
Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Inhabits rocky and coral reefs, on rocks, sand or rubble (Ref. 9710). Found in weedy estuaries along the east coast of southern Africa (Ref. 4113).
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Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Dorsal spines (total): 3; Dorsal soft rays (total): 11 - 12; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 7
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Rodolfo B. Reyes
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Life Cycle ( Anglèis )

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Oviparous. Males have more intense coloration and extended cutaneous appendages than females (Ref. 205). Eggs are bound in ribbon-like sheath or mass of gelatinous mucus called 'egg raft' or 'veil' (Ref. 6773).
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Susan M. Luna
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Diagnostic Description ( Anglèis )

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Diagnosis: body short and globose; mouth large with many small, villiform teeth; skin rough, covered with bifurcate dermal spinules; pectoral-fin lobes attached to sides of body; illicium at most as long as second dorsal-fin spine; head, body and fins entirely covered with rough, parallel, dark streaks (Ref. 57225).Description: characterized by having unbranched pelvic rays except posteriormost bifurcate (Ref. 90102). Illicium about as long as (Ref. 57225) or slightly longer than second dorsal spine (Ref. 90102). Esca with 2-7 worm-like appendages; membrane connects second dorsal fin to head; hair-like filaments covering head, body and fins (Ref. 90102). Shape of lure variable from short and thick to long and slender; illicium attaining 13.6-22.7% of SL; second dorsal-fin spine more or less straight and attains 11.4-19.0% of SL; third dorsal-fin spine curved backwards, attaining 16.7-29.3% of SL; eye diameter 3.5-7.4% of SL (Ref. 57225). Bone supporting illicium extends in front of upper lip (Ref. 26938). Length usually to about 20 cm, but occasionally larger in subtropical zones (Ref. 48635).Coloration: color variable, often light yellow, orange, green, gray or brown (Ref. 26938, 57225), sometimes solid black (Ref. 26938) or almost white (Ref. 57225). Bands or large, elongate brownish or black spots; preserved specimens beige, yellow, orange, brownish or black (Ref. 57225). Prominent lines radiate from eye (Ref. 26938).
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Rodolfo B. Reyes
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Biology ( Anglèis )

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Inhabit rocky and coral reefs, on rocks, sand or rubble (Ref. 9710). Found in weedy estuaries along the east coast of southern Africa (Ref. 4113). Occurring in marine or brackish waters (Ref. 57225). In the Atlantic, it is found at an average depth of 40 m (Ref. 5288). Benthic (Ref. 58302). Observed to inflate itself greatly like the puffers (Ref. 5521). Oviparous. Males have more intense coloration and extended cutaneous appendages than females (Ref. 205). Eggs are bound in ribbon-like sheath or mass of gelatinous mucus called 'egg raft' or 'veil' (Ref. 6773).
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Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( Anglèis )

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fisheries: of no interest; aquarium: commercial
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Susan M. Luna
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分布 ( Anglèis )

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利用 ( Anglèis )

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描述 ( Anglèis )

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體側扁,卵圓形,腹部膨大,尾柄明顯。頭高大,頭背緣陡斜。吻短。眼小。口裂大,下頜突出;上下頜、鋤骨及腭骨均具齒。鰓孔小。體表粗糙,被雙叉小棘。頦部無肉質小突起。背鰭硬棘具3棘,第I硬棘特化為吻觸手,且位於上頜縫合處,其長於第II硬棘,末端具釣餌(Esca),為一由2-7片的皮瓣所組成,第 II硬棘游離,第III硬棘高大,末端彎向後方;第二背鰭長,具軟條11-12;臀鰭具軟條6-7;腹鰭顯然短於胸鰭;胸鰭軟條9-10;尾鰭圓形。體色多變,黃色、綠色、淺紅色、淺黃褐色、褐色及黑色等皆有,體側或具暗褐色蠕狀斑紋、或具暗色斑點、或斑點及斑紋具在、或完全無斑點及斑紋。
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棲地 ( Anglèis )

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Streep-hengelaar ( Afrikaans )

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Die Streep-hengelaar (Antennarius striatus) is 'n vis wat voorkom in die tropiese en subtropiese water van die Atlantiese Oseaan, die Indiese-Pasifiese area en aan die ooskus van Afrika van die Rooisee tot by Knysna. In Engels staan die vis bekend as die Striped angler.


