Campanula istriaca, Syn.: Campanula fenestrellata ssp. istriacaSlo.: istrska zvonnica, CR.: istarski zvoniDat.: June 24. 2012Lat.: 44.94898 Long.: 14.69912Code: Bot_634/2012_IMG0038 Habitat: Vertical calcareous sea shore cliffs, a few meters above the sea level, southeast oriented rock face, dry and sunny place, exposed to direct rain, average precipitations ~ 800-1200 mm/year, average temperature 13-16 deg C, elevation 5 m (16 feet), submediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil in rock cracks. Place: Adriatic Sea shore 1.5 km southeast of village Stara Baka, island Krk, north Adriatic sea, Croatia Comment: A rare narrow endemic species known only from some places of north Adriatic Sea shores (east coast of Istria peninsula and at the foot of Velebit Mountains) and Kvarner bay islands Cres, Rab, Krk and Pag. It is one of about 10 endemic species in Croatia within genus Campanula. Strictly protected by Pravilnik o proglaavanju divljih svojti zatienim i strogo zatienim, Urbroj: 532-08-01/1-05-07 (2005), Zagreb, Hrvatska (Regulations on protected and strictly protected species, Official Gazette 532-08-01/1-05-07 (2005), Zagreb, Croatia). Ref.:(1) Kovacic, S.; Nikolic, T. (2006): Relations of the western Balkan endemic Campanula L. (Campanulaceae) lineages based on comparative floral morphometry. Pl. Biosystems Vol. 140, No.3:260-272.(2) Determination confirmed by Dr. Peter Glasnovi, Institute for biodiversity studies, University of Primorska.
Campanula istriaca, Syn.: Campanula fenestrellata ssp. istriacaSlo.: istrska zvonnica, CR.: istarski zvoniDat.: June 24. 2012Lat.: 44.94898 Long.: 14.69912Code: Bot_634/2012_IMG0038 Habitat: Vertical calcareous sea shore cliffs, a few meters above the sea level, from southeast oriented, dry and sunny place, exposed to direct rain, average precipitations ~ 800-1200 mm/year, average temperature 13-16 deg C, elevation 5 m (16 feet), submediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil in rock cracks. Place: Adriatic Sea shore 1.5 km southeast of village Stara Baka, island Krk, north Adriatic sea, Croatia Comment: A rare narrow endemic species known only from some places of north Adriatic Sea shores (east coast of Istria peninsula and at the foot of Velebit Mountains) and Kvarner bay islands Cres, Rab, Krk and Pag. It is one of about 10 endemic species in Croatia within genus Campanula. Strictly protected by Pravilnik o proglaavanju divljih svojti zatienim i strogo zatienim, Urbroj: 532-08-01/1-05-07 (2005), Zagreb, Hrvatska (Regulations on protected and strictly protected species, Official Gazette 532-08-01/1-05-07 (2005), Zagreb, Croatia). Ref.:(1) Kovacic, S.; Nikolic, T. (2006): Relations of the western Balkan endemic Campanula L. (Campanulaceae) lineages based on comparative floral morphometry. Pl. Biosystems Vol. 140, No.3:260-272.(2) Determination confirmed by Dr. Peter Glasnovi, Institute for biodiversity studies, University of Primorska.