
Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Fagraea longituba Grant

Arbor ad 4 m alta, glabra; folia opposita sti-pulis intrapetiolatis connatis, petiolis 3–3.5 cm longis, laminis obovatis 14–18 cm longis 8–9 cm latis basi cuneatis apice rotundatis canaliculatis pergameneis lutei-viridibus conspicue venosis; in-florescentia terminalis paniculata subcorymbosa circa 7 cymulis 3–5-fioriferis, pedunculis 3–4 cm longis, pedicellis 1–2 cm longis supra medium bibracteatis; calyx turbinatus tubo 8–10 mm longo, lobis ovatis 6 mm longis apice rotundatis scariosis, corolla infundibuli-hypocrateriforma supra medium ampliata parum bilabiata 10 cm longa rlavescens odorata, lobis 5–6 ellipticis vel obovatis 2.5–3 cm longis apice rotundatis; stamina 5–6, supra medium tubi inserta, filamentis 1.8 cm longis, antheris linearibus 13 mm longis 1.3 mm latis; pistillum ovario conico, stylo gracili 6.5 cm longo bilobato lobis planis ovatis 5 mm longis 4 mm latis apice rotundatis. Fructus ignotus.

Tree to 4 m high, glabrous; leaves opposite, stipules connate to the inside of the petioles, petioles 3–3.5 cm long, blades obovate, 14–18 cm long, 8–9 cm wide, cuneate at the base, apex rounded, channelled, pergameneous, greenish yellow with conspicuous veins; inflorescence terminal, paniculate, somewhat corymbose, about 7 cymules, 3–5-flowered, peduncles 3–4 cm long, pedicels 1–2 cm long, bibractate above the middle; calyx turbinate, tube 8–10 mm long, lobes ovate, 6 mm long, rounded at apex, scarious; corolla salverform-funnel-shaped, expanded above the middle, somewhat bilabiate, 10 cm long, pale yellow, fragrant, lobes 5–6, elliptic or obovate, 2.5–3 cm long, with rounded tips; stamens 5–6, inserted above the middle of the tube, filaments 1.8 cm long, anthers linear, 13 mm long, 1.3 mm wide; pistil with ovary conical, style slender, 6.5 cm long, bilobate, each lobe flat, ovate, 5 mm long, 4 mm wide, rounded at the tip. Fruit unknown.

The species differs from F. berteriana in the longer petioles, thinner leaves with more prominent venation and rounded, channelled, nonacuminate tips, blunter calyx lobes and longer corolla with a much larger limb. Fagraea berteriana has conspicuously subsucculent, abruptly acuminate leaves and corollas 7–8 cm long, with lobes 1.4–2 cm long. Both species belong in Bentham's section Corymbosae subsection Longifiorae (Bentham, 1857:97). The distinction between this section and section Racemosae is merely one of degree of separation of the separate cymes which make up the paniculate inflorescence.

This cultivated plant may turn out to be an exotic, but nothing seems to fit it, and the native in whose yard the plant was growing stated that it was the native pua which he had transplanted from the mountain forest.

RANGE.—Society Islands: Tahiti: Grant 3940, Pare, Papeete, alt. 3 m, cultivated, 7 July 1930, flower (BISH, type; MIN). Wilder 1236, Papeete, cultivated, alt. 8 m, 6 January 1929, flower (BISH) may also belong here, but no notes on the specimen are available.
sitassion bibliogràfica
Grant, Martin Lawrence, Fosberg, F. Raymond, and Smith, Howard M. 1974. "Partial Flora of the Society Islands: Ericaceae to Apocynaceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-85. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.17