A propòsit
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Português do Brasil
nòm ant ël fil
A propòsit
Rintré ant ël sistema
Português do Brasil
nòm ant ël fil
Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
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Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Spece arconossù da
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Fé arferiment a la tassonomìa da Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Diaporthe ellipicola
Spece arconossù da
Diaporthe ellipicola
Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Spece arconossù da
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Spece arconossù da
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Nòm comun
A-i é gnun nòm comun associà a costa tassonomìa.
Gerarchìe soagnà për Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
(costa pàgina-sì)
Diaporthe aberrans Speg. 1910
Diaporthe absens Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2016
Diaporthe acaciae Tilak 1968
Diaporthe acus (A. Bloxam ex Curr.) Cooke 1879
Diaporthe acutispora Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe adunca (Roberge ex Desm.) Niessl 1872
Diaporthe ailanthicola A. Pande & V. G. Rao 1991
Diaporthe amaranthi Speg. 1909
Diaporthe ampelina (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe arengae R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe asteriscina Speg. 1910
Diaporthe averrhoae (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe baccae L. Lombard, Polizzi & Crous 2014
Diaporthe baptisiae Rehm 1908
Diaporthe caryigena Ellis & Everh. 1903
Diaporthe cassines Crous 2013
Diaporthe casuarinae Speg. 1909
Diaporthe celata Sacc. 1917
Diaporthe chamaeropina Gaja 1911
Diaporthe congesta Ellis & Everh. 1903
Diaporthe cornicola Ellis & Holw. 1895
Diaporthe cotoneastri (Punith.) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe cytosporella (Penz. & Sacc.) Udayanga & Castl. 2014
Diaporthe dakotensis Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe dorycnii (Mont.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe eucalyptorum Crous & R. G. Shivas 2012
Diaporthe eucommiae (F. X. Chao & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe eucommiicola (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe euonymi Dearn. 1916
Diaporthe fagi Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe fibrosa (Pers.) Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe fukushii (Tanaka & S. Endô) Dissan., A. J. L. Phillips & K. D. Hyde 2017
Diaporthe furfuracea (Fr.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe galligena Petr. 1928
Diaporthe glabrae (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe glandulosa Rehm 1908
Diaporthe hamamelidis Fairm. 1922
Diaporthe henanensis Yi Yang, H. Y. Wu & Meng Zhang 2016
Diaporthe heveae Petch 1906
Diaporthe ilicis (Ellis & Everh.) Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe inconspicua R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe intermedia Sacc. 1875
Diaporthe italica Sacc. ex Traverso 1905
Diaporthe jaffueli Speg. 1921
Diaporthe juglandicola Q. Yang 2017
Diaporthe juniperi Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe lagerstroemiae (C. Q. Chang, M. M. Xiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe laschii Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe lentaginis (Rehm) J. Reid & C. Booth 1989
Diaporthe leuceriicola Speg. 1921
Diaporthe ligustri Allesch. 1886
Diaporthe lokoyae A. Funk 1968
Diaporthe longicicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Diaporthe lusitanicae A. J. L. Phillips & J. M. Santos 2009
Diaporthe maclurae Speg. 1909
Diaporthe maytenicola Crous 2013
Diaporthe melanocarpa Dearn. 1926
Diaporthe meliloti (Sacc.) Traverso 1906
Diaporthe minuscula Sacc. & Speg. 1878
Diaporthe neoviticola Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe nucis-avellanae Feltgen 1901
Diaporthe obsoleta Sacc. 1875
Diaporthe ovoicicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Diaporthe oxyspora (Peck) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe paranensis R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe passifloricola Crous & M. J. Wingf. 2016
