along arroyo cutting thorn scrub thicket on coarse granitic soil of gently sloping coastal plain.
along arroyo cutting thorn scrub thicket on coarse granitic soil of gently sloping coastal plain.
along arroyo cutting thorn scrub thicket on coarse granitic soil of gently sloping coastal plain.
along arroyo cutting thorn scrub thicket on coarse granitic soil of gently sloping coastal plain.
in xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna. SYN: Pithecellobium confine
in xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna. SYN: Pithecellobium confine
in xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna. SYN: Pithecellobium confine
in xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna. SYN: Pithecellobium confine. NOTE: legume interior
grassy roadside along brushy fence line with Prosopis glandulosa, Celtis pallida, Yucca treculeana, Ziziphus obtusifolia.
in xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna. SYN: Pithecellobium confine. NOTE: fruit(legume) exterior.
Plants in elevated brush/short tree thicket covering coastal hummock of silty clayish loam along shoreline of brackish Oso Creek, in a minimally disturbed natural area of native vegetation
in xerophilous/sarcocaulescent scrub on coastal piedmont southwest of Sierra de la Laguna. SYN: Pithecellobium confine.
Plants in elevated brush/short tree thicket covering coastal hummock of silty clayish loam along shoreline of brackish Oso Creek, in a minimally disturbed natural area of native vegetation
on narrow sandy drainage crossing back dune flats behind Playa Las Tunas shore
Plants in brush/short tree thicket covering elevated coastal hummock of silty clayish loam along shoreline of brackish Oso Creek, in a minimally disturbed natural area of native vegetation
2013 California Academy of Sciences
NOTE: At time of photo upload correct taxonomic name is Ebenopsis confinis per ITIS