
Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Bluefish are economically important as both a sportfish and as a food. The bluefish's aggressive feeding habits and the fight it puts up makes it a very popular sportfish. Each year, about 55 million kilograms of bluefish are caught by anglers. In the United States, bluefish account for about 1% of the commercial fishery landings, but over the past 20 years, the catch was tripled (Manooch 2001; Species bluefish).

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Morphology ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Adult P. saltatrix reach an average length of 30 cm but can grow as large as 120 cm. Coloration is greenish-blue to dark blue above giving way to a silvery white on the sides and below. They are covered in relatively small scales, have a straight lateral line, a forked tail, and dorsal and anal fins. Bluefish have an extended, down-turned lower jaw, with both jaws being lined with extremely sharp, conical teeth.

Range mass: 2 to 6 kg.

Range length: 120 (high) cm.

Average length: 30 cm.

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
9 years.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Habitat ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Smaller bluefish live nearly year-round in estuaries and bays along the coasts. As they mature, they begin annual migrations. As the size of the bluefish increases, the distance they migrate also increases. They can tolerate water temperatures as low as 14°C, and can maintain a body temperature up to 40°C above the temperature of the surroundings. These coastal fish will sometimes enter brackish water, where they can tolerate a salinity concentration as low as 7 parts per thousand (Meyer; Bachand 1994).

Aquatic Biomes: coastal

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Distribution ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Bluefish are found in all oceanic and coastal waters except the eastern and northwest Pacific. The adults can be found in estuaries and brackish water, but are most common in clean, high-energy waters, such as surf beaches and rock headlands (Agbayani 2001).

Biogeographic Regions: arctic ocean (Native ); indian ocean (Native ); atlantic ocean (Native ); pacific ocean (Native )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Bluefish are strictly carnivorous, eating squid, shrimp, crabs, and fish, such as herring, atlantic mackeral, menhaden, spot, butterfish, and mullet. They are visual feeders that hunt in schools and will attack anything that moves or slightly resembles food. Bluefish will often first bite the tail off their prey, will then consume the food, will regurgitate, and will again eat (Bachand 1994; Meyer).

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Sensa tìtol ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Pomatomus saltatrix can increase and decrease the amount of air in their swim bladders faster than any other known species of fish (Bachand 1994).

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Behavior ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Bluefish have no external characteristics that can be used to distinguish males from females. However, males mature at an earlier age but their eventual size is not an indicator of gender. During their second year, bluefish reach sexual maturity. The females extrude between 0.6 and 1.4 million eggs in spurts as they migrate along the coasts. Males then spread their milt and fertilization occurs. Depending on water temperature, the free-floating, oil-filled eggs can hatch within 44 to 48 hours of fertilization. The newly hatched bluefish then migrate into estuaries and bays until they reach a weight of approximately 3 lbs. (Bachand 1994; Meyer).

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Heavner, J. 2001. "Pomatomus saltatrix" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomatomus_saltatrix.html
Jason Heavner, Western Maryland College
Louise a. Paquin, Western Maryland College

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da FAO species catalogs
Caught mainly with gill nets, lines and purse seines; occasionally with bottom trawls. Marketed mostly fresh or smoked; also dried-salted. An excellent eating fish. However, its sale in Natal is temporarily forbidden to save the stocks. The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 14 432 t. The countries with the largest catches were USA (3 359 t) and Turkey (2 995 t).

Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da FAO species catalogs
Pelagicalong the continental shelf at 0-200 m.Swift fish, living in shoals, chiefly when young, often migratory.Activity mainly diurnal.A powerful, swift voracious predator, the young hunting in schools, the adults in loose groups, often attacking shoals of mullet or other fishes (mackerels, horse mackerels, sardines and anchovies) and destroying numbers apparently far in excess of feeding requirements. Reproduction during spring and summer (Mediterranean).

Size ( Anglèis )

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Maximum sized observed 120 cm and 14 kg; common size about 20 to 60 cm.

Distribution ( Anglèis )

fornì da FAO species catalogs
Subcosmopolitan in tropical and subtropical seas. Western and Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Mediterranean and Black Sea. Western and Eastern Indian Ocean. Western Central Pacific.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da FAO species catalogs
Body elongate, compressed. Head large, keeled above. Scales small, covering head and body and bases of fins; Lateral line almost straight. Mouth terminal, lower jaw sometimes slightly prominent; teeth strong, acute, compressed, in a single series on both jaws, villiform on vomer and palatines. Two dorsal fins, the first short and low, with 7-8 feebles spines connected by a membrane; the second long with I + 23-28. Pectoral fins short, not reaching to origin of soft dorsal fin. Anal fin a little shorter than soft dorsal fin, with 2 spines and 23-27. Caudal fin forked, but not deeply so. Colour back greenish blue, sides and belly silvery; dorsal and anal fins pale green tinged with yellow; pectoral fins bluish at base; caudal fin dull greenish tinged with yellow.


  • Fischer, W.; G. Bianchi; W. B. Scott (eds.). - 1981 Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Atlantique centre-est; zones de pêche 34, 47 (en partie). Canada Fonds de Dépôt. Ottawa, Ministère des Pêcheries et Océans Canada, en accord avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture, Vol. 1-7: pag. var. Fishbase: ICLARM .
  • Alegre, M., J. Lleonart & J. Veny - 1992. Espècies Pesqueres d'interès comercial. Nomenclatura oficial catalana. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura, DARP, TERMCAT. 64 pp.
  • Dooley, J. K. - 1990 Pomatomidae. In: J.C. Quero et al., (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). Unesco, Portugal, vol. II: 721-722.
  • Inada, T. - 1986 Pomatomidae. In: I. Nakamura; T. Inada; M. Takeda; H. Hatanaka (eds.) Important Fishes trawled off Patagonia. Japan mar. Fish. Resource Res. Center: 206-207.
  • Lloris, D, J. Rucabado, LL del cerro, F. Portas, M. Demestre & A. Roig - 1984Tots els peixos del mar Català. I: Llistat de Cites i de referències. Treballs Soc. Cat. Ict. Herp., 1: 1-208.
  • Lloris, D. & J. Rucabado - 1998 Guide FAO d'Identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Guide d'Identification des Ressources Marines Vivantes du Maroc. Rome, FAO: 263 pp.
  • Tortonese, E. - 1986 Pomatomidae. In: P.J.P. Whitehead et al., (eds.). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (FNAM). Unesco, Paris, vol. II: 812-813.
  • Whitehead, P.J.P. - 1974 Lutjanidae. In: W. Fischer & P. J.P. Whitehead. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (fishing area 57) and Western Central Pacific (fishing area 71). Vol. I, Rome FAO, pag var.

Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Fishbase
Jaw teeth prominent, sharp, compressed, in a single series. Two dorsal fins, the first short and low, with 7 or 8 feeble spines connected by a membrane. Back greenish, sides and belly silvery (Ref. 9860).
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Crispina B. Binohlan
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Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Occurs inshore (Ref. 7300). In Western North Atlantic, it undergoes ontogenetic shift in the diet associated with the transition from oceanic to coastal habitats. Pelagic juveniles feed mainly on copepods prior to entry to the estuary, and primarily on fishes after entry to estuary (Ref. 12139). Tailor populations in South Africa and North America display definite seasonal migratory patterns, moving from higher latitudes to sub-tropical waters in winter (Ref. 1120, 6845). Tagging studies in Queensland and New South Wales have confirmed that a similar migratory pattern occurs in eastern Australian waters, at least north of Sydney (Ref. 6390).Tailor are cannibalistic and can be caught readily by anglers using tailor flesh as bait although the extent of their predation upon other tailor is probably limited by the species' tendency to school by size (Ref. 27687).One of the main predators during winter in a sandy beach at Canto Grande, Santa Catarina, Brazil (Ref. 55758).
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Susan M. Luna
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Diseases and Parasites ( Anglèis )

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Caligus Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Life Cycle ( Anglèis )

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Fecundity varies from 400,000 to 2,000,000 eggs depending on the size of the individual (ranging from 370,000 in a 31 cm fish to 1,240,000 in a 54 cm fish) (Ref. 27695).Tailor are serial spawners (Ref. 6390).
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Susan M. Luna
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Migration ( Anglèis )

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Oceanodromous. Migrating within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, as tunas do. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
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Christine Papasissi
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Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Dorsal spines (total): 8 - 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 23 - 28; Anal spines: 2 - 3; Analsoft rays: 23 - 27
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Crispina B. Binohlan
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Biology ( Anglèis )

fornì da Fishbase
Occur in oceanic and coastal waters (Ref. 26340). They are most common along surf beaches and rock headlands in clean, high energy waters, although adults can also be found in estuaries and into brackish water (Ref. 6492). Small fish may be found in shallow coastal waters at least 2 m depth (Ref. 9563), in schools pursuing and attacking small fishes (Ref. 9626). Adults are in loose groups, often attacking shoals of mullets or other fishes and destroying numbers apparently far in excess of feeding requirements (Ref. 9860). Feed on other fish (Ref. 5377), crustaceans and cephalopods (Ref. 47377). Associated with sharks and billfishes (Ref. 26340). Voracious and aggressive (Ref. 9626), reported to bite when handled. Migrate to warmer water during winter and to cooler water in summer (Ref. 9987). Popular game fish (Ref. 6638). Good food fish; marketed mostly fresh (Ref. 9860), but also dried or salted (Ref. 5284), and frozen (Ref. 9987).
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Christine Papasissi
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Importance ( Anglèis )

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fisheries: highly commercial; aquaculture: commercial; gamefish: yes; bait: usually; price category: very high; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
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Christine Papasissi
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Distribution ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Chile Central
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Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
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分布 ( Anglèis )

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利用 ( Anglèis )

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描述 ( Anglèis )

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體延長而側扁。口大,下頜略突出;齒單列,稀疏而尖銳;鋤骨、腭骨及舌上亦具齒。鱗小,頰部、鰓蓋、體側皆被鱗;側線完全,幾呈直線。 背鰭兩個,接近,有膜相連, 第一背鰭較低矮,具短硬棘VII-VIII,第二背鰭硬棘I,軟條23-28;臀鰭恰和第二背鰭對稱,硬棘II-III,軟條23-27,兩鰭均被覆鱗片;胸鰭短,不延伸至第二背鰭;尾鰭叉形。體背部藍或綠色,腹部白色。背鰭及臀鰭略帶黃;胸鰭基部有黑色斑;尾鰭深綠而略帶黃。
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棲地 ( Anglèis )

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Elf (vis) ( Afrikaans )

fornì da wikipedia AF

'n Elf (Pomatomus saltatrix) is 'n vis wat voorkom aan beide kante van die Atlantiese Oseaan. In Suider-Afrika kom die vis voor van Valsbaai tot by Mosambiek en kom ook voor by Madagaskar, Oman, die Middellandse See, Nieu Seeland, Australië en die Maleisiese skiereiland. In Engels staan die vis ook oor die algemeen bekend as Elf maar in KwaZulu-Natal word die vis Shad genoem.


'n Baie groot elf

Die vis is groenerig aan die bokant en silwer aan die onderkant. Die vis word tot 1.2 m lank en weeg dan 15 kg.

Habitat en gewoontes

Die vis leef in kuswater; die onvolwasse vissies en die volwasse visse word soms ook in riviermondings gevind. Die vis is 'n dodelike roofvis wat beïndruk met sy spoed en vaardigheid en is gewild as 'n besonderse sportvis onder hengelaars. Die naam saltatrix beteken dansende meisie na aanleiding van sy gewoonte om uit die water te spring as hy prooi jag of as hy gevang word.

Dit is 'n vleisetende en vraatsugtige vis met skerp tande wat leef op skole makriel, harder en sardyne. Wanneer dié vis vreet jaag hulle skole visse en word beserk; hulle val die skole in groepe aan, swem deur die skool en byt en hap na links en regs amper soos haaie of varswater piranhas. Die volwasse visse vreet hoofsaaklik vis en ook garnale en tjokka. Die onvolwasse visse vreet 'n verskeidenheid skaaldiere, vis en koppotiges (kefalopodes).

