Limanpapuja kerätään ruoaksi sekä kesken kasvun (vihreinä palkoina) että kypsinä (vaaleankeltaisina). Ne pitää aina keittää, sillä raa'oissa pavuissa on myrkkyä. Kuivia papuja liotetaan ennen keittämistä. Kiinassa limanpapuja käytetään myös idätettyinä.[4]

Limanpavussa on vähemmän proteiineja kuin tarhapavussa, mutta proteiinit ovat helpommin imeytyviä, lysiinipitoisuus korkeampi eikä raakojen papujen myrkky ole eläinkokeiden mukaan yhtä vaarallista.[5]


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Limanpapu: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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 src= Phaseolus lunatus

Limanpapu eli voipapu (Phaseolus lunatus eli Phaeolus limensis) on hernekasvien heimoon kuuluva papulaji. Papu on saanut nimensä Perun pääkaupungin Liman mukaan. Suuria limanpapuja myydään toisinaan härkäpapuina, vaikka ne ovat eri kasveja.

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Haricot de Lima ( Fransèis )

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Phaseolus lunatus

Le haricot de Lima (Phaseolus lunatus) est une espèce de plantes herbacées de la famille des Fabacées (ou Légumineuses), cultivée dans les pays chauds pour ses graines et consommées comme légume à l'instar du haricot commun (Phaseolus vulgaris).



Le haricot de Lima est une plante herbacée grimpante, aux tiges glabres ou pubescentes pouvant atteindre 4,5 m de long et même beaucoup plus pour les plants vivaces. Le système racinaire bien développé peut atteindre deux mètres de profondeur, ce qui permet à la plante de bien résister à la sécheresse. Certaines racines renflées permettent à la plante d'être vivace.

Les feuilles sont composées trifoliolées, avec un pétiole de 2 à 19 cm de long ; les folioles, de forme ovale-lancéolée ou presque losangée, ont de 3 à 15 cm de long.

Les inflorescences sont des grappes naissant à l'aisselle des feuilles portées par un pédoncule de 1,5 à 30 cm de long.

Le calice, pubescent, est formé de cinq sépales soudés laissant apparaître des dents de 5 à 8 mm de long formant deux lèvres. La corolle a la structure typique des fleurs « papilionacées ». Elle comprend cinq pétales libres de couleur blanche, jaunâtre ou rose clair, l'étendard a 5 à 7 mm de long. La carène, de 10 à 14 mm de long, est spiralée sur un tour et demi.

Les fruits sont des gousses de 5 à 11 cm de long sur 1,2 à 2,5 cm de large, de forme oblongue plus ou moins arquée. Ils contiennent de 2 à 4 graines, parfois 5, réniformes, assez grandes (de 8 à 11 mm de long sur 6 à 7 mm de large).

Contrairement aux autres haricots du genre Phaseolus, la germination est épigée.

Origine et distribution

Cette espèce est originaire d'Amérique tropicale et subtropicale : Mexique, Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Brésil, Bolivie, Colombie, Équateur, Pérou. Il existe deux groupes issus de deux formes sauvages, un à gros grains et un à petits grains.

Le groupe le plus anciennement domestiqué est celui à gros grains, 20 à 25 mm, qui était cultivé au Pérou il y a 8 000 ans. Il a été retrouvé lors de fouilles archéologiques dans la région d'Ancash et c'était une culture vivrière des peuples Nazca et Mochica. Il se nomme layo et pallar au Pérou, palato en Bolivie, torta en Colombie et en Équateur, et porotomanteca en Argentine[9].

Le groupe a petits grains, 8 à 10 mm, n'a été domestiqué qu'il y a environ 1 200 ans. Il se nomme pois souche ou pois savon, ib chez les Mayas, patashete au Mexique, ixtapacal au Guatemala, chilipuca au Salvador, kedepa au Costa Rica, carauto en Colombie, et guaracaro au Venezuela[9].

Actuellement Phaseolus lunatus est largement cultivée dans les pays chauds.


Cette espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1753 par le naturaliste suédois Carl von Linné (1707-1778).

Synonymes scientifiques[10],[11] :

  • Dolichos tonkinensis Bui-Quang-Chieu
  • Phaseolus bipunctatus Jacq.
  • Phaseolus ilocanus Blanco
  • Phaseolus inamoenus L., 1753
  • Phaseolus limensis Macfad., 1837
  • Phaseolus macrocarpus Moench
  • Phaseolus portoricensis Bert. ex Spreng., 1826
  • Phaseolus puberulus Kunth
  • Phaseolus rosei Piper
  • Phaseolus saccharatus Macfad.
  • Phaseolus tunkinensis Lour.
  • Phaseolus vexillatus "sensu Blanco, non L."
  • Phaseolus viridis Piper
  • Phaseolus vulgaris "sensu Blanco, non L."
  • Phaseolus xuaresii Zuccagni

Liste des variétés

Graines immatures de haricot de Lima.
Phaseolus lunatus - Muséum de Toulouse.

Selon Catalogue of Life (6 novembre 2014)[12] :

  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. lunatus ;
  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. silvester.

Selon The Plant List (6 novembre 2014)[2] :

  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. limenanus (L.H. Bailey) Burkart ;
  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. solanoides (Eselt.) Burkart.

