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Cinchonoideae ( Anglèis )

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Cinchonoideae: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Cinchonoideae is a subfamily of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae and contains about 1700 species in 10 tribes.

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Cinchonoideae ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Cinchonoideae es una subfamilia de plantas de la familia Rubiaceae.


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Cinchonoideae: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Cinchonoideae es una subfamilia de plantas de la familia Rubiaceae.

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Cinchonoideae ( Italian )

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Cinchonoideae Raf. è una sottofamiglia di piante della famiglia delle Rubiaceae.[1]


La sottofamiglia comprende le seguenti tribù:[2][3][4][5]


  1. ^ (EN) Rubiaceae, su Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. URL consultato il 2/1/2020.
  2. ^ (EN) Bremer, B., K. Andreasen and D. Olsson, Subfamilial and tribal relationships in the Rubiaceae based on rbcL sequence data, in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, vol. 82, 1995, pp. 383–397.
  3. ^ (EN) Rova, J. H., E. L. Andersson P. G. Delprete and V. A. Albert, A trnL‐F cpDNA sequence study of the Condamineeae‐Rondeletieae‐Sipaneeae complex with implications on the phylogeny of the Rubiaceae, in American Journal of Botany, vol. 89, 2002, pp. 145–159.
  4. ^ (EN) Rubiaceae, in The Plant List. URL consultato il 20/12/2019.
  5. ^ (EN) List of Genera in Rubiaceae, su Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. URL consultato il 17/12/2019.

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Cinchonoideae: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Cinchonoideae Raf. è una sottofamiglia di piante della famiglia delle Rubiaceae.

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구슬꽃나무아과 ( Corean )

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구슬꽃나무아과(-----亞科, 학명: Cinchonoideae 킹코노이데아이[*])는 꼭두서니과아과이다.[1] 10개 족, 약 1700여 종으로 이루어져 있다.[2] 기나나무조구등 등을 포함하고 있다.