Gedurende die winter migreer die Elf van die suidkus tot by KwaZulu-Natal waar die wyfies kuit skiet gedurende September tot Desember. Die pelagiese larwes word dan deur die Agulhasstroom suidwaarts geneem waar die onvolwasse vissies hul eerste jaar deurbring; in riviermondings en digby die strand.


Die vis se tande is so skerp dat 'n hengelaar sy vingers kan oopsny tot op die been indien hy nie versigtig is wanneer die hoek uit die vis se bek gehaal word nie. Elwe mag nie tussen 1 Oktober en 30 November in Suid-Afrika gevang word nie, om sodoende die populasie te beskerm in broeityd.

Die vis is eetbaar vars of gerook. Die vleis word egter vinnig sag en kan nie lank gebêre word nie. Die vis moet onmiddellik gebloei en in ys geplaas word na dit gevang is.

Sien ook


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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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Elf (vis): Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

fornì da wikipedia AF

'n Elf (Pomatomus saltatrix) is 'n vis wat voorkom aan beide kante van die Atlantiese Oseaan. In Suider-Afrika kom die vis voor van Valsbaai tot by Mosambiek en kom ook voor by Madagaskar, Oman, die Middellandse See, Nieu Seeland, Australië en die Maleisiese skiereiland. In Engels staan die vis ook oor die algemeen bekend as Elf maar in KwaZulu-Natal word die vis Shad genoem.

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Wikipedia skrywers en redakteurs
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wikipedia AF

Tallahams ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

El tallahams, trencahams, lliri, golfàs o anjora (Pomatomus saltatrix) és un peix de l'ordre dels perciformes molt ràpid i potent.


  • Talla: màxima de 110 cm i comuna entre 20 i 60 cm.
  • Cos allargat i comprimit, amb un cap robust i carenat dorsalment.
  • Boca terminal gran, amb la mandíbula inferior lleugerament prominent i el premaxil·lar protràctil.
  • Dents visibles, punxegudes, comprimides i en una sola sèrie a les dues mandíbules.
  • Al palatí i al vómer, les dents són menudes.
  • Presenten una sola espina a l'opercle.
  • Dues aletes dorsals, la primera amb espines.
  • Aleta anal una mica més curta que la segona dorsal.
  • Caudal forcada.
  • Cos cobert de petites escates cicloidees (llises).
  • Línia lateral gairebé rectilínia.
  • Coloració del dors verdosa, els flancs i ventre argentats.
  • Aletes dorsals, anal i caudal d'un verd groguenc i les pectorals amb una taca blavosa a la base, més marcada als juvenils.


Espècie pelàgica que es troba a la plataforma continental fins als 200 m de fondària.

Realitza migracions estacionals a la recerca d'aigües càlides, i es troba mar endins a l'hivern i aproximant-se a la costa a l'estiu.

De vegades, fan incursions als estuaris i les desembocadures dels rius.

La seua activitat és diürna.

Captura d'un tallahams de vint lliures de pes.


Es reprodueix a la primavera i l'estiu, i els ous són pelàgics.


Els juvenils cacen en moles per evitar el canibalisme, i els adults en grups aïllats, atacant sovint altres peixos gregaris com les llisses, seitons, sardines i sards, entre altres, i destruint quantitats superiors a les seues necessitats. També s'alimenten de crustacis i cefalòpodes.

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a tota la Mediterrània (incloent-hi la Mar Negra) i a l'Atlàntic (de Portugal fins a Sud-àfrica).


A la Mar Negra es pesca semiindustrialment, i a la resta del Mediterrani de manera artesanal i esportiva amb tremalls, palangres, arrossegament, encerclament, línies de mà, curricà i teranyina.

Sol trencar el fil i els hams amb les dents, comportament que està reflectit als noms locals.

Es comercialitza fresc, congelat o en conserva.


Enllaços externs

 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Tallahams Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
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wikipedia CA

Tallahams: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

El tallahams, trencahams, lliri, golfàs o anjora (Pomatomus saltatrix) és un peix de l'ordre dels perciformes molt ràpid i potent.

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Lufara dravá ( Cech )

fornì da wikipedia CZ

Lufara dravá (Pomatomus saltatrix) je dravá ostnoploutvá ryba, jediný žijící druh čeledi lufarovitých. Vyskytuje se poměrně hojně v pelagické zóně teplých moří celého světa, dobře snáší také brakickou vodu v ústích velkých řek.

Ryba má tělo proudnicového tvaru, bývá obvykle dlouhá okolo půl metru a váží dva až tři kilogramy, rekordní úlovky dosáhly 130 cm a přes 14 kg. Hřbetní ploutev je rozdělena na dva segmenty, přední má sedm paprsků a zadní dvacet dva až dvacet sedm. Šupiny jsou ktenoidního typu. Lufara je zbarvená do modra, to jí dalo starší český název modroun tanečník nebo anglický bluefish. Dožívá se průměrně deseti let.

Je to velmi agresivní ryba, přezdívaná „mořská piraňa“.[2] Ve velkých skupinách napadají lufary hejna drobných ryb (sleď, sardinka, ančovička) a svými ostrými zuby trhají z kořisti zaživa kusy masa. Stává se, že poté, co se nasytí, vyvrhnou natrávenou potravu a pokračují v lovu.[3] Vyskytuje se u nich kanibalismus, mnohdy také pokoušou lidi, kteří plavou v blízkosti hejna. Jsou vyhledávanými sportovními i konzumními rybami, loví je také žraloci a mečouni.


  • Od agamy po žraloka. Velký ilustrovaný slovník zvířat, Artia-Albatros, Praha 1974, s. 386


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. The International Game Fish Association
  3. Atlantic Panic

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Lufara dravá: Brief Summary ( Cech )

fornì da wikipedia CZ

Lufara dravá (Pomatomus saltatrix) je dravá ostnoploutvá ryba, jediný žijící druh čeledi lufarovitých. Vyskytuje se poměrně hojně v pelagické zóně teplých moří celého světa, dobře snáší také brakickou vodu v ústích velkých řek.

Ryba má tělo proudnicového tvaru, bývá obvykle dlouhá okolo půl metru a váží dva až tři kilogramy, rekordní úlovky dosáhly 130 cm a přes 14 kg. Hřbetní ploutev je rozdělena na dva segmenty, přední má sedm paprsků a zadní dvacet dva až dvacet sedm. Šupiny jsou ktenoidního typu. Lufara je zbarvená do modra, to jí dalo starší český název modroun tanečník nebo anglický bluefish. Dožívá se průměrně deseti let.

Je to velmi agresivní ryba, přezdívaná „mořská piraňa“. Ve velkých skupinách napadají lufary hejna drobných ryb (sleď, sardinka, ančovička) a svými ostrými zuby trhají z kořisti zaživa kusy masa. Stává se, že poté, co se nasytí, vyvrhnou natrávenou potravu a pokračují v lovu. Vyskytuje se u nich kanibalismus, mnohdy také pokoušou lidi, kteří plavou v blízkosti hejna. Jsou vyhledávanými sportovními i konzumními rybami, loví je také žraloci a mečouni.

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Blaufisch ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE

Der Blaufisch (Pomatomus saltatrix, Syn.: Temnodon saltator), auch Blaubarsch genannt, gehört zu den Scombriformes und ist das einzige Mitglied der Familie Pomatomidae. Er lebt im Atlantik, dem Mittelmeer, dem Schwarzen Meer, dem Indischen Ozean und dem südwestlichen Pazifik in tropischen und subtropischen Regionen. Im Winter zieht er in wärmere Gewässer, im Sommer in kühlere.


Der Gattungsname leitet sich ab von den altgriechischen Wörtern πῶμα (pṓma) für „Deckel“ und τόμος (tómos) für „Teil“, „(Ab-)Schnitt“, wobei durch Haplologie von Pomatotomus auf Pomatomus verkürzt wird. Er bezieht sich auf die besondere Ausbildung der Kiemendeckelregion (siehe unten). Das Spezies-Epitheton saltatrix ist lateinisch und bedeutet „Tänzerin“, was sich auf die anmutigen Bewegungen des Fisches, die dem Erstbeschreiber Carl von Linné seinerzeit aufgefallen sind, bezieht.


Die Tiere werden bis 1,30 Meter lang, fast 15 Kilogramm schwer und neun Jahre alt. Sie sind oberseits dunkelblau bis grünlich gefärbt, unterseits heller. Die beiden Rückenflossen sind deutlich getrennt, die erste ist niedrig und wird von 7 bis 8 kurzen Flossenstacheln gestützt, die zweite von einem Flossenstachel und 23 bis 28 Weichstrahlen. Die Afterflosse hat drei Stacheln und 23 bis 27 Weichstrahlen. Die weichstrahligen Abschnitte von Rücken- und Afterflosse sind von Schuppen bedeckt. Die Anzahl der Wirbel liegt bei 26.

Ein vom Ventralast des Praeoperculare ausgehender Hautlappen überdeckt z. T. das Suboperculare (wohl zu hydrodynamischem Vorteil) und begründet den wissenschaftlichen Gattungsnamen (siehe oben). An der Brustflossenbasis findet sich ein schwarzer Fleck (wahrscheinlich Augenattrappe, häufig bei Meeresfischen).


Blaufische sind Raubfische, die in kleinen Gruppen Heringe, Meeräschen, Krebse und Kopffüßer jagen. Oft jagen sie zusammen mit Haien und Schwert-, Fächer- und Speerfischen. Sie sollen mehr Beute töten als sie fressen können. Junge und Halbwüchsige finden sich in Schulen küstennah, oft in brackigen Ästuaren.


Der Blaufisch ist die einzige Art der Gattung Pomatomus und der Familie Pomatomidae. Phylogenetisch steht er den Makrelen nah und ist die Schwesterart einer Klade aus Schwarzer Makrele (Scombrolabrax heterolepis), Schlangenmakrelen (Gempylidae), Haarschwänze (Trichiuridae) und Makrelen und Thunfische (Scombridae)[1].


Blaufische werden vom Menschen wegen des vorzüglich schmeckenden Fleisches gefangen und gelten inzwischen als überfischt. Neben Pomatomus saltatrix wird gelegentlich auch der Köhler (lat. Pollachius virens, engl. Coal fish bzw. Rock salmon), der auch als Seelachs bekannt ist, als Blaufisch bezeichnet.


  1. Thomas M. Orrell, Bruce B. Collette, G. David Johnson: Molecular data support separate scombroid and xiphioid clades. In: Bulletin of Marine Science. Bd. 79, Nr. 3, 2006, , S. 505–519, (online).


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Blaufisch: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Der Blaufisch (Pomatomus saltatrix, Syn.: Temnodon saltator), auch Blaubarsch genannt, gehört zu den Scombriformes und ist das einzige Mitglied der Familie Pomatomidae. Er lebt im Atlantik, dem Mittelmeer, dem Schwarzen Meer, dem Indischen Ozean und dem südwestlichen Pazifik in tropischen und subtropischen Regionen. Im Winter zieht er in wärmere Gewässer, im Sommer in kühlere.

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Bleu pexhon ( valon )

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onk pexhî el Noere Mer
foirt gros pexhaedje

Li bleu pexhon [1], c' est on pexhon d' mer d' ene bleuwe coleur.

No d' l' indje e sincieus latén : Pomatomus saltatrix


Dins les tchôdès aiwes di l' Oceyan atlantike et des mers k' î sont raloyeyes (Mîtrinne Mer, Noere Mer). Mins eto e l' Amerike, l' Azeye nonnrece, l' Ostraleye.


adjinçna des naivurons

Li naivuron del schene a set a ût sipenes sol dos, pu 23 a 26 reyons padrî.

Li naivuron do vinte a deus spenes eyet 23 a 27 reyons. [2]

I fwait å pus sovint 4 a 5 kilos, po 50 a 70 cm di long. Mins des côps i pout mzurer disca on mete et co hay.


C' est on pexhon magneu d' tchå ki tchesse e bindes, tins del djournêye, åd dilong des coisses. Mins i pout intrer dins les egoloes des mouzes. I cwite rålmint li binde coistrece pol hôte mer.

