Die Swartogies-slangpaling (Myrichthys maculosus) is 'n vis (daar word na die vis verwys as 'n paling) wat voorkom in die Indies-Pasifiese area, die Rooisee, die eilande van die westelike Indiese Oseaan en aan die ooskus van Afrika van Oman tot by die Oos-Kaap. In Engels staan die paling bekend as die Spotted snake eel.
Die paling is lig van kleur en die lyf en kop is bedek met klein en groot ronde of ovaalvormige swart of bruin kolle. Die paling kan 1 m lank word. Die dorsale vin is herkenbaar op die rug en die pektorale vinne is ook sigbaar. Die stertpunt is hard en vinloos.
Die paling word gereeld gesien in die dag in die sanderige gedeeltes van koraalriwwe. Hulle kom ook voor in seegrasbeddings. Hulle eet vissies en skaaldiere. Swartogies-slangpalings wat op eenslag geëet word, kan 'n gat in die pens van hul jagter met hul stertpunt maak. Hulle aard goed in groot akwariums.
Die Swartogies-slangpaling (Myrichthys maculosus) is 'n vis (daar word na die vis verwys as 'n paling) wat voorkom in die Indies-Pasifiese area, die Rooisee, die eilande van die westelike Indiese Oseaan en aan die ooskus van Afrika van Oman tot by die Oos-Kaap. In Engels staan die paling bekend as die Spotted snake eel.
Myrichthys maculosus, commonly known as the tiger snake eel,[1] the ocellate snake eel or the spotted snake eel,[2] is a species of fish in the family Ophichthidae, native to the Indo-Pacific. It is occasionally encountered in the aquarium trade. It grows to a length of 1 m (40 in).
An elongated, snake-like fish, Myrichthys maculosus can grow to a length of 1 m (40 in), but a more common size is 50 cm (20 in).[1] The head is small with a short snout and long tubular nostrils pointing downwards. There are two rows of teeth on each jaw and two more rows on the palate. The dorsal fin has its origin just behind the head while the anal fin starts midway along the body; both run to near the tip of the tail. There are no pelvic or caudal fins, and the pectoral fins are small. This fish is cream or yellow, with large, brown or black, circular or oval spots. Young fish have a single longitudinal row of spots while large individuals have three rows.[3]
M. maculosus is found in the tropical and warm temperate Indo-Pacific region. Its range extends from East Africa and the Red Sea to French Polynesia and the Galápagos Islands, and from Japan to eastern Australia. It is not present in Hawaii, where it is replaced by the magnificent snake eel (Myrichthys magnificus). It inhabits lagoons, reef flats, seagrass beds and sandy plains, at depths down to about 260 m (850 ft).[3]
This species is mainly nocturnal but can sometimes be seen during the daytime swimming over sandy or vegetated areas.[2] It generally spends the daytime buried in sand, digging itself in tail first. It has a well-developed sense of smell which it uses to locate its prey, which include crustaceans, banded snake eels and other small fish, while they are buried in the sediment.[3] At night, it sometimes aggregates in large numbers at locations where there is artificial lighting. Little is known about the reproduction of this species; the sexes are separate and the larvae are leaf-shaped and known as leptocephali.[3]
Myrichthys maculosus, commonly known as the tiger snake eel, the ocellate snake eel or the spotted snake eel, is a species of fish in the family Ophichthidae, native to the Indo-Pacific. It is occasionally encountered in the aquarium trade. It grows to a length of 1 m (40 in).
Myrichthys maculosus Myrichthys generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Ophichthidae familian sailkatzen da.
Espezie hau Agulhasko itsaslasterran aurki daiteke.
Myrichthys maculosus Myrichthys generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Ophichthidae familian sailkatzen da.
Myrichthys maculosus dit Anguille serpent maculée est une espèce de poissons serpentiformes marins de la famille des Ophichthidae.
Contrairement à ce que sa forme pourrait laisser croire, cet animal est bien un poisson (de l'ordre des Anguilliformes), proche des murènes, et pas un serpent. Il peut atteindre 1 mètre à l'âge adulte.
On rencontre cette espèce dans les eaux tropicales de l'océan Indien.
Myrichthys maculosus dit Anguille serpent maculée est une espèce de poissons serpentiformes marins de la famille des Ophichthidae.
Myrichthys maculosus (Cuvier, 1816) è un pesce marino appartenente alla famiglia Ophichthidae[1].
Vive fino a 262 m di profondità in zone con fondo sabbioso che si trovano in prossimità di barriere coralline[2]. Ha un areale molto esteso, dall'oceano Pacifico centrale (ad esclusione delle Hawaii, dove c'è invece Myrichthys magnificus) alle coste dell'Africa orientale, mar Rosso incluso[3].
Presenta un corpo anguilliforme e compresso lateralmente, dalla lunghezza media di 50 cm, anche se ci sono segnalazioni di esemplari che hanno raggiunto il metro[3]. La testa ha un profilo arrotondato. La colorazione è a macchie scure su uno sfondo che varia dal giallo al color crema; negli adulti, queste macchie sono di forma ovata e più grandi degli occhi[4]. Si distingue dal simile Myrichthys aki per il minor numero di macchie[5].
È tendenzialmente solitario e notturno. Trascorre la maggior parte del tempo nascosto sotto la sabbia[3].
Si nutre di crostacei e pesci[6].
Myrichthys maculosus (Cuvier, 1816) è un pesce marino appartenente alla famiglia Ophichthidae.
Myrichthys maculosus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van slangalen (Ophichthidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1816 door Cuvier.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties巨斑花蛇鰻(学名:Myrichthys maculosus),又稱黑斑花蛇鰻、硬骨篡,为蛇鳗科花蛇鳗属的鱼类。分布于红海及东非、东到夏威夷及社会群岛、北到日本南部以及西沙群岛、台湾等海域等,属于珊瑚礁区鱼类。[1]
巨斑花蛇鰻(学名:Myrichthys maculosus),又稱黑斑花蛇鰻、硬骨篡,为蛇鳗科花蛇鳗属的鱼类。分布于红海及东非、东到夏威夷及社会群岛、北到日本南部以及西沙群岛、台湾等海域等,属于珊瑚礁区鱼类。