
Behavior ( Anglèis )

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Calls by adults are identified by a ‘boo-boo uoo’ or ‘foo-foroo’. Adults perform duets, where males and females call in quick succession. The pattern changes across populations but for those on the mainland, males contribute the first and third notes and females contribute the second and fourth. Occasionally the order is reversed with the female initiating the duet, but this occurs only when the pair is agitated.

Like all owls, Blakiston's fish owls rely heavily on visual and auditory stimuli, and feature unique physical adaptations. The facial disk feather arrangement serves to gather sounds and increase accuracy when detecting prey movement. Large, immobile eyes allow the owls to capture enough light to hunt prey at night.

Communication Channels: acoustic

Other Communication Modes: duets

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Associations ( Anglèis )

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No known predators were found in the literature.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Morphology ( Anglèis )

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Bubo blakistonii looks much like brown fish owls (Bubo zeylonensis) of Asia. It is also one of the largest owl species in the world. Blakiston's fish owls have partially flattened feathers surrounding their faces (a feature of all owls) also known as 'facial disks' that give them a flat-faced appearance. They also have large, full-feathered ear tufts. Facial plumage is tan with black stripes and the brow of the eye has a thin row of white feathers. The wings and tail are a dark brown with yellowish stripes and the underside plumage is light brown with thin vertical black stripes.

The bill is long and curved and color ranges from grayish-blue to brown. The large claws are black and the tarsis are feathered in front. The iris is yellow. Bubo blakistoni is a large owl with a length of 60 to 71 cm and a wingspan of up to 2 m. Its weight ranges from 2.7 to 4 kg, and the males are smaller than the females.

Range mass: 2.7 to 4 kg.

Range length: 60 to 71 cm.

Range wingspan: 2 (high) m.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: female larger

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Life Expectancy ( Anglèis )

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No numbers were found in the literature, however, lifespan is thought to be similar to other fish owls found in the wild in Asia, approximately eight to fifteen years.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Habitat ( Anglèis )

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Blakiston's fish owls require year-round open water to feed. They also need large trees for nesting cavities, and therefore are often found in riparian forests. Most of the surrounding woodlands are coniferous spruce and firs, or mixed deciduous forests with maple, ash and elm.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest

Other Habitat Features: riparian

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Blakiston's fish owls occur only in select areas of northeast Asia. The enigmatic birds are found in eastern Siberia, northern China, North Korea, and northern Japan.

Biogeographic Regions: palearctic (Native )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Bubo blakistonii mainly feeds on fish, and depends on open water or holes in the ice where it may fly down and make use of its powerful claws. It also hunts on the ground and in shallow water for crayfish and frogs. Mammals and waterfowl may occasionally be consumed in icy winters when water has frozen completely.

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; amphibians; fish; aquatic crustaceans

Primary Diet: carnivore (Piscivore )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Associations ( Anglèis )

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Blakiston's fish owls impact the populations of fish, small vertebrate, and other organisms they feed on.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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The regions where Blakiston's fish owls are found are largely unpopulated by humans and there are no direct links reported between this species and humans.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Benefits ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

There are no known adverse effects of Blakiston's fish owls on humans.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

IUCN Red List recognizes this species as a rare and endangered bird. Despite not living among humans, this species occurs in timber rich areas that are valued for their natural resources, primarily in Japan and Russia. As such, habitat destruction by the logging industry is a concern for this species. Poachers have been known to kill Blakiston's fish owls. With an estimated 5,000 individuals remaining in the wild, saving every bit of forest and enforcing species management is of dire importance.

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: endangered

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Blakiston's fish owls tend to stay in pairs throughout the year. Male and female tend to be monogamous for many years.

Mating System: monogamous

Blakiston's fish owls do not breed every year; every two or three years is more typical. The young reach full size in 6 weeks and take up to 7 weeks to fledge. Fledgers still may remain in the area for up to a year and a half before they go off on their own. Once independent, the fish owl reaches sexual maturity at three years of age.

Blakiston's fish owls may select nest sites high up (2 to 18 m) in old-growth trees but have also been seen nesting on fallen trees on the forest floor. Laying begins in early spring and the pair typically has one to two eggs per two year interval. It takes about 35 days for eggs to hatch.

Breeding interval: On average, Blakiston's fish owls breed once every two years.

Breeding season: Blakiston's fish owls breed from early spring to summer.

Range eggs per season: 1 to 3.

Average time to hatching: 35 days.

Average fledging age: 50 weeks.

Average time to independence: 1.5 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 to 3 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 to 3 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; oviparous

In Blakiston's fish owls, females perform egg incubation while males hunt for food. After the chicks have hatched, the female begins to join the male in night foraging. Investment in the young is high for this species; parents care for offspring up to two months and even share territories with valuable river access with them for up to a year after they are independent. Harsh conditions of the habitat may be cause for such high attention to young.

Parental Investment: altricial ; male parental care ; female parental care ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Male, Female); post-independence association with parents

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Oien, E. 2011. "Bubo blakistoni" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bubo_blakistoni.html
Erik Oien, Florida State University
Emily DuVal, Florida State University

Duc pescador de Blakiston ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

El duc pescador de Blakiston[1] (Bubo blakistoni) és un ocell de la família dels estrígids (Strigidae) que habita vegetació de ribera del sud-est de Sibèria, nord de Manxúria, Corea, illes Kurils, Sakhalín i nord del Japó.


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Duc pescador de Blakiston: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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El duc pescador de Blakiston (Bubo blakistoni) és un ocell de la família dels estrígids (Strigidae) que habita vegetació de ribera del sud-est de Sibèria, nord de Manxúria, Corea, illes Kurils, Sakhalín i nord del Japó.

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Eryrdylluan Blakiston ( Galèis )

fornì da wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Eryrdylluan Blakiston (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: eryrdylluanod Blakiston) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Bubo blakistoni; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Blakiston’s eagle owl. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae) sydd yn urdd y Strigiformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn B. blakistoni, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]


Mae'r eryrdylluan Blakiston yn perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Cordylluan Glaucidium passerinum Cordylluan Bolifia Glaucidium bolivianum
Cordylluan Brasil Glaucidium brasilianum
Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl.jpg
Cordylluan Ciwba Glaucidium siju
Cuban Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium siju).jpg
Cordylluan dorchog Glaucidium brodiei
Collared Owlet.jpg
Cordylluan fannog Glaucidium perlatum
Glaucidium perlatum (Etosha).jpg
Cordylluan frongoch Glaucidium tephronotum
Cordylluan Hardy Glaucidium hardyi
Amazonian Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium hardyi) in tree.jpg
Cordylluan resog Asia Glaucidium cuculoides
Glaucidium cuculoides - Mae Wong.jpg
Cordylluan y goedwig Glaucidium radiatum
Cordylluan y Gogledd Glaucidium gnoma
Mountain Pygmy Owl Glaucidium gnoma Arizona.jpg
Cordylluan yr Andes Glaucidium jardinii
Andean Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium jardinii) in tree.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Eryrdylluan Blakiston: Brief Summary ( Galèis )

fornì da wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Eryrdylluan Blakiston (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: eryrdylluanod Blakiston) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Bubo blakistoni; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Blakiston’s eagle owl. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Tylluanod (Lladin: Strigidae) sydd yn urdd y Strigiformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn B. blakistoni, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.

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Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
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Riesen-Fischuhu ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE

Der Riesen-Fischuhu (Bubo blakistoni) ist eine Eulenart aus der Gattung der Uhus (Bubo). Ursprünglich bildete sie gemeinsam mit einigen anderen Fischuhus Asiens die Gattung Ketupa, diese wurde jedoch nach einer umfassenden molekularbiologischen Studie den Uhus zugeordnet. Die Erstbeschreibung stammt von Henry Seebohm.


Der Riesen-Fischuhu erreicht eine Körpergröße von 60 bis 72 Zentimetern. Das Rückengefieder ist dunkelbraun und stark gezeichnet, das Bauchgefieder etwas blasser. Die Kehle ist weiß, die Iris orange-gelb und die Ohrenbüschel lang und breit-horizontal.

Verbreitung und Ökologie

Verbreitung des Riesen-Fischuhus:
  • Ganzjähriges Vorkommen
  • Der Riesen-Fischuhu lebt in Russland, China und Japan in dichten Wäldern mit alten Bäumen für sein Nest (das er v. a. in Baumhöhlen anlegt) sowie nahen, auch im Winter nicht gefrierenden Gewässern für die Jagd. Er ernährt sich vor allem von Fischen, jagt gelegentlich aber auch Kleinsäugetiere, Vögel, Amphibien, Insekten und Krebstiere. Die Vögel sind überwiegend nachts aktiv, können aber auch in der Dämmerung sowie tagsüber jagen.

    Besonders aufgrund des Lebensraumverlustes von waldgesäumten Flüssen ist diese Art in ihrem Bestand gefährdet. Man schätzt, dass heute noch weniger als 1.000 Tiere leben.



    – Sammlung von Bildern
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    Riesen-Fischuhu: Brief Summary ( Alman )

    fornì da wikipedia DE

    Der Riesen-Fischuhu (Bubo blakistoni) ist eine Eulenart aus der Gattung der Uhus (Bubo). Ursprünglich bildete sie gemeinsam mit einigen anderen Fischuhus Asiens die Gattung Ketupa, diese wurde jedoch nach einer umfassenden molekularbiologischen Studie den Uhus zugeordnet. Die Erstbeschreibung stammt von Henry Seebohm.

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    Псыхъуэжьынду ( Kabardian Sircassian )

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    Псыхъуэжьынду (лат-бз. Bubo blakistoni) — кӀукӀумяу хэкӀыгъуэм, жьынду лъэпкъыгъуэм я нэхъ пӀащэщ.


    Дамэ дияхэр м. 2-м, къишэчыр ч. 4-м нос. Теплъэ нэхъыщхьэр гъуабжэщ.


    Щопсэу Урысейм и КъуэкӀыпӀэ Жыжьэм, Сахалин, Курил хытӀыгухэм. Азиэм я псыхъуэхэ мэзхэм. Мэгъуалъхьэ псым пэмыжыжьэу.


    Ӏусыр — бдзэжьей, елыркъэш, хьэндыркъуакъуэ.


    • Брат Хьэсин. Адыгэхэм я къуалэбзу щӀэныгъэр. Черкеск къ. 2007 гъ.
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    Пугач рыбны ( Bieloruss )

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    Рыбны пугач

    Рыбны пугач (Bubo blakistoni або Ketupa blakistoni) — від, які знаходзіцца на мяжы зьнікненьня. Завецца таксама далёкаўсходні рыбны пугач. Насяляе лясы Маньчжурыі, Прыамур'я і Прымор'я, Японіі. Памеры рыбнага пугача буйныя: агульная даўжыня каля 70 см, даўжыня крыла 51-56 см, вага самкі перавышае 4 кг. Гняздуецца ў лясах, у дуплах дрэваў, паблізу рэк. Харчуецца ў асноўным рыбай.

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    Пугач рыбны: Brief Summary ( Bieloruss )

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     src= Рыбны пугач

    Рыбны пугач (Bubo blakistoni або Ketupa blakistoni) — від, які знаходзіцца на мяжы зьнікненьня. Завецца таксама далёкаўсходні рыбны пугач. Насяляе лясы Маньчжурыі, Прыамур'я і Прымор'я, Японіі. Памеры рыбнага пугача буйныя: агульная даўжыня каля 70 см, даўжыня крыла 51-56 см, вага самкі перавышае 4 кг. Гняздуецца ў лясах, у дуплах дрэваў, паблізу рэк. Харчуецца ў асноўным рыбай.

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    Аўтары і рэдактары Вікіпедыі

    Blakiston's fish owl ( Anglèis )

    fornì da wikipedia EN

    Blakiston's fish owl (Ketupa blakistoni), the largest living species of owl, is a fish owl, a sub-group of eagle-owls which specialize in hunting in riparian areas.[3] It is native to China, Japan, and the Russian Far East. This species is a part of the family known as typical owls (Strigidae), which contains most species of owl. Blakiston's fish owl and three other piscivorous owls are placed with some eagle-owls in the genus Ketupa. Its habitat is riparian forest with large, old trees for nest sites that is near lakes, rivers, springs, and shoals that do not freeze in winter. Henry Seebohm named this bird after the English naturalist Thomas Blakiston, who collected the original specimen in Hakodate on Hokkaidō, Japan in 1883.


    Blakiston's fish owl was formally described in 1884 by the English amateur ornithologist Henry Seebohm from a specimen collected near Hakodate on the island of Hokkaido in Japan. He placed the owl in the genus Bubo and coined the binomial name Bubo blakistoni. The specific epithet was chosen to honour the naturalist and explorer Thomas Blakiston who had supplied Seebohm with a specimen.[4][a]

    It is more correct to call this species the Blakiston's eagle-owl. This is because it is more closely related to the Eurasian eagle-owl (by studies of the main subgenus of the species, Bubo bubo dumeril), than to the subgenus of fish owls it was formerly believed to be closer to, i.e. Ketupa. This was proven by osteological and DNA-based tests in 2003 by ornithologists/taxonomists Michael Wink and Claus König, author of Owls of the World.[6] However, the other fish owls are not believed by some authors to be divergent enough to support a separate genus either and so some authorities list fish owls as also included in the genus Bubo.[7]

    Given that it shares genetic material and osteological characteristics with the Eurasian eagle-owl, yet also seems to share some characteristics with the other three fish owls (especially the brown fish owl), the place of the Blakiston's fish owls in this evolutionary chain is ambiguous. Some authors have wondered whether the Blakiston's represents an intermediate step between traditional eagle-owls and the other fish owls, despite the current gap in distribution between Blakiston's and other fish owls.[8] Whether other Asian eagle-owls with sideways slanting ear-tufts, namely the spot-bellied (B. nipalensis), the barred (B. sumatranus), and especially the somewhat superficially fish owl–like dusky eagle-owl (B. coromandus) are closely related to the fish owls and/or the Blakiston's is also unclear.[7][8]

    Although a few authors also include them in Bubo, the fishing owls of Africa (generally classified in the genus Scotopelia) seem to be fairly dissimilar. Based on external characteristics, osteology and preliminary genetic materials, the fishing owls are likely to have some convergently evolved characteristics to the fish owls and have no close relationship. Ultimately, given the lack of specific genetic studies for them, it is not clear how closely fishing owls are related to typical eagle-owls (to which fish owls are related).[7][8]

    Recent genetic testing in Russia indicates a fairly large divergence from the genomes of typical Bubo and suggests that they are indeed more closely aligned with other fish owls.[9]


