Kokio ula or St. John's hibiscusMalvaceae (Mallow family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Kauai)IUCN: EndangeredOahu (Cultivated)Hawaiian NameThe Hawaiian name Kokio ula is shared by our two native red hibiscus (Hibiscus clayi and H. kokio). The word ula means "red" or "scarlet" and ulaula refers to a deeper red.Hibiscus kokio subsp. kokio
www.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/5188118854/in/photolist-...Hibiscus kokio subsp. kahilii
www.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/16177967302/in/photolist...Hibiscus clayi
www.flickr.com/photos/dweickhoff/5190666922/in/photolist-...Even though the flowers of subspecies saintjohnianus are orange (alani), orange-yellow (melemele ili alani), or yellow (melemele), and not red (ula), they still go by the name Kokio ula.Mk is an additional name for this species, but its meaning is unclear. Other meanings for mk are "firm, hard; thick, stiff, as molasses; jellied, solidified; to gel, harden; to settle, as dregs; to thicken, as cream; dregs, sediment, lees." The connection, if any, is uncertain.Early Hawaiians pounded kokio with other plants, juice strained, and taken to purify blood. The leaves were chewed and swallowed as a laxative or mothers would chew buds and given to infants and children as a laxative. Mother would also chew the buds and give to children or children would eat the seeds to strengthen a weak child.Also, the beautiful flowers were fashioned into striking lei by early Hawaiians, but lasting only a day.EtymologyThe generic name Hibiscus is derived from hibiscos, the Greek name for mallow.The specific and subspecific epithet kokio comes from the Hawaiian name for this hibiscus.The subspecies is named after Harold St. John (1892-1991), a professor of botany at University of Hawai Mnoa from 1929 to 1958 and a prolific field botanist, credited with discovering hundreds of new species.