
Morphology ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

The Virginia Rail is a small, reddish bird with grey cheeks. The bill is also reddish and is long and slightly downward curving. The Rail has a short, upturned tail with a banded black and white flank below. Males and females are very similar and cannot be sexed in the field.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Habitat ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Rails perfer freshwater marshes and wetlands. The most important features of their habitat include shallow water, an emergent cover of cattails and bulrushes, and a high invertebrate abundance in the water. They forage in standing water, moist soil, and mudflats.

Terrestrial Biomes: forest

Aquatic Biomes: lakes and ponds

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Distribution ( Anglèis )

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The Virginia Rail can be found locally in its wetland habitat throughout the northern and western United States, SW Ontario, S British Columbia, and S Quebec. Its wintering range includes Mexico, all of Florida, and the Gulf Coast of the United States.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Trophic Strategy ( Anglèis )

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Using its long, curved bill, the Virginia Rail probes the muddy soils and shallow waters of its habitat for food. It most often consumes small aquatic invertebrates, such as beetles, spiders, snails, and true bugs. In the winter, when these foods are less available, it also eats aquatic plants and seeds.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Benefits ( Anglèis )

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Approximately 100,000 rails are harvested annually in the United States and Canada through hunting.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Conservation Status ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Although the Virginia Rail is a registered game species in most of the United States and Canada, it is rarely harvested by hunters. Degradation of its wetland habitat may have caused a decrease in populations. No special regulations have been made for the Rail, but general waterfowl management regulations have proven beneficial to its wetland environment. The species population is now considered stable. This observation may or may not be accurate, since these rails have not been studied extensively.

US Migratory Bird Act: protected

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Behavior ( Anglèis )

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Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Sensa tìtol ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Because they are reclusive birds and quick runners, Virginia Rails are rarely seen and many of their characteristics and behaviors have not been documented. They can be recognized in their environments by their distinctive grunting vocalization.

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Reproduction ( Anglèis )

fornì da Animal Diversity Web

Pairs are thought to be monogamous. Either males or females may initiate bond formation, which spans a period of one or two weeks. During this time, pairs engage in mutual preening, courtship feeding, copulation, and defense of territory. Nests are built in May. Both the male and female build the nest, which is located in marshes containing cattails and bulrushes. A canopy is often built above the nest by bending and weaving adjacent vegetation. Along with the nest, numerous "dummy" nests are built within their territory. Clutch size varies greatly with geography, but the average size seems to be 8-9 eggs. Both sexes incubate, and the young hatch about 19 days after incubation begins. Young are covered with black down and development progresses rapidly; young begin to run down the nest ramp to drink and swim only 11 hours after hatching.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; oviparous

drit d'autor
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
sitassion bibliogràfica
Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Rallus_limicola.html
Jennifer Roof, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Rallus limicola

fornì da DC Birds Brief Summaries

A small (9 inches) rail, the Virginia Rail is most easily identified by its mottled brown back, rusty neck, streaked flanks, and dark gray face patch near the eye. This species may be separated from the similarly-colored King Rail (Rallus elegans) by that species’ much larger size and browner face. Male and female Virginia Rails are similar to one another in all seasons. The Virginia Rail breeds across southern Canada and in northern and western portions of the United States. Northerly-breeding populations migrate south to the coastal southeast and Mexico in winter, whereas populations breeding in the Mid-Atlantic region, on the Pacific coast, and in the interior southwest are non-migratory. Other non-migratory populations exist in central Mexico and Guatemala. Virginia Rails breed in a variety of marshland habitats in areas of fresh or brackish water. This species utilizes similar habitat types in winter as in summer. Virginia Rails primarily eat small invertebrates, such as insects and crustaceans, but may also eat seeds and aquatic plant material during the winter. In appropriate habitat, Virginia Rails may be seen wading in shallow water while foraging for food on the shore or on the mud of the submerged bank. If these birds are more hidden, perhaps beneath tall marsh grasses, it may still be possible to hear their call, a grating “wak-wak-wak” repeated many times in succession. Virginia Rails are primarily active during the day, although they may be heard calling at night.

