
Orobanche aegyptiaca ( Anglèis )

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Orobanche aegyptiaca, the Egyptian broomrape, is a plant which is an obligate holoparasite from the family Orobanchaceae with a complex lifecycle. This parasite is most common in the Middle East and has a wide host range including many economically important crops.

Selective control of Egyptian broomrape is extremely difficult because the close association between host crop and parasite limits the use of most mechanical and herbicidal approaches.

Disease cycle

A single Egyptian broomrape plant is capable of producing hundreds of thousands of extremely small (0.15–0.5 millimetres (11285256 in) long) seeds. These seeds, dispersed by the wind, animals, or by more artificial means such as farm machinery, survive in the soil and have the ability to remain viable in the soil for more than 15 years. When the seeds are dropped, they are dormant. They require after-ripening, or further ripening after the seed has fallen from the plant, which is completed by the time the dry season has ended. As the rainy season begins, the seeds imbibe water and move into a conditioning phase which lasts 1–3 weeks, depending on whether the temperature remains optimal, between 60 and 70 °F (16 and 21 °C). At this point, the seeds only need a chemical signal from the roots of a host plant to germinate. The seeds can remain in this conditioned state for several months. If the seed never receives the chemical signal to germinate and dries out, it returns to its dormant state, ready to be reconditioned when the next rainy season begins.[1]

When a conditioned seed receives a chemical signal from a host plant, it germinates, forming a germ tube which grows toward the host. From this germ tube, it grows a haustorium, which is the part of the broomrape which attaches the parasite to the host and grows into the host’s vascular system. The parasite is then able to draw out water and nutrients from its host.[2] At this point, O. aegyptiaca grows rapidly, developing above-ground flower stalks. The flowers develop between February and May.[3] A medium-sized plant can produce more than 400 flowers, which each produce around 500 seeds. The complete lifecycle of this parasite, if completed in one season, lasts 10 to 15 weeks.

Hosts and symptoms

The host range for Egyptian broomrape is fairly wide, including many broadleaf vegetables, field crops, and some ornamentals. Tomato, potato, tobacco, eggplant, peppers, peas, carrot, celery, mustard, spinach, and chrysanthemum are among the susceptible plants. In areas such as southern Russia, melons are also potential hosts. Some plant species have been reported as being hosts for O. aegyptiaca that, in reality, are not hosts. Because the physical attachment of the parasite occurs below ground, checking that the plant’s roots are connected to the weed is essential.[1]

The most obvious sign of O. aegyptiaca parasitism is the visible parasitic plant near the base of the plant being attacked. Egyptian broomrape is a very short plant with purple flowers and a purple to brown stem. Plants that have been parasitized by this weed will show evidence of water stress, leaf yellowing, and stunted growth.[1]


Orobanche aegyptiaca is adapted to soils with a high pH, like those in the Middle East where it is native, and requires high temperatures for ideal germination and growth. Because O. aegyptiaca is an obligate parasite it is found only in association with the crops it attacks, especially irrigated crops.[1][4]


Three main types of control exist for Orobanche aegyptiaca: chemical, cultural, and biological.

Chemical control can be achieved by soil fumigation with methyl bromide. This method is effective yet is rarely used because only a shallow layer of the soil is affected, it is a costly treatment, and methyl bromide poses environmental concerns.[3] Another form of chemical control is soil solarization, which is a solar heating of the soil by placing clear polyethylene sheets over moist soil.[5] This kills the majority of seeds that are viable and induces secondary dormancy in the rest.[6] Lastly, sulfonylurea and imidazolinone herbicides have been shown in many studies to be an effective form of chemical control for O. aegyptiaca with the efficacy depending on the method of application, the species of crop, and the timing of the application.[2] One study has shown application times between 14 and 42 days after planting to be ideal for controlling Egyptian broomrape.[7]