하위 분류

궤타르다족(Guettardeae DC.)[3]
  • Antirhea Comm. ex A.Juss.
  • Arachnothryx Planch.
  • Bobea Gaudich.
  • Chomelia Jacq.
  • Dichilanthe Thwaites
  • Gonzalagunia Ruiz & Pav.
  • Guettarda L.
  • Hodgkinsonia F.Muell.
  • Machaonia Bonpl.
  • Malanea Aubl.
  • Neoblakea Standl.
  • Ottoschmidtia Urb.
  • Pittoniotis Griseb.
  • Rogiera Planch.
  • Rovaeanthus Borhidi
  • Stenostomum C.F.Gaertn.
  • Timonius Rumph. ex DC.
  • Tinadendron Achille
기나나무족(Cinchoneae DC.)[4]
  • 기나나무속(Cinchona L.)
  • Ciliosemina Antonelli
  • Cinchonopsis L.Andersson
  • Joosia H.Karst.
  • Ladenbergia Klotzsch
  • Maguireocharis Steyerm.
  • Pimentelia Wedd.
  • Remijia DC.
  • Stilpnophyllum Hook.f.
나우클레아족(Naucleeae Kostel.)[5]
  • 구등속(Uncaria Schreb.)
  • 구슬꽃나무속(Adina Salisb.)
  • Breonadia Ridsdale
  • Breonia A.Rich. ex DC.
  • Cephalanthus L.
  • Corynanthe Welw.
  • Diyaminauclea Ridsdale
  • Gyrostipula J.-F.Leroy
  • Janotia J.-F.Leroy
  • Khasiaclunea Ridsdale
  • Ludekia Ridsdale
  • Mitragyna Korth.
  • Myrmeconauclea Merr.
  • Nauclea L.
  • Neolamarckia Bosser
  • Neonauclea Merr.
  • Ochreinauclea Ridsdale & Bakh.f.
  • Sinoadina Ridsdale
론델레티아족(Rondeletieae Burnett)[6]
  • Acrobotrys K.Schum. & K.Krause
  • Acrosynanthus Urb.
  • Acunaeanthus Borhidi, Komlódi & Moncada
  • Blepharidium Standl.
  • Donnellyanthus Borhidi
  • Habroneuron Standl.
  • Holstianthus Steyerm.
  • Mazaea Krug & Urb.
  • Phyllomelia Griseb.
  • Rachicallis DC.
  • Roigella Borhidi & M.Fernández
  • Rondeletia L.
  • Standleya Brade
  • Stevensia Poit.
  • Suberanthus Borhidi & M.Fernández
이세르티아족(Isertieae A.Rich. ex DC.)[7]
  • Isertia Schreb.
  • Kerianthera J.H.Kirkbr.
키오코카족(Chiococceae Benth. & Hook.f.)[8]
  • Adolphoduckea Paudyal & Delprete
  • Badusa A.Gray
  • Bikkia Reinw. ex Blume
  • Catesbaea L.
  • Ceratopyxis Hook.f.
  • Chiococca P.Browne
  • Coutaportla Urb.
  • Coutarea Aubl.
  • Coutareopsis Paudyal & Delprete
  • Cubanola Aiello
  • Eosanthe Urb.
  • Erithalis P.Browne
  • Exostema (Pers.) Bonpl.
  • Hintonia Bullock
  • Isidorea A.Rich. ex DC.
  • Nernstia Urb.
  • Osa Aiello
  • Phialanthus Griseb.
  • Portlandia P.Browne
  • Salzmannia DC.
  • Schmidtottia Urb.
  • Scolosanthus Vahl
  • Shaferocharis Urb.
  • Siemensia Urb.
  • Solenandra Hook.f.
  • Strumpfia Jacq.
  • Thiollierea Montrouz.
  • Thogsennia Aiello
하멜리아족(Hamelieae A.Rich. ex DC.)[9]
  • Cosmocalyx Standl.
  • Deppea Schltdl. & Cham.
  • Eizia Standl.
  • Hamelia Jacq.
  • Hoffmannia Sw.
  • Omiltemia Standl.
  • Patima Aubl.
  • Pinarophyllon Brandegee
  • Plocaniophyllon Brandegee
  • Pseudomiltemia Borhidi
  • Syringantha Standl.
히메노딕티온족(Hymenodictyeae Razafim. & B.Bremer)[10]
  • Hymenodictyon Wall.
  • Paracorynanthe Capuron
힐리아족(Hillieae Bremek. ex S.P.Darwin)[11]
  • Balmea Martínez
  • Cosmibuena Ruiz & Pav.
  • Hillia Jacq.
분류 불확실(incertae sedis)
  • Chione DC.
  • Wandersong David W.Taylor

계통 분류













  1. Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel. Annales Générales des Sciences Physiques 6: 81. 1820.
  2. 'Cinchonoideae
  3. Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 9: 217. 1807.
  4. Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 9: 217. 1807.
  5. Kosteletzky, Vincenz Franz. Allgemeine Medizinisch-Pharmazeutische Flora 2: 581. 1833.
  6. Burnett, Gilbert Thomas. Outlines of Botany 906. 1835.
  7. Richard, Achille. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 4: 342, 435. 1830.
  8. Bentham, George & Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Genera Plantarum 2: 9, 21. 1873.
  9. Richard, Achille. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 4: 342, 438. 1830.
  10. Razafimandimbison, Sylvain Georges & Bremer, Birgitta. Systematics and Geography of Plants 71: 515–538. 2001.
  11. Bremekamp, Cornelis Eliza Bertus. Taxon 25(5–6): 603. 1976.
  12. Bremer, Birgitta; Eriksson, Torsten (2009). “Time Tree of Rubiaceae: Phylogeny and Dating the Family, Subfamilies, and Tribes” (PDF). 《International Journal of Plant Sciences》 (영어) 170 (6): 766–793. doi:10.1086/599077.
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