Selon Tropicos (6 novembre 2014)[13] (attention liste brute contenant possiblement des synonymes) :

  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. limenanus (L.H. Bailey) Burkart ;
  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. lunatus ;
  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. lunonanus L.H. Bailey ;
  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. macrocarpus (Moench) Benth. ;
  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. salicis L.H. Bailey ;
  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. silvester Baudet ;
  • variété Phaseolus lunatus var. solanoides (Eselt.) Burkart.

Valeur nutritionnelle


Les graines de cette plante contiennent plusieurs facteurs antinutritionnels, dont des lectines et des inhibiteurs de protéases[14], ainsi que de la phaséolunatine ou linamarine. Il s'agit d'un glucoside cyanogénétique, le 2-(alpha-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2-méthylpropanenitrile[15], qui libère de l'acide cyanhydrique sous l'action d'enzymes. Cette substance est détruite par la cuisson dans certaines conditions : trempage et cuisson suffisante dans un grand volume d'eau, l'eau utilisée à chacune des deux étapes doit être jetée[16].


Toutes les variétés, différentes par la couleur des grains peuvent être consommées en grains frais à écosser. La gousse étant coriace on l'écosse généralement sèche. C'est un gros haricot blanc, vert ou taché de rouge-bordeaux qui se cuit rapidement après trempage d'une nuit. Sa texture est onctueuse, crémeuse d'où son appellation de pois savon et une saveur délicate mais la peau est épaisse. Seuls ceux à grains blancs sont consommés sous forme de haricot sec, car les grains colorés peuvent renfermer un glucoside cyanhydrique toxique. Il serait nécessaire de les bouillir, les peler puis les faire cuire. Phaseolus lunatus se cuisine comme le haricot grain commun.

Il entre comme ingrédient principal dans de nombreuses recettes des Andes.

Sous le nom de garrofó, il est considéré comme essentiel dans l'élaboration de la paella valencienne.

Dans la cuisine traditionnelle réunionnaise et mauricienne, le pois du cap est utilisé comme accompagnement dans le cari. Au même titre que les lentilles ou d'autres variétés de haricots, il constitue ce que l'on appelle le "grain" et il est servi avec du riz, une viande ou un poisson en sauce et le "rougail", une préparation à base de piment. Le pois du cap est aussi l'ingrédient de base du "bonbon piment", une autre spécialité des deux îles[8],[17].

Notes et références

  1. Phaseolus lunatus sur theplantlist.org.
  2. a et b The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1. Published on the Internet; http://www.theplantlist.org/, consulté le 6 novembre 2014
  3. a b et c USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy). National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland., consulté le 6 novembre 2014
  4. Nom vernaculaire français d'après Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names sur Nomen.at
  5. a b et c Meyer C., ed. sc., 2009, Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales. consulter en ligne. Montpellier, France, Cirad.
  6. a b c d e f et g Nom vernaculaire en français d’après Termium plus, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
  7. a b c d et e Voir définition donnée par le Grand dictionnaire terminologique de l’Office québécois de la langue française.
  8. a et b Bénard, Jules., Saveurs et traditions créoles, Editions Noor Akhoun, 199- (ISBN 978-2-9504072-3-8 et 2-9504072-3-4, OCLC , lire en ligne)
  9. a et b Semences de kokopelli, Dominique Guillet 6° édition, (ISBN 2-9527732-0-3)
  10. MNHN & OFB [Ed]. 2003-présent. Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel (INPN), Site web : https://inpn.mnhn.fr, consulté le 6 novembre 2014
  11. Plantes médicinales de Madagascar, CD, Pierre Boiteau, Lucile Allorge-Boiteau, Ed. LUNE ROUGE S.A.
  12. Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Vandepitte, L., DeWalt, R. E., Remsen, D., Schalk, P., Orrell, T., Keping, M., Miller, J., Aalbu, R., Adlard, R., Adriaenssens, E., Aedo, C., Aescht, E., Akkari, N., Alonso-Zarazaga, M. A., Alvarez, B., Alvarez, F., Anderson, G., et al. (2021). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2021-10-18). Catalogue of Life. https://doi.org/10.48580/d4t2, consulté le 6 novembre 2014
  13. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden., consulté le 6 novembre 2014
  14. Phaseolus lunatus sur Protabase
  15. Phaséolunatine sur CHEMOS GmbH)
  16. Jean Guillaume, Ils ont domestiqué plantes et animaux : Prélude à la civilisation, Versailles, Éditions Quæ, 2010, 456 p. (ISBN 978-2-7592-0892-0, lire en ligne), chap. 7, p. 295.
  17. Funteu Fridor, Répertoire général des aliments locaux : Tome 1, Les féculents, Saint-Denis (Réunion), Orphie, 2016, 191 p. (ISBN 979-10-298-0093-1)

Voir aussi

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Haricot de Lima: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Phaseolus lunatus

Le haricot de Lima (Phaseolus lunatus) est une espèce de plantes herbacées de la famille des Fabacées (ou Légumineuses), cultivée dans les pays chauds pour ses graines et consommées comme légume à l'instar du haricot commun (Phaseolus vulgaris).