Diaporthe patagonulae Tassi 1900
Diaporthe phragmitis Crous 2014
Diaporthe pinastri Feltgen 1901
Diaporthe prenanthicola G. F. Atk. 1909
Diaporthe psoraleae-pinnatae Crous & M. J. Wingf. 2013
Diaporthe pterocarpicola Udayanga, X. Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe pyracanthae L. Santos & A. Alves 2017
Diaporthe ravennica Thambug., Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2016
Diaporthe rhoina Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe ricini Speg. 1909
Diaporthe rostrata C. M. Tian, X. L. Fan & K. D. Hyde 2015
Diaporthe sackstonii R. G. Shivas, S. M. Thomps. & Y. P. Tan 2015
Diaporthe samaricola W. Phillips & Plowr. 1875
Diaporthe sclerotioides (Kesteren) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe siamensis Udayanga, X. Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe simplicior Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe sorbariae Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe sponheimeri Kirschst. 1936
Diaporthe subclavata F. Huang, K. D. Hyde & H. Y. Li 2015
Diaporthe syngenesia (Fr.) Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe tanakae Tak. Kobay. & Sakuma 1982
Diaporthe tessera (Fr.) Fuckel 1871
Diaporthe teucrii Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe thunbergiicola Udayanga & K. D. Hyde 2015
Diaporthe torilicola Dissan., Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2017
Diaporthe transiens Sacc. 1913
Diaporthe trinucleata Niessl 1876
Diaporthe unshiuensis F. Huang, K. D. Hyde & H. Y. Li 2015
Diaporthe valparadisiensis Speg. 1910
Diaporthe varians (Curr.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe vawdreyi Y. P. Tan & R. G. Shivas 2015
Diaporthe velutina Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe viburni Dearn. & Bisby 1929
298 frej adissionaj abrevià për fé curt.
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archivi dj'arsorse
për na lista completa.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
(costa pàgina-sì)
Diaporthe aberrans Speg. 1910
Diaporthe absens Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2016
Diaporthe acaciae Tilak 1968
Diaporthe acus (A. Bloxam ex Curr.) Cooke 1879
Diaporthe acutispora Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe adunca (Roberge ex Desm.) Niessl 1872
Diaporthe ailanthicola A. Pande & V. G. Rao 1991
Diaporthe amaranthi Speg. 1909
Diaporthe ampelina (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe arengae R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe asteriscina Speg. 1910
Diaporthe averrhoae (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe baccae L. Lombard, Polizzi & Crous 2014
Diaporthe baptisiae Rehm 1908
Diaporthe caryigena Ellis & Everh. 1903
Diaporthe cassines Crous 2013
Diaporthe casuarinae Speg. 1909
Diaporthe celata Sacc. 1917
Diaporthe chamaeropina Gaja 1911
Diaporthe congesta Ellis & Everh. 1903
Diaporthe cornicola Ellis & Holw. 1895
Diaporthe cotoneastri (Punith.) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe cytosporella (Penz. & Sacc.) Udayanga & Castl. 2014
Diaporthe dakotensis Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe dorycnii (Mont.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe eucalyptorum Crous & R. G. Shivas 2012
Diaporthe eucommiae (F. X. Chao & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe eucommiicola (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe euonymi Dearn. 1916
Diaporthe fagi Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe fibrosa (Pers.) Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe fukushii (Tanaka & S. Endô) Dissan., A. J. L. Phillips & K. D. Hyde 2017
Diaporthe furfuracea (Fr.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe galligena Petr. 1928
Diaporthe glabrae (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe glandulosa Rehm 1908
Diaporthe hamamelidis Fairm. 1922
Diaporthe henanensis Yi Yang, H. Y. Wu & Meng Zhang 2016
Diaporthe heveae Petch 1906
Diaporthe ilicis (Ellis & Everh.) Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe inconspicua R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe intermedia Sacc. 1875