Threat Status: Least Concern

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Smithsonian Institution
Reid Rumelt

Rallus limicola ( Anglèis )

fornì da EOL authors

A small (9 inches) rail, the Virginia Rail is most easily identified by its mottled brown back, rusty neck, streaked flanks, and dark gray face patch near the eye. This species may be separated from the similarly-colored King Rail (Rallus elegans) by that species’ much larger size and browner face. Male and female Virginia Rails are similar to one another in all seasons. The Virginia Rail breeds across southern Canada and in northern and western portions of the United States. Northerly-breeding populations migrate south to the coastal southeast and Mexico in winter, whereas populations breeding in the Mid-Atlantic region, on the Pacific coast, and in the interior southwest are non-migratory. Other non-migratory populations exist in central Mexico and Guatemala. Virginia Rails breed in a variety of marshland habitats in areas of fresh or brackish water. This species utilizes similar habitat types in winter as in summer. Virginia Rails primarily eat small invertebrates, such as insects and crustaceans, but may also eat seeds and aquatic plant material during the winter. In appropriate habitat, Virginia Rails may be seen wading in shallow water while foraging for food on the shore or on the mud of the submerged bank. If these birds are more hidden, perhaps beneath tall marsh grasses, it may still be possible to hear their call, a grating “wak-wak-wak” repeated many times in succession. Virginia Rails are primarily active during the day, although they may be heard calling at night.


  • Conway, Courtney J. 1995. Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/173
  • Rallus limicola. Xeno-canto. Xeno-canto Foundation, n.d. Web. 20 July 2012.
  • Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola). The Internet Bird Collection. Lynx Edicions, n.d. Web. 20 July 2012.
  • eBird Range Map - Virginia Rail. eBird. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, N.d. Web. 20 July 2012.

drit d'autor
Smithsonian Institution
sitassion bibliogràfica
Rumelt, Reid B. Rallus limicola. June-July 2012. Brief natural history summary of Rallus limicola. Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
Robert Costello (kearins)
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EOL authors

Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Rallus limicola Vieillot

On 7 June 1971 at McGarry Township, Kearns, Ontario, Mr. J. S. Nickerson found a nest of a Virginia rail containing 8 eggs of the rail and 1 of the brown-headed cowbird (Ontario nest records, Toronto). This is the first time a cowbird has been reported laying an egg in a nest of this species. The rail can only be looked upon as an accidental host choice, an error on the part of the parasite.

sitassion bibliogràfica
Friedmann, Herbert, Kiff, Lloyd F., and Rothstein, Stephen I. 1977. "A further contribution of knowledge of the host relations of the parasitic cowbirds." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-75. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.235

Rallus limicola ( Asturian )

fornì da wikipedia AST

Rallus limicola ye una especie d'ave gruiforme de la familia Rallidae. Ye nativu de Les Bahames, Canadá, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Méxicu, Perú, Puertu Ricu, Saint Pierre y Miquelon, Estaos Xuníos y asocede dacuando nes Bermudes y Groenlandia.[1] El so hábitat consiste de güelgues, como banzaos y barraqueres.[1]


Estrémense les siguientes subespecies:[2]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 BirdLife International. «Rallus limicola» (inglés). Llista Roxa d'especies amenazaes de la UICN 2011.2.
  2. Sistema Integráu d'Información Taxonómica. «Rallus limicola (TSN 176221)» (inglés).

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Rallus limicola: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

fornì da wikipedia AST
Rallus limicola

Rallus limicola ye una especie d'ave gruiforme de la familia Rallidae. Ye nativu de Les Bahames, Canadá, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Méxicu, Perú, Puertu Ricu, Saint Pierre y Miquelon, Estaos Xuníos y asocede dacuando nes Bermudes y Groenlandia. El so hábitat consiste de güelgues, como banzaos y barraqueres.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

Rakig Virjinia ( Breton )

fornì da wikipedia BR

Ar rakig Virjinia a zo un evn, Rallus limicola an anv skiantel anezhañ.

Doareoù pennañ



Bevañ a ra al labous dreist-holl e Norzhamerika[1].


Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.

Notennoù ha daveennoù

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Rakig Virjinia: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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Ar rakig Virjinia a zo un evn, Rallus limicola an anv skiantel anezhañ.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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Rascló de Virgínia ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

El rascló de Virgínia (Rallus limicola) és un ocell de la família dels ràl·lids (Rallidae) que habita aiguamolls Amèrica del Nord, pel sud de Canadà i gran part dels Estats Units fins a Mèxic i Guatemala.


