The Cherokee Indians used scraped bark of Berberis canadensis in infusions to treat diarrhea (D. E. Moermann 1986).
Kanada zirinci (lat. Berberis canadensis) — zirinckimilər fəsiləsinin zirinc cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Şimali Amerikanın şərqində çayların sahillərində, hündür qayalarda və yamaclarda bitir.
Hündürlüyü 2-3 m-ə qədər olan az budaqlı koldur. Cavan budaqları sarımtıldır, yaşlandıqca bozumtul rəng alır. Qoca zoğları qırışlı qabıqla örtülmüşdür. Vegetasiyası aprelin axırlarından oktyabrın axırlarına qədər davam edir. Çiçəkləməsi mayın axırından iyulun əvvəlinə qədərdir. Hər il bol meyvə verir. Sentyabrın axırlarında yetişir.
Dağətəyi zonalarda bitir. Qışadavamlılığı yüksəkdir. İstiyə, quraqlığa davamlıdır.
Mərdəkan dendrarisində introduksiya edilmişdir. Abşeronda, Qəbələdə, Lənkəranda və s. park və bağlarda mədəni şəraitdə becərilir.
Meyvələrinin dekorativ görünüşünə park və bağlarda canlı çəpərlərin salınmasında istifadəsi məqsədyönlüdür.
Kanada zirinci (lat. Berberis canadensis) — zirinckimilər fəsiləsinin zirinc cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Die Kanadische Berberitze (Berberis canadensis, Syn.: Berberis angulizans) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Berberitzen (Berberis) innerhalb der Familie der Berberitzengewächse (Berberidaceae).
Die Kanadische Berberitze ist ein sommergrüner (laubabwerfender) Strauch, der Wuchshöhen von bis zu 1,5 Metern erreicht kann. Der Strauch besitzt viele Äste. Die Rinde der übergebogenen, dünnen, leicht kantigen Zweige ist rotbraun und kahl. Die Dornen sind dreiteilig und über 1 Zentimeter lang.
Die einfache Blattspreite ist bei einer Länge von bis zu 5 Zentimetern länglich-eiförmig mit stumpfem oberen Ende. Sie ist ganzrandig bis entfernt dornig gezähnt und die Blattadern sind undeutlich. Die Blattoberseite ist lebhaft grün und die -unterseite grauweiß. Im Herbst sind sie scharlachrot gefärbt.
Die Blütezeit reicht von Mai bis Juni. Sechs bis 15 Blüten sind in einem bis zu 4,5 Zentimeter langen, traubigen Blütenstand angeordnet. zu Die relativ kleinen Blüten sind leuchtend gelb.
Die länglichen Beeren sind tiefrot.
Sie ist im Nordosten und Südosten der USA beheimatet. Natürliche Vorkommen befinden sich in Wäldern oder Lichtungen, an Berghängen und in der Nähe von Flüssen; in Höhenlagen von 100 bis 700 Metern.
Die Kanadische Berberitze und ihre Sorten werden als Zierstrauch in Gärten und Parks verwendet.
Die Cherokee-Indianer behandelten mit der Rinde von Berberis canadensis Durchfallerkrankungen.
Die Kanadische Berberitze (Berberis canadensis, Syn.: Berberis angulizans) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Berberitzen (Berberis) innerhalb der Familie der Berberitzengewächse (Berberidaceae).
Berberis canadensis, commonly known as the American barberry or Allegheny barberry,[3] is a member of the family Berberidaceae native to the eastern United States.
Berberis canadensis is one of only two simple-leaved or 'true' Berberis indigenous to the United States. The other is B. fendleri of the southwest U.S. The epithet "canadensis" literally means "Canadian" but was often used by 18th-century botanists to refer to any plants growing in northeastern North America.
In its native range, B. canadensis can be difficult to distinguish from the introduced weed species B. vulgaris. Useful distinguishing traits are that the second-year branches are brown, purple, or reddish (rather than grey) and there are fewer teeth along the edge of a leaf, and fewer flowers in an inflorescence.[4]
Berberis canadensis is a deciduous shrub, which grows, on average 1 meter in height, sometimes reaching as high as 2 meters. It spreads by rhizomes, forming large stands of clones. Rhizomes enable the plant to absorb more nutrients from the soil. This enables the species to grow in relatively dry environments. Stems of Berberis canadensis are hairless, not extensively branched, and range in color from green, purple, red, to brown. Stems also grow in a dimorphic fashion.[5] The leaves on the shrub are arranged in an alternate pattern with petioles 8 mm in length and covered in a white waxy coating known as glaucose.[6] In addition, leaves are thin and smooth and ovate in structure. A seemingly random venation pattern is visible on the underside of the leaves.