Some forms of cultural control of O. aegyptiaca include sanitation efforts to help prevent the movement of seeds, individual picking of weeds by hand, and avoidance by changing the sowing time or not growing a host plant. Reducing spread of infected soil by farm machinery, avoidance of grazing on infected plants, and staying away from the use of hay produced from Orobanche-infested plants are all methods to help prevent the movement of seeds. The individual picking of weeds by hand is very important, as the plant is able continue living as only a stem and produce a flower that can spread seeds even while not connected to the host. Any avoidance strategy must be carried out with a plant that cannot be parasitized by O. aegyptiaca and could take up to 20 years to complete, as this is how long the plant's seeds can remain viable in the soil. Also, because seeds can safely pass through an animal's digestive system, ensuring manure is not contaminated is important. Another option for cultural control is the use of trap crops or catch crops. Trap crops promote the germination of O. aegyptiaca seeds, but do not allow parasitism; these include flax, mung bean, maize, and sorghum. Catch crops allow parasitism, but are destroyed before the parasitic plants flower, so the broomrape seeds cannot be produced and dispersed. Finally, limited success has been seen with host plant resistance in sunflower, faba bean, lentil, and tomato. Resistant cultivars of sunflower were bred in Russia and Spain, but quickly lost their host-plant resistance due to selection towards more aggressive biotypes of the plant that had adapted to the new cultivars.[1] In the resistant sunflower cultivars, germination was still induced, but the plant's germ tube never develops after penetration by the haustorium.[8] Macromolecules are transferred from the host to the parasite, so one method for resistance is the introduction of an antimicrobial gene from the flesh fly into the host genome. This allows for its protein product to be transferred to the parasite and work as a means of control.[9]

Most forms of biological control are still being developed and studied, although three species are potential forms of control: Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. F. oxysporum has been shown to successfully control O. aegyptica in sunflower and tobacco, while S. sclerotiorum has been shown to cause wet rot in the plant without having any negative impact on the host. Field experiments carried out in Hungary showed promise for control with some "F. solani" isolates. The "Fusarium" species usually work through phytotoxins that help them to conquer O. aegyptica 's defenses and establish themselves.[1][4]

Cohen et al 2017 puts forward metrics which will be used to construct decision support systems. Such management decision metrics include especially field history, eco-informatics, geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing mapping of the infestation, and information regarding neighboring plots.[10]


Because Egyptian broomrape can cause severe damage to economic crops and ornamentals, it is important to understand the plant as a parasite and to fully comprehend its life cycle. By understanding its lifecycle, management is possible.

In Israel, the production of processing tomatoes is in danger as a result of high crop yield losses due to heavy infestations of O. aegyptiaca. Approximately $1.3 to 2.6 billion have been lost in annual food crop losses in the regions near the Mediterranean, Northern Africa, and Asia.[3] Egyptian broomrape and branched broomrape (O. ramosa) have infested an annual average of 2.6 million ha of crops from the family Solanaceae, including tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant.[2]


  1. ^ a b c d e f http://www.infonet-biovision.org/default/ct/705/pests Archived 2012-06-24 at the Wayback Machine and http://www.infonet-biovision.org/PlantHealth/Pests/Broomrape
  2. ^ a b c Hanan Eizenberg, Tal Lande, Gay Achdari, Asia Roichman and Joseph Hershenhorn, Effect of Egyptian Broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca) Seed-Burial Depth on Parasitism Dynamics and Chemical Control in Tomato, Weed Science, Vol. 55, No. 2 (Mar. - Apr., 2007), pp. 152–156
  3. ^ a b c "Flora of Israel: Egyptian broomrape".
  4. ^ a b Ghannam, I., R. Barakat, & M. Al-Masri. "Biological control of Egyptian broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca) using Fusarium spp.." Phytopathologia Mediterranea [Online], 46.2 (2007): 177-184. Web. 24 Oct. 2012
  5. ^ Sedigheh S, Aptin R, Zoheir Y.A, Application Soil Solarization, on the Control of Egyptian Broomrape in Greenhouse, International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 3 (1): 59-64, 2009
  6. ^ A. Greenberger, J. Katan, M. Levi and H. Alon,Control of Egyptian Broomrap (Orobanche aegyptiaca) and Other Weeds by Means of Solar Heating of the Soil by Polyethylene Mulching, R. Jacobsohn, Weed Science, Vol. 28, No. 3 (May, 1980), pp. 312–316
  7. ^ Hanan Eizenberg, Yaakov Goldwasser, Snmuel Golan, Dina Plakhine, and Joseph Hershenhorn (2004) Egyptian Broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca) Control in Tomato with Sulfonylurea Herbicides—Greenhouse Studies. Weed Technology: July 2004, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 490–496.
  8. ^ Eizenberg, H., D. Plakhine, J. Hershenhorn, Y. Kleifeld, and B. Rubin. "Resistance to Broomrape (Orobanche spp.) in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Is Temperature-dependent." Journal of Experimental Botany 54.385 (n.d.): 1305-311
  9. ^ Hamamouch, Noureddine. "Engineering Resistance to Orobanche Aegyptiaca: Evidence of Sarcotoxin IA as an Anti-Parasite Protein and Macromolecule Movement from Host to Parasite." Diss. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2004
  10. ^ Eizenberg, Hanan; Goldwasser, Yaakov (2018). "Control of Egyptian Broomrape in Processing Tomato: A Summary of 20 Years of Research and Successful Implementation". Plant Disease. American Phytopathological Society. 102 (8): 1477–1488. doi:10.1094/pdis-01-18-0020-fe. ISSN 0191-2917. PMID 30673429. S2CID 59225852.
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Orobanche aegyptiaca: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Orobanche aegyptiaca, the Egyptian broomrape, is a plant which is an obligate holoparasite from the family Orobanchaceae with a complex lifecycle. This parasite is most common in the Middle East and has a wide host range including many economically important crops.