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Rascló de Virgínia Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata

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Rascló de Virgínia: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

fornì da wikipedia CA

El rascló de Virgínia (Rallus limicola) és un ocell de la família dels ràl·lids (Rallidae) que habita aiguamolls Amèrica del Nord, pel sud de Canadà i gran part dels Estats Units fins a Mèxic i Guatemala.

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Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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Rhegen fochlwyd ( Galèis )

fornì da wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Rhegen fochlwyd (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: rhegennod bochlwyd) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Rallus limicola; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Virginia rail. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Rhegennod (Lladin: Rallidae) sydd yn urdd y Gruiformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn R. limicola, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yng Ngogledd America.


Mae'r rhegen fochlwyd yn perthyn i deulu'r Rhegennod (Lladin: Rallidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

rhywogaeth enw tacson delwedd Corsiar Porphyrio porphyrio Iâr ddŵr Allen Porphyrio alleni
Porphyrio alleni Martien Brand.jpg
Rhegen adeinresog Nesoclopeus poecilopterus
Rhegen Andaman Rallina canningi
Euryzona canningi.jpg
Rhegen dywyll Pardirallus nigricans
Pardirallus nigricans-Blackish Rail.jpg
Rhegen goeslwyd Rallina eurizonoides
Slaty-legged Crake ( Rallina eurizonoides).jpg
Rhegen Ynys Inaccessible Atlantisia rogersi
Atlantisia rogersi scematic.jpg
Tacahe Porphyrio mantelli
North Island Takahē.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
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Rhegen fochlwyd: Brief Summary ( Galèis )

fornì da wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Rhegen fochlwyd (sy'n enw benywaidd; enw lluosog: rhegennod bochlwyd) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Rallus limicola; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Virginia rail. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Rhegennod (Lladin: Rallidae) sydd yn urdd y Gruiformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn R. limicola, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yng Ngogledd America.

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Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
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Virginia rail ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

The Virginia rail (Rallus limicola) is a small waterbird, of the family Rallidae. These birds remain fairly common despite continuing loss of habitat, but are secretive by nature and more often heard than seen.[2] They are also considered a game species in some provinces and states, though rarely hunted.[3] The Ecuadorian rail is often considered a subspecies, but some taxonomic authorities consider it distinct.


R. l. aequatorialis (left) and nominate (right)

Adults are mainly brown, darker on the back and crown, with orange-brown legs. To walk through dense vegetation, they have evolved a laterally compressed body and strong forehead feathers adapted to withstand wear from pushing through vegetation. Virginia rails have the highest ratio of leg-muscle to flight-muscle of all birds (25% - 15% of body weight respectively). They have long toes used to walk on floating vegetation. Their tail is short and they have a long slim reddish bill. Their cheeks are grey, with a light stripe over the eye and a whitish throat. Chicks are black. Juveniles are blackish brown on upperparts with rufous on the edge of feathers and brownish bill and legs. Their underparts are dark brown to black, while the face is grayish brown.[4] Both sexes are very similar, with females being slightly smaller. Adults measure 20–27 cm, with a wingspan of 32–38 cm, and usually weigh 65-95 g.


The Virginia rail is in the genus Rallus, a genus of other long-billed rails. It is thought to be closely related to R. semiplumbeus and R. antarcticus. There are currently two recognized subspecies of Rallus limicola:

  • R. l. limicola Vieillot, 1819
  • R. l. friedmanni Dickerman, 1966

Habitat and Distribution

The Virginia rail lives in freshwater and brackish marshes, sometimes salt marshes in winter. Northern populations migrate to the southern United States and Central America. On the Pacific coast, some are permanent residents. Its breeding habitat is marshes from Nova Scotia to Southern British Columbia, California and North Carolina, and in Central America. It often coexists with soras, another species of wetland rail.


The Virginia rail often runs to escape predators, instead of flying. When it does fly, it is usually short distances or for migration. It can also swim and dive using its wings to propel itself.


This bird has a number of calls, including a harsh kuk kuk kuk, usually heard at night. It also makes grunting noises. In spring, it will make tick-it or kid-ick calls.


The Virginia rail probes with its bill in mud or shallow water, also picking up food by sight. It mainly eat insects and other aquatic invertebrates, like beetles, flies, dragonflies, crayfish, snails and earthworms. It can also eat aquatic animals like frogs, fish and some small snakes, as well as seeds. Animal preys constitute the biggest part of this bird's diet, but vegetation contributes to its diet in the fall and winter.


