
Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Occurs singly or in small groups around coral outcrops of clear outer reef slopes (Ref. 1602).
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Drina Sta. Iglesia
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Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Dorsal spines (total): 10; Dorsal soft rays (total): 17; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 7
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Cristina V. Garilao
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Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

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Description: Characterized by male having blue grey color with strong yellowish hue, median fin yellow, bright red band from rear edge of eye to base of pectoral fin, anterior half of pelvic fin red; female with dull yellow or greenish yellow color with bright yellow upper and lower margins on caudal fin; greatest depth of body 2.3-2.8 in SL; absence of fleshy protuberance at front of upper lip in males; greatly prolonged third dorsal spine in male; lunate caudal fin with filamentous tips in male; pelvic fins not reaching anal fin (Ref. 90102).
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Cristina V. Garilao
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Biology ( Anglèis )

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Occurs singly or in small groups around coral outcrops of clear outer reef slopes. Males are territorial and haremic (Ref. 9710). Total length for females from Masuda & Allen, 1993 (Ref. 9137).
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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Importance ( Anglèis )

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aquarium: commercial
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Estelita Emily Capuli
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Pseudanthias huchtii ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Pseudanthias huchtii és una espècie de peix de la família dels serrànids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.



És un peix marí de clima tropical i associat als esculls de corall que viu entre 3-30 m de fondària,[6] tot i que, normalment, ho fa entre 5-30.[7][5]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba des de les Illes Moluques[8][9] i les Filipines[10][11][12][13] fins a Vanuatu, la Gran Barrera de Corall[14][15][16] i Palau a la Micronèsia.[17][18][5][19][20]


  1. Bleeker P. 1871-1876. Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises, publié sous les auspices du Gouvernement colonial néêrlandais. Tome VII. Percoides I, Priacanthiformes, Serraniformes, Grammisteiformes, Percaeformes, Datniaeformes. Atlas Ichthyol. v. 7 . 1-126.
  2. BioLib (anglès)
  3. «Pseudanthias huchtii». Catalogue of Life. (anglès) (anglès)
  4. Lieske, E. i R. Myers, 1994. Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Haper Collins Publishers, 400 p.
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 FishBase (anglès)
  6. Kuiter, R.H. i T. Tonozuka, 2001. Pictorial guide to Indonesian reef fishes. Part 3. Jawfishes - Sunfishes, Opistognathidae - Molidae. Zoonetics, Austràlia. 623 - 893.
  7. Baensch, H.A. i H. Debelius, 1997. Meerwasser atlas. Mergus Verlag GmbH, Postfach 86, 49302, Melle, Alemanya. 1216 p. 3a edició.
  8. Kuiter, R.H., 1992. Tropical reef-fishes of the western Pacific Indonesia and adjacent waters. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, Indonèsia. 314 p.
  9. Allen, G.R. i M. Adrim, 2003. Coral reef fishes of Indonesia. Zool. Stud. 42(1):1-72.
  10. White, A. i H. Calumpong, 1993. Saving Tubbataha Reef: Earthwatch expedition to the Philippines '92. Silliman J. 36(2):77-105.
  11. Murdy, E.O., C.J. Ferraris, Jr., D.I. Hoese i R.C. Steene, 1981. Preliminary list of fishes from Sombrero Island, Philippines, with fifteen new records. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 94(4):1163-1173.
  12. McManus, J.W., R.I. Miclat i V.P. Palaganas, 1981. Coral and fish community structure of Sombrero Island, Batangas, Philippines. Proc. 4th Int. Coral Reef Symp., Manila (2):271-280.
  13. Luna, C.Z. i L. Mancao, 2006. The performance of marine protected areas supported by the FISH Project as measured by project results 3-5: a synthesis of the results of baseline assessment in 2004 and monitoring in 2005. Tetra Tech EM, Inc. Pasig City, Metro Manila, Filipines. 130 p.
  14. Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen i R.C. Steene, 1990. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 506 p.
  15. Paxton, J.R., D.F. Hoese, G.R. Allen i J.E. Hanley, 1989. Pisces. Petromyzontidae to Carangidae. Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Vol. 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 665 p.
  16. Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton i G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. A Beasley, O.L. i A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volum 35. ABRS & CSIRO Publishing: Australia Part 1, pp. xxiv 1-670; Part 2, pp. xxi 671-1472; Part 3, pp. xxi 1473-2178.
  17. Myers, R.F., 1999. Micronesian reef fishes: a comprehensive guide to the coral reef fishes of Micronesia. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 330 p.
  18. Myers, R.F., 1991. Micronesian reef fishes. Second Ed. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 298 p.
  19. Allen, G.R. i P.L. Munday, 1994. Kimbe Bay rapid ecological assessment: the coral reefs of Kimbe Bay (West New Britain, Papua New Guinea), Volum 3: Fish diversity of Kimbe Bay. The Nature Conservancy, South Pacific program Office, Auckland, Nova Zelanda. 107 p.
  20. Kailola, P.J., 1987. The fishes of Papua New Guinea. A revised and annotated checklist. Vol. 1. Myxinidae to Synbranchidae. Research Bulletin Núm. 41. Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Port Moresby, Papua Nova Guinea. 194 p.


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  • Eschmeyer, William N.: Genera of Recent Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. iii + 697. ISBN 0-940228-23-8 (1990).
  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, Califòrnia, Estats Units. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Hardy, J.D. Jr., 2003. Coral reef fish species. NOAANational Oceanographic Data Center. NODC Coral Reef Data and Information Management System. Estats Units. 537 p.
  • Heemstra, P.C. i J.E. Randall, 1999. Serranidae. p. 2442-2547. A K.E. Carpenter i V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae). Roma, FAO. 2069-2790 p.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Masuda, H. i G.R. Allen, 1993. Meeresfische der Welt - Groß-Indopazifische Region. Tetra Verlag, Herrenteich, Melle. 528 p.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall. Any 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Randall, J.E. i K.K.P. Lim (eds.), 2000. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. (8):569-667.
  • Werner, T.B i G.R. Allen, 1998. Reef fishes of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. A T. Werner i G. Allen (eds). A rapid biodiversity assessment of the coral reefs of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. RAP Working Papers 11, Conservation International, Washington DC.
  • Werner, T.B. i G.R. Allen, 2000. A rapid marine biodiversity assessment of the Calamianes Islands, Palawan province, Philippines. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 17. Washington DC, Estats Units:Conservation International.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Pseudanthias huchtii: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Pseudanthias huchtii és una espècie de peix de la família dels serrànids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.

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Grüner Fahnenbarsch ( Alman )

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Der Grüne Fahnenbarsch (Pseudanthias huchtii), auch Huchts Fahnenbarsch genannt, ist eine Meeresfischart, die im tropischen Pazifik von der indonesischen Inselgruppe Molukken und den Philippinen im Westen bis Palau und Vanuatu im Osten und südlich bis zum Great Barrier Reef vorkommt.



Im Unterschied zu den meisten anderen Fahnenbarscharten, die vorwiegend in Rottönen gefärbt sind, zeigt der Grüne Fahnenbarsch eine grünliche Grundfärbung. Männchen sind grünlich bis olivfarben und erreichen eine Körperlänge von 12 cm, Weibchen sind gelbgrün gefärbt und werden mit 6 cm nur halb so groß. Der dritte Rückenflossenstrahl der Männchen ist auffällig verlängert. Die Bauchflossen der Männchen sind rot. Ein rotes Längsband, das sich vom Hinterrand der Augen bis hinter die Brustflossenbasis erstreckt ist bei den Männchen rot und bei den Weibchen gelblich gefärbt.[1][2][3]


Der Grüne Fahnenbarsch lebt einzeln, in Haremsgruppen mit einem Männchen und zahlreichen Weibchen oder in großen Schwärmen an Fels- und Korallenriffen, vor allen an den Außenriffen, in Wassertiefen von 3 bis 30 Metern und ernährt sich von Plankton.[4]


Der Grüne Fahnenbarsch wurde von Bleeker 1857 in der „Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandicae“ als Anthias huchtii erstbeschrieben. Zum Artzusatz huchtii vermerkte er: „Ich benenne diese Art zu Ehren von Herrn G. J. L. Van der Hucht in Batavia, Besitzer einer schönen Sammlung von molukkischen Fischen die er mir mit größter Selbstlosigkeit zur Beschreibung übergab.[5]

In seinem Werk „Atlas ichthyologique des Indies Orientales Néèlandaises“ erstellte Bleeker 1871 die Gattung Pseudanthias für 6 pazifische Fahnenbarsche die vormals den Gattungen Anthias und Serranus zugeordnet wurden, darunter Pseudanthias huchtii.[6] Boulenger (1895) sah Pseudanthias als ein Juniorsynonym von Anthias bis Pseudanthias u.a von Katayama und Amaoka (1986), Randall und Hutomo (1988), Randall und Pyle (2001) und anderen wieder als gültige Gattung angesehen wurde.[7]


  1. Baensch/Patzner: Mergus Meerwasser-Atlas Band 1, Mergus-Verlag, Melle, 1997, ISBN 3-88244-110-0
  2. Ewald Lieske, Robert F. Myers: Korallenfische der Welt. 1994, Jahr Verlag, ISBN 3-86132-112-2
  3. Dieter Eichler, Robert F. Myers: Korallenfische Zentraler Indopazifik, Jahr-Verlag GmbH & Co., 1997, ISBN 3-86132-225-0
  4. a b Pseudanthias huchtii auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  5. Erstbeschreibung in Achtste Bijdrage tot de kennis der vischfauna van Amboina. In Acta Societatis Scientiarum Indo-Neerlandicae. Vol. I, 1857, S. 38–39. (Online)
  6. Bleeker: Atlas ichthyologique des Indies Orientales Néèlandaises. Vol. VII, 1871, S. 17–18. (Online)
  7. Phillip C. Heemstra, K. V. Akhilesh: A review of the anthiine fish genus Pseudanthias (Perciformes: Serranidae) of the western Indian Ocean, with description of a new species and a key to the species. In: aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology. Vol. 18, Nr. 3, 2011, S. 121–164. (Online)
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Grüner Fahnenbarsch: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Der Grüne Fahnenbarsch (Pseudanthias huchtii), auch Huchts Fahnenbarsch genannt, ist eine Meeresfischart, die im tropischen Pazifik von der indonesischen Inselgruppe Molukken und den Philippinen im Westen bis Palau und Vanuatu im Osten und südlich bis zum Great Barrier Reef vorkommt.

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Pseudanthias huchtii ( Anglèis )

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Pseudanthias huchtii, the red cheek fairy basslet, threadfin anthias or Pacific basslet is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a member of the genus Pseudanthias which is part of the subfamily Anthiinae, which in turn is part of the family Serranidae, the groupers and sea basses. It comes from the Western Central Pacific Ocean. It occasionally makes its way into the aquarium trade. It grows to a size of 12 cm in length.


Pseudanthis huchti is a very distinctively colour member of the genus Pseudanthias, as well as having the third dorsal fin spine and elongated caudal fin lobes. The males possess an obvious orange stripe which runs from their eye to the centre of their pectoral fin and a broad maroon band on the forward margin of the pelvic fin. The females and juveniles are greenish-yellow in colour.[3] There are 10 s[pines in the dorsal fin and 17 soft rays while the anal fin contains 3 spines and 7 soft rays. The maximum recorded total length for a male is 12 centimetres (4.7 in) and for a female it is half that.[2]


Pseudanthias huchtii is found in the Western Pacific Ocean from the Maluku Islands and the Philippines east to Vanuatu, south as far the Great Barrier Reef in the Tasman Sea, as well as the Scott Reef and the Ashmore Reefs in the Timor Sea their distribution extends as far east as Palau in Micronesia.[1]

Habitat and ecology

Pseudanthias huchtii is found in aggregations at drop offs around the outer crests of coral reefs.[3] Like all species of Pseudanthias they are nonandric protogynous hermaphrodites in which all the fish are born female and the largest and most dominant females will change sex to become males.[4] The males are territorial and guard a harem of females.[2] They will interact with Pseudanthias squamipinnis.[5]


Pseudanthias huchti was first formally described in 1857 as Anthias huchti by the Dutch ichthyologist and herpetologist Pieter Bleeker (1819–1874) with the type locality given as Ambon Island.[6] Bleeker named this species in honour of Mr. G.J.L. van den Hucht of Batavia, who owned a fine collection of Moluccan fishes, and who gave specimens to Bleeker.[7] Some authorities place this species in the subgenus Franzia.[5]


This is an aggressive species and infrequently appears in the aquarium trade.[5]


  1. ^ a b Williams, J.T.; Lawrence, A.; Myers, R. (2016). "Pseudanthias huchtii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T69590993A69592562. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T69590993A69592562.en. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2019). "Pseudanthias huchtii" in FishBase. December 2019 version.
  3. ^ a b Mark McGrouther (27 August 2019). "Pacific Basslet, Pseudanthias huchtii (Bleeker, 1857)". Australian Museum. Retrieved 3 June 2020.
  4. ^ Earl T Larson (2010). "Neuroendrocine regulation in sex-changing fishes". In David O. Norris; Kristin H Lopez (eds.). Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates, Volume 1. Hormones and reproduction of vertebrates. Academic Press. pp. 149–168. ISBN 978-0080958095.
  5. ^ a b c Henry C. Shultz III (2008). "Anthias Imposters! -The Genus Pseudanthias, Part II". Fsihy Tales. Reefkeeping. Retrieved 3 June 2020.
  6. ^ Eschmeyer, William N.; Fricke, Ron & van der Laan, Richard (eds.). "Anthias huchti". Catalog of Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 3 June 2020.
  7. ^ P. Bleeker (1857). "Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der vischfauna van Amboina". Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae (in Dutch). 2: 1–102.

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Pseudanthias huchtii: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Pseudanthias huchtii, the red cheek fairy basslet, threadfin anthias or Pacific basslet is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a member of the genus Pseudanthias which is part of the subfamily Anthiinae, which in turn is part of the family Serranidae, the groupers and sea basses. It comes from the Western Central Pacific Ocean. It occasionally makes its way into the aquarium trade. It grows to a size of 12 cm in length.

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Pseudanthias huchtii ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Pseudanthias huchtii es una especie de peces de la familia Serranidae en el orden de los Perciformes.


• Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 12 cm de longitud total[1]​ y las hembras 6.[2]


Es un pez de mar de clima tropical y asociado a los arrecifes de coral que vive entre 3-30 m de profundidad aunque, normalmente, lo hace entre 5 a 30 m.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra desde las Islas Moluca y las Filipinas hasta Vanuatu, la Gran Barrera de Coral y Palau en la Micronesia.


  1. Lieske, E. y R. Myers, 1994. Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Haper Collins Publishers, 400 p.
  2. FishBase (en inglés)


  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.

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Pseudanthias huchtii: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Pseudanthias huchtii es una especie de peces de la familia Serranidae en el orden de los Perciformes.

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Pseudanthias huchtii ( Basch )

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Pseudanthias huchtii Pseudanthias generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Serranidae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Pseudanthias huchtii FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Pseudanthias huchtii: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Pseudanthias huchtii Pseudanthias generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Serranidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Valjaskoruahven ( Finlandèis )

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Valjaskoruahven (Pseudanthias huchtii) on koralliriuttojen parvikala, jota pidetään myös riutta-akvaarioissa.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Valjaskoruahven kasvaa enimmillään 12 cm pitkäksi. Sukupuolten väritys poikkeaa toisistaan suuresti. Naaras on yleisväriltään vihertävänkeltainen. Koiras on violetti tai purppuranpunainen, sen evät ovat keltaiset ja silmän alla kulkee leveä oranssi juova. Koiraan selkäevän kolmas ruoto edestä laskien kasvaa pitkäksi lipputangoksi. [2]


Valjaskoruahveta tavataan Tyynenmeren länsiosan keskiosissa Australian Suurelta valliriutalta Filippiineille, Palaulle ja Mikronesiaan asti. Se elää riuttojen ulkorinteillä.[3]


Valjaskoruahven muodostaa suuria parvia, joissa on paljon enemmän naaraita kuin koiraita.[2] Se on yksi aggressiivisimmista meriahvenlajeista.[4]


Valjaskoruahven syö lähinnä planktonia.


  1. Williams, J.T., Lawrence, A. & Myers, R.: Pseudanthias huchtii IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016.3. 2016. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 8.1.2017. (englanniksi)
  2. a b Australian Museum Fish Site
  3. Pseudanthias huchtii (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). (englanniksi)
  4. Keeping the Jewels of the Reef: The Anthias of the Genus Pseudanthias - Part 2 Live Aquaria
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Valjaskoruahven: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Valjaskoruahven (Pseudanthias huchtii) on koralliriuttojen parvikala, jota pidetään myös riutta-akvaarioissa.

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Pseudanthias huchtii ( olandèis; flamand )

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Pseudanthias huchtii is een straalvinnige vis behorend tot het geslacht Pseudanthias. De vis komt voor in de Grote Oceaan en kan een lengte bereiken van 12 cm.


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Pseudanthias huchtii: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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Pseudanthias huchtii is een straalvinnige vis behorend tot het geslacht Pseudanthias. De vis komt voor in de Grote Oceaan en kan een lengte bereiken van 12 cm.

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赫氏擬花鮨 ( cinèis )

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赫氏擬花鮨: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

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