Il est foirt hagnûle, et pout minme hagnî les djins.


tonaedje pexhî totavå l' Daegne

Il est pexhåve. Mins on nel pexhe nén tocosté. Les gros pexhaedjes si fwaiynut å Senegal, å Braezi, el Tourkeye, ezès Stats Unis (waitîz sol mape).

Å Marok dins l' payis Haha, divinltins, il esteut côpé a trintches, cût e for, pu souwé, et adon si poleur wårder lontins assez po-z esse vindou so les martchîs disca bén lon des coisses. [3]


  1. Calcaedje di l' inglès "bluefish" ene tcherpinte k' on rtrouve eto dins sacwants ôtès langues.
  2. Gabriella Bianchi, Guide des ressources halieutiques de l’Atlantique marocain, FAO, Rome, 1984, p. 35.
  3. Guide bleu Hachette du Maroc, 7inme ed., 1950, p. 202.
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Bleu pexhon: Brief Summary ( valon )

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 src= onk pexhî el Noere Mer  src= foirt gros pexhaedje

Li bleu pexhon , c' est on pexhon d' mer d' ene bleuwe coleur.

No d' l' indje e sincieus latén : Pomatomus saltatrix

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Isdang bughaw ( tagalog )

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Ang isdang bughaw o isdang asul, may pangalang pang-agham na Pomatomus saltatrix (Ingles: bluefish, blue, chopper, at anchoa[1]), tinatawag ding "sastre" (tailor sa Ingles) sa Australya,[2] ay isang uri ng bantog na hinuhuling isdang-dagat na matatagpuan sa lahat ng mga klima. Ito ang nag-iisang uring nasa pamilyang Pomatomidae.

Sa Timog Aprika, tinatawag itong shad sa silangang dalampasigan, at "duwende" (elf sa Ingles) sa kanlurang dalampasigan. Hindi maaaring ipagbili sa paraang kumersiyal ang isdang bughaw sa KwaZulu-Natal at may saradong panahon (kasalukuyang Oktubre at Nobyembre) upang payagang makapagparami. Sa kanlurang dalampasigan, isang uri ng mga isdang kinakalakal ang isdang bughaw.

Isang isdang may bahagyang pagkakapantay-pantay ang mga baha-bahagi ng katawan (proporsyon) ng isdang bughaw, na may malapad na nagsasangang buntot. Karaniwang nakatiklop palikod sa loob ng isang uka ang mabuto nitong unang palikpik na panlikod (dorsal), pati na rin ang mga pektoral na mga palikpik nito. Kulay abuhing bughaw-luti ang likod nito, na pumupusyaw upang maging puti sa mabababang mga gilid at tiyan. Magkakapareho ang sukat ng mga ngipin nitong may iisang hanay sa bawat panga, at kasingtalim ng patalim. Karaniwan itong may sukat na nagmumula sa pitong mga pulgada (18 mga sentimetro) hanggang sa mas malaki pa, na tumitimbang kung minsan magpahanggang apatnapung mga libra (18 mga kilogramo), bagaman hindi karaniwan ang isdang bughaw na mas mabigat kaysa dalawampung mga libra (9 na mga kilogramo).

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Isdang bughaw: Brief Summary ( tagalog )

fornì da wikipedia emerging languages

Ang isdang bughaw o isdang asul, may pangalang pang-agham na Pomatomus saltatrix (Ingles: bluefish, blue, chopper, at anchoa), tinatawag ding "sastre" (tailor sa Ingles) sa Australya, ay isang uri ng bantog na hinuhuling isdang-dagat na matatagpuan sa lahat ng mga klima. Ito ang nag-iisang uring nasa pamilyang Pomatomidae.

Sa Timog Aprika, tinatawag itong shad sa silangang dalampasigan, at "duwende" (elf sa Ingles) sa kanlurang dalampasigan. Hindi maaaring ipagbili sa paraang kumersiyal ang isdang bughaw sa KwaZulu-Natal at may saradong panahon (kasalukuyang Oktubre at Nobyembre) upang payagang makapagparami. Sa kanlurang dalampasigan, isang uri ng mga isdang kinakalakal ang isdang bughaw.

Isang isdang may bahagyang pagkakapantay-pantay ang mga baha-bahagi ng katawan (proporsyon) ng isdang bughaw, na may malapad na nagsasangang buntot. Karaniwang nakatiklop palikod sa loob ng isang uka ang mabuto nitong unang palikpik na panlikod (dorsal), pati na rin ang mga pektoral na mga palikpik nito. Kulay abuhing bughaw-luti ang likod nito, na pumupusyaw upang maging puti sa mabababang mga gilid at tiyan. Magkakapareho ang sukat ng mga ngipin nitong may iisang hanay sa bawat panga, at kasingtalim ng patalim. Karaniwan itong may sukat na nagmumula sa pitong mga pulgada (18 mga sentimetro) hanggang sa mas malaki pa, na tumitimbang kung minsan magpahanggang apatnapung mga libra (18 mga kilogramo), bagaman hindi karaniwan ang isdang bughaw na mas mabigat kaysa dalawampung mga libra (9 na mga kilogramo).

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Bluefish ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

The bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) is the only extant species of the family Pomatomidae. It is a marine pelagic fish found around the world in temperate and subtropical waters, except for the northern Pacific Ocean. Bluefish are known as tailor in Australia and New Zealand,[5] elf and shad in South Africa.[6][7] It is a popular gamefish and food fish.

The bluefish is a moderately proportioned fish, with a broad, forked tail. The spiny first dorsal fin is normally folded back in a groove, as are its pectoral fins. Coloration is a grayish blue-green dorsally, fading to white on the lower sides and belly. Its single row of teeth in each jaw is uniform in size, knife-edged, and sharp. Bluefish commonly range in size from seven-inch (18-cm) "snappers" to much larger, sometimes weighing as much as 40 lb (18 kg), though fish heavier than 20 lb (9 kg) are exceptional.


The bluefish is the only extant species now included in the family Pomatomidae. At one time, gnomefishes were included, but these are now grouped in a separate family, Scombropidae. One extinct relative of the bluefish is Lophar miocaenus, from the Late Miocene of Southern California.


Trolling for blue fish lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1866

Bluefish are widely distributed around the world in tropical and subtropical waters. They are found in pelagic waters on much of the continental shelves along eastern America (though not between south Florida and northern South America), Africa, the Mediterranean and Black Seas (and during migration in between), Southeast Asia, and Australia. They are found in a variety of coastal habitats: above the continental shelf, in energetic waters near surf beaches, or by rock headlands.[8] They also enter estuaries and inhabit brackish waters.[9][10][11] Periodically, they leave the coasts and migrate in schools through open waters.[4][12]

Along the U.S. East Coast, bluefish are found off Florida in the winter. By April, they have disappeared, heading north. By June, they may be found off Massachusetts; in years of high abundance, stragglers may be found as far north as Nova Scotia. By October, they leave the waters north of New York City, heading south (whereas some bluefish, perhaps less migratory,[13][14] are present in the Gulf of Mexico throughout the year). In a similar pattern overall, the economically significant population that spawns in Europe's Black Sea migrates south through Istanbul (Bosphorus, Sea of Marmara, Dardanelles, Aegean Sea) and on toward Turkey's Mediterranean coast in the autumn for the cold season.[15] Along the South African coast and environs, movement patterns are roughly in parallel.[16]

Life history

Adult bluefish are typically between 20 and 60 cm (8 in. to 2 ft.) long, with a maximum reported size of 120 cm (4 ft.) and 14 kg (31 lb). They reproduce during spring and summer, and can live up to 9 years.[4][12] Bluefish fry are zooplankton, and are largely at the mercy of currents.[17][18] Spent bluefish have been found off east-central Florida, migrating north. As with most marine fish, their spawning habits are not well known. In the western side of the North Atlantic, at least two populations occur, separated by Cape Hatteras in North Carolina. The Gulf Stream can carry fry spawned to the south of Cape Hatteras to the north, and eddies can spin off, carrying them into populations found off the coast of the mid-Atlantic, and the New England states.[19]

Feeding habits

A large bluefish.

Adult bluefish are strong and aggressive, and live in loose groups. They are fast swimmers that prey on schools of forage fish, and continue attacking them in feeding frenzies even after they appear to have eaten their fill.[4][12] Depending on area and season, they favor menhaden and other sardine-like fish (Clupeidae), jacks (Scombridae), weakfish (Sciaenidae), grunts (Haemulidae), striped anchovies (Engraulidae), shrimp, and squid. They are cannibalistic and can destroy their own young.[20] Bluefish sometimes chase bait through the surf zone, attacking schools in very shallow water, churning the water like a washing machine. This behavior is sometimes referred to as a "bluefish blitz”.[21]

In turn, bluefish are preyed upon by larger predators at all stages of their lifecycle. As juveniles, they fall victim to a wide variety of oceanic predators, including striped bass, larger bluefish, fluke (summer flounder), weakfish, tuna, sharks, rays, and dolphins. As adults, bluefish are taken by tuna, sharks, billfish, seals, sea lions, dolphins, porpoises, and many other species.[22]

Bluefish are aggressive and have been known to inflict severe bites on fishermen. Wading or swimming among feeding bluefish schools can be dangerous.[23] In July 2006, a seven-year-old girl was attacked on a beach, near the Spanish town of Alicante, allegedly by a bluefish.[24] In New Jersey, the large beachfeeder schools are very common and lifeguards report never having seen bluefish bite bathers in their entire careers.


Ovary of fish with visible Philometra females - lower row: bluefish

As other fish, bluefish host a number of parasites. One spectacular parasite is Philometra saltatrix, a philometrid nematode in the ovaries. The females are brownish red and may be as long as 80 mm; the males are very small.[25]

Recreational fisheries

In Australia, bluefish, called "tailor", are caught on the west coast from Exmouth to Albany, with the most productive fishing areas being in the west coast bioregion.[26]

The IGFA All Tackle World Record for bluefish stands at 31 lb 12oz (14.4 kg) landed by James Hussey near Hatteras, North Carolina.[27]

Commercial fisheries

Wild capture of bluefish by countries in thousand tonnes, 1950–2010, as reported by the FAO[28]

In the U.S., bluefish are landed primarily in recreational fisheries, but important commercial fisheries also exist in temperate and subtropical waters.[29] Bluefish population abundance is typically cyclical, with abundance varying widely over a span of 10 years or more.[30]


Bluefish is a popular sport and food fish, and has been widely overfished.[31] Fisheries management has generally stabilized its population. In the middle Atlantic region of the U.S., bluefish were heavily overfished in the late 1990s, but active management rebuilt the stock by 2007.[32] Elsewhere, public awareness efforts, such as bluefish festivals, combined with catch limits, may be having positive effects in reducing the stress on the regional stocks.[33]

Culinary use

Bluefish may be baked or poached,[34] or smoked.[35] The smaller ones ("snapper blues") are generally fried, as they are not very oily.[36]

Because of its fattiness, bluefish goes rancid rapidly, so it is generally not found far from its fisheries,[35] but where it is available, it is often inexpensive.[37] It must be refrigerated and consumed soon after purchase; some recipes call for keeping it in vinegar and wine before cooking, in vina d'alhos[36] or en escabeche.[38] By the same token, it is high in omega-3 fatty acids, but also in mercury and PCBs,[35] containing the high level of about 0.4 ppm of mercury on average,[39] comparable to albacore tuna or Spanish mackerel.[40] For that reason, the U.S. FDA recommends that young children and women of childbearing age consume no more than one serving per week (a serving size is about 4 ounces uncooked for an adult, 2 ounces for children ages 4–7 years, 3 ounces for children ages 8–10 years, and 4 ounces for children 11 years and older).[41]