Courtship starts around May. The male will raise his wings and run back and forth next to the female. Both sexes bow, and the male feeds the female. Before copulation, the male approaches the female while grunting.[5] Virginia rails are monogamous. Both parents build the nest and care for the young, whereas only the male defends the territory. The nest is built as the first egg is laid and consists of a basket of woven vegetation. The nest is made using plants like cattails, reeds and grasses. They also build dummy nests around the marsh. They nest near the base of emergent vegetation in areas with vegetation creating a canopy above the nest.[6]

This birds lays a clutch of 4 to 13 white or buff eggs with sparse gray or brown spotting. The eggs generally measure 32 by 24 millimetres (1.26 by 0.94 in). They are incubated by both parents for a period of 20 to 22 days, in which the parents continue to add nesting material to conceal the nest.[6] When the eggs hatch, the parents feed the young for two to three weeks, when the chicks become independent. The young can fly in less than a month. The pair bond between the parents breaks after the young become independent.


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2019). "Rallus limicola". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T22692479A155617216. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T22692479A155617216.en. Retrieved 13 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Virginia Rail". Audubon. National Audubon Society. Retrieved 8 October 2016.
  3. ^ Tacha, Thomas C.; Braun, Clait E. (1994). Migratory shore and upland game bird management in North America. Washington, D.C.: International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies in cooperation with the Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior. pp. 193–206. ISBN 0935868755.
  4. ^ "Virginia Rail". All About Birds. Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  5. ^ "Râle de Virginie". Oiseaux.net. Retrieved 12 October 2016.
  6. ^ a b Hauber, Mark E. (1 August 2014). The Book of Eggs: A Life-Size Guide to the Eggs of Six Hundred of the World's Bird Species. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 61. ISBN 978-0-226-05781-1.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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Virginia rail: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

The Virginia rail (Rallus limicola) is a small waterbird, of the family Rallidae. These birds remain fairly common despite continuing loss of habitat, but are secretive by nature and more often heard than seen. They are also considered a game species in some provinces and states, though rarely hunted. The Ecuadorian rail is often considered a subspecies, but some taxonomic authorities consider it distinct.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Virginia ralo ( Esperant )

fornì da wikipedia EO

La Virginia Ralo, Rallus limicola, estas eta akvobirdo, de la familio de Raledoj kaj ordo de Gruoformaj.

Ties reprodukta medio estas marĉoj el usonaj ŝtatoj Novskotio ĝis Kalifornio kaj Norda Karolino, kaj ankaŭ en Centra Ameriko kaj Suda Ameriko. Nordaj loĝantaroj migras suden al suda Usono aŭ Centra Ameriko. Ĉe Pacifika marbordo kelkaj loĝantaroj estas loĝantaj.

Plenkreskuloj estas ĉefe brunaj sed diferenciĝas disde Akvoralo pro anstataŭo de grizbluo kontraŭ avel- aŭ oranĝokoloro en brusto kaj kruroj. Ili estas malhelbrunaj ĉedorse kaj havas grizbluan vizaĝon kun krona bruna strio, kiel Akvoralo, kaj helan gorĝon. Ili havas longajn fingrojn, mallongan agiteman voston -blanka sube- kaj longegan fajnan ruĝecan bekon -iom malhela supre-, multe pli longa ol tiuj de porzanoj, krekso aŭ aliaj raledoj, kaj pro tio eco diferenciga por la tuta genro.

La ino demetas 5 ĝis 13 ovojn en vegetala nesto de seka loko en marĉo. Ambaŭ gepatroj zorgas la idojn, kiuj ekflugas antaŭ unu monato post eloviĝo.

Tiuj birdoj manĝoplukas per ĝia longa beko en koto aŭ sombra akvo sed ankaŭ surplanke aŭ interherbe per rigardo. Ili manĝas ĉefe insektojn kaj akvajn bestojn.

Tiu birdo havas diversajn alvokojn inter ili iun laŭtan kuk kuk kuk, kutime aŭdata nokte. Tiuj birdoj restas sufiĉe komunaj spite konstanta mediperdo, sed ili estas sekretemaj kaj pli aŭdataj ol vidataj.

