
Scientists Discover New Species in One of World’s Deepest Ocean Trenches ( Anglèis )

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The findings by a team of marine biologists from Aberdeen, Tokyo and New Zealand, have shed new light on life in the deepest places on Earth and the global distribution of fish in our oceans. The expedition to the Peru-Chile trench in the South East Pacific Ocean revealed a new species of snailfish living at 7000m, never before caught or captured on camera. Mass groupings of cusk-eels and large crustacean scavengers were also discovered living at these depths for the first time. During the three-week expedition on the research vessel Sonne, the team of scientists employed state-of-the-art deep-sea imaging technology, including an ultra-deep free-falling baited camera system, to take a total of 6000 images between 4500 and 8000 metres deep within the trench. The expedition is the seventh to take place as part of HADEEP -- a collaborative research project between the University of Aberdeen's Oceanlab and the University of Tokyo's Ocean Research Institute, with support from New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research institute (NIWA). The HADEEP team has been investigating extreme depths across the globe for 3 years. Their findings to date have included capturing the world's deepest fish on camera for the first time. These latest discoveries provide a new insight into the depths at which fish survive and the diversity of populations which could exist in the deepest points of oceans across the globe. Dr Alan Jamieson from the University of Aberdeen's Oceanlab, who led the expedition said: "Our findings, which revealed diverse and abundant species at depths previously thought to be void of fish, will prompt a rethink into marine populations at extreme depths. "This expedition was prompted by our findings in 2008 and 2009 off Japan and New Zealand where we discovered new species of snailfish known as Liparids -- inhabiting trenches off Japan and New Zealand at depths of approximately 7000m -- with each trench hosting its own unique species of the fish. "To test whether these species would be found in all trenches, we repeated our experiments on the other side of the Pacific Ocean off Peru and Chile, some 6000 miles from our last observations. "What we found was that indeed there was another unique species of snailfish living at 7000m -- entirely new to science, which had never been caught or seen before. "A species of cusk-eel -- known as Ophidiids -- also gathered at our camera and began a feeding frenzy that lasted 22 hours -- the entire duration of the deployment. "Further research needs to be conducted to decipher whether this is also an entirely new species of cusk-eel that we have discovered. "Our investigations also revealed a species of crustacean scavengers -- known as amphipods -- which we previously did not know existed at these depths in such great numbers. Dr Niamh Kilgallen, an amphipod expert from NIWA said:"The sheer abundance of these big amphipods was overwhelming, particularly at 7000 and 8000m, which is much deeper than they have been found in any other trench. It begs the question of why and how they can live so deep in this trench but not in any other." Dr Toyonobu Fujii, a deep-sea fish expert from the University of Aberdeen said "How deep fish can live has long been an intriguing question and the results from this expedition has provided deeper insight into our understanding of the global distribution of fish in the oceans." Dr Jamieson added: "These findings prompt a re-evaluation of the diversity and abundance of life at extreme depths. Furthermore, it is now apparent that each of the deep trenches across the globe hosts a unique assembly of animals which can differ greatly from trench to trench. The immense isolation of each trench draws parallels with island evolution theory popularised by Darwin's finches." The HADEEP project is funded by the Nippon Foundation, Japan, and NERC, UK.
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Lipàrid ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Els lipàrids (Liparidae) són una família de peixos marins pertanyent a l'ordre dels escorpeniformes.


Del grec liparos (greix).[1][2]


L'espècie de més llargària fa al voltant de 50 cm. Cos allargat i gelatinós. Cap gros i ulls petits. Pell separada de la capa muscular per un teixit mucós força desenvolupat. Tenen un disc derivat de les aletes ventrals que, secundàriament, poden perdre. Absència de bufeta natatòria i, en general, d'escates. Línia lateral reduïda a la part cefàlica del cos. Part postcefàlica amb només 1 o 2 porus ben desenvolupats. Entre 5 i 6 radis branquiostegals. Tant l'aleta dorsal com l'anal són llargues i poden incloure la caudal. Aleta pectoral de base força ampla i, de vegades, dividida en un lòbul dorsal i un altre de ventral. Entre 38 i 86 vèrtebres.[3][1]


Algunes espècies es reprodueixen tot l'any, mentre que d'altres només ho fan durant una època determinada.[3]


Mengen bàsicament petits crustacis bentònics, mol·luscs, poliquets i d'altres invertebrats. Algunes espècies també es nodreixen de peixos.[4]


La major part de les seues espècies són bentòniques i algunes són capaces de viure a més de 7.000 m de fondària. Així, per exemple, l'octubre del 2008, un equip de científics de la Gran Bretanya i el Japó va descobrir exemplars de Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis a una profunditat de 7.700 m a la fossa del Japó.[3][1][4][5]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba des de l'Àrtic fins a l'Antàrtic, l'Atlàntic (incloent-hi la Mediterrània, on viuen dues espècies del gènere Paraliparis: Paraliparis leptochirus i Paraliparis murielis) i el Pacífic.[3][1]


Ús comercial

No en tenen cap.[4]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 FishBase (anglès)
  2. Romero, P., 2002. An etymological dictionary of taxonomy. Madrid.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Enciclopèdia Catalana (català)
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 ZipCodeZoo (anglès)
  5. 'Deepest ever' living fish filmed - BBC (anglès)
  6. BioLib (anglès)
  8. Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  9. Discover Life (anglès)
  10. World Register of Marine Species (anglès)


  • Andriàixev, A.P., 1998. A review of recent studies of Southern Ocean Liparidae (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes). Cybium 22(3):255-266.
  • Chernova, N.V., 1998. Catalogue of the type specimens of snailfish (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) in the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. J. Ichthyol. 38(9):730-746.
  • Chernova, N.V., 2006. New and rare snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) with the description of four new species from the Southern Hemisphere and Tropical East Pacific. J. Ichthyol. 46:1-14.
  • Chernova, N.V., D.L. Stein i A.P. Andriàixev, 2004. Family Liparidae Scopoli, 1777 snailfishes. Calif. Acad. Sci. Annotated Checklists of Fishes (31):72.
  • Lindberg, G.U., 1979. Liparidae. p. 609-612. A: J.C. Hureau i Th. Monod (eds.). Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean (CLOFNAM). UNESCO, París, Vol. 1.
  • Matallanas, J., 2000. On Mediterranean and some north-eastern Atlantic Liparidae (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) with the restoration of Eutelichthys. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 80(5):935-939.
  • Stein, D.L., 1978. A review of the deepwater Liparidae (Pisces) from the coast of Oregon and adjacent waters. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 127:1-55.
  • Stein, D.L., N.V. Chernova i A.P. Andriàixev, 2001. Snailfishes (Pisces: Liparidae) of Australia, including descriptions of thirty new species. Rec. Aust. Mus. 53:341-406.
  • Tokranov, A.M. i A.M. Orlov, 2003. Some biological traits of rare snailfishes (Liparidae) in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. Proc. Pac. Inst. Geogr. Kamchatka Branch 4: 209-226.

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Lipàrid: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Scheibenbäuche ( Alman )

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Die Scheibenbäuche (Liparidae) sind eine Fischfamilie aus der Gruppe der Groppenverwandten (Cottales). Die 29 Gattungen und über 400 Arten leben in gemäßigten, kalten und arktischen Bereichen von Atlantik und Pazifik sowie in Gezeitentümpeln und Tiefseegräben. Über 60 Arten der Scheibenbäuche leben im Südpolarmeer, auf dem Schelf der Antarktis. Sie stellen dort fast ein Drittel der Fischarten.[1] Einzige Arten der Familie in der Nordsee sind der Große Scheibenbauch (Liparis liparis) und der Kleine Scheibenbauch (Liparis montagui).


Die Bauchflossen sind bei ihnen zu einer Saugscheibe umgebildet. Rücken- und Afterflosse bilden lange Säume. Die Haut ist schuppenlos und schleimig, im Englischen nennt man die Tiere “snailfish” (Schneckenfisch). Die meisten Scheibenbäuche sind sehr kleine Fische und ähneln damit in Form und Schwimmbewegungen einer großen Kaulquappe. Viele Arten erreichen gerade mal eine Länge von vier Zentimetern, die größte Art wird 70 Zentimeter lang. Ihre Farbe ist meist gelbbraun oder rötlich, pelagische Arten sind oft transparent.

Flossenformel: Dorsale 28–82, Anale 24–76


Die Scheibenbäuche galten bisher als recht schlechte Schwimmer. Für die Tiefseeformen nahm man an, dass sie sich ähnlich wie die Blobfische aus der verwandten Familie Psychrolutidae eher langsam fortbewegen, um Energie und Sauerstoff zu sparen. Neuere Forschungserkenntnisse scheinen den Ruf als langsame Fische jedoch zu widerlegen. Vielmehr sind die Tiere sehr aktiv und leben in Gruppen zusammen. Es gibt auch seit kurzem Filmaufnahmen eines japanischen Forschungsteams, die die Tiere direkt bei der Nahrungsaufnahme in knapp 8000 m Tiefe zeigen. Sie ernähren sich dort von Flohkrebsen. Auch einem britischen Forscherteam gelang es, Filmaufnahmen in einer Tiefe von ungefähr 7700 m von Scheibenbäuchen zu machen.[2]

Die gefilmte Sichtung der Scheibenbauchart Pseudoliparis swirei in 8178 Metern Tiefe im Marianengraben stellt den bisher tiefsten Fund eines lebenden Fisches überhaupt dar (Stand August 2017).[3] Damit kommt das beobachtete Exemplar der vermuteten maximalen für Fische erreichbaren Überlebenstiefe von 8200 m sehr nahe. Diese wird nach heutiger Erkenntnis vermutlich bedingt durch die zunehmende Konzentration von Trimethylamin-N-oxid zur Stabilisierung der Proteine, die bei einer Tiefe von 8200 m in den Zellen die Osmolalität von Meerwasser erreicht und bei höheren Konzentrationen ohne weitere Gegenmaßnahmen zu einem osmotischen Einströmen von Meerwasser in die Zellen führen würde.[4]


Die Scheibenbäuche gehören zur Teilordnung der Groppenverwandten (Cottales), sind die Schwestergruppe der Seehasen (Cyclopteridae) und werden mit ihnen in der Überfamilie Cyclopteroidea vereint.

Gattungen und Arten

möglicherweise Elassodiscus tremebundus,
gefangen im östlichen Beringmeer



  1. Agnes Dettai, Guillaume Lecointre: In search of notothenioid (Teleostei) relatives. In: Antarctic Science. 16 (1) 2004, S. 71–85 doi:10.1017/S095410200400183X
  2. Forscher filmen lebende Fische in Rekordtiefe. In: Spiegel Online. 9. Oktober 2008, abgerufen am 25. August 2017.
  3. Press Releases Abgerufen am 25. August 2017.
  4. P. H. Yancey, M. E. Gerringer, J. C. Drazen, A. A. Rowden, A. Jamieson: Marine fish may be biochemically constrained from inhabiting the deepest ocean depths. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Band 111, Nr. 12, 25. März 2014, S. 4461–4465, doi:10.1073/pnas.1322003111.
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Scheibenbäuche: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Die Scheibenbäuche (Liparidae) sind eine Fischfamilie aus der Gruppe der Groppenverwandten (Cottales). Die 29 Gattungen und über 400 Arten leben in gemäßigten, kalten und arktischen Bereichen von Atlantik und Pazifik sowie in Gezeitentümpeln und Tiefseegräben. Über 60 Arten der Scheibenbäuche leben im Südpolarmeer, auf dem Schelf der Antarktis. Sie stellen dort fast ein Drittel der Fischarten. Einzige Arten der Familie in der Nordsee sind der Große Scheibenbauch (Liparis liparis) und der Kleine Scheibenbauch (Liparis montagui).

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Snailfish ( Anglèis )

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Liparis catharus

The snailfishes or sea snails are a family of marine ray-finned fishes. These fishes make up the Liparidae, which is classified within the order Scorpaeniformes.[1]

Widely distributed from the Arctic to Antarctic Oceans, including the oceans in between, the snailfish family contains more than 30 genera and about 410 described species,[2] but there are also many undescribed species.[3] Snailfish species can be found in depths ranging from shallow surface waters to greater than 8,330 meters, and species of the Liparid family have been found in seven ocean trenches.[4]


The snailfish family, Liparidae, was first proposed by the American biologist Theodore Gill in 1861.[5] The 5th edition of Fishes of the World classifies this family within superfamily Cyclopteroidea, part of the suborder Cottoidei of the order Scorpaeniformes.[6] Other authorities do not recognise this superfamily and classify the two families within it, Cyclopteridae and Liparidae, within the infraorder Cottales alongside the sculpins, within the order Perciformes.[7] An osteological analysis found that the genus Bathylutichthys was intermediate between the Psychrolutidae and the two families making up the Cyclopteroidea, meaning that those two families would not be supported as a superfamily within the Cottoidei.[8]

Molecular biology

Species of deep-sea snailfish have been studied and compared to other ray-finned fishes (also known as teleosts) to analyze their adaptions to deep-sea conditions. The genomes of both the Yap hadal Snailfish and Mariana hadal Snailfish have been found to contain an abundance of the fmo3 gene, which produces the trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) protein stabilizer.[4][9] Analysis of Yap hadal Snailfish reveals a loss of olfactory receptors and gain of taste receptors, possibly due to the fairly restricted availability of food in the deep-sea. Additionally, perhaps due to lack of light in the deep sea, the Yap genome includes fewer copies of crystallin genes, which encode proteins that sense light and assist in focused vision, in comparison to other teleosts.[9] Meanwhile, Mariana hadal Snailfish have lost several photoreceptor genes, decreasing their vision capabilities (especially in terms of color), and have completely lost the mc1r pigmentation gene, rendering them colorless. Mariana hadal Snailfish also have adjusted to pressure due to a mutation in bglap which prevents cartilage calcification, revealed in their skulls. Further, their genome includes increased amounts of genes encoding enzymes for beta oxidation and transport proteins, thereby increasing membrane fluidity.[4]


Snailfish have tadpole-like bodies and are similar in profile to the rattails. Their heads are large in comparison to their body and they have small eyes. Their bodies are slender but deep and they taper to very small tails. The extensive dorsal and anal fins may merge or nearly merge with the tail fin. Snailfish are scaleless with a thin, loose gelatinous skin which surrounds the spine and can vary in terms of size and shape between species. The gelatinous layer has a high water and low protein, lipid and carbohydrate content, therefore it can provide growth with low metabolic cost. This may aid species in avoiding predation and conserving energy, especially for deep sea snailfish who live in low energy conditions.[10] Some species, such as Acantholiparis opercularis, have prickly spines as well. Their teeth are small and simple with blunt cusps. The deep-sea species have prominent, well-developed sensory pores on the head, part of the animals' lateral line system.[11]

The pectoral fins are large and provide the snailfish with its primary means of locomotion, although they are fragile. In some species such as the antarctic Paraliparis devriesi, the pectoral fins have an expanded somatosensory system, including a taste bud.[12] The snailfish are benthic fish with pelvic fins modified to form an adhesive disc; this nearly circular disc is absent in Paraliparis and Nectoliparis species. Research has revealed that maximum depth of living can be a significant predictor for loss of the pelvic disk in certain species of snailfish. Based on phylogenetic analysis, this ancestral feature has been lost three separate times in Snailfish.[13]

Snailfish range in size from Paraliparis australis at 5 cm (2.0 in) to Polypera simushirae at some 77 cm (30 in) in length. The latter species may reach a weight of 11 kg (24 lb), but most species are smaller. Snailfish are of no interest to commercial fisheries.

It was difficult to initially study snailfish species that dwell at deeper levels because they would explode upon being brought to the surface, but researchers did manage to study the bones of the animal.

Occurrence and habitat

Snailfish habitats vary widely. They are found in oceans worldwide, ranging from shallow intertidal zones to depths of slightly more than 8,330 m (27,330 ft). This is a wider depth range than any other family of fish.[14] It has been found that they travel from the abyssal to the hadal zone over their lifetime.[15] They are strictly found in cold waters, meaning that species of tropical and subtropical regions strictly are deepwater.[3][14][16] They are common in most cold marine waters and are highly resilient, with some species, such as Liparis atlanticus and Liparus gibbus, having type-1 antifreeze proteins.[17] It is the most species-rich family of fish in the Antarctic region, generally found in relatively deep waters (shallower Antarctic waters are dominated by Antarctic icefish).[12]

The diminutive inquiline snailfish (Liparis inquilinus) of the northwestern Atlantic is known to live out its life inside the mantle cavity of the scallop Placopecten magellanicus. Liparis tunicatus lives amongst the kelp forests of the Bering Strait and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The single species in genus Rhodichthys is endemic to the Norwegian Sea.[18] Other species are found on muddy or silty bottoms of continental slopes.

In October 2008, a UK-Japan team discovered a shoal of Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis snailfish at a depth of approximately 7,700 m (25,300 ft) in the Japan Trench.[19] These were, at the time, the deepest living fish ever recorded on film. The record was surpassed by a snailfish that was filmed at a depth of 8,145 m (26,722 ft) in December 2014 in the Mariana Trench,[20] and extended in May 2017 when another was filmed at a depth of 8,178 m (26,831 ft) in the Mariana Trench.[14][21] The species in these deepest records remain undescribed, but it has been referred to as the "ethereal snailfish". The deepest-living described species is Pseudoliparis swirei, also of the Mariana Trench, which has been recorded to 8,076 m (26,496 ft).[14][22] In general, snailfish (notably genera Notoliparis and Pseudoliparis) are the most common and dominant fish family in the hadal zone.[22] Through genomic analysis it was found that Pseudoliparis swirei possesses multiple molecular adaptions to survive the intense pressures of a deep sea environment, including pressure-tolerant cartilage, pressure-stable proteins, increased transport protein activity, higher cell membrane fluidity, and loss of eyesight and other visual characteristics such as color.[4] There are indications that the larvae of at least some hadal snailfish species spend time in open water at relatively shallow depths, less than 1,000 m (3,300 ft).[23]

Reproduction and life span

Reproductive strategies vary extensively among snailfish species, though it is thought that many abyssal benthic snailfish spawn seasonally and for relatively long intervals.[24] Based on the literature, it appears that all species lay eggs that are relatively large in size (diameter up to 9.4 mm or 0.37 in) but the number of eggs is species dependent.[14] The larger size of eggs in hadal snailfish species indicates continuous spawning.[25] Some species deposit their egg masses among cold-water corals, kelp, stones, or xenophyophores and males will sometimes guard the egg mass.[3][24][26][27] At least one species, Careproctus ovigerus of the North Pacific, is known to practice mouth brooding where the male snailfish carries the developing eggs around in his mouth. Other species of the genus Careproctus, are parasitic, laying their eggs in the gill cavities of king crabs. The eggs put pressure on the crabs gills which can cause the gill tissue to be damaged or die altogether.[28] However, the survival of snailfish larvae has been shown to increase by the snailfish utilizing the crab host species as a way to care for and aerate their eggs.[3] The eggs themselves are self-adhesive and tend to form masses that replicate the shape of the internal branchial chambers of crabs. Additionally, at least one species of snailfish, Caraproctus pallidus, that utilize the golden king crab as a host, has larvae with a lower energy content that normal for most marine fish. A possible explanation for starting life with less energy, is due to the energy and safety provided by the king crabs and the adult snailfish not needed to expend as much energy producing a really energy-rich yolk sac.[29] A different species, Careproctus rhodomelas, was found to be a batch spawner, laying multiple batches of large eggs multiple times throughout its lifetime.[30]

After the eggs hatch, some species rapidly reach the adult size and only live for about one year,[26] but others have life spans of more than a decade.[31] They have extremely high growth rates, and their food selection changes throughout their lifespan.[32] Otolith analysis (the investigation of snailfish ear bone) gives an abundance of insight into longevity of life by seeing how it is broken into alternating translucent and opaque zones. This relays information about annual growth.[33] By further examining the morphology of the deep-sea snailfish, it may be evident that snailfish have adapted to their extreme environment by having a short life span compared to other organisms in the same hadal environment. Many species are located in hadal trenches, which are inherently high-disturbance areas, including lots of seismic activity which can trigger turbidity flows. Because of this, they live significantly shorter lifespans than shallower species.[34]

Very little is known about snailfish courtship behavior but males of Careproctus pallidus are believed to wiggle their bodies as attractive or aggressive display.[35] [36]It is thought that in an environment so dark, it is hard to find and win contests for a mate. Therefore, snailfish use hydrodynamic signals that are felt by the mechanosensory lateral line to communicate.


In a 2007 study of fish in the hadal zone, it was revealed that snailfish usually feed on amphipods, which were also attracted to the chum that the researchers left out.

Larval snailfish feed on a mix of plankton, small and large copepods, and amphipods. The diet of larval snailfish contains 28 food categories, mainly copepods and amphipods.[37]

Snailfish prey can be grouped into six main categories: gammarid, krill, natantian decapods, other crustaceans, fish, and others.[38] Size also affects snailfish diets; snailfish smaller than 50 mm primarily eat gammarids, while species larger than 100 mm primarily eat natantian decapods. Species larger than 150 mm have the highest proportion of fish in their diet. The largest snailfish species tend to be piscivorous.[38]

With the Okhotsk snailfish (Liparis ochotensis), the ratio between food intake and body weight changes as the organism grows; it is also highly seasonally variable. When the local environment experiences an increase in shrimp and crangonidae numbers, there is also a subsequent decrease in decapods.[39] There are also snailfish localized to the Terpeniya Bay that purely eat zooplankton, setting them apart from other snailfish.[39]

The snailfish that live in the northern hemisphere also display a higher starvation tolerance, and while it is still being studied, it is suggested that this is due to the triglycerol and cholesterol levels in this species. The snailfish have different lipid concentrations depending on their habitat, making some of them better-suited for longer periods without feeding than others.[40]

The ambush hunting methods employed by the Simushir snailfish (Polypera simushirae) are unique among snailfish. They have the ability to blend into the ground, waiting to surprise the next organism to wander into their path. The top prey for this species are fish, making up 97.7% of their overall food intake.[41]


This family contains these genera as of 2020:[2]


  1. ^ "The Sea Snails. Family Liparidae". Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Retrieved March 6, 2012.
  2. ^ a b Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2015). "Liparidae" in FishBase. February 2015 version.
  3. ^ a b c d Gardner, J.R.; J.W. Orr; D.E. Stevenson; I. Spies; D.A. Somerton (2016). "Reproductive Parasitism between Distant Phyla: Molecular Identification of Snailfish (Liparidae) Egg Masses in the Gill Cavities of King Crabs (Lithodidae)". Copeia. 104 (3): 645–657. doi:10.1643/CI-15-374. S2CID 89241686.
  4. ^ a b c d Wang, Kun; Shen, Yanjun; Yang, Yongzhi; Gan, Xiaoni; Liu, Guichun; Hu, Kuang; Li, Yongxin; Gao, Zhaoming; Zhu, Li; Yan, Guoyong; He, Lisheng (2019). "Morphology and genome of a snailfish from the Mariana Trench provide insights into deep-sea adaptation". Nature Ecology & Evolution. 3 (5): 823–833. doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0864-8. ISSN 2397-334X. PMID 30988486.
  5. ^ Richard van der Laan; William N. Eschmeyer & Ronald Fricke (2014). "Family-group names of Recent fishes". Zootaxa. 3882 (2): 001–230. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3882.1.1. PMID 25543675.
  6. ^ J. S. Nelson; T. C. Grande; M. V. H. Wilson (2016). Fishes of the World (5th ed.). Wiley. pp. 467–495. ISBN 978-1-118-34233-6.
  7. ^ Ricardo Betancur-R; Edward O. Wiley; Gloria Arratia; et al. (2017). "Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17 (162): 162. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0958-3. PMC 5501477. PMID 28683774.
  8. ^ Voskoboinikova, O.S. (2015). "Comparative osteology of Bathylutichthys balushkini and relationship of the family Bathylutichthyidae (Cottoidei)". Journal of Ichthyology. 55 (3): 303–310. doi:10.1134/S0032945215030157. S2CID 255278517.
  9. ^ a b Mu, Yinnan; Bian, Chao; Liu, Ruoyu; Wang, Yuguang; Shao, Guangming; Li, Jia; Qiu, Ying; He, Tianliang; Li, Wanru; Ao, Jingqun; Shi, Qiong; Chen, Xinhua (2021-05-13). "Whole genome sequencing of a snailfish from the Yap Trench (~7,000 m) clarifies the molecular mechanisms underlying adaptation to the deep sea". PLOS Genetics. 17 (5): e1009530. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009530. ISSN 1553-7404. PMC 8118300. PMID 33983934.
  10. ^ Gerringer, Mackenzie E.; Drazen, Jeffrey C.; Linley, Thomas D.; Summers, Adam P.; Jamieson, Alan J.; Yancey, Paul H. (December 2017). "Distribution, composition and functions of gelatinous tissues in deep-sea fishes". Royal Society Open Science. 4 (12): 171063. doi:10.1098/rsos.171063. ISSN 2054-5703. PMC 5750012. PMID 29308245.
  11. ^ Chernova, Natalia (2006). "New and rare snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) with the description of four new species from the Southern Hemisphere and tropical east Pacific". Journal of Ichthyology. 46: S1–S14. doi:10.1134/S0032945206100018. hdl:1834/17070. S2CID 10286241.
  12. ^ a b Eastman, J.T.; M.J. Lannoo (1998). "Morphology of the Brain and Sense Organs in the Snailfish Paraliparis devriesi: Neural Convergence and Sensory Compensation on the Antarctic Shelf". Journal of Morphology. 237 (3): 213–236. doi:10.1002/(sici)1097-4687(199809)237:3<213::aid-jmor2>3.0.co;2-#. PMID 9734067. S2CID 29489951.
  13. ^ Gerringer, M. E.; Dias, A. S.; von Hagel, A. A.; Orr, J. W.; Summers, A. P.; Farina, S. (December 2021). "Habitat influences skeletal morphology and density in the snailfishes (family Liparidae)". Frontiers in Zoology. 18 (1): 16. doi:10.1186/s12983-021-00399-9. ISSN 1742-9994. PMC 8052763. PMID 33863343.
  14. ^ a b c d e Gerringer, M.E.; T.D. Linley; P.H. Yancey; A.J. Jamieson; E. Goetze; J.C. Drazen (2016). "Pseudoliparis swirei sp. nov.: A newly-discovered hadal snailfish (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) from the Mariana Trench". Zootaxa. 4358 (1): 161–177. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4358.1.7. PMID 29245485.
  15. ^ Gerringer, Mackenzie E.; Linley, Thomas D.; Nielsen, Jørgen G. (2021-10-22). "Revision of the depth record of bony fishes with notes on hadal snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) and cusk eels (Ophidiidae, Ophidiiformes)". Marine Biology. 168 (11): 167. doi:10.1007/s00227-021-03950-8. ISSN 1432-1793. S2CID 239503084.
  16. ^ Sakurai, H.; G. Shinohara (2008). "Careproctus rotundifrons, a New Snailfish (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) from Japan". Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. A (Suppl. 2): 39–45.
  17. ^ Evans, R.E.; G.L. Fletcher (2001). "Isolation and characterization of type I antifreeze proteins from Atlantic snailfish (Liparis atlanticus) and dusky snailfish (Liparis gibbus)". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology. 1547 (Suppl. 2): 235–244. doi:10.1016/S0167-4838(01)00190-X. PMID 11410279.
  18. ^ Hogan, C.M. (2011): Norwegian Sea. Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Saundry, P. & Cleveland, C.J. National Council for Science and the Environment. Washington DC
  19. ^ Morelle, Rebecca (2008). "'Deepest ever' living fish filmed". BBC News.
  20. ^ Morelle, Rebecca (2014-12-19). "New record for deepest fish". BBC News. Retrieved 2017-08-26.
  21. ^ "Ghostly fish in Mariana Trench in the Pacific is deepest ever recorded". CBC News. 2017-08-25. Retrieved 2017-08-26.
  22. ^ a b Linley, T.D.; M.E. Gerringer; P.H. Yancey; J.C. Drazen; C.L. Weinstock; A.J. Jamieson (2016). "Fishes of the hadal zone including new species, in situ observations and depth records of Liparidae". Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 114: 99–110. Bibcode:2016DSRI..114...99L. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.05.003.
  23. ^ Gerringer, M.E.; A.H. Andrews; G.R. Huus; K. Nagashima; B.N. Popp; T.D. Linley; N.D. Gallo; M.R. Clark; A.J. Jamieson; J.C. Drazen (2017). "Life history of abyssal and hadal fishes from otolith growth zones and oxygen isotopic compositions". Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 132: 37–50. Bibcode:2018DSRI..132...37G. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2017.12.002.
  24. ^ a b Stein, David L. (1980). "Aspects of Reproduction of Liparid Fishes from the Continental Slope and Abyssal Plain off Oregon, with Notes on Growth". Copeia. 1980 (4): 687–699. doi:10.2307/1444445. ISSN 0045-8511. JSTOR 1444445.
  25. ^ Stein, David L. (December 16, 2016). "Description of a New Hadal Notoliparis from the Kermadec Trench, New Zealand, and Redescription of Notoliparis kermadecensis (Nielsen) (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes)". Copeia. American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology. 104 (4): 907–920. doi:10.1643/CI-16-451. S2CID 90397099.
  26. ^ a b Kawasaki, I.; J. Hashimoto; H. Honda; A. Otake (1983). "Selection of Life Histories and its Adaptive Significance in a Snailfish Liparis tanakai from Sendai Bay". Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries. 49 (3): 367–377. doi:10.2331/suisan.49.367.
  27. ^ Chernova, N. V. (2014-09-01). "New species of the genus Careproctus (Liparidae) from the Kara Sea with notes on spongiophilia, reproductive commensalism between fishes and sponges (Rossellidae)". Journal of Ichthyology. 54 (8): 501–512. doi:10.1134/S0032945214050038. ISSN 1555-6425. S2CID 255271977.
  28. ^ Love, David C.; Shirley, Thomas C. (1993). "Parasitism of the Golden King Crab, Lithodes aequispinus Benedict, 1895 (Decapoda, Anomura, Lithodidae) by a Liparid Fish". Crustaceana. 65 (1): 97–104. doi:10.1163/156854093X00414. ISSN 0011-216X. JSTOR 20104874.
  29. ^ Bruno, Daniel O.; Rojo, Javier H.; Boy, Claudia C. (2019-06-01). "Energy depletion of embryos and yolk-sac feeding larvae of the liparid snailfish Careproctus pallidus (Vaillant 1888)". Polar Biology. 42 (6): 1199–1204. doi:10.1007/s00300-019-02500-9. ISSN 1432-2056. S2CID 253811268.
  30. ^ Takemura, A.; Tamotsu, S.; Miwa, T.; Yamamoto, H. (2010-10-14). "Preliminary results on the reproduction of a deep-sea snailfish Careproctus rhodomelas around the active hydrothermal vent on the Hatoma Knoll, Okinawa, Japan". Journal of Fish Biology. 77 (7): 1709–1715. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02789.x. ISSN 0022-1112. PMID 21078029.
  31. ^ Orlov, A.M.; A.M. Tokranov (2011). "Some Rare and Insufficiently Studied Snailfish (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes, Pisces) in the Pacific Waters off the Northern Kuril Islands and Southeastern Kamchatka, Russia". ISRN Zoology. 201: 341640. doi:10.5402/2011/341640.
  32. ^ Hashimoto, H. et al. (1983) Selection of Life Histories and its Adaptive Significance in a Snailfish Liparis tanakai from Sendai Bay. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries. 49 (3), 367-377. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/suisan1932/49/3/49_3_367/_pdf
  33. ^ Gerringer, M.E.; Andrews, A.H.; Huss, G.R.; Nagashima, K.; Popp, B.N.; Linley, T.D.; Gallo, N.D.; Clark, M.R.; Jamieson, A.J.; Drazen, J.C. (2018). "Life history of abyssal and hadal fishes from otolith growth zones and oxygen isotopic compositions". Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 132: 37–50. Bibcode:2018DSRI..132...37G. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2017.12.002.
  34. ^ Gerringer, M E (2019). "On the Success of the Hadal Snailfishes". Integrative Organismal Biology (Oxford, England). 1 (1): obz004. doi:10.1093/iob/obz004. PMC 7671157. PMID 33791521. Retrieved 2023-03-27.
  35. ^ Bruno, Daniel O.; Rojo, Javier H.; Boy, Claudia C. (2019-06-01). "Energy depletion of embryos and yolk-sac feeding larvae of the liparid snailfish Careproctus pallidus (Vaillant 1888)". Polar Biology. 42 (6): 1199–1204. doi:10.1007/s00300-019-02500-9. ISSN 1432-2056. S2CID 253811268.
  36. ^ Mori, Toshiaki; Fukuda, Kazuya; Ohtsuka, Syouko; Yamauchi, Shinya; Yoshinaga, Tatsuki (2022-02-28). "Reproductive behavior and alternative reproductive strategy in the deep-sea snailfish, Careproctus pellucidus". Marine Biology. 169 (3): 42. doi:10.1007/s00227-022-04028-9. ISSN 1432-1793. S2CID 247174198.
  37. ^ Walkusz, Wojciech; Paulic, Joclyn E.; Wong, Sally; Kwasniewski, Slawomir; Papst, Michael H.; Reist, James D. (2016-04-01). "Spatial distribution and diet of larval snailfishes (Liparis fabricii, Liparis gibbus, Liparis tunicatus) in the Canadian Beaufort Sea". Oceanologia. 58 (2): 117–123. Bibcode:2016Ocga...58..117W. doi:10.1016/j.oceano.2015.12.001. ISSN 0078-3234.
  38. ^ a b Tomiyama, Takeshi; Yamada, Manabu; Yoshida, Tetsuya (2013). "Seasonal migration of the snailfish Liparis tanakae and their habitat overlap with 0-year-old Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus". Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 93 (7): 1981–1987. doi:10.1017/S0025315413000544. ISSN 0025-3154. S2CID 86766467.
  39. ^ a b Panchenko, V. V.; Pushchina, O. I. (2022-02-01). "Distribution, Size Composition, and Feeding of the Okhotsk Snailfish Liparis ochotensis (Liparidae) in the Waters of the Primorye (Sea of Japan)". Journal of Ichthyology. 62 (1): 99–108. doi:10.1134/S003294522201009X. ISSN 0032-9452. S2CID 255276166.
  40. ^ "The significance of food web structures for the condition and tracer lipid content of juvenile snail fish". academic.oup.com. Retrieved 2023-04-11.
  41. ^ Poltev, Yu. N. (2022-04-01). "Biological Characteristics of Simushir Snailfish Polypera simushirae (Liparidae) from the Pacific Waters of the Northern Kuril Islands in Autumn". Journal of Ichthyology. 62 (2): 236–243. doi:10.1134/S0032945222010106. ISSN 1555-6425. S2CID 255275689.
  42. ^ Stein D.L. (2012). "A Review of the Snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of New Zealand, Including Descriptions of a New Genus and Sixteen New Species". Zootaxa. 3588: 1–54. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3588.1.1.
  43. ^ Balushkin A.V. (2012). "Volodichthys gen. nov. New Species of the Primitive Snailfish (Liparidae: Scorpaeniformes) of the Southern Hemisphere. Description of New Species V. solovjevae sp. nov. (Cooperation Sea, the Antarctic)". Journal of Ichthyology. 52 (1): 1–10. doi:10.1134/s0032945212010018. S2CID 12642696.

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Snailfish: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Liparis marmoratus Liparis catharus Liparis fabricii

The snailfishes or sea snails are a family of marine ray-finned fishes. These fishes make up the Liparidae, which is classified within the order Scorpaeniformes.

Widely distributed from the Arctic to Antarctic Oceans, including the oceans in between, the snailfish family contains more than 30 genera and about 410 described species, but there are also many undescribed species. Snailfish species can be found in depths ranging from shallow surface waters to greater than 8,330 meters, and species of the Liparid family have been found in seven ocean trenches.

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Liparidae ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Juvenil de Careproctus ovigerum a 1300 m de profundidad.

Los llamados peces babosos son la familia Liparidae de peces marinos incluida en el orden Scorpaeniformes, se distribuyen desde el Ártico al Antártico, por todo el Atlántico y Pacífico.[1]​ Su nombre procede del griego liparos (grasa),[2]​ llamados así por el aspecto que presentan de masa de grasa.

