
Lori irisat ( Catalan; Valensian )

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El lori irisat (Trichoglossus moluccanus) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita els boscos de l'est d'Austràlia, des de Queensland fins a Tasmània. Conté diverses subespècies, ubicades tradicionalment a Trichoglossus haematodus.


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Lori irisat: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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El lori irisat (Trichoglossus moluccanus) és un ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita els boscos de l'est d'Austràlia, des de Queensland fins a Tasmània. Conté diverses subespècies, ubicades tradicionalment a Trichoglossus haematodus.

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Regenbogenlori ( Alman )

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Trichoglossus moluccanus mit offenen Schwingen, Brisbane
Bruthöhle in einem Termitennest
Junger weiblicher Regenbogenlori in einem Hinterhof von Sydney
Regenbogenlori, Melbourne, Australien

Der Regenbogenlori (Trichoglossus moluccanus) ist eine Art aus der Familie der Eigentlichen Papageien.


Der Regenbogenlori ist ein mittelgroßer Papagei, mit einer Länge von 25–30 cm. Das Gewicht variiert zwischen 125 und 150 g. Das Gefieder ist hell und leuchtend. Der Kopf ist tiefblau mit einem grünlich-gelben Nackenkragen und die Oberseite der Flügel, der Rücken, der Bürzel und der Schwanz sind grün. Der Schnabel ist orange-rot, die Brust variiert in rot-orange-gelben Tönen und der Bauch ist tiefblau. Im Flug hebt sich der breite gelbe Flügelstreif der Unterhandschwingen deutlich von den roten Unterarmdecken und dem braunen Flügelhinterrand ab.[1]

Es gibt keinen Unterschied im Aussehen bei den Geschlechtern (kein Geschlechtsdimorphismus). Eine sichere Geschlechtsbestimmung geschieht deshalb über einen DNA-Test. Die Jungvögel haben ein mattes Gefieder, braune Augen und einen schwarzen Schnabel, der nach und nach in den orange-roten Ton der adulten Vögel übergeht.[2]

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Der Regenbogenlori ist an der Ostküste von Australien beheimatet. An der Südwestküste von Australien wurde er wahrscheinlich in der Umgebung von Perth in den 1960er Jahren illegal eingeführt. Als Lebensraum bevorzugt er Wald, Steppe, Feuchtgebiete und Kulturland.[3]



Im nordöstlichen Regenwald von Australien ist der Regenbogenlori ein Standvogel. In den trockneren Regionen folgt er dem Nahrungsangebot und wird zum Nomaden. In großen Schwärmen nähern sich die Vögel blühenden Bäumen wie Eukalyptus, Melaleuca-, Banksia- und Grasbäumen, umkreisen sie mehrere Male, bevor sie sich niederlassen. Am Vormittag und Nachmittag halten sie sich auf den Futterbäumen auf, die nur während der Mittagshitze verlassen werden, um auf schattige Bäume in der Nähe auszuweichen. Bei Anbruch der Dämmerung kehrt der Schwarm zu seinen Schlafbäumen zurück. Nicht-brütende Vögel können sich zu Schwärmen von mehreren 1000 Vögeln zusammenschließen.[4]

Der Lebensraum der Regenbogenlori sind die Bäume. Solange es möglich ist, baden und trinken sie von deren Blättern und meiden den Boden. Wenn sie gezwungen werden, aus Wasserlöchern zu trinken, versuchen sie, von aus der Krone ragenden Ästen zum Wasser zu gelangen. Da Regenbogenloris besonders von Greifvögeln bejagt werden, tauchen sie nur kurz ins Wasser ein und verschwinden daraufhin sofort wieder im schützenden Gebüsch.[4]

Der Regenbogenlori mit seinem keilförmigen Schwanz und seiner stromlinienförmigen Fluggestalt ist ein gewandter Flieger. So kann er Greifvögeln durch blitzschnelle Wendungen ausweichen und Angriffen entgehen.[4]


Der Regenbogenlori ist ein Höhlenbrüter und nistet in Höhlungen und Astlöchern des Eukalyptus und Melaleucabäumen. Das Weibchen legt 2–3 Eier und brütet sie in circa 25 Tagen aus. Nach dem Ausschlüpfen verbringen die Jungen noch etwa 8 Wochen im Nest und werden danach noch einige Wochen von den Eltern gefüttert. Die Jungvögel kommen nackt auf die Welt und entwickeln ein weißes Dunenkleid, das später grau wird. Nach 14 Tagen öffnen sie die Augen.[4]

Regenbogenloris sind meistens monogam und leben mit dem gleichen Partner oder Partnerin lange Zeit, wenn nicht das ganze Leben, zusammen.[5]


Regenbogenloris ernähren sich von Nektar, Blütenteilen, Pollen, Blumenköpfen der Kasuarinen, Gemüseteile sowie Samen und kleinen Raupen.[4]


