“Iphimediella georgei n. sp.
Material.—Holotype: Islas Orcadas Cruise 19, Sta. 7, 8 Mar. 1979, 62°18.9'S, 55°13'W, 610 m, 1 ♀ (28 mm) with eggs (USNM 173587). Para-types: Eltanin Cruise 27, Sta. 1924, 27 Jan. 1967, 75°11'S, 176°13'W, 728-732 m, 2 juveniles (USNM 173588).
Diagnosis.—Body with paired dorsal processes on pereonite 7 and pleonites 1 and 2; pleonite 3 with keel only, produced slightly backward into acute tooth; coxa 1 anteroventral margin rounded, posteroventral margin drawn downward into anteriorly directed hook.
Description.—Three pairs dorsal processes meet mid-dorsally to form smoothly rounded "U." Urosomite 1 with prominent mid-dorsal carina. Head anterolateral sinus with acute tooth above and longer acute tooth below. Coxa 1 anteroventral margin smoothly rounded; ventral margin becomes distinctly concave before forming anteriorly directed hook (easily broken) at posteroventral margin. Coxae 2 and 3 similar in shape to coxa 1 but more slender, less rounded anteriorly and less concave ventrally. Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 with prominent tooth projecting ventrally past distal margin of peduncle article 2, with 2 smaller teeth projecting laterally along midline; peduncle article 2 with teeth projecting along each lateral margin past distal margin of article 3; accessory flagellum uniarticulate. Antenna 2 longer than antenna 1 in female. Upper lip distinctly incised. Mandible tapering, incisor toothed; molar prominent and setose; palp 3-articulate; accessory plate on right mandible toothed, left accessory plate not as well developed. Lower lip entire, apices smoothly rounded, inner lobes absent. Maxilla 1 palp biarticulate, exceeding length of outer plate, setae half way along inner margin; inner plate subtriangular with 18 plumose setae on inner margin. Maxilla 2 inner and outer plates subequal in width; setae extend along medial margin of inner plate. Maxilliped palp 4-articulate with fourth article minute, covered by setose, hoodlike extension of article 3; palp article 2 distinctly expanded but not produced along article 3; palp article 3 longer than broad with plumose setae giving way to shorter, stouter setae along distal margin; inner plate with plumose setae along distal and medial margins. Gnathopods 1 and 2 chelate. Gnathopod 1 article 3 subequal to article 4 but less than 1/2 length of article 6; article 5 subequal to article 6. Gnathopod 2 article 3 longer than article 4, 3/4 length of article 6; article 5 subequal to article 6. Pereopods 5 and 6 basis posterior margin smoothly rounded proximally, drawn into a small tooth at posteroventral corner; posterior margin slightly serrate. Telson longer than wide, shallowly cleft; distal margin minutely irregular. Uropods 1 and 2 biramous. Uropod 1 peduncle longer than rami; outer ramus slightly shorter than inner. Uropod 2 peduncle slightly shorter than inner ramus; outer ramus shorter than inner. Uropod 3 either uniramous or missing inner ramus.
Etymology.—Named in honor of Dr. Robert Y. George.
Remarks.—This species can be easily distinguished by its dorsal armature. The only other Iphimediella species with 3 pairs of dorsal processes are I. bransfieldi and I. discoveryi. I. georgei differs from the latter 2 species in possessing a dorsal keel on pleonite 3. Additionally, the dorsal processes come together at the midline as a broadened "U" in I. georgei and as a "V" in I. bransfieldi and I. discoveryi. The mouthparts of I. georgei are typically iphimediellan with the expanded but not produced maxilliped palp article 2 being similar to that seen in I. bransfieldi.”
(Watling & Holman, 1980: 626-629)
Iphimediella georgei is een vlokreeftensoort uit de familie van de Iphimediidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1980 door Watling & Holman.
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