  1. ^ Carpenter, K.E.; Ralph, G.; Pina Amargos, F.; et al. (2017) [errata version of 2015 assessment]. "Pomatomus saltatrix". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015: e.T190279A115314064. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T190279A19929357.en. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
  2. ^ Eschmeyer, William N.; Fricke, Ron & van der Laan, Richard (eds.). "Pomatomus". Catalog of Fishes. California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
  3. ^ Van Der Laan, Richard; Eschmeyer, William N.; Fricke, Ronald (2014). "Family-group names of Recent fishes". Zootaxa. 3882 (2): 001–230. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3882.1.1. PMID 25543675.
  4. ^ a b c d Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2019). "Pomatomus saltatrix" in FishBase. December 2019 version.
  5. ^ CAAB taxon report for Pomatomus saltatrix at the CSIRO
  6. ^ Heemstra, Phillip C.; Heemstra, Elaine (2004). Coastal Fishes of Southern Africa. NISC (PTY) LTD. pp. 187–188. ISBN 9781920033019.
  7. ^ "Bluefish Identification". LandBigFish. Archived from the original on 2009-02-27. Retrieved 2009-02-17.
  8. ^ "New England/Mid-Atlantic | NOAA Fisheries" (PDF). 20 July 2021. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2008-10-08.
  9. ^ McBride, R. S.; Conover, D. O. (1991). "Recruitment of young-of-the-year bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix to the New York Bight - variation in abundance and growth of spring-spawned and summer-spawned cohorts". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 78 (3): 205–216. doi:10.3354/meps078205. JSTOR 24826553.
  10. ^ McBride, R. S.; Ross, J. L.; Conover, D. O. (1993). "Recruitment of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix to estuaries of the U.S. South Atlantic bight" (PDF). U.S. Fishery Bulletin. 91 (2): 389–395. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-12-27.
  11. ^ McBride, Richard S.; Scherer, Michael D.; Powell, J. Christopher (1995). "Correlated Variations in Abundance, Size, Growth, and Loss Rates of Age-0 Bluefish in a Southern New England Estuary". Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 124 (6): 898–910. doi:10.1577/1548-8659(1995)124<0898:CVIASG>2.3.CO;2.
  12. ^ a b c Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved October 2012.
  13. ^ "Pomatomus saltatrix (Bluefish)". Smithsonian. Archived from the original on 2015-11-09.
  14. ^ "Common Name: Bluefish". Combat Fishing.
  15. ^ "Saving the Sultan of Fish". Archived from the original on 2011-11-27. Retrieved 2012-11-02.
  16. ^ "Pomatomus saltatrix". 13 May 2012.
  17. ^ Norcross, J. J.; Richardson, S. L.; Massmann, W. H.; Joseph, E. B. (1974). "Development of young bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix and distribution of eggs and young in Virginian coastal waters". Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 103 (3): 477. doi:10.1577/1548-8659(1974)103<477:DOYBPS>2.0.CO;2. ISSN 1548-8659.
  18. ^ Ditty, J. G.; Shaw, R. F. (1993). "Seasonal occurrence, distribution, and abundance of larval bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Family: Pomatomidae), in the northern Gulf of Mexico". Bulletin of Marine Science - Miami. 56 (2): 592–601.
  19. ^ Kendall, A. W., Jr.; Walford, L. A. (1979). "Sources and distribution of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, larvae and juveniles off the east coast of the United States" (PDF). U.S. Fishery Bulletin. 77 (1): 213–227. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2009-08-13.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  20. ^ Schultz, Ken (2009) Ken Schultz's Essentials of Fishing. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470444313.
  21. ^ Honachefsky, Nick (October 2016). "Blues travelers". Outdoor Life. 223: 68.
  22. ^ "Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch. Bluefish" (PDF). SeaChoice.org. December 12, 2013. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-01-20. Retrieved January 16, 2021.
  23. ^ Lovko, Vincent J. (2008) Pathogenicity of the Purportedly Toxic Dinoflagellates Pfiesteria Piscicida and Pseudopfiesteria Shumwayae and Related Species ProQuest. ISBN 9780549882640.
  24. ^ "Un depredador rápido y muy voraz con dientes de sierra (in Spanish)" El País, July 14, 2006
  25. ^ Moravec, František; Chaabane, Amira; Neifar, Lassad; Gey, Delphine; Justine, Jean-Lou (2017). "Species of Philometra (Nematoda, Philometridae) from fishes off the Mediterranean coast of Africa, with a description of Philometra rara n. sp. from Hyporthodus haifensis and a molecular analysis of Philometra saltatrix from Pomatomus saltatrix". Parasite. 24: 8. doi:10.1051/parasite/2017008. PMC 5364780. PMID 28287390. open access
  26. ^ "Tailor recreational fishing". fish.wa.au. Government of Western Australia. Retrieved 27 June 2018.
  27. ^ "Bluefish". igfa.org. International Game Fish Association. Archived from the original on 2017-07-05. Retrieved 27 June 2018.
  28. ^ Based on data sourced from the FishStat database
  29. ^ "Bluefish_ Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern US". NOAA. 20 July 2021.
  30. ^ Ulanski, Stan (2011) Fishing North Carolina's Outer Banks University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9780807872079.
  31. ^ Ceyhan, Tevfik; Akyol, Okan; Ayaz, Adnan; Juanes, Francis (2007). "Age, growth, and reproductive season of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) in the Marmara region, Turkey". ICES Journal of Marine Science. 64 (3): 531–536. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsm026.
  32. ^ Bluefish FishWatch, NOAA. Retrieved 5 October 2012.
  33. ^ "Istanbul Celebrates New Hope for a Favorite Fish With First-Annual 'Lüfer Festival'". Treehugger.
  34. ^ Davidson, Alan (2002) Mediterranean Seafood, 3rd ed. ISBN 1580084516, p. 100
  35. ^ a b c Hunt, Kathy (2014). Fish Market: A Cookbook for Selecting and Preparing Seafood. Running Press Adult. p. 87. ISBN 978-0762444748.
  36. ^ a b Davidson, Alan (1980) North Atlantic Seafood. ISBN 0670515248, pp. 92-93
  37. ^ Sifton, Sam. "Smoked Bluefish Pâté". New York Times.
  38. ^ "Florence Fabricant, "Bluefish Escabeche", New York Times Cooking".
  39. ^ Burger, Joanna; Gochfeld, Michael (2011). "Mercury and selenium levels in 19 species of saltwater fish from New Jersey as a function of species, size, and season". Science of the Total Environment. 409 (8): 1418–1429. Bibcode:2011ScTEn.409.1418B. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.12.034. PMC 4300121. PMID 21292311.
  40. ^ "Mercury Levels in Commercial Fish and Shellfish (1990-2012)". FDA. Retrieved 13 August 2018.
  41. ^ Advice about Eating Fish. U.S. Food & Drug Administration
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Bluefish: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

The bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) is the only extant species of the family Pomatomidae. It is a marine pelagic fish found around the world in temperate and subtropical waters, except for the northern Pacific Ocean. Bluefish are known as tailor in Australia and New Zealand, elf and shad in South Africa. It is a popular gamefish and food fish.

The bluefish is a moderately proportioned fish, with a broad, forked tail. The spiny first dorsal fin is normally folded back in a groove, as are its pectoral fins. Coloration is a grayish blue-green dorsally, fading to white on the lower sides and belly. Its single row of teeth in each jaw is uniform in size, knife-edged, and sharp. Bluefish commonly range in size from seven-inch (18-cm) "snappers" to much larger, sometimes weighing as much as 40 lb (18 kg), though fish heavier than 20 lb (9 kg) are exceptional.

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Pomatomus saltatrix ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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La anjova, anchoa, anchova de banco o pez azul es la especie Pomatomus saltatrix, la única del género Pomatomus que a su vez es el único de la familia pomatómidos (latín Pomatomidae), son una familia de peces frecuentemente incluidos en la familia de los carángidos (Carangidae).

Es un pez pelágico marino que se encuentra distribuido alrededor del mundo en aguas templadas y subtropicales, excepto en el norte del océano Pacífico. Es apreciado gastronómicamente y popular en la pesca deportiva. Es un pez moderadamente proporcionado, con una cola ancha y bifurcada. La primera espina dorsal de la aleta esta normalmente plegada en una ranura, igual que sus aletas pectorales. La coloración dorsal es verde azulado grisáceo, perdiendo el color a blanco en los lados de abajo.Tiene una única fila de dientes en cada mandíbula, que son uniformes en tamaño, filosos y afilados como cuchillas. Normalmente tienen un tamaño de entre 18 cm hasta uno mucho mayor, a veces alcanzando tanto como 18 kg, aunque los ejemplares que pesan más de 9 kg son excepcionales.


Está ampliamente distribuida alrededor del mundo, en aguas tropicales y subtropicales. Se encuentran en aguas pelágicas en gran parte de las plataformas continentales a lo largo del este de América (aunque no entre el sur de Florida y el norte de Sudamérica), África, el mar Mediterráneo y el Mar Negro (y durante la migración entre ambos), el sureste asiático y Australia. Se encuentran en una variedad de hábitats costeros: encima de la balda occidental, en aguas activas cerca de playas de fuerte oleaje, o en promontorios rocosos.[1]​ También habitan en estuarios y se adentran en aguas salobres. Periódicamente, abandonan las costas y migran en bancos a través de mar abierto.

Ciclo vital

Los adultos miden normalmente entre 20 y 60 cm, con un máximo documentado de 120 cm y 14 kg. Se reproducen durante la primavera y el verano, y pueden vivir hasta 9 años. Los alevines forman parte del zooplacton y están en gran medida a merced de las corrientes. Tal y como ocurre con la mayoría de peces marinos, sus hábitos de desove no son bien conocidos.


Son peces de actividad principalmente diurna, fuertes y agresivas, y viven en grupos sueltos. Son rápidos nadadores que se alimentan de bancos de peces pasto, y continúan atacándoles con frenesí incluso cuando ya están saciados. Dependiendo del lugar y estación, prefieren arenques y otros peces similares a la sardina (Clupeidae), verdeles (Scombridae), roncos (Haemulidae), boquerones (Engraulidae), gambas y calamares. Practican el canibalismo y a menuda comen alevines de su propia especie. La anjova a veces persigue a sus presas en la superficie, atacando a los bancos en aguas muy poco profundas, batiendo el agua.

A la vez, las anjovas son presa de depredadores más grandes en todas las etapas de su ciclo vital. Cuando son jóvenes, caen víctima de una gran variedad de depredadores oceánicos, incluyendo el róbalo rayado, pescados azules más grandes, platija, pescadilla, atún, tiburones, rayas y delfines. De adultos, son presa de atunes, tiburones, peces vela, focas, leones marinos, delfines, marsopas y muchas otras especies.

Interés deportivo y comercial

Es muy apreciada como pez para pesca deportiva (y gastronómicamente en algunos lugares) que ha sido objeto de una sobrepesca a lo largo de las pesquerías mundiales de esta especie.[2]

Ataques a humanos

Las anjovas deben ser manejadas con precaución debido a su habilidad para morder manos desprevenidas. Algunos pescadores han sido heridos de gravedad, y llevar guantes puede ser de ayuda. No es recomendable vadear o nadar entre bancos de anjovas alimentándose. En julio de 2006, una niña de 7 años fue atacada en una playa cerca de la ciudad española de Alicante, supuestamente por una anjova.[3]​ En agosto de 2019, una bañista fue mordida en el pie, con sección de un tendón, en la playa del Rebollo de Elche, supuestamente también, por una anjova o pez golfar.[4]​ En julio de 2020, un bañista de 21 años fue atacado supuestamente por una anjova en la playa tarraconense de Tamarit. El supuesto ataque se produjo en los alrededores del delta del Río Gaià [1] coincidiendo con las aguas turbias de la mezcla río-mar.[2] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ataque-Anjova.jpg


  1. http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/publications/tm/tm144/tm144.pdf
  2. Departamento de Acuicultura y Pesca de la FAO. «Pomatomus saltatrix» (en inglés). Consultado el 14 de febrero de 2015.
  3. El miedo al pez golfar vacía una playa.
  4. «Un pez muerde a una mujer en una playa de Elche y le secciona el tendón del pie.». El Mundo (diario, España). Consultado el 9 de agosto de 2019.