Diaporthe italica Sacc. ex Traverso 1905
Diaporthe jaffueli Speg. 1921
Diaporthe juglandicola Q. Yang 2017
Diaporthe juniperi Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe lagerstroemiae (C. Q. Chang, M. M. Xiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe laschii Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe lentaginis (Rehm) J. Reid & C. Booth 1989
Diaporthe leuceriicola Speg. 1921
Diaporthe ligustri Allesch. 1886
Diaporthe lokoyae A. Funk 1968
Diaporthe longicicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Diaporthe lusitanicae A. J. L. Phillips & J. M. Santos 2009
Diaporthe maclurae Speg. 1909
Diaporthe maytenicola Crous 2013
Diaporthe melanocarpa Dearn. 1926
Diaporthe meliloti (Sacc.) Traverso 1906
Diaporthe minuscula Sacc. & Speg. 1878
Diaporthe neoviticola Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe nucis-avellanae Feltgen 1901
Diaporthe obsoleta Sacc. 1875
Diaporthe ovoicicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Diaporthe oxyspora (Peck) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe paranensis R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe passifloricola Crous & M. J. Wingf. 2016
Diaporthe patagonulae Tassi 1900
Diaporthe phragmitis Crous 2014
Diaporthe pinastri Feltgen 1901
Diaporthe prenanthicola G. F. Atk. 1909
Diaporthe psoraleae-pinnatae Crous & M. J. Wingf. 2013
Diaporthe pterocarpicola Udayanga, X. Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe pyracanthae L. Santos & A. Alves 2017
Diaporthe ravennica Thambug., Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2016
Diaporthe rhoina Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe ricini Speg. 1909
Diaporthe rostrata C. M. Tian, X. L. Fan & K. D. Hyde 2015
Diaporthe sackstonii R. G. Shivas, S. M. Thomps. & Y. P. Tan 2015
Diaporthe samaricola W. Phillips & Plowr. 1875
Diaporthe sclerotioides (Kesteren) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe siamensis Udayanga, X. Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe simplicior Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe sorbariae Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe sponheimeri Kirschst. 1936
Diaporthe subclavata F. Huang, K. D. Hyde & H. Y. Li 2015
Diaporthe syngenesia (Fr.) Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe tanakae Tak. Kobay. & Sakuma 1982
Diaporthe tessera (Fr.) Fuckel 1871
Diaporthe teucrii Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe thunbergiicola Udayanga & K. D. Hyde 2015
Diaporthe torilicola Dissan., Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2017
Diaporthe transiens Sacc. 1913
Diaporthe trinucleata Niessl 1876
Diaporthe unshiuensis F. Huang, K. D. Hyde & H. Y. Li 2015
Diaporthe valparadisiensis Speg. 1910
Diaporthe varians (Curr.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe vawdreyi Y. P. Tan & R. G. Shivas 2015
Diaporthe velutina Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe viburni Dearn. & Bisby 1929
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EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
(costa pàgina-sì)
Diaporthe aberrans Speg. 1910
Diaporthe absens Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2016
Diaporthe acaciae Tilak 1968
Diaporthe acus (A. Bloxam ex Curr.) Cooke 1879
Diaporthe acutispora Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe adunca (Roberge ex Desm.) Niessl 1872
Diaporthe ailanthicola A. Pande & V. G. Rao 1991
Diaporthe amaranthi Speg. 1909
Diaporthe ampelina (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe arengae R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe asteriscina Speg. 1910
Diaporthe averrhoae (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe baccae L. Lombard, Polizzi & Crous 2014
Diaporthe baptisiae Rehm 1908
Diaporthe caryigena Ellis & Everh. 1903
Diaporthe cassines Crous 2013
Diaporthe casuarinae Speg. 1909
Diaporthe celata Sacc. 1917
Diaporthe chamaeropina Gaja 1911
Diaporthe congesta Ellis & Everh. 1903
Diaporthe cornicola Ellis & Holw. 1895
Diaporthe cotoneastri (Punith.) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe cytosporella (Penz. & Sacc.) Udayanga & Castl. 2014