Der Regenbogenlori war eine der ersten australischen Papageienarten, der in der Form einer Abbildung nach Europa gekommen ist. 1776 erschien eine Zeichnung von ihm in der „New Illustrations of Zoology“ mit der Bezeichnung „The Blue-Bellied Parrot“ (Blaubauch-Papagei).[6] 1808 kamen die ersten Vögel in den Londoner Zoo und 1870 nach Deutschland, wo 1873 eine Erstzucht gelang.[4] Johann Friedrich Gmelin beschrieb den Regenbogenlori erstmals wissenschaftlich 1788 und bezeichnete ihn als Psittacus moluccanus.[7] Frühere gebräuchliche deutsche Bezeichnungen waren „Gebirgs-Allfarblori“, „Gebirgslori“ und „Lori von den Blauen Bergen“.[4]

Für die Liste der nachfolgend aufgeführten Unterarten des Allfarbloris sind folgende taxonomischen Organisationen zugezogen worden:

Gemäß den aufgeführten Behörden besteht eine Einigkeit bei zwei Unterarten, die dem Regenbogenlori zugewiesen werden können:[8]

Bestand und Gefährdung

Die aktuelle taxonomische Einordnung des Regenbogenloris hat dazu geführt, dass die Art auf der Roten Liste gefährdeter Arten zwar als „nicht gefährdet“ (Least Concern) eingestuft wird, dass die Population aber eine sinkende Tendenz im Bestand aufweist.[12]


Die Kontrolle des Handels wird über CITES Anhang II[13] geregelt. Die Ein- und Ausfuhr sowie die Wiederausfuhr erfordert eine Genehmigung oder Bescheinigung des jeweiligen Ausfuhrstaates.[14]


  1. HBW Checklist. Abgerufen am 28. Januar 2021.
  2. Rainbow Lorikeet Information. Abgerufen am 2. Februar 2021.
  3. IUCN Trichoglossus moluccanus. Abgerufen am 1. Februar 2021. ; Tamra Chapman: The status and impact of the Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus) in South-West Western Australia. Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, Perth. Report 04/2005. Online
  4. a b c d e f g Theo Pagel: Loris: Freileben, Haltung und Zucht der Pinselzungenpapageien. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1998. S. 172–175.
  5. Bradley Trevor Greive: Priceless: The Vanishing Beauty of A Fragile Planet. Andrews McMeel Publishing 202. S. 144.
  6. Peter Brown: New Illustrations of Zoology, containing fifty coloured Plates of new, curious, and non-descript Birds, with a few Quadrupeds, Reptiles and Insects. London 1776. S. 14. online
  7. Johann Friedrich Gmelin: Caroli a Linné systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Band 1. Georg Emanuel Beer, Leipzig 1788–1793. 1788. S. 316. online
  8. Avibase – Die Weltvogel-Datenbank. Abgerufen am 1. Februar 2021.
  9. Avibase – Die Weltvogel-Datenbank. Abgerufen am 1. Februar 2021.
  10. a b IOC World Bird List. Abgerufen am 1. Februar 2021.
  11. Avibase – Die Weltvogel-Datenbank. Abgerufen am 1. Februar 2021.
  12. IUCN Trichoglossus moluccanus. Abgerufen am 1. Februar 2021.
  13. CITES Appendices. Abgerufen am 21. Februar 2021.
  14. CITES Regeln. Abgerufen am 21. Februar 2021.
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Regenbogenlori: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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 src= Trichoglossus moluccanus mit offenen Schwingen, Brisbane  src= Bruthöhle in einem Termitennest  src= Junger weiblicher Regenbogenlori in einem Hinterhof von Sydney  src= Regenbogenlori, Melbourne, Australien

Der Regenbogenlori (Trichoglossus moluccanus) ist eine Art aus der Familie der Eigentlichen Papageien.

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Rainbow lorikeet ( Anglèis )

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The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a species of parrot found in Australia. It is common along the eastern seaboard, from northern Queensland to South Australia. Its habitat is rainforest, coastal bush and woodland areas. Six taxa traditionally listed as subspecies of the rainbow lorikeet are now treated as separate species (see Taxonomy).

Rainbow lorikeets have been introduced to Perth, Western Australia;[2] Tasmania;[3] Auckland, New Zealand;[4] and Hong Kong.[5]


The rainbow lorikeet was formally listed in 1788 by the German naturalist Johann Friedrich Gmelin under the binomial name Psittacus moluccanus.[6] Gmelin cited the French polymath Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon who in 1779 had published a description of "La Perruche à Face Bleu" in his Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux.[7] The species was illustrated as the "Peluche des Moluques"[8] and as the "Perruche d'Amboine".[9] Gmelin was misled and coined the specific epithet moluccanus as he believed the specimens had come from the Moluccas. The type locality was changed to Botany Bay in Australia by Gregory Mathews in 1916.[10][11] The rainbow lorikeet is now placed in the genus Trichoglossus that was introduced in 1826 by the English naturalist James Francis Stephens.[12][13]

Two subspecies are recognised:[13]

  • T. m. septentrionalis Robinson, 1900 – Cape York Peninsula (northeast Australia)
  • T. m. moluccanus (Gmelin, JF, 1788) – Australia (except Cape York Peninsula) and Tasmania

The rainbow lorikeet has often included the red-collared lorikeet (T. rubritorquis) as a subspecies, but today most major authorities consider it separate.[14][15] Additionally, a review in 1997 led to the recommendation of splitting off some of the most distinctive taxa from the Lesser Sundas as separate species, these being the scarlet-breasted lorikeet (T. forsteni), the marigold lorikeet (T. capistratus) and the Flores lorikeet (T. weberi).[16] This is increasingly followed by major authorities.[14][15] In 2019 The rainbow lorikeet in Australia was split into three: rainbow, coconut (Trichoglossus haematodus) and red-collared lorikeets (Trichoglossus rubritorquis).[17]

Syntypes of Trichoglossus novaehollandiae septentrionalis Robinson (NML-VZ 23.7.1900.4; NML-VZ 23.7.1900.4a; NML-VZ 23.7.1900.4b) held at World Museum, National Museums Liverpool

Three syntypes of Trichoglossus novaehollandiae septentrionalis Robinson (Bull. Liverpool Mus., 2, 1900, p.115) are held in the vertebrate zoology collection of National Museums Liverpool at World Museum, with accession numbers NML-VZ 23.7.1900.4, NML-VZ 23.7.1900.4a, and NML-VZ 23.7.1900.4b.[18] The specimens were collected in Cooktown, Queensland, Australia by E. Olive. The specimens came to the Liverpool national collection via purchase from H. C. Robinson.[19]


The rainbow lorikeet is a medium-sized parrot, with the length ranging from 25 to 30 cm (9.8 to 11.8 in) including the tail, and the weight varies from 75 to 157 g (2.6–5.5 oz). The plumage of the nominate race, as with all subspecies, is very bright and colorful. The head is deep blue with a greenish-yellow nuchal collar, and the rest of the upper parts (wings, back and tail) are green. The chest is orange/yellow. The belly is deep blue, and the thighs and rump are green. In flight a yellow wing-bar contrasts clearly with the red underwing coverts. There is little to visually distinguish between the sexes.

Juveniles have a black beak, which gradually brightens to orange in the adults.

The markings of Trichoglossus moluccanus resemble those of the coconut lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus), but with a blue belly and a more orange breast with little or no blue-black barring.[20]


Unlike the eclectus parrot, rainbow lorikeets do not have any immediately discernible dimorphic traits. Males and females look identical, and surgical sexing by a vet or DNA analysis of a feather is used to determine the sex of an individual.[21][22]


Rainbow lorikeets often travel together in pairs and occasionally respond to calls to fly as a flock, then disperse again into pairs. Rainbow lorikeet pairs defend their feeding and nesting areas aggressively against other rainbow lorikeets and other bird species. They chase off not only smaller birds such as the noisy miner and the little wattlebird, but also larger birds such as the Australian magpie.


Rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus, feeding at Adelaide Airport
In Brisbane, Queensland.

Rainbow lorikeets feed mainly on fruit, pollen and nectar, and possess a tongue adapted especially for their particular diet. The end of the tongue is equipped with a papillate appendage adapted to gathering pollen and nectar from flowers.[23] Nectar from eucalyptus is important in Australia, other important nectar sources are Pittosporum, Grevillea, Spathodea campanulata (African tulip-tree), and Metroxylon sagu (sago palm).[20] In Melanesia coconuts are very important food sources, and rainbow lorikeets are important pollinators of these.[24] They also consume the fruits of Ficus, Trema, Muntingia, as well as papaya and mangoes already opened by fruit bats. They also eat crops such as apples, and will raid maize and sorghum.[20] They are also frequent visitors at bird feeders placed in gardens, which supply store-bought nectar, sunflower seeds, and fruits such as apples, grapes and pears.

