
Associations ( Anglèis )

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In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Animal / parasitoid / ectoparasitoid
larva of Chrysura hirsuta is ectoparasitoid of larva of Osmia inermis

Foodplant / nest
female of Osmia inermis provisions nest with pollen of Lotus corniculatus
Other: sole host/prey

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Osmia inermis ( Anglèis )

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Osmia inermis, the mountain mason bee[2] , is a species of mason bee from the family Megachilidae which has a Holarctic distribution.[1]


A small matt black bee, the females are 10mm long and show some pale hairs on the body while the males are slightly smaller and have an entirely black pubescence over their body.[1]


Osmia inermis uses preexisting cavities as nest sites up to 200 brood cells are attached to the underside of stones, to the walls of small cavities in rocks and stones or in an exceptional case to the underside of a discarded heat shield from a vehicle catalytic converter. This species will also accept overturned terracotta saucers which are left out as artificial nesting sites. Cells are entirely built of leaf mastic, a wall of sand is often constructed to seal the nest stones towards the ground. Frequently, a group of females will communally build their brood cells under the same stone.[3]

Inside the cells the broods take at least two years to mature, and it can take as long as four years. This has the effect of staggering the emergence adults, thus making allowance where the breeding season has adversely affected by poor summer weather.[2] It is polylectic with a preference for Fabaceae; additional pollen sources include Vaccinium and Salix[3] In Scotland this bee relies almost entirely on Lotus corniculata for its food.[2] It is univoltine in Scotland and the flight period is late May to the end of July.[4]


In Scotland Osmia inermis was found mainly on exposed, base-rich uplands, between 260–430 m above sea level. Favoured habitat there comprises exposed sheep pasture on low, dry hillocks on a south-facing mica-schist escarpment with a vegetation of heavily-grazed heather, with lichen and moss predominating amongst it. Near to the site the likely forage plants used by the bee there included Lotus corniculatus, Ajuga reptans and Vaccinium myrtillus[4] Otherwise the species has an Arctic-alpine distribution, being found at low altitudes north of the Arctic Circle and in more montane locations further south.[5]

The chrysidid wasp Chrysura hirsuta is known to have been reared from Scottish nests of Osmia inermis. After hatching the larva of the parasitoid attacks the bee larva when it has spun its tough cocoon. When mature the C. hirsuta larva spins its own cocoon inside the bee larva's cocoon. C. hirsuta seems to have an obligate, minimum, two-year life cycle which parallels that of O. inermis.[4]


Holarctic, in Europe as far south as Mount Olympus, Greece[3] and in North America it is found in eastern North America in Labrador, Quebec, the New England states and Wisconsin.[1]


There are two recognised subspecies.[1]

  • Osmia inermis inermis (Zetterstedt, 1838) - most of Europe, northern Asia and eastern North America.
  • Osmia inermis bulgarica Friese, 1923 - Italy and the Balkans.


In Scotland Osmia inermis is under threat from the loss of suitable habitat, as its preferred habitat of upland calcareous grassland, is becoming increasingly rare in Scotland. Agricultural intensification is causing the loss of herb-rich, short sward grasslands, as do commercial afforestation or insufficient grazing. As an arctic-alpine species, O. inermis is likely to be negatively affected by warming of the Scottish climate due to anthropogenic climate change.[5]


  1. ^ a b c d e f "Osmia inermis (Zetterstedt, 1838)". Discover Life. Retrieved 24 September 2016.
  2. ^ a b c "Rare solitary bees in the Cairngorms". Highland Environmental Network. Retrieved 24 September 2016.
  3. ^ a b c "Palaearctic Osmiine Bees systematics and Biology of a Fascinating Group of Solitary Bees Subgenus Melanosmia"". Palaearctic Osmiine Bees. Retrieved 24 September 2016.
  4. ^ a b c "Osmia inermis (Zetterstedt,1838)". Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society. Retrieved 24 September 2016.
  5. ^ a b "The mason bees - Osmia inermis, Osmia uncinata and Osmia parietina" (PDF). Scottish Natural Heritage. Retrieved 24 September 2016.
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Osmia inermis: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Osmia inermis, the mountain mason bee , is a species of mason bee from the family Megachilidae which has a Holarctic distribution.

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Osmia inermis ( olandèis; flamand )

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Osmia inermis is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie Megachilidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1838 door Zetterstedt.[1]

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Stenmurarbi ( svedèis )

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Stenmurarbi (Osmia inermis) är ett bi i familjen buksamlarbin. Biet är solitärt, icke samhällsbildande; det är dock inte ovanligt att flera honor bygger sina larvbon tillsammans.


Ett bi med svart, ometallisk grundfärg. Huvud och mellankropp har gulvit behårig, vingarna är mörka. Hanen är något kortare än honan (9 mm mot hennes 10 mm) och med något bredare ansikte.[1]


Stenmurarbiet föredrar glesbevuxen mark, gärna högländer med högt betestryck. Flygperioden varar från slutet av maj till juli.[3] Nektarkällor återfinns bland videsläktet, hallonsläktet och blåbärssläktet.[1]. Pollen tycks dock hämtas från ärtväxter som kärringtand[3].


Stenmurarbiet är som sagt icke samhällsbildande, men flera honor bygger gärna sina larvbon tillsammans under stenar och andra objekt. En sådan koloni kan innehålla mer än 200 celler. De har oval form, och konstrueras av söndertuggat växtmaterial.[4] Arten övervintrar som passiv vilolarv. Det förekommer att kokongerna angrips av parasitstekeln Chrysura hirsuta.[3]


Arten förekommer både i gamla och nya världen; i Europa från norra Fennoskandien till norra Spanien och österut till Grekland[4], och i Nordamerika från Labradorhalvön, Quebec, över New England till Wisconsin.[1] Det är reproducerande i Sverige och betecknas där som livskraftigt.[5]


  1. ^ [a b c d] Osmia inermis Zetterstedt, 1838” (på engelska). Discover Life. http://www.discoverlife.org/mp/20q?search=Osmia+inermis. Läst 10 augusti 2013.
  2. ^ Osmia inermis (Zetterstedt, 1838)” (på engelska). ITIS. http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=715562. Läst 10 augusti 2013.
  3. ^ [a b c] G R Else (februari 2012). Osmia inermis (Zetterstedt, 1838)” (på engelska). Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society. http://www.bwars.com/index.php?q=bee/megachilidae/osmia-inermis. Läst 10 augusti 2013.
  4. ^ [a b] Barry Hicks (2009). ”TObservations of the nest structure of Osmia inermis (Hymenoptera Megachilidae) from Newfoundland, Canada” (på engelska) (PDF, 1,64 MB). Journal of Acadian Entomolgical Society 5: sid. 12-18. http://www.acadianes.org/journal/papers/hicksosmia0901.pdf. Läst 10 augusti 2013.
  5. ^ Oskar Kindvall (18 maj 2004). Osmia inermis - stenmurarbi”. Artdatabanken. https://www.dyntaxa.se/Taxon/Info/103192. Läst 10 augusti 2013.
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Stenmurarbi: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Stenmurarbi (Osmia inermis) är ett bi i familjen buksamlarbin. Biet är solitärt, icke samhällsbildande; det är dock inte ovanligt att flera honor bygger sina larvbon tillsammans.

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Osmia inermis ( vietnamèis )

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Osmia inermis là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Megachilidae. Loài này được Zetterstedt mô tả khoa học năm 1838.[2]

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Osmia inermis: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Osmia inermis là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Megachilidae. Loài này được Zetterstedt mô tả khoa học năm 1838.

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Osmia inermis ( russ; russi )

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Латинское название Osmia inermis
Zetterstedt, 1838

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 715562 NCBI 586935

Osmia inermis (лат.) — вид пчёл рода осмии из трибы Osmiini семейства Мегахилиды. Северная Америка, Северная Евразия[1].


Голарктика: Канада, США (от Аляски до Калифорнии), Европа (от Испании до Швеции), Россия, Китай[1]


Длина около 1 см. Самки отличаются слегка острым углом или зубцом в срединной части вентрального края мандибул. Основная окраска коричнево-чёрная. Посещают цветы растений из семейств Fabaceae, Ericaceae, включая Lotus corniculatus, Ajuga reptans и Vaccinium myrtillus. Гнездятся под камнями[1]. Жвалы трёхзубые. Лицо слегка длиннее чем расстояние между глазами сверху. Глаза конвергентные снизу; латеральные оцеллии почти на равном расстоянии от глаза и края вертекса, чуть ближе друг к другу; клипеус широко выпуклый, апикальный край сравнительно выступающий. Опушение головы, груди и базального абдоминального тергита брюшка желтовато-белое и белое на базальных сегментах ног, но чёрное на голенях и лапках. Опушение 3-5 абдоминальных тергитов чёрное и отстоящее[2]. Среди клептопаразитов в гнёздах пчёл в Шотландии отмечена оса-блестянка Chrysura hirsuta (Chrysididae)[1][3].

Вид был впервые описан в 1838 году шведским энтомологом Иоганном Цеттерштедтом (17851874) первоначально под названием Anthophora (Osmia) inermis Zetterstedt, 1838[4]. Валидный статус вида был подтверждён в ходе ревизии неарктических таксонов рода американскими энтомологами Молли Райтмиер, Терри Грисволдом (Molly G. Rightmyer, Terry Griswold, USDA-ARS Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan UT, США) и Майклом Ардусером (Michael S. Arduser, Missouri Department of Conservation, Миссури, США). Вид Osmia inermis сходен с видами Osmia ishikawai, Osmia parietina и Osmia uncinata[1][3].


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Molly G. Rightmyer, Terry Griswold, and Michael S. Arduser. 2010. A review of the non-metallic Osmia (Melanosmia) found in North America, with additional notes on palearctic Melanosmia (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Zookeys. 2010; (60): 37-77.
  2. Osmia inermis на Discover Life (англ.)
  3. 1 2 Osmia inermis (Zetterstedt, 1838). BWARS Bees, Wasps & Ants Recording Society
  4. Zetterstedt J.W.(1838). Hymenoptera. Insecta Lapponica, Vol. 1, Part 2. Leopold Voss, Leipzig, 317–475.
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Osmia inermis: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Osmia inermis (лат.) — вид пчёл рода осмии из трибы Osmiini семейства Мегахилиды. Северная Америка, Северная Евразия.

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