Diaporthe dakotensis Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe dorycnii (Mont.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe eucalyptorum Crous & R. G. Shivas 2012
Diaporthe eucommiae (F. X. Chao & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe eucommiicola (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe euonymi Dearn. 1916
Diaporthe fagi Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe fibrosa (Pers.) Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe fukushii (Tanaka & S. Endô) Dissan., A. J. L. Phillips & K. D. Hyde 2017
Diaporthe furfuracea (Fr.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe galligena Petr. 1928
Diaporthe glabrae (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe glandulosa Rehm 1908
Diaporthe hamamelidis Fairm. 1922
Diaporthe henanensis Yi Yang, H. Y. Wu & Meng Zhang 2016
Diaporthe heveae Petch 1906
Diaporthe ilicis (Ellis & Everh.) Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe inconspicua R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe intermedia Sacc. 1875
Diaporthe italica Sacc. ex Traverso 1905
Diaporthe jaffueli Speg. 1921
Diaporthe juglandicola Q. Yang 2017
Diaporthe juniperi Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe lagerstroemiae (C. Q. Chang, M. M. Xiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe laschii Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe lentaginis (Rehm) J. Reid & C. Booth 1989
Diaporthe leuceriicola Speg. 1921
Diaporthe ligustri Allesch. 1886
Diaporthe lokoyae A. Funk 1968
Diaporthe longicicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Diaporthe lusitanicae A. J. L. Phillips & J. M. Santos 2009
Diaporthe maclurae Speg. 1909
Diaporthe maytenicola Crous 2013
Diaporthe melanocarpa Dearn. 1926
Diaporthe meliloti (Sacc.) Traverso 1906
Diaporthe minuscula Sacc. & Speg. 1878
Diaporthe neoviticola Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe nucis-avellanae Feltgen 1901
Diaporthe obsoleta Sacc. 1875
Diaporthe ovoicicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Diaporthe oxyspora (Peck) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe paranensis R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe passifloricola Crous & M. J. Wingf. 2016
Diaporthe patagonulae Tassi 1900
Diaporthe phragmitis Crous 2014
Diaporthe pinastri Feltgen 1901
Diaporthe prenanthicola G. F. Atk. 1909
Diaporthe psoraleae-pinnatae Crous & M. J. Wingf. 2013
Diaporthe pterocarpicola Udayanga, X. Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe pyracanthae L. Santos & A. Alves 2017
Diaporthe ravennica Thambug., Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2016
Diaporthe rhoina Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe ricini Speg. 1909
Diaporthe rostrata C. M. Tian, X. L. Fan & K. D. Hyde 2015
Diaporthe sackstonii R. G. Shivas, S. M. Thomps. & Y. P. Tan 2015
Diaporthe samaricola W. Phillips & Plowr. 1875
Diaporthe sclerotioides (Kesteren) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe siamensis Udayanga, X. Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe simplicior Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe sorbariae Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe sponheimeri Kirschst. 1936
Diaporthe subclavata F. Huang, K. D. Hyde & H. Y. Li 2015
Diaporthe syngenesia (Fr.) Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe tanakae Tak. Kobay. & Sakuma 1982
Diaporthe tessera (Fr.) Fuckel 1871
Diaporthe teucrii Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe thunbergiicola Udayanga & K. D. Hyde 2015
Diaporthe torilicola Dissan., Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2017
Diaporthe transiens Sacc. 1913
Diaporthe trinucleata Niessl 1876
Diaporthe unshiuensis F. Huang, K. D. Hyde & H. Y. Li 2015
Diaporthe valparadisiensis Speg. 1910
Diaporthe varians (Curr.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe vawdreyi Y. P. Tan & R. G. Shivas 2015
Diaporthe velutina Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe viburni Dearn. & Bisby 1929
298 frej adissionaj abrevià për fé curt.