In many places, including campsites and suburban gardens, wild lorikeets are so used to humans that they can be hand-fed. The Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary in Queensland, Australia, is noted for its thousands of lorikeets. Around 8am and 4pm each day the birds gather in a huge, noisy flock in the park's main area. Visitors are encouraged to feed them a specially prepared nectar, and the birds will happily settle on people's arms and heads to consume it. Wild rainbow lorikeets can also be hand-fed by visitors at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Semi-tame lorikeets are common daily visitors in many Sydney backyards, though many people, ignorant of their dietary requirements, feed them bread or bread coated with honey. This is an inadequate source of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the rainbow lorikeet requires and can lead to health and feather formation issues in young lorikeets.[25] Packet mixes with a nutritional mix suitable for feeding lorikeets are generally available from vets and pet stores.[26]


Rainbow lorikeets mating at Peel Zoo, Western Australia

In southern Australia, breeding usually occurs from late winter to early summer (August to January). Elsewhere in Australia, breeding has been recorded in every month except March, varying from region to region due to changes in food availability and climate.[27] Nesting sites are variable and can include hollows of tall trees such as eucalypts, palm trunks, or overhanging rock.[27] One population in the Admiralty Islands nests in holes in the ground on predator-free islets.[28] Pairs sometimes nest in the same tree with other rainbow lorikeet pairs, or other bird species.[27] The clutch size is between one and three eggs, which are incubated for around 25 days.[20] Incubation duties are carried out by the female alone.[24]

Rainbow lorikeets are mostly monogamous and remain paired for long periods, if not for life.[29]

A 12-week-old female rainbow lorikeet in a back yard in Sydney


Overall, the rainbow lorikeet remains widespread and often common. According to the annual Birdlife Australia census, it is the most commonly observed bird in Australia.[30] It is therefore considered to be of least concern by BirdLife International. The status for some localised subspecies is more precarious, with especially T. h. rosenbergii, the Biak lorikeet (which possibly is worthy of treatment as a separate species), being threatened by habitat loss and capture for the parrot trade.[15][31]

As a pest

Introduced to Western Australia

The rainbow lorikeet was accidentally released into the southwest of Western Australia near the University of Western Australia in the 1960s and they have since been classified as a pest.[2]

A feral population of rainbow lorikeets was established in New Zealand after a North Shore, Auckland, resident illegally[32] released significant numbers of captive-reared birds in the area in the 1990s, which started breeding in the wild. By 1999, a self-sustaining feral population of 150–200 birds had been established in the region, proving that they could survive and adapt to the New Zealand environment.[33] The Department of Conservation, concerned that rainbow lorikeets would outcompete native honeyeaters and by the possible threat to pristine island habitats such as Little Barrier Island, began eradicating the feral population in 2000. MPI (the Ministry of Primary Industries) Bio-security, in partnership with DOC and regional councils, now manages rainbow lorikeets under the National Interest Pest Response initiative. The aim of the response is to prevent rainbow lorikeets from becoming established in the wild.[33] Late in 2010, five of these birds were discovered living in the Mount Maunganui area. They were fed for a few days before being trapped by a Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries contractor.[34]

Many fruit orchard owners consider them a pest, as they often fly in groups and strip trees containing fresh fruit. In urban areas, the birds create nuisance noise and foul outdoor areas and vehicles with droppings.[27]

In Western Australia, a major impact of the rainbow lorikeet is competition with indigenous bird species. This includes domination of food sources and competition for increasingly scarce nesting hollows.[27] Bird species such as the purple-crowned lorikeet, the Carnaby's black cockatoo,[27] and the Australian ringneck are adversely affected or displaced.


Lorikeet paralysis syndrome

A syndrome of uncertain etiology affects rainbow lorikeets every year. Every year in southeast Queensland and northeast New South Wales thousands become paralysed, most significantly, unable to fly or eat. Because this problem is highly seasonal - occurring only October-June and most intensively December-February - it is likely this is a form of plant poisoning. This pattern suggests it is due to the fruits of an unknown plant which only blooms from the spring - the autumn (the fall), and most intensively in the summer.[35]


