Ochrosia elliptica, known as elliptic yellowwood, bloodhorn or kopsia is a flowering tree native to north-eastern Australia, Lord Howe Island and New Caledonia.
The tree bears an inedible red colored fruit with a white sticky flesh. It has been introduced to Florida where it is considered invasive [2] and also to the Bahamas.
Ochrosia elliptica is an evergreen shrub or small tree usually growing 4–6 metres tall but sometimes reaching 12 metres. It has leathery dark green elliptic to obovate leaves up to 8–20cm long and 4–8cm wide.
The leaves occur in whorls of 3 or 4. The flowers occur in axilliary clusters and are small, yellow/white and fragrant. They are followed by pairs of striking red fruit 5–6 cm long by 2–3 cm in diameter, which resemble elongated tomatoes or a pair of red horns. The fruits are poisonous, and plants bleed white sap copiously when wounded.
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of beads. It is cultivated for its medicinal use in China. It is widely distributed as an ornamental, being valued for its startling bright red fruits and dense clusters of cream flowers that are produced throughout the year on an open spreading leafy canopy.
Fruit and sap are highly poisonous.
Local names
China: Gu cheng mei gui shu.
English: Berrywood tree, Bloodhorn, Elliptic yellowwood, Mangrove ochrosia, Wedge apple.
Ochrosia elliptica, known as elliptic yellowwood, bloodhorn or kopsia is a flowering tree native to north-eastern Australia, Lord Howe Island and New Caledonia.
The tree bears an inedible red colored fruit with a white sticky flesh. It has been introduced to Florida where it is considered invasive and also to the Bahamas.
Ochrosia elliptica is an evergreen shrub or small tree usually growing 4–6 metres tall but sometimes reaching 12 metres. It has leathery dark green elliptic to obovate leaves up to 8–20cm long and 4–8cm wide.
The leaves occur in whorls of 3 or 4. The flowers occur in axilliary clusters and are small, yellow/white and fragrant. They are followed by pairs of striking red fruit 5–6 cm long by 2–3 cm in diameter, which resemble elongated tomatoes or a pair of red horns. The fruits are poisonous, and plants bleed white sap copiously when wounded.
Ochrosia elliptica est une plante tropicale (Océanie) de la famille des Apocynacées. Un de ces noms vernaculaires, comme l'ochrosia oppositifolia, est bois chauve-souris.
C'est un arbuste atteignant 4 à 6 mètres de haut qui pousse le long des littoraux, sur les affleurements coralliens et sur les terrains sablonneux des îles de l'Océanie.
Ses fleurs sont blanches. Ses fruits rouges ne sont pas comestibles. Ils contiennent deux graines, parfois utilisées comme perle de collier, une fois qu'elles ont été polies[2].
Ochrosia elliptica est une plante tropicale (Océanie) de la famille des Apocynacées. Un de ces noms vernaculaires, comme l'ochrosia oppositifolia, est bois chauve-souris.
Ochrosia elliptica là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ La bố ma. Loài này được Labill. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1824.[2]
Ochrosia elliptica là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ La bố ma. Loài này được Labill. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1824.