Lissocarpa is a genus of flowering plants, described as a genus in 1876.[1][2] It is classified as belonging to the family Ebenaceae, the ebony and diospyros family. It includes only a few species of small evergreen trees and shrubs species native to tropical South America.[3][4]
Lissocarpa species share various characters with other members of Ebenaceae, e.g., the black color of roots and bark, extrafloral nectaries on abaxial leaf surfaces, a persistent calyx, unisexual flowers, biovulate carpels with pendulous ovules, and a similar wood anatomy producing a hard, dark heartwood timber similar to ebony. They are slow-growing trees found on a wide variety of soils and sites. They grow in a large range of conditions. Best growth is in the bottom lands of River Valleys.[5]
Lissocarpa is a genus of flowering plants, described as a genus in 1876. It is classified as belonging to the family Ebenaceae, the ebony and diospyros family. It includes only a few species of small evergreen trees and shrubs species native to tropical South America.
Lissocarpa species share various characters with other members of Ebenaceae, e.g., the black color of roots and bark, extrafloral nectaries on abaxial leaf surfaces, a persistent calyx, unisexual flowers, biovulate carpels with pendulous ovules, and a similar wood anatomy producing a hard, dark heartwood timber similar to ebony. They are slow-growing trees found on a wide variety of soils and sites. They grow in a large range of conditions. Best growth is in the bottom lands of River Valleys.
species Lissocarpa benthamii - Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil Lissocarpa guianensis - S Venezuela, Guyana Lissocarpa jensonii - N Peru Lissocarpa kating - N Peru Lissocarpa ronliesneri - Zamora-Chinchipe Lissocarpa stenocarpa - Colombia, S Venezuela, N Peru Lissocarpa tetramera - Puno, Bolivia Lissocarpa uyat - N PeruLissocarpa es un género con 8 especies aceptadas de plantas de flores perteneciente a la familia Ebenaceae; es endémico de Suramérica tropical[1]
El género fue descrito por George Bentham y publicado en Genera Plantarum 2(2): 667, 671. 1876.[2] La especie tipo es: Lissocarpa benthamii Gürke
A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Lissocarpa aceptadas hasta febrero de 2014, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos.
Lissocarpa es un género con 8 especies aceptadas de plantas de flores perteneciente a la familia Ebenaceae; es endémico de Suramérica tropical
Lissocarpa er en slekt med små trær som er utbredt i tropisk Sør-Amerika. De ble tidligere regnet til en egen familie, Lissocarpaceae, men er i APG IV-systemet plassert som eneste slekt i en underfamilie under ibenholtfamilien (Ebenaceae).
Lissocarpa er en slekt med små trær som er utbredt i tropisk Sør-Amerika. De ble tidligere regnet til en egen familie, Lissocarpaceae, men er i APG IV-systemet plassert som eneste slekt i en underfamilie under ibenholtfamilien (Ebenaceae).