Rumex kerneri is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common name Kerner's dock.[1] It is native to Europe. It has also been observed in California as an introduced species and roadside weed. It is a perennial herb producing a slender, erect stem from a thick taproot, approaching 1.5 meters in maximum height. The lance-shaped leaves can be up to 25 centimeters long and have smooth, wavy, or wrinkly edges. The inflorescence is an interrupted series of clusters of flowers, with 15 or 20 in each cluster, each flower hanging from a pedicel. The flower has usually six tepals, the inner three of which are largest, about 6 millimeters long, edged with tiny teeth and bearing rounded tubercles in the centers.
This species is sometimes treated as a subspecies of Rumex crispus.
Rumex kerneri is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common name Kerner's dock. It is native to Europe. It has also been observed in California as an introduced species and roadside weed. It is a perennial herb producing a slender, erect stem from a thick taproot, approaching 1.5 meters in maximum height. The lance-shaped leaves can be up to 25 centimeters long and have smooth, wavy, or wrinkly edges. The inflorescence is an interrupted series of clusters of flowers, with 15 or 20 in each cluster, each flower hanging from a pedicel. The flower has usually six tepals, the inner three of which are largest, about 6 millimeters long, edged with tiny teeth and bearing rounded tubercles in the centers.
This species is sometimes treated as a subspecies of Rumex crispus.
Rumex kerneri (Anglice Kerner's dock) est herba perennis, planta florens familiae Polygonacearum, in Europa endemica. Visus est in California ut species introducta et devia herba inutilis.
Plantae est caulis tenuis et erectus, qui ex crassa radice palari oritur et ad 1.5 m altum attingit. Folia sunt lanceolata, usque ad 25 cm longa, marginibus integris, sinuatis, vel rugosis. Inflorescentia est interrupta fasciculorum florum series, 15 vel 20 in quoque fasciculo, quoque flore ex pedicello dependente. Cuique flori plerumque sunt sex tepala, quorum tria intima sunt maxima, circa 6 mm longa, perparvis dentibus in marginibus, tubercula rotunda in mediis ferentia.
Haec species aliquando ut subspecies Rumicis crispi habetur.
Rumex kerneri (Anglice Kerner's dock) est herba perennis, planta florens familiae Polygonacearum, in Europa endemica. Visus est in California ut species introducta et devia herba inutilis.
Plantae est caulis tenuis et erectus, qui ex crassa radice palari oritur et ad 1.5 m altum attingit. Folia sunt lanceolata, usque ad 25 cm longa, marginibus integris, sinuatis, vel rugosis. Inflorescentia est interrupta fasciculorum florum series, 15 vel 20 in quoque fasciculo, quoque flore ex pedicello dependente. Cuique flori plerumque sunt sex tepala, quorum tria intima sunt maxima, circa 6 mm longa, perparvis dentibus in marginibus, tubercula rotunda in mediis ferentia.
Haec species aliquando ut subspecies Rumicis crispi habetur.
Rumex kerneri (Anglice Kerner's dock) est herba perennis, planta florens familiae Polygonacearum, in Europa endemica. Visus est in California ut species introducta et devia herba inutilis.
Plantae est caulis tenuis et erectus, qui ex crassa radice palari oritur et ad 1.5 m altum attingit. Folia sunt lanceolata, usque ad 25 cm longa, marginibus integris, sinuatis, vel rugosis. Inflorescentia est interrupta fasciculorum florum series, 15 vel 20 in quoque fasciculo, quoque flore ex pedicello dependente. Cuique flori plerumque sunt sex tepala, quorum tria intima sunt maxima, circa 6 mm longa, perparvis dentibus in marginibus, tubercula rotunda in mediis ferentia.
Haec species aliquando ut subspecies Rumicis crispi habetur.