
Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Dorsal spines (total): 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 24 - 29; Analspines: 1; Analsoft rays: 23 - 28
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Armi G. Torres
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Migration ( Anglèis )

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Amphidromous. Refers to fishes that regularly migrate between freshwater and the sea (in both directions), but not for the purpose of breeding, as in anadromous and catadromous species. Sub-division of diadromous. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.Characteristic elements in amphidromy are: reproduction in fresh water, passage to sea by newly hatched larvae, a period of feeding and growing at sea usually a few months long, return to fresh water of well-grown juveniles, a further period of feeding and growing in fresh water, followed by reproduction there (Ref. 82692).
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Armi G. Torres
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Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

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Distinguished by the following characteristics: total D2 elements 27-30; caudal fin length 21.4-27.9% SL; head length 22.0-25.7% SL (Ref. 5218).
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Armi G. Torres
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Biology ( Anglèis )

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Inhabit mainly tidal mudflats adjacent to turbid, brackish rivers.
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Armi G. Torres
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Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Pseudapocryptes confluentus

USNM 217952, Holotype, Fly 75–31, 35.2 mm.

USNM 217305, Paratype, Fly 75–30, 45.3 mm.

USNM 217306, Paratypes, Fly 75–31, 24: 14.8–37.9 mm.

Pseudapocryptes confluentus is readily distinguished from all previously described Oxudercinae (= Apocrypteinae) in having the distal ends of fin rays of first dorsal, second dorsal, caudal, and anal fins joined by a single continuous fin membrane. First dorsal fin with 6 spines, at least in some specimens (sixth spine reduced, not reaching margin of fin membrane); second dorsal fin I 29–31; anal fin I 28–31; pectoral fin 20–21, lowermost 7–9 rays thickened; total caudal fin rays 21–24 (about 15 principal caudal rays). Dorsum of head including snout, cheeks, gill cover, and most of body covered by minute scales; about 140–180 scales in a lateral series and 100 predorsal scales. Isthmus, breast, ventral surface of abdomen, base of pectoral and pelvic fins, and caudal fin scaleless. Dentition basically identical in specimens 15–45 mm: each side of upper jaw with 2–3 large, elongate conical teeth anteriorly, then a single row of about 20 much smaller conical teeth extending posteriorly almost to rictus; each side of lower jaw with a single large, erect, inwardly curved canine tooth or fang internal to symphysis, and a single row of 10–12 (usually 11) large, subhorizontal conical teeth; posterior one-third of lower jaw toothless. Color in preservative (similar in all or almost all respects to that in life): body more or less uniformly dark brownish dorsally and laterally; side of abdomen with about 6 oblique dark bands; ventral surface of head and abdomen pale (not purple or blood red in life); all fins hyaline.

Pseudapocryptes confluentus agrees with Pseudapocryptes Bleeker, 1874 (type-species Eleotris lanceolatus Bloch and Schneider, 1801, by original designation), in having a more elongate body and smaller scales than any other known Apocrypteinae, similar fin formulae, and basically similar dentition. Pseudapocryptes lanceolatus differs from P. confluentus in having second dorsal and anal fins separated from caudal fin; jaw teeth fewer; more than 200 (up to 350) scales in a lateral series; and small scales covering isthmus, breast, base of pectoral and pelvic fins, abdomen, and proximal two-thirds of caudal fin.

I have examined a well-preserved series of 55 juveniles and subadults of P. lanceolatus from the Sunder-bans, Bangladesh, California Academy of Sciences 40081 (formerly Stanford University Natural History Museum same catalog number), 26.8–117 mm, as well as two somewhat larger specimens from Thailand, USNM 119991, 167 mm, and USNM 119636, 186 mm. In these specimens there is no membranous connection between second dorsal fin or anal fin and caudal fin; membrane from last spine of first dorsal fin extending posteriorly to base of first ray in second dorsal fin; caudal fin with a series of thin oblique color bars; each side of upper jaw with 5–7 large teeth anteriorly and 6–8 smaller teeth posteriorly, and each side of lower jaw with a large canine tooth behind symphysis and 8–15 large subhorizontal teeth. In the specimens from Bangladesh the sides of the body have about a dozen irregular oblique color bars, sometimes breaking up into spots, and better defined on the posterior half of the body than on the anterior half. These bars are more distinct in the juveniles than in the subadults, but traces of them are evident in all 55 specimens.