Die vis het 'n tentakel aan die voorkop wat vier takkies aan het waarmee hy prooi nader lok - vandaar die eienaardige naam. Die vis se kleur kan wissel van liggeel na groen, grys, geelbruin of swart wat mekaar afwissel in vlekke; afhangend van die habitat. Daar is swart strale wat van die uitstraal. Die vis word tot 22 cm groot.


Die vis leef in sagte bodems, seegrasbeddings, getypoele en riwwe tot op 'n diepte van 219 m. Die vis kan in akwariums oorleef maar vreet enige vis in die tenk insluitende visse van sy eie grootte.


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Streep-hengelaar: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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Die Streep-hengelaar (Antennarius striatus) is 'n vis wat voorkom in die tropiese en subtropiese water van die Atlantiese Oseaan, die Indiese-Pasifiese area en aan die ooskus van Afrika van die Rooisee tot by Knysna. In Engels staan die vis bekend as die Striped angler.

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Qurbağa balıq ( Aser )

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Qurbağa balıq (lat. Antennarius striatus) - antennarius cinsinə aid balıq növü.


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Qurbağa balıq: Brief Summary ( Aser )

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Qurbağa balıq (lat. Antennarius striatus) - antennarius cinsinə aid balıq növü.

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Rozedranec proužkovaný ( Cech )

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Rozedranec proužkovaný (Antennarius striatus), také rozedranec Nuttingův, je mořská ryba náležející do řádu ďasů.


Ryba je dlouhá 18—22 cm, tělo je okrouhlé, pokryté množstvím dlouhých třásnitých výrůstků, které mu umožňují skrýt se mezi korály. Prsní ploutve jsou zploštělé a umožňují rozedranci opírat se o dno ve strnulém postoji se zdviženou hlavou (odtud anglický název frogfish — žabí ryba). Jedinci jsou zbarveni různě, od oranžové přes hnědou až po černou, často se objevují pestré skvrny či přerušované pruhy. Rozedranec může navíc barvu postupně měnit, aby splynul s podkladem. Maskování umožňuje tomuto dravci číhat na kořist, kterou vábí na masitý přívěsek zvaný ilicum na čele, který vznikl z přeměněného prvního paprsku hřbetní ploutve. Ten se v proudu vody svíjí jako červ a když se k němu nějaká zvědavá ryba (například perutýn) přiblíží, otevře rozedranec ústa, nadme se a vytvoří podtlak, kterým kořist rychle nasaje. Roztažitelná tlama umožňuje rozedrancům spolknout rybu stejně velkou, jako jsou oni sami.


Rozedranec proužkovaný se vyskytuje převážně v Indopacifiku, areál jeho rozšíření sahá na sever po Japonsko a na jih po Nový Zéland. Žije také v Atlantském oceánu jak podél pobřeží Afriky, tak v Karibiku a od New Jersey po Brazílii. Je bentickým druhem, který vyhledává písčité nebo kamenité dno do hloubky až dvou set metrů.

Druh je poměrně hojný, ale pro skrytý způsob života bývá zřídka pozorován. Není loven ke konzumaci, je však oblíbenou akvarijní rybou.


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]

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Rozedranec proužkovaný: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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Rozedranec proužkovaný (Antennarius striatus), také rozedranec Nuttingův, je mořská ryba náležející do řádu ďasů.

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Gestreifter Anglerfisch ( Alman )

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Der Gestreifte Anglerfisch (Antennarius striatus) lebt im Indopazifik, vom Roten Meer bis nach Japan, Neuseeland und zu den Gesellschaftsinseln und von Südafrika bis nach Hawaii, in Tiefen von 10 bis 200 Metern in Fels- und Korallenriffen.


Gestreifter Anglerfisch

Die Tiere haben je nach ihrem Lebensraum ein unterschiedliches Aussehen. Sie können eine gelbe, braune oder rote Grundfarbe haben und zeigen zahlreiche dunkle Streifen und Flecken. Daneben dienen zahlreiche Hautauswüchse der Tarnung, wobei die Fische, die in Algenbeständen leben, längere haben als Tiere aus anderen Biotopen. Gestreifte Anglerfische werden 22 Zentimeter lang.


Gestreifte Anglerfische laichen nachts. Die Eier bilden ein aufgerolltes 1,3 Millimeter dickes Band, das aus zwei Schichten Eiern besteht und, nachdem es aufgequollen ist, 7 bis 11 Zentimeter breit und 40 bis 80 Zentimeter lang sein kann. Es enthält 70.000 bis 300.000 Eier. Nach zwei Tagen lösen sich die Eier aus dem Band, die Larven schlüpfen und schwimmen nach acht Tagen, wenn der Dottersack aufgebraucht worden ist, frei.



