Plancia ëd Deinacrida heteracantha White & A. 1842
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Deinacrida heteracantha White & A. 1842

Deinacrida heteracantha ( Anglèis )

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Deinacrida heteracantha, also known as the Little Barrier giant wētā or wētāpunga (Maori: wētāpunga),[2] is a wētā in the order Orthoptera and family Anostostomatidae. It is endemic to New Zealand, where it survived only on Little Barrier Island, although it has been translocated to some other predator-free island conservation areas. This very large flightless wētā mainly feeds at night, but is also active during the day, when it can be found above ground in vegetation. It has been classified as vulnerable by the IUCN due to ongoing population declines and restricted distribution.


D. heteracantha can weigh up to 70 g, but on average weighs between 9–35 g. Average body length is around 75 mm (3 inches).[3][4][5] It is a sexually dimorphic species, with the females being much larger than the males. These large wētā have a broad body and a round head, along with short mandibles.[4] Compared to other cricket species wētā have relatively short antennae, but can deliver a strong kick with their hind legs. They are generally wingless.[3] The species is mainly herbivorous and feeds on forest foliage.[4]


D. heteracantha are arboreal forest insect dwellers found on Little Barrier Island which lies off the coast of New Zealand. This island is only 3,083 hectares (7,620 acres) in size.[4] They once occupied forests in northern New Zealand including Northland and Auckland.[5] Their habitat range on Little Barrier Island is from second-growth forests located on the lower slopes of the island to the mid-level tall kauri forest.[4] The second-growth forest is dominated by silverfern, nikau palm, mahoe, and kohekohe.[5]


As adults these giant wētā live a nomadic lifestyle.[4] This type of lifestyle means that these wētā do not live in the same place, but move to a new location periodically.[6] They live a solitary lifestyle and most of their activity is done at night (i.e. feeding and moving).[5] They can be found above ground level under loose bark or in the cavities of mahoe and pohutukawa trees.[4] During the day and night males tend to move farther than the females. The male would follow the female by staying back about 25 cm from her; this is observed during the night time.[5]

Life cycle and reproduction

The life cycle of D. heteracantha is not tied to the seasons. They can live for up to two years. Eggs are laid in the summer months from October to December. The eggs will then hatch in March and April of the following year. D. heteracantha mate most months out of the year except for the winter months from June–August. Copulation will start in the morning and continue throughout the day. During copulation the spermatophore from the male is inserted into the female's subgenital plate. Females lay their eggs at night into moist soil. Each egg is laid singly or in groups of five in area that is about 15 cm2 and about 2–3 cm deep. Females only produce an indefinite amount of eggs. Females lay eggs for the rest of their lives, but only a limited number of them are fertilised during each copulation. The eggs incubate on average for 125 days and only 36% of the eggs survive to hatch.[7]

After the eggs hatch there are ten instars that they go through until death. In females the ovipositor becomes visible at the third instar. At the sixth instar the difference between male and female sexes becomes obvious. Each instar lasts on average between five and six weeks. D. heteracantha has an extra instar compared to other species in its genus, this extra instar is what makes the nymphal period longer and their overall body size larger.[7]

D. heteracantha show no courtship rituals. No stridulatory signals have been observed; sex recognition is done by contact only.[7]

Sound generation

D. heteracantha possesses a stridulatory apparatus. This apparatus is the sound producing organ based on the mechanism of rubbing one body part against another body part.[3] There is a great variety in these structures seen in Orthoptera. Certain behaviours are associated with the sounds being produced by the Orthoptera.[8] In the case of D. heteracantha there is a wide variation in the gross morphology of their stridulatory structures. Their stridulation plays a role in interspecific defense mechanisms. They use a femoro-abdominal mechanism to produce sound. This mechanism has two parts to it, a femoral peg and an abdominal ridge. The femoral pegs are an elongated and raised structure. There are two abdominal ridges present on D. heteracantha, a major and minor ridge. The major ridge is longer and higher than the minor ridge. The minor ridge does not normally come in contact with the femoral pegs. D. heteracantha has a wide-band linear magnitude spectra (kHz) that they produce for defensive sounds. They have a major peak at 20 kHz and a minor peak around 40–50 kHz. The shape of their stridulatory mechanism is why they can produce these frequency ranges.[9]


Polynesian rat (kiore)

While D. heteracantha were commonly seen on Little Barrier Island in the 1950s, numbers have declined strongly since then. Predation rather than habitat destruction is regarded as the main cause for this.[10] Feral cats were present on the island until they were completely eradicated in the 1980s,[4] and may have fed on vulnerable juvenile D. heteracantha.[7]

