Plancia ëd Anoplius cuautemoc Evans 1966
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Anoplius cuautemoc Evans 1966

Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Anoplius (Arachnophroctonus) cuautemoc new species
Holotype. — S, Mexico: Guerrero: 3 mi. N Taxco, 1 June 1959, 5500 feet (HEE) [MCZ, no. 30, 971].
Description of type male. — Length 9 mm.; fore wing 7.5 mm. Black, upper outer orbits with a very small pale streak, posterior margin of pronotum with a strong whitish band; wings subhyaline, apical margin of fore wing and apex of hind wing with a broad fuscous band. Head, thorax, and basal parts of legs with fine, conspicuous silvery pubescence, absent only from vertex, mesoscutum, and scutellar disc, where the pubescence is dark; abdomen extensively silvery, especially on the apical tergites, pubescence darker at apices of basal tergites and also on much of sides and venter. Front and vertex with numerous erect setae; thoracic dorsum sparsely setose; propodeum with numerous pale setae on the sides; abdominal sternites each with a few dark setae of moderate length. Clypeus twice as broad as high, its apical margin truncate. Head 1.12 X as wide as high, the vertex forming a gentle arc between the eye tops; MID .61 X TFD; UID 1.06 X LID. POL and OOL subequal, front angle of ocellar triangle about a right angle. First four antennal segments in a ratio of about 20:5:14:15, segment three about twice as long as wide. Pronotum broadly, indistinctly angulate behind. Propodeum sloping but slightly
in front, roundly declivous on the posterior fifth. Last segment of front tarsus weakly lobed on inner margin, both the front tarsal claws strongly curved, the inner pair more than the outer; remaining claws with the inner ray truncate, not as long as outer ray. Longer spur of hind tibia nearly as long as basitarsus. Fore wing with marginal cell removed from wing tip by 1.2 X its own length; SMC3 not quite as wide as second, triangular; anal vein of hind wings interstitial with cubitus. SGP fairly broad, the apex weakly rounded, the median line strongly elevated basally, more weakly so toward the apex; sides of plate broadly unpigmented, translucent; surface clothed with short, semierect setulae (fig. 82). Genitalia with the parameres very slender, weakly curved; digiti rather large, spindle-shaped, directed strongly mesad so as to overlap apically, covered with erect setae except at tip; basal hooklets of characteristic shape (fig. 53).
Distribution. — Eastern Mexico to Costa Rica. (Map 50.) Paratypes. — Mexico: Tamaulipas: 1 8, Liera, 19 July 1954 (KU Mex. Exped.) [KU]. San Luis Potosi: 2 8 8, Xilitla, 23 July 1954, 1450 feet, 23 July 1954 (KU Mex. Exped.) [KU]; 1 8 , 20 mi. N Tamazunchale, 19 May 1952 (MC) [AMNH]. Veracruz: 2 8 8, Fortin de las Flores, Aug., Sept. (RHP, FXW) [MCZ, CAS]; 2 8 8, Cordoba, 1 Jan. 1941 (GEB) [CIS]; 3 8 8, Orizaba, 12 Aug. 1961 (RRD) [MSU]; 1 8, Minatitlan, 26 Aug. 1961 (RRD) [MSU]; 1 8 , Veracruz, 1-6 Aug. 1961 (RRD) [MSU]; 2 8 8, Acayucan, 23 Oct. 1957 (RRD) [MSU]. Oaxaca: 4 8 8, Palomares, 5-21 Sept. 1961 (RRD) [MSU]. Yucatan: 1 8 , Chichen Itza, June 1929 (JB) [MCZ]; 1 8 , 9 mi. E Chichen Itza, 13 Aug. 1963 (HAS) [OSU]. British Honduras: 2 8 8, Augustine Mt. Pine Ridge, 3-7 July 1963 (CCP) [MCZ]. El Salvador: 1 8 , Quezaltepeque, 22 June 1963 (M. Irwin) [UCD]. Costa Rica: 13,6 mi. W Turrialba, 3800 feet, 21 July 1963 (HAS) [OSU].
Variation. — The 25 paratypes vary in size from 6 to 9 mm., the fore wing from 5.0 to 7.5 mm. In about half the specimens OOL exceeds POL slightly. SMC3 is non-petiolate, like the type, in most of the specimens, but it is short-petiolate in six (one from Fortin, one from Cordoba, one from Xilitla, one from Orizaba, and two from British Honduras) and rather long-petiolate in two (both Orizaba); in the Tamaulipas specimen SMC3 is narrowed by only .8 above. In some specimens SMC3 is as wide as SMC2, while in others it is not nearly as wide. The head is missing in one of the Cordoba and one of the Xilitla specimens.
Anoplius (Arochnophroctonus) cuautemoc Evans • Form BH O Form RS
This species is distinctly dimorphic (like the closely related species americanus, the males of which are tetramorphic). While most of the males are very similar to the type in coloration and in characters of the terminalia, three of them differ in the following particulars: second and third abdominal segments, and apical margin of first (in one case also base of fourth) orange-brown; digiti bearing very short, barely visible setae. I do not care to place these three specimens in a separate subspecies for several reasons: (1) the terminalia are virtually identical except that the setae on the digiti are much shorter in the rufous form, (2) the two forms have been taken together on one occasion but remain distinct, suggesting that they are either full species or morphs, (3) the dimorphism closely parallels that in americanus and involves some of the same characters. For the present I shall call the all-black form with longer setae on the digiti form BH, the rufous form with smoother digiti form RS; the latter is known only from two specimens from Yucatan and one from British Honduras (map 50).
sitassion bibliogràfica
Evans, H.E. 1966. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Spider Wasps of the Subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA