roadside at edge of mesquite thicket, on volcanic sands and gravel alluvium forming the north side breaks above the Rio Grande River
roadside at edge of mesquite thicket, on volcanic sands and gravel alluvium forming the north side breaks above the Rio Grande River
roadside at edge of mesquite thicket, on volcanic sands and gravel alluvium forming the north side breaks above the Rio Grande River
roadside at edge of mesquite thicket, on volcanic sands and gravel alluvium forming the north side breaks above the Rio Grande River. Foliage view
roadside at edge of mesquite thicket, on volcanic sands and gravel alluvium forming the north side breaks above the Rio Grande River.
roadside at edge of mesquite thicket, on volcanic sands and gravel alluvium forming the north side breaks above the Rio Grande River.
roadside at edge of mesquite thicket, on volcanic sands and gravel alluvium forming the north side breaks above the Rio Grande River.
Dehiscent fruiting capsules with few seeds remaining. Suffrutescent perennial on volcanic soil and mixed gravels adjacent to Park information pullout.
Leaf view. Suffrutescent perennial on volcanic soil and mixed gravels adjacent to Park information pullout.
Mature fruiting capsule. Suffrutescent perennial on volcanic soil and mixed gravels adjacent to Park information pullout.
Immature fruiting capsules. Suffrutescent perennial on volcanic soil and mixed gravels adjacent to Park information pullout.
Immature fruiting capsules. Suffrutescent perennial on volcanic soil and mixed gravels adjacent to Park information pullout.
Suffrutescent perennial on volcanic soil and mixed gravels adjacent to Park information pullout.