Polynesian rats (Rattus exulans), or "kiore" in the Māori language, are one of the top predators of D. heteracantha, preying mostly on juveniles wētās which they kill during the night. An increase of the Polynesian rat population occurred after feral cats were eradicated. As saddlebacks prey on the wētā during the day, D. heteracantha are thus under constant predation pressure.[10] There is evidence suggesting that these rats have a negative impact on the population of these wētā, as is commonly the case with invasive rodents.[11] The removal of the kiore in 2004 was a success. The population size grew back each year and a four-fold increase was reported six years after the removal.[12]

Other predators include tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), geckos, the North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) during the night, and kingfishers and the long-tailed cuckoo (Urodynamis taitensis) by day.[7]

Captive breeding and release

One of 150 D. heteracantha released on Tiritiri Matangi Island on 1 May 2014

D. heteracantha is currently classified as vulnerable by the IUCN.[1] Since 2008 the Department of Conservation has been involved in a captive breeding and release programme to mitigate the risk of having the entire population resident on one island. Individuals captured on Hauturu/Little Barrier Island have been successfully bred in captivity at Butterfly Creek and Auckland Zoo. The descendants have been released onto Motuora and Tiritiri Matangi Islands. Additionally adults from Hauturu/Little Barrier Island have been transferred directly to Motuora. It is hoped that the released D. heteracantha will eventually build up self-sustaining populations on these additional predator free islands. In 2016 an adult female was observed on Tiritiri Matangi Island in the area where the first population was released. She can only be a descendant of the initial translocated population of 25 individuals released in 2011.[13] Individuals translocated onto Tiritiri Matangi island in 2014 have been observed mating.[14] In 2018, 300 wētāpunga from Auckland Zoo were translocated to an island in the Noises; at that point 4300 captive-bred individuals had been released on islands in the Hauraki Gulf.[15]

See also


  1. ^ a b World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1996). "Deinacrida heteracantha". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 1996: e.T6305A12602299. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.1996.RLTS.T6305A12602299.en. Retrieved 17 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Giant Wētā/Wētāpunga". New Zealand Department of Conservation. Retrieved 17 Jan 2019.
  3. ^ a b c Nasrecki, P. 2013. Grasshoppers and their relatives. Elsevier Inc. 3: 247-264.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Field, L.H. 2001. The Biology of Wetas, King Crickets and their Allies. New York: CABI Publishing.
  5. ^ a b c d e Thornburrow, Danny; Watts, Corinne (2011). "Habitat use, Behavior and Movement Patterns of a Threatened New Zealand Giant Weta, Deinacrida heteracantha (Anostostomatidae: Orthoptera)". Journal of Orthoptera Research. 20 (1): 127–136. doi:10.1665/034.020.0112. ISSN 1082-6467.
  6. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica. 2015. Nomadism. Accessed November 20, 2015 from Link text
  7. ^ a b c d e Richards, A.O. 1973. A comparative study of the biology of the giant wetas Deinacrida heteracantha and D. fallai (Orthoptera: Henicidae) from New Zealand. Journal of Zoology 169: 195-236
  8. ^ Field, L.H. 1993. Structure and evolution of stridulatory mechanisms in New Zealand Wetas (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae). International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology (22): 163-183.
  9. ^ Field, L.H. 1981. Stridulatory structures and acoustic spectra of seven species of New Zealand wetas (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae). International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology (11): 39-51.
  10. ^ a b Gibbs, G. and M., McIntyre. 1997. Abundance and future options for wetapunga on Little Barrier Island. Science for Conservation 48: 1-25. ISBN 0-478-018967.
  11. ^ St. Clair, J.J.H. 2011. The impacts of invasive rodents on island invertebrates. Biological Conservation (144): 68-81.
  12. ^ Green, C. J, G.W, Gibbs, and P.A, Barrett. (2011). Wetapunga (Deinacrida heteracantha) population changes following Pacific rat (Rattus exulans) eradication on Little barrier Island. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland: 305-308.
  13. ^ "Dawn Chorus - Bulletin 99" (PDF). Dawn Chorus: Bulletin. November 2014. ISSN 1171-8595. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 January 2021. Retrieved 14 December 2015.
  14. ^ "Dawn Chorus - Bulletin 101". Dawn Chorus: Bulletin. May 2015. ISSN 1171-8595.
  15. ^ Saxton, Amanda (2018-09-07). "The island life for hundreds of giant wētāpunga". Stuff. Archived from the original on 2018-12-01. Retrieved 2021-08-31.
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Deinacrida heteracantha: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Deinacrida heteracantha, also known as the Little Barrier giant wētā or wētāpunga (Maori: wētāpunga), is a wētā in the order Orthoptera and family Anostostomatidae. It is endemic to New Zealand, where it survived only on Little Barrier Island, although it has been translocated to some other predator-free island conservation areas. This very large flightless wētā mainly feeds at night, but is also active during the day, when it can be found above ground in vegetation. It has been classified as vulnerable by the IUCN due to ongoing population declines and restricted distribution.