Selective control of Egyptian broomrape is extremely difficult because the close association between host crop and parasite limits the use of most mechanical and herbicidal approaches.

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Phelipanche aegyptiaca ( Fransèis )

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Phelipanche aegyptiaca, l'Orobanche égyptienne, est une espèce de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Orobanchaceae, originaire de l'Ancien monde.

C'est une plante herbacée parasite obligatoire (holoparasite), sans chlorophylle, qui affecte une vaste gamme de plantes-hôtes, dont de nombreuses cultures importantes sur le plan économique. Elle est particulièrement répandue au Moyen-Orient.

La lutte sélective contre l'orobanche égyptienne est très difficile car l'association étroite entre la culture-hôte et le parasite limite le recours tant aux moyens mécaniques qu'aux herbicides[2].

L'orobanche égyptienne est connue en Eurasie, à côté de l'orobanche du tournesol (Orobanche cumana Wallr.), comme parasite spécifique du tournesol. Elle se distingue de l'orobanche penchée (Orobanche cernua Loefl) par la spécificité de ses hôtes et par ses caractéristiques morphologiques. L'orobanche égyptienne est un parasite qui cause de graves dommages aux cultures de tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.)[3].


L'orobanche égyptienne se reproduit exclusivement par graines qu'elle est capable de produire en très grandes quantités. Ces graines, très petites (de 0,15 à 0,5 mm de long) sont dispersées par le vent, les animaux, les eaux de ruissellement ou par des moyens plus artificiels tels que les machines agricoles. Elles survivent longtemps dans le sol où elles peuvent rester viables pendant plus de 15 ans. Lorsque les graines sont relâchées, elles sont en dormance et ont besoin d'une période de maturation qui s'achève vers la fin de la saison sèche. Au début de la saison des pluies, les graines s'imbibent d'eau et entrent dans une phase de conditionnement qui dure d'une à trois semaines, sous réserve d'une température optimale, entre 15 et 21 °C. À ce stade, les graines ont seulement besoin d'un signal chimique provenant des racines d'une plante-hôte pour germer. Les graines peuvent rester dans cet état conditionné pendant plusieurs mois. Si la graine ne reçoit jamais le signal chimique nécessaire à sa germination, elle revient à son état de dormance, prête à être conditionnée à nouveau dès lors que survient une nouvelle saison des pluies[4].

Quand une graine ainsi préparée reçoit un signal chimique provenant des racines d'une plante-hôte, elle germe, formant alors un tube germinatif qui pousse en direction de l'hôte. Au contact d'une racine de l'hôte, elle forme un haustorium qui est l'organe de fixation de l'orobanche sur l'hôte. l'haustorium pénètre dans l'épiderme et se développe dans le cortex, établissant une connexion avec le système vasculaire de l'hôte. Le parasite est alors en mesure de puiser au détriment de ce dernier l'eau et les éléments nutritifs qui lui sont nécessaires[5].

À ce stade, Phelipanche aegyptiaca pousse rapidement, émettant des tiges fleuries au-dessus du sol. La floraison s'étale de février à mai[6]. Une plante de taille moyenne peut produire plus de 400 fleurs produisant chacun environ 500 graines. Le cycle biologique complet de ce parasite, s'il se déroule en une seule saison, dure de 10 à 15 semaines.


Selon Catalogue of Life (22 octobre 2015)[7] :