Flowers of Berberis canadensis are arranged in a raceme. They are usually 2–5 cm (1–2 in) in length and have six petals. The petals are cup-shaped and notched at the tips.[6] In addition, flowers are set in a double row pattern, with one petal sitting on top of another. They range in color from yellow to a dull whitish yellow with a bright green stigma protruding out of the middle. The stamen responds to physical stimuli and bends towards the stigma when a stimulus is present.
Berberis canadensis also produces small, bright red berries that are edible. Berries are oblong in shape and have a high acid content. This gives the fleshy berries an appealing tart-like taste.[7]
Berberis canadensis is native to 13 of the 50 states of the United States. Berberis canadensis occurred historically from the Appalachian Mountains from southern Pennsylvania to northern Georgia and Alabama.[8] Scattered populations have also been reported as far west as Missouri.[9] However, it is considered extirpated from Pennsylvania, Alabama, Maryland, and possibly Arkansas.
The species primarily thrives on rocky slopes on the sides of hills and mountains. The species used to be a lot more prevalent in the past, however due to its connection with wheat rust, the United States government has slowly been eradicating the species. It seems that the species has reached an equilibrium with the environment, thus indicating no further expansion of the range. Unlike most plants whose growth is restricted by weather, B. canadensis is primarily restricted by soil composition and habitat openness.
Berberis canadensis grows in many diverse open environments. It can be found in dry woodlands or on exposed hillside. The species grows in different soils types as well, ranging from basic to slightly acidic and extremely shallow in depth. The soil is well-drained with occasional moisture obtained from seasonal rainfall. Berberis canadensis is perennial, and is associated with a number of plants that grow in its habitat.
The fruit of Berberis canadensis are used extensively by many people, and is rich in vitamin C. Historically, it has been known as a major source of nutrition for the indigenous people of southeastern United States. The juicy red berries of the plant can be cooked to make jelly. The juice of the berries is also a sought-after refreshment. Lastly the berries of the B. canadensis are pounded to produce a paste similar to oatmeal. In addition, the berries are sometimes used to make alcoholic beverages.
Native Americans, specifically the Cherokee, have been known to use Berberis canadensis as a remedy for diarrhea.[8] The bark of the plant would be placed in water and then drunk to help alleviate the symptoms.
Berberis canadensis, commonly known as the American barberry or Allegheny barberry, is a member of the family Berberidaceae native to the eastern United States.
Berberis canadensis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoàng mộc. Loài này được Mill. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1768.[2]
Berberis canadensis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoàng mộc. Loài này được Mill. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1768.
Berberis canadensis Mill.
СинонимыБарбарис канадский (лат. Berberis canadensis) — кустарник, вид рода Барбарис (Berberis) семейства Барбарисовые (Berberidaceae).
В природе ареал вида охватывает Северную Америку — от Виргинии до Джорджии и Миссури.
Произрастает по склонам гор.
Обладает достаточной зимостойкостью, жаростойкостью, но страдает от сухости.
Кустарник высотой до 2 м. Побеги прямостоящие, слабо ребристые, сизовато-пурпуровые, позже серые.
Листья довольно плотные, обратнояйцевидные или продолговатые, длиной 2—5 см, с тупой верхушкой, колючезубчатые, сверху ярко-зелёные, снизу беловатые. Колючки обычно тройчатые, тонкие, длиной около 1 см.
Цветки до 15 в кистях длиной до 4,5 см, ярко-жёлтые, на цветоножках длиной до 1 см.
Ягоды эллиптические, шарлаховые, длиной до 1 см.
Цветёт в июне.
В культуру введен с XVIII века по всему северному полушарию. В России известен в европейской части.
Особыми декоративными качествами не отличается; часто смешивается с Барбарис обыкновенный (Berberis vulgaris). Применяется так же, как Барбарис обыкновенный.
Вид Барбарис канадский входит в род Барбарис (Berberis) трибы Барбарисовые (Berberideae) подсемейства Барбарисовые (Berberidoideae) семейства Барбарисовые (Berberidaceae) порядка Лютикоцветные (Ranunculales).
Барбарис канадский (лат. Berberis canadensis) — кустарник, вид рода Барбарис (Berberis) семейства Барбарисовые (Berberidaceae).