Strepera a zo ur genad e rummatadur an evned, krouet e 1831 gant an naturour gall René Primevère Lesson (1794-1849)
Tri spesad golvaneged a ya d'ober ar genad :
O c'havout a reer holl en Aostralia.
Strepera a zo ur genad e rummatadur an evned, krouet e 1831 gant an naturour gall René Primevère Lesson (1794-1849)
Strepera és un gènere d'ocells de la família dels cractícids (Cracticidae).
Segons la Classificació del Congrés Ornitològic Internacional (versió 2.6, 2010) aquest gènere està format per tres espècies:
Strepera és un gènere d'ocells de la família dels cractícids (Cracticidae).
Currawongs are three species of medium-sized passerine birds belonging to the genus Strepera in the family Artamidae native to Australia. These are the grey currawong (Strepera versicolor), pied currawong (S. graculina), and black currawong (S. fuliginosa). The common name comes from the call of the familiar pied currawong of eastern Australia and is onomatopoeic. They were formerly known as crow-shrikes or bell-magpies. Despite their resemblance to crows and ravens, they are only distantly related to the corvidae, instead belonging to an Afro-Asian radiation of birds of superfamily Malaconotoidea.
They are not as terrestrial as the magpie and have shorter legs. They are omnivorous, foraging in foliage, on tree trunks and limbs, and on the ground, taking insects and larvae (often dug out from under the bark of trees), fruit, and the nestlings of other birds. They are distinguishable from magpies and crows by their comical flight style in amongst foliage, appearing to almost fall about from branch to branch as if they were inept flyers.
Ornithologist Richard Bowdler Sharpe held that currawongs were more closely related to crows and ravens than the Australian magpie and butcherbirds, and duly placed them in the Corvidae.[1] A review of the family Cracticidae by ornithologist John Albert Leach in 1914, during which he had studied their musculature, found that all three genera were closely related.[2] Ornithologists Charles Sibley and Jon Ahlquist recognised the close relationship between the woodswallows and the butcherbirds and relatives in 1985, and combined them into a Cracticini clade,[3] which later became the family Artamidae in the official Australian checklist in 2008.[4] The International Ornithologists' Union has maintained the two clades as separate families, hence currawongs are listed along with butcherbirds, magpie and Peltops.[5]
The family Cracticidae has its greatest diversity in Australia, which suggests that the radiation of its insectivorous and scavenger members to occupy various niches took place there. The butcherbirds became predators of small animals, much like the northern hemisphere shrikes, while the Australian magpie became a predominantly ground-hunting omnivore, with the currawongs generally hunting in both living and fallen trees, scavenging and hunting insects and small vertebrates, and occupying in Australia the niche of many Eurasian corvids.[6]
A 2013 genetic analysis by Anna Kearns and colleagues confirmed the currawongs are a monophyletic group, with some indication that the black currawong lineage diverged from a common ancestor of the grey and pied currawongs (though sampling was limited and not the focus of the study). The common ancestor of butcherbirds and currawongs diverged from peltops between 28.3 and 16.9 million years ago, which followed the expansion of open habitat in Australia 30 to 25 million years ago. The ancestors of currawongs then diverged from the ancestor of butcherbirds and magpie between 17.3 and 9.8 million years ago.[7]
Currawongs and indeed all members of the broader Artamidae are part of a larger group of African shrike-like birds including bushshrikes (Malaconotidae), helmetshrikes (Prionopidae), ioras (Aegithinidae), and vangas (Vangidae), which were defined as the superfamily Malaconotoidea by Cacraft and colleagues in 2004.[8] They are thus only distantly related to crows and ravens, which are in a separate superfamily Corvoidea.[9]
Although there are several distinct forms, the number of species has varied between two and seven, with three currently recognised. (In 1870 the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London had a living specimen of each of the three species.[10]) Several subspecies of the grey currawong are fairly distinctive and described on that species page.
The term currawong itself is derived from the call of the pied currawong.[11] However, the exact origin of term is unclear; the most likely antecedent is the word garrawaŋ from the local Jagera language from the Brisbane region, although the Dharug word gurawaruŋ from the Sydney basin is a possibility.[12] Yungang as well as kurrawang and kurrawah are names from the Tharawal people of the Illawarra region.[13]
The three currawong species are sombre-plumaged dark grey or black birds with large bills. They resemble crows and ravens, although are slimmer in build with longer tails, booted tarsi[6] and white pages on their wings and tails.[14] Their flight is undulating. Male birds have longer bills than females. The reason for this is unknown but suggests differentiation in feeding technique.[6]
The true currawongs are a little larger than the Australian magpie, smaller than the ravens (except possibly the little raven, which is only slightly larger on average), but broadly similar in appearance. They are easily distinguished by their yellow eyes, in contrast to the red eyes of a magpie and white eyes of Australian crows and ravens. Currawongs are also characterised by the hooked tips of their long, sharply pointed beaks.[15]
Currawongs are protected in NSW under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
Currawongs are dominant birds that can drive off other species, especially when settling around an area used or inhabited by people.[14] They have been known to migrate to towns and cities during the winter.[16] Birds congregate in loose flocks.[14]
The female builds the nest and incubates the young alone, although both parents feed them. The nests are somewhat flimsy for birds their size.[6]
Currawongs can be friendly to humans and may form long lasting relationships. As of September 2021, a currawong had been visiting the same property in the Barrington Tops area of New South Wales for over eighteen years.