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2016). "Trichoglossus moluccanus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22725334A95228767. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22725334A95228767.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b ScienceWA Rainbow lorikeet joins Perth pest list Archived 2014-07-26 at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ "Are rainbow lorikeets a threat to Tasmanian fruit growers?". 30 May 2017.
  4. ^ Rainbow Lorikeet pest Archived 2007-03-21 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ "BirdLife Data Zone". www.birdlife.org.
  6. ^ Gmelin, Johann Friedrich (1788). Systema naturae per regna tria naturae : secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis Volume 1, Part 1 (in Latin) (13th ed.). Lipsiae [Leipzig]: Georg. Emanuel. Beer. p. 316.
  7. ^ Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de (1780). "La Perruche à Face Bleu". Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux (in French). Vol. 6. Paris: De l'Imprimerie Royale. p. 278.
  8. ^ Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de; Martinet, François-Nicolas; Daubenton, Edme-Louis; Daubenton, Louis-Jean-Marie (1765–1783). "Perruche d'Amboine". Planches Enluminées D'Histoire Naturelle. Vol. 1. Paris: De L'Imprimerie Royale. Plate 61.
  9. ^ Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de; Martinet, François-Nicolas; Daubenton, Edme-Louis; Daubenton, Louis-Jean-Marie (1765–1783). "Perruche d'Amboine". Planches Enluminées D'Histoire Naturelle. Vol. 8. Paris: De L'Imprimerie Royale. Plate 743.
  10. ^ Mathews, Gregory (1916). Birds of Australia. Vol. 6. London: Witherby. p. 14.
  11. ^ Peters, James Lee, ed. (1937). Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 3. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. p. 151.
  12. ^ Stephens, James Francis (1812). General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History Volume 14, Part 1. London: Kearsley et al. p. 129.
  13. ^ a b Gill, Frank; Donsker, David; Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (July 2021). "Parrots, cockatoos". IOC World Bird List Version 11.2. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved 25 July 2021.
  14. ^ a b Dickinson, E. C. (editor) (2003). The Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World. 3d edition. Christopher Helm. ISBN 0-7136-6536-X
  15. ^ a b c Gill, F., M. Wright, & D. Donsker (2010). IOC World Bird Names. Version 2.4. Accessed 25-04-2010
  16. ^ Schodde, R. & I. J. Mason (1997). Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Volume 37, Part 2: Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). Australian Biological Resources Study. ISBN 0-643-06037-5
  17. ^ Collins, Ben (2019-12-19). "Rainbow lorikeet is not one, but actually six different species". ABC News. Retrieved 2020-04-05.
  18. ^ "Vertebrate Zoology". www.gbif.org. Retrieved 2021-12-01.
  19. ^ R. Wagstaffe (1978-12-01). Type Specimens of Birds in the Merseyside County Museums (formerly City of Liverpool Museums).
  20. ^ a b c d Collar N (1997). "Family Psittacidae (Parrots)" in Handbook of the Birds of the World Volume 4; Sandgrouse to Cuckoos (eds del Hoyo J, Elliott A, Sargatal J) Lynx Edicions: Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-22-9, pp. 420–425
  21. ^ "Rainbow Lorikeet Information". Birdsville. Retrieved 17 December 2016.
  22. ^ Owen, Mike. "Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus". Birds of Australia. Retrieved 17 December 2016.
  23. ^ Low, R. (1977): Lories and Lorikeets – the brush-tongued parrots. Paul Elek Ltd., London
  24. ^ a b Bregulla, Heinrich (1992). Birds of Vanuatu. Oswestry, England: Anthony Nelson. pp. 189–191. ISBN 0-904614-34-4.
  25. ^ "Rainbow Lorikeet Diet, Habitat & Reproduction -". NSW: Reptilepark.com.au. Retrieved 2018-04-14.
  26. ^ "Feeding Lorikeets". Burke's Backyard. Retrieved 16 December 2016.
  27. ^ a b c d e f Tamra Chapman. "The status and impact of the Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus) in South-West Western Australia" (PDF). Wildlife Branch, Department of Conservation and Land Management. Retrieved 18 October 2017.
  28. ^ Lecroy, M; Peckover, WS; K Kisokau (1992). "A Population of Rainbow Lorikeets Trichoglossus haematodus flavicans Roosting and Nesting on the Ground". Emu. 92 (3): 187–190. doi:10.1071/MU9920187.
  29. ^ Greive, Bradley Trevor (2002). Priceless: The Vanishing Beauty of A Fragile Planet. Andrews McMeel Publishing. p. 144. ISBN 978-0740726958. Retrieved 17 December 2016. rainbow lorikeet monogamous.
  30. ^ "2016 Aussie Backyard Bird Count Results". Bird Life Australia. Retrieved 16 December 2016.
  31. ^ Juniper, T., & M. Parr (1998). A Guide to the Parrots of the World. Pica Press. ISBN 1-873403-40-2
  32. ^ Keeling, P. & Polkanov, A. 'The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) problem in New Zealand' from Conference Abstracts, 175; Notorins
  33. ^ a b New Zealand Department of Conservation. "Animal pests A–Z". www.doc.govt.nz.
  34. ^ Betty Jeeves; 'Rainbow Lorikeets Gone From Bay', 17 August 2011; Bay of Plenty Times
  35. ^ "Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome Project". The University of Sydney. 2021-06-23. Retrieved 2021-07-17.

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Rainbow lorikeet: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

The rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a species of parrot found in Australia. It is common along the eastern seaboard, from northern Queensland to South Australia. Its habitat is rainforest, coastal bush and woodland areas. Six taxa traditionally listed as subspecies of the rainbow lorikeet are now treated as separate species (see ).

Rainbow lorikeets have been introduced to Perth, Western Australia; Tasmania; Auckland, New Zealand; and Hong Kong.

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Trichoglossus moluccanus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da wikipedia ES

El lori arcoíris (Trichoglossus moluccanus)[2][3]​ es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Psittaculidae endémica de Australia.