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Gestreifter Anglerfisch: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Der Gestreifte Anglerfisch (Antennarius striatus) lebt im Indopazifik, vom Roten Meer bis nach Japan, Neuseeland und zu den Gesellschaftsinseln und von Südafrika bis nach Hawaii, in Tiefen von 10 bis 200 Metern in Fels- und Korallenriffen.

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Striated frogfish ( Anglèis )

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Striated frogfish gather during the mating period but do not tolerate each other after fertilization.[2]

The striated frogfish or hairy frogfish (Antennarius striatus) is a marine fish belonging to the family Antennariidae.


This small fish grows up to 22 cm (8.7 in) long. Like other members of its family, it has a rounded, extensible body, and its soft skin is covered with irregularly-arranged dermal spinules resembling hairs. Its large mouth is forwardly extensible, allowing it to swallow prey as large as itself. The coloring of its body is extremely variable because individual fish tend to match their living environments. Frogfishes have the capacity to change coloration and pigment pattern, taking only a few weeks to adapt. The dominant coloration varies from yellow to brownish-orange, passing through a range of shades, but it can also be green, gray, brown, almost white, or even completely black without any pattern. Body and fins can be marked with roughly parallel dark stripes or elongated blotches, some with rays radiating outward from the eye.[2]

The first dorsal spine, the illicium, tips forward, and is modified for use like a fishing rod. Its tip has a characteristic worm-like esca (lure) which, when waved, attracts unsuspecting prey. The dorsal spine is composed of two to seven elongated appendages. The lure is a way to easily distinguish A. striatus from Antennarius hispidus, which otherwise has similar physical characteristics (stripes, coloration, cutaneous appendages) and with which it is often confused.[3] The illicium has the same length as the second dorsal spine and it is often darkly banded. The second dorsal spine is practically vertical and is movable, while the third one is bent towards the back of the body. They are well separated from each other and also from the dorsal fin.[2]

The pectoral fins are angled, and with the pelvic fins, allow the frogfish to "walk" on the sea bottom and to keep a stable position for ambush.


The striated frogfish is found in the tropical and subtropical waters from the Indian Ocean to the center of the Pacific Ocean, and in the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Africa and from the New Jersey coast to the southern Brazilian coast including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. The only waters these fish are not found in are the Mediterranean and the Arctic.[4][5] Williams (1989) and Arnold and Pietsch (2012), however, considered Antennarius striatus a species complex, and the putative synonym Antennarius scaber is apparently a distinct species from A. striatus in having a bifid esca and 11-12 pectoral rays.[6][7][8]


This species inhabits shallow, sandy areas or rocky and coral reefs to deep waters. It can be found from the surface to 210 m with average occurrence at 40 m deep. They often mimic coral or sponges around them to blend in with the environment known as cryptic coloration.[9][2] As the general daily temperatures continue to rise, this poses a big problem for the oceans and their inhabitants that rely on the ecosystems within to survive. The frogfish is no exception, as they are dependent on coral reefs to blend in and prey on smaller fish. After a frogfish has been subjected to a certain environment, they are able to take in their settings and change color over the span of a few weeks to blend in with the surroundings. With the oceans gradually becoming warmer, this is worsening the pH levels, causing the waters to hold less oxygen and become more acidic. This is greatly expressed in the coral reefs in regard to coral bleaching where habitats are being lost daily. The acidic conditions of the oceans bleach the coral, causing it to lose all color. If the coral is losing its color, the frogfish must adapt and overcome or become more vulnerable to predators. This is seen through the species Antennarius maculatus where the frogfish has changed to a white color in order to blend in with the bleached coral in the Indian Ocean [10]


As with all frogfishes, A. hispidus is a voracious carnivore which will devour all right-sized prey that pass within reach, usually other fish, but sometimes even its own kind. It can swallow prey its own size.[2]