Hundreds of P. confluentus up to about 50 mm (juveniles?) were observed at the type-locality on a gently sloping, flat, detritus-littered mudbank exposed at low tide (Fly 75–31). They were flipping about in a manner and with a level of activity suggestive of Periophthalmus, except that they invariably landed on their sides and flipped from their sides, never balancing on their pelvic fins or assuming an upright position.
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roberts, Tyson R. 1978. "An ichthyological survey of the Fly River in Papua New Guinea with descriptions of new species." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-72. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.281

Zappa confluentus ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

Zappa confluentus és una espècie de peix de la família dels gòbids i de l'ordre dels perciformes[5] anomenat així com a homenatge al músic Frank Zappa.[6]



És un peix de clima tropical i demersal.[7]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a Oceania: rius Fly, Ramu i Bintuni a Nova Guinea.[7][9][10]


És inofensiu per als humans.[7]


  1. Murdy, E. O., 1989. A taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae). Rec. Aust. Mus. Suppl. Núm. 11: 1-93.
  2. BioLib (anglès)
  3. Roberts, T. R., 1978. An ichthyological survey of the Fly River in Papua New Guinea with descriptions of new species. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. Núm. 281: 1-72.
  4. «Zappa confluentus». Catalogue of Life. (anglès) (anglès)
  5. The Taxonomicon (anglès)
  6. Murdy. Goniidae: Oxuercinae (en anglès). Records of the Australian Museum, 1989. ISBN 0-7305-6374-X.
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 FishBase (anglès)
  8. Murdy, E.O., 1989. A taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the Oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae). Records of the Australian Museum Supplement 11:93 p.
  9. Allen, G.R., 1991. Field guide to the freshwater fishes of New Guinea. Christensen Research Institute, Madang, Papua Nova Guinea.
  10. Kailola, P.J., 1991. The fishes of Papua New Guinea: a revised and annotated checklist. Vol. III. Gobiidae to Molidae. Research Bulletin Núm. 41, Research Section, Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Papua Nova Guinea. 153 p.


  • Anònim, 2001. Base de dades de la col·lecció de peixos del National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution - Division of Fishes.
  • McDowall, R.M., 1997. The evolution of diadromy in fishes (revisited) and its place in phylogenetic analysis. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 7(4):443-462.
  • Riede, K., 2004. Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Alemanya. 329 p.
  • Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao i C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan.

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Zappa confluentus: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

Zappa confluentus és una espècie de peix de la família dels gòbids i de l'ordre dels perciformes anomenat així com a homenatge al músic Frank Zappa.

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Zappa confluentus ( Cech )

fornì da wikipedia CZ

Zappa confluentus je lezcovitá ryba. Je to novoguinejský endemit, je znám pouze z dolních toků řek Fly, Ramu a Bintuni. Žije v přílivových oblastech kalných řek. Druh dosahuje standardní délky až 4,4 cm.[1]


Zappa je pojmenována po hudebníkovi Franku Zappovi „za jeho jasnou a chytrou obranu Prvního dodatku Ústavy Spojených států amerických“.[2][3]



V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Zappa confluentus na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2013). "Zappa confluentus" na FishBase. Červen 2013.
  2. My true love gave to me … a bat species!. www.cbsnews.com. CBS News, December 9, 2008. Dostupné online. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite news}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  3. Mark Isaak. Etymology: Named after People [online]. November 29, 2009. Dostupné online. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite web}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
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Zappa confluentus: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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Zappa confluentus je lezcovitá ryba. Je to novoguinejský endemit, je znám pouze z dolních toků řek Fly, Ramu a Bintuni. Žije v přílivových oblastech kalných řek. Druh dosahuje standardní délky až 4,4 cm.