  • Kopsia aegyptiaca (Pers.) Caruel
  • Kopsia longiflora Dum.
  • Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.
  • Orobanche aemula Beck
  • Orobanche delilei Decne.
  • Orobanche indica Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.
  • Orobanche longiflora Trev.
  • Orobanche parasitica Fischer ex G. Beck.
  • Orobanche pedunculata Viv.
  • Orobanche pushpitoi M. R. Almeida
  • Orobanche ramosa Del. ex Decne.
  • Orobanche ramosa var. indica O. Kuntze
  • Orobanche tricholoba (Reut.) Domina
  • Phelipaea aegyptiaca (Pers.) Walpers
  • Phelipaea aegyptiaca var. delilei Reut.
  • Phelipaea aleppensis Reut. ex Boiss.
  • Phelipaea delilei Walp.
  • Phelipaea indica (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) G. Don
  • Phelipaea longiflora (Pers.) C. A. Meyer
  • Phelipaea melongenae Noe ex G. Beck
  • Phelipaea pedunculata Walp.
  • Phelipaea ramosa var. grandiflora Ledeb.
  • Phelipaea tricholoba Reuter
  • Phelipanche aegyptiaca subf. albiflora Bornmüller
  • Phelipanche aegyptiaca var. aemula G. Beck
  • Phelipanche aegyptiaca f. delilei G. Beck
  • Phelipanche aegyptiaca f. fastigiata G. Beck
  • Phelipanche aegyptiaca f. rectiflora G. Beck
  • Phelipanche aegyptiaca var. tricholoba (Reuter) G. Beck
  • Phelipanche aegyptiaca f. vera G. Beck (synonyme)


L'orobanche égyptienne accepte une gamme très diversifiée de plantes-hôtes dicotylédones. On y compte notamment des Cucurbitaceae (pastèque, melon, concombre, courges), des Solanaceae (tomate, aubergine, pomme de terre, tabac), des Brassicaceae (chou, chou-fleur, colza, moutarde, navet, roquette), des Fabaceae (arachide, pois, pois-chiche, lentille, fève, vesce), des Apiaceae (céleri, carotte, cumin, fenouil), ainsi que le tournesol, le basilic, l'olivier, l'abricotier, le grenadier, le sésame, l'épinard, le kénaf, le chanvre, le chrysanthème et le gazania[8],[4].

Notes et références

  1. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden., consulté le 22 octobre 2015
  2. (en) A. A. Griffitts, C. L. Cramer, J. H. Westwood, « Host gene expression in response to Egyptian broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca) », Weed Science Society of America,‎ 2004 (DOI )
  3. (en) H. Eizenberg, D. Plakhine, T. Landa, G. Achdari, D. M. Joel et J. Hershenhorn, « First Report of a New Race of Sunflower Broomrape (Orobanche cumana) in Israel », The American Phytopathological Society,‎ 2004 (DOI )
  4. a et b (en) « Broomrape », sur Infonet Biovision, Biovision Farmer Communication Programme (FCP) (consulté le 23 octobre 2015).
  5. (en) Hanan Eizenberg, Tal Lande, Gay Achdari, Asia Roichman et Joseph Hershenhorn, « Effect of Egyptian Broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca) Seed-Burial Depth on Parasitism Dynamics and Chemical Control in Tomato », Weed Science, vol. 55, no 2,‎ mars-avril 2007, p. 152–156 (DOI )
  6. (en) « Orobanche aegyptiaca, Phelypaea aegyptiaca, Egyptian broomrape,עלקת מצרית », sur Flowers in Israel (consulté le 23 octobre 2015).
  7. Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Vandepitte, L., DeWalt, R. E., Remsen, D., Schalk, P., Orrell, T., Keping, M., Miller, J., Aalbu, R., Adlard, R., Adriaenssens, E., Aedo, C., Aescht, E., Akkari, N., Alonso-Zarazaga, M. A., Alvarez, B., Alvarez, F., Anderson, G., et al. (2021). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2021-10-18). Catalogue of Life. https://doi.org/10.48580/d4t2, consulté le 22 octobre 2015
  8. (en) « Orobanche aegyptiaca (Egyptian broomrape) », sur Invasive Species Compendium, CABI (consulté le 23 octobre 2015).

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Phelipanche aegyptiaca: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Phelipanche aegyptiaca, l'Orobanche égyptienne, est une espèce de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Orobanchaceae, originaire de l'Ancien monde.

C'est une plante herbacée parasite obligatoire (holoparasite), sans chlorophylle, qui affecte une vaste gamme de plantes-hôtes, dont de nombreuses cultures importantes sur le plan économique. Elle est particulièrement répandue au Moyen-Orient.

La lutte sélective contre l'orobanche égyptienne est très difficile car l'association étroite entre la culture-hôte et le parasite limite le recours tant aux moyens mécaniques qu'aux herbicides.

L'orobanche égyptienne est connue en Eurasie, à côté de l'orobanche du tournesol (Orobanche cumana Wallr.), comme parasite spécifique du tournesol. Elle se distingue de l'orobanche penchée (Orobanche cernua Loefl) par la spécificité de ses hôtes et par ses caractéristiques morphologiques. L'orobanche égyptienne est un parasite qui cause de graves dommages aux cultures de tournesol (Helianthus annuus L.).

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