Like other members of its family, it has a benthic and solitary lifestyle. They gather during mating period, but do not tolerate each other any more after the act of fertilization.[2] The family Antennariidae use a unique form of locomotion which includes a jet type like propulsion that involves breathing. Water is taken in from the mouth and expelled through tube like gill openings behind the pectoral fins that propel the fish forward by performing opercular exhalations [11] The family generally has a globulous body shape with a large mouth upturned in the front of the body. This modification of increased oral cavity and reduced gill openings combined with pulsed water jet like propulsion expelled from breathing allow the fish to propel itself along the floor. They also have a unique jointed pectoral and pelvic fins that allow them to walk along the floor using their anterior dorsal fin in conjunction with their anal tail. Their fins are not modified for actual swimming therefore they remain benthic on the ocean floor. While frogfish have the ability to take in their surroundings and camouflage, they also have the ability to express batesian mimicry where they mimic other dangerous species such as the sea anemone to prevent predators from attacking. An example of such is frogfishes mimicking sea urchins resting on the floor. These fish also have a defense mechanism for when they are found by predators which includes swelling their body with water and remaining inflated to make swallowing difficult. Frogfish are carnivorous, mainly feeding on a diet of small marine fish and crustaceans, but have been known to perform in acts of cannibalism. A. striatus is one of the rare species of this family that exhibits a chemical attractant as well when fishing which is mainly used at night when light is unavailable. It is also observed that the esca is very susceptible to predators therefore the fish rolls it up close to the body when not hunting, and in some species, such as the A. pauciradiatus and A. randalli they have a pocket like structure they can place the esca in between the second and third dorsal spine. Frogfish have one of the fastest eating methods known in the animal kingdom, the fish lacks any teeth and uses suction to inhale its food whole and live. They expand their oral cavity by lowering the lower jaw and extending the upper. The trick remains in gaining the preys attention by moving their illicium usually in an arch like or wiggly fashion to mimic that of a small distressed animal. Once the frogfish can bring their prey close enough, they are able to inhale their prey in six thousandths of a second.


  1. ^ McEachran, J.D.; Polanco Fernandez, A.; Russell, B. (2015) [errata version of 2017 assessment]. "Antennarius striatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T16406979A115354869. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T16406979A16510007.en. Retrieved 29 December 2021.|date= / |doi= mismatch
  2. ^ a b c d e f Pietsch TW and Grobecker DT (1987) Frogfishes of the world Stanford University Press,ISBN 9780804712637.
  3. ^ Zubi. "Antennarius striatus".
  4. ^ "Encyclopedia of Life: Antennarius"
  5. ^ "Descriptions and articles about the Striated Frogfish (Antennarius striatus) - Encyclopedia of Life". Encyclopedia of Life.
  6. ^ Williams, Jeffrey T. 1989. "Book review of: Frogfishes of the World, by T. W. Pietsch and D. B. Grobecker" National Geographic Research. ( ).. 5 (3):277-280.
  7. ^ Arnold, R.J. & Pietsch, T.W. (2012) Evolutionary history of frogfishes (Teleostei: Lophiiformes: Antennariidae): a molecular approach. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62, 117–129. [Available online 2 Oct. 2011; publisher listed print copy as 2012]
  8. ^ Smith-Vaniz, W. and H. L. Jelks 2014. Marine and inland fishes of St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands: an annotated checklist. Zootaxa 3803 (no. 1): 1-120.
  9. ^ Science in Pictures: Frogfishes. Scientific American, 262(6), 96-103.
  10. ^ 1.Grimsditch, G., Basheer, A., & Bryant, D. E. (2016). Extreme White Colouration of Frogfish Antennarius maculatus Due to Coral Bleaching Event. Coral Reefs, 36(1), 167-167.
  11. ^ 5.Fish, F. E. (1987). Kinematics and Power Output of Jet Propulsion by the Frogfish Genus Antennarius (Lophiiformes: Antennariidae).
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Striated frogfish: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Striated frogfish gather during the mating period but do not tolerate each other after fertilization.

The striated frogfish or hairy frogfish (Antennarius striatus) is a marine fish belonging to the family Antennariidae.

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Antennarius striatus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El pejesapo rayado (Antennarius striatus) es un pez sapo de la familia Antennariidae. Se encuentra en todos los océanos subtropicales, en profundidades entre los 10 y los 210 metros. Su longitud es de 25 cm. Su coloración es variable, siendo más intensa en los machos. Tiene unas prominentes líneas radiadas en los ojos.


El pejesapo rayado habita en fondos arenosos, rocosos y arrecife de coral, y se encuentra también en estuarios del África austral.


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Antennarius striatus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El pejesapo rayado (Antennarius striatus) es un pez sapo de la familia Antennariidae. Se encuentra en todos los océanos subtropicales, en profundidades entre los 10 y los 210 metros. Su longitud es de 25 cm. Su coloración es variable, siendo más intensa en los machos. Tiene unas prominentes líneas radiadas en los ojos.