Currawongs are three species of medium-sized passerine birds belonging to the genus Strepera in the family Artamidae native to Australia. These are the grey currawong (Strepera versicolor), pied currawong (S. graculina), and black currawong (S. fuliginosa). The common name comes from the call of the familiar pied currawong of eastern Australia and is onomatopoeic. They were formerly known as crow-shrikes or bell-magpies. Despite their resemblance to crows and ravens, they are only distantly related to the corvidae, instead belonging to an Afro-Asian radiation of birds of superfamily Malaconotoidea.
They are not as terrestrial as the magpie and have shorter legs. They are omnivorous, foraging in foliage, on tree trunks and limbs, and on the ground, taking insects and larvae (often dug out from under the bark of trees), fruit, and the nestlings of other birds. They are distinguishable from magpies and crows by their comical flight style in amongst foliage, appearing to almost fall about from branch to branch as if they were inept flyers.
Los verdugos o currawongs (Strepera) son un género de aves paseriformes de la familia Artamidae nativas de Australia.
Se reconocen tres especies:
Los verdugos o currawongs (Strepera) son un género de aves paseriformes de la familia Artamidae nativas de Australia.
Karravong (Strepera) on Cracticidae või tuulaslaste sugukonda kuuluv Austraalia endeemne lindude perekond. Nimetus karravong on onomatopoeetiline ja tuleb pugal-karravongi (Strepera graculina) häälitsusest. Karravongid on vareslaste kauged sugulased. Karravongidel on tume sulestik, kollased silmad ja suur nokk. Nad on segatoidulised.
Karravong (Strepera) on Cracticidae või tuulaslaste sugukonda kuuluv Austraalia endeemne lindude perekond. Nimetus karravong on onomatopoeetiline ja tuleb pugal-karravongi (Strepera graculina) häälitsusest. Karravongid on vareslaste kauged sugulased. Karravongidel on tume sulestik, kollased silmad ja suur nokk. Nad on segatoidulised.
Huilukorpit (Strepera) on leijujen heimoon kuuluva lintusuku.
Huilukorpit (Strepera) on leijujen heimoon kuuluva lintusuku.
Strepera est un genre de passereaux de la famille des Artamidae.
D'après la classification de référence (version 5.2, 2015) du Congrès ornithologique international (ordre phylogénique) :
Strepera est un genre de passereaux de la famille des Artamidae.
Strepera Lesson, 1831 è un genere di uccelli passeriformi della famiglia Artamidae[1].
Il nome scientifico del genere, Strepera, deriva dal tardo latino e significa "rumorosa", in riferimento alla loquacità di questi uccelli. Il nome comune collettivo di currawong, col quale sono note le specie ascritte al genere, è un'onomatopea e deriva dalle lingue aborigene (cfr. jagera garrawaŋ, dharug gurawaruŋ, thurawal kurrawah/kurrawang).
Al genere vengono ascritte specie di dimensioni medio-grandi (44–57 cm di lunghezza, gli artamidi di maggiori dimensioni), dall'aspetto robusto e simile a quello di un corvo, munite di lunga coda squadrata, ali digitate, grossa testa con forte becco allungato e dalla punta della mandibola superiore lievemente uncinata e zampe forti (ma più corte rispetto a quelle di uccelli beccai e gazza australiana) e dagli artigli ricurvi.
Il piumaggio è nero o grigio-nerastro a seconda della specie presa in considerazione, talvolta con aree bianche sul quarto posteriore o nella zona del sottocoda: caratteristica di questi uccelli, utile per facilitarne il riconoscimento, è la presenza di iride gialla, in contrapposizione con l'iride bianca o bruno-nera dei corvidi, rispetto ai quali essi presentano inoltre aspetto più slanciato, testa più piccola in rapporto alle dimensioni del corpo e specialmente becco e coda più lunga.
I currawong sono uccelli dalle abitudini diurne e moderatamente sociali, che vivono in piccoli stormi (sotto la decina di individui, sebbene soprattutto durante l'inverno più gruppi tendano ad aggregarsi in stormi più numerosi) e passano la maggior parte della giornata alla ricerca di cibo nel proprio territorio, scacciando eventuali intrusi conspecifici. Questi uccelli sono piuttosto vocali, cercandosi continuamente con versi anche elaborati, fra i quali un caratteristico richiamo (emesso da ambo i sessi) al quale devono il proprio nome comune.
Caratteristico dei currawong è il bizzarro stile di volo, nel quale questi uccelli sembrano lasciarsi cadere di ramo in ramo, il quale risulta invece piuttosto efficace a muoversi velocemente nella vegetazione folta.