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Pónaire mhór ( Irlandèis )

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Planda cúplach bliantúil nó ilbhliantúil, dúchasach do na trópaicí i Meiriceá Theas. 3 dhuilleoigín ar na duilleoga. Na pisbhláthanna bán nó scothbhuí i gcrobhaingí fada ag teacht amach as ascaillí na nduilleog. Na cochaill suas le 12.5 cm ar fhad, dronuilleogach le 2-4 shíol leata scothbhán i ngach ceann. Tugtar pónaire lima uirthi freisin. Saothraítear go forleathan sna trópaicí is na fothrópaicí í ar son na síolta inite (na pónairí). Tá saghsanna saothraithe le síolta dearga, donna, corcra is dubha coitianta go leor.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Kacang kratok ( Indonesian )

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Kacang kratok Phaseol lunat 130815-0011 tdp.JPG Kacang kratok, Phaseolus lunatus
Darmaga, Bogor Klasifikasi ilmiah Kingdom: Plantae (tanpa takson): Angiospermae (tanpa takson): Eudikotil (tanpa takson): Rosidae Ordo: Fabales Famili: Fabaceae Subfamili: Faboideae Bangsa: Phaseoleae Genus: Phaseolus Spesies: P. lunatus Nama binomial Phaseolus lunatus
L. [1] Sinonim

Phaseolus bipunctatus Jacq. (1770)[2]
Phaseolus limensis Macfad.[3]

Kacang kratok, kacang jawa atau kekara (Phaseolus lunatus) adalah sejenis kacang-kacangan dari suku Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Semula di Indonesia dikembangkan sebagai tanaman penutup tanah, kacang kratok kemudian juga dipanen bijinya, biji yang muda, polong yang muda, pucuk dan kecambahnya, sebagai bahan makanan manusia maupun ternak.

Di beberapa daerah, kacang yang tumbuh menjalar atau memanjat ini dikenal dengan nama-nama seperti kacang mas, roay (Sd.); kårå, kratok (Jw.); kratok, gribig (Md.); saru (Minh.),[4] dan kacang merah (Ptk). Di Malaysia disebut kacang jawa, kacang cina, atau kekara kratok; di Filipina sibatse simaron, patáni, zabache; di Thailand thua rachamat; dan di Vietnam dâu ngu[5]. Di tempat-tempat lain di Jawa juga dikenal sebagai kårå legi, kårå manis, atau kårå bethik.


Pelat botani menurut Blanco

Merupakan tumbuhan terna semusim atau terkadang menahun; forma yang menyemak tumbuh hingga 0,6 m, forma yang memanjat hingga 2–4 m tingginya. Perakarannya menjalar 1,5–2 m ke dalam tanah.[5]

Daun-daun majemuk beranak daun tiga, dengan anak daun bundar telur melancip, 5—19 cm x 3– 11 cm. Perbungaan berupa tandan di ketiak, panjang hingga 15 cm, dengan banyak buku dan kuntum bunga, daun pelindung (brakteola) tidak rontok. Bunga relatif kecil dengan kelopak bentuk lonceng; mahkota 0,7-1,0 cm, dengan bendera bentuk tudung, hijau pucat atau ungu; sayapnya putih atau ungu; lunasnya terlipat tajam, putih atau kadang-kadang berwarna. Benang sari 10 helai dalam dua tukal. Polongan bentuk lonjong, 5–12 cm x 2,5 cm, biasanya melengkung, kadang-kadang dengan ujung serupa kail, berbiji 2-4. Biji bervariasi dalam ukuran, bentuk, dan warna; bentuk ginjal, belah ketupat, atau bundar; warna seragam, bebercak atau berbintik, putih, hijau, kuning, cokelat, merah, hitam, atau ungu; acap dengan garis-garis yang memencar dari hilum.[5]

Asal usul dan kegunaan

Biji-biji kacang jawa yang telah tua

Kratok berasal dari Benua Amerika, dengan setidaknya dua pusat domestikasi jenis ini. Yalah Amerika Tengah (Meksiko, Guatemala) untuk kultivar berbiji kecil, dan Amerika Selatan (terutama Peru) untuk kultivar berbiji besar. Setelah masa penjelajahan bangsa-bangsa Barat, kacang kratok menyebar ke berbagai tempat di dunia. Pelaut-pelaut Spanyol membawanya melintasi Pasifik ke Filipina, dan dari situ menyebar ke wilayah Asia, terutama Jawa, Burma, dan Mauritius. Sementara jalur perdagangan budak mengantarkan kratok dari Brazilia ke Afrika, terutama wilayah barat dan tengah.[5]

Di akhir abad 19, tanaman ini mulai ditanam di Minahasa, dan di waktu-waktu berikutnya juga di Jawa bagian timur, sebagai tanaman penutup tanah untuk mengatasi aneka gulma kebun yang merugikan. Meskipun dinilai kurang mampu menekan pertumbuhan gulma, kratok dipandang cukup berguna karena mudah tumbuh di tanah miskin, cepat membentuk penutup tanah dan menghasilkan banyak humus yang menyuburkan tanah.[4]