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Divovska veta ( Croat )

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Divovska veta u zarobljeništvu.
Divovska veta u zarobljeništvu.

Divovska veta (lat. Deinacrida heteracantha) je vrsta golemog neletećeg cvrčka s Novog Zelanda.Endemska je vrsta otoka Little Barrier. Najteži je kukac na svijetu i primjer je otočnog gigantizma. Postoji jedanaest vrsta divovskih veta od kojih je divovska veta s otoka Little Barrier najveća. Pretežno je noćna vrsta.Hrani se lišćem.


Ime roda Deinacrida na grčkom jeziku znači "užasni skakavac".Na jeziku lokalnih Maora ime divovske vete wetapunga znači "bog ružnih stvari".


Divovska veta može težiti do 71 g,ali većina ih teži 9-35 g.Prosječna dužina tijela je od 7.5 do 10 cm.Ženke su mnogo veće od mužjaka.Imaju bodljikave stražnje noge sa kojima mogu zadati snažan udarac i kratke ali snažne čeljusti.U usporedbi sa ostalim cvrčcima imaju relativno kratke antene.Uglavnom nemaju krila.Dok rastu povremeno presvlače egzoskelet te im naraste novi.Raspon noga kod odrasle jedinke može biti i 20 centimetara. Smeđe je ili tamnosmeđe boje.


Divovska veta živi u šumama otoka Little Barrier u Novom Zelandu.Odrasle jedinke žive na stablima ali ženke se spuštaju na tlo da bi položile jajašca.Nekoć su bili rasprostranjeni i u šumama sjevernog Novog Zelanda uključujući Northland i Auckland.


Dok ostale vete jedu kukce,divovska veta je pretežno biljojed odnosno listožder.Osim lišća ,ako joj se ponudi, rado će pojesti neko voće ili povrće kao na primjer mrkvu.Aktivni su uglavnom noću i žive nomadski odnosno sele sa lokacije na lokaciju u potrazi za partnerom ili novim izvorom hrane.Ispod drveća ostavlja velike skupine izmeta pa ga je tako veoma lako pronaći.


Polinezijski štakori jedna su od glavnih prijetnji za populaciju divovskih veta.Love ih noću,predstavljaju im konkurenciju za hranu i izmjenjuju njihov životni prostor.Kada su 2004 uklonjeni iz otoka populacija divovske vete ponovno je obnovljena. Ptica tieke lovi vete danju.Ostali grabežljivci divovske vete su tuatare,macaklini,kiwi koji vete love tijekom noći i vodomari tijekom dana.

Razmnožavanje i životni ciklus

U usporodbi s većinomm kukaca,vete sporo rastu i razmnožavaju se.Životni vijek im je dvije godine. Kopulacija počinje ujutro i nastavlja se tijekom dana.Ženke noću silaze sa stabla i polažu jajašca na toplome,vlažnome tlu i zakapa ih 5 centimetara duboko u zemlju.Jajašca su raspoređena u grupama od pet i 7 milimetara su duga.Inkubacija jajašaca prosječno traje 125 dana.Tek izlegnute jedinke duge su oko 5 milimetara.Tijekom svoga života oko 10 puta će odbacivati egzoskelet i pritom rasti.Nakon desetog presvlačenja biti će dugi 7-8 centimetara.Nakon trećeg presvlačenja moguće je razlikovati mužjaka i ženku a nakon šestog razlike postaju očite.Deinacrida heteracantha za razliku od ostalih vrsta iz roda Deinacrida prolazi kroz jedno presvlačenje više.Kod ove vrste nije zapažen nikakav oblik udvaranja tijekom parenja Prepoznavanje spolova se odvija tek pri fizičkom kontaktu.