    Illustration by J. G. Keulemans

    Blakiston's fish owl is the largest living species of owl.[3] A pair field study of the species showed males weighing from 2.95 to 3.6 kg (6.5 to 7.9 lb), while the female, at up to 2.95 to 4.6 kg (6.5 to 10.1 lb), is about 25% larger.[10][11][12][13] Around February, the average weight of Russian fish owls was 3.1 kg (6.8 lb) in seven males and 3.25 kg (7.2 lb) in five females, typically when their body mass at its lowest throughout the year.[14] Blakiston's fish owl measures 60 to 72 cm (24 to 28 in) in total length, and thus measures slightly less at average and maximum length than the great gray owl (Strix nebulosa), a species which has a significantly lower body mass.[6][15] The Eurasian eagle-owl (B. bubo) is sometimes considered the largest overall living owl species. The three largest species of eagle-owl, all found in Siberia and the Russian Far East, are close in size to the Blakiston's fish owl. According to Heimo Mikkola, the very largest specimen of eagle-owl was 30 mm (1.2 in) longer in bill-to-tail length than the longest Blakiston's fish owl, while the top weight of the two species is exactly the same.[7] The longest great gray owl was 120 mm (4.7 in) longer than the biggest Blakiston's fish owl but would be about 2.5 times lighter than the weight of the largest female Blakiston's.[8] However, the average measurements of Blakiston's fish owl surpass the average measurements of the Eurasian eagle-owl in at least two of the major categories: weight and wingspan, making Blakiston's the overall largest species of owl.[6][11] Even the large Siberian races of eagle-owl are slightly smaller on average than the Blakiston's, at least in terms of body mass and wing size.[8] In the largest known body mass cited for a Eurasian eagle-owl population, the weights cited, for instance, were a mean 2.42 kg (5.3 lb) for the males and a mean of 3.164 kg (6.98 lb).[16][17] The maximum wingspan of the Blakiston's fish owl is also greater than any known eagle-owl. The wingspan range known for Blakiston's fish owls is 178 to 190 cm (5 ft 10 in to 6 ft 3 in).[7] It is possible the largest specimens can attain a wingspan of approximately 200 cm (6 ft 7 in).[18] The Blakiston's is noticeably larger than the other three extant species of fish owl.[6][11]

    In terms of structure, the Blakiston's fish owl is more similar to eagle-owls than it is to other fish owls but it shares a few characteristics with both types of owl. Like all fish owls, its bill is relatively long, the body relatively husky and wings are relatively long compared to eagle-owls. It also shares with other fish owls a comparatively long tarsi, although relative to their size the three smaller fish owl have a proportionately longer tarsus. Other than these few characteristics, a Blakiston's fish owl skull and skeleton is practically the same as that of a Eurasian eagle-owl. The talons of the Blakiston's fish owl are similar in shape and size to those of the Eurasian eagle-owls. It has been stated that the combination of wavy cross patterns on the underside of the Blakiston's plumage and its huge talons make it look strikingly like an outsized great horned owl (B. virginianus) from below.[8] Two external characteristics that Blakiston's share with eagle-owls, but not with the other fish owls, is that its tarsi are totally feathered and that its wing beats are silent, although apparently the Blakiston's has relatively fewer sound-blocking combs on its wing primaries than the a comparable eagle-owl would. Among standard measurements, which at average and maximum are greater than any other living owl other than tail length, the wing chord measures 447–560 mm (17.6–22.0 in), the tail measures 243–305 mm (9.6–12.0 in), the tarsus is 73–102 mm (2.9–4.0 in) and the culmen is around 55 to 71 mm (2.2 to 2.8 in).[6][19][20]

    Superficially, this owl somewhat resembles the Eurasian eagle-owl but is more monochromatically brown to tan in colour. Like other fish owls but unlike most eagle-owls, the Blakiston's fish owl has relatively broad and ragged ear tufts which hang slightly to the side and that do not appear upright. The upperparts are buff-brown and heavily streaked with darker brown coloration. The underparts are a paler buffish brown and less heavily streaked. The throat is white. The iris is yellow (whereas the Eurasian eagle-owl typically has an orange iris). The Eurasian eagle-owl and Blakiston's fish owl both occur in the Russian Far East and are potentially could compete for resources, although no scientifically observed interactions of any kind have been reported between these two largest owl species. It is likely, given the sizeable gap between the dietary preferences of the species (mainly aquatic animals in the Blakiston's, and mainly upland, terrestrial species in the eagle-owl), that competition for food is not normally a serious problem.[8][21] Identification of the Blakiston's from other fish owls is not an issue as there is a gap of distribution of approximately 800 km (500 mi) between the ranges of the Blakiston's and the tawny fish owl (B. flavipes) and about 2,000 km (1,200 mi) separates the range of the Blakiston's and the brown fish owl (Ketupa zeylonensis).[8] Improbably, early naturalist thought that the Blakiston's and brown fish owls belonged to the same species. The streaking on the underside of the brown and Blakiston's are similar and their songs sound more similar to each other than they do with the two songs of the other two species of fish owl, being deeper voiced with a dissimilar vocal pattern to the latter fish owl.[8]

    Vocalizations differ among the recognized subspecies. In the nominate subspecies from Japan, the male calls twice and the female responds with one note, whereas the mainland subspecies has a somewhat more elaborate, four-note duet: HOO-hoo, HOOO-hoooo (here, the male call is in capital letters (HOO) and the female call in lower case (hoo)). The transliterations of the calls of owls from Russia, representative of the owl's vocal variations, are SHOO-boo and FOO-foo-foo. The territorial song or call in Russia in particular has been described as somewhat like a short, deep eagle-owl's call.[8] Despite its slightly larger size, the Blakiston's fish owls voice is not as sonorous or as far-carrying as is the Eurasian eagle-owl's voice is. The fish owl's voice is rather deeper, however.[22] As in most owls, vocal activity tends to peak directly before nesting activity begins, so peaks around February in this species.[22] This duet of pairs of Blakiston's fish owl in the period leading up the breeding season is so synchronized that those unfamiliar with the call often think it is only one bird calling. When an individual bird calls, it may sound like hoo-hooo. Juveniles have a characteristic shriek, typically a startling and slurred phee-phee-phee.[6][8]


    Of the following four subspecies described in the literature, only the first two (B. b. blakistoni & B. b. doerriesi) are currently accepted by science.[23] The other two (B. b. karafutonis and B. b. piscivorus) were likely specimens of B. b. blakistoni & B. b. doerriesi, respectively, and are presented here only for historical interest.[6] The divergence of the Japanese birds of the nominate subspecies and the Russian subspecies was found to be extreme based on phylogeography, with a point of divergence of at least a half a million years.[24]

    • K. b. blakistoni (Seebohm, 1884). Hokkaido, N. Japan and Kuriles. Lores of facial disc tawny-brown with narrow black shaft-stripes; above eyes, around bill base and on forehead a row small, stiff almost completely white feathers; chin largely white. Rest of head and underparts brown with blackish-brown shaft-stripes and buff feather tips; back is darker. The mantle is somewhat lighter and more rufous and with blackish-brown bars as well as dark brown shaft-streaks. Wings deep brown with numerous buffy-yellow bars. Tail dark brown with 7–8 cream-yellow bars. Underparts light buff-brown with blackish-brown shaft streaks and narrow light brown wavy cross-bars. The wing chord measures 473 to 534 mm (18.6 to 21.0 in), the tail measures 243 to 286 mm (9.6 to 11.3 in) and the tarsus measures 81 to 102 mm (3.2 to 4.0 in).[20]
    • K. b. doerriesi (Seebohm, 1884). E. Siberia south to Vladivostok region and Korean border area. Now thought to include all non-Japanese Blakiston's fish owls.[6] Larger than nominate with large white patch on top of the head; tail less marked and bars incomplete. The wing chord measures 510 to 560 mm (20 to 22 in), the tail measures 285 to 305 mm (11.2 to 12.0 in) and a specimen had a tarsus of 85 mm (3.3 in).[20]
    • K. b. karafutonis (Kuroda, 1931). Sakhalin. Smaller than nominate race and darker, especially on back and ear-coverts; tail with narrower dark brown bars and the light bars more numerous (8–9 against 7 in nominate).
    • K. b. piscivorus (Meise, 1933). W. Manchuria. Paler overall than doerriesi, ground color of underparts grayish white (not buff-brown); tail-bars not fully creamy yellow, central rectrices having white inner webs almost to base; chin pure white.


    Blakiston's fish owls are amongst the most aquatically-based owls in the world.

    Blakiston's fish owl occurs in dense, minimally or undisturbed old-growth forest near waterways including floodplains or wooded coastlines. The species requires cavernous old-growth tree cavities for suitable nest sites. They are easily one of the largest birds to use tree hollows anywhere.[23] Although found near the taiga zone, nest trees are generally deciduous and the species resides in mixed forests.[23][25] Blakiston's fish owls typically require stretches of productive rivers that remain at least partially unfrozen in winter. In the frigid northern winters, open water is found only where the current is sufficiently fast-flowing or there is an upwelling of warm spring water.[23] Slower-moving streams are equally likely to support these owls as the main river channels and they only need a few meters of open water to survive a winter.[26]

    Feeding and behavior

    A Blakiston's fish owl hunting during winter.

    The Blakiston's fish owl feeds on a variety of aquatic prey. The main prey type is fish, with common prey including pike (Esox reichertii), catfish, trout and salmon (Oncorhynchus ssp.). Some fish these owls catch are quite large. Jonathan Slaght estimated that some fish caught are up to two to three times their own weight and has seen owls keep one foot on a tree root to be able to haul a large catch onto a bank.[3] The main prey suspected to be sought out in freezing winter months in flowing and brackish waters at the northeastern limits of their range were sculpin, lamprey and salmon, likely largely juveniles of the latter two types.[27] In the basin of the Bikin River, the mean body mass of fish caught was estimated at 0.6 to 0.9 kg (1.3 to 2.0 lb).[28] In Russia, amphibians are taken in great quantity in spring, especially Dybowski's frog (Rana dybowskii), and may come to seasonally outnumber fish in the diet during that time.[22] Crayfish (Cambaroides ssp.) and other crustaceans are known to be taken in some numbers, but the extent of their importance in the Blakiston's fish owl's diet is unknown. There is some evidence of sexual dimorphism in prey selection with males favouring frogs and smaller fish, while females preyed on larger fish.[28] Freshwater crabs and secondarily frogs seem to be numerical as important, or sometimes more significant, as a source of food as compared to fish for the three smaller fish owl species, other than frogs during spring thus far this has not proven to be the case with the Blakiston's fish owl. The only owl species to which fish are more significant to their diet is the fishing owls of Africa.[7][8][26] Blakiston's fish owls seem to co-exist with Steller's sea eagles (Haliaeetus pelagicus) and white-tailed eagles (H. albicilla) on the coasts of the rocky Kurile Islands but nothing is known how they relate with these larger fish-eating raptors, the presence of which has sometimes been theorized as partially the cause of the restricted range of the Blakiston's due to competition for similar food resources. However, in other raptor communities, diurnal raptors and owls can co-exist successfully given their distinct times of activity. Furthermore, Blakiston's fish owl generally dwells in forested areas while sea eagles are more likely to forage near more open wetland or coastal areas.[8]

    A wide variety of mammalian prey are described from Japan and becomes most important to the diet during winter.[22] Smaller mammals taken have included martens (Martes ssp.) and numerous rodents.[29] Unidentified bats have turned up occasionally in Blakiston's fish owl pellets in the Russian Far East, although bats were much more prominent in the diet of Eurasian eagle-owls there (79 eagle-owl pellets and 10 fish owl pellets had bat remains, respectively).[21] Large mammals are sometimes taken by this species, including hares (Lepus ssp.), rabbits, fox, cats (Felis catus) and small dogs (Canis lupus familiaris).[6][23] Fewer records are known of bird predation, but they are known to capture avian prey such as hazel grouse (Tetrastes bonasia) and a variety of waterfowl species.[23][26] A case where a black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), a rare species in Japan, was chased in flight by a male fish owl was observed but the heron managed to evade capture. A similar case of a fish owl chasing a grey heron (Ardea cinerea) has also been reported.[30]

    The two most common hunting methods for Blakiston's fish owl are wading through river shallows and perching on the river bank and waiting for movement in the water. Other waterside perches may include logs.[22] In this behavior, an individual may wait for four hours until it detects prey and the species is perhaps most often witnessed while hunting in this method. Upon identifying prey, fish owls either drop directly into the shallow water or sail a short distance.[6][26] It also takes carrion, as evidenced by fish owls in Russia being trapped in snares set for furbearing mammals, which use raw meat as bait.[23] While small prey such as frogs and crayfish are taken back to an habitual perch for immediate consumption, larger prey such as fish and waterfowl are dragged onto a bank and finished off before being flown off with.[26]

    A Blakiston's fish owl flies off with a fish

    These owls are primarily active at dusk and dawn. During the brood-rearing season, these owls are relatively more likely to be seen actively hunting or brooding during the day. For an owl, it spends unusual amounts of time on the ground. Occasionally, an owl may even trample out a regular footpath along riverbanks it uses for hunting.[6] Early reports of concentrations of as many as 5–6 owls near rapids and non-freezing springs are dubious, as these owls are highly territorial.[23]


    A pair of adult Blakiston's fish owls, possibly a mated pair.