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Zappa confluentus ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

Zappa confluentus, the New Guinea slender mudskipper, is a mudskipper endemic to New Guinea, where it is only known from the lower parts of the Fly, Ramu and Bintuni Rivers. It is found on mudflats adjacent to turbid rivers. This species can reach a length of 4.4 centimetres (1.7 in) SL.[1]


Zappa was named after musician Frank Zappa "for his articulate and sagacious defense of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution".[2][3]

See also


  1. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2013). "Zappa confluentus" in FishBase. June 2013 version.
  2. ^ "My true love gave to me … a bat species!". CBS News. December 9, 2008.
  3. ^ Murdy, E. O. (1989). "A taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae)". Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement. 11: 1–93. doi:10.3853/j.0812-7387.11.1989.93.
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Zappa confluentus: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Zappa confluentus, the New Guinea slender mudskipper, is a mudskipper endemic to New Guinea, where it is only known from the lower parts of the Fly, Ramu and Bintuni Rivers. It is found on mudflats adjacent to turbid rivers. This species can reach a length of 4.4 centimetres (1.7 in) SL.

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Zappa confluentus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da wikipedia ES

Zappa confluentus es una especie de peces de la familia de los Gobiidae en el orden de los Perciformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 4,4 cm de longitud total.[1][2]


Es un pez de clima tropical y demersal.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra en Oceanía: ríos Fly, Ramu y Bintuni en Nueva Guinea.


Es inofensivo para los humanos.


  1. FishBase (en inglés)
  2. Murdy, E.O., 1989. A taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the Oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae). Records of the Australian Museum Supplement 11:93 p.


  • McDowall, R.M., 1997. The evolution of diadromy in fishes (revisited) and its place in phylogenetic analysis. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 7(4):443-462.
  • Riede, K., 2004. Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Alemania. 329 p.
  • Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao y C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwán.

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Zappa confluentus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Zappa confluentus es una especie de peces de la familia de los Gobiidae en el orden de los Perciformes.

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Zappa confluentus ( Basch )

fornì da wikipedia EU

Zappa confluentus Zappa generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Gobiidae familian.



  1. (Ingelesez) FishBase

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Zappa confluentus: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Zappa confluentus Zappa generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Gobiidae familian.

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Zappa confluentus ( Fransèis )

fornì da wikipedia FR

Zappa confluentus est une espèce de gobies, l'unique du genre Zappa.

Le nom de genre Zappa fait honneur à Frank Zappa : Edward Murdy, qui a nommé le genre, a dit, « J'aime sa musique »[1],[2].

Voir aussi

Article connexe

Références taxinomiques


Notes et références

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Zappa confluentus: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

fornì da wikipedia FR

Zappa confluentus est une espèce de gobies, l'unique du genre Zappa.

Le nom de genre Zappa fait honneur à Frank Zappa : Edward Murdy, qui a nommé le genre, a dit, « J'aime sa musique »,.

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Zappa confluentus ( Italian )

fornì da wikipedia IT

Il saltafango di Zappa[1] (Zappa confluentus Roberts, 1978), noto in lingua inglese anche con il nome New Guinea slender mudskipper (saltafango snello della Nuova Guinea), è un pesce della famiglia Gobiidae e della sottofamiglia Oxudercinae, unica specie del genere Zappa.

Scoperta e denominazione

I primi esemplari furono scoperti nel 1978 lungo le rive del fiume Fly dall'ittiologo statunitense Tyson R. Roberts, che si rese conto di trovarsi di fronte a una nuova specie e le diede nome Pseudapocryptes confluentus. Dieci anni dopo, il ricercatore Ed Murdy stava studiando la sistematica dei saltafango e notò una sostanziale differenza morfologica tra questi pesci e gli altri Pseudapocryptes. Li ribattezzò quindi Zappa confluentus, che furono inclusi nel nuovo genere Zappa.[2] Il termine latino confluentus indica la connessione delle pinne anale e dorsale con quella caudale. La scoperta della specie Zappa confluentus viene attribuita a Roberts, mentre quella del genere Zappa a Murdy.[1]

Appassionato ammiratore del musicista statunitense Frank Zappa, Murdy dedicò a lui il nome del genere e della specie. In particolare per l'istrionismo e le idee socio-politiche di Zappa, e soprattutto per la sua articolata e sagace difesa del I emendamento della Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d'America,[2] che garantisce la libertà di scegliere ed esercitare il proprio culto religioso, nonché la libertà di parola e di stampa, il diritto di riunirsi pacificamente e il diritto di appellarsi al governo per vedere riconosciuti i propri diritti.