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Antennarius striatus ( Basch )

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Antennarius striatus Antennarius generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Antennariidae familian.


Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.


  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Antennarius striatus FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Antennarius striatus: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Antennarius striatus Antennarius generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Antennariidae familian.

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Antennarius striatus ( Fransèis )

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Poisson-grenouille strié

Antennarius striatus, ou communément nommé poisson-grenouille strié, est une espèce de poissons marins de la famille des Antennaires ou poissons-grenouilles.


Antennarius striatus est un poisson de petite taille pouvant atteindre 22 cm de long. Comme tous les membres de cette famille, il possède un corps globuleux, extensible, à la peau couverte de petites épines et flasque[1]. Cette dernière est souvent, mais pas systématiquement, recouverte d'appendices cutanées plus ou moins longs rappelant des « poils ». Sa bouche de grande dimension est prognathe et lui permet d'engloutir des proies aussi grosse que lui. La coloration du corps est extrêmement variable d'un individu à l'autre car elle s'harmonise aux teintes de l'environnement dans lequel il vit. Il a la capacité de changer de teinte en quelques semaines, en moyenne entre 2 et 5 semaines. Toutefois, les teintes dominantes vont du jaune à l'orange brun en passant par toute une gamme de nuances apparentées mais aussi parfois vert, gris, marron, presque blanc ou complètement noir sans motifs. Il est aussi doté de stries foncées ou de taches plus ou moins parallèles les unes aux autres avec sur la partie antérieure un départ rayonnant à partir de l’œil[2].

La première épine dorsale, dite illicium, est modifiée et sert de « canne à pêche ». Elle est munie à son extrémité d'un leurre caractéristique dont la forme est censée se rapprocher d'un ver. Il consiste en deux à sept appendices cutanés allongés qui peuvent occasionnellement de couleur rosâtre. Quant à l'illicium, il est souvent bandé de brun. Ce leurre est un moyen aisé de dissocier Antennarius striatus de son proche cousin Antennarius hispidus qui présente approximativement des caractéristiques physiques similaires (stries sombres sur le corps, teintes, « poils ») et avec qui, il est souvent confondu. L'illicium est quasiment de la même taille que la seconde épine dorsale[2]. La deuxième épine dorsale est pratiquement droite et est mobile, la troisième est courbée vers l'arrière du corps. Elles sont bien séparées l'une de l'autre ainsi que du reste de la nageoire dorsale. Les nageoires pectorales sont coudées et aident avec les nageoires pelviennes à la locomotion sur le fond ainsi qu'au maintien stable pour la position d'affût.


Antennarius striatus est présent dans les eaux tropicales et subtropicales de l'Océan Indien jusqu'au centre de l'Océan Pacifique, ainsi que dans l'Océan Atlantique soit sur les côtes occidentales de l'Afrique et des côtes du New Jersey au sud du Brésil en passant par le Golfe du Mexique et les Caraïbes[3].


Antennarius striatus fréquente les zones récifales, rocheuses, sablonneuses voire mixtes de la surface à 40 m de profondeur à plus[4].


Comme tous les Antennaires, Antennarius striatus est un carnivore vorace qui gobe toutes les proies qui passent à sa portée, principalement des poissons et même des congénères. Ses proies peuvent avoir des tailles proches de la sienne[2].


Cet Antennaires a, comme beaucoup de ses semblables, un mode de vie benthique et solitaire. Ils se rassemblent en période d'accouplement mais ne se tolèrent plus à la suite de l'acte. Le mâle peut tuer ou manger la femelle si elle demeure à sa proximité[2].


  1. Lieske & Myers, Guide des poissons des récifs coralliens, Delachaux & Niestlé, 2009, (ISBN 9782603016749)
  2. a b c et d (en) Pietsch & Grobecker, Frogfishes of the world : Systematics, Zoogeography, and Behavioral Ecology, Stanford University Press, 1987, 420 p. (ISBN 978-0-8047-1263-7)
  3. http://eol.org/pages/205048/details#distribution
  4. http://eol.org/pages/205048/details


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Antennarius striatus: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Poisson-grenouille strié

Antennarius striatus, ou communément nommé poisson-grenouille strié, est une espèce de poissons marins de la famille des Antennaires ou poissons-grenouilles.

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Antennarius striatus ( Italian )

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L'antennarius striatus (pesce rana striato o pesce rana peloso), è un pesce marino appartenente alla famiglia degli Antennariidae.