Polongan muda kacang jawa

Kratok sejak lama ditanam sebagai penghasil bahan pangan. Sebagai sayuran, bijinya juga dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan kecil (snack) dengan cara menggoreng kacang kratok hingga mengeras. Kacang kratok acapkali dicampur dengan makanan pokok di Nusa Tenggara Timur dan biasa dimakan dengan nasi, jagung, dan ketela untuk di Bali. Yang biasa dipergunakan sebagai makanan adalah kultivar yang tidak mengandung racun. Bijinya dapat diragikan untuk dijadikan tempe.[6] Polongnya yang muda direbus dan dimakan sebagai sayuran. Bijinya yang tua, khususnya kultivar kacang jawa, mengandung asam sianida, sehingga harus diolah terlebih dulu sebelum dapat dimakan dengan aman. Biji kara ini sering pula dimakan dicampur dengan soto, nasi uduk, dan lain sebagainya. Dapat dimasak ataupun dilalap. Walau mengandung asam biru (asam sianida), tetapi juga mengandung vitamin A, B, dan C. Aromanya langu, tetapi segar.[7] Pengolahan itu di antaranya dengan merendamnya di air, merebusnya, atau memfermentasikannya sehingga racunnya hilang. Bahkan dahulu, kacang kratok juga dimakan oleh Orang Belanda sebagai rijsttaffel.[4]

Biji dari beberapa kultivar yang lain hanya sedikit atau sama sekali tidak mengandung racun sianida, sehingga lebih mudah diolah. Di Filipina, biji kratok yang kering diolah untuk menghasilkan tepung kacang yang kaya protein.[5]

Daun-daunnya dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak. Daun kratok yang diremas-remas dan dicampur adas pulasari digunakan sebagai obat luar sakit perut pada anak-anak. Bahan pewarna hijau juga didapat dari daun kratok yang diremas dalam air; untuk mewarnai makanan atau anyaman.[4] Selain itu, daunnya itu bermanfaat untuk obat sakit kulit, dengan dicampur dengan kapur sirih. Cuma saja, kratok ini beracun bagi kambing.[7]


Polongan kacang jawa disiangi untuk dimasak

Spesies Phaseolus lunatus terdiri dari varietas-varietas liar dan budidaya (kultivar). Setidaknya dikenal empat kelompok kultivar kacang kratok, yakni[5]:

  • Kacang jawa – bijinya berukuran sedang, merah-ungu hingga kehitaman, mengandung banyak HCN.
  • Kacang burma merah atau kacang rangoon merah – bijinya berukuran kecil, kemerah-merahan, sintal, kadang-kadang dengan bintik keunguan. Kandungan HCNnya hampir tidak ada.
  • Kacang burma putih atau kacang rangoon putih – bijinya berukuran kecil, putih, sintal, mirip biji buncis yang kecil. Kandungan HCNnya hampir tidak ada.
  • Kacang lima – bijinya besar-besar, putih atau keputihan, sintal. Disebut-sebut sebagai tidak mengandung HCN.

Catatan kaki

Sebagai penutup tanah. Kebun percobaan Ciomas
  1. ^ Linne, C. von. 1753. Species plantarum :exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, ... 2: 724. Holmiae : Impensis Laurentii Salvii
  2. ^ Jacquin, N.J. von. 1770. Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis v. 1: 44. Vindobonae : Typis Leopoldi Joannis Kaliwoda, aulae imperialis typographi.
  3. ^ Macfadyen, J. 1837. Flora of Jamaica; a description of the plants of that island, arranged according to the natural orders. 1: 279. London : Longman.
  4. ^ a b c d Heyne, K. 1987. Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia 2: 1047-50. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kehutanan, Bogor. (versi 1916: 333)
  5. ^ a b c d e f Baudoin, J.P. 1989. Phaseolus lunatus L. In: L.J.G. van der Maesen & S. Somaatmadja (Editors). Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 1: Pulses. [Internet] Record from Proseabase, PROSEA (Plant Resources of South-East Asia) Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia. Diakses pada 16-Aug-2013
  6. ^ Sastrapradja, Setijati; Lubis, Siti Harti Aminah; Soetarno, Hadi; Lubis, Ischak (1981) [1981]. Sayur-Sayuran. 6:72 – 73. Jakarta:LBN - LIPI bekerjasama dengan Balai Pustaka.
  7. ^ a b Sunarjono, Hendro (2015). Bertanam 36 Jenis Sayur. hlm.161 – 163. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya. ISBN 978-979-002-579-0.

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Kacang kratok: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Kacang kratok, kacang jawa atau kekara (Phaseolus lunatus) adalah sejenis kacang-kacangan dari suku Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Semula di Indonesia dikembangkan sebagai tanaman penutup tanah, kacang kratok kemudian juga dipanen bijinya, biji yang muda, polong yang muda, pucuk dan kecambahnya, sebagai bahan makanan manusia maupun ternak.

Di beberapa daerah, kacang yang tumbuh menjalar atau memanjat ini dikenal dengan nama-nama seperti kacang mas, roay (Sd.); kårå, kratok (Jw.); kratok, gribig (Md.); saru (Minh.), dan kacang merah (Ptk). Di Malaysia disebut kacang jawa, kacang cina, atau kekara kratok; di Filipina sibatse simaron, patáni, zabache; di Thailand thua rachamat; dan di Vietnam dâu ngu. Di tempat-tempat lain di Jawa juga dikenal sebagai kårå legi, kårå manis, atau kårå bethik.