  1. BirdLife International (2016). «Trichoglossus moluccanus». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2018.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 31 de diciembre de 2018.
  2. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (1998). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Cuarta parte: Pterocliformes, Columbiformes, Psittaciformes y Cuculiformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 45 (1): 87-96. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 31 de diciembre de 2018.
  3. «Lori arcoiris Trichoglossus moluccanus (Gmelin, JF, 1788)». en Avibase. Consultado el 31 de diciembre de 2018.

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wikipedia ES

Trichoglossus moluccanus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da wikipedia ES

El lori arcoíris (Trichoglossus moluccanus)​​ es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Psittaculidae endémica de Australia.

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Trichoglossus moluccanus ( Basch )

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Trichoglossus moluccanus Trichoglossus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Trichoglossus moluccanus: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Trichoglossus moluccanus Trichoglossus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Loriquet arc-en-ciel ( Fransèis )

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Trichoglossus moluccanus

Loriquet arc-en-ciel.

Le Loriquet arc-en-ciel (Trichoglossus moluccanus) est une espèce d'oiseaux originaire de l'est de l'Australie (Queensland à Tasmanie).

Il est souvent considéré comme une sous-espèce de Trichoglossus haematodus.



Écologie et comportement

Habitat et répartition

Il vit dans l'est de l'Australie (Queensland à Tasmanie).



D'après la classification de référence (version 5.1, 2015) du Congrès ornithologique international, cette espèce est constituée des sous-espèces suivantes (ordre phylogénique) :

  • Trichoglossus moluccanus moluccanus
  • Trichoglossus moluccanus septentrionalis

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Loriquet arc-en-ciel: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Trichoglossus moluccanus

 src= Loriquet arc-en-ciel.

Le Loriquet arc-en-ciel (Trichoglossus moluccanus) est une espèce d'oiseaux originaire de l'est de l'Australie (Queensland à Tasmanie).

Il est souvent considéré comme une sous-espèce de Trichoglossus haematodus.

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Trichoglossus moluccanus ( Italian )

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Il lorichetto di Swainson (Trichoglossus moluccanus (J.F.Gmelin, 1788)) è un uccello della famiglia Psittaculidae endemico dell'Australia[3].


Il lorichetto di Swainson, con una lunghezza che varia tra i 25 e i 30 cm, coda inclusa e con un peso che va dai 75 ai 157 grammi, è da considerarsi un pappagallo di taglia media[4]. Questa specie di lorichetto presenta una variabilità intra specifica molto alta Presenta un piumaggio dai colori molto accesi oltre che presentare una variabilità intraspecifica molto alta, è tuttavia possibile fare una descrizione del piumaggio della specie basandosi su quella che è la sua forma tipica. Il lorichetto arcobaleno deve il suo nome comune alla vivacità e alla varietà dei colori del suo piumaggio; esso presenta una testa di colore blu inteso, talvolta tendente al viole o al marrone, con una banda sulla nuca giallo-verdastra, il dorso, la coda e le ali sono di un verde brillante, più o meno puntinato di verde e talvolta anche di blu. Sulla parte interna le ali sono gialle contornate di nero. Il petto varia dal giallo al rosso, passando per le varie sfumature di arancione; la pancia è di colore blu intenso mentre le cosce e la groppa sono di colore giallo intenso. Il becco, di grandi dimensioni, è d'arancione scuro, quasi rosso. Il Trichoglossus weberi non presenta dimorfismo sessuale, il piumaggio e le dimensioni del maschio e della femmina sono perciò del tutto simili.

La colorazione del lorichetto di Swainson assomiglia molto a quella del lorichetto dei cocchi, che tuttavia ha la pancia verde anziché blu e il petto con strie trie blu o nere molto marcate, quasi del tutto assenti nel lorichetto arcobaleno[5].


I lorichetti di Swainson volano spesso in coppie e occasionalmente e per breve durata volano in piccoli stormi. Le coppie difendono le loro aree di nidificazione e di alimentazione in modo aggressivo dalle intrusioni di altri cospecifici, ma anche da intrusioni di altre specie, sia esse più grandi o più piccole di loro.


I lorichetti di Swainson si nutrono principalmente di frutta, pollini e nettare; essi possiedono una lingua specializzata per questo tipo particolare di dieta, infatti nella parte terminale essa è dotata di una appendice papillare atta a raccogliere dai fiori il nettere e il polline[6]. In Australia la loro fonte principale di polline sono i fiori di eucalyptus, ma anche di Pittosporum, Grevillea, Spathodea campanulata e Metroxylon sagu[5]. Oltre al polline i lorichetti di questa specie consumano i frutti del genere Ficus, Trema, Mutingia e frutti quali la papaya e il mango, precedentemente aperti dai pipistrelli della frutta. Questi pappagalli si cibano anche di culture come mele, mais e sorgo[5].


Un Lorichetto di Swainson esce dal nido ricavo in un eucalipto nel Queensland.