Questo piccolo pesce può arrivare fino a 22 cm di lunghezza. Come altri componenti della famiglia a cui appartiene, ha un corpo rotondo ed estensibile e la sua pelle morbida è ricoperta da spine dermali, disposte in modo irregolare e somiglianti a dei capelli. La sua bocca è grande ed estremamente estensibile, essa gli permette di ingerire prede grandi tanto quanto lui.

La colorazione del suo corpo può variare moltissimo perché ogni pesce tende a variare il colore in base all’ambiente in cui vive.

Il pesce rana peloso si riunisce in branco durante il periodo dell’accoppiamento ma non può tollerare gli altri individui dopo la fertilizzazione

I pesci rana hanno la capacità di cambiare colorazione e fantasia, mettendoci solo alcune settimane per adattarsi. La loro principale colorazione varia dal giallo al marrone aranciato, comprendendo tutte le sfumature intermedie, ma può essere anche verde, grigio, marrone, quasi biancastro, oppure addirittura completamente nero senza nessun tipo di fantasia.

Il corpo e le pinne possono essere particolarizzati da alcune strisce parallele non molto precise o da alcune macchie allungate, con delle strisce che richiamano dei raggi che partono da ogni occhio e sono indirizzati verso il resto del corpo.

La prima spina dorsale, la cosiddetta ‘illicium’ è protratta in avanti ed è soprannominata anche canna da pesca per la sua forma e la sua funzione. Essa ha la forma tipica di un verme usato come esca che, quando agitata, attira le prede che non sospettano di nulla. La spina dorsale è composta da alcune appendici allungabili (il cui numero varia da due a sette).

Questa “esca” è una semplice caratteristica che ci permette di distinguere l’A. striatus dall’Antennarius hispidus, che per il resto ha delle caratteristiche molto simili (strisce, colorazione, appendici cutanee) e con il quale è spesso confuso.

L’illicium ha la stessa lunghezza della seconda spina dorsale che spesso assume un colore più scuro rispetto alla prima. La seconda spina dorsale è posta quasi verticalmente ed è mobile, mentre la terza è piegata verso la parte retrostante del corpo.

Queste tre spine dorsali sono ben divise tra loro e dalla pinna dorsale

Le pinne pettorali sono piegate, e, assieme alle pinne ventrali, permettono al pesce rana peloso di “camminare” sul fondo del mare e di mantenere una posizione stabile per tendere un’imboscata alle prede.


Il pesce rana peloso si può trovare nelle acque tropicali e subtropicali, dall’Oceano Indiano al centro dell’Oceano Pacifico, e nell’Oceano Atlantico sulle coste ovest dell’Africa e infine dalla costa del New Jersey alla costa Brasiliana più a sud, includendo i caraibi e il golfo del Messico.

Le uniche acque in cui non si trova questo pesce sono quelle del Mediterraneo e dell’Artico.

Williams (1989) e Arnold e Pietsch (2012), ad ogni modo, hanno considerato l’Antennarius striatus una specie complessa e il presunto soprannome Antennarius scraber sembra in realtà essere una specie diversa che si distingue dall’A. striatus per la sua esca divisa in due e per i suoi 11-12 raggi pettorali.


Antennarius striatus.JPG

Questa specie abita zone superficiali, sabbiose o scogliere e barriere coralline in acque profonde. Può essere trovato dalla superficie a 210 m con un evento medio a 40 m di profondità. Spesso imitano il corallo o le spugne che li circondano per mimetizzarsi con l'ambiente noto come colorazione criptica. Poiché le temperature giornaliere generali continuano a salire, questo rappresenta un grosso problema per gli oceani e per i loro abitanti che si affidano agli ecosistemi presenti per sopravvivere. I pesci rana non fanno eccezione, poiché dipendono dalle barriere coralline per mimetizzarsi e depredare i pesci più piccoli.

Dopo che un pesce rana è stato in un determinato ambiente, sono in grado di cambiare colore nell'arco di poche settimane per confondersi con l'ambiente circostante. Con gli oceani che diventano gradualmente più caldi, questo aumenta i livelli di pH, facendo sì che le acque mantengano meno ossigeno e diventino più acide. Questo è molto espresso nelle barriere coralline per quanto riguarda lo sbiancamento dei coralli, dove gli habitat vengono persi ogni giorno.

Le condizioni acide degli oceani sbiancano il corallo, facendolo perdere ogni colore. Se il corallo perde il suo colore, il pesce deve adattarsi e diventare più o meno vulnerabile ai predatori. Questo si è osservato attraverso la specie Antennarius maculatus in cui il pesce rana è cambiato in un colore bianco per mimetizzarsi con il corallo sbiancato nell'Oceano Indiano.