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Phaseolus lunatus ( Italian )

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Phaseolus lunatus

Il fagiolo di Lima (Phaseolus lunatus L.) è una pianta della famiglia delle Fabacee (o Leguminose)[1], coltivata per i suoi semi.


Ha origini andine e mesoamericane. Si pensa sia stato domesticato indipendentemente in due luoghi differenti. La prima domesticazione si ebbe appunto nelle Ande intorno al 2000 a.C. e produsse una varietà dai semi più grandi (il tipo Lima propriamente detto). La seconda avvenne probabilmente in Mesoamerica intorno all'800 d.C. e produsse una varietà dai semi più piccoli (il tipo Sieva). Successivamente, la coltivazione ha oltrepassato le Americhe e raggiunse nel sedicesimo secolo l'emisfero orientale.

Il tipo Sieva si può trovare tra il Messico e l'Argentina, generalmente al di sotto dei 1600 metri sopra il livello del mare. Al contrario, il tipo Lima è presente nel nord del Perù tra i 300 e i 2000 metri sopra il livello del mare.

La civiltà moche coltivò questa pianta e spesso la rappresentò nelle sue arti. Durante la dominazione spagnola, i fagioli di Lima furono esportati non solo nel resto dell'America ma anche in Europa.


  1. ^ (EN) Phaseolus lunatus, in The Plant List. URL consultato il 6 aprile 2015.

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Phaseolus lunatus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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 src= Phaseolus lunatus

Il fagiolo di Lima (Phaseolus lunatus L.) è una pianta della famiglia delle Fabacee (o Leguminose), coltivata per i suoi semi.

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Phaseolus lunatus ( Latin )

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Phaseolus lunatus (binomen a Linnaeo anno 1753 constitutum) est species plantarum florentium familiae Fabacearum generisque Phaseoli, bis domesticata in America australi et media, tempore nostro latissime culta propter semina.


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Phaseolus lunatus: Brief Summary ( Latin )

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Phaseolus lunatus (binomen a Linnaeo anno 1753 constitutum) est species plantarum florentium familiae Fabacearum generisque Phaseoli, bis domesticata in America australi et media, tempore nostro latissime culta propter semina.

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Limaboon ( olandèis; flamand )

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De limaboon (Phaseolus lunatus), ook wel wilgenbladboon genoemd, is een plantensoort uit de vlinderbloemenfamilie (Leguminosae). De limaboon wordt in warme landen gekweekt voor zijn eetbare zaden. De boon komt oorspronkelijk uit de Andes en Midden-Amerika.

De limaboon is wereldwijd gedomesticeerd en is voor veel landen van economisch en cultureel belang, zoals in Mexico. De soort heeft twee varianten. De wilde variant heet silvester en de gedomesticeerde variant heet lunatus.[1]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Serrano-Serrano, M. L (2012). Evolution and Domestication of Lima Bean in Mexico: Evidence from Ribosomal DNA.. Crop Science 52 (4): 1698–1712 .
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Fasola półksiężycowata ( polonèis )

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Owoce i nasiona

Fasola półksiężycowata, f. limeńska (Phaseolus lunatus) – gatunek rośliny jednorocznej z rodziny bobowatych. Występuje na terenach tropikalnych Ameryki Środkowej i Ameryki Południowej.


Duże, trójlistkowe.
Kwiatostan o drobnych kwiatach typu motylkowego.
Strąk z nasionami półksiężycowatymi w kolorze białym lub barwnym.


Roślina uprawiana: jadalne są niedojrzałe strąki oraz dojrzałe nasiona, z których sporządza się przetwory.


Gatunek ten opisywany był pod wieloma nazwami[2]:

  • Phaseolus falcatus Benth. ex Hemsl.
  • Phaseolus inamoenus L.
  • Phaseolus limensis Macfad.
  • Phaseolus lunatus var. lunatus
  • Phaseolus lunatus var. macrocarpus (Moench) Benth.
  • Phaseolus lunatus var. silvester Baudet
  • Phaseolus macrocarpus Moench
  • Phaseolus tunkinensis Lour.
  • Phaseolus viridis Piper


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website/Fabaceae (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2009-09-23].
  2. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-02-12].


Zbigniew Podbielkowski: Słownik roślin użytkowych. Wyd. 6. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1989. ISBN 83-09-00256-4.

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Fasola półksiężycowata: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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 src= Owoce i nasiona

Fasola półksiężycowata, f. limeńska (Phaseolus lunatus) – gatunek rośliny jednorocznej z rodziny bobowatych. Występuje na terenach tropikalnych Ameryki Środkowej i Ameryki Południowej.

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Phaseolus lunatus ( portughèis )

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O Phaseolus lunatus, também conhecido pelos nomes de feijão-de-lima,[1] bonje, feijão-bonje, fava-belém,[2] fava-de-lima,[2] fava-terra, feijão-espadinho, feijão-farinha, feijão-favona, feijão-fígado-de-galinha, feijão-manteiga, feijão-verde, feijoal e mangalô-amargo é uma planta da família das leguminosas.