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EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
(costa pàgina-sì)
Diaporthe aberrans Speg. 1910
Diaporthe absens Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2016
Diaporthe acaciae Tilak 1968
Diaporthe acus (A. Bloxam ex Curr.) Cooke 1879
Diaporthe acutispora Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe adunca (Roberge ex Desm.) Niessl 1872
Diaporthe ailanthicola A. Pande & V. G. Rao 1991
Diaporthe amaranthi Speg. 1909
Diaporthe ampelina (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe arengae R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe asteriscina Speg. 1910
Diaporthe averrhoae (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe baccae L. Lombard, Polizzi & Crous 2014
Diaporthe baptisiae Rehm 1908
Diaporthe caryigena Ellis & Everh. 1903
Diaporthe cassines Crous 2013
Diaporthe casuarinae Speg. 1909
Diaporthe celata Sacc. 1917
Diaporthe chamaeropina Gaja 1911
Diaporthe congesta Ellis & Everh. 1903
Diaporthe cornicola Ellis & Holw. 1895
Diaporthe cotoneastri (Punith.) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe cytosporella (Penz. & Sacc.) Udayanga & Castl. 2014
Diaporthe dakotensis Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe dorycnii (Mont.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe eucalyptorum Crous & R. G. Shivas 2012
Diaporthe eucommiae (F. X. Chao & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe eucommiicola (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe euonymi Dearn. 1916
Diaporthe fagi Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe fibrosa (Pers.) Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe fukushii (Tanaka & S. Endô) Dissan., A. J. L. Phillips & K. D. Hyde 2017
Diaporthe furfuracea (Fr.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe galligena Petr. 1928
Diaporthe glabrae (C. Q. Chang, Z. D. Jiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe glandulosa Rehm 1908
Diaporthe hamamelidis Fairm. 1922
Diaporthe henanensis Yi Yang, H. Y. Wu & Meng Zhang 2016
Diaporthe heveae Petch 1906
Diaporthe ilicis (Ellis & Everh.) Wehm. 1933
Diaporthe inconspicua R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe intermedia Sacc. 1875
Diaporthe italica Sacc. ex Traverso 1905
Diaporthe jaffueli Speg. 1921
Diaporthe juglandicola Q. Yang 2017
Diaporthe juniperi Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe lagerstroemiae (C. Q. Chang, M. M. Xiang & P. K. Chi) Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe laschii Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe lentaginis (Rehm) J. Reid & C. Booth 1989
Diaporthe leuceriicola Speg. 1921
Diaporthe ligustri Allesch. 1886
Diaporthe lokoyae A. Funk 1968
Diaporthe longicicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Diaporthe lusitanicae A. J. L. Phillips & J. M. Santos 2009
Diaporthe maclurae Speg. 1909
Diaporthe maytenicola Crous 2013
Diaporthe melanocarpa Dearn. 1926
Diaporthe meliloti (Sacc.) Traverso 1906
Diaporthe minuscula Sacc. & Speg. 1878
Diaporthe neoviticola Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe nucis-avellanae Feltgen 1901
Diaporthe obsoleta Sacc. 1875
Diaporthe ovoicicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
Diaporthe oxyspora (Peck) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe paranensis R. R. Gomes, Glienke & Crous 2013
Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe passifloricola Crous & M. J. Wingf. 2016
Diaporthe patagonulae Tassi 1900
Diaporthe phragmitis Crous 2014
Diaporthe pinastri Feltgen 1901
Diaporthe prenanthicola G. F. Atk. 1909
Diaporthe psoraleae-pinnatae Crous & M. J. Wingf. 2013
Diaporthe pterocarpicola Udayanga, X. Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe pyracanthae L. Santos & A. Alves 2017
Diaporthe ravennica Thambug., Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2016
Diaporthe rhoina Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe ricini Speg. 1909
Diaporthe rostrata C. M. Tian, X. L. Fan & K. D. Hyde 2015
Diaporthe sackstonii R. G. Shivas, S. M. Thomps. & Y. P. Tan 2015
Diaporthe samaricola W. Phillips & Plowr. 1875
Diaporthe sclerotioides (Kesteren) Udayanga, Crous & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe siamensis Udayanga, X. Z. Liu & K. D. Hyde 2012
Diaporthe simplicior Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe sorbariae Nitschke 1870
Diaporthe sponheimeri Kirschst. 1936
Diaporthe subclavata F. Huang, K. D. Hyde & H. Y. Li 2015
Diaporthe syngenesia (Fr.) Fuckel 1870
Diaporthe tanakae Tak. Kobay. & Sakuma 1982
Diaporthe tessera (Fr.) Fuckel 1871
Diaporthe teucrii Feltgen 1903
Diaporthe thunbergiicola Udayanga & K. D. Hyde 2015
Diaporthe torilicola Dissan., Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2017
Diaporthe transiens Sacc. 1913
Diaporthe trinucleata Niessl 1876
Diaporthe unshiuensis F. Huang, K. D. Hyde & H. Y. Li 2015
Diaporthe valparadisiensis Speg. 1910
Diaporthe varians (Curr.) Sacc. 1882
Diaporthe vawdreyi Y. P. Tan & R. G. Shivas 2015
Diaporthe velutina Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2017
Diaporthe viburni Dearn. & Bisby 1929
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GBIF classification
Diaporthe Nitschke
Diaporthe ellipicola Y. H. Gao & L. Cai 2015
(costa pàgina-sì)
Diaporthe abdita Sacc. & Speg.