Antennarius striatus C.jpg

Come tutti i pesci rana, A. hispidus è un vorace carnivoro che divorerà tutte le prede di dimensioni giuste che passano a portata di mano, di solito altri pesci, ma a volte persino i suoi simili. Può ingoiare prede delle proprie dimensioni. Come gli altri membri della sua famiglia, ha uno stile di vita solitario. Si riuniscono durante il periodo dell'accoppiamento, ma non si tollerano più l'un l'altro dopo l'atto di fecondazione. La famiglia Antennariidae usa una forma unica di locomozione che include una propulsione di tipo jet che implica la respirazione. L'acqua viene prelevata dalla bocca ed espulsa attraverso i tubi come aperture branchiali dietro le pinne pettorali che spingono il pesce in avanti eseguendo esalazioni attraverso l’opercolo.

Antennarius striatus2.JPG

La famiglia ha generalmente una forma del corpo a globo con una grande bocca nella parte anteriore del corpo. Questa modifica dell'aumento della cavità orale e delle aperture di branchia combinate con la propulsione a getto d'acqua pulsata espulsa dalla respirazione consente al pesce di spingere se stesso lungo il fondale. Hanno anche un esclusivo pettorale articolato e pinne pelviche che permettono loro di camminare lungo il fondale usando la loro pinna dorsale

anteriore in congiunzione con la loro coda anale; le loro pinne non sono fatte per il nuoto vero e proprio.

Mentre i pesci rana hanno la capacità di catturare l'ambiente circostante e mimetizzarsi, hanno anche la capacità di imitare altre specie pericolose come l'anemone di mare per impedire ai predatori di attaccare. Un esempio sono i pesci rana che imitano i ricci di mare appoggiati sul fondale. Questi pesci hanno anche un meccanismo di difesa per quando vengono trovati dai predatori che includono il gonfiore del loro corpo con l'acqua e rimangono gonfiati per rendere difficile al predatore la deglutizione. I pesci rana sono carnivori, si nutrono principalmente di piccoli pesci e crostacei marini, ma si sa che talvolta si esibiscono in atti di cannibalismo.

A. striatus è una delle rare specie di questa famiglia che possiede una tecnica per la pesca che comprende un’esca, la quale viene utilizzata principalmente di notte quando la luce non è disponibile. Si è osservato anche che l'esca è molto sensibile ai predatori, quindi il pesce lo avvolge vicino al corpo quando non caccia, e in alcune specie come A. pauciradiatus e A. randalli hanno una struttura simile a una tasca che possono posizionare l'esca tra la seconda e la terza spina dorsale.

I pesci rana hanno uno dei metodi di consumo più veloci conosciuti nel regno animale, il pesce non ha denti e utilizza l'aspirazione per inalare la sua preda intera e viva. Espandono la cavità orale abbassando la mascella inferiore ed estendendo la parte superiore. Il trucco sta nell'ottenere l'attenzione delle prede spostando la loro esca di solito in un modo simile ad arco per imitare il movimento di un piccolo animale in difficoltà. Una volta che i pesci rana riescono a portare la loro preda abbastanza vicino, sono in grado di inalarla in sei millesimi di secondo.

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Antennarius striatus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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L'antennarius striatus (pesce rana striato o pesce rana peloso), è un pesce marino appartenente alla famiglia degli Antennariidae.

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Antennarius striatus ( olandèis; flamand )

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Antennarius striatus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van voelsprietvissen (Antennariidae).[2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1794 door Shaw.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Antennarius striatus op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. (en) Antennarius striatus. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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Таитийская бородавчатая рыба-клоун ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Группа: Рыбы
Группа: Костные рыбы
Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
Надотряд: Колючепёрые
Серия: Перкоморфы
Подотряд: Клоуновидные
Семейство: Клоуновые
Вид: Таитийская бородавчатая рыба-клоун
Международное научное название

Antennarius striatus (Shaw, 1794)

Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 164556NCBI 241820EOL 205048

Таитийская бородавчатая рыба-клоун[1] (лат. Antennarius striatus) — вид лучепёрых рыб из семейства клоуновых отряда удильщикообразных, или морских чертей (Lophiiformes).


Тело короткое и шарообразное. Рот большой с многочисленными ворсинковидыми зубами на челюстях. Грубая кожа покрыта многочисленными, близкорасположенными, раздвоенными кожистыми выростами.

