Thumatha is a genus of moths in the family Erebidae. The genus was erected by Francis Walker in 1866. Species are distributed in the Oriental and Australian regions.
Palpi porrect (extending forward) and slender. Antennae bipectinated (comb like on both sides) in male. Tibia with long spurs. Forewings are broad and short. Veins 3 to 5 arise closer to the end of the cell, and vein 6 from upper angle. Veins 7 to 9 stalked and vein 11 anastomosing (fusing) with vein 12. In hindwings, veins 3 and 4 stalked, vein 5 from angle of cell, veins 6 and 7 stalked, and vein 8 from beyond the middle of cell.[1]
Thumatha is a genus of moths in the family Erebidae. The genus was erected by Francis Walker in 1866. Species are distributed in the Oriental and Australian regions.
Латинское название Thumatha Walker, 1866 Виды
См. текст
Thumatha — род лишайниц Lithosiinae. Виды рода распространены на территории Евразии, Зондского архипелага и Австралии.
Виды рода:
Thumatha — род лишайниц Lithosiinae. Виды рода распространены на территории Евразии, Зондского архипелага и Австралии.