Diaporthe acerigena
Diaporthe acerina (Peck) Sacc.
Diaporthe actinidiae N. F. Sommer & Beraha
Diaporthe acus (A. Bloxam ex Curr.) Cooke
Diaporthe adunca (Roberge ex Desm.) Niessl
Diaporthe aesculicola (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino
Diaporthe alleghaniensis R. H. Arnold
Diaporthe americana Speg.
Diaporthe asphodelae Sacc.
Diaporthe baccharidis Cooke
Diaporthe bakeri Wehm.
Diaporthe beckhausii Nitschke
Diaporthe betulina
Diaporthe callicarpae Peck
Diaporthe ceanothi Dearn. & House
Diaporthe celastrina Ellis & Barthol.
Diaporthe cercidis
Diaporthe chailletii Nitschke
Diaporthe chensiensis
Diaporthe cinnamomi
Diaporthe citri F. A. Wolf
Diaporthe conica
Diaporthe conjuncta (Nees) Fuckel
Diaporthe coramblicola (Berk. & Broome) Sacc.
Diaporthe crassicollis (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel
Diaporthe crataegi (Curr.) Fuckel
Diaporthe crinigera Ellis & Everh.
Diaporthe culta Sacc. & Speg.
Diaporthe decorticans (Lib.) Sacc. & Roum.
Diaporthe delitescens E. Bommer, M. Rousseau & Sacc.
Diaporthe detrusa (Fr.) Fuckel
Diaporthe dubia Nitschke
Diaporthe eumorpha (Durieu & Mont.) Maire
Diaporthe euonymi Dearn.
Diaporthe furfuracea (Fr.) Sacc.
Diaporthe garryae Grove
Diaporthe genistae Rehm
Diaporthe hederae Wehm.
Diaporthe hickoriae Wehm.
Diaporthe ilicis (Ellis & Everh.) Wehm.
Diaporthe impulsa (Cooke & Peck) Sacc.
Diaporthe incrustans Nitschke
Diaporthe insignis Fuckel
Diaporthe insularis Nitschke
Diaporthe intermedia Sacc.
Diaporthe juglandina (Fuckel) Nitschke
Diaporthe kadsurae
Diaporthe laschii Nitschke
Diaporthe ligulata Nitschke
Diaporthe lupini Harkn.
Diaporthe mahoniae Speg.
Diaporthe medusae Nitschke
Diaporthe meliloti (Sacc.) Traverso
Diaporthe melonis Beraha & M. J. O'Brien
Diaporthe millettiae
Diaporthe minuscula Sacc. & Speg.
Diaporthe neilliae Peck
Diaporthe nobilis Sacc. & Speg.
Diaporthe nomurai Hara
Diaporthe obsoleta Sacc.
Diaporthe oncostoma (Duby) Fuckel
Diaporthe opuli Wehm.
Diaporthe orobanches Berl.
Diaporthe osmanthi
Diaporthe oxyspora (Peck) Sacc.
Diaporthe padina
Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel
Diaporthe perexigua Sacc.
Diaporthe perniciosa Marchal & É. J. Marchal
Diaporthe phillyreae Cooke
Diaporthe pimeleae Petr.
Diaporthe pithya Sacc.
Diaporthe pulchra (Curr.) Sacc.
Diaporthe retecta Fuckel & Nitschke
Diaporthe rhoina Feltgen
Diaporthe rhois Nitschke
Diaporthe rudis (Fr.) Nitschke
Diaporthe samaricola W. Phillips & Plowr.
Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc.
Diaporthe sheariana Petr.