Divovska veta prevelika je da bi skakala ili letjela pa proizvodi piskutav zvuk kako bi uplašila predatore.Frekvencija zvuka je obicno 20 kilohertza.Ako to ne uspije,može napasti svojim bodljikavim nogama i uzrokovati bolnu ozljedu.Ugrist će čovjeka(ili bilo koju drugu prijetnju) samo ako je i najmanje izazvana.


Divovske vete su na IUCN-ovoj crvenoj listi označene kao ranjiva vrsta uglavnom zbog brojnih prirodnih neprijatelja a manjim dijelom zbog gubitka staništa.Od 2008. započet je program uzgoja u zatočeništvu. Uspješno je uzgojena u Butterfly Creeku i Auckland Zoo-u.2014 pušteno je 150 primjeraka u divljinu na Tiritiri Matangi i Motorui.


  • Vete imaju slušne otvore na svojim koljenima
  • Postoji preko 70 vrsta veta i sve žive na Novom Zelandu.
  • Istraživač Mark Moffett postao je poznat po videu kojeg je snimio i objavio na internetu.Video prikazuje veliki primjerak divovske vete kako jede mrkvu.
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Divovska veta: Brief Summary ( Croat )

fornì da wikipedia hr Croatian
Divovska veta u zarobljeništvu. Divovska veta u zarobljeništvu.

Divovska veta (lat. Deinacrida heteracantha) je vrsta golemog neletećeg cvrčka s Novog Zelanda.Endemska je vrsta otoka Little Barrier. Najteži je kukac na svijetu i primjer je otočnog gigantizma. Postoji jedanaest vrsta divovskih veta od kojih je divovska veta s otoka Little Barrier najveća. Pretežno je noćna vrsta.Hrani se lišćem.

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Deinacrida heteracantha ( Italian )

fornì da wikipedia IT

Deinacrida heteracantha White, 1842 conosciuta in lingua māori come wētāpunga ed in inglese come Little Barrier Island giant weta, è un grillo della famiglia Anostostomatidae, endemico della Nuova Zelanda.[2] Sopravvive in natura solo sull'Isola della Piccola Barriera.

Fu in principio osservata nell'entroterra [3], fu poi ridescritta con il nome sinonimo di Hemideina gigantea da Colenso (1881)[4], basandosi su di un esemplare raccolto "in un piccolo boschetto dietro Paihia, Bay of Islands", nel 1838. Questo esemplare è ancora preservato nella collezione dell'Auckland War Memorial Museum.[5] Avvistamenti di questa specie dall'entroterra dell'isola settentrionale a Mahoenui[6] furono poi ritenuti come specie distinte, descritte da Gibbs (1999) come Deinacrida mahoenui[7].

Un esemplare femmina detiene il record per il più pesante adulto di insetto vivente mai documentato. Pesava 71 g, tre volte più pesante del topo comune, ed era lungo oltre 85 mm.[8][9]


  1. ^ (EN) World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1996, Deinacrida heteracantha, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) D.C. Eades, D. Otte, M.M. Cigliano e H. Braun, Deinacrida heteracantha, in Ortoptera Species File Online. Version 5.0/5.0. URL consultato il 14.12.2012.
  3. ^ Trewick, S.A.; Morgan-Richards, M. 2004: Phylogenetics of New Zealand's tree, giant and tusked weta (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae): evidence from mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Orthoptera research, 13(2): 185-196. ISSN 1082-6467 JSTOR
  4. ^ Colenso, W. 1881: On some new and undescribed species of New Zealand insects of the orders Orthoptera and Coleoptera. Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 14: 277-280. [publication date: 1882?] BUGZ
  5. ^ Auckland Museum MUSE, su muse.aucklandmuseum.com. URL consultato il 29 luglio 2012 (archiviato dall'url originale il 3 dicembre 2011).
  6. ^ Watt, J.C. 1963: The rediscovery of a giant weta, Deinacrida heteracantha, on the North Island mainland. Archiviato il 29 settembre 2011 in Internet Archive. New Zealand entomologist, 3(2): 9-13. ISSN 0077-9962 BUGZ
  7. ^ Gibbs, G.W. 1999: Four new species of giant weta, Deinacrida (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae: Deinacridinae) from New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 29(4): 307-324. ISSN 0303-6758 DOI: 10.1080/03014223.1999.9517600
  8. ^ QI: Quite Interesting facts about bugs Archiviato il 9 dicembre 2011 in Internet Archive., the weta is pictured
  9. ^ Chapter 30: Largest | The University of Florida Book of Insect Records | Department of Entomology & Nematology | UF/IFAS

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Deinacrida heteracantha: Brief Summary ( Italian )

fornì da wikipedia IT

Deinacrida heteracantha White, 1842 conosciuta in lingua māori come wētāpunga ed in inglese come Little Barrier Island giant weta, è un grillo della famiglia Anostostomatidae, endemico della Nuova Zelanda. Sopravvive in natura solo sull'Isola della Piccola Barriera.