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Pomatomus saltatrix: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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La anjova, anchoa, anchova de banco o pez azul es la especie Pomatomus saltatrix, la única del género Pomatomus que a su vez es el único de la familia pomatómidos (latín Pomatomidae), son una familia de peces frecuentemente incluidos en la familia de los carángidos (Carangidae).

Es un pez pelágico marino que se encuentra distribuido alrededor del mundo en aguas templadas y subtropicales, excepto en el norte del océano Pacífico. Es apreciado gastronómicamente y popular en la pesca deportiva. Es un pez moderadamente proporcionado, con una cola ancha y bifurcada. La primera espina dorsal de la aleta esta normalmente plegada en una ranura, igual que sus aletas pectorales. La coloración dorsal es verde azulado grisáceo, perdiendo el color a blanco en los lados de abajo.Tiene una única fila de dientes en cada mandíbula, que son uniformes en tamaño, filosos y afilados como cuchillas. Normalmente tienen un tamaño de entre 18 cm hasta uno mucho mayor, a veces alcanzando tanto como 18 kg, aunque los ejemplares que pesan más de 9 kg son excepcionales.

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Pomatomus saltatrix ( Basch )

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Pomatomus saltatrix arrain pertziformeen espezie bat da, Ozeano Barean izan ezik mundu osoko itsaso tropikal eta azpitropikaletan bizi dena.[2] Bere generoan eta familian kide bakarra da, hau da, monotipikoa da.


Espezie hau honako ekosistematan aurki daiteke:


  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Pomatomus saltatrix FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.
  2. McBride, R. S., Conover, D. O. (1991) «Recruitment of young-of-the-year bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix to the New York Bight - variation in abundance and growth of spring-spawned and summer-spawned cohorts» Marine Ecology-Progress Series 78 (3): 205-216.

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Pomatomus saltatrix: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Pomatomus saltatrix arrain pertziformeen espezie bat da, Ozeano Barean izan ezik mundu osoko itsaso tropikal eta azpitropikaletan bizi dena. Bere generoan eta familian kide bakarra da, hau da, monotipikoa da.

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Sinikala ( Finlandèis )

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Sinikala (Pomatomus saltatrix) on suurikokoinen ja kaupallisesti merkittävä ahvenkala, joka elää subtrooppisilla merialueilla kaikkialla maailmassa.[2][3] Se on heimonsa ja sukunsa ainoa laji.


Sinikalalla on pitkä, sivuilta litistynyt ruumis, jonka pituus on yleensä 20–60 senttimetriä. Suurin koskaan pyydetty sinikala oli 120 senttimetriä pitkä ja painoi 14 kilogrammaa. Sillä on vihertävänsininen selkä, hopeanhohtoiset kyljet ja vatsa sekä lähes suora kylkiviiva. Pää on suurikokoinen ja sen yläpinnalla kulkee selvä harjanne. Suu on eteenpäin suuntautunut ja alaleuka voi olla yläleukaa hieman pidempi. Sekä ylä- että alaleuassa on vahvoja, teräviä hampaita yhdessä tiiviissä rivissä. Päätä, ruumista ja evien tyveä peittävät pienet suomut.[3]

Sinikalalla on kaksi selkäevää, joista etummainen on lyhyt ja matala ja taempi selvästi pitempi. Etummaisessa selkäevässä on 7–8 ohutta, kalvon yhdistämää piikkiruotoa ja takimmaisessa yksi vankka piikkiruoto sekä 23–28 pehmeämpää ruotoa.[2][3] Peräevä on etummaista selkäevää hieman lyhyempi ja siinä on 2 piikkiruotoa ja 23–27 pehmeämpää ruotoa. Sekä selkä- että peräevät ovat vaaleanvihreät ja vivahtavat keltaiseen samoin kuin lovinen, sameanvihreä pyrstöevä. Rintaevät ovat tyvestään sinertävät ja yleensä niin lyhyet, ettei niiden kärki ulotu etummaisen selkäevän etureunan tasalle.[3]


Sinikaloja myynnissä Maine Avenuen kalatorilla Washingtonissa.

Sinikala elää maailman kaikilla subtrooppisilla ja trooppisilla merialueilla Tyynenmeren itä- ja luoteisosia lukuun ottamatta. Sitä tavataan niin Atlantin länsi- ja itäreunalla kuin Välimeressä ja Mustassameressäkin. Intian valtameressä sen levinneisyysalue ulottuu lännessä Omanin etelärannikolta Itä-Afrikan rannikolle ja idässä Intian lounaisrannikolta Malakan niemimaalle ja Australian länsirannikolle. Tyynenmeren alueella se elää vain Australian ja Uuden-Seelannin lähivesillä.[2][3]


Sinikala on pelaginen kala, joka elää mannerjalustan alueella 0–200 metrin syvyydessä. Yleensä se on aktiivinen päivällä ja muodostaa suuria parvia, jotka ovat nuorilla kaloilla tiiviitä ja täysikasvuisilla löyhempiä.[3] Talviaikaan se vaeltaa lämpimämmille alueille ja siirtyy kesäksi taas viileämpiin vesiin. Sinikala on nopea ja ahne petokala, joka tappaa ennemmän kuin tarvitsee syödäkseen. Se käyttää ravinnokseen kelttejä ja muita kaloja sekä vähemmässä määrin äyriäisiä ja pääjalkaisia.[2] Se lisääntyy keväällä ja kesällä ja voi elää enimmillään 9 vuotta.[2][3]

Kalastus ja käyttö

Sinikalaa kalastetaan verkoilla, siimoilla ja kurenuotilla sekä harvemmin pohjatrooleilla. Vuotuinen kokonaissaalis on ollut 2000-luvulla 14 000 – 44 000 tuhatta tonnia, josta suurimman osuuden ovat saaneet Yhdysvallat ja Turkki.[3] Sinikalaa myydään enimmäkseen tuoreena tai savustettuna mutta jossain määrin myös kuivasuolattuna ja pakastettuna.[3][2] Se on myös suosittu urheilukalastuksen kohde, vaikka saattaakin purra varomatonta kalastajaa.[2]


  1. Carpenter, K.E., Ralph, G., Pina Amargos, F., Collette, B.B., Singh-Renton, S., Aiken, K.A., Dooley, J. & Marechal, J.: Pomatomus saltatrix IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4. 2015. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 4.1.2016. (englanniksi)
  2. a b c d e f g Pomatomus saltatrix (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). (englanniksi)
  3. a b c d e f g h i Pomatomus saltatrix FAO Species Identification and Data Programme. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. Viitattu 25.2.2011. (englanniksi)

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Sinikala: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Sinikala (Pomatomus saltatrix) on suurikokoinen ja kaupallisesti merkittävä ahvenkala, joka elää subtrooppisilla merialueilla kaikkialla maailmassa. Se on heimonsa ja sukunsa ainoa laji.

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Tassergal ( Fransèis )

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Pomatomus saltatrix

Le tassergal[2] ou pomatome (Pomatomus saltatrix) est l'unique espèce de poissons du genre Pomatomus et de la famille des Pomatomidae (proche des Scombropidae) et ressemblant au Loup ou Bar.

Autres noms

Ancien nom scientifique

Gasterosteus saltatrix

Autres noms vernaculaires

Anchova, serre, poisson bleu, coupe-fil (Mauritanie).Taylor ( Australie )


Le tassergal mesure jusqu'à 1,2 m de long. Ces poissons se regroupent en large bancs pour attaquer avec voracité des poissons plus petits.[3]


Poisson vivant dans les mers chaudes : quelques spécimens de taille moyenne ont été pêchés en Atlantique ouest et en Méditerranée. Ils prolifèrent surtout dans la mer de Marmara, ainsi que dans le sud de l'Australie dans le Bosphore et dans la mer Noire. Ce poisson peut être pêché de différentes façons : à la mitraillette, au leurre dans les chasses, au vif en surfcasting. En France, les professionnels sont peu nombreux à le pêcher car ce n'est pas un poisson très connu. Les meilleurs mois pour le pêcher sont fin septembre, octobre et novembre. Sa période de frai dure environ deux mois, entre avril et juin.

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Tassergal: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Pomatomus saltatrix

Le tassergal ou pomatome (Pomatomus saltatrix) est l'unique espèce de poissons du genre Pomatomus et de la famille des Pomatomidae (proche des Scombropidae) et ressemblant au Loup ou Bar.

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Iasc gorm ( Irlandèis )

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Iasc foghlach, forleathan i bhfarraigí trópaiceacha is teo-mheasartha. Suas le 1.2 m ar fhad. An cholainn gorm ar an taobh uachtarach, na cliatháin airgeadach. Maireann sé i scoileanna móra a itheann go craosach ainseabhaithe, sairdíní is éisc bheaga eile a bhíonn i scoileanna. Iasc suntasach bia, agus luachmhar freisin mar iasc spóirt.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Pomatomus saltatrix ( Italian )

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Il pesce serra[2] (Pomatomus saltatrix Linnaeus, 1766) è un pesce di mare. È l'unico appartenente alla famiglia Pomatomidae.

Distribuzione e habitat

È una specie cosmopolita in acque tropicali e subtropicali. È comune nei mari d'Italia e nel resto del mar Mediterraneo e nel mar Nero; nell'Oceano Atlantico orientale lo si trova a nord fino al Portogallo. La sua abbondanza varia di anno in anno, in alcuni periodi è comunissimo per poi sparire per interi anni. È un migratore, in inverno si sposta in acque più calde.

È un tipico pesce pelagico, d'estate si avvicina alle coste ed, essendo eurialino, penetra nelle foci dei fiumi per cacciare i cefali di cui è ghiotto.


Apparentemente simile ai carangidi del Genere Seriola, se ne distingue per la bocca armata di forti mascelle dotate di denti triangolari molto robusti e taglienti come rasoi. Il corpo è fusiforme, slanciato, le pinne sono robuste, le pettorali abbastanza grandi, le ventrali piccole mentre la pinna dorsale è divisa in due porzioni, la più anteriore è bassa e dotata di piccoli raggi spinosi, la parte posteriore è invece più alta, simmetrica ed opposta all'anale. La pinna caudale è forte e forcuta. Le squame sono molto piccole.

Un esemplare molto grande

Il colore è grigio argenteo sul dorso mentre è più chiaro su fianchi e ventre, le pinne sono di colore olivaceo ed è presente una macchia nera alla base della pinna pettorale.

Raggiunge più di un metro di lunghezza per oltre 10 kg di peso.


Questa specie rappresenta il paradigma del predatore, infatti si nutre esclusivamente di altri pesci e di cefalopodi. Le sue prede preferite sono i cefali e per cacciarli non esita a penetrare anche per chilometri nelle foci dei fiumi. È voracissimo, quando un branco di questi pesci è a caccia si lascia dietro una scia di pesci morti e mutilati.


Avviene in estate, le uova sono pelagiche.


È una specie gregaria, i giovani si radunano in branchi numerosissimi, gli adulti in gruppi meno folti.



Data la resistenza che oppone alla cattura, è una delle specie di pesci favorite dai pescatori sportivi che lo catturano sia con esche naturali che con esche artificiali con le tecniche della traina, dello spinning, del surf casting e del vertical jigging. Nel surfcasting il pesce serra viene pescato con filetti di cefalo, spigola, sgombri ma anche sarde. Accuratamente flottati tramite dei pop up e legati con del filo elastico lanciando a non molta distanza dalla costa, 30-40 metri, spesso anche esemplari di piccola taglia abboccano in maniera violenta ed improvvisa. Un altro modo per pescarlo è con la tecnica della teleferica con il vivo, innescando piccoli pesci esca, come aguglie, leccie stella, mormore, cefali, con un terminale lungo dai 2 ai 3 metri con gli ultimi 50-60 centimetri di cavetto d'acciaio e terminante con un amo di grandezza variabile secondo la grandezza della preda e dell'eventuale predatore. È invece una sciagura per i pescatori professionisti poiché quando penetra nelle reti in branco le squarcia con gli affilatissimi denti. Le carni sono ottime, particolarmente buone se freschissime. In Grecia e Turchia sono apprezzate quanto e più di quelle della spigola.



