Plancia ëd Ditrichum pallidum Hampe 1867
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Ditrichum pallidum Hampe 1867

Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da North American Flora
Ditrichum pallidum (Schreb.) Hampe, Flora 50: 182. 1867
Bryum pallidum Schreb. Spic. Fl. Lips. 80. 1771. Trichostomum pallidum Hedw. Descr. 1: 71. 1787. Leptotrichum pallidum Hampe; C. Miill. Syn. 1: 451. 1848. Ditrichum rhynchostegium Kindb. Rev. Bryol. 37: 14. 1910.
Plants cespitose, bright glossy yellow; stems short, 3-7 mm. high, simple or branched: leaves homomallous, twisted and recurved when dry, 3-5 mm. long, lanceolate-subulate; costa broad, excurrent into a long serrulate apex; basal cells oblong or hexagonal, large and clear, up to 10 /i long, the upper cells linear, obscure; perichaetium not sheathing. Paroicous: antheridia in buds below the perichaetium: seta variable, 1-4 cm. long, slender, light-yellow, glossy, twisted: capsules erect or inclined, ovoid-cylindric, 1-3 mm. long, sulcate when dry; neck truncate; lid short, conic, blunt; annulus falling in fragments; mouth small, bordered; peristome brown, slightly twisted; basal membrane short; teeth 16, irregularly bifid, jointed, papillose: spores rough, 14-18 ii in diameter, maturing from February to June.
Type locality: Near Leipzig, Germany.
Distribution: Fields and grassy banks, common in eastern North America from Maine and Ontario to Florida. Texas, and Oklahoma; also in Europe and Asia.
sitassion bibliogràfica
Albert LeRoy Andrews, Elizabeth Gertrude Britton, Julia Titus Emerson. 1961. SPHAGNALES-BRYALES; SPHAGNACEAE; ANDREAEACEAE, ARCHIDIACEAE, BRUCHIACEAE, DITRICHACEAE, BRYOXIPHIACEAE, SELIGERIACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY