Plancia ëd Choromytilus meridionalis (F. Krauss 1848)
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Choromytilus meridionalis (F. Krauss 1848)

Swartmossel ( Afrikaans )

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Die swartmossel (Choromytilus meridionalis) is tweekleppige skulpdier wat aan die wes- en suidkus van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Dit is swart van kleur en word blou as gevolg van erosie. Dit kom voor in rotsagtige gebiede in die tussengetysone. Die mossel word tot 15 cm lank. Dit is 'n gewilde seekosgereg.



  1. http://www.biolib.cz, besoek op 5 Januarie 2010
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Swartmossel: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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Die swartmossel (Choromytilus meridionalis) is tweekleppige skulpdier wat aan die wes- en suidkus van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Dit is swart van kleur en word blou as gevolg van erosie. Dit kom voor in rotsagtige gebiede in die tussengetysone. Die mossel word tot 15 cm lank. Dit is 'n gewilde seekosgereg.

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Choromytilus meridionalis ( Anglèis )

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Choromytilus meridionalis, the black mussel, is a species of bivalve. It is a marine mollusc in the family Mytilidae. They are part of the family Mollusca which is the second-largest phylum of invertebrates with around 85,000 species. In this article, we will be discussing the taxonomy, morphology, ecology, reproduction, and distribution of Choromytilus meridionalis.


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Bivalvia

Order: Mytillda

Family: Mytilldae

Genus: Choromytilus

Species: Choromytilus meridionalis


This animal grows up to 150 mm in length. It is a shiny black mussel that grows clustered in groups on rocks and in sandy areas. It is narrower and blacker than the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, with which it is often confused. The family mytilldae is known for narrow, elliptical, fan-shaped, thin valves which are of the same size, the absence of prominent hinge teeth, and the presence of byssal threads that hang off the hinge area for anchoring on rigid substrates [2].


The black mussel is a filter feeder that eats floating scraps of algae and phytoplankton. It is threatened by the invasion of the fast-growing and hardy Mediterranean mussel, which outcompetes it for space. Particulate organic matter is the major food source of many filter-feeding bivalves including C. meridionalis. Choromytilus meridionalis utilizes bacteria as a nitrogen resource, which is important for its growth and survival in the intertidal zone. The bacterial nitrogen uptake by C. meridionalis was highest when mussels were exposed to high tide and lowest during low tide. As the exposure to high temperatures in the rocky tidal decreases as temperature rises[3]. The bacterial nitrogen uptake by C. meridionalis is influenced by the availability of other nitrogen sources such as dissolved inorganic nitrogen. This suggests that species have the ability to adjust their nitrogen uptake strategy based on the availability of different nitrogen sources [4]. C. meridionalis may co-exist with the bivalve Aulacomya ater in the field.


In the False Bay area, Choromytilus meridionalis all reproduce at the same time and partake in two breeding seasons. Although the number of eggs and sperm released each year changes, the ratio of eggs to sperm is constant. The sexes are separate and females may be distinguished by the chocolate-brown color of the ovary, while the testis is yellow to white, depending on its state of development. In mature animals, the gonad extends as a thickened lobe in the midline between the gills, posterior to the foot. [5] In C. meridionalis gametogenesis occurs continuously throughout the year. C. meridionalis larvae are present in the water column for most of the time and will readily settle on ropes or buoys suspended in the water; they rarely settle on the rocky substrate [6].


This species is found in lagoonal, coastal, inner shelf, outer shelf, oceanic, brackish, seawater This species is found only around the southern African coast, from central Namibia to Port Elizabeth, from the low intertidal to about 10m [1]. This species is found in the sublittoral and lower littoral of rocky areas located around the southern African coast, from central Namibia to Port Elizabeth. The population density of C. meridionalis varied significantly among tidal levels, with the highest densities found at the mid-tidal level. The tidal levels also influenced the growth rates of C. meridionalis, in which the individuals found around the mid-tidal levels exhibited the highest growth rates. The most important environmental factors affecting the distribution of the species are temperature and sediment type. They do well in tempuratures of 12.5-30 degrees C [3]. Salinity seems to have little effect on the distribution and abundance of the species [6].

Climate Change Impact

Reports of C. meriodionalis in South Africa have been shown to have traces of harmful metals from the ocean [7]. This is due to rising anthropogenic climate change and urban runoff that is threatening the future of mussel farming. Mussel farming is a form of aquaculture that involves raising and harvesting these mollusks in either natural or man-made environments, since mussels are filter feeders, they filter incoming water, when the water becomes polluted the mussels absorb everything in the water which they can retain and affect humans when they are eaten.


  1. ^ www.biolib.cz https://www.biolib.cz. Retrieved 5 January 2010. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
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Choromytilus meridionalis: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Choromytilus meridionalis, the black mussel, is a species of bivalve. It is a marine mollusc in the family Mytilidae. They are part of the family Mollusca which is the second-largest phylum of invertebrates with around 85,000 species. In this article, we will be discussing the taxonomy, morphology, ecology, reproduction, and distribution of Choromytilus meridionalis.

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Choromytilus meridionalis ( Fransèis )

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Moule noire

La moule noire, Choromytilus meridionalis, est une espèce de mollusques bivalves de la famille des Mytilidae.


Cette moule vit normalement autour de l'Afrique du Sud, du centre de la Namibie à Port Elizabeth, de la zone intertidale basse ou moyenne à environ 10 m de profondeur[1].


Sa coquille peut atteindre 150 mm de longueur. Elle forme des colonies accrochées sur les rochers et sur certaines zones sablonneuses[2]. Elle est plus fine et noire que la moule méditerranéenne (Mytilus galloprovincialis), avec laquelle elle est souvent confondue.


C'est un organisme filtreur qui se nourrit de phyto- et zooplancton et joue un rôle important dans le maintien de la qualité de l'eau et de sa limpidité. Elle peut s'avérer envahissante là où elle a été introduite. Inversement, dans sa zone d'origine elle est en compétition avec la moule méditerranéenne.
Elle est plus subtidale (ce qui est un autre indice pour la distinguer) que la moule méditerranéenne).

Ses populations semblent contrôlées par des étoiles de mer et un gastéropode foreur (Natica tecta), qui la mange après avoir percé sa coquille. Les relations prédateur-proie entre ces deux espèces ont été étudiées dans la baie False Bay, en Afrique du Sud, où en juillet 1979 la densité des populations de N. tecta (individus matures de 20–33 mm (coquille) pour la plupart) sur ces moules a été estimée à environ 69 individus par mètre carré[3].

Toxicologie, écotoxicologie

Comme tous les coquillages filtreurs, cette moule peut bioaccumuler des métaux lourds, dans sa coquille[4].

De manière générale, chez les moules, on constate qu'il n'y a pas de corrélation entre la teneur en métaux des sédiments et celle des moules, qui peuvent être directement contaminées par les métaux dissous dans l'eau à l'état de trace.

Notes et références

  1. Branch, G.M., Branch, M.L, Griffiths, C.L. et Beckley, L.E (2005): Two Oceans: a guide to the marine life of southern Africa (ISBN 0-86486-672-0)
  2. Day, J.H. 1969. Marine Life on South African Shores Balkema, Le Cap
  3. (en) Roberta J. Griffiths, Predation on the bivalve Choromytilus meridiionalis (Kr.) by Natica (Tectonatica) tecta Anton ; J. Mollus. Stud. (1981) 47 (1): 112-120. ([Résumé])
  4. (en) Danijela Joksimovic, Ilija Tomic, Ana R. Stankovic, Mihajlo Jovic et Slavka Stankovic ; Trace metal concentrations in Mediterranean blue mussel and surface sediments and evaluation of the mussels quality and possible risks of high human consumption ; doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.01.057

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Choromytilus meridionalis: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Moule noire

La moule noire, Choromytilus meridionalis, est une espèce de mollusques bivalves de la famille des Mytilidae.

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Choromytilus meridionalis ( olandèis; flamand )

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Choromytilus meridionalis is een tweekleppigensoort uit de familie van de Mytilidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1848 door Krauss.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Rosenberg, G.; Huber, M. (2012). Choromytilus meridionalis (Krauss, 1848). Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=224609
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