  • Costa F. Atlante dei pesci dei mari italiani Mursia 1991 ISBN 8842510033
  • Louisy P., Trainito E. (a cura di) Guida all'identificazione dei pesci marini d'Europa e del Mediterraneo. Milano, Il Castello, 2006. ISBN 888039472X
  • Tortonese E. Osteichthyes, Calderini, 1975
  • Lythgoe J. e G Il libro completo dei pesci dei mari europei, Mursia, 1971

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Pomatomus saltatrix: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il pesce serra (Pomatomus saltatrix Linnaeus, 1766) è un pesce di mare. È l'unico appartenente alla famiglia Pomatomidae.

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Melsvieji ešeriai ( lituan )

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Melsvieji ešeriai (lot. Pomatomidae, angl. Bluefish, vok. Blaufisch) – ešeržuvių (Perciformes) šeima, kurioje 1 gentis ir 1 rūšis – melsvasis ešerys (Pomatomus saltatrix), kitaip melsvažuvė. Paplitęs atogrąžų zonoje. Ilgis iki 100 cm, dažniausiai sugaunama 1,5-2,0 kg svorio.

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Blauwbaars ( olandèis; flamand )

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De blauwbaars (Pomatomus saltatrix) is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van blauwe baarzen (Pomatomidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1766 door Linnaeus.


Deze 120 cm lange en 14 kg zware primitieve, roofzuchtige vis heeft sterke kaken, messcherpe tanden en een krachtige staart. Het lichaam is blauwgrijs met een geelachtige buikzijde.


Deze zeer agressieve, in scholen jagende vissen vallen hun prooi, die qua grootte niet veel verschilt, van achteren aan. Het zijn kannibalen, die zelfs hun eigen kroost niet ontzien. Soms doodt hij meer dan dat hij opeet. Er zijn gevallen bekend, waarbij ze mensen hebben aangevallen en gebeten.


De paaitijd voltrekt zich in warmere wateren. De zeestromen zorgen ervoor, dat de larven en jonge visjes naar koelere wateren worden teruggevoerd.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort komt algemeen voor in de Middellandse- en Zwarte Zee, de Grote-, Atlantische- en Indische Oceaan in kustzeeën en riviermonden.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Pomatomus saltatrix. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
  • David Burnie (2001) - Animals, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London. ISBN 90-18-01564-4 (naar het Nederlands vertaald door Jaap Bouwman en Henk J. Nieuwenkamp).
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Blauwbaars: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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De blauwbaars (Pomatomus saltatrix) is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van blauwe baarzen (Pomatomidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1766 door Linnaeus.

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Pomatomus saltatrix ( norvegèis )

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Pomatomus saltatrix er en fisk som er ettertraktet av både sports- og yrkesfiskere.

Den kan bli 120 cm lang og 14 kg. Ryggsiden er blå eller grønnaktig, mens buken har en lys farge. Utbredelsen omfatter tropiske og subtropiske hav over hele verden, og den er vanligst ved steinstrender og klipper. Den er en rovfisk som jakter på mindre fisker.

Den regnes som den eneste arten i familien Pomatomidae.

Denne fisken kalles «blåfisk» på de fleste språk, men på norsk brukes det navnet på kvastfinnefisken Latimeria chalumnae.

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Pomatomus saltatrix: Brief Summary ( norvegèis )

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Pomatomus saltatrix er en fisk som er ettertraktet av både sports- og yrkesfiskere.

Den kan bli 120 cm lang og 14 kg. Ryggsiden er blå eller grønnaktig, mens buken har en lys farge. Utbredelsen omfatter tropiske og subtropiske hav over hele verden, og den er vanligst ved steinstrender og klipper. Den er en rovfisk som jakter på mindre fisker.

Den regnes som den eneste arten i familien Pomatomidae.

Denne fisken kalles «blåfisk» på de fleste språk, men på norsk brukes det navnet på kvastfinnefisken Latimeria chalumnae.

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Lufar ( polonèis )

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Lufar[2], skrzelołusk[3], tasergal[3] (Pomatomus saltatrix) – gatunek morskiej ryby okoniokształtnej, jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Pomatomus oraz rodziny lufarowatych[3] (Pomatomidae).


Jest rybą pelagiczną zasiedlającą wody słone i półsłone tropikalnych i umiarkowanych mórz i oceanów. Gatunek spotykany był praktycznie wszędzie z wyłączeniem płn.-zach. - wsch. obszarów Oceanii na Pacyfiku. Na terenie Europy spotykany w Morzu Śródziemnym i Morzu Czarnym.


Typowy drapieżnik o drobnych lecz ostrych zębach mogących rozszarpywać ciało ofiar. Niektóre z tych zębów przekształciły się w rodzaj kłów. Jest bardzo szybki polując na ławice drobnych ryb, przy czym jego żarłoczność jest bardzo duża. Dla zwiększenia swej żarłoczności potrafi wywołać u siebie coś na kształt bulimii usuwając z żołądka treść pokarmową aby móc znowu zajadać się nowym pożywieniem. W zależności od miejsca i pory roku odżywiać się może również krewetkami czy kalmarami. Jest też kanibalem zjadając drobne ryby ze swego gatunku.

Dorasta do 1,3 m długości i masy ciała dochodzącej 15 kg[4].

Znaczenie gospodarcze

Mimo dużej wartości smakowej mięsa jest odławiany sporadycznie. Największym zagrożeniem dla gatunku jest kanibalizm i przełowienie młodych osobników co powoduje spadek liczebności.


  1. Pomatomus saltatrix, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. G. Nikolski: Ichtiologia szczegółowa. Tłum. Franciszek Staff. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1970.
  3. a b c Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973
  4. Fishbase


  • Krystyna Kowalska, Jan Maciej Rembiszewski, Halina Rolik Mały słownik zoologiczny, Ryby, Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1973

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Lufar: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Lufar, skrzelołusk, tasergal (Pomatomus saltatrix) – gatunek morskiej ryby okoniokształtnej, jedyny przedstawiciel rodzaju Pomatomus oraz rodziny lufarowatych (Pomatomidae).

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Pomatomus saltatrix ( portughèis )

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Pomatomus saltatrix (L.), chamada popularmente de enchova, anchova ou enchovinha[1], é um peixe teleósteo, percomorfo, que habita os mares quentes e temperados de todos os oceanos, exceto o Pacífico. Possui coloração olivácea no dorso e branca no ventre. Mede até um metro de comprimento e pesa até doze quilogramas. Nada em cardumes. Alimenta-se de peixes e crustáceos[1].


"Anchova", "enchova" e "enchovinha" vêm do genovês anciua[1].


  1. a b c FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. pp.645,116
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Pomatomus saltatrix: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Pomatomus saltatrix (L.), chamada popularmente de enchova, anchova ou enchovinha, é um peixe teleósteo, percomorfo, que habita os mares quentes e temperados de todos os oceanos, exceto o Pacífico. Possui coloração olivácea no dorso e branca no ventre. Mede até um metro de comprimento e pesa até doze quilogramas. Nada em cardumes. Alimenta-se de peixes e crustáceos.

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Lufar ( romen; moldav )

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Lufarul (Pomatomus saltatrix) este un pește răpitor, marin pelagic, din familia pomatomide (Pomatomidae), răspândit în apele tropicale și subtropicale din Oceanele Atlantic, Pacific și Indian, care trăiește și în marea Mediterană și zona litorală a Mării Negre.

Are o lungimea obișnuită de 30-60 cm (lungimea maximă 130 cm) și o greutate 2-3 kg (greutate maximă 14,4 kg). Corpul este alungit fusiform, comprimat lateral și acoperit cu solzi mici, aspri, care se întind și pe opercule. Gura mare, oblică este prevăzută cu dinți scurți și ascuțiți. Pe spate are două înotătoare dorsale (prima mică și cu raze osoase). Înotătoarea anala este lungă și cu două raze osoase. Înotătoarea caudală ușor bifurcată. Colorația spatelui este cenușiu-albăstruie sau cenușiu-verzuie; flancurile și abdomenul argintii; înotătoarele transparente și prezintă câte o pată neagră la baza fiecărei pectorale. Este unul din cei mai lacomi și mai de temut pești marini răpitori. Se hrănește cu alți pești, de obicei stavrizi, scrumbii albastre, hamsii, aterine etc. pe care îi urmărește în deplasările lor. Se hrănește și cu crustacee și cefalopode. Depune icre pelagice în iunie-august. Are o valoare economică și se pescuiește comercial și sportiv. Carnea este gustoasă.



  • Petru Bănărescu. Fauna Republicii Populare Române. Vol. XIII : Pisces - Osteichtyes (Pești ganoizi și osoși). București. Editura Academiei Republicii Populare România, 1964.
  • George D. Vasiliu. Peștii apelor noastre. București : Edit. Științifică, 1959.
  • Sergiu I. Cărăușu. Tratat de ichtiologie. Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Române, București 1952, 804 p.
  • L. Lustun, I. Rădulescu, V. Voican. Dicționar piscicol. Editura Ceres. București 1978.
  • Th. Bușniță, I. Alexandrescu. Atlasul peștilor din apele R.S. România. București, 1971.

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Lufar: Brief Summary ( romen; moldav )

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Lufarul (Pomatomus saltatrix) este un pește răpitor, marin pelagic, din familia pomatomide (Pomatomidae), răspândit în apele tropicale și subtropicale din Oceanele Atlantic, Pacific și Indian, care trăiește și în marea Mediterană și zona litorală a Mării Negre.

Are o lungimea obișnuită de 30-60 cm (lungimea maximă 130 cm) și o greutate 2-3 kg (greutate maximă 14,4 kg). Corpul este alungit fusiform, comprimat lateral și acoperit cu solzi mici, aspri, care se întind și pe opercule. Gura mare, oblică este prevăzută cu dinți scurți și ascuțiți. Pe spate are două înotătoare dorsale (prima mică și cu raze osoase). Înotătoarea anala este lungă și cu două raze osoase. Înotătoarea caudală ușor bifurcată. Colorația spatelui este cenușiu-albăstruie sau cenușiu-verzuie; flancurile și abdomenul argintii; înotătoarele transparente și prezintă câte o pată neagră la baza fiecărei pectorale. Este unul din cei mai lacomi și mai de temut pești marini răpitori. Se hrănește cu alți pești, de obicei stavrizi, scrumbii albastre, hamsii, aterine etc. pe care îi urmărește în deplasările lor. Se hrănește și cu crustacee și cefalopode. Depune icre pelagice în iunie-august. Are o valoare economică și se pescuiește comercial și sportiv. Carnea este gustoasă.

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Blåfisk ( svedèis )

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Blåfisk (Pomatomus saltatrix) är den enda arten i familjen Pomatomidae som tillhör underordningen abborrlika fiskar.

Arten förekommer i Atlantiska oceanen, Medelhavet, Svarta havet och Indiska oceanen samt i sydvästra Stilla havet i tropiska och subtropiska regioner.[1] I västra Atlantiska oceanen sträcker sig utbredningsområdet från Argentina till Nova Scotia. Blåfisk förekommer huvudsakligen i havsbukter och sandiga grunda havsområden. I undantagsfall dyker den ner till 60 meters djup. Den vandrar under vintern till varmare och under sommaren till kallare områden.

Dessa djur blir upp till 1,30 meter långa och 15 kg tunga men individer över 9 kg är sällsynt. I varje käke finns en rad tänder med likadant utseende. Blåfisken är ett rovfisk som jagar sill, multefiskar, kräftor och bläckfiskar.

En särskilt stor blåfisk

Som matfisk är blåfiskens kött oljigt och får snabbt en stark lukt. Därför bör den läggas på is direkt efter fångsten och tillagas färsk. Blåfisk kan också ha flera gifter i kroppen som polyklorerade bifenyler och kvicksilver. Liksom de flesta andra vildfångade fiskar rekommenderas fisken inte för gravida eller ammande kvinnor och inte heller för barn under 6 år.

