Comprehensive Description
fornì da North American Flora
Micranthes lyallii (Engler) Small
Saxifraga Lj/allii :EngleT, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 19: 542. 1869. Saxifraga dahurica I^yall ; Engler, Monogr. Saxifr. 141, as synonym. 1872. Saxifraga Lyallii laxa Bngler, Monogr. Saxifr. 142. 1872.
Leaves erect or ascending, 1.5-6.5 cm. long, the blades flabellate, varying to suborbicular or reni form -flabellate, typically cuneate at the base, coarsely few-toothed above, with the teeth mainly directed forward, glabrous or nearly so, the petiole-like bases often longer than the blade ; scapes 8-36 cm. tall, glabrous or nearly so, sparingly branched above ; cymules very few-flowered, or flowers solitary, the peduncles and pedicels very slender, commonly purple; sepals ovate to oblong-ovate, 1.5-3 mm. long, glabrous or nearly so, reflexed ; petals white with 2 yellow blotches below the middle, 3^.5 mm. long, broadly oblong to suborbicular above the short claw, often slightly notched at the apex ; filaments clavate ; follicles 9-12 mm, high, often purple or purple-tinged, commonly 3-5 together .
Type locality : Rocky Mountains of North America about 49° latitude.
Distribution: Alaska and the Bering Sea region to Alberta, British Columbia and Montana.
- sitassion bibliogràfica
- John Kunkel SmaII, Per Axel Rydber, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Percy Wilson, Henry Hurd Rusby. 1905. ROSALES, PODOSTEMONACEAE, CRASSULACEAE, PENTHORACEAE and PARNASSIACEAE. North American flora. vol 22(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY