Plancia ëd Antiopella cristata (Delle Chiaje 1841)
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Antiopella cristata (Delle Chiaje 1841)

Antiopella cristata ( Anglèis )

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Antiopella cristata, sometimes known by the common name crested aeolis, is a species of nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Janolidae.[2][3]


Previously some authors synonymised Antiopella with Janolus and assigned the genus Janolus to the Janolidae family (see ITIS.gov[4] or AnimalDiversity[5]), others (see Seaslug Forum[6]) to the family of Zephyrinidae, and these were synonymised names of Proctonotidae (see WoRMS).[7] In 2019 an integrated taxonomic study reinstated Antiopella and Janolus as separate genera and placed them in the family Janolidae.[8]


This species is semi-transparent and has an oval-shaped outline. It is cream or light brown in colour, and grows to approximately 7.5 cm in length. The head has oral tentacles that are short.[9]

The lateral cerata are numerous, have a smooth surface and an inflated appearance. The central digestive gland lobe is thin and brown in colour and can be seen through each ceras. These gland lobes divide at the tip of the cerata into numerous terminal branches, distinguishing Janolids from Aeolid nudibranchs. The tips of the cerata are bluish-white and iridescent.[10]

The white surface colouration that is present on the cerata also appears in patches or lines along the bare central dorsum, as well as around the lamellate rhinophores and on the metapodium. The rhinophores are joined together at their bases with a swollen and wrinkled accessory caruncle. Both the rhinophores and median sensory caruncle are somewhat darker in colour than the rest of the body.[9]


Antiopella cristata has been found as far north as Norway down through the British Isles and the French Atlantic coast.[11][9] It has also been recorded in Moroccan waters as well as in the western Mediterranean Sea.[10][12][13][14]


It is found at depths of up to 40 metres, only in calm, clean water, on hard substrata in the sublittoral zone.[9]


Antiopella cristata eats erect bryozoans of the species Alcyonidium gelatinosum, Bicellariella ciliata and in the genus Bugula and Bugulina, such as Bugulina turbinata, Bugula plumosa, Bugula neritina and possibly species in the genus Cellaria.[15][10]

The spawn of this species appear as a light pink or white string forming a wavy, circular pattern. The eggs themselves are contained within packets with transparent patches in between. This gives them the appearance of beads.[10]



  1. ^ Delle Chiaje, S. (1841-1844). Descrizione e notomia degli animali invertebrati della Sicilia citeriore osservati vivi negli anni 1822-1830. Batteli & Co., Naples. Parts 1-8. page(s): vol. 7, pl. 88 fig. 1-12; vol. 8, p. 6 [1844]
  2. ^ "WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Antiopella cristata (Delle Chiaje, 1841)". Marinespecies.org. 2019-04-15. Retrieved 2020-10-20.
  3. ^ Gary R. McDonald Nudibranch Systematic Index (2nd ed.), University of California Santa Cruz University of California Santa Cruz in Institute of Marine Sciences, (2009).
  4. ^ IT IS Report
  5. ^ IT IS Report Animal Diversity
  6. ^ The Sea Slug Forum Australian Museum
  7. ^ Proctonotidae at WoRMS
  8. ^ Pola M., Hallas J.M. & Gosliner T.M. (2019). Welcome back Janolidae and Antiopella: Improving the understanding of Janolidae and Madrellidae (Cladobranchia, Heterobranchia) with description of four new species. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 57(2): 345-368., page(s): 356, figs 4d, 6a-c, 7
  9. ^ a b c d "Marine Species Identification Portal : Janolus cristatus". Species-identification.org. Retrieved 2014-05-24.
  10. ^ a b c d "Antiopella cristata - Marine Life Encyclopedia". Habitas.org.uk. Retrieved 2014-05-24.
  11. ^ Thomas E. Thompson et G.H. Brown, Biology of Opisthobranch Molluscs : The standard work on British nudibranchs, with up to date information and colour paintings of nearly all species, vol. 2, Ray Society, 1984 (ISBN 0903874180)
  12. ^ Thomas E. Thompson, Molluscs: Benthic opisthobranchs, Leiden, Brill, coll. « Synopses of the British Fauna » (no 8), 1988 (ISBN 9004084398)
  13. ^ R. Cattaneo-Vietti, R. Chemello et R. Gianuzzi-Savelli, Atlas of Mediterranean nudibranchs, Roma, Editrice La Conchiglia, 1990, 264 p. (OCLC 26035712, LCCN 93155161)
  14. ^ Egidio Trainito, Nudibranchi del Mediterraneo. Guida al riconoscimento dei molluschi opistobranchi, 2005ª ed., Milano, Il Castello, 2005, ISBN 88-8039-438-X.
  15. ^ Gary R. McDonald, James W. Nybakken, A List of the Worldwide Food Habits of Nudibranchs, in University of California Santa Cruz.

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Antiopella cristata: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Antiopella cristata, sometimes known by the common name crested aeolis, is a species of nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Janolidae.

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Janolus cristatus ( Fransèis )

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L’Antiopelle (Janolus cristatus) est un nudibranche de la famille des proctonotidés[1].


Janolus cristatus est un nudibranche semi-transparent[2]. Cette espèce a une caroncule très haute d'où partent deux lignes blanches vers l'avant et l'arrière[3]. Les ceratas sont très translucides et laissent apparaître les glandes digestives[3]. Les teintes varient de blanc à jaune[3], le sommet des ceratas est bleuté[3]. Des touches de pigments identiques peuvent être trouvées sur le dos, entre les cerata et dans la région de la tête[2].

Les rhinophores lamellés sont particulièrement grands et bien visibles, non rétractiles et sans gaines[2].

Les plus grands individus peuvent atteindre 75 mm[2],[4].

Habitat et répartition

La présence de l'antiopelle est signalée en Atlantique Nord depuis le sud de la Norvège jusqu'au Maroc ainsi que dans la partie occidentale de la Méditerranée[5],[6].

Écologie et comportement


Janolus cristatus est une arminacée carnivore[7]. Elle se nourrit de bryozoaires buissonnants comme Bugula[4].


Antiopelle en train de pondre, Escaut oriental

L’antiopelle est hermaphrodite[7], il peut s’accoupler ou non. En règle générale, il n’y a pas d’autofécondation chez les nudibranches[7]. La reproduction se fera en position tête-bêche, les organes génitaux émergeant sur la droite du corps, derrière la tête[7]. Chacun des partenaires offrira ses gamètes puis pondra des œufs, capsules en forme de perles blanches ou rose pâle, chacune contenant jusqu'à 250 ovules sphériques[8]. La ponte est englobée dans un ruban gélatineux[7] enroulé en forme de cercle ondulé[8]relativement régulier.

La reproduction a lieu d'avril à septembre et en décembre[8].


La première description de Janolus cristatus est le travail de Stefano Delle Chiaje en 1841[9] sous le basionyme de Eolis cristatus delle Chiaje, 1841[10].

Depuis, cette espèce a été décrite plusieurs fois sous des synonymes considérés comme non valides :

  • Antiopella cristata (Delle Chiaje, 1841)
  • Janolus spinolae Vérany, 1846
  • Antiopa splendida Alder & Hancock, 1848.



Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

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Janolus cristatus: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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L’Antiopelle (Janolus cristatus) est un nudibranche de la famille des proctonotidés.

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Antiopella cristata ( Italian )

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Antiopella cristata (Delle Chiaje, 1841) è un mollusco nudibranco appartenente alla famiglia Janolidae[1]


Cerata trasparenti a forma di lampadina, in cui sono visibili le estremità dell'apparato digerente, corpo di colore giallo-bianco fino a bruno, talvolta azzurro-blu. Rinofori e cerata dello stesso colore del corpo, fatta eccezione per la parte terminale, blu acceso. Alcuni esemplari, per via dei cerata, possono essere confusi con i nudibranchi del sottordine Aeolidacea, ma a differenza di questi non sono dotati di cnidosacchi contenenti cnidocisti e la posizione dell'ano è differente. Fino a 8 centimetri.


Si nutre di briozoi delle specie Alcyonidium gelatinosum, Bicellariella ciliata, del genere Bugula (Bugula avicularia, Bugula flabellata, Bugula neritina, Bugula turbinata), Bugularia avicularia, del genere Cellaria.[2]

Distribuzione e habitat

Raro. Reperibile nell'Oceano Atlantico dalla Norvegia al Marocco, nel Mar Mediterraneo occidentale, da pochi metri di profondità ad oltre 30 metri; più comune in presenza di coralligeno.


  1. ^ (EN) MolluscaBase eds. 2020, Antiopella cristata, in WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species). URL consultato il 4/8/2020.
  2. ^ (EN) Gary R. McDonald, James W. Nybakken, A List of the Worldwide Food Habits of Nudibranchs, in University of California Santa Cruz.


  • Egidio Trainito, Nudibranchi del Mediterraneo. Guida al riconoscimento dei molluschi opistobranchi, 2005ª ed., Milano, Il Castello, 2005, ISBN 88-8039-438-X.

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Antiopella cristata: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Antiopella cristata (Delle Chiaje, 1841) è un mollusco nudibranco appartenente alla famiglia Janolidae

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