Fiskare använder blåfisk ibland som levande bete för tonfisk, hajar och svärdfisk.


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia


  1. ^ FishBase. Froese R. & Pauly D. (eds), 2016 Pomatomus saltatrix
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Blåfisk: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Blåfisk (Pomatomus saltatrix) är den enda arten i familjen Pomatomidae som tillhör underordningen abborrlika fiskar.

Arten förekommer i Atlantiska oceanen, Medelhavet, Svarta havet och Indiska oceanen samt i sydvästra Stilla havet i tropiska och subtropiska regioner. I västra Atlantiska oceanen sträcker sig utbredningsområdet från Argentina till Nova Scotia. Blåfisk förekommer huvudsakligen i havsbukter och sandiga grunda havsområden. I undantagsfall dyker den ner till 60 meters djup. Den vandrar under vintern till varmare och under sommaren till kallare områden.

Dessa djur blir upp till 1,30 meter långa och 15 kg tunga men individer över 9 kg är sällsynt. I varje käke finns en rad tänder med likadant utseende. Blåfisken är ett rovfisk som jagar sill, multefiskar, kräftor och bläckfiskar.

 src= En särskilt stor blåfisk

Som matfisk är blåfiskens kött oljigt och får snabbt en stark lukt. Därför bör den läggas på is direkt efter fångsten och tillagas färsk. Blåfisk kan också ha flera gifter i kroppen som polyklorerade bifenyler och kvicksilver. Liksom de flesta andra vildfångade fiskar rekommenderas fisken inte för gravida eller ammande kvinnor och inte heller för barn under 6 år.

Fiskare använder blåfisk ibland som levande bete för tonfisk, hajar och svärdfisk.

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Lüfer ( turch )

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Bu madde herhangi bir kaynak içermemektedir. Lütfen güvenilir kaynaklar ekleyerek bu maddenin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olunuz. Kaynaksız içerik itiraz konusu olabilir ve kaldırılabilir.

Lüfer (Pomatomus saltatrix), Pomatomidae familyasından ekonomik değeri yüksek bir balık türü.

Vücutları uzun, sırt yüzgeçleri iki tane, kuyrukları çatallı, ağızları iri, dişleri sivri ve güçlüdür. Yan çizgi hemen hemen düz olup, pullarla örtülüdür. Yan çizgide pul sayısı 95-100 adettir. Sırt tarafı koyu mavi yeşilimtırak, alt tarafı gümüşî, yanları daha açık renk olan bu balıkların karnı parlak beyazdır. Keskin dişleri vardır. Uzunlukları 110 cm'ye, ağırlıkları 11,5 kg'a ulaşabilir. Küçükten büyüğe doğru defneyaprağı, çinekop, sarıkanat, lüfer, kofana, sırtıkara olarak adlandırılabilir. Lüferler, Mayıs ayının sonuyla birlikte üreme dönemine girerler ve haziran aynın ilk iki haftasına kadar bu süreç devam eder. Eylül sonu ekim başı gibi Karadeniz'de yumurtlayan balıklar İstanbul boğazından çıkmaya başlarlar.

Çok büyük bir lüfer ya da "sırtıkara"


10 cm'ye kadar büyüklüğe ulaşan Lüfer yavrusudur. 0-50 gr ağırlığındadır. Avlanması, satılması yasaktır.


15–18 cm arasındaki uzunluğa ulaşan lüfer yavrusudur. Ağırlığı 55-65 gr arasındadır. Avlanması, satılması yasaktır.


18–25 cm büyüklüğe ulaşan lüfer yavrusudur. 75-110 gr ağırlığa ulaşır. Avlanması ve satılması yasaktır.


28 cm uzunluktan sonraki lüfer türlerinin genel adıdır. Ağırlığı 125 ila 333 gr arasında gelir. Avlanması ve satılması serbesttir. Özellikle 35 cm'e kadar olanı lüfer olarak adlandırılır. Daha büyüklerine Kofona ve Sırtıkara adı verilir.


35 cm'den büyük olan Lüferler bu adla anılırlar. Ağırlıkları 500 gr'ı geçer. Avlanması ve satılması serbesttir fakat nadir olarak yakalanabilmektedir.


Lüferin 50 cm ve daha büyük boyda olanına verilen ad. Avlanması ve satılması serbesttir fakat uzun zamandır Türkiye denizlerinde rastlanmamıştır.

Lüfer koruma mücadelesi

Karadeniz ve Marmara'da Lüfer türlerinin sayısının azalması ve miktarın düşmesi nedeniyle Tarım Bakanlığı tarafından Defneyaprağı, Çinekop, Sarıkanat avcılığı ve satışı yasaklanmıştır. Bu yasağın uygulanması için çeşitli sivil toplum örgütleri ve oluşumlar mücadele etmektedir. Ayrıca her sene farkındalık yaratmak amacıyla Lüfer Bayramı etkinlikleri yapılmaktadır.

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Lüfer: Brief Summary ( turch )

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Lüfer (Pomatomus saltatrix), Pomatomidae familyasından ekonomik değeri yüksek bir balık türü.

Vücutları uzun, sırt yüzgeçleri iki tane, kuyrukları çatallı, ağızları iri, dişleri sivri ve güçlüdür. Yan çizgi hemen hemen düz olup, pullarla örtülüdür. Yan çizgide pul sayısı 95-100 adettir. Sırt tarafı koyu mavi yeşilimtırak, alt tarafı gümüşî, yanları daha açık renk olan bu balıkların karnı parlak beyazdır. Keskin dişleri vardır. Uzunlukları 110 cm'ye, ağırlıkları 11,5 kg'a ulaşabilir. Küçükten büyüğe doğru defneyaprağı, çinekop, sarıkanat, lüfer, kofana, sırtıkara olarak adlandırılabilir. Lüferler, Mayıs ayının sonuyla birlikte üreme dönemine girerler ve haziran aynın ilk iki haftasına kadar bu süreç devam eder. Eylül sonu ekim başı gibi Karadeniz'de yumurtlayan balıklar İstanbul boğazından çıkmaya başlarlar.

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Луфар ( ucrain )

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Луфар: Brief Summary ( ucrain )

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Луфарь ( russ; russi )

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Не следует путать с Луварь.
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Группа: Рыбы
Группа: Костные рыбы
Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
Надотряд: Колючепёрые
Серия: Перкоморфы
Подотряд: Окуневидные
Надсемейство: Окунеподобные
Семейство: Луфаревые (Pomatomidae Jordan & Evermann, 1896)
Род: Луфари (Pomatomus Lacépède, 1802)
Вид: Луфарь
Международное научное название

Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766)

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на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 168559NCBI 75034EOL 205264FW 83269

Луфа́рь[1] (лат. Pomatomus saltatrix) — вид морских лучепёрых рыб из отряда окунеобразных (Perciformes). Единственный представитель рода луфарей[1] (Pomatomus) и семейства луфаревых[1] (Pomatomidae). Космополитический вид, распространён в тропических и субтропических водах всех океанов.

Крупный экземпляр луфаря


Максимальная длина тела 130 см, масса — до 14,4 кг[2], чаще попадаются рыбы длиной 40—60 см и весом 4—5 килограмм.

Тело сжатое с боков, удлиненное, покрытое некрупной округлой чешуей. Два спинных плавника, разделенных промежутком. В первом спинном плавнике 7—8 колючих лучей, а во втором — один колючий и 23—28 мягких лучей. В анальном плавнике 2—3 колючих и 23—27 мягких лучей[3]. Первый спинной плавник короткий и складывается в бороздку на спине, второй — мягкий, густо покрыт мелкой чешуей, как и равный ему анальный плавник. Хвостовой плавник вильчатый. Грудные и брюшные плавники очень короткие. Голова большая, с огромным ртом, заполненным сильными острыми однорядными зубами.

Спина зеленовато-синяя или зеленоватая, брюхо серебристое. У основания грудных плавников тёмное пятно.


Встречается в Атлантическом и Индийском океанах в водах тропического и умеренного пояса. В значительном количестве распространен по всему Черному морю, иногда заходит в Азовское. Активный мигрант.


Стайная рыба, обычно обитающая у поверхности. Путешествуют крупными стаями, иногда в несколько тысяч особей. Совершают значительные сезонные миграции. Стая держится обычно в открытом море, в толще воды на глубинах до 200 метров. В прибрежных водах появляется в теплое время года, иногда заходя в лиманы и устья рек.

Активный хищник, быстро передвигается и атакует. Жертву преследует целеустремленно и активно, часто выпрыгивая из воды. Иногда в погоне выскакивает за жертвой на отлогий берег. Стремительно врываются в стаю мелкой рыбы, разбивают её на отдельные группы, намечают жертвы и преследуют, пока не приблизятся на расстояние около 30 сантиметров. Выйдя на дистанцию броска луфарь опускает челюсть, поднимает голову, раздувает жабры и хватает добычу. Поедает рыбу с такой скоростью, что фиксирует его лишь съемка со скоростью 32 кадра в секунду. Закончив охоту, луфари быстро собираются обратно в стаю.

Охотятся на мелкую и среднюю рыбу (анчоусы, сельдь, сардина, ставрида, скумбрия, хамса, шпроты и т. д.), ракообразных, головоногих моллюсков.

Половой зрелости достигает в возрасте 2—4 лет. Нерестится летом, с июня по август, выметывая плавучую икру несколькими порциями обычно в открытом море. Плодовитость от 100 тысяч до миллиона икринок (у крупных самок). Плавучие личинки выходят из икры примерно через двое суток. Молодь питается мелкими ракообразными и другими беспозвоночными. По достижении длины тела 8—11 сантиметров в её рационе начинает преобладать рыба.

Скорость, с которой луфарь пожирает добычу, породила распространенный и в научных работах миф о том, что луфарь убивает больше рыбы, чем необходимо. Невозможность для невооруженного глаза увидеть процесс поедания приводила к ошибочному выводу, что луфарь вырывает из тела кусок-два мяса и переключается на следующую рыбину.

Опасности для человека не представляет. При появлении поблизости в воде человека стая обращается в бегство. Опасность при неосторожном обращении могут представлять лишь пойманные рыбы.

Промысловое значение

Ценится высоко. Мясо плотной консистенции, очень вкусное. Содержит 1—3 % жира, до 21 % белка. Места промысла — в Западной Атлантике, Средиземном море, у берегов Африки, Австралии, Бразилии и Венесуэлы.

У побережья США, в Средиземном и Черном морях — объект спортивного спиннингового лова с моторных лодок. Наилучший клёв — в утренние и вечерние часы, когда луфарь охотится за поднявшейся к поверхности мелкой рыбой. Попавшая на крючок рыба оказывает отчаянное сопротивление: делает очень резкие рывки, выскакивает из воды и стремительно бросается вглубь. Лов луфаря требует немалой силы и большую сноровку. Иногда борьба с рыбой продолжается несколько часов.


  • Васильева Е. Д. Рыбы. — М.: Астрель, — 1999.
  • Ричиути Э. Р. Опасные обитатели моря. Перевод В. А. Паперно. — Л., Гидрометеоиздат, 1979.