Diaporthe skimmiae Grove
Diaporthe sorbariae Nitschke
Diaporthe sorbicola (Nitschke) Bref. & Tavel
Diaporthe stewartii A. L. Harrison
Diaporthe striiformis (Fr.) Nitschke
Diaporthe strumella (Fr.) Fuckel
Diaporthe syngenesia (Fr.) Fuckel
Diaporthe tamaricina Sacc. & Flageolet
Diaporthe toxica P. M. Will., Highet, W. Gams & Sivasith.
Diaporthe toxicodendri Y. Ando, Masuya & Tabata 2017
Diaporthe trecassianum Sacc. & Briard
Diaporthe trinucleata Niessl
Diaporthe ukurunduensis
Diaporthe urticae Fr.
Diaporthe varians (Curr.) Sacc.
Diaporthe veronicae Rehm
Diaporthe vincae (Cooke) Sacc.
Diaporthe viticola Nitschke
Diaporthe woolworthii (Peck) Sacc.
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cellular organisms
Diaporthe ellipicola
(costa pàgina-sì)
Diaporthe acaciigena
Diaporthe acerina
Diaporthe alnea
Diaporthe ampelina
Diaporthe amygdali
Diaporthe anacardii
Diaporthe aquatica
Diaporthe arengae
Diaporthe australafricana
Diaporthe beckhausii
Diaporthe beilharziae
Diaporthe bicincta
Diaporthe biguttusis
Diaporthe brasiliensis
Diaporthe canthii
Diaporthe carpini
Diaporthe cassines
Diaporthe castaneae-mollisimae
Diaporthe celastrina
Diaporthe ceratozamiae
Diaporthe chamaeropis
Diaporthe cinerascens
Diaporthe citriasiana
Diaporthe citrichinensis
Diaporthe cotoneastri
Diaporthe crataegi
Diaporthe cuppatea
Diaporthe diospyricola
Diaporthe elaeagni
Diaporthe elonis
Diaporthe endophytica
Diaporthe eucalyptorum
Diaporthe eugeniae
Diaporthe foeniculacea
Diaporthe foeniculina
Diaporthe fraxini-angustifoliae
Diaporthe fusicola
Diaporthe ganjae
Diaporthe gardeniae
Diaporthe gulyae
Diaporthe hongkongensis
Diaporthe hordei
Diaporthe impulsa
Diaporthe inconspicua
Diaporthe infecunda
Diaporthe juglandina
Diaporthe kochmanii
Diaporthe kongii
Diaporthe kyushuensis
Diaporthe leucospermi
Diaporthe litchicola
Diaporthe lithocarpus
Diaporthe mahothocarpus
Diaporthe manihotia
Diaporthe mayteni
Diaporthe maytenicola
Diaporthe megalospora
Diaporthe musigena
Diaporthe neilliae
Diaporthe neoarctii
Diaporthe nitschkei
Diaporthe nobilis
Diaporthe nothofagi
Diaporthe novem
Diaporthe ovoicicola
Diaporthe oxe
Diaporthe paranensis
Diaporthe pascoei
Diaporthe passiflorae
Diaporthe phoenicicola
Diaporthe pseudolongicolla
Diaporthe pseudomangiferae
Diaporthe pseudophoenicicola
Diaporthe psoraleae
Diaporthe psoraleae-pinnatae
Diaporthe pterocarpi
Diaporthe pterocarpicola
Diaporthe pulla
Diaporthe raonikayaporum
Diaporthe rhoina
Diaporthe rhusicola
Diaporthe rudis
Diaporthe saccarata
Diaporthe salicicola
Diaporthe schini
Diaporthe sclerotioides
Diaporthe scobina
Diaporthe siamensis
Diaporthe sophorae
Diaporthe stictica
Diaporthe tecomae
Diaporthe terebinthifolii
Diaporthe ternstroemia
Diaporthe tersa
Diaporthe thunbergii
Diaporthe toxica
Diaporthe vaccinii
Diaporthe vexans
Diaporthe woodii
Diaporthe woolworthii
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