L'enganyapastors de Brewster (Siphonorhis brewsteri) és un ocell de la família dels caprimúlgids (Caprimulgidae) i possiblement l'única espècie viva del gènere Siphonorhis.
Viu sobre terres baixes semiàrides i boscos rabassuts de les illes Hispaniola i Gonâve.
S'han descrit dues subespècies:
L'enganyapastors de Brewster (Siphonorhis brewsteri) és un ocell de la família dels caprimúlgids (Caprimulgidae) i possiblement l'única espècie viva del gènere Siphonorhis.
Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Hebogdroellwr bach (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: hebogdroellwyr bach) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Siphonorhis brewsteri; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Least pauraque. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Troellwyr (Lladin: Caprimulgidae) sydd yn urdd y Caprimulgiformes.[1]
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn S. brewsteri, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2]
Mae'r hebogdroellwr bach yn perthyn i deulu'r Troellwyr (Lladin: Caprimulgidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:
Rhestr Wicidata:
rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Cudylldroellwr bach Chordeiles acutipennis Cudylldroellwr bychan Chordeiles pusillus Cudylldroellwr cynffonresog Nyctiprogne leucopyga Cudylldroellwr gwelw Chordeiles rupestris Cudylldroellwr mawr Chordeiles nacunda Cudylldroellwr torchog Lurocalis semitorquatus Cudylldroellwr torgoch Lurocalis rufiventris Cudylldroellwr y Caribî Chordeiles gundlachii Troellwr Archbold Eurostopodus archboldi Troellwr cythreulig Eurostopodus diabolicus Troellwr gyddfwyn Eurostopodus mystacalis Troellwr mannog Eurostopodus argus Troellwr Papwa Eurostopodus papuensisAderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Hebogdroellwr bach (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: hebogdroellwyr bach) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Siphonorhis brewsteri; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Least pauraque. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Troellwyr (Lladin: Caprimulgidae) sydd yn urdd y Caprimulgiformes.
Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn S. brewsteri, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.
The least poorwill or least pauraque (Siphonorhis brewsteri) is a species of nightjar in the family Caprimulgidae, and the only confirmed extant species of its genus. It is endemic to the island of Hispaniola, which is shared by the Dominican Republic and Haiti.[2]
The least poorwill was previously considered conspecific with the Jamaican poorwill (Siphonorhis americana), which is now believed to be extinct. It has two subspecies, the nominate S. b. brewsteri and S. b. gonavensis.[2][3]
The least poorwill is 17 to 21.5 cm (6.7 to 8.5 in) long. The nominate subspecies' upperparts are grayish brown with blackish streaks and the folded wing shows bold white spots. It has a wide buff collar on the hindneck. The breast is dark brown with white spots and the belly white with brown bars and vermiculation. All but the central tail feathers have narrow pale tips, white in the male and buff in the female. S. b. gonavensis is thought to be smaller and paler overall.[3]
The nominate subspecies of least poorwill is found in the central and western parts of the Dominican Republic, especially Pedernales, Independencia, and Barahona Provinces, and adjoining Ouest Department in Haiti. S. b. gonavensis is found only on Haiti's Ile de la Gonâve. The species is thought to be generally rare, although it can be locally common, and is possibly under-reported. Recorded sightings are most common in the Dominican Republic, with very few in Haiti.[1][3]
The least poorwill inhabits arid to semi-arid landscapes such as limestone woodland and areas of cactus and thorn scrub. It also occurs in deciduous, coniferous, and mixed forest. In elevation it ranges from sea level to 800 m (2,600 ft).[3]
Little is known about the least poorwill's feeding behavior and diet, though the latter is believed to be insects.[3]
The least poorwill is believed to breed between April and June. One clutch of two eggs was laid directly on the ground with no nest.[3]
The male least poorwill's song is "a whistled 'toorrrrri' rising in pitch, or a warbled 'tworrri'." The species also makes "short, whistled 'toorric' or 'to-ic'" calls and "dove-like scratchy sounds".[3]
The IUCN originally assessed the least poorwill in 1988 as Near Threatened and changed the rating to Data Deficient in 2000. Since 2007 it has again been assessed as Near Threatened. Its population is estimated at fewer than 15,000 mature individuals and is decreasing. The primary threats are habitat destruction and predation by introduced mongooses and rats.[1][3]
The least poorwill or least pauraque (Siphonorhis brewsteri) is a species of nightjar in the family Caprimulgidae, and the only confirmed extant species of its genus. It is endemic to the island of Hispaniola, which is shared by the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
El chotacabras torico (Siphonorhis brewsteri)[2] es una especie de ave caprimulgiforme de la familia Caprimulgidae endémica de la isla de La Española. Su hábitat natural son los bosques tropicales isleños. Hay muy poca información sobre esta ave, y solo ha sido descrita en 1917.
El chotacabras torico (Siphonorhis brewsteri) es una especie de ave caprimulgiforme de la familia Caprimulgidae endémica de la isla de La Española. Su hábitat natural son los bosques tropicales isleños. Hay muy poca información sobre esta ave, y solo ha sido descrita en 1917.
Siphonorhis brewsteri Siphonorhis generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Caprimulgidae familian sailkatua dago.
Siphonorhis brewsteri Siphonorhis generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Caprimulgidae familian sailkatua dago.
Siphonorhis brewsteri
L'Engoulevent grouillécor (Siphonorhis brewsteri) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Caprimulgidae.
Cet oiseau vit sur Hispaniola.
Siphonorhis brewsteri
L'Engoulevent grouillécor (Siphonorhis brewsteri) est une espèce d'oiseaux de la famille des Caprimulgidae.
De haïtipauraque (Siphonorhis brewsteri) is een vogel uit de familie Caprimulgidae (nachtzwaluwen).
Deze soort is endemisch op Hispaniola en telt 2 ondersoorten:
De haïtipauraque (Siphonorhis brewsteri) is een vogel uit de familie Caprimulgidae (nachtzwaluwen).
Siphonorhis brewsteri é uma espécie de ave da família Caprimulgidae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: República Dominicana e Haiti.[1]
Os seus habitats naturais são: florestas secas tropicais ou subtropicais .[1]
Siphonorhis brewsteri é uma espécie de ave da família Caprimulgidae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: República Dominicana e Haiti.
Os seus habitats naturais são: florestas secas tropicais ou subtropicais .
Dvärgnattskärra[2] (Siphonorhis brewsteri) är en fågel i familjen nattskärror inom ordningen skärrfåglar.[3]
Dvärgnattskärra förekommer i halvtorrt lågland på Hispaniola och Gonâve.[3] Den behandlas antingen som monotypisk[3] eller delas in i två underarter med följande utbredning:[4]
IUCN kategoriserar arten som nära hotad.[1]
Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar William Brewster (1851-1919), amerikansk ornitolog och grundande medlem av AOU samt första presidenten av Audubon Society 1896.[5]
Dvärgnattskärra (Siphonorhis brewsteri) är en fågel i familjen nattskärror inom ordningen skärrfåglar.
Siphonorhis brewsteri là một loài chim trong họ Caprimulgidae.[1]
Siphonorhis brewsteri là một loài chim trong họ Caprimulgidae.