  1. 1 2 3 Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 254. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  2. Pomatomus saltatrix (англ.) в базе данных FishBase.
  3. Промысловые рыбы России. В двух томах / Под ред. О. Ф. Гриценко, А. Н. Котляра и Б. Н. Котенёва. — М.: изд-во ВНИРО, 2006. — Т. 1. — С. 568—570. — 656 с. — ISBN 5-85382-229-2.
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Луфарь: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Луфа́рь (лат. Pomatomus saltatrix) — вид морских лучепёрых рыб из отряда окунеобразных (Perciformes). Единственный представитель рода луфарей (Pomatomus) и семейства луфаревых (Pomatomidae). Космополитический вид, распространён в тропических и субтропических водах всех океанов.

 src= Крупный экземпляр луфаря
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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

扁鰺 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Pomatomus saltatrix
(Linnaeus, 1766)

扁鰺學名Pomatomus saltatrix),又名藍魚藍鯥,是一種非常受歡迎的游釣魚。它們是扁鰺科下的唯一物種。在南非誇祖魯-納塔爾省,扁鰺是被禁止商業性出售,且在10月至11月為休漁期。








扁鰺的魚苗只有浮游動物的大小,隨波逐流。它們的產卵習性不詳。在西北大西洋最小有兩個群落,以北卡羅來納州哈特拉斯角(Cape Hatteras)為界。墨西哥灣暖流會將魚苗由哈特拉斯角南部帶往北部,並回流至大西洋中部及新英格蘭。扁鰺的數量具有周期性,於10年或更長時間內數量可以變化得很大。
















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扁鰺: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科

扁鰺(學名Pomatomus saltatrix),又名藍魚或藍鯥,是一種非常受歡迎的游釣魚。它們是扁鰺科下的唯一物種。在南非誇祖魯-納塔爾省,扁鰺是被禁止商業性出售,且在10月至11月為休漁期。

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オキスズキ ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
オキスズキ Pomatomus saltatrix.png 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 条鰭綱 Actinopterygii : スズキ目 Perciformes : オキスズキ科 Pomatomidae : オキスズキ属 Pomatomus
Lacépède, 1802 : オキスズキ P. saltatrix 学名 Pomatomus saltatrix
(Linnaeus, 1766) 英名 Bluefish

オキスズキ Pomatomus saltatrix は、スズキ目オキスズキ科に属する海水魚の一種。太平洋北部・東部を除く、全世界の温帯から亜熱帯に生息する回遊性魚類である。オーストラリアではtailor[1]南アフリカ東岸ではshad、西岸ではelfと呼ばれる。他の名としては blue・chopper・anchoaなどがある[2]。味はよく、ゲームフィッシュとしても人気がある。


成体は60 cm程度で、最大で130 cm・14 kgの報告がある。第一背鰭は8-9棘、第二背鰭は23-28軟条、臀鰭は2-3棘23-27軟条。尾鰭は大きくて二叉する。第一背鰭と胸鰭は通常、その後方にある溝に畳まれる。背面は灰色がかった青緑で、腹面に向けて次第に白くなる。歯は一列、各歯の大きさは全て同じでナイフのように鋭い[3]。均整のとれた形態である。


1866年のCurrier & Ivesによる版画 "Trolling for blue fish" 。

温帯から亜熱帯域を広く回遊するが、東太平洋、北西太平洋には生息しない[3]。 アメリカ東海岸(フロリダ南部から南米北部では見られない)・アフリカ・地中海から黒海(この間を回遊する)・東南アジア・オーストラリアに分布し、主に大陸棚上に生息する。砂浜や岩海岸などの沿岸性環境や[4]河口などの汽水域にも進入するが[5][6][7]、周期的に沿岸を離れ、外洋域へと回遊する[3][8]





Bluefish blitzYouTube Bluefish Feeding FrenzyYouTube Fishing for Gator BluefishYouTube

成体は獰猛で強力な捕食者であり、緩い群れを作る。泳ぎは速く、小魚の群れに突入して狂乱索餌の形態で捕食する[3][8]。餌は生息地と季節によって変化し、menhadenなどのニシン科魚類 ・サバ科・weakfish(ニベ科)・イサキ科・striped anchovies (カタクチイワシ科)・エビイカなどである。若魚を共食いすることもある[16]。餌を追って波打ち際にまで集団で突入することもあり、この行動は "bluefish blitz" と呼ばれている。



Artistic painting of bluefish.jpg



力が強いため不用意に扱うのは危険である。漁業者が噛み付かれることもあり、手袋を着用して扱うことが推奨される。摂餌中の群れに不用意に近づくことは望ましくない[20] 2006年には、アリカンテの海岸で7歳の少女が攻撃を受けたという報告がある[21]


釣魚・食用としての需要は高く、世界各地で乱獲されている[22]。管理組織による規制で個体数が安定している地域もあり、米国では1990年代後半まで乱獲状態にあったが、保護活動により2007年には個体数は完全に回復している[23]。イスタンブールではフィスティバル ('Lüfer Festival') を通した啓蒙活動や漁獲制限によって個体群への圧力は減少していると考えられる[24]。だが、アフリカ沿岸部では、肉の代替となる貴重なタンパク源であることから現地住民による漁が続けられている[25]


オキスズキ科にはムツが含められていたことがあるが、現在は分離されている。オキスズキ科に属する化石種として、中新世後期のカリフォルニア南部から Lophar miocaenius が発見されている。


  1. ^ CAAB taxon report for Pomatomus saltatrix at the CSIRO
  2. ^ Bluefish Identification”. ^ a b c d e Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2006). "Pomatomus saltatrix" in FishBase. March 2006 version.
  3. ^ http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/publications/tm/tm144/tm144.pdf
  4. ^ McBride, R. S., Conover, D. O. 1991. Recruitment of young-of-the-year bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix to the New York Bight - variation in abundance and growth of spring-spawned and summer-spawned cohorts. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 78(3): 205-216, www.int-res.com/articles/meps/78/m078p205.pdf
  5. ^ McBride, R. S., Ross, J. L., Conover, D. O. 1993. Recruitment of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix to estuaries of the U.S. South Atlantic bight. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 91(2): 389-395, http://fishbull.noaa.gov/912/mcbride.pdf
  6. ^ McBride, R. S., Scherer, M. D., Powell, J. C. 1995. Correlated variations in abundances, size, growth, and loss rates of age-0 bluefish in a southern New England estuary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 124(6): 898-910, DOI: 10.1577/1548-8659(1995)124<0898:CVIASG>2.3.CO;2
  7. ^ a b c Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766) FAO, Species Fact Sheet. Retrieved October 2012.
  8. ^ Pomatomus saltatrix (Bluefish)”. ^ Common Name: Bluefish”. ^ Saving the Sultan of Fish”. ^ Pomatomus Saltatrix
  9. ^ Norcross, J. J., Richardson, S. L., Massmann, W. H., Joseph, E. B. 1974. Development of young bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix and distribution of eggs and young in Virginian coastal waters. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 103:477-497.
  10. ^ Ditty, J. G., Shaw, R. F. 1993. http://www.galvestonlab.sefsc.noaa.gov/publications/pdf/832.pdf
  11. ^ Kendall, A. W., and Lionel A. Walford. (1979). “Sources and distribution of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, larvae and juveniles off the east coast of the United States”. Fishery Bulletin 77 (1): 213-227. http://fishbull.noaa.gov/77-1/kendall.pdf.
  12. ^ Schultz, Ken (2009) Ken Schultz's Essentials of Fishing John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 9780470444313.
  13. ^ Based on data sourced from the FishStat database
  14. ^ Bluefish_ Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern US”. ^ Ulanski, Stan (2011) Fishing North Carolina's Outer Banks University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 9780807872079.
  15. ^ Lovko, Vincent J. (2008) Pathogenicity of the Purportedly Toxic Dinoflagellates Pfiesteria Piscicida and Pseudopfiesteria Shumwayae and Related Species ProQuest. ISBN 9780549882640.
  16. ^ "Un depredador rápido y muy voraz con dientes de sierra (in Spanish)" El País, July 14, 2006
  17. ^ Ceyhan, Tevfik, et al. (2007). “Age, growth, and reproductive season of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) in the Marmara region, Turkey”. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 64 (3): 531-536. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsm026.
  18. ^ Bluefish FishWatch, NOAA. Retrieved 5 October 2012.
  19. ^ Istanbul Celebrates New Hope for a Favorite Fish With First-Annual 'Lüfer Festival'”. ^ Shad or Elf - Rock Surf and Sea Fishing



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オキスズキ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

オキスズキ Pomatomus saltatrix は、スズキ目オキスズキ科に属する海水魚の一種。太平洋北部・東部を除く、全世界の温帯から亜熱帯に生息する回遊性魚類である。オーストラリアではtailor、南アフリカ東岸ではshad、西岸ではelfと呼ばれる。他の名としては blue・chopper・anchoaなどがある。味はよく、ゲームフィッシュとしても人気がある。

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파란농어 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

파란농어(Pomatomus saltatrix)는 고등어목에 속하는 조기어류과의 어류이다.[1] 작고 가는 물고기이다. 포마토무스과(Pomatomidae), 포마토무스속(Pomatomus)의 현존하는 유일종이다. 이전에는 농어목 농어아목(Percoidei)으로 분류했지만, 현재는 고등어목에 포함시킨다. 북태평양을 제외한 전세계 온대 및 아열대 해역에서 발견되는 원양어류이다.

특징과 먹이

파란농어는 현존하는 물고기 중에서 유일하게 포마토무스과에 속하는 어종으로 멸종한 친척으로는 신생대 마이오세에 생존했던 로파르 미오카이누스(Lophar miocaenus)가 있다. 한때는 게르치를 포마토무스과에 분류하기도 했으나 지금은 별개의 과로 재분류되었다. 이름에 농어가 들어가지만 농어와는 거리가 먼 어종이며 몸 길이는 1.3m에 무게는 14kg가 나가는 대형 어류이다.

이름처럼 몸의 전체가 푸른 빛을 띄고 있으며 이빨은 크기가 거의 비슷하지만 칼처럼 상당히 날카롭다. 번식기에는 무리를 지어 짝짓기를 하며 수컷에 의해 정자를 받은 암컷은 최소 40만 개에서 최대 200만 개라는 무수히 많은 알을 낳는다. 치어는 주로 플랑크톤을 섭식하지만 다 성장하면 작은 물고기와 갑각류, 오징어를 닥치는 대로 잡아 먹는다. 경골어류 중에서도 크기가 큰 편에 속하며 최대 수명은 9년이다.

파란농어의 주요 서식지와 그외의 이야기

파란농어는 주로 대서양인도양에 많이 서식하며 태평양 쪽으로는 남태평양을 제외하고는 서식 개체가 많지 않다. 수심 50 ~ 100m의 표해수층에 주로 서식하며 등푸른 생선으로 식용이 가능하다. 다만 파란농어의 이빨은 상당히 날카롭기에 살아있는 개체를 다룰 때는 주의가 요구되며 그래서 두꺼운 장갑을 쓰고 손질을 하는 것이 좋다. 상업적 가치가 높아서 남획이 되었기에 개체 수가 예전보다 줄어들었으며 현재는 멸종위기종으로 분류된 어종이다.

계통 분류

다음은 미야(Miya) 등의 연구에 기초한 계통 분류이다.[2]




갈치꼬치과 I


갈치꼬치과 II





























  1. (영어) Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2015년). 어류 정보 사이트 피시베이스(FishBase)의 Pomatomus saltatrix. 2015년 1월판.
  2. Masaki Miya, Matt Friedman, Takashi P. Satoh, Hirohiko Takeshima, Tetsuya Sado, Wataru Iwasaki, Yusuke Yamanoue, Masanori Nakatani, Kohji Mabuchi, Jun G. Inoue, Jan Yde Poulsen, Tsukasa Fukunaga, Yukuto Sato, Mutsumi Nishida: Evolutionary Origin of the Scombridae (Tunas and Mackerels): Members of a Paleogene Adaptive Radiation with 14 Other Pelagic Fish Families. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73535. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073535, PDF
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

파란농어: Brief Summary ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

파란농어(Pomatomus saltatrix)는 고등어목에 속하는 조기어류과의 어류이다. 작고 가는 물고기이다. 포마토무스과(Pomatomidae), 포마토무스속(Pomatomus)의 현존하는 유일종이다. 이전에는 농어목 농어아목(Percoidei)으로 분류했지만, 현재는 고등어목에 포함시킨다. 북태평양을 제외한 전세계 온대 및 아열대 해역에서 발견되는 원양어류이다.

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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

Diet ( Anglèis )

fornì da World Register of Marine Species
Juveniles feed on crustaceans, molluscs and small bluefish; adults feed on a variety of fish


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]

Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Bay of Fundy to Bermuda


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

drit d'autor
WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]

Habitat ( Anglèis )

fornì da World Register of Marine Species
Found at depths of 2- 200 m in oceanic and coastal waters, most common in surf areas.


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

drit d'autor
WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]