Fu in principio osservata nell'entroterra , fu poi ridescritta con il nome sinonimo di Hemideina gigantea da Colenso (1881), basandosi su di un esemplare raccolto "in un piccolo boschetto dietro Paihia, Bay of Islands", nel 1838. Questo esemplare è ancora preservato nella collezione dell'Auckland War Memorial Museum. Avvistamenti di questa specie dall'entroterra dell'isola settentrionale a Mahoenui furono poi ritenuti come specie distinte, descritte da Gibbs (1999) come Deinacrida mahoenui.

Un esemplare femmina detiene il record per il più pesante adulto di insetto vivente mai documentato. Pesava 71 g, tre volte più pesante del topo comune, ed era lungo oltre 85 mm.

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Deinacrida heteracantha ( olandèis; flamand )

fornì da wikipedia NL


Deinacrida heteracantha is een rechtvleugelig insect uit de familie Anostostomatidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van deze soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1842 door White.

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Deinacrida heteracantha ( polonèis )

fornì da wikipedia POL
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Deinacrida heteracanthagatunek dużego owada z rzędu prostoskrzydłych i rodziny Anostostomatidae, zaliczany do wet. W naturalnych warunkach występującego tylko na wyspie Little Barrier (północny wschód od Wyspy Północnej)[3].


Bezskrzydłe owady o wielkim, grubym ciele. Jedne z najcięższych owadów w faunie świata. Samice tego gatunku osiągają długość 8,5 cm i ważą do 71 g[4][5][6] (średnia masa większości osobników wynosi około 43 g)[7][8]. Większość masy stanowią przyszłe jaja znajdujące się w odwłoku samicy. Waga samicy bez jaj rzadko przekracza 19 g[7]. Tylna goleń z grubymi kolcami, 4 w każdym z rzędów. Kolce wewnętrznego rzędu są większe niż szerokość goleni. Długość tylnej goleni samców około 50 mm, samic 51–54 mm[9].

Spędza dzień w kryjówce, którą opuszcza w nocy, by żywić się liśćmi i nasionami[10]. Samica ma służące do składania jaj mieczowate pokładełko, które łatwo można pomylić z groźnym żądłem. Żył na Nowej Zelandii od milionów lat[3] i do niedawna miał niewielu wrogów naturalnych. Obecnie jednak, zjadany przez szczury i inne zwierzęta sprowadzone przez ludzi, znalazł się na krawędzi zagłady.


  1. White, A. 1842: Description of an orthopterous insect, and two new species of Crustacea, from New Zealand: in the collection of the British Museum. In: Gray, J. E. The Zoological Miscellany, Part V. London, Ireuttel Wurtz, Sowerby, Wood. Pp. 78-79.
  2. Deinacrida heteracantha. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
  3. a b Watts, C. and Thornburrow, D. 2011. Habitat use, behavior and movement patterns of a threatened New Zealand giant weta, Deinacrida heteracantha (Anostostomatidae: Orthoptera). Journal of Orthoptera Research 20(1): 127-135
  4. QI: Quite Interesting facts about bugs, the weta is pictured
  5. New Zealand ecology. Gigantism in insects publisher = TerraNature Trust (ang.). [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2012-04-22)].
  6. Did You Know that Hauturu is…. (ang.). Little Barrier Island (Hauturu) Trus. [zarchiwizowane z tego adresu (2012-04-22)].
  7. a b The University of Florida Book of Insect Records — Chapter 30: Largest
  8. Ronald M. Young — A Field Guide of the Dynastidae Family of the South of South America, Absaroka Natural History Trust, 1526 Beck Avenue, Cody,
  9. G.W.G.W. Gibbs G.W.G.W., Four new species of giant weta, Deinacrida (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae: Deinacridinae) from New Zealand., „Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand”, 29 (4), 1999, s. 307–324, DOI: 10.1080/03014223.1999.9517600, ISSN 0303-6758 .
  10. Field, L.H. 2001. The Biology of Wetas, King Crickets and their Allies. New York: CABI Publishing.