В спинном плавнике три отдельно сидящих колючек, за ними следует 11—12 мягких лучей. Первый колючий луч направлен вперёд и преобразован в «удилище», так называемый иллиций. На конце иллиция располагается червеобразная эска, служащая для привлечения потенциальных жертв. Длина иллиция равна длине второй колючки. Второй колючий луч подвижный, направлен почти вертикально, а третий колючий луч направлен назад. На концах второго и третьего колючих лучей имеется от 2 до 7 червеобразных отростков.В анальном плавнике 8—10 (реже 7) мягких лучей. В грудных плавниках 12—14 раздвоенных мягких лучей. Мягкие лучи брюшных плавников также раздвоенные. Плавательный пузырь есть[2].

На голове, теле и плавниках хорошо видны неровные, идущие параллельно, тёмные полосы. На боках тела тёмные пятна со слабопигментированными краями.

Максимальная длина тела 25 см, обычно до 10 см[3].

Принадлежит к группе видов Antennarius striatus group и ближайшим видом считается Antennarius hispidus[4].


Широко распространены в тропических и субтропических водах всех океанов, на глубинах от 10 до 219 м. Восточная Атлантика: вдоль побережья Африки от Сенегала до юго-западной Африки, у острова Святой Елены. Западная Атлантика: от Нью-Джерси до юго-восточного побережья Бразилии, включая Бермудские, Карибские и Багамские острова, Мексиканский залив. Индо-Пацифика: Красное море, вдоль восточного побережья Африки до островов Общества и Гавайских островов; на севере до Японии и на юге до Австралии и Новой Зеландии, включая прибрежные воды Индонезии, Филиппин, Малайзии[5].


  • Antennarius striatus.JPG
  • Antennarius striatus2.JPG
  • Antennarius striatus3.JPG


  1. Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 425. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  2. Theodore W. Pietsch. Antennarius (неопр.). Tree of Life Project (1 ноября 2005). Проверено 1 июля 2011. Архивировано 14 мая 2012 года.
  3. Antennarius striatus (англ.) в базе данных FishBase.
  4. Frogfish.ch
  5. Antennarius striatus (англ.). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
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Таитийская бородавчатая рыба-клоун: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

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Таитийская бородавчатая рыба-клоун (лат. Antennarius striatus) — вид лучепёрых рыб из семейства клоуновых отряда удильщикообразных, или морских чертей (Lophiiformes).

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條紋躄魚 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Antennarius striatus
Shaw & Nodder,1794[1]

条纹躄鱼学名Antennarius striatus),又稱帶紋躄魚,俗名五腳虎、娃娃魚,是輻鰭魚綱鮟鱇目躄魚亞目躄魚科的其中一












  1. ^ 中国科学院动物研究所. 条纹躄鱼. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:條紋躄魚
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條紋躄魚: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科

条纹躄鱼(学名:Antennarius striatus),又稱帶紋躄魚,俗名五腳虎、娃娃魚,是輻鰭魚綱鮟鱇目躄魚亞目躄魚科的其中一

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빨간씬벵이 ( Corean )

fornì da wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

빨간씬벵이씬벵이과에 속하며 학명은 Antennarius striatus이다.[1] 작은 물고기로 몸길이는 최대 22cm이다. 몸이 뭉뚝하고 가슴은 불룩하여 볼품이 없다. 피부에 작은 가시가 빽빽하고 입은 위를 향하고 있다. 가슴지느러미와 배지느러미가 짧아서 바다 밑을 기기에 적합하다. 청회색 또는 붉은빛을 띤다. 한국과 일본에 많이 분포하는데 개체 변화의 연구재료로서 중요하다. 하지만 식용으로 먹지는 않는다.


  1. (영어) Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2015년). 어류 정보 사이트 피시베이스(FishBase)의 Antennarius striatus. 2015년 4월판.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da World Register of Marine Species
Inhabits rocky and coral reefs, on rocks, sand or rubble (Ref. 9710). In the Atlantic, it is found at an average depth of 40 m (Ref. 5288). Observed to inflate itself greatly like the puffers (Ref. 5521).


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Edward Vanden Berghe [email]

Distribution ( Anglèis )

fornì da World Register of Marine Species
Western Atlantic: from off the coast of New Jersey (USA), Bermuda, Bahamas, Gulf of Mexico and throughout the island groups of the Caribbean to the southernmost coast of Brazil.


North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Kennedy, Mary [email]