La dieta di questi uccelli è onnivora, componendosi di invertebrati e delle loro larve (spesso estratte mediante il forte becco dalla corteccia degli alberi), piccoli vertebrati (lucertole, scinchi e nidiacei), bacche e frutti.
La riproduzione avviene durante la seconda metà dell'anno: la costruzione del nido e la cova sono a completo carico della femmina, mentre le cure parentali verso i pulli sono condivise da ambedue i genitori.
Le tre specie di currawong sono diffuse lungo una vasta fascia costiera dell'Australia orientale, meridionale e sud-occidentale, oltre che in Tasmania.
L'habitat di questi uccelli, maggiormente legati alla presenza di una copertura arborea rispetto alle specie affini, è rappresentato dalle foreste di eucalipto, prediligendo per la riproduzione le foreste ben mature con grossi alberi: durante l'inverno australe, essi tendono a riunirsi in stormi e a migrare verso gli ambienti urbani, dove riescono a sopravvivere nutrendosi di rifiuti e piccoli animali attratti anch'essi dalla presenza umana, tendendo a divenire dominanti e scacciando le specie concorrenti.
Al genere vengono ascritte tre specie[1]:
Genere Strepera
In virtù della certa variabilità fra le sottospecie, in passato il genere è giunto a contare una decina di specie: a parte le differenze morfologiche e cromatiche, tuttavia, le differenze genetiche fra le varie sottospecie di ciascuna specie sono minime[1].
Strepera is een geslacht van zangvogels uit de familie orgelvogels (Cracticidae). Deze vogels heten in het Nederlands klauwierkraaien . De geslachtsnaam is ontleend aan het Klassiek Latijn: strepere betekent herrie maken.
Het zijn vrij grote vogels (45 tot meer dan 50 cm) die sterk op kraaiachtigen lijken, met een grote snavel en een geel oog.
Ze leven van insecten, afval en gebruiken hun grote snavels om larven onder boombast vandaan te halen.
Het zijn uitgesproken omnivoren die zich ophouden in open landschappen maar ook wel in steden en bij boomgaarden waar ze soms een plaag vormen.
Het geslacht kent de volgende soorten:[1]
Strepera is een geslacht van zangvogels uit de familie orgelvogels (Cracticidae). Deze vogels heten in het Nederlands klauwierkraaien . De geslachtsnaam is ontleend aan het Klassiek Latijn: strepere betekent herrie maken.
Strepera – rodzaj ptaka z rodziny ostrolotów (Artemidae).
Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące w Australii i na Tasmanii[4].
Długość ciała 44-57 cm, masa ciała 243-500 g (samce są większe i cięższe od samic)[5].
Nazwa rodzajowa pochodzi od nazwy gatunkowej Coracias strepera Latham 1790[b][6].
Coracias strepera Latham = Corvus graculinus J. White
Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[4][7]:
Strepera – rodzaj ptaka z rodziny ostrolotów (Artemidae).
Os currawongs (género Stepera) são aves passeriformes da família Artamidae, nativos da Austrália. O género é composto por três espécies.
O nome comum vem do chamamento do currawong-malhado, existente na parte oriental da Austrália, e é uma onomatopeia.
Os currawongs (género Stepera) são aves passeriformes da família Artamidae, nativos da Austrália. O género é composto por três espécies.
O nome comum vem do chamamento do currawong-malhado, existente na parte oriental da Austrália, e é uma onomatopeia.
Kurrawonger (Strepera) är släkte i familjen svalstarar inom ordningen tättingar.[1] Tidigare placerades de i den egna familjen törnkråkor tillsammans med Cracticus, Peltops och flöjtkråka (Gymnorhina tibicen) och vissa gör det fortfarande.[2] Allt oftare förs de tillsammans med svalstararna efter genetiska studier som visar att de är nära släkt.
Strepera omfattar tre arter som enbart förekommer i Australien:[1] [3]
Kurrawonger (Strepera) är släkte i familjen svalstarar inom ordningen tättingar. Tidigare placerades de i den egna familjen törnkråkor tillsammans med Cracticus, Peltops och flöjtkråka (Gymnorhina tibicen) och vissa gör det fortfarande. Allt oftare förs de tillsammans med svalstararna efter genetiska studier som visar att de är nära släkt.
Strepera omfattar tre arter som enbart förekommer i Australien:
Svartvit kurrawong (S. graculina) Svart kurrawong (S. fuliginosa) Grå kurrawong (S. versicolor)Strepera, Cracticidae familyasından Avustralasya'ya özgü ötücü kuş cinsidir. Karga ve kuzgunlara benzerler ama kargagiller ile uzaktan akrabadırlar.
Strepera cinsinde üç tür bulunmaktadır:
Strepera, Cracticidae familyasından Avustralasya'ya özgü ötücü kuş cinsidir. Karga ve kuzgunlara benzerler ama kargagiller ile uzaktan akrabadırlar.
Strepera là một chi chim trong họ Cracticidae.[1]
Strepera là một chi chim trong họ Cracticidae.