I lorichetti di Swainson sono per lo più monogami e le coppie rimangono unite per lunghi periodi, se non per l'intera vita[7]. In Australia, la riproduzione avviene normalmente durante la primavera australe, da settembre a dicembre, tuttavia può variare da zona a zona in base alla diversa disponibilità di cibo o al clima locale. Il luogo della nidificazione è variabile e include le cavità di alberi ad alto fusto come gli eucalipti, i tronchi delle palme e anche rocce a strapiombo[8]. Una popolazione residente su isolette prive di predatori dell'arcipelago delle Isole dell'Ammiragliato nidifica in cavità del terreno[9]. Talvolta una coppia può nidificare sullo stesso albero insieme a un'altra coppia di lorichetti arcobaleno o di altre specie di uccelli[8]. La femmina di lorichetto arcobaleno depone sino a tre uova, che vengono covate esclusivamente da essa per circa 25 giorni[5][10]

Relazioni con l'uomo

Il lorichetto di Swainson è diffuso in tutto il mondo come animale da compagnia.

Distribuzione e habitat

Il lorichetto di Swainson è un pappagallo endemico dell'Australia; infatti esso abita le regioni costiere orientali e meridionali di questa nazione, in particolare è possibile trovarlo nel Queensland orientale, nel Nuovo Galles del Sud orientale e meridionale e intorno e a est del golfo di Spencer, nella parte costiera della regione dell'Australia Meridionale. È inoltre possibile trovare questa specie in molte delle Torres Strait Islands, situate tra Australia e Papua Nuova Guinea.[11] Questo pappagallo è stato introdotto con successo nell'area circostante la città di Perth[12] e in altre zone dell'Australia occidentale, in Tasmania[13], Auckland, Nuova Zelanda[14] e Hong Kong[15].

L'habitat di Trichoglossus weberi comprende la foresta tropicale, le aree boschive e le aree cespugliose costiere.


Questa specie oggi è suddivisa in queste due sottospecie[3]:

  • Trichoglossus moluccanus moluccanus (J.F.Gmelin, 1788) - sottospecie nominale;
  • Trichoglossus moluccanus septentrionalis Robinson, 1900 - diffusa nella penisola di Cape York.

Higgins e Davies nel 1996 e Forshaw nel 2006, hanno proposto l'istituzione di una terza sottospecie T. m. eyrei, anche se ufficialmente non è ancora stata riconosciuta[3].

Va inoltre detto che le specie Trichoglossus forsteni, Trichoglossus capistratus e Trichoglossus weberi erano considerate sottospecie del lorichetto di Swainson sino al 1997, quando ci fu una revisione sistematica.[16].


  1. ^ (EN) BirdLife International 2015, Trichoglossus moluccanus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ Trichoglossus moluccanus, in Avibase - il database degli uccelli nel mondo, Bird Studies Canada.
  3. ^ a b c (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Psittaculidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 25 gennaio 2018.
  4. ^ Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus), su hbw.com. URL consultato il 25 gennaio 2017.
  5. ^ a b c d Collar N, "Family Psittacidae (Parrots)", in Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 4, Barcelona, Lynx Edicions, 1997, pp. 420–425, ISBN 84-87334-22-9.
  6. ^ Low, R. (1977): Lories and Lorikeets - the brush-tongued parrots. Paul Elek Ltd., London
  7. ^ Bradley Trevor Greive, Priceless: The Vanishing Beauty of A Fragile Planet, p. 144, ISBN 978-0-7407-2695-8. URL consultato il 17 dicembre 2016.
  8. ^ a b Tamra Chapman, The status and impact of the Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus) in South-West Western Australia (PDF), in Wildlife Branch, Department of Conservation and Land Management. URL consultato il 18 ottobre 2017.
  9. ^ M Lecroy, WS Peckover e K Kisokau, A Population of Rainbow Lorikeets Trichoglossus haematodus flavicans Roosting and Nesting on the Ground, in Emu, vol. 92, n. 3, 1992, pp. 187–190, DOI:10.1071/MU9920187.
  10. ^ Heinrich Bregulla, Birds of Vanuatu, Anthony Nelson, 1992, pp. 189–191, ISBN 0-904614-34-4.
  11. ^ Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus moluccanus, su datazone.birdlife.org. URL consultato il 25 gennaio 2018.
  12. ^ ScienceWA Rainbow lorikeet joins Perth pest list Archiviato il 26 luglio 2014 in Internet Archive.
  13. ^ Are introduced rainbow lorikeets a threat to Tasmanian fruit growers?
  14. ^ Rainbow Lorikeet pest Archiviato il 21 marzo 2007 in Internet Archive.
  15. ^ Birdlife Species Factsheet (additional data)
  16. ^ Schodde, R. & I. J. Mason (1997). Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Volume 37, Part 2: Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). Australian Biological Resources Study. ISBN 0-643-06037-5

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Trichoglossus moluccanus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il lorichetto di Swainson (Trichoglossus moluccanus (J.F.Gmelin, 1788)) è un uccello della famiglia Psittaculidae endemico dell'Australia.

