Ko te Maire raunui he rākau whakakake nui nō te wao o Aotearoa. He rarahi, he kāwitiwiti, he kōroaroa ngā rau. Ko te wahie o te Maire raunui te tino wahie hei tahu ahi. Ko ngā hua he matahua te hanga, he kōwhai kita, he kura kita. Ko te ingoa pūtaiao ko Nestegis cunninghamii. Ko te ingoa i te reo Pākehā he Black Maire.
Ko te Maire raunui he rākau whakakake nui nō te wao o Aotearoa. He rarahi, he kāwitiwiti, he kōroaroa ngā rau. Ko te wahie o te Maire raunui te tino wahie hei tahu ahi. Ko ngā hua he matahua te hanga, he kōwhai kita, he kura kita. Ko te ingoa pūtaiao ko Nestegis cunninghamii. Ko te ingoa i te reo Pākehā he Black Maire.
Nestegis cunninghamii, commonly called black maire is a native tree of New Zealand.
Nestegis cunninghamii grows to over 20 metres high, and has long, leathery leaves that have a recessed mid-rib. The tree has rough, cork-like bark, and produces red or yellow fruits.
Black maire is now found only in small areas of the North Island forest because of its high value as a hard timber and for firewood.[2]
Nestegis cunninghamii, commonly called black maire is a native tree of New Zealand.
Nestegis cunninghamii grows to over 20 metres high, and has long, leathery leaves that have a recessed mid-rib. The tree has rough, cork-like bark, and produces red or yellow fruits.
Black maire is now found only in small areas of the North Island forest because of its high value as a hard timber and for firewood.