Feijões da espécie Phaseolus lunatus.

É uma trepadeira que pode alcançar até os quatro metros de altura. Produz flores branco-esverdeadas ou amarelo-pálidas e vagens bem arqueadas, com sementes de grande valor alimentício.

Phaseolus lunatus - MHNT

Origem e uso

Phaseolus lunatus possuí origem andina e mesoamericana. Acredita-se que tenham ocorrido dois eventos de domesticação separados. A primeira, a ter lugar nos Andes por volta de 2 000 a.C.,[3] produziu uma grande variedade sem sementes (tipo Lima), enquanto a segunda, que se realiza na Mesoamericana em torno de 800 d.C., produziu uma variedade de sementes pequenas (tipo Sieva). Por volta de 1300, o cultivo se espalhou para o norte de Rio Grande, e em 1500, a planta começou a ser cultivada no Velho Mundo.[3]

A forma selvagem de sementes pequenas (tipo Sieva) encontram-se distribuídas desde o México até a Argentina, geralmente abaixo de 1.600 metros acima do nível do mar,[4] enquanto que a forma selvagem de sementes grandes (tipo Lima) se encontram distribuídas no norte do Peru, de 320 a 2.030 metros acima do nível do mar.

A civilização Moche (0-800 d.C.) cultivava muito feijão e muitas vezes os representava em sua arte.[5] Durante o vice-reinado espanhol do Peru, o feijão foi exportado para o resto das Américas e da Europa, e uma vez que as caixas de tais bens tiveram seu lugar de origem identificados como "Lima - Peru", o feijão foi nomeado como tal.


  1. Julio Seabra Inglez Souza (1995). Enciclopédia agrícola brasileira: E-H. EdUSP. pp. 190 – 191. ISBN 978-85-314-0584-6.
  2. a b Sigmund Rehm (1994). Multilingual Dictionary of Agronomic Plants. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 143. ISBN 978-0-7923-2970-1.
  3. a b Motta-Aldanaa, Jenny R.; Serrano-Serranoa, Martha L.; Hernández-Torresa, Jorge; Castillo-Villamizara, Genis; Debouckb, Daniel G.; ChacónS, Maria I. (2010). «Multiple Origins of Lima Bean Landraces in the Americas: Evidence from Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Polymorphisms». Crop Science Society of America. Crop Science (em inglês). 50 (5): 1773-1787. doi:10.2135/cropsci2009.12.0706
  4. National Research Council (U.S.); Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation (1989). Lost crops of the Incas: little-known plants of the Andes with promise for worldwide cultivation (em inglês) reimpressão ed. [S.l.]: National Academies. p. 163
  5. Larco Hoyle, Rafael. Los Mochicas. Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera. Lima 2001. ISBN 9972-9341-0-1
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Phaseolus lunatus: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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O Phaseolus lunatus, também conhecido pelos nomes de feijão-de-lima, bonje, feijão-bonje, fava-belém, fava-de-lima, fava-terra, feijão-espadinho, feijão-farinha, feijão-favona, feijão-fígado-de-galinha, feijão-manteiga, feijão-verde, feijoal e mangalô-amargo é uma planta da família das leguminosas.

 src= Feijões da espécie Phaseolus lunatus.

É uma trepadeira que pode alcançar até os quatro metros de altura. Produz flores branco-esverdeadas ou amarelo-pálidas e vagens bem arqueadas, com sementes de grande valor alimentício.

 src= Phaseolus lunatus - MHNT
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Limaböna ( svedèis )

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Limaböna (Phaseolus lunatus), även månböna och sievaböna, är en art i familjen ärtväxter[1] från Sydamerika. Den norske upptäcktsresanden Thor Heyerdahl ansåg att limabönor skulle ha odlats redan för 4 000 år sedan bland yeziderna i det så kallade Kurdistan, vilket var hans främsta argument för att färder över Atlanten skulle ha ägt rum långt före Leif Eriksson och Columbus. Yeziderna får dock inte äta dessa bönor då traditionen säger att påfågelhanar, som representerar deras högsta gudom, tappar sina fjädrar av limabönor. Denna iakttagelse kan bygga på det förhållandet att limabönor innehåller ämnen som vid matsmältningen bildar det mycket giftiga ämnet vätecyanid (blåsyra).

När limabönor ska användas som föda måste de liksom för maniok (kassava) kokas eller stekas väl, för att de farliga ämnena ska oskadliggöras.

Phaseolus lunatus Blanco2.369.png
Phaseolus lunatus


  1. ^ ”limaböna - Uppslagsverk - NE.se” (på sv). www.ne.se. https://www.ne.se/uppslagsverk/encyklopedi/l%C3%A5ng/limab%C3%B6na. Läst 23 maj 2018.
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Limaböna: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Limaböna (Phaseolus lunatus), även månböna och sievaböna, är en art i familjen ärtväxter från Sydamerika. Den norske upptäcktsresanden Thor Heyerdahl ansåg att limabönor skulle ha odlats redan för 4 000 år sedan bland yeziderna i det så kallade Kurdistan, vilket var hans främsta argument för att färder över Atlanten skulle ha ägt rum långt före Leif Eriksson och Columbus. Yeziderna får dock inte äta dessa bönor då traditionen säger att påfågelhanar, som representerar deras högsta gudom, tappar sina fjädrar av limabönor. Denna iakttagelse kan bygga på det förhållandet att limabönor innehåller ämnen som vid matsmältningen bildar det mycket giftiga ämnet vätecyanid (blåsyra).

När limabönor ska användas som föda måste de liksom för maniok (kassava) kokas eller stekas väl, för att de farliga ämnena ska oskadliggöras.

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Phaseolus lunatus ( vietnamèis )

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Phaseolus lunatus là một giống cây trồng thực vật có hoa thuộc loài Phaseolus vulgaris nằm trong họ Đậu. Loài này được L. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.[2]

Tên gọi

Phaseolus lunatus có tên phổ biến ở Việt Nam là đậu ngự (thuộc giống 'Chestnut Lima' / 'Christmas Lima' / 'đậu Lima đốm'), đậu Lima, đậu bơ, đậu sieva

Giá trị dinh dưỡng

Đậu Lima, đã nấu, không muốiGiá trị dinh dưỡng cho mỗi 100 g (3,5 oz)Năng lượng482 kJ (115 kcal)
20.88 g
Đường2.9 gChất xơ7 g
0.38 g
7.8 g
VitaminThiamine (B1)
0.161 mgRiboflavin (B2)
0.055 mgNiacin (B3)
0.421 mgPantothenic acid (B5)
0.422 mgVitamin B6
0.161 mgFolate (B9)
83 μgVitamin E
0.18 mgVitamin K
2 μg Chất khoángCanxi
17 mgSắt
2.39 mgMagiê
43 mgMangan
0.516 mgPhốt pho
111 mgKali
508 mgNatri
2 mgKẽm
0.95 mg Thành phần khácFluoride2.2 µg
Tỷ lệ phần trăm xấp xỉ gần đúng sử dụng lượng hấp thụ thực phẩm tham chiếu (Khuyến cáo của Hoa Kỳ) cho người trưởng thành.
Nguồn: CSDL Dinh dưỡng của USDA

Đặc điểm các giống cây trồng

Đậu Lima đốm (speckled) từ Jesup, Georgia
Đậu Phaseolus lunatus thuộc giống Christmas

Hầu hết các giống có hạt hoàn toàn phẳng (flat) nhưng giống "potato" có hình cầu (spherical). Hạt có màu trắng thông dụng nhất và còn gồm các màu đen, đỏ, cam và nhiều đốm (mottled, speckled) khác nhau. Các hạt chưa trưởng thành đồng nhất màu xanh lá cây. Cây đậu có năng suất tiêu biểu 2.900 đến 5.000 kg (6.400 đến 11.000 lb) hạt và 3.000 đến 8.000 kg (6.600 đến 17.600 lb) sinh khối (biomass) mỗi hecta.

Các giống cây tồn tại ở 2 dạng là

Cây bụi (bush)

Dạng bụi trưởng thành sớm hơn dạng cột/dây leo. Quả đậu có vỏ (pod) dài tới 15 cm (5,9 in). Hạt trưởng thành đạt kích cỡ 1 đến 3 cm (0,39 đến 1,18 in) và có hình oval đến hình thận (kidney-shaped)

  • 'Henderson' / 'Thorogreen', 65 days (heirloom)
  • 'Eastland', 68 days
  • 'Jackson Wonder', 68 ngày (heirloom, hạt đốm nâu và tím)
  • 'Dixie Butterpea', 75 ngày (heirloom, hai khuynh hướng (strain) phổ biến: hạt đốm đỏ và trắng)
  • 'Fordhook 242', 75 days, 1945 AAS winner

Cột (pole)/dây leo (vine)

Dạng cột/dây leo cao từ 1–5 m

  • 'Carolina' / 'Sieva', 75 ngày, cây gia truyền (heirloom)
  • 'Christmas' / 'Chestnut' / 'Giant Speckled' / 'Speckled Calico' / 'Đậu ngự' / 'Đậu Lima đốm', 78 ngày (heirloom, hạt đốm đỏ và trắng)
  • 'Big 6' / 'Big Mama', 80 ngày[3]
  • 'King of the Garden', 85 ngày (heirloom)

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List, Phaseolus lunatus
  2. ^ The Plant List (2010). Phaseolus lunatus. Truy cập ngày 5 tháng 6 năm 2013.
  3. ^ “Improving Heirloom varieties”. Mother Earth News. Truy cập ngày 7 tháng 1 năm 2010.

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Phaseolus lunatus: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Phaseolus lunatus là một giống cây trồng thực vật có hoa thuộc loài Phaseolus vulgaris nằm trong họ Đậu. Loài này được L. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.

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wikipedia VI

Фасоль луновидная ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Порядок: Бобовоцветные
Семейство: Бобовые
Подсемейство: Мотыльковые
Триба: Фасолевые
Подтриба: Фасолевые
Род: Фасоль
Вид: Фасоль луновидная
Международное научное название

Phaseolus lunatus L., 1753

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 26850NCBI 3884EOL 645300GRIN t:27591IPNI ???TPL ild-2932

Фасоль луновидная[2], или Фасо́ль лунообра́зная, или фасоль ли́мская, или фасоль лу́нная (лат. Phaseolus lunatus) — вид растений рода Фасоль (Phaseolus) семейства Бобовые (Fabaceae). Родина растения — Перу.