Lo más característico de esta familia, de donde viene su nombre, es que tienen el cuerpo alargado y con la piel desnuda de aspecto gelatinoso sin escamas (pequeñas espinas en algunos).[1]

Las aletas dorsal y anal tienen multitud de radios blandos sin espinas, confluentes ambas o casi con la aleta caudal; la longitud máxima descrita es de unos 50 cm.[1]

Se encuentran especies a cualquier profundidad,[1]​ desde unas en charcas de marea hasta una especie descubierta recientemente a más de 7000 m de profundidad,[3]​ el triple que los peces abisales del fondo oceánico.

Los peces babosos son el principal depredador en el red alimentaria hadal y dominan la fauna de peces de la zona hadal.[4]


Existen unas 200 o 300 especies conocidas agrupadas en los siguientes géneros:[5]


  1. a b c d Nelson, J.S., 1994. Fishes of the world. 3ª edición. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 600 p.
  2. Romero, P., 2002. An etymological dictionary of taxonomy. Madrid, unpublished.
  3. «BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Deepest ever' living fish filmed». Consultado el 2009.
  4. Wang, Kun; Shen, Yanjun; Yang, Yongzhi; Gan, Xiaoni; Liu, Guichun; Hu, Kuang; Li, Yongxin; Gao, Zhaoming et al. (2019-05). «Morphology and genome of a snailfish from the Mariana Trench provide insights into deep-sea adaptation». Nature Ecology & Evolution (en inglés) 3 (5): 823-833. ISSN 2397-334X. doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0864-8. Consultado el 29 de diciembre de 2020.
  5. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «Liparidae (TSN 555701)» (en inglés).
  6. David L. Stein. 2012. A Review of the Snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of New Zealand, Including Descriptions of a New Genus and Sixteen New Species. Zootaxa 3588: 1–54.
  • "Liparidae". En FishBase (Rainer Froese y Daniel Pauly, eds.). Consultada en septiembre de 2008. N.p.: FishBase, 2008.
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Liparidae: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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 src= Juvenil de Careproctus ovigerum a 1300 m de profundidad.

Los llamados peces babosos son la familia Liparidae de peces marinos incluida en el orden Scorpaeniformes, se distribuyen desde el Ártico al Antártico, por todo el Atlántico y Pacífico.​ Su nombre procede del griego liparos (grasa),​ llamados así por el aspecto que presentan de masa de grasa.

Lo más característico de esta familia, de donde viene su nombre, es que tienen el cuerpo alargado y con la piel desnuda de aspecto gelatinoso sin escamas (pequeñas espinas en algunos).​

Las aletas dorsal y anal tienen multitud de radios blandos sin espinas, confluentes ambas o casi con la aleta caudal; la longitud máxima descrita es de unos 50 cm.​

Se encuentran especies a cualquier profundidad,​ desde unas en charcas de marea hasta una especie descubierta recientemente a más de 7000 m de profundidad,​ el triple que los peces abisales del fondo oceánico.

Los peces babosos son el principal depredador en el red alimentaria hadal y dominan la fauna de peces de la zona hadal.​

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Liparidae ( Basch )

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Liparidae arrain eskorpeniformeen familia zabala da, mundu osoko itsasoetan bizi dena.[1]


FishBaseren arabera, familiak 405 espezie inguru ditu, 32 generotan banaturik.


  1. Nelson, Joseph S. Fishes of the World John Wiley & Sons ISBN 0-471-54713-1.
  2. Stein,, D.L. (2012) «A Review of the Snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of New Zealand, Including Descriptions of a New Genus and Sixteen New Species» Zootaxa (3588): 1–54.
  3. Balushkin, A.V. (2012) «Volodichthys gen. nov. New Species of the Primitive Snailfish (Liparidae: Scorpaeniformes) of the Southern Hemishpere. Description of New Species V. solovjevae sp. nov. (Cooperation Sea, the Antarctic)» Journal of Ichthyology 52 (1): 1–10.

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Liparidae: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Liparidae arrain eskorpeniformeen familia zabala da, mundu osoko itsasoetan bizi dena.

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Imukalat ( Finlandèis )

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Imukalat (Liparidae) on simppukalojen lahkoon kuuluva kalaheimo.

Heimosta tunnetaan yli 300 lajia noin 29 eri suvusta. Imukalat ovat tyypillisesti kylmien vesien kaloja. Suuri osa lajeista elää Atlantin ja Tyynenmeren pohjoisosissa, jotkut suurissa syvyyksissä. Eteläisissä merissä Antarktiksen mannerjalustalla elää kuutisenkymmentä lajia, jotka muodostavat noin kolmanneksen sen alueen kalalajistosta. Mariaanien haudassa elää Pseudoliparis swirei - Imukalalaji.

Ainoa Suomessa esiintyvä laji on imukala (Liparis liparis). Imukalan vatsaevät ovat muuntuneet imukupeiksi, joilla se voi lujasti kiinnittyä veden pohjakiviin.

Imukalojen lähimpiä sukulaisia ovat simput ja rasvakalat; aiemmin imukalat luettiinkin osaksi rasvakalojen Cyclopteridae-heimoa.

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Imukalat: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Imukalat (Liparidae) on simppukalojen lahkoon kuuluva kalaheimo.

Heimosta tunnetaan yli 300 lajia noin 29 eri suvusta. Imukalat ovat tyypillisesti kylmien vesien kaloja. Suuri osa lajeista elää Atlantin ja Tyynenmeren pohjoisosissa, jotkut suurissa syvyyksissä. Eteläisissä merissä Antarktiksen mannerjalustalla elää kuutisenkymmentä lajia, jotka muodostavat noin kolmanneksen sen alueen kalalajistosta. Mariaanien haudassa elää Pseudoliparis swirei - Imukalalaji.

Ainoa Suomessa esiintyvä laji on imukala (Liparis liparis). Imukalan vatsaevät ovat muuntuneet imukupeiksi, joilla se voi lujasti kiinnittyä veden pohjakiviin.

Imukalojen lähimpiä sukulaisia ovat simput ja rasvakalat; aiemmin imukalat luettiinkin osaksi rasvakalojen Cyclopteridae-heimoa.

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Liparidae ( Fransèis )

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Les Liparidae sont une famille de poissons marins dont beaucoup d'espèces vivent à grande profondeur (plusieurs milliers de mètres). On les appelle parfois « poissons-limaces » ou « limaces de mer », mais il ne faut pas les confondre avec les mollusques nudibranches qui partagent cette appellation.

La plupart des espèces sont abyssales, et le poisson vivant le plus profond au monde semble être Pseudoliparis swirei[1]. Il existe cependant des espèces côtières, comme Liparis liparis[2], Liparis montagui[3].

Liste des genres

Tête de Liparis catharus

Selon World Register of Marine Species (14 juin 2015)[4] :

Voir aussi

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

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Liparidae: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Les Liparidae sont une famille de poissons marins dont beaucoup d'espèces vivent à grande profondeur (plusieurs milliers de mètres). On les appelle parfois « poissons-limaces » ou « limaces de mer », mais il ne faut pas les confondre avec les mollusques nudibranches qui partagent cette appellation.

La plupart des espèces sont abyssales, et le poisson vivant le plus profond au monde semble être Pseudoliparis swirei. Il existe cependant des espèces côtières, comme Liparis liparis, Liparis montagui.

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Liparidae ( Croat )

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Liparidae, porodica riba iz reda Scorpaeniformes. Žive u morima na velikim dubinama. Izgledom podsječaju na punoglavce. Hrane se mnogočetinašima i manjim rakovima.

Obuhvaća rodove Acantholiparis, Allocareproctus, Careproctus (111 vrsta), Crystallias, Crystallichthys, Edentoliparis, Eknomoliparis, Elassodiscus, Eutelichthys, Genioliparis, Gyrinichthys, Liparis, Lipariscus, Lopholiparis, Menziesichthys, Nectoliparis, Notoliparis, Osteodiscus, Palmoliparis, Paraliparis (116), Polypera, Praematoliparis, Prognatholiparis, Psednos, Pseudoliparis, Pseudonotoliparis, Rhinoliparis, Rhodichthys, Squaloliparis, Temnocora[1].


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Liparidae: Brief Summary ( Croat )

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Liparidae ( Italian )

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I Liparidi (Liparidae Gill, 1861) sono una famiglia di pesci ossei marini appartenenti all'ordine Scorpaeniformes.

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa famiglia, sebbene sia molto più rappresentata nei mari freddi e polari, è presente in tutti gli oceani del pianeta. Nel mar Mediterraneo è presente solo una specie, l'endemico Eutelichthys leptochirus.

Popolano una varietà di habitat sorprendente, molte specie di mari freddi come Liparis liparis, comune nel nord Atlantico europeo, si ritrovano anche nelle pozze di marea mentre altre sono state catturate a più di 7000 metri di profondità.


Questi pesci meritano il nome inglese di snailfish, pesci lumaca, a causa della loro pelle dall'aspetto gelatinoso. Le scaglie sono sempre assenti ma alcune specie possiedono piccoli tubercoli cutanei. Di solito la testa è abbastanza grande, alcune specie hanno un aspetto quasi da girino. La pinna dorsale e la pinna anale sono lunghe e spesso unite alla pinna caudale.

La misura massima è attorno al mezzo metro ma molte specie sono lunghe solo pochi centimetri.


La maggioranza delle specie sono pesci abissali la cui biologia è quasi ignota. La grande maggioranza dei liparidi fa vita bentonica ma alcuni hanno adottato uno stile di vita pelagico.


Per lungo tempo sono stati considerati come una sottofamiglia dei Cyclopteridae.

La famiglia comprende i seguenti generi:


Occasionale. Sono animali di esclusivo interesse scientifico.


  • Tortonese E. Osteichthyes, Calderini, 1975 (come sottofamiglia dei Cyclopteridae)

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Liparidae: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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I Liparidi (Liparidae Gill, 1861) sono una famiglia di pesci ossei marini appartenenti all'ordine Scorpaeniformes.

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Gleiviažuvinės ( lituan )

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Gleiviažuvinės (Liparidae) – skorpenžuvių (Scorpaeniformes) šeima.

Lietuvoje neaptikta, tačiau greitimuose kraštuose Baltijos jūroje gyvena:

Šeimoje 23 gentys, 195 rūšys.




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Gleiviažuvinės: Brief Summary ( lituan )

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Gleiviažuvinės (Liparidae) – skorpenžuvių (Scorpaeniformes) šeima.

Lietuvoje neaptikta, tačiau greitimuose kraštuose Baltijos jūroje gyvena:

Europinis gleivys, arba tiesiog gleivys (Liparis liparis)

Šeimoje 23 gentys, 195 rūšys.

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Slakdolven ( olandèis; flamand )

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De slakdolven (soms ook kringbuiken) (Liparidae) zijn een familie van vissen in de orde der schorpioenvisachtigen (Scorpaeniformes).

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Het zijn meestal kleine zoutwatervissen die worden aangetroffen in koudere wateren van de Noordelijke IJszee, noordelijke en zuidelijke delen van de Atlantische Oceaan en noordelijke en zuidelijke delen van de Grote Oceaan. Enkele soorten leven op extreme diepte; in de Marianentrog werden op 8.000 meter diepte nog slakdolven ontdekt. Vanwege de grote moeilijkheden bij het bestuderen van de diepzee zijn ettelijke soorten pas na 2000 beschreven; veel andere soorten wachten vermoedelijk nog op beschrijving.

Lijst van geslachten

Er zijn 23 geslachten en 195 soorten:

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Slakdolven: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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De slakdolven (soms ook kringbuiken) (Liparidae) zijn een familie van vissen in de orde der schorpioenvisachtigen (Scorpaeniformes).

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Ringbuker ( norvegèis )

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Ringbuker er en gruppe av ulkefisker. De regnes her som en egen familie, Liparidae, men blir ofte plassert sammen med de nært beslektede rognkjeksene i en utvidet familie Cyclopteridae.

Kroppen er avlangt dråpeformet med et stort hode og liten bakkropp. Den geleaktige huden mangler skjell. Bukfinnene er omdannet til en sugeskive, men noen arter som har gått over til et pelagisk levevis, har sekundært mistet sugeskiva. Ryggfinnen og gattfinnen er lange og når til halefinnen, eller henger sammen med den. Maksimal lengde er omtrent 50 cm.

Ringbuker gyter forholdsvis få egg, omtrent 300. De har utviklet ulike strategier for å beskytte eggene. Dypvannsarten Careproctus ovigerum er sannsynligvis en munnruger. Noen arter i slekten Careproctus legger egg i gjelleåpningene til kongekrabbe.

De lever i kalde og tempererte hav fra fjæresonen ned til dyphavsgroper på 7700 m dyp. I tropiske hav finnes de bare på svært dypt vann. I mai 2017 filmet et japansk forskerteam noe som de antar var en slags ringbuker på 8187 m dyp, det dypeste man noensinne har observert fisk.[1] De fleste artene er bunnlevende, men det finnes også noen som lever pelagisk. De eter havbørsteormer, krepsdyr og bløtdyr.

En trodde tidligere at utbredelsen stort sett var begrenset til Nordishavet og nordlige deler av Atlanterhavet og Stillehavet. I tillegg var det gjort noen spredte funn på den sørlige halvkule. Etter hvert som nye områder er blitt undersøkt, har det vist seg at ringbukene kanskje har den største utbredelsen av alle fiskefamilier. Et stort antall nye arter er beskrevet, for eksempel 30 nye arter fra Australia i 2001 og 16 nye arter fra New Zealand i 2012.

Det drives ikke fiske etter etter ringbuker, og de har ingen økonomisk betydning.

Norske arter


  1. ^ «Fish filmed at a record depth of 8,178 meters- News - NHK WORLD - English». NHK WORLD (engelsk). Arkivert fra originalen 25. august 2017. Besøkt 25. august 2017.


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Ringbuker: Brief Summary ( norvegèis )

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Ringbuker er en gruppe av ulkefisker. De regnes her som en egen familie, Liparidae, men blir ofte plassert sammen med de nært beslektede rognkjeksene i en utvidet familie Cyclopteridae.

Kroppen er avlangt dråpeformet med et stort hode og liten bakkropp. Den geleaktige huden mangler skjell. Bukfinnene er omdannet til en sugeskive, men noen arter som har gått over til et pelagisk levevis, har sekundært mistet sugeskiva. Ryggfinnen og gattfinnen er lange og når til halefinnen, eller henger sammen med den. Maksimal lengde er omtrent 50 cm.

Ringbuker gyter forholdsvis få egg, omtrent 300. De har utviklet ulike strategier for å beskytte eggene. Dypvannsarten Careproctus ovigerum er sannsynligvis en munnruger. Noen arter i slekten Careproctus legger egg i gjelleåpningene til kongekrabbe.

De lever i kalde og tempererte hav fra fjæresonen ned til dyphavsgroper på 7700 m dyp. I tropiske hav finnes de bare på svært dypt vann. I mai 2017 filmet et japansk forskerteam noe som de antar var en slags ringbuker på 8187 m dyp, det dypeste man noensinne har observert fisk. De fleste artene er bunnlevende, men det finnes også noen som lever pelagisk. De eter havbørsteormer, krepsdyr og bløtdyr.

En trodde tidligere at utbredelsen stort sett var begrenset til Nordishavet og nordlige deler av Atlanterhavet og Stillehavet. I tillegg var det gjort noen spredte funn på den sørlige halvkule. Etter hvert som nye områder er blitt undersøkt, har det vist seg at ringbukene kanskje har den største utbredelsen av alle fiskefamilier. Et stort antall nye arter er beskrevet, for eksempel 30 nye arter fra Australia i 2001 og 16 nye arter fra New Zealand i 2012.

Det drives ikke fiske etter etter ringbuker, og de har ingen økonomisk betydning.

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Dennikowate ( polonèis )

fornì da wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Dennikowate[2] (Liparidae) – rodzina morskich ryb skorpenokształtnych (Scorpaeniformes).


Wody oceaniczne całego świata, od Oceanu Arktycznego po Antarktydę, na różnych głębokościach, nawet do 7000 m. W Bałtyku występuje – w Polsce objęty ścisłą ochroną – dennik (Liparis liparis).

Cechy charakterystyczne

Wstęgowaty kształt ciała, u większości gatunków bez łusek. Głowa duża, małe oczy. Długie płetwy: grzbietowa i odbytowa, często połączone z płetwą ogonową. Najmniejszy gatunek Paraliparis australis dorasta do 5 cm, a największe Polypera simushirae do ponad 70 cm długości.


Rodzaje zaliczane do tej rodziny[3]:


Zobacz też


  1. Liparidae, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973
  3. Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fricke, R.: Catalog of Fishes electronic version (7 June 2012) (ang.). California Academy of Sciences. [dostęp 7 sierpnia 2012].
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Dennikowate: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Dennikowate (Liparidae) – rodzina morskich ryb skorpenokształtnych (Scorpaeniformes).

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Liparidae ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Liparidae é uma família de peixes marinhos actinopterígeos escorpeniformes, maioritariamente das águas profundas e frias, que agrupa um conjunto diversificado de espécies conhecidas pelo nome comum de peixe-caracol (do inglês: snailfish ou seasnails).[1] Com 30 géneros e cerca de 360 espécies,[2] a família apresenta uma extensa área de distribuição natural que se estende do Árctico ao Antárctico, incluindo o norte do Pacífico, área onde apresenta a máxima diversidade. A família tem relações filogenéticas próximas com as famílias Cottidae e Cyclopteridae, sendo os seus membros por vezes incluídos nesta última família.


A família Liparidae é pouco estudada e são poucos detalhes sobre a sua biologia e etologia. As espécies que a compõem apresentam uma morfologia característica, com corpos alongados, em forma de girino, com um perfil semelhante aos peixes gadiformes da família Macrouridae, com corpos delgados, grosseiramente triangulares, terminando numa cauda muito estreita e pequena. As cabeças são grandes, com olhos pequenos. Os dentes são pequenos e simples, com cúspides contundentes. Sendo espécies cujo habitat é o fundo do mar, apresentam poros sensoriais proeminentes na cabeça e ao longo da linha lateral.

Os peixes-caracol não apresentam escamas, tendo uma pele fina e gelatinosa, característica que deu origem ao seu nome comum. Algumas espécies, como Acantholiparis opercularis, apresentam protuberâncias espinhosas.

