Pakra (Laccopetalum giganteum), kay hacha yachan puna suyupi [2] ; t'ikanta ancha riqsisqa, ukyayan uhu hanpi. T'ikanta chaqrur kachiwan uywata guyan mirananpaq [3] .
Pakra (Laccopetalum giganteum), kay hacha yachan puna suyupi ; t'ikanta ancha riqsisqa, ukyayan uhu hanpi. T'ikanta chaqrur kachiwan uywata guyan mirananpaq .
Laccopetalum is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. The genus contains only one species, Laccopetalum giganteum, which is endemic to Peru.[1][2]
Laccopetalum is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. The genus contains only one species, Laccopetalum giganteum, which is endemic to Peru.
Laccopetalum giganteum es la única especie del género monotípico Laccopetalum, de la familia Ranunculaceae. Es endémica de Perú.[1][2]
Laccopetalum giganteum es la única especie del género monotípico Laccopetalum, de la familia Ranunculaceae. Es endémica de Perú.