Ботаническое описание

Фасоль лимская

Однолетнее травянистое растение, с лежачими или вьющимися стеблями до 15 метров длиной.

Листья сизо-зеленые, блестящие, покрыты восковым налетом.

Соцветия кистевидные, на коротких цветоносах. Количество цветков варьируется от 20 до 30. Цветки лиловые или зеленовато-белые, мелкие.

Плодыбобы с толстым пергаментным слоем. Семена сферические или лунообразные, белые, реже пёстрые.

Значение и применение

В пищу употребляются бобы и семена.



  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Русское название таксона — согласно следующему изданию:
    Шрётер А. И., Панасюк В. А. Словарь названий растений = Dictionary of Plant Names / Межд. союз биол. наук, Нац. к-т биологов России, Всерос. ин-т лек. и ароматич. растений Рос. сельскохоз. академии; Под ред. проф. В. А. Быкова. — Koenigstein: Koeltz Scientific Books, 1999. — С. 555. — 1033 с. — ISBN 3-87429-398-X.

Дубовый лист Это заготовка статьи по ботанике. Вы можете помочь проекту, дополнив её.  title=
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Фасоль луновидная: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Фасоль луновидная, или Фасо́ль лунообра́зная, или фасоль ли́мская, или фасоль лу́нная (лат. Phaseolus lunatus) — вид растений рода Фасоль (Phaseolus) семейства Бобовые (Fabaceae). Родина растения — Перу.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

棉豆 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
Text document with red question mark.svg
二名法 Phaseolus lunatus
Phaseolus lunatus

棉豆学名Phaseolus lunatus)为豆科菜豆屬下的一个种,起源安地斯山脈中美洲,「小種子」形態分佈從墨西哥阿根廷,普遍低於海拔1600米,而「大種子」的野生形態,發現分佈於秘魯北部海拔320到2030米地區。別名利馬豆黃帝豆小萊豆觀音豆白扁豆扁豆雪豆皇帝豆大粒萊豆大萊豆細綿豆荷包豆金甲豆五色豆娥眉豆生扁豆炒扁豆帛豆香豆萊豆

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棉豆: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
 src= Phaseolus lunatus

棉豆(学名:Phaseolus lunatus)为豆科菜豆屬下的一个种,起源安地斯山脈中美洲,「小種子」形態分佈從墨西哥阿根廷,普遍低於海拔1600米,而「大種子」的野生形態,發現分佈於秘魯北部海拔320到2030米地區。別名利馬豆、黃帝豆、小萊豆、觀音豆、白扁豆、扁豆、雪豆、皇帝豆、大粒萊豆、大萊豆、細綿豆、荷包豆、金甲豆、五色豆、娥眉豆、生扁豆、炒扁豆、帛豆、香豆、萊豆。









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ライマメ ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
ライマメ Lima beans.jpg
分類 : 植物界 Plantae 階級なし : 被子植物 angiosperms 階級なし : 真正双子葉類 eudicots : マメ目 Fabales : マメ科 Fabaceae : インゲンマメ属 Phaseolus : ライマメ P. lunatus 学名 Phaseolus lunatus L. 英名 Lima bean
Burma bean
Butter bean
California bean
Civet bean
Sieva bean
Phaseolus lunatus

ライマメ: Lima bean、学名:Phaseolus lunatus)はインゲンマメ属の植物。アオイマメリママメリマビーンバタービーンともいう。名称は本種がペルーのリマから海外に輸出されていたことにちなむ。







  1. ^ a b 『日本の野菜』pp.89-91
  2. ^ 『香り-それはどのようにして生成されるのか-』p16


drit d'autor

ライマメ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
 src= Phaseolus lunatus

ライマメ(: Lima bean、学名:Phaseolus lunatus)はインゲンマメ属の植物。アオイマメ、リママメ、リマビーン、バタービーンともいう。名称は本種がペルーのリマから海外に輸出されていたことにちなむ。





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리마콩 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

리마콩(학명: Phaseolus lunatus 파세올루스 루나투스[*])은 콩과여러해살이 덩굴식물이다.


아메리카에 분포한다.[2] 북아메리카(멕시코), 중앙아메리카(과테말라, 니카라과, 벨리즈, 엘살바도르, 온두라스, 코스타리카, 파나마), 남아메리카(베네수엘라, 볼리비아, 브라질, 아르헨티나, 에콰도르, 콜롬비아, 파라과이, 페루)가 원산지이다.[2]

종내 분류군

  • P. lunatus var. limenanus (L. H. Bailey) Burkart
  • P. lunatus var. solanoides (Eselt.) Burkart

사진 갤러리


  1. Phaseolus lunatus L.”. 《플랜트 리스트》 (영어). 큐 왕립식물원. 2010년 7월 14일. 2018년 1월 15일에 확인함.
  2. Phaseolus lunatus L.”. 《GRIN-Global Web v》 (영어). 미국 농무부. 2010년 8월 16일. 2018년 1월 15일에 확인함.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자