As extensas barbatanas dorsal e anal podem fundir-se, ou quase fundir-se, com a barbatana caudal. As barbatanas peitorais são grandes, constituindo o principal meio de locomoção dos peixes desta família. Embora esta adaptação esteja ausenta nos géneros Paraliparis e Nectoliparis, por serem espécies bentónicas a maioria das espécies desta família apresenta as barbatanas pélvicas modificadas para formar um disco adesivo, quase circular.

O comprimento corporal dos peixes desta família varia entre os 5 cm da espécie Paraliparis australis e os 77 cm da espécie Polypera simushirae. Esta última espécie pode atingir um peso de 11 kg, mas a maioria das espécies são de baixo peso, o que associado ao aspecto pouco atractivo destes peixes os torna pouco interessantes para a pesca comercial.

Distribuição e habitat

As espécies da família Liparidae ocupam uma gama alargada de habitats bentónicos, em águas frias e em águas subtropicais, distribuindo-se desde o fundo das pequenas calhetas da zona entremarés às regiões abissais situadas a profundidades superiores a 7 500 m.

O diminutivo Liparis inquilinus (conhecido por peixe-inquilino) do noroeste do Atlântico é conhecida por viver no interior da cavidade do manto da vieira Placopecten magellanicus. A espécie Liparis tunicatus habita entre as macroalgas das florestas de algas do Estreito de Bering e do estuário do Rio São Lourenço. A única espécie do género Rhodichthys é endémica no Mar da Noruega.[3] Outras espécies são encontradas em fundos lodosos ou siltosos dos taludes continentais. Com espécies extremamente resilientes, a família apresenta a sua máxima diversidade e abundância nas águas profundas das regiões polares.

Em Outubro de 2008, uma expedição científica conjunta do Reino Unido e do Japão descobriu um cardume de Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis a uma profundidade de 7,7 km na Fossa do Japão.[4]

A dieta dos peixes-caracol consiste principalmente de pequeno crustáceos bentónicos, moluscos, vermes, poliquetas e outros pequenos invertebrados. Algumas espécies são também piscívoras. Existem também espécies especializadas na predação de determinados grupos taxonómicos, tais como Paraliparis rosaceus que se alimenta exclusivamente de pepinos-do-mar.


As estratégias reprodutivas dos peixes desta família são pouco conhecidas, mas são claramente variáveis entre as espécies. Pelo menos uma espécie, Careproctus ovigerum, do Pacífico Norte, é conhecido por praticar a incubação bucal, isto é, o macho da espécie carrega os ovos em desenvolvimento ao redor de sua boca. Todas as espécies cuja reprodução é conhecida apresentam posturas com um pequeno número de ovos (c. 300) com dimensões relativamente grandes (4,5-8,0 mm de diâmetro. Algumas espécies do género Careproctus depositam os seus ovos na cavidades das guelras de caranguejos da família Lithodidae (os caranguejos-reais).


Esta família inclui os seguintes géneros:[5][6][7]


Entre outras, a família inclui as seguintes espécies:



  1. «The Sea Snails. Family Liparidae». Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Consultado em 6 de março de 2012
  2. Liparidae at Encyclopedia of Life
  3. C.Michael Hogan. 2011. "Norwegian Sea". Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. P.Saundry & C.J.Cleveland. National Council for Science and the Environment. Washington DC.
  4. Morelle, Rebecca (7 de outubro de 2008). «'Deepest ever' living fish filmed». BBC News
  5. Ed. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel. «"Liparidae"». www.fishbase.org (em inglês). FishBase
  6. a b Stein, D.L. (2012): A Review of the Snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of New Zealand, Including Descriptions of a New Genus and Sixteen New Species. Zootaxa, 3588: 1–54.
  7. a b Balushkin, A.V. (2012): Volodichthys gen. nov. New Species of the Primitive Snailfish (Liparidae: Scorpaeniformes) of the Southern Hemishpere. Description of New Species V. solovjevae sp. nov. (Cooperation Sea, the Antarctic). Journal of Ichthyology, 52 (1): 1–10.

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Liparidae: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT
 src= Careproctus ovigerum.  src= Liparis marmoratus.  src= Liparis catharus.  src= Liparis fabricii.  src= Paraliparis bathybius.  src= Acantholiparis opercularis.  src= Crystallichthys cyclospilus.  src= Liparis agassizii.  src= Liparis antarctica.  src= Liparis florae.  src= Liparis mucosus.  src= Liparis pulchellus.  src= Temnocora candida.  src= Rhodichthys regina.  src= Paraliparis antarcticus.  src= Nectoliparis pelagicus.

Liparidae é uma família de peixes marinhos actinopterígeos escorpeniformes, maioritariamente das águas profundas e frias, que agrupa um conjunto diversificado de espécies conhecidas pelo nome comum de peixe-caracol (do inglês: snailfish ou seasnails). Com 30 géneros e cerca de 360 espécies, a família apresenta uma extensa área de distribuição natural que se estende do Árctico ao Antárctico, incluindo o norte do Pacífico, área onde apresenta a máxima diversidade. A família tem relações filogenéticas próximas com as famílias Cottidae e Cyclopteridae, sendo os seus membros por vezes incluídos nesta última família.

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Ліпарисові ( ucrain )

fornì da wikipedia UK

Ліпа́рисові (Liparidae), також відомі як ри́би-слимаки́, або морські́ слимаки́[1]родина морських риб ряду скорпеноподібних (Scorpaeniformes). Широко поширені у Арктиці та Антарктиці, північну Пацифіку включно. Родина містить 30 родів і 361 видів.[2] Є близькими до бабців (Cottidae) і до пінагорів (Cyclopteridae).


Родина містить такі роди:[3][4][5]


  1. The Sea Snails. Family Liparidae. Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Архів оригіналу за 2013-08-26. Процитовано 2012-03-06.
  2. Liparidae at Encyclopedia of Life
  3. Froese R., Pauly D. (eds.) (2012). Родина Liparidae на FishBase. Версія за December 2012 року.
  4. а б Stein, D.L. (2012): A Review of the Snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of New Zealand, Including Descriptions of a New Genus and Sixteen New Species. Zootaxa, 3588: 1-54.
  5. а б Balushkin, A.V. (2012): Volodichthys gen. nov. New Species of the Primitive Snailfish (Liparidae: Scorpaeniformes) of the Southern Hemishpere. Description of New Species V. solovjevae sp. nov. (Cooperation Sea, the Antarctic). Journal of Ichthyology, 52 (1): 1-10.


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Ліпарисові: Brief Summary ( ucrain )

fornì da wikipedia UK
 src= Careproctus ovigerum  src= Liparis marmoratus  src= Liparis catharus  src= Liparis fabricii  src= Paraliparis bathybius

Ліпа́рисові (Liparidae), також відомі як ри́би-слимаки́, або морські́ слимаки́ — родина морських риб ряду скорпеноподібних (Scorpaeniformes). Широко поширені у Арктиці та Антарктиці, північну Пацифіку включно. Родина містить 30 родів і 361 видів. Є близькими до бабців (Cottidae) і до пінагорів (Cyclopteridae).

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Liparidae ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Liparidae là một họ cá biển thuộc bộ Cá mù làn.

Phân bố rộng rãi trên mọi đại dương, họ Liparidae bao gồm hơn 30 chi và chừng 410 loài đã được mô tả,[1] cùng nhiều loài chưa được mô tả.[2] Họ này có quan hệ gần với CottidaeCyclopteridae.

Các chi

Các chi của họ này gồm:[3][4][5]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. (2015). "Liparidae" trên FishBase. Phiên bản tháng February năm 2015.
  2. ^ Gardner, J.R.; J.W. Orr; D.E. Stevenson; I. Spies; D.A. Somerton (2016). “Reproductive Parasitism between Distant Phyla: Molecular Identification of Snailfish (Liparidae) Egg Masses in the Gill Cavities of King Crabs (Lithodidae)”. Copeia 104 (3): 645–657. doi:10.1643/CI-15-374.
  3. ^ Chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. (2012). "Liparidae" trên FishBase. Phiên bản tháng December năm 2012.
  4. ^ a ă Stein, D.L. (2012): A Review of the Snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of New Zealand, Including Descriptions of a New Genus and Sixteen New Species. Zootaxa, 3588: 1–54.
  5. ^ a ă Balushkin, A.V. (2012): Volodichthys gen. nov. New Species of the Primitive Snailfish (Liparidae: Scorpaeniformes) of the Southern Hemisphere. Description of New Species V. solovjevae sp. nov. (Cooperation Sea, the Antarctic). Journal of Ichthyology, 52 (1): 1–10.

Tham khảo

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Liparidae: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Liparidae là một họ cá biển thuộc bộ Cá mù làn.

Phân bố rộng rãi trên mọi đại dương, họ Liparidae bao gồm hơn 30 chi và chừng 410 loài đã được mô tả, cùng nhiều loài chưa được mô tả. Họ này có quan hệ gần với CottidaeCyclopteridae.

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Липаровые ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
Молодь Careproctus ovigerum
Предположительно Elassodiscus tremebundus, выловленный в восточной части Берингова моря
Liparis catharus
Paraliparis bathybius

Представители данного семейства рыб широко распространены во всех океанах. Представители семейства — рекордсмены среди рыб по глубине, на которой их обнаруживали:

  • в октябре 2008 года британско-японская команда исследователей обнаружила группу рыб вида Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis в Японском жёлобе на глубине 7,7 км (рекордной на тот момент)[4].
  • в декабре 2014 года неизвестный ранее вид был обнаружен в образцах, поднятых из Марианского жёлоба, с глубины 8143 м (рекордной на тот момент)[5].