    This bird does not breed every year due to fluctuations in food supply and conditions. Courting occurs in January or February. Laying of eggs begins as early as mid-March, when ground and trees are still covered with snow.[8] These owls prefer nesting in hollow tree cavities in Japan[31] and Russia.[23] Mature forests with a mixture of coniferous and deciduous trees is usually the preferred nesting habitat.[32] In Russia, trees selected for nesting can consist of elm (Ulmus ssp.), Japanese poplar (Populus maximowiczii), willow (Salix ssp.), chosenia (Chosenia arbutifolia), Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica), ash (Sorbus ssp.), and stone birch (Betula ermanii). Nest height range is 2–18 m (10–60 ft), but normally is at least 12 m (39 ft) of the ground.[8][26] Reports of nesting on fallen tree trunks and on the forest floor are very rare occurrences at best and possibly untrue. Other than nest cavities, there are very isolated records of nesting on cliff shelves and in old black kite (Milvus migrans) nests.[31][33] Additionally, Blakiston's fish owl have now been recorded using temporarily abandoned nests of Steller's sea eagles.[34]

    Nest cavities have to be quite large in order to accommodate these birds. Clutch size is 1 to 3, usually 2.[23] In Russia, clutches are usually just one egg.[23] Eggs are 6.2 cm (2.4 in) long and 4.9 cm (1.9 in) wide and are thus similar in size to Siberian eagle-owl eggs. The males provide food for the incubating female and later the nestlings. The incubation period is about 35 days and young leave the nest within 35–40 days but are often fed and cared for by their parents for several more months. Data on breeding success are scant: on Kunashir Island during a six-year period breeding success was 24%; with six fledglings resulting from 25 eggs.[35] The average weight of fledgling owls was about 40% lighter than adult size, averaging 1.96 kg (4.3 lb) in females and 1.85 kg (4.1 lb) in males.[12] Juveniles linger on their parents' territory for up to two years before dispersing to find their own. A study in Hokkaido found that male fledglings were about 10% more numerous than females but had a higher mortality rate post-fledgling.[12] Blakiston's fish owls can form pair bonds as early as their second year and reach sexual maturity by age three. This unusually long pre-dispersal period may be why this owl is occasionally reported as gregarious, as sets of parents and juveniles will congregate but not unrelated owls.[26]

    Once full-sized, these owls have few natural predators. However, they may be more vulnerable to attack from mammalian carnivores since, unlike other eagle owls which typically perch and hunt from trees or inaccessible rock formations, they hunt mainly on the ground along riverbanks. There are two records of natural predation on adults from Russia and none in Japan: one involved a Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx)[23] and the other an Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus).[36]


    A stuffed Blakiston's fish owl at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo.

    Blakiston's fish owl is classified as an Endangered Species by the IUCN.[1] It is endangered due to the widespread loss of riverine forest, increasing land development along rivers and dam construction. The current population in Japan has been estimated at approximately 100–150 birds (20 breeding pairs and unpaired individuals), whereas on mainland Asia the population is higher, at times variously estimated at several hundred or perhaps up to thousands of individuals.[23] Globally and included more recent detailed analysis from Russia, it is estimated that the population consists in total consists of about 1,000–1,500 individuals, or about 500–850 pairs.[37] In the Primorye, it is estimated that 200 to 400 individuals remain.[1] During surveys in 2016-2019 on Kunashir Island, 28 pairs of Blakiston's fish owls were registered.[38] In Russia, fish owls are killed by fur-trappers (see above), drown in nets set for salmon, and are shot by hunters.[23] In Japan, death by hunting is unlikely, but fish owls have been hit by cars and killed by power lines.[33] Additionally, cases of exposure to lead or lead poisoning, possibly from bioaccumulation but also perhaps lead bullets in carrion, have been reported in these owls in at least Japan.[39] Given their very small global population, ongoing deaths are unlikely to be sustainable.[23] Local conservation efforts in Japan have been undertaken including education, installation of large nest-boxes and supplemental feeding.[12] Biologists have found the presence of Blakiston's fish owls as good indicators of the health and disturbance level of a forest and of fish populations.[40] An additional concern was a clear lack of genetic diversity found in Russia's fish owls upon the testing of their genome, with similar concerns expressed in Japan as well as evidence of inbreeding.[9][41] Evidence has been found of a gradual recovery of the Blakiston's fish owl population in Hokkaido but Japanese conservationists are vexed by the lack of suitable habitat and recommend land use changes to encourage the growth of the population.[42][43]

    Importance to indigenous peoples

    Blakiston's fish owl is revered by the Ainu peoples of Hokkaido, Japan, as a Kamuy (divine being) called Kotan koru Kamuy (God that Protects the Village). In Russia, the species is considered a food source by the Evens people in northern Siberia and the northern Russian Far East.[44] In the past, fish owls were hunted as a favoured food source by the Udege peoples in Primorye due to their high fat content,[36] and their wings and tails were dried and used as fans to disperse biting insects while hunting;[45] however, the practice has locally fallen out of favour.[23]


    1. ^ Seebohm exhibited a specimen of Blakiston's fish owl in November 1883 at a meeting of the Zoological Society. A brief description was included in the proceedings of the society but this was not published until April 1884. Seebohm's article in the Ibis was published in January 1884.[5]


    1. ^ a b c BirdLife International (2016). "Bubo blakistoni". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22689007A93214159. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22689007A93214159.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
    2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
    3. ^ a b c Angier, Natalie (2013-02-25). "The Owl Comes Into Its Own". The New York Times. Retrieved 2013-02-27. Nearly a yard high, weighing up to 10 pounds and with a wingspan of six feet, Blakiston's is the world's largest owl...
    4. ^ Seebohm, Henry (1884). "Further contributions to the ornithology of Japan". Ibis. 5th Series. 2 (5): 30–43 [42].
    5. ^ Seebohm, Henry (1883). "Bubo blakistoni". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: 466. Although the volume is dated 1883 on the title page, pages 461-704 were not published until April 1884. See: Duncan, F. Martin (1937). "On the dates of publication of the Society's 'Proceedings,' 1859-1926". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. A107 (1): 71–83. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1937.tb08500.x.
    6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Konig, Claus; Weick, Friedhelm & Becking, Jan-Hendrik (2009). Owls of the World. Yale University Press (2009), ISBN 0-300-14227-7.
    7. ^ a b c d e f Mikkola, H. (2012). Owls of the World: A Photographic Guide. Firefly Books. ISBN 978-1-770-85136-8
    8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Voous, K. H. (1988). Owls of the Northern Hemisphere. The MIT Press, ISBN 0262220350.
    9. ^ a b Spiridonova, L.N. & Surmach, S.G. (2018). Whole mitochondrial genome of Blakiston's fish owl Bubo (Ketupa) blakistoni suggests its redescription in the genus Ketupa. Russian Journal of Genetics, 54 (3): 369–373.
    10. ^ National Geographic
    11. ^ a b c del Hoyo, J.; Elliot, A. & Sargatal, J. (1996). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 3. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 84-87334-20-2.
    12. ^ a b c d Hayashi, Y. & Nishida-Umehara, C. (November 2000). "Sex ratio among fledglings of Blakiston's fish owls." (PDF) Jpn. J. Ornithol. 49(3): 119–129 doi:10.3838/jjo.49.119
    13. ^ Taczanowski, W. (1891). Faune ornithologique de la Sibérie orientale, tt. 1–2, Eggers, St.
    14. ^ Slaght, J. C., Horne, J. S., Surmach, S. G., & Gutiérrez, R. J. (2013). Home range and resource selection by animals constrained by linear habitat features: an example of Blakiston's fish owl. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50(6), 1350–1357.
    15. ^ BirdLife International. "Blakiston's Eagle-owl (Bubo blakistoni)." Retrieved 2016-02-03.
    16. ^ Mikkola, H. (1983). Owls of Europe. T. & AD Poyser.
    17. ^ Mikkola, H. (2017). The Eurasian Eagle Owl is the largest living owl species! Tyto, 12(1): 15–18.
    18. ^ Burton, P. (1973). Owls of the World: Their evolution, structure and ecology. New York: Dutton & Co.
    19. ^ Dresser, Henry Eeles (1902). "699. Japanese Eagle-owl. Bubo blackstoni." A Manual of Palaearctic Birds, Volume I.
    20. ^ a b c Weick, Friedhelm (2007). Owls (Strigiformes): Annotated and Illustrated Checklist. Springer. p. 120. ISBN 978-3-540-39567-6.
    21. ^ a b Rosina, V. V. & Shokhrin, V. P. (2011). "Bats in the diets of owls from the Russian Far East, southern Sikhote Alin". Hystrix It. J. Mammal. (n.s.) 22(1): 205–213. doi:10.4404/Hystrix-22.1-4503
    22. ^ a b c d e Brazil, M. A. & Yamamoto, S. (1989). "The behavioural ecology of Blakiston's fish owl Ketupa blakistoni in Japan: calling behaviour". In World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls (ed.). Raptors in the Modern World. Berlin, Germany. pp. 403–410. ISBN 3-9801961-0-0.
    23. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Slaght, Jonathan C.; Surmach, Sergei G. (March 2008). "Biology and Conservation of Blakiston's Fish-Owls (Ketupa blakistoni) in Russia: A Review of the Primary Literature and an Assessment of the Secondary Literature" (PDF). J. Raptor Res. 42 (1): 29–37. doi:10.3356/JRR-06-89.1. S2CID 56304391. Retrieved 2012-12-28.
    24. ^ Omote, K., Surmach, S. G., Kohyama, T. I., Takenaka, T., Nishida, C., & Masuda, R. (2018). Phylogeography of continental and island populations Of Blakiston's Fish-Owl (Bubo blakistoni) in Northeastern Asia. Journal of Raptor Research, 52(1), 31–41.
    25. ^ Hayashi, Y. (1997). "Home range, habitat use and natal dispersal of Blakiston's Fish-owls" (PDF). Journal of Raptor Research. 31 (3): 283–285. Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 February 2023.
    26. ^ a b c d e f g Avdeyuk, Sergei; Slaght, Jonathan; Surmach, Sergei (eds.). "Blakiston's Fish Owl Natural History". Blakiston's Fish Owl Project. Retrieved 2016-02-03.
    27. ^ Andreev, A. V. (2009). The Blakiston’s Fish Owl (Ketupa blakistoni) at north-eastern limits of its range. Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 35, 47–54.
    28. ^ a b Pukinskiy, Y. B. (1973). Ecology of Blakiston’s Fish Owl in the Bikin river basin. Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Prir. Otd. Biol, 78, 40–47.
    29. ^ Yamamoto, S. (1999). The Blakiston's fish owl. The Hokkaido Shimbun Press, Sapporo, Japan.
    30. ^ Brazil, M. (1986). "An unusual case of aggression by a fish-owl." J. Yamashina Inst. Ornith. 18(2): 71–72. doi:10.3312/jyio1952.18.2_71
    31. ^ a b Takenaka, T. (1998). Distribution, habitat environments, and reasons for reduction of the endangered Blakiston's fish owl in Hokkaido, Japan (Ph.D.). Hokkaido University.
    32. ^ Hayashi, Y. (September 1997). "Home range, habitat use and natal dispersal of Blakiston's fish-owls." J. Raptor Res. 31(3): 283–285.
    33. ^ a b Yanagawa, H. (1993). "Causes of wild bird mortality in Eastern Hokkaido". Strix 12: 161–169.
    34. ^ Utekhina, I., Popatov, Е., & Makgrad, М. (2016). NESTING OF THE BLAKISTON’S FISH-OWL IN THE NEST OF THE STELLER’S SEA EAGLE, MAGADAN REGION, RUSSIA. Raptors Conservation, (32), 126–129.
    35. ^ Berzan, A. P. (2000). "Blakiston's fish owl observations on Kunashir Island, and methods to habituate the species to artificial nesting." Rus. Ornitol. Zh 119: 3–12.
    36. ^ a b "Blackiston's Fish Owls: Conservation Threats". WCS Russia. Retrieved 2016-02-03.
    37. ^ Slaght, J. C., Takenaka, T., Surmach, S. G., Fujimaki, Y., Utekhina, I. G., & Potapov, E. R. (2018). Global distribution and population estimates of Blakiston’s Fish Owl. In Biodiversity Conservation Using Umbrella Species (pp. 9–18). Springer, Singapore.
    38. ^ Eugenievich, K. E. & Alexandrovich, K. A. (2021). Monitoring of the Blakiston's Fish Owl Ketupa blakistoni on Kunashir Island. Russian Ornithological Journal.
    39. ^ Ishii, C., Nakayama, S. M., Ikenaka, Y., Nakata, H., Saito, K., Watanabe, Y., Mizukawa, H., Tanabe, S., Nomiyama, K., Hayashi, T. & Ishizuka, M. (2017). Lead exposure in raptors from Japan and source identification using Pb stable isotope ratios. Chemosphere, 186, 367–373.
    40. ^ Slaght, J. C.; Surmach, S. G. & Gutiérrez, R. J. (August 2013). "Riparian old-growth forests provide critical nesting and foraging habitat for Blakiston's fish owl Bubo blakistoni in Russia." Oryx 47(04): 553–560. doi:10.1017/S0030605312000956
    41. ^ Hayashi Y. (2009). Close inbreeding in Blakiston’s Fish-owls (Ketupa blakistoni). J. Raptor Res. 43:145–148.
    42. ^ Yoshii, C., Yamaura, Y., & Nakamura, F. (2018). Predicting Future Range Expansions of Blakiston’s Fish Owl Subject to Conservation Efforts. In Biodiversity Conservation Using Umbrella Species (pp. 221–236). Springer, Singapore.
    43. ^ Hayashi Y. (200(). The habitat maintenance is the most important, is it not? :conservation of the Blakiston's Fish Owl. in Conservation of rare birds of Japan. (Satoshi Yamagishi ed.) pp. 75–98, Kyoto University Pub., Kyoto.
    44. ^ Andreev, A. V. (2009). "The Blakiston's fish owl (Ketupa blakistoni) at the north-eastern limits of its range." Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 35: 47–54.
    45. ^ Slaght, Jonathan C. (2020). Owls of the Eastern Ice: A Quest to Find and Save the World's Largest Owl. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. p. 26. ISBN 978-0-520-26140-2.

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    Blakiston's fish owl (Ketupa blakistoni), the largest living species of owl, is a fish owl, a sub-group of eagle-owls which specialize in hunting in riparian areas. It is native to China, Japan, and the Russian Far East. This species is a part of the family known as typical owls (Strigidae), which contains most species of owl. Blakiston's fish owl and three other piscivorous owls are placed with some eagle-owls in the genus Ketupa. Its habitat is riparian forest with large, old trees for nest sites that is near lakes, rivers, springs, and shoals that do not freeze in winter. Henry Seebohm named this bird after the English naturalist Thomas Blakiston, who collected the original specimen in Hakodate on Hokkaidō, Japan in 1883.

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    Bubo blakistoni ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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    El búho de Blakiston, búho pescador de Blakiston o búho manchú (Bubo blakistoni; también se encuentra como Ketupa blakistoni) es considerado por algunos científicos como la especie de búho más grande del mundo por su tamaño de hasta 72 centímetros y su envergadura de hasta 2 metros, compitiendo con el búho real. En un principio, esta especie se colocó bajo el género Ketupa que abarca los búhos pescadores pero los resultados de ADN no son claros sobre cual de los dos géneros sería el más adecuado para esta especie. Su hábitat es el bosque ribereño, con árboles grandes y viejos donde anidar, cerca de ríos, lagos y manantiales que no se congelan en invierno. Henry Seebohm nombró a esta ave en honor al naturalista inglés Thomas Blakiston, quien recolectó el espécimen original en Hakodate en Hokkaidō, Japón en 1883.


    Los estudios osteológicos recientes y las pruebas de ADN han demostrado que esta especie se encuentra más estrechamente relacionada con aquellos búhos pertenecientes al género Bubo que a los del género Ketupa en el que inicialmente se incluyó. Sin embargo, para algunos autores los búhos pescadores del género Ketupa tampoco son lo suficientemente distintos para tener un género propio y actualmente los incluyen a todos ellos dentro del género Bubo. El hecho de que el búho de Blakiston comparta características y material genético con los búhos del género Bubo y también con las tres especies de búhos pescadores ha llevado a pensar a algunos autores de que se represente un paso intermedio entre ambos géneros. Hasta 4 subespecies han sido descritas pero solo dos son reconocidas por la mayoría de los autores:

    • B. b. blakistoni (Seebohm, 1884) Vive en las islas Hokkaido, Kuriles y Sajalín.
    • B. b. doerriesi (Seebohm, 1884) Vive en la parte continental del rango.


    El búho de Blakiston es considerado la especie viva más grande de búho para algunos autores. Los machos pesan de 2.95 a 3.6 kg, mientras que la hembra es aproximadamente un 25% más grande, de hasta 2.95 a 4.6 kg. La escasez de alimento hace que esta especie de búho pierda parte de su masa corporal durante los meses de invierno. Este búho mide de 60 a 72 cm de longitud, lo que lo hace un poco más pequeño que el Cárabo lapón Strix nebulosa que tiene una masa corporal menor. El Búho Real Bubo bubo se considera a veces la especie de búho más grande del mundo y compite por este logro con el búho de Blakiston, puesto que ambas especies tienen un tamaño y un peso muy similar. El búho de Blakiston posee una envergadura de alas de 178 a 190 cm pudiendo llegar a una envergadura de 2 metros en el caso de los ejemplares de mayor tamaño. En términos de estructura, el búho de Blakiston es más parecido a los búhos reales que a los búhos pescadores aunque comparte características con ambos géneros. Al igual que los búhos pescadores tiene, un pico es más largo, un cuerpo más robusto y unas alas más largas que los búhos reales. A pesar de esas características, su cráneo y su esqueleto son prácticamente el mismo que los del Búho Real. Asimismo, comparte con el Búho americano la combinación de patrones ondulados en la parte inferior del plumaje y sus enormes garras. Superficialmente, este búho se parece un poco al búho real, pero es más pálido y los penachos que tiene en la cabeza son más anchos y desiguales, y cuelgan hacia los lados. Las partes superiores son de color marrón claro y muy veteadas con una coloración marrón más oscura. Las partes inferiores son de un color marrón claro pálido y con menos rayas. La garganta es blanca. El iris es amarillo (mientras que el búho real generalmente tiene un iris naranja).

    Distribución y hábitat

    El búho de Blakiston se encuentra en las cadenas montañosas costeras de Rusia oriental, al norte de Magadan, incluida la isla Sajalín, las islas Kuriles y la cuenca del río Amur; en el interior de Mongolia oriental, China, y en la isla Hokkaido, Japón. Puede encontrarse, ocasionalmente, en Corea del Norte. Habita en bosques boreales y templados siempre cercanos a la línea de costa, a ríos o lagos de donde obtiene la mayor parte de su dieta. También es un especie frecuente en humedales. Requiere cavidades en árboles viejos que le proporcionen lugares para anidar y tramos de ríos con fuerte corriente que impidan que las aguas se congelen totalmente durante el invierno.


    El búho de Blakiston se alimenta de una variedad de presas acuáticas. El principal tipo de presa es el pescado, con presas comunes que incluyen lucio, bagre, trucha y salmón. Algunos peces que atrapan estos búhos son bastante grandes hasta el punto de que superan dos o tres veces su propio peso. También suelen alimentarse de anfibios, crustáceos, aves acuáticas (tan grandes como las garzas) y mamíferos como martas, murciélagos y roedores. Hay alguna evidencia de dimorfismo sexual en la selección de presas con machos que favorecen a las ranas y peces más pequeños, mientras que las hembras se alimentan de peces más grandes.

    Esta especie utiliza dos métodos de caza: puede planear sobre la superficie del agua buscando presas, o bien puede posarse sobre la orilla o sobre algún lugar próximo al agua donde aguardará hasta que detecte el movimiento de alguna presa. Cuando localiza a la posible víctima se lanza a por ella, devorándola al momento si se trata de una presa pequeña o retirándose a algún lugar tranquilo donde comer si la presa es grande. Se trata de un búho altamente territorial que es principalmente activo al amanecer y al anochecer, aunque en temporada de cría puede ser común verlos cazar durante el día. Para ser un búho pasa gran parte del tiempo en el suelo llegando a crear senderos en las riberas de los ríos mientras acecha buscando presas.

    Este ave no se reproduce todos los años debido a los cambios en las condiciones de su entorno y en la disponibilidad de alimentos. El cortejo se produce entre enero y febrero y la puesta a mediados de marzo cuando aun no han desaparecido las nieves. Prefiere anidar en cavidades de las partes altas de árboles viejos y fuertes, aunque en menor medida puedo utilizar huecos en paredes rocosas o reutilizar los nidos de otras especies de aves. La puesta suele ser entre 1 y 3 huevos aunque generalmente son 2. El macho proporcionará alimento a la hembra mientras esta empolla los huevos, y posteriormente lo hará también con los polluelos. La incubación dura aproximadamente 35 días y las crías abandonan el nido cuando tienen entre 35 y 40 días, pero suelen ser alimentados y atendidos por sus padres durante varios meses más. Las crías permanecen en el territorio de sus padres durante dos años cuando se marcharán para buscar el suyo propio. Pueden formar parejas (probablemente de por vida) a los dos años de edad y alcanzan la madurez sexual a los tres años. Una vez que alcanzan su tamaño completo estos búhos tienen pocos depredadores naturales. Sin embargo, su costumbre de acechar a sus presas posados en las orillas de los ríos los hace más vulnerable que otros búhos al ataque de mamíferos carnívoro como linces u osos.


    El búho de Blakiston está clasificada como especie en peligro de extinción por la UICN. Está en peligro debido a la pérdida generalizada de bosques ribereños, el aumento del desarrollo a lo largo de los ríos y la construcción de presas. La sobrepesca en los ríos y la contaminación afecta a la disponibilidad de alimento para esta especie. También están amenazados por la caza directa o indirectamente pues en ocasiones caen en trampas destinadas a otros animales. A veces, son atropellados por coches o mueren electrocutados al golpearse con el tendido eléctrico. La reducción de las poblaciones también lleva consigo problemas de consanguinidad. Todo esto ha llevado a que la población actual de esta especie este decayendo y los ejemplares vivos se estiman entre 1.500 y 3.750 individuos.

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    Bubo blakistoni: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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    El búho de Blakiston, búho pescador de Blakiston o búho manchú (Bubo blakistoni; también se encuentra como Ketupa blakistoni) es considerado por algunos científicos como la especie de búho más grande del mundo por su tamaño de hasta 72 centímetros y su envergadura de hasta 2 metros, compitiendo con el búho real. En un principio, esta especie se colocó bajo el género Ketupa que abarca los búhos pescadores pero los resultados de ADN no son claros sobre cual de los dos géneros sería el más adecuado para esta especie. Su hábitat es el bosque ribereño, con árboles grandes y viejos donde anidar, cerca de ríos, lagos y manantiales que no se congelan en invierno. Henry Seebohm nombró a esta ave en honor al naturalista inglés Thomas Blakiston, quien recolectó el espécimen original en Hakodate en Hokkaidō, Japón en 1883.

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    Bubo blakistoni ( Basch )

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    Bubo blakistoni Bubo generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Strigidae familian sailkatua dago.


    1. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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    Bubo blakistoni: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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    Bubo blakistoni Bubo generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Strigidae familian sailkatua dago.

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    Äyriäishuuhkaja ( Finlandèis )

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    Äyriäishuuhkaja (Bubo blakistoni) on pöllöihin kuuluva lintu. Se on kuuluu huuhkajien alaryhmään, joka on erikoistunut metsästämään jokien ranta-alueilla. Lintu on aiemmin kuulunut sukuun kalahuuhkajat (Ketupa).

    Äyriäishuuhkajan elinaluetta ovat rantametsiköt, joissa on suuria vanhoja puita pesimäpaikaksi, lähellä järviä, jokia, lähteitä ja matalikkoja, jotka eivät jäädy talvella. Se syö kaloja ja sammakkoeläimiä mutta myös pieniä nisäkkäitä ja lintuja aina pyyhyn asti. Se syö myös raatoja.

    Äyriäispöllö voi olla suurin pöllölaji, se on kooltaan 60–72 cm.[3] Uros painaa 3–3,75 kg, naaras 3–3,75 kg asti.[4] Siipien kärkiväli voi olla 185–240 cm. Ulkoisesti se näyttää euraasialaiselta huuhkajalta, mutta on vaaleampi ja sillä on leveät takkuiset korvatupsut. Sen yläpuoli on viirullinen ruskeankeltainen, yläpuoli on ruskeankeltainen. Kurkku on valkoinen. Silmäterä on keltainen (huuhkajalla oranssi).

    Lintu on erittäin uhanalainen, sillä sen elinalueet, jokien rantametsiköt, ovat vähentyneet rantojen rakentamisen vuoksi. Japanissa on 100–150 lintua, joista 20 on pesivää paria. Aasian mantereella populaatio on paljon suurempi, ehkä tuhansia.

    Henry Seebohm nimesi linnun englantilaisen luonnontieteilijän Thomas Blakistonin mukaan, joka on ottanut kiinni alkuperäisen yksilön Hakodatessa Hokkaidōssa Japanissa vuonna 1883.


    Sillä on kaksi alalajia:[2]

    • Bubo blakistoni blakistoni Seebohm, 1884
    • Bubo blakistoni doerriesi Seebohm, 1895


    • Olsen, Jery; Wink, Michael; Sauer-Gürth, Heidi & Trost, Susan (2002): A new Ninox owl from Sumba, Indonesia. Emu 102(3): 223–231.PDF fulltext
    • Slaght, J.C. and S.G. Surmach. 2008. Biology and conservation of Blakiston’s fish owls in Russia: a review of the primary literature and assessment of the secondary literature. Journal of Raptor Research 42: 29-37. PDF fulltext


    1. BirdLife International: Ketupa blakistoni IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 16.5.2014. (englanniksi)
    2. a b c Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS): Bubo blakistoni (TSN 686686) itis.gov. Viitattu 8.6.2012. (englanniksi)
    3. Äyriäishuuhkaja (Bubo blakistoni) BirdLife species factsheet. Viitattu 8.6.2012. (englanniksi)
    4. Fishowls.com

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    Äyriäishuuhkaja: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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    Äyriäishuuhkaja (Bubo blakistoni) on pöllöihin kuuluva lintu. Se on kuuluu huuhkajien alaryhmään, joka on erikoistunut metsästämään jokien ranta-alueilla. Lintu on aiemmin kuulunut sukuun kalahuuhkajat (Ketupa).

    Äyriäishuuhkajan elinaluetta ovat rantametsiköt, joissa on suuria vanhoja puita pesimäpaikaksi, lähellä järviä, jokia, lähteitä ja matalikkoja, jotka eivät jäädy talvella. Se syö kaloja ja sammakkoeläimiä mutta myös pieniä nisäkkäitä ja lintuja aina pyyhyn asti. Se syö myös raatoja.

    Äyriäispöllö voi olla suurin pöllölaji, se on kooltaan 60–72 cm. Uros painaa 3–3,75 kg, naaras 3–3,75 kg asti. Siipien kärkiväli voi olla 185–240 cm. Ulkoisesti se näyttää euraasialaiselta huuhkajalta, mutta on vaaleampi ja sillä on leveät takkuiset korvatupsut. Sen yläpuoli on viirullinen ruskeankeltainen, yläpuoli on ruskeankeltainen. Kurkku on valkoinen. Silmäterä on keltainen (huuhkajalla oranssi).

    Lintu on erittäin uhanalainen, sillä sen elinalueet, jokien rantametsiköt, ovat vähentyneet rantojen rakentamisen vuoksi. Japanissa on 100–150 lintua, joista 20 on pesivää paria. Aasian mantereella populaatio on paljon suurempi, ehkä tuhansia.

    Henry Seebohm nimesi linnun englantilaisen luonnontieteilijän Thomas Blakistonin mukaan, joka on ottanut kiinni alkuperäisen yksilön Hakodatessa Hokkaidōssa Japanissa vuonna 1883.

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    Grand-duc de Blakiston ( Fransèis )

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    Bubo blakistoni

    Le Grand-duc de Blakiston[a] (Bubo blakistoni), aussi connu en tant que Kétoupa de Blakiston, est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Strigidae. C'est le deuxième plus grand rapace nocturne après le Grand-duc d'Europe. Ce hibou essentiellement piscivore se retrouve dans l'extrême nord-est de l'Asie et au Japon, où il est extrêmement rare et nécessite des mesures de conservation.

    Cette espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1884 par Henry Seebohm d'après un spécimen rapporté de Hakodate sur l'île de Hokkaidō au Japon par le naturaliste Thomas Blakiston. Le nom de l'espèce lui rend hommage.


    Répartition et habitat

    Ce grand-duc est endémique des confins de l'Asie du Nord-Est. On le rencontre dans l'Extrême-Orient russe, du sud-est de la Sibérie jusqu'au nord du Japon, dans les îles Kouriles et Sakhaline, dans une partie de la Corée du Nord et en Chine en Mandchourie.

    Il est inféodé aux forêts de conifères matures de la taïga humide et aux cours d'eau où il trouve sa principale source d'alimentation. C'est ainsi qu'on retrouve la plupart des oiseaux le long des zones ripariennes de grands fleuves comme l'Amour ou dans les régions de ses affluents comme l'Oussouri. Il peuple également les îles, et particulièrement Hokkaidō au Japon, et les côtes rocheuses au nord de son aire de répartition sibérienne[4].

    Grand-duc de Blakiston dans la neige.


    C'est un très grand hibou à l'aspect puissant et trapu dont la longueur est comprise entre 60 et 72 cm pour une envergure pouvant aller de 180 à 190 cm et un poids avoisinant généralement les 4 kg ou plus. Le dimorphisme sexuel est notable au niveau du poids de la femelle, supérieur d'en moyenne un kilogramme à celui du mâle[4].

    La teinte dominante du plumage est brun-crème. Les parties supérieures sont brunes rayées de noir brunâtre. Les ailes sont brun-chamois à brun-crème et fortement barrées de jaune terne, de même que la queue qui arbore des barres beige. Les parties inférieures sont brun jaunâtre. La poitrine fournie est chamois clair avec des nuances brunes plus ou moins vives, pouvant aller jusqu'à un roux éteint. De plus elle est ornée d'ondulations plus sombres que le reste du corps. Les tarses blancs sont emplumés, les doigts nus couverts d'écailles râpeuses qui retiennent les poissons.

    Le disque facial est peu marqué par des plumes brun foncé ou chamois clair selon les individus. Les sourcils, le contour des yeux et la base du bec sont plus pâles. Les plumes du cou sont plus claires, formant comme un collier. La tête aux aigrettes bien ébouriffées paraît assez petite par rapport à l'ensemble du corps. Les yeux sont jaune vif, le regard alerte. Le bec est grisâtre et plus sombre à son bout.

    Grand-duc de Blakiston en alerte.

    Les juvéniles ont un premier duvet blanc, au bout du dixième jour apparaît un masque noir autour des yeux. Les jeunes en âge de voler ont d'abord un plumage brun grisâtre avec des zones claires aux contours indistincts.

    Le vol de ce rapace ichtyophage est bruyant et peut s'entendre jusqu'à 50 à 100m. Néanmoins il est leste, l'oiseau alternant des phases battues et des planés[4].


    Puissants boou-bou-voou sourds qui durent environ 3 secondes et répétés à intervalles de 10 secondes. Le chant porte loin, jusqu'à 1,5 km alentour[4].

    Régime alimentaire et comportement

    Alimentation et technique de pêche

    Les proies favorites de ce grand-duc restent les poissons, même de grande taille, mais il capture aussi volontiers des amphibiens, des crustacés et d'autres invertébrés aquatiques. Par ailleurs, dans les régions qu'il habite les hivers sont rudes et les cours d'eau généralement gelés une grande partie de l'année, parfois inaccessibles ; dans ces conditions, ce grand-duc complète son régime alimentaire avec des mammifères, jusqu'à la taille d'un lièvre.

    Grand-duc de Blakiston fondant sur sa proie.

    Pour pêcher il n'hésite pas à pénétrer franchement dans l'eau glacée, protégé par ses pattes emplumées, en "sautant" sur sa proie. Il peut également se poster à l'affût depuis un perchoir avant de s'élancer sur la proie qu'il a repérée serres en avant[4].

    Généralement il chasse de nuit. Toutefois il peut aussi adopter des mœurs crépusculaires, voire sortir de jour si les pêches ont été infructueuses durant la nuit.

    Par ailleurs, lorsque vient le gel, on peut observer les oiseaux se rassembler par petits groupes autour des trous dans la glace, là où l'eau est accessible.


    Un couple.

    La maturité sexuelle s'acquière à l'âge de 3 ans. Les premières parades nuptiales commencent en janvier-février avec des offrandes de nourriture du mâle à la femelle. La ponte s'effectue entre la fin février et la mi-mars.

    Ce grand-duc est très dépendant des vieux arbres creux pour la nidification. La femelle dépose deux œufs, exceptionnellement trois, dans le nid, qu'elle va couver pendant 35 à 37 jours tandis que le mâle chasse pour l'alimenter. Une fois les œufs éclos la mère reste auprès des poussins la journée jusqu'à ce qu'ils quittent le nid - au bout d'une quarantaine de jours - mais la nuit elle rejoint le mâle pour la chasse. Ils ne se reproduisent pas tous les ans, mais plus généralement une année sur deux. Par ailleurs, les nidifications et la survie de la couvée dépendent beaucoup des conditions climatiques et de l'abondance des proies. Les jeunes restent longtemps dépendants des adultes, jusqu'à un an parfois lorsque les hivers sont particulièrement rudes.

    C'est un oiseau très territorial qui uitise fréquemment le même site de nidification d'une année sur l'autre. Il semblerait que les couples soient unis pour la vie[5].

    Statut et conservation

    Un grand-duc posé sur une branche.


    C'est un oiseau extrêmement rare et menacé dans l'ensemble de son aire de répartition. On estime qu'il subsiste aujourd'hui entre 2000 et 5000 individus tout au plus sur l'ensemble de son aire de répartition. À l'heure actuelle la population la plus importante se trouve en Russie dans le kraï du Primorié (région de Vladivostok). Il existe également une population assez importante et bien connue sur l'île d'Hokkaidō, avec 100 à 150 oiseaux dont 20 couples nicheurs. L'UICN et BirdLife International le considèrent comme étant "En danger" d'extinction[6].

    Dans son milieu ce rapace de grande taille n'a pas vraiment de prédateurs. Seulement deux cas de prédation naturelle sont connus : un par un ours à collier et un autre par un lynx[7]. Par conséquent les principales menaces qui pèsent sur ce hibou sont la destruction de son habitat et les diverses nuisances humaines. En effet, les grands-ducs de Blakiston se rassemblent souvent, notamment en hiver, autour des rares points d'eau libres de glace pour pêcher, ils sont alors une cible facile pour les braconniers et chasseurs en tout genre. Par ailleurs, la pêche intensive épuise les réserves de nourriture de ce rapace qui a des besoins importants en même temps que des grands-ducs meurent régulièrement après s'être pris dans des filets de pêcheurs. De plus, la perte de son habitat naturel, aussi bien des vieilles forêts que des cours d'eau, notamment à cause des barrages, constituent une menace majeure pour ses populations.

    Il fut aussi un temps où le grand-duc était chassé par les Oudéguéïs, parce que la chair de l'oiseau était réputée être riche en graisse, mais aujourd'hui cette pratique est tombée en désuétude.


    "Hibou pêcheur". Monnaie émise par la Banque de Russie dans la série : "Livre Rouge", un rouble en argent, 1993.

    Néanmoins des mesures de conservation ont été prises ces dernières décennies pour tenter d'enrayer le déclin de l'espèce. Ainsi par exemple, à Hokkaidō dans le cadre d'un plan de conservation lancé dès 1984 [8] les zones où nichent ces grand-ducs ont été soigneusement délimitées et sont surveillées, des nichoirs ont aussi été installés à l'usage des oiseaux. De même, les ponts et les poteaux des lignes électriques ont été aménagés de telle sorte que les oiseaux puissent les éviter. En effet, la collision avec des poteaux électriques et autres constructions humaines est une cause non négligeable de mortalité chez tous les grands rapaces nocturnes. En Russie et en Chine des parcs naturels ont été créés pour protéger le hibou pêcheur et les différents sites de ponte soigneusement répertoriés - malheureusement il apparaît que la majorité de ces sites se trouve en dehors des zones protégées qui existent actuellement.

    Par ailleurs l'effort de conservation se joue aussi sur le plan de la sensibilisation du grand public à la situation critique de ce rapace, ici incontestablement servi par son charisme. On peut donner plusieurs exemples d'engagements des États sur le territoire desquels est présente cette espèce en faveur de sa promotion auprès du public et de la nécessité de la protéger. C'est ainsi que différents timbres ont été régulièrement émis par le Japon représentant un certain nombre d'espèces emblématiques du patrimoine naturel japonais, dont le grand-duc de Blakiston. De même, la Russie où il est inscrit dans le "Livre rouge de la Fédération de Russie", c'est-à-dire l'équivalent de la Liste rouge de l'UICN pour les espèces animales et végétales menacées sur le territoire de la Fédération, a émis des timbres et des pièces de monnaie commémoratives avec notamment pour symbole le grand-duc de Blakiston.

    Grand-duc de Blakiston au zoo de Kushiro au Japon.

    On peut également trouver dans des zoos du Japon des grands-ducs de Blakiston, autre moyen de faire connaître ce bel oiseau au public en même temps que sont menés des essais de reproduction en captivité.

    En outre il est possible, d'après de récentes recherches, que les effectifs de ce grand-duc aient été sous-estimés et que la population soit plus vivace[9].

    Ainsi il apparaît que les nombreuses mesures de conservation et de sensibilisation entreprises ont permis semble-t-il dans les dernières années une légère amélioration de l'effectif de l'espèce. Toutefois cette amélioration reste très relative et la survie de l'oiseau toujours aussi incertaine. En effet, la sensibilisation ne conduit pas toujours à des actions, et les mesures de conservation, comme celles déployées au Japon dont il a été question ci-dessus, sont très contraignantes et coûteuses; des ornithologues ont pu même remettre en cause leur pertinence et la possibilité de les étendre dans la durée et provoquer une véritable dynamique de croissance viable sur le long terme [10]. La situation du grand-duc de Blakiston demeure donc complexe car si des mesures ont été prises et que la conscience de l'impératif de lutter pour sa survie s'est étendue, il n'en demeure pas moins qu'un futur serein pour l'espèce est loin d'être assuré à ce jour et la menace d'extinction n'est pas écartée. Ce sont donc les années qui viennent qui nous diront si ce hibou, déjà mythique parmi la communauté des ornithologues, rejoindra ou non la liste des espèces devenues un mythe car disparues.


    On dénombre actuellement deux sous-espèces:

    Bubo blakistoni blakistoni, la sous-espèce nominale, à Hokkaidō et dans les îles au nord, au plumage plus sombre.

    Bubo blakistoni doerriesi, sur le continent depuis le sud-est de la Sibérie jusqu'aux zones locales de peuplement en Corée. Elle est plus grande et plus pâle[4].

    Notes et références


    1. Cette appellation est normalisée dans plusieurs langues dont le français par le Comité ornithologique international[1]. Cette orthographe diffère de celle des dictionnaires français Robert, Larousse[2] et Académie française[3] qui écrivent « grand duc », « moyen duc », « petit duc » sans trait d’union.


    1. « Listes multilingues des noms d’oiseaux, selon plusieurs formats », sur worldbirdnames.org, Comité ornithologique international (consulté le 18 septembre 2018) dont cette version Excel 8.2.
    2. « Larousse en ligne : entrée « duc » », sur larousse.fr (consulté le 19 septembre 2018).
    3. « Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 9e édition : entrée « Duc », sens II », sur academie.atilf.fr (consulté le 19 septembre 2018).
    4. a b c d e et f Chouettes et hiboux du monde, "un guide photographique", de Heimo Mikkola, éd. Delachaux et Niestlé, 2014, p. 296.
    5. Voir à ce sujet : http://www.oiseaux-birds.com/fiche-ketoupa-blakiston.html (fr) dans "Reproduction de l'espèce".
    6. Le site de l'UICN: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22689007/0 (en)
    7. Le site de la Wild Conservation Society (WCS) Russia qui donne un certain nombre de renseignements sur le grand-duc de Blakiston : http://www.wcsrussia.org/en-us/wildlife/blakistonsfishowl.aspx (en)
    8. Site Arkive sur le grand-duc de Blakiston : http://www.arkive.org/blakistons-fish-owl/ketupa-blakistoni/ (en)
    9. Voir à ce sujet ce que dit BirdLife International: http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/speciesfactsheet.php?id=2229 (en).
    10. Voir à ce propos cet article qui illustre le débat qui peut s'ouvrir pour les espèces grandement menacées: http://www.contact.ulaval.ca/article_blogue/especes-branchees-respirateur/ (fr).


    Références taxinomiques

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    Grand-duc de Blakiston: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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    Bubo blakistoni

    Le Grand-duc de Blakiston (Bubo blakistoni), aussi connu en tant que Kétoupa de Blakiston, est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Strigidae. C'est le deuxième plus grand rapace nocturne après le Grand-duc d'Europe. Ce hibou essentiellement piscivore se retrouve dans l'extrême nord-est de l'Asie et au Japon, où il est extrêmement rare et nécessite des mesures de conservation.

    Cette espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1884 par Henry Seebohm d'après un spécimen rapporté de Hakodate sur l'île de Hokkaidō au Japon par le naturaliste Thomas Blakiston. Le nom de l'espèce lui rend hommage.

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    Bubo blakistoni ( Italian )

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    Il gufo pescatore di Blakiston (Bubo blakistoni Seebohm, 1884) è un uccello strigiforme della famiglia degli Strigidi[2].



    Misura circa 72 cm di lunghezza ed ha un'apertura alare di 180-190 cm. Pesa tra i 3000 e i 3700 g[3].


    Negli adulti il disco facciale è di colore marrone-fulvo con sottili strisce nere, e non è contornato da nessun tipo distinto di bordo. Una fila di piume rigide quasi interamente bianche orna la parte superiore degli occhi, la fronte e la base del becco. Il mento è prevalentemente bianco. Il resto della testa e le parti superiori sono marroni con delle striature sotto forma di linee spezzate scure ed i bordi delle piume color camoscio. La parte posteriore del collo reca tracce di barre. Le zone del dorso dove il marrone scuro è dominante appaiono più scure. La mantellina presenta un aspetto più chiaro, con barre e strisce marroni. Le ali sono marroni scure con numerosi motivi color camoscio-giallastri. Sulla coda vi sono 7 od 8 barre giallo-crema su sfondo marrone. Le piume delle parti inferiori sono di colore camoscio-marrone chiaro con base grigia. L'intera parte inferiore è striata di bruno-nerastro con sottili barre ondulate marrone chiaro. Le sotto-caudali sono color crema con alcune macchie scure. I tarsi sono ricoperti di piume, ma le zampe grigie sono glabre. L'iride è giallastra e il becco è grigio. Gli artigli sono color corno scuro.

    Alla nascita i giovani sono ricoperti di piumino bianco. Quando le piume sono cresciute, è possibile vedere una macchia marrone scura al loro centro e un bordo bianco all'esterno, che conferiscono loro un aspetto più maculato di quello degli adulti[3].


    Il gufo pescatore di Blakiston emette un richiamo profondo e breve, boo-boo woo o foo foroo. Talvolta sono stati uditi anche canti elaborati in duetto. Il grido di richiamo e di riconoscimento dei giovani è un trillo esteso e mal articolato, pi-prrir-prrir. Questo è tutto ciò che sappiamo riguardo al richiamo di questa specie[3].


    In Manciuria, i gufi pescatori di Blakiston vanno a caccia quando inizia a calare la notte. Secondo alcune osservazioni, lungo gli affluenti dell'Ussuri, sarebbero attivi sia nelle ultime ore della giornata che durante la notte, ma queste osservazioni sono valide per la fine della stagione della nidificazione, quando i giovani sono ancora nel nido e le notti estive sono relativamente brevi. Contrariamente ad altri rapaci notturni, i gufi pescatori di Blakiston trascorrono molto tempo a terra, lasciando tracce ben visibili sul terreno lungo le rive dei torrenti. In inverno, le tracce sono relativamente numerose nei pressi dei fori che vengono fatti dagli uomini nel ghiaccio che ricopre i fiumi. Durante il periodo invernale, i gufi pescatori di Blakiston formano piccoli gruppi di 5 o 6 esemplari in prossimità dei torrenti dal corso rapido e degli specchi d'acqua che sono liberi dai ghiacci[3].


    I gufi pescatori di Blakiston si nutrono principalmente di pesci, talvolta anche di dimensioni considerevoli. L'elenco delle prede comprende lucci dell'Amur, pesci gatto, barbi, trote e salmoni, ma anche gamberi (Astacus schrenkii). Questi uccelli mangiano anche rane, che vengono talvolta catturate in gran numero per essere date ai giovani. In inverno, i gufi pescatori di Blakiston cacciano mammiferi che possono raggiungere le dimensioni di una lepre, di una martora o di un cane di piccola taglia. Catturano le prede entrando in acqua, guadando in acque poco profonde e fermandosi prima di saltare sulla vittima. Talvolta i gufi pescatori di Blakiston catturano le prede alla stessa maniera delle aquile di mare[3].


    Generalmente i gufi pescatori di Blakiston non nidificano tutti gli anni. Se le risorse alimentari non sono sufficienti o se le condizioni climatiche sono troppo dure, questi volatili preferiscono ignorare del tutto la riproduzione piuttosto che vedere le loro nidiate andate perse. Nelle annate in cui le condizioni vengono giudicate soddisfacenti, la deposizione ha luogo a partire da marzo, quando il terreno e gli alberi sono ancora ricoperti di neve. Nelle isole Curili è possibile trovare dei giovani gufi già nel mese di aprile. Lungo gli affluenti dell'Ussuri questi rapaci notturni costruiscono i nidi nelle cavità naturali degli alberi, di solito pioppi o frassini della Manciuria. I nidi sono posti generalmente ad un'altezza che varia tra i 16 e i 18 metri al di sopra del terreno, ma talvolta vengono costruiti anche in un albero caduto o addirittura sul terreno. I tronchi di albero utilizzati sono generalmente molto larghi e spaziosi.

    Ogni covata comprende in media due uova, simili per colore e dimensioni a quelle degli altri gufi reali del genere Bubo. Sono interamente bianche e misurano al massimo 62 millimetri per 50. I maschi si occupano di portare il nutrimento alla femmina che cova. Quest'ultima si dedica da sola all'incubazione, che si protrae per quasi 35 giorni. Dopo la schiusa, non riceve praticamente nessun tipo di aiuto da parte del suo compagno per quanto riguarda l'educazione e la cura dei piccoli. Questi ultimi lasciano il nido nel giro di 35-40 giorni, ma restano dipendenti dai genitori per il cibo per qualche mese ancora[3].

    Distribuzione ed habitat

    I gufi pescatori di Blakiston frequentano soprattutto le foreste rivierasche e le foreste primarie di conifere. Si incontrano principalmente lungo i fiumi e i corsi d'acqua che hanno un'alta portata d'acqua e che non vengono mai ricoperti dal ghiaccio durante i periodi più duri dell'inverno. Nella regione dell'Ussuri, vivono nelle fitte foreste miste di conifere e latifoglie delle pianure attraversate da grandi fiumi. Spesso i gruppi di alberi dove risiedono sono situati su piccole isole in mezzo a fiumi dalla corrente rapida. Nelle isole Curili, questi grossi rapaci abitano le foreste fitte di abeti e di pecci frammisti ad alcuni alberi a foglie caduche lungo le sponde dei laghi, le foci dei fiumi o le coste marine. Nell'estremo nord, vanno a pesca anche lungo le coste rocciose.

    I gufi pescatori di Blakiston sono originari delle regioni nord-orientali del continente asiatico. Il loro areale si estende attraverso la Siberia orientale da Vladivostok fino a Sakhalin e lungo le coste del mare di Okhotsk, proseguendo verso ovest fin quasi al lago Baikal. A sud, questi rapaci notturni occupano le regioni montuose della Manciuria occidentale e nord-occidentale, spingendosi verso sud fino al confine tra la penisola coreana e l'Heilongjiang in Cina. I gufi pescatori di Blakiston sono presenti anche in Hokkaidō e nelle isole più meridionali dell'arcipelago delle Curili[1].


    Ne vengono riconosciute ufficialmente due sottospecie[2]:

    B. b. doerriesi Seebohm, 1895, diffusa nella Siberia sud-orientale da Vladivostok fino al confine con la penisola coreana, nella Manciuria occidentale e nella Cina nord-orientale;

    B. b. blakistoni Seebohm, 1884, la forma nominale, presente a Sakhalin, Hokkaidō e nelle isole Curili.


    Questa specie è rara e il suo futuro è seriamente minacciato. In Siberia, Sakhalin e Curili comprese, la popolazione complessiva non supera le poche centinaia di esemplari. Ad Hokkaidō ne rimangono probabilmente meno di 50 coppie. Lungo 350 km di fiumi in Manciuria, non ne sono stati trovati più di 30 individui. In Siberia questi volatili si concentrano nei pressi dei fori di aerazione nel ghiaccio, il che li rende estremamente vulnerabili a pescatori, cacciatori e cercatori di pellicce. Tuttavia sono state adottate apposite misure di protezione, che prevedono anche l'installazione di cassette nido, e si cominciano già a percepire i primi segnali incoraggianti di questa politica conservazionista sotto forma di una recente crescita della popolazione[1].


    1. ^ a b c (EN) BirdLife International, Bubo blakistoni, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
    2. ^ a b (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Strigidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato l'11 maggio 2014.
    3. ^ a b c d e f (EN) Blakiston's Eagle-owl (Bubo blakistoni), su hbw.com. URL consultato il 25 settembre 2017.

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    Bubo blakistoni: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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    Il gufo pescatore di Blakiston (Bubo blakistoni Seebohm, 1884) è un uccello strigiforme della famiglia degli Strigidi.

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    Didysis apuokas žuvininkas ( lituan )

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    Binomas Bubo blakistoni

    Didysis apuokas žuvininkas (lot. Bubo blakistoni, angl. Blakiston's Fish-owl, rus. Рыбный филин, jap. シマフクロウ) – tikrųjų pelėdų (Strigidae) šeimos, didžiųjų apuokų (Bubo) genties plėšrusis paukštis.

    Blakiston`s fish owl.jpg
    Blakiston`s fish owl1.jpg


    Tai gana stambus paukštis, didžiausia pelėdinių rūšis, nežymiai stambesnis už didįjį apuoką gyvenantį Lietuvoje. Didžiojo apuoko žuvininko kūnas 60–75 cm ilgio, atstumas tarp išskleistų sparnų galų - 150–205 cm. Patinų svoris 3-3,75 kg, patelės sveria iki 4,5 kg. Patelės 25% kūno stambumu pranoksta patinėlius.

    Skiriami jų 4 porūšiai, bet mokslas pripažįsta tik 2 jų porūšius - Bubo blakistoni blakistoni ir Bubo blakistoni doerriesi.

    1. Bubo blakistoni blakistoni (Seebohm'as, 1884), paplitęs šiaurinėje Japonijoje įskaitant Hokaido sala ir Kurilų salose.
    2. Bubo blakistoni doerriesi (Seebohm'as, 1884), paplitęs šiaurės Korėjoje.
    3. Bubo blakistoni karafutonis (Kuroda, 1931), Sachaline.
    4. Bubo blakistoni piscivorus (Meise, 1933), vakarų Mandžiūrijoje


    Rytų Azijoje - Mandžiūrija, šiaurės Korėja, šiaurės Japonija ir Hokaido sala, Rusijos Tolimuosiuose Rytuose į pietus nuo Magadano iki Paamūrės krašto ir Primorės krašto, Sachaline, pietų Kurilų salose.


    Labai reta paukščių rūšis, įrašyta į tarptautinę raudonąją knygą. Japonijoje priskaičiuojama maždaug 100-150 paukščių, iš kurių 20 veisiasi, kiti pavieniai nesusiporavę paukščiai. Kitose jų arealo paplitimo vietose, kaip žemyninėje Azijoje jų populiacija kiek didesnė - nuo keleto šimtų ar iki vieno tūkstančio pavienių paukščių.

    Nykimo priežastys

    Didysis apuokas žuvininkas gamtoje kartais tampa lūšių grobiu. Kita, daug svarbesnė jų nykimo priežastis - paupiuose senų ir didelių medžių kirtimas, kita ūkinė veikla palei upes, upių užtvankos. Rusijoje juos kartais sumedžioja, nes evenams tai kaip maisto šaltinis. Arba Rusijoje jie nuskesta, lašišoms gaudyti skirtuose tinkluose. Japonijoje yra pasitaikę atvejų, kada budavo partrenkti automobilių.

    Gyvenamoji aplinka

    Šalia upių, ežerų, šaltinių, kurių pakrantės apaugę dideliais, senais medžiais. Žiemos metu traukia prie neužšalančių upės seklių vietų.


    Minta daugiausia žuvimis, rečiau varlėmis, vėžiagyviais, kiaunėmis, triušiais, žiurkėmis ir kitais smulkiais ar vidutinio dydžio graužikais, dar rečiau paukščiais. Žuvis daugiausiai gaudo sekliose upės vietose.


    Šie paukščiai nesiveisia kiekvienais metais dėl maisto trukumo ar kitų priežasčių. Kiaušinius deda kovo viduryje, kada dar neištirpęs sniegas. Lizdą sukasi medžių ertmėse arba rečiau klifuose - uolėtame upės, ežero, skardyje arba stačiame šlaite ar sename juodojo peslio lizde. Deda 1-3, nors dažniausiai 2 kiaušinius. Kiaušiniai 6.2 cm ilgio ir 4.9 cm pločio. 35 dienas peri tik patelė. Per maždaug tą laiką patinėliai pateles parūpina maistu kol išsirita jaunikliai. Jaunikliai maždaug po 35-40 dienų lizdą palieka, bet ir palikus ji, dar apie keletą mėnesių būna maitinami tėvų. Didžiųjų apuokų žuvininkų jaunikliai tėvų teritorijoje dar užsibūna iki dvejų metų, kol susiranda savo teritoriją.

    Didžiojo apuoko žuvininko kultas ir svarba kitose kultūrose

    Didysis apuokas žuvininkas yra garbinamas Japonijoje gyvenančios ainu tautos kaip Kamuji dievybė, dvasia. Tolimųjų rytų tautai evenams, tai kaip maisto šaltinis. Anksčiau kaip maisto šaltinis šis paukštis buvo ir udegų tautai gyvenančiai Rusijos Primorėje, bet vėliau pas juos šita praktika dingo.



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    Didysis apuokas žuvininkas: Brief Summary ( lituan )

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    Didysis apuokas žuvininkas (lot. Bubo blakistoni, angl. Blakiston's Fish-owl, rus. Рыбный филин, jap. シマフクロウ) – tikrųjų pelėdų (Strigidae) šeimos, didžiųjų apuokų (Bubo) genties plėšrusis paukštis.

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    Blakistons visuil ( olandèis; flamand )

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    De Blakistons visuil (Bubo blakistoni) maakt deel uit van de uilen (Strigidae). De uil is genoemd naar de Britse ontdekkingsreiziger en bioloog Thomas Wright Blakiston, die het dier in 1883 ontdekte op het Japanse eiland Hokkaido. Het is een visuil die vooral jaagt in het ooibos langs rivieren.

    Visuilen worden vaak geplaatst in een apart geslacht: Ketupa. Sinds de jaren 1990, als DNA-onderzoek naar de taxonomie van de vogels een steeds belangrijkere rol speelt, is deze plaatsing omstreden. Deze visuil wordt nu gerekend tot de arenduilen van het geslacht Bubo. De juistheid hiervan blijkt onder meer uit onderzoek aan het mitochondriaal DNA cytochroom b sequentie.[2] De oude naam Ketupa blakistoni wordt echter nog vaak gebruikt, onder andere op de rode lijst van BirdLife International en de IUCN.


    Blakistons visuil

    Van de vier ondersoorten die beschreven zijn in de literatuur worden alleen de eerste twee (Bubo b. blakistoni en Bubo b. doerriesi) geaccepteerd door de wetenschap; van de andere twee (Bubo b. karafutonis en Bubo b. piscivorus) wordt gedacht dat ze uitgestorven zijn. Blakistons visuil is waarschijnlijk de grootste soort uil, met een grootte van 60-75 cm. De mannetjes wegen 3 tot 3,75 kilogram en de vrouwtjes, die 25% groter zijn, tot 4,5 kilogram. De vleugelwijdte is 150-205 centimeter. De uil lijkt op de oehoe maar is matter en heeft brede gerafelde oorpluimen. De bovenste gedeelten zijn donkerbruin en gestreept. De onderste gedeeltes zijn bleker bruin. De keel is wit. De iris is geel (de oehoe heeft een oranje iris).

    Voorkomen en leefgebied

    De Blakistons visuil komt voor in dichte bossen langs rivieren in het noorden van China, het aangrenzend gebied in Rusland en in het noorden van Japan. Het leefgebied is ooibos, met grote oude bomen om in te nestelen, de nabijheid van meren, rivieren, zandbanken en bronnen, die niet bevriezen in de winter.

    De soort telt 2 ondersoorten:

    De Blakistons visuil voedt zich voornamelijk met vis als snoek, meervalachtigen, kwabaal, forel en zalm. Deze vissen wegen soms evenveel als de uil. In Rusland voeden de uilen zich in het voorjaar met amfibieën, vooral met Rana dybowskii. De uilen waden door het ondiepe water en loeren op de rivierbanken op hun prooi. Wetenschappers in Japan hebben Blakistons visuilen beschreven die knaagdieren en marters vingen. Ook is bekend dat de dieren op andere vogels jagen en soms ook aas eten.


    De Blakistons visuil is voornamelijk actief tijdens zonsopgang en zonsondergang. Tijdens het broedseizoen zijn ze echter gedurende de gehele dag actief; het dier brengt voor een uil een ongewoon grote hoeveelheid tijd op de grond door.

    De Blakistons visuil broedt door fluctuaties in de aanwezigheid van voedsel niet ieder jaar. Het eieren leggen begint midden maart, wanneer de grond en de bomen nog bedekt zijn met sneeuw. Uit gegevens van Japanse en Russische waarnemingen blijkt dat de dieren voor hun broedplaats een voorkeur hebben voor holle bomen. Meestal wordt slechts één ei gelegd (6,2 centimeter lang en 4,9 centimeter breed); de mannetjes voorzien het broedende vrouwtje en later de jongen van eten. Het vrouwtje bebroedt de eieren gedurende 35 dagen en de jongen verlaten het nest binnen 35-40 dagen, maar worden tot enkele maanden daarna nog door de ouders gevoerd. De jongen blijven nog tot ongeveer twee jaar op het territorium van de ouders voordat zij een eigen territorium zoeken. Als de uil volgroeid is heeft het dier weinig natuurlijke vijanden.

    Status als bedreigde diersoort

    De Blakistons visuil wordt bedreigd door het verlies van zijn natuurlijke omgeving langs rivieren door de ontwikkeling daarvan en door de aanleg van dammen. De huidige populatie in Japan is ongeveer 100-150 dieren (waaronder 20 broedparen); op het vasteland van Azië bestaat een grotere populatie, die geschat wordt op enkele honderden tot duizenden exemplaren. In Rusland worden visuilen soms doodgeschoten door jagers.

    Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
    1. (en) Blakistons visuil op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
    2. (en) Olsen, J., et a. 2002: A new Ninox owl from Sumba, Indonesia. Emu 102 (3): 223-231. full text
    • (en) Slaght, J.C. & S.G. Surmach, 2008. Biology and conservation of Blakiston’s fish owls in Russia: a review of the primary literature and assessment of the secondary literature. Journal of Raptor Research 42: 29-37. PDF fulltext
    • (en) Claus Konig, Friedhelm Weick & Jan-Hendrik Becking, 1999. A Guide to the Owls of the World. Yale University Press, ISBN 0-300-07920-6.
    • (en) Takenaka, T., 1998. Distribution, habitat environments, and reasons for reduction of the endangered Blakiston's fish owl in Hokkaido, Japan. Ph.D. dissertation, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
    • (en) Yanagawa, H., 1993. Causes of wild bird mortality in eastern Hokkaido. Strix 12:161-169
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    Blakistons visuil: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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    De Blakistons visuil (Bubo blakistoni) maakt deel uit van de uilen (Strigidae). De uil is genoemd naar de Britse ontdekkingsreiziger en bioloog Thomas Wright Blakiston, die het dier in 1883 ontdekte op het Japanse eiland Hokkaido. Het is een visuil die vooral jaagt in het ooibos langs rivieren.

    Visuilen worden vaak geplaatst in een apart geslacht: Ketupa. Sinds de jaren 1990, als DNA-onderzoek naar de taxonomie van de vogels een steeds belangrijkere rol speelt, is deze plaatsing omstreden. Deze visuil wordt nu gerekend tot de arenduilen van het geslacht Bubo. De juistheid hiervan blijkt onder meer uit onderzoek aan het mitochondriaal DNA cytochroom b sequentie. De oude naam Ketupa blakistoni wordt echter nog vaak gebruikt, onder andere op de rode lijst van BirdLife International en de IUCN.

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    Nordfiskeugle ( norvegèis )

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    Nordfiskeugle (Bubo blakistoni) er en ugle i slekten Bubo.


    Nordfiskeugle er en av de største uglene i slekten Bubo (og dermed en av de største uglene). De blir 60–70 cm lange, hunnene noe større enn hannene. Den har et vingespenn på opptil 2 m.

    De har gule øyne, blålig grått nebb med gulaktig spiss, fjærkledte bein med nakne, grå føtter og sorte klør. Hodet og skuldrene er for det meste brune med lyse fjærtupper, ryggen er mørkere brun. Vingene er mørkebrune med lysere gulbrune striper. Halen er mørkbrun med 7-8 lyse striper. Undersiden er lysebrun med smale tversgående lyse striper. Ansiktet har dypbrune felter rundt øynene, med hvite tegninger over øynene, rundt nebbroten og i pannen. Den finnes i fire underarter:

    • B. blakistoni blakistoni finnes på Hokkaido, nordlige Japan og Kurilene. Den svarer til beskrivelsen over.
    • B. blakistoni doerriesi finnes i østlige Sibir sør til Vladivostok og grensen til Korea. Den er noe større, med en stor hvit flekk på toppen av hodet og mindre tydelige tegninger på halen.
    • B. blakistoni karafutonis finnes på Sakhalin. Den er noe mindre og mørkere, særlig på ryggen. Halen har smalere mørke og flere lyse bånd.
    • B. blakistoni piscivorus finnes i vest-Mandsjuria og er lysere enn doerriesi. Buken er mer gråhvit enn lysbrun.

    Habitat og utbredelse

    Nordfiskeuglen finnes i sørøstlige Sibir og tilliggende områder i Korea og Kina, i skogsområder med elver og uberørt barskog nær hurtigflytende elver. Finnes også i andre slags skogsområder med isfrie elvestryk og klippekyst i den nordlige delen av utbredelsesområdet.

    Den regnes som truet, det antas å være færre enn 1000 par i live.


    1. ^ BirdLife International 2005 Ketupa blakistoni. In: IUCN 2006. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on September 5, 2007.

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    Nordfiskeugle (Bubo blakistoni) er en ugle i slekten Bubo.

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    Puchacz japoński ( polonèis )

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    Puchacz japoński[3], sowa japońska, ketupa japońska (Bubo blakistoni) – gatunek ptaka z rodziny puszczykowatych (Strigidae). Jest to jeden z największych[4] przedstawicieli swojego rzędu. Jest on zagrożony ze względu na karczowanie lasów przyrzecznych - jej głównego środowiska[4].


    Wygląd zewnętrzny
    Duży ptak, praktycznie wielkości puchacza. Upierzenie sute, ciemnobeżowe, pióra na skrzydłach szare z czarnymi i brązowymi paskami na każdym piórze. Tułów pokryty krótkimi, czarnymi paskami. Upierzenie zachodzi nawet na szpony. Charakterystyczne dla rodzaju Bubo "uszy" z piór, u tego ptaka stosunkowo szerokie. Widoczny dymorfizm płciowy w wielkości (samice są o ok. 25% cięższe od samców).
    Dane liczbowe
    Rozpiętość skrzydeł: ok. 1,5 m
    Długość: 60–75 cm[4].
    Masa ciała: Samce – ok. 3 kg, Samice – ok. 4 kg
    Ptak ten żywi się głównie rybami i innymi słodkowodnymi zwierzętami (stąd angielska nazwa – Fish-owl, czyli "rybia sowa"). Może on też jeść ssaki i ptaki.
    Na co dzień ketupa japońska wydaje niskie huu - huuu. W okresie godów, samiec wzywa samicę głośnym huu - huu, huuu - huuuu, na co samica odpowiada: "huu".


    Puchacz japoński zamieszkuje nadrzeczne lasy północnej Japonii (wyspa Hokkaido i Kuryle, gdzie występuje podgatunek nominatywny) oraz rosyjski Daleki Wschód, Mandżurię i Koreę, gdzie występują pozostałe trzy podgatunki.


    Gatunek zagrożony wyginięciem z powodu karczowania naturalnych lasów przyrzecznych, będących jego głównym siedliskiem.


    1. Bubo blakistoni, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
    2. Bubo blakistoni. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
    3. Paweł Mielczarek, Marek Kuziemko: Strigidae Leach, 1820 - puszczykowate - Owls. W: Kompletna lista ptaków świata [on-line]. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [dostęp 10 maja 2010].
    4. a b c Krzysztof Jędrzejewski, Niezwykły Świat Zwierząt - Sowy
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    Puchacz japoński: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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    Puchacz japoński, sowa japońska, ketupa japońska (Bubo blakistoni) – gatunek ptaka z rodziny puszczykowatych (Strigidae). Jest to jeden z największych przedstawicieli swojego rzędu. Jest on zagrożony ze względu na karczowanie lasów przyrzecznych - jej głównego środowiska.

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    Bubo blakistoni ( portughèis )

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    O bufo-pescador-de-Blaskoni (Bubo blakistoni) também conhecido como coruja-de-Blaskoni e coruja-pescadora-de-Blaskoni, é uma espécie de ave estrigiforme pertencente à família Strigidae.[1] Pesam de 3Kg podendo chegar a 6Kg, com tamanho entre 60–72 cm.

    São mais abundantes em densas florestas virgens, principalmente próximas de vias marítimas ou costas arborizadas. A espécie requer cavidades de árvores para fazer seus ninhos e trechos de rios que permaneçam pelo menos parcialmente descongelados no inverno. Mas nos invernos frígidos do norte, a água aberta geralmente só é encontrada apenas quando há um afloramento de água quente na primavera. Porém, essa espécie de coruja precisa apenas de alguns metros de água corrente para sobreviver a um rigoroso inverno.

    Essas corujas são principalmente ativas ao amanhecer e ao entardecer. Mas durante o período de criação dos filhotes, elas são susceptíveis de serem vistas caçando ativamente até por um dia inteiro.


    1. a b BirdLife International (2016). Bubo blakistoni (em inglês). IUCN 2016. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2016 Versão e.T22689007A93214159. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22689007A93214159.en Página visitada em 28 de outubro de 2021.
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    Bubo blakistoni: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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    O bufo-pescador-de-Blaskoni (Bubo blakistoni) também conhecido como coruja-de-Blaskoni e coruja-pescadora-de-Blaskoni, é uma espécie de ave estrigiforme pertencente à família Strigidae. Pesam de 3Kg podendo chegar a 6Kg, com tamanho entre 60–72 cm.

    São mais abundantes em densas florestas virgens, principalmente próximas de vias marítimas ou costas arborizadas. A espécie requer cavidades de árvores para fazer seus ninhos e trechos de rios que permaneçam pelo menos parcialmente descongelados no inverno. Mas nos invernos frígidos do norte, a água aberta geralmente só é encontrada apenas quando há um afloramento de água quente na primavera. Porém, essa espécie de coruja precisa apenas de alguns metros de água corrente para sobreviver a um rigoroso inverno.

    Essas corujas são principalmente ativas ao amanhecer e ao entardecer. Mas durante o período de criação dos filhotes, elas são susceptíveis de serem vistas caçando ativamente até por um dia inteiro.

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    Výr vodný ( slovach )

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    Výr vodný alebo výr Blakistonov[2] (lat. Bubo blakistoni) je veľký druh rybožravej sovy z čeľade sovovité (Strigidae) z východnej Ázie. Podľa Medzinárodnej únie na ochranu prírody a prírodných zdrojov výr vodný patrí medzi ohrozené druhy, trend celkovej populácie je klesajúci. Stav druhu negatívne ovplyvňuje širšia škála vplyvov, ako deštrukcia biotopov v súvislosti s jeho špeciálnymi nárokmi na lov a hniezdenie. Vyžaduje nerušené vodné toky s čistou vodou s plytčinami, kde loví a veľké staré bútľavé stromy, kde hniezdi.[1][3]


    Výr vodný meria 60 – 71 cm[3][4], krídla má dlhé 498 – 560 mm[3], ktorých rozpätie dosahuje 2 m.[3] Chvost má dĺžku 243 – 305 mm[3]. Hmotnosť samcov je 3150 – 3450 g a samíc 3360 – 4600 g.[4]

    Samička je väčšia ako samček. Poznávacím znakom sú široké ušká z pierok na hlave smerujúce do strán, skoro až vodorovne a žlté oči. Celkové operenie je sivohnedé a škvrnité s jemnými hnedými priečnymi vlnkami. Tvárová časť je tmavej gaštanovej farby bez ohraničenia. Zobák je dlhý. Prsty nie sú operené.

    Podobné druhy sú výr skalný, ktorý je však celkovo tmavej farby so širokými škvrnami na hrudi a s oranžovými očami. Sova tmavá, ktorá je menšia, má okrúhlu hlavu, malé žlté oči, nemá ušká z pierok. Sova dlhochvostá je tiež menšia bez uší z pierok ale oči má tmavohnedé. [3]


    Výr vodný je na väčšine svojho územia rozšírenia stály, s výnimkou povodia severnejšie položených riek Ussuri a Bikin. Žije v povodí rieky Amur a jej prítokoch Ussuri, Bikin. V oblasti južne od Vladivostoku, pri jazere Chanka a západne od pohoria Veľký Chingan. Žije na veľkých ostrovoch Sachalin, Hokkaido a z južnej skupiny Kurilských ostrovov obýva Kunašir, Iturup a Šikotan.[5][3]


    Volanie výra vodného je hlboké a krátke, znie asi ako hú-hú vú alebo fú fu-vu. Týmto hlasom sa vedia ozývať aj v duete. Počas kŕmenia mláďatá vydávajú ťahavý trilok pi-prrir-pirirr...[3]


    Obýva odľahlé lužné a ihličnaté lesy pozdĺž rýchlo tečúcich riek, ktoré aspoň z časti v zime nezamŕzajú. Na Kurilských ostrovoch obýva smrekové a jedľové lesy s listnatými stromami, lemujúcimi vodné plochy, toky, ústia a pobrežie mora. Dokáže loviť aj na skalnatom pobreží na severe.[3]

    Spôsob života

    Výr vodný je aktívny hlavne v noci (Mandžusko), v čase krátkych nocí aj za šera i za svetla (Ussuri, Bikin). V porovnaní s inými druhmi sov loví veľmi často sediac a chodiac na zemi, pričom sa v zime nachádzajú aj vyšliapané chodníky okolo otvorov v ľade. Pri výdatných nezamŕzajúcich prameňoch boli pozorované aj skupiny 5 – 6 sov.[3]


    Nezahniezdi každý rok, čo zrejme súvisí s potravnou ponukou a prevládajúcim počasím. Znášať začínajú skoro, už od polovice marca, v čase keď je ešte snehová pokrývka. Na ostrove Kunašir na Kurilských ostrovov bolo nájdené mláďa už v apríli.

    V hustých nížinných lužných lesoch riek Bikin, Ussuri a ich prítokov boli hniezda nájdené v stromových dutinách topoľov a jaseňov (Fraxinus mandshurica). Obsadzovali dutiny aj vo výškach 12 – 18 m. Hniezdia aj na zlomených pňoch a na zemi. Obľubujú veľmi priestranné bútľaviny. Znášku tvoria 1 – 3 vajcia, najčastejšie však dve. Tvarom i farbou sú podobné vajíčkam ostatných vtákov rodu Bubo - úplne biele. Na znáške sedí len samička približne 35 dní, samec jej prináša potravu. Po vyliahnutí mláďat s nimi samička ostáva v hniezde a samček pokračuje s kŕmením. Asi po ďalších 35 – 40 dňoch mláďatá opúšťajú hniezdo a ešte niekoľko mesiacov sa o ne starajú rodičia.


    Výr vodný sa živí najmä rybami. Mláďatá kŕmi v tom čase ľahko dostupnými žabami a cez zimu sa ich jedálniček rozšíri o cicavce.[3]

    Taxonómia a poddruhy

    Výra vodného ako prvý taxonomicky zaradil Seebohm v roku 1883. Dal mu meno podľa anglického prírodovedca Thomasa Blakistona, ktorý dokladoval druh z japonského ostrova Hokkaido v tom istom roku - Ketupa blakistoni. Na základe osteologického porovnania a porovnania DNA bolo zistené, že výr vodný je bližší príbuzný výrovi skalnému ako k druhom sov rodu Ketupa.[3]

    Rozlišujú sa dva poddruhy:[6][3]

    • Bubo blakistoni blakistoni Seebohm, 1883. Nominátna rasa. Veľké ostrovy Sachalin, Hokkaido a Kurilské ostrovy. Krídlo 498 - 534 mm, chvost 243 - 286 mm. V minulosti popísaný poddruh B. b. karafutonis je dnes považovaný za synonymum.
    • Bubo blakistoni doerriesi Seebohm, 1895. Poddruh B. b. piscivorus je synonymum. Obýva juhovýchodnú Sibír až k Vladivostoku a k hraniciam Kórejského polostrova. Severovýchodnú Čínu, Mandžusko. Tento poddruh je oveľa väčší a svetlejší ako nominátna rasa. Krídlo samcov 510 - 550 mm, samíc 538 - 560 mm, chvost 285 - 305 mm.



    1. a b IUCN Red list 2019.2. Prístup 15. novembra 2019
    2. KOVALIK, Peter, et al. Slovenské mená vtákov [online]. Bratislava : SOS/BirdLife Slovensko, 2010 (2016,2018), rev. 2018-02-25, [cit. 2019-09-15]. Dostupné online.
    3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m KÖNIG, Claus; WEICK, Friedhelm. Owls of the World. [s.l.] : A&C Black, 2008. 528 s. ISBN 978-0-7136-6548-2. Kapitola Blakiston's fish owl, s. 342 - 343.
    4. a b Holt, D.W., Berkley, R., Deppe, C., Enríquez Rocha, P., Petersen, J.L., Rangel Salazar, J.L., Segars, K.P., Wood, K.L., Sharpe, C.J. & Marks, J.S. (2019). Blakiston's Eagle-owl (Bubo blakistoni). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. [online]. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona., [cit. 2019-11-23]. Dostupné online. (En)
    5. Blakiston's fish owl Bubo blakistoni Seebohm, 1884 - Avibase [online]. avibase.bsc-eoc.org, [cit. 2019-11-15]. Dostupné online.
    6. Bubo blakistoni [online]. Integrovaný taxonomický informační systém (Integrated Taxonomic Information System – ITIS), [cit. 2019-11-30]. Dostupné online. (En)

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    Výr vodný: Brief Summary ( slovach )

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    Výr vodný alebo výr Blakistonov (lat. Bubo blakistoni) je veľký druh rybožravej sovy z čeľade sovovité (Strigidae) z východnej Ázie. Podľa Medzinárodnej únie na ochranu prírody a prírodných zdrojov výr vodný patrí medzi ohrozené druhy, trend celkovej populácie je klesajúci. Stav druhu negatívne ovplyvňuje širšia škála vplyvov, ako deštrukcia biotopov v súvislosti s jeho špeciálnymi nárokmi na lov a hniezdenie. Vyžaduje nerušené vodné toky s čistou vodou s plytčinami, kde loví a veľké staré bútľavé stromy, kde hniezdi.

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    Blakistons fiskuv ( svedèis )

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    Blakistons fiskuv[2] (Ketupa blakistoni) är en utrotningshotad mycket stor fisklevande uggla som förekommer i östra Asien.[3]

    Utseende och läte

    Blakistons fiskuv är en mycket stor uggla (60-72 cm) med långa och breda horisontella örontofsar. Ansiktet är blekt gråbrun, strupen vit och ögonen gula. Ovansidan är kraftigt streckat beigebrun, vingarna bandade och stjärten blek med mörka band. Undersidan är längsstreckat blekt beigebrun. Lätet är ett kort och djupt "ho-hooo".[1]

    Bubo blakistoni.jpg

    Utbredning och systematik

    Blakistons fiskuv delas in i fyra underarter med följande utbredning:[3]

    • Ketupa blakistoni piscivora – förekommer i västra Manchuriet, väster om Stora Khinganbergen
    • Ketupa blakistoni doerriesi – förekommer i sydöstra Sibirien och allra nordöstligaste Kina till Korea
    • Ketupa blakistoni karafutonis – förekommer på Sachalin
    • Ketupa blakistoni blakistoni – förekommer i norra Japan, på södra Kurilerna och Hokkaido

    Arten placeras ofta i släktet Bubo.[4][5][1]


    Blakistons fiskuv bebor tät skog med stora gamla träd för häckning och nära sjöar och vattendrag som inte fryser vintertid. Favoritmiljön är grunda, snabbt rinnande vattendrag med klappersten. Fågeln lever i huvudsak av insjöfisk, men kan även ta havslevande fisk, små däggdjur, fåglar, groddjur, insekter och kräftdjur. Ungfåglar stannar i hemmareviret i upp till ett och ett halvt år och börjar inte häcka förrän under tredje levnadsåret.[1]

    Jagande Blakistons fiskuv.

    Status och hot

    Denna uggla har en mycket liten och kraftigt minskande världspopulation på uppskattningsvis endast 1000 till 2500 vuxna individer. Den hotas av skogsavverkning, dammbyggen och ökad exploatering utmed floder. Även störningar, födobrist till följd av överfiske, miljögifter och jakt utgör hot. Internationella naturvårdsunionen IUCN kategoriserar arten som starkt hotad. Dock finns antydningar om att populationsstorleken kan vara större än man tidigare trott. Om detta bekräftas kan arten nedgraderas i framtiden.[1]


    Fågelns svenska och vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar Thomas Wright Blakiston (1832-1892), engelsk naturforskare och upptäcktsresande i Kanada, Kina och Japan.[6]


    1. ^ [a b c d e] Birdlife International 2012 Ketupa blakistoni Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
    2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2018) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2018-09-30
    3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2018) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2018 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2018-08-11
    4. ^ Gill, F & D Donsker (Eds). 2018. IOC World Bird List (v 8.2). doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.8.2.
    5. ^ Dickinson, E.C., J.V. Remsen Jr. & L. Christidis (Eds). 2013-2014. The Howard & Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World. 4th. Edition, Vol. 1, 2, Aves Press, Eastbourne, U.K.
    6. ^ Jobling, J. A. (2016). Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology. Ur del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.) (2016). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Hämtad från www.hbw.com.

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    Blakistons fiskuv: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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    Blakistons fiskuv (Ketupa blakistoni) är en utrotningshotad mycket stor fisklevande uggla som förekommer i östra Asien.

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    Пугач далекосхідний ( ucrain )

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    1. BirdLife International (2016). Bubo blakistoni. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN) 2016: e.T22689007A93214159. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22689007A93214159.en. Процитовано 13 January 2018.
    2. Фесенко Г. В. Вітчизняна номенклатура птахів світу. — Кривий Ріг : ДІОНАТ, 2018. — 580 с. — ISBN 978-617-7553-34-1.
    3. National Geographic
    4. del Hoyo, J; Elliot, A; Sargatal, J (1996). Handbook of the Birds of the World 3. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 84-87334-20-2.
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    Bubo blakistoni ( vietnamèis )

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    Bubo blakistoni là một loài cú cá trong họ Strigidae.[1] Loài cú này lớn hơn ba loài cú cá đang tồn tại. Một nghiên cứu hiện trường cho thấy con trống nặng từ 3,15 đến 3,45 kg (6,9 đến 7,6 lb), còn con mái nặng 3,36 đến 4,6 kg (7,4 đến 10,1 lb), lớn hơn con trống khoảng 25%.[2][3] Loài cú này dài sải cánh lúc xòe một góc 90 độ là 44,7–56 cm (17,6–22,0 in), đuôi dài 26,5–29 cm (10,4–11,4 in), xương cổ chân dài 7,3–9,5 cm (2,9–3,7 in) và culmen dài khoảng 7,1 cm (2,8 in).[4][5]

    Chú thích

    1. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.
    2. ^ National Geographic
    3. ^ del Hoyo, J; Elliot, A; Sargatal, J (1996). Handbook of the Birds of the World 3. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. ISBN 84-87334-20-2.
    4. ^ Owls of the World by Konig, Weick & Becking. Yale University Press (2009), ISBN 0300142277
    5. ^ Manual of Palaearctic Birds by Henry Eeles Dresser

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    Bubo blakistoni: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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    Bubo blakistoni là một loài cú cá trong họ Strigidae. Loài cú này lớn hơn ba loài cú cá đang tồn tại. Một nghiên cứu hiện trường cho thấy con trống nặng từ 3,15 đến 3,45 kg (6,9 đến 7,6 lb), còn con mái nặng 3,36 đến 4,6 kg (7,4 đến 10,1 lb), lớn hơn con trống khoảng 25%. Loài cú này dài sải cánh lúc xòe một góc 90 độ là 44,7–56 cm (17,6–22,0 in), đuôi dài 26,5–29 cm (10,4–11,4 in), xương cổ chân dài 7,3–9,5 cm (2,9–3,7 in) và culmen dài khoảng 7,1 cm (2,8 in).

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    Рыбный филин ( russ; russi )

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    Рыбный филин. Монета Банка России — Серия: «Красная книга», серебро, 1 рубль, 1993 год


    Брачный период начинается в феврале — марте. Основные места гнездования — дупла старых тополей, ильмов, реже — дубов, ясеней, находящихся недалеко от воды. Иногда селится в чужих гнёздах, своих рыбный филин не строит. Филин откладывает 2, реже 3 яйца, насиживание продолжается 35—37 дней, птенцы покидают гнездо на 35—50-й день, но ещё долго докармливаются родителями и остаются на их участке до следующей зимы. Половой зрелости филины достигают на третий год.


    1. Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 141. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
    2. М.В.Черкасова. Они должны жить. Птицы. — М.: Лесная промышленность, 1984. — С. 42. — 64 с.
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    Рыбный филин: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

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     src= Рыбный филин. Монета Банка России — Серия: «Красная книга», серебро, 1 рубль, 1993 год
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    シマフクロウ ( Giaponèis )

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    シマフクロウ シマフクロウ
    シマフクロウ Ketupa blakistoni
    保全状況評価[a 1][a 2] ENDANGERED
    (IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
    Status iucn3.1 EN.svgワシントン条約附属書II類 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : フクロウ目 Strigiformes : フクロウ科 Strigidae : シマフクロウ属 Ketupa : シマフクロウ K. blakistoni 学名 Ketupa blakistoni (Seebohm, 1884) 和名 シマフクロウ 英名 Blakiston's fish owl

    シマフクロウ(島梟[1]Ketupa blakistoni)は、フクロウ目フクロウ科シマフクロウ属ワシミミズク属に含める説もあり)に分類される鳥類


    • K. b. blakistoni シマフクロウ

    日本北海道中部および東部)、ロシアサハリン千島列島南部)[2][3][4][a 3]

    • K. b. doerriesi

    中華人民共和国北東部、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国、ロシア南東部[3][a 3]



    全長63-71cm[2][3]。翼開長175-190cm[2][3]体重3.4-4.1キログラム[3]。頭部には耳介状の長くて幅広い羽毛(羽角)が伸長する[3][a 3]。尾羽は短い[a 3]。踵から趾基部にかけて(ふ蹠)は羽毛で被われるが、趾は羽毛で被われない[4]。全身の羽衣は灰褐色で、黒褐色の縦縞と細い横縞が入る[2][3][a 3]。顔を縁取る羽毛(顔盤)は小型で黒い[3]。翼は幅広い[4][a 3]

    虹彩は黄色[2][3][4][a 3]。嘴や後肢は灰黒色[3]


    • Ketupa blakistoni blakistoni (Seebohm, 1884) シマフクロウ
    • Ketupa blakistoni doerriesi 


    海岸河川の周囲にある広葉樹林、混交林に生息する[3][4][a 3]。ペアで縄張りを形成し生活する事が多い。

    食性は動物食で、主に魚類ウグイカレイサケなど)を食べるが両生類甲殻類、鳥類、哺乳類(ウサギ、コウモリ、ネズミ、リスなど)なども食べる[3][a 3]。魚類は主に浅瀬で捕食する[3]

    繁殖形態は卵生。大木の樹洞や断崖の岩棚に巣を作り、2-3月に1-2個(主に2個)の卵を産む[3][a 3]。メスのみが抱卵し、抱卵期間は約35日[3][a 3]。雛は孵化してから約50日で巣立つ[a 3]。幼鳥は巣立ってから1-2年は親の縄張り内で生活し独立する[a 3]。生後3-4年で性成熟する[a 3]


    種小名blakistoniThomas Wright Blakistonへの献名で、英名と同義[1]アイヌ語では、コタン・コロ・カムイ (kotan kor kamuy, コタン(集落)を護るカムイ) などと呼ばれる(呼び方は複数ある)。

    開発による生息地の破壊および針葉樹の植林、水質汚染、漁業との競合、交通事故、生息地への人間による繁殖の妨害などにより生息数は激減している[3][a 3]。日本では1971年に国の天然記念物[a 4]1993年種の保存法施行に伴い国内希少野生動植物種に指定されている[a 3][a 5]。 また1980年代から巣箱の設置、冬季の生簀による給餌、生息地を保護区や保護林に指定するなどの保護対策が進められている[3][a 3]。繁殖成功数は増加しているものの、生息地が消失しているため生息数は上昇傾向にはない[3][a 3]

    • K. b. blakistoni シマフクロウ

    絶滅危惧IA類 (CR)環境省レッドリスト[a 3]

    Status jenv CR.svg




    1. ^ a b c 安部直哉 『山溪名前図鑑 野鳥の名前』、山と溪谷社2008年、186-187頁。
    2. ^ a b c d e 五百沢日丸 『日本の鳥550 山野の鳥 増補改訂版』、文一総合出版2004年、88頁。
    3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ1 ユーラシア、北アメリカ』、講談社2000年、100、199頁。
    4. ^ a b c d e 真木広造、大西敏一 『日本の野鳥590』、平凡社2000年、2000年、365頁。


     src= ウィキスピーシーズにシマフクロウに関する情報があります。


    執筆の途中です この項目は、鳥類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますポータル鳥類 - PJ鳥類)。
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    シマフクロウ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

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    シマフクロウ(島梟、Ketupa blakistoni)は、フクロウ目フクロウ科シマフクロウ属ワシミミズク属に含める説もあり)に分類される鳥類

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