Plancia ëd Palaeomystella rosaemariae Moreira & Becker
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Palaeomystella rosaemariae Moreira & Becker

Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Zookeys
Adult (Figs 1C–D). Sexes similar, forewing length 4.81 to 5.59 mm (n = 5). Head (Fig. 1D): Frons pale brown; vertex and labial palpus and antenna with pale-brown scales tipped with dark brown; labial palpus with basal segments angled laterally, terminal segment slightly angled upward; proboscis yellowish brown. Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum with pale-brown scales tipped with dark brown, posterior scales having more pale brown; fore and midlegs dark brown; hindlegs pale brown, tibia and tarsus with intermixed dark-brown scales. Forewing (Figs 1C, 5A): lanceolate, with 13 veins; L/W index ~ 4.5; dorsally covered by pale-brown scales intermixed with scattered, pale-brown scales tipped with dark brown, and with longitudinally aligned groups of brown scales; a narrow, ill-defined, dark-brown streak bisecting the wing longitudinally from base to tornus; 3 raised scale tufts located posterior to cubitus, including 1 wider tuft in anal area, 1 in line with midcell, and 1 near tornal area; fringes pale brown, interspersed with a few pale-brown scales tipped with dark brown; tornal area with two bands of pale-brown scales tipped with blackish brown; ventrally, mostly uniformly covered with dark-brown scales; retinaculum subcostal; discal cell closed, ~ 2/3 length of forewing; ending near 1/5 of wing margin; Sc ending ca. middle of anterior margin; R 5-branched; R1 ending near 1/3 of wing margin; R4 and R5 stalked ca. 1/4 distance from the cell apex; M 3-branched; CuA 2-branched; CuP weak proximally and not stalked, with 1A+2A that is well developed, extending more than half length of posterior margin. Hindwing (Fig. 5A) strongly lanceolate, with 9 veins; L/W index ~ 6.4, ~ 0.8 forewing in length; scales pale brown on both sides; fringes pale brown; frenulum with a single acanthus in male, and with two acanthi in female, proximal acanthus anteriorly divergent, and distal acanthus parallel to wing anterior margin; Sc+R1 ending at ca. 1/2 anterior margin; Rs ending at ca. 1/5 anterior margin; M 3-branched; CuA 2-branched, with CuA1 stalked to M3; CuP weakly sclerotized, ending at 1/3 posterior margin; 1A+2A well developed, ending near basis of posterior margin. Abdomen (not illustrated): pale-brown scales intermixed with gray scales, with transverse irregular rows of spiniform setae on terga 2–7 in both sexes; eighth sternum (Fig. 5C) anteriorly expanded medially into a slender, sharply pointed lobe, associated with a subtrapezoidal sternite. Male genitalia (Figs 5B, D–F, H). Uncus narrow, separated from tegumen by a narrow membranous area, laterally setose (Fig. 5F); tegumen narrow, widened dorsally; vinculum widened ventrally; transtilla a short, flat fig; aedeagus tubiform, short (twice as long as wide), curved ventrally, slightly wider basally (Figs 5E–F); vesica bearing several stout cornuti; juxta (Fig. 5D) attached to distal portion of aedeagus (Fig. 5E), wider than long, with slightly concave anterior margin and pointed distally; valva (Figs 5B, F, H) covered with several long setae, divided near 1/3 from base, with flat, broad sacculus tapering distad, and long, spatulate costa, rounded distally and gradually constricted toward base. Female genitalia (Figs 5G, I–J). Papillae anales connected dorsally, setose (Figs 5I–J); anterior apophyses slightly shorter than posterior apophyses; sterigma divided into a bandlike tergum and a distally bilobed sternum, shallowly emarginate medially; ostium bursae large, wider than long; ductus bursae membranous, longer than corpus bursae; ductus seminalis inserted medially; corpus bursae an elongate sac, bearing two narrow and curved, bladelike signa that are connected to transversely elongate, rounded figs located on the wall (Figs 5G, J).
drit d'autor
Fernando A. Luz, Gislene L. Gonçalves, Gilson R. P. Moreira, Vitor O. Becker
sitassion bibliogràfica
Luz F, Gonçalves G, Moreira G, Becker V (2014) Three new cecidogenous species of Palaeomystella Fletcher (Lepidoptera, Momphidae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest ZooKeys 433: 97–127
Fernando A. Luz
Gislene L. Gonçalves
Gilson R. P. Moreira
Vitor O. Becker
visité la sorgiss
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Distribution ( Anglèis )

fornì da Zookeys
Palaeomystella rosaemariae is known only from the type locality, the fragments of lowland Dense Umbrophilous Atlantic Forest of Coxilha das Lombas, Santo Antônio da Patrulha, RS, Brazil.
drit d'autor
Fernando A. Luz, Gislene L. Gonçalves, Gilson R. P. Moreira, Vitor O. Becker
sitassion bibliogràfica
Luz F, Gonçalves G, Moreira G, Becker V (2014) Three new cecidogenous species of Palaeomystella Fletcher (Lepidoptera, Momphidae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest ZooKeys 433: 97–127
Fernando A. Luz
Gislene L. Gonçalves
Gilson R. P. Moreira
Vitor O. Becker
visité la sorgiss
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