В семейство включают около 30 родов и 334 вида[1]:

См. также


  1. 1 2 3 Нельсон Д. С. Рыбы мировой фауны / Пер. 4-го перераб. англ. изд. Н. Г. Богуцкой, науч. ред-ры А. М. Насека, А. С. Герд. — М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», 2009. — С. 471—472. — ISBN 978-5-397-00675-0.
  2. Polypera simushirae (англ.) в базе данных FishBase.
  3. Paraliparis australis (англ.) в базе данных FishBase.
  4. Morelle, Rebecca. 'Deepest ever' living fish filmed, BBC News (7 октября 2008).
  5. New Species and Surprising Findings in the Mariana Trench.
  6. David L. Stein. A Review of the Snailfishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of New Zealand, Including Descriptions of a New Genus and Sixteen New Species // Zootaxa. — 2012. — Vol. 3588. — С. 1—54.
  7. Балушкин А. В. Новые род и вид липаровой рыбы Palmoliparis beckeri (Scorpaeniformes, Liparidae) от северных Курильских островов с замечаниями о филогении семейства // Вопросы ихтиологии. — 1996. — Т. 36, № 3. — С. 293—299.
  8. Балушкин А. В. Volodichthys gen. nov. — новый род примитивных липаровых рыб (Liparidae: Scorpaeniformes) южного полушария с описанием нового вида V. solovjevae sp. nov. из моря Содружества (Антарктика) // Вопросы ихтиологии. — 2012. — Т. 52, № 1. — С. 5—14.
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Липаровые: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Молодь Careproctus ovigerum  src= Предположительно Elassodiscus tremebundus, выловленный в восточной части Берингова моря  src= Liparis catharus  src= Paraliparis bathybius

Представители данного семейства рыб широко распространены во всех океанах. Представители семейства — рекордсмены среди рыб по глубине, на которой их обнаруживали:

в октябре 2008 года британско-японская команда исследователей обнаружила группу рыб вида Pseudoliparis amblystomopsis в Японском жёлобе на глубине 7,7 км (рекордной на тот момент). в декабре 2014 года неизвестный ранее вид был обнаружен в образцах, поднятых из Марианского жёлоба, с глубины 8143 м (рекордной на тот момент).
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獅子魚科 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
  • 見內文






































  1. ^ 科技新聞:世界最深海溝現新魚種 全身透明無魚鱗. 大紀元時報. 2017-11-30 [2017-11-30] (中文(繁體)‎).
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獅子魚科: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科


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クサウオ科 ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
クサウオ科 Snailfish.jpg
Elassodiscus tremebundus
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 条鰭綱 Actinopterygii 亜綱 : 新鰭亜綱 Neopterygii 上目 : 棘鰭上目 Acanthopterygii : カサゴ目 Scorpaeniformes 亜目 : カジカ亜目 Cottoidei 上科 : ダンゴウオ上科 Cyclopteroidea : クサウオ科 Liparidae 英名 Snailfishes 下位分類

クサウオ科学名Liparidae)は、カサゴ目に所属する魚類の分類群の一つ。クサウオサケビクニンなど、寒冷な海あるいは深海に生息する種類を中心に29 属334種が記載される[1]。科名の由来は、ギリシア語の「liparos(脂肪)」から[2]





Acantholiparis 属の1種(A. opercularis)。細長い体と大きな胸鰭がクサウオ類の特徴で、によっては吸盤状の腹鰭を備える






コンニャクウオ属の1種(Careproctus ovigerum)。水深1,324mで撮影。本科魚類はその多くが深海性で、海底付近を漂泳して生活する
クサウオ属の1種(Liparis catharus)。大きな胸鰭はクサウオ類に共通する特徴であり、手指のように分岐した鰭条をもつことが多い[5]
クサウオ属の1種(Liparis fabricii)。体をU字型に折り曲げる姿勢は本属の特徴である[5]
クサウオ属の1種(Liparis florae)。北アメリカの太平洋岸に分布し、主に沿岸の潮だまりに生息する[2]
クサウオ属の1種(Liparis marmoratus)。オホーツク海ベーリング海などの寒冷な海から知られる[2]
インキウオ属の1種(Paraliparis bathybius)。北大西洋の深海に生息し、4,000m以深からの捕獲例がある[2]
インキウオ属の1種(Paraliparis antarcticus)。南氷洋の水深300-782mから記録されている[2]
  • インキウオ属 Paraliparis(121種)
    • アオインキウオ Paraliparis rosaceus
    • アゴインキウオ Paraliparis mandibularis
    • インキウオ Paraliparis atramentatus
    • スルガインキウオ Paraliparis dipterus
    • トビインキウオ Paraliparis melanobranchus
    • ヒラインキウオ Paraliparis grandis
    • ムネインキウオ Paraliparis pectoralis
    • モモイロインキウオ Paraliparis entochloris
    • リュウキュウインキウオ Paraliparis meridionalis
  • オオバンコンニャクウオ属 Squaloliparis(1種)
  • カンテンウオ属 Nectoliparis(1種)
  • クサウオ属 Liparis(60種)
  • コンニャクウオ属 Careproctus(112種)
  • フウライクサウオ属 Elassodiscus(3種)
    • ウキクサウオ Elassodiscus obscurus
    • フウライクサウオ Elassodiscus tremebundus
  • Acantholiparis 属(2種)
  • Allocareproctus 属(5種)
  • Crystallias 属(1種)
  • Crystallichthys(3種)
  • Edentoliparis 属(1種)
  • Eknomoliparis 属(1種)
  • Eutelichthys 属(1種)
  • Genioliparis 属(3種)
  • Gyrinichthys 属(1種)
  • Lipariscus 属(1種)
  • Lopholiparis 属(1種)
  • Menziesichthys 属(1種)
  • Notoliparis 属(4種)
  • Osteodiscus 属(2種)
  • Palmoliparis 属(1種)
  • Polypera 属(1種)
  • Praematoliparis 属(1種)
  • Prognatholiparis 属(1種)
  • Psednos 属(27種)
  • Pseudoliparis 属(2種)
  • Pseudonotoliparis 属(1種)
  • Rhinoliparis 属(2種)
  • Rhodichthys 属(1種)
  • Temnocora 属(1種)
  • Volodichthys 属(1種)


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m 『Fishes of the World Fourth Edition』 p.339
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Liparidae”. FishBase. ^ 『Deep-Sea Fishes』 p.70
  3. ^ 『日本の海水魚』 pp.244-245
  4. ^ a b 『深海調査船が観た深海生物』 pp.377-378
  5. ^ a b c d 日本産魚類の追加種リスト”. 日本魚類学会. ^ Crystallichthys 属として分類されることもある(『日本の海水魚』 pp.244-245)。


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、クサウオ科に関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにクサウオ科に関する情報があります。


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クサウオ科: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

クサウオ科(学名Liparidae)は、カサゴ目に所属する魚類の分類群の一つ。クサウオサケビクニンなど、寒冷な海あるいは深海に生息する種類を中心に29 属334種が記載される。科名の由来は、ギリシア語の「liparos(脂肪)」から。

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꼼치과 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

꼼치과(Liparidae)는 페르카목에 속하는 조기어류 물고기 과의 하나이며[1] 쏨뱅이목으로 분류하기도 한다.[2] 북태평양, 북대서양을 포함하여 북극해부터 남극해까지 전세계적으로 널리 분포하며 북태평양에서 가장 많은 종이 서식한다. 30속 361종으로 이루어져 있다.[3] 물미거지, 잉크꼼치, 아가씨물메기, 미거지, 꼼치, 물메기, 원두꼼치, 분홍꼼치, 노랑물메기, 보라물메기 등을 포함하고 있다.

하위 속

계통 분류

다음은 베탕쿠르(Betancur) 등의 연구에 기초한 계통 분류이다.[4][5]

둑중개아목 은대구하목


























  1. (영어) "Liparidae". FishBase. Ed. Rainer Froese and Daniel Pauly. 2015년 4월 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2015년.
  2. “The Sea Snails. Family Liparidae”. Gulf of Maine Research Institute. 2012년 3월 6일에 확인함.
  3. Liparidae at Encyclopedia of Life
  4. Ricardo Betancur-R., Richard E. Broughton, Edward O. Wiley, Kent Carpenter, J. Andrés López, Chenhong Li, Nancy I. Holcroft, Dahiana Arcila, Millicent Sanciangco, James C Cureton II, Feifei Zhang, Thaddaeus Buser, Matthew A. Campbell, Jesus A Ballesteros, Adela Roa-Varon, Stuart Willis, W. Calvin Borden, Thaine Rowley, Paulette C. Reneau, Daniel J. Hough, Guoqing Lu, Terry Grande, Gloria Arratia, Guillermo Ortí: The Tree of Life and a New Classification of Bony Fishes. PLoS Currents Tree of Life. 2013 Apr 18, Edition 1. doi:10.1371/currents.tol.53ba26640df0ccaee75bb165c8c26288, PDF
  5. Betancur-R, R., E. Wiley, N. Bailly, M. Miya, G. Lecointre & G. Ortí. 2014. Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes --Version 3.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자