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Lori van de Blauwe Bergen ( olandèis; flamand )

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De lori van de Blauwe Bergen (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is een regenbooglori. Deze soort komt voor in oostelijk Australië en Tasmanië (het gebied van de Blauwe Bergen). Daar heet deze lori Swainson's Lorikeet. Deze vogelsoort wordt ook wel beschouwd als een ondersoort van de regenbooglori, T. h. moluccanus.

Een lori van de Blauwe Bergen gefotografeerd in Victoria (Australië)

Uiterlijke kenmerken

De lori van de Blauwe Bergen is een opvallend fraai gekleurde vogel. De kop is felblauw met een oranjeachtige snavelkleur. De borst is egaal oranje (zonder streping) en de buik is blauw. De rug is groen en over de achterkant van de kop loopt een geelgroene band. Lori's van de Blauwe Bergen worden ongeveer 30 cm groot en hebben een ringmaat van 7mm. Het verschil tussen een mannetje en een vrouwtje is in de hand niet te zien; het sekse-onderscheid kan alleen via endoscopisch of chromosomaal onderzoek worden gemaakt.[bron?]

Verspreiding en leefgebied

De IOC World Bird List onderscheidt twee ondersoorten.[2]

  • T. h. septentrionalis op het Kaap York-schiereiland Pen. (noordoostelijk Australië)
  • T. h. moluccanus, Geheel Australië behalve Kaap York en inclusief Tasmanië


Als alle soorten lori's bestaat het voedsel uit nectar en stuifmeel van inheemse planten en bomen. Daarnaast bestaat het voedsel ook uit fruit en zaden, vaak van planten van uitheemse oorsprong zoals het zaad van sorgosoorten.[3]


De lori van de Blauwe Bergen heeft een groot verspreidingsgebied en daardoor is de kans op de status kwetsbaar (voor uitsterven) gering. De grootte van de wereldpopulatie is niet gekwantificeerd. De soort is nog talrijk in noord Australië, maar zeldzaam op Tasmanië. De soort gaat in aantal achteruit door het vangen van levende dieren. Echter, het tempo van achteruitgang ligt onder de 30% in tien jaar (minder dan 3,5% per jaar). Om deze redenen staat de vogel als niet bedreigd op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN. Er gelden sinds 1981 beperkingen voor de handel in deze lori, want de soort staat in de Bijlage II van het CITES-verdrag.[1]

Verzorging en gedrag als kooivogel

Het zijn actieve en nieuwsgierige vogels. Als ze vanaf jonge leeftijd bij mensen zijn, kunnen ze erg tam worden, maar het blijven zeer luidruchtige vogels. Het liefst worden ze in een paartje gehouden. Ook nemen ze graag regelmatig een waterbad. Het zijn drukke vogels die graag klimmen en knagen, ook zullen ze snel om aandacht gaan roepen. Ze richten zich veel op een persoon waardoor een lori erg fel naar anderen kan worden.[bron?]

In Nederland

In Nederland leeft een grote populatie lori's van de Blauwe Bergen in de Jungola van Wildlands in Emmen. Maar ook is er een grote populatie in vogelpark AviFauna in Alphen aan den Rijn.

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Lori van de Blauwe Bergen: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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De lori van de Blauwe Bergen (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is een regenbooglori. Deze soort komt voor in oostelijk Australië en Tasmanië (het gebied van de Blauwe Bergen). Daar heet deze lori Swainson's Lorikeet. Deze vogelsoort wordt ook wel beschouwd als een ondersoort van de regenbooglori, T. h. moluccanus.

 src= Een lori van de Blauwe Bergen gefotografeerd in Victoria (Australië)
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Regnbågslorikit ( svedèis )

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För fågelarten Trichoglossus haematodus, se kokoslorikit.

Regnbågslorikit[2] (Trichoglossus moluccanus) är en fågel i familjen östpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.[3]

Ubredning och systematik

Regnbågslorikit delas in i två underarter med följande utbredning:[3]

Den betraktas ofta som underart till T. haematodus.[4]


IUCN kategoriserar arten som livskraftig.[1]


  1. ^ [a b] Birdlife International 2014 Trichoglossus moluccanus Från: IUCN 2014. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2015-01-26.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2014) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter Arkiverad 18 oktober 2014 hämtat från the Wayback Machine., läst 2015-01-01
  3. ^ [a b] Gill, F & D Donsker (Eds). 2015. IOC World Bird List (v 5.1). doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.5.1.
  4. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2014) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.9 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2015-01-01

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Regnbågslorikit: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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För fågelarten Trichoglossus haematodus, se kokoslorikit.

Regnbågslorikit (Trichoglossus moluccanus) är en fågel i familjen östpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar.

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