Comprehensive Description
fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
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DESCRIPTION. (of young male, like the female).—Antenna 1 extending much farther than antenna 2, both pairs of antennae long and thin, article 1 of antenna 1 bearing 2 ventral spines, article 2 scarcely shorter than 1, flagella of medium length; lateral cephalic lobes broad and strongly protuberant, rounded; anteroventral cephalic margin with bulge supporting antenna 2 upper lip rounded below but very broadly so; right mandible with 2 spines, left with 3, each molar with small ragged seta, very small ordinary setae on both mandibles, molars moderately triturative; cones on lower lip obsolescent or absent, mandibular lobes conical, blunt; inner plate of maxilla 1 large, naked, outer plate with 10 spines, apex of palp with 2 setae and cone; inner plate of maxilla 2 very short, bearing several apical setae, no seta strongly divorced from another, lobes broader than in S. wunda maxillipeds with very small mammilliform inner lobes each bearing 1 small apical spinule, spines on outer plate sparse and thin, article 4 of palp especially prominent (in this genus) coxa 1 expanding apically, coxae 1–3 each with small spine posteriorly; gnathopod 2 [sic] like gnathopod 1 of S. wunda in general proportions, but gnathopod 1 extremely stout and short; pereopods 1–2 stouter than in S. wunda, sixth articles weakly prehensile, spines stout and slightly striate pereopods 3–5 very stout and short, not appearing prehensile, article 2 of pereopod 4 broadly pyriform, article 2 of pereopod 5 broad with spine at posteroventral corner, unlobed; dactyls of pereopods with main marginal seta free and curved; rami of uropod 1 extending equally, outer ramus of uropod 2 shorter than inner; uropod 3 small, ordinary, outer ramus slightly shorter than inner but rami not as dissimilar as in S. wane and lacking apical spines; telson broad, each apex bearing 1 spine and 1 proximolateral spine; pleonal epimera 1–2 with lateral ridge and epimera 1–3 each with medium posteroventral tooth, epimeron 1 with 4–5 side spines in row, epimeron 2 with 3–4 side spines in row and 4–6 ventral spines, epimeron 3 with 6–8 spines (or 1 seta anteriorly) pleonite 3 weakly protuberant dorsally, pleonite 4 with saddle-shaped dorsal process bearing sharp posterior tooth cuticle nearly smooth everywhere but very weak slits and vestigial remnants of polygons occurring on middle coxae, article 2 of pereopods 3–5 and epimera, occasional setule present.
HOLOTYPE.—NMV, young male, 3.19 mm.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Port Phillip 60, Victoria area 60–67, 19 January 1958.
DISTRIBUTION.—Port Phillip, Victoria.
- sitassion bibliogràfica
- Barnard, J. L. and Drummond, M. M. 1978. "Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, Part III. The Phoxocephalidae." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-551.