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Deinacrida heteracantha: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

fornì da wikipedia POL

Deinacrida heteracantha – gatunek dużego owada z rzędu prostoskrzydłych i rodziny Anostostomatidae, zaliczany do wet. W naturalnych warunkach występującego tylko na wyspie Little Barrier (północny wschód od Wyspy Północnej).

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Deinacrida heteracantha ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Deinacrida heteracantha é uma espécie de insecto da família Anostostomatidae.

É endémica da Nova Zelândia.


  1. World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1996). «Deinacrida heteracantha». Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas. 1996: e.T6305A12602299. doi:. Consultado em 17 de novembro de 2021
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Deinacrida heteracantha: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Deinacrida heteracantha é uma espécie de insecto da família Anostostomatidae.

É endémica da Nova Zelândia.

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Deinacrida heteracantha ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Deinacrida heteracantha là một loài côn trùng, loài dế thuộc họ Stenopelmatidae không có cánh. Đây là loài đặc hữu các đảo ngoài khơi New Zealand. Đây là loài dế có trọng lượng lớn nhất ngày nay vẫn còn sống. Mẫu lớn nhất, một con cái có trọng lượng 71 gram, nặng gấp 3 lần con chuột nhà trung bình, mẫu này có chiều dài 85 mm.[1]

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Deinacrida heteracantha: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Deinacrida heteracantha là một loài côn trùng, loài dế thuộc họ Stenopelmatidae không có cánh. Đây là loài đặc hữu các đảo ngoài khơi New Zealand. Đây là loài dế có trọng lượng lớn nhất ngày nay vẫn còn sống. Mẫu lớn nhất, một con cái có trọng lượng 71 gram, nặng gấp 3 lần con chuột nhà trung bình, mẫu này có chiều dài 85 mm.

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Deinacrida heteracantha ( russ; russi )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Клада: Polyneoptera
Надсемейство: Stenopelmatoidea
Семейство: Anostostomatidae
Подсемейство: Deinacridinae
Род: Deinacrida
Вид: Deinacrida heteracantha
Международное научное название

Deinacrida heteracantha White, 1842[1]

Deinacrida gigantea Colenso, 1882
Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
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NCBI 2059936EOL 606211

Deinacrida heteracantha (англ.) — вид крупных прямокрылых насекомых из рода Deinacrida семейства Anostostomatidae, или Уэта. Новая Зеландия. В естественных условиях обитает только на острове Литтл-Барриер (к северо-востоку от новозеландского острова Северный).


Бескрылые прямокрылые с большим толстым телом. Одно из тяжелейших насекомых в мировой фауне. Самки данного вида достигают длины 8,5 сантиметров и весят до 71 грамма[2][3][4] (средний вес большинства экземпляров составляет около 43 граммов)[5][6]. Большую часть веса составляют будущие яйца, находящиеся в брюшке самки. Вес самок без яиц редко превышает 19 граммов[5]. Задняя голень с 4 толстыми шипами в каждом из рядов. Шипы из внутреннего ряда длиннее, чем ширина голени. Длина задней голени у самцов около 50 мм, а у самок 51—54 мм[7].


  1. White, A. 1842: Description of an orthopterous insect, and two new species of Crustacea, from New Zealand: in the collection of the British Museum. In: Gray, J. E. The Zoological Miscellany, Part V. London, Ireuttel Wurtz, Sowerby, Wood. Pp. 78-79.
  2. QI: Quite Interesting facts about bugs, the weta is pictured
  3. New Zealand ecology. Gigantism in insects publisher = TerraNature Trust (англ.). Проверено 2 апреля 2010. Архивировано 21 апреля 2012 года.
  4. Did You Know that Hauturu is…. (англ.). Little Barrier Island (Hauturu) Trus. Проверено 2 апреля 2010. Архивировано 21 апреля 2012 года.
  5. 1 2 The University of Florida Book of Insect Records — Chapter 30: Largest
  6. Ronald M. Young — A Field Guide of the Dynastidae Family of the South of South America, Absaroka Natural History Trust, 1526 Beck Avenue, Cody,
  7. Gibbs, G. W. 1999: Four new species of giant weta, Deinacrida (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae: Deinacridinae) from New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 29(4): 307—324. ISSN: 0303-6758 DOI:10.1080/03014223.1999.9517600
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Deinacrida heteracantha: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Deinacrida heteracantha (англ.) — вид крупных прямокрылых насекомых из рода Deinacrida семейства Anostostomatidae, или Уэта. Новая Зеландия. В естественных условиях обитает только на острове Литтл-Барриер (к северо-востоку от новозеландского острова Северный).

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