Distribuzione e habitat

I Zappa confluentus si trovano esclusivamente nel corso più basso dei fiumi Fly, Ramu e Bintuni in Nuova Guinea, Oceania. Abitano in prevalenza nelle fangose piane di marea adiacenti alle torbide acque salmastre di tali fiumi, caratterizzate dalla presenza di mangrovie.


Al pari di altri saltafango, possono respirare attraverso la pelle e la mucosa della bocca; passano la maggior parte del tempo fuori dall'acqua nelle zone delle mangrovie, sulle piane tidali delle aree costiere e alla foce di fiumi tropicali. Nel terreno fangoso scavano tane in cui si rifugiano dai predatori e proteggono le uova. Quando l'acqua sommerge la tana e viene a mancare l’ossigeno, respirano per mezzo di una bolla d'aria che conservano nel proprio corpo all'interno di una speciale camera.[2] Sono pesci anfidromi, potendo muoversi liberamente in acqua dolce, marina e salmastra, e demersali, in grado di nuotare normalmente ma anche di trattenersi sui fondali, dove trovano il nutrimento. La lunghezza massima è di 4,4 centimetri.


  1. ^ a b (EN) Gobiidae - Oxudercinae - Zappa confluentus - Roberts, 1978, su mudskipper.it. URL consultato il 20 aprile 2018.
  2. ^ a b c Perché il nome saltafango di Zappa?, su museodizoologia.it. URL consultato il 20 aprile 2018.

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Zappa confluentus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

fornì da wikipedia IT

Il saltafango di Zappa (Zappa confluentus Roberts, 1978), noto in lingua inglese anche con il nome New Guinea slender mudskipper (saltafango snello della Nuova Guinea), è un pesce della famiglia Gobiidae e della sottofamiglia Oxudercinae, unica specie del genere Zappa.

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Zappa confluentus ( olandèis; flamand )

fornì da wikipedia NL


Zappa confluentus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van grondels (Gobiidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1978 door Roberts. De soort is vernoemd naar Frank Zappa.[2]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Zappa confluentus. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
  2. mudskipper.it
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Zappa ( portughèis )

fornì da wikipedia PT

Zappa é um género de peixe da família Gobiidae.

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Zappa confluentus ( ucrain )

fornì da wikipedia UK
  1. Zappa(англ.). Інтегрована система таксономічної інформації англ. ITIS.
  2. Zappa confluentus(англ.). Інтегрована система таксономічної інформації англ. ITIS.
  3. N. Bailly (2009). Zappa confluentus (Roberts, 1978). World Database of Marine Pisces. World Register of Marine Species. Архів оригіналу за 2013-07-20. Процитовано 2009-12-26.
  4. My true love gave to me … a bat species!. CBS News. December 9, 2008.
  5. Mark Isaak (2009-11-29). Etymology: Named after People. Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature. Архів оригіналу за 2013-07-20. Процитовано 2012-01-11.
  6. Andy Hillman. Zappa confluentus - A Fish Called Zappa. Архів оригіналу за 2013-07-20. Процитовано 2012-01-11.


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Zappa confluentus: Brief Summary ( ucrain )

fornì da wikipedia UK
Zappa(англ.). Інтегрована система таксономічної інформації англ. ITIS. Zappa confluentus(англ.). Інтегрована система таксономічної інформації англ. ITIS. N. Bailly (2009). Zappa confluentus (Roberts, 1978). World Database of Marine Pisces. World Register of Marine Species. Архів оригіналу за 2013-07-20. Процитовано 2009-12-26. My true love gave to me … a bat species!. CBS News. December 9, 2008. Mark Isaak (2009-11-29). Etymology: Named after People. Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature. Архів оригіналу за 2013-07-20. Процитовано 2012-01-11. Andy Hillman. Zappa confluentus - A Fish Called Zappa. Архів оригіналу за 2013-07-20. Процитовано 2012-01-11.
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