Vidu ankaŭ

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Vikipedio aŭtoroj kaj redaktantoj
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Virginia ralo: Brief Summary ( Esperant )

fornì da wikipedia EO

La Virginia Ralo, Rallus limicola, estas eta akvobirdo, de la familio de Raledoj kaj ordo de Gruoformaj.

Ties reprodukta medio estas marĉoj el usonaj ŝtatoj Novskotio ĝis Kalifornio kaj Norda Karolino, kaj ankaŭ en Centra Ameriko kaj Suda Ameriko. Nordaj loĝantaroj migras suden al suda Usono aŭ Centra Ameriko. Ĉe Pacifika marbordo kelkaj loĝantaroj estas loĝantaj.

Plenkreskuloj estas ĉefe brunaj sed diferenciĝas disde Akvoralo pro anstataŭo de grizbluo kontraŭ avel- aŭ oranĝokoloro en brusto kaj kruroj. Ili estas malhelbrunaj ĉedorse kaj havas grizbluan vizaĝon kun krona bruna strio, kiel Akvoralo, kaj helan gorĝon. Ili havas longajn fingrojn, mallongan agiteman voston -blanka sube- kaj longegan fajnan ruĝecan bekon -iom malhela supre-, multe pli longa ol tiuj de porzanoj, krekso aŭ aliaj raledoj, kaj pro tio eco diferenciga por la tuta genro.

La ino demetas 5 ĝis 13 ovojn en vegetala nesto de seka loko en marĉo. Ambaŭ gepatroj zorgas la idojn, kiuj ekflugas antaŭ unu monato post eloviĝo.

Tiuj birdoj manĝoplukas per ĝia longa beko en koto aŭ sombra akvo sed ankaŭ surplanke aŭ interherbe per rigardo. Ili manĝas ĉefe insektojn kaj akvajn bestojn.

Tiu birdo havas diversajn alvokojn inter ili iun laŭtan kuk kuk kuk, kutime aŭdata nokte. Tiuj birdoj restas sufiĉe komunaj spite konstanta mediperdo, sed ili estas sekretemaj kaj pli aŭdataj ol vidataj.

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Vikipedio aŭtoroj kaj redaktantoj
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Rallus limicola ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da wikipedia ES

El rascón de Virginia[2]​ o rascón limícola (Rallus limicola) es una especie de ave gruiforme de la familia Rallidae. Es nativo de Bahamas, Canadá, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, México, Perú, Puerto Rico, San Pedro y Miquelón, Estados Unidos y ocurre ocasionalmente en las Bermudas y Groenlandia.[1]​ Su hábitat consiste de humedales, como pantanos y ciénagas.[1]


Se distinguen las siguientes subespecies:[3]


  1. a b c BirdLife International (2009). «Rallus limicola». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2011.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 8 de diciembre de 2011.
  2. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (1996). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Tercera parte: Opisthocomiformes, Gruiformes y Charadriiformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 43 (2): 231-238. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 8 de diciembre de 2011.
  3. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «Rallus limicola (TSN 176221)» (en inglés).

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Rallus limicola: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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El rascón de Virginia​ o rascón limícola (Rallus limicola) es una especie de ave gruiforme de la familia Rallidae. Es nativo de Bahamas, Canadá, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, México, Perú, Puerto Rico, San Pedro y Miquelón, Estados Unidos y ocurre ocasionalmente en las Bermudas y Groenlandia.​ Su hábitat consiste de humedales, como pantanos y ciénagas.​

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Rallus limicola ( Basch )

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Rallus limicola Rallus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Rallidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Rallus limicola: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Rallus limicola Rallus generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Rallidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Amerikanluhtakana ( Finlandèis )

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Amerikanluhtakana (Rallus limicola) on amerikkalainen rantakana. Siitä tunnetaan kolme alalajia, joista nimialalaji limicola elää Etelä-Kanadassa ja Yhdysvaltain koillis-, länsi- ja keskiosissa, friedmanni Meksikon keskiosista maan eteläosiin ja Guatemalaan, sekä aequatorialis Kolumbian lounaiskolkassa ja Ecuadorin Andeilla. Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot kuvaili lajin holotyypin Pennsylvaniasta vuonna 1819.[2]


  1. BirdLife International: Rallus limicola IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2012. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 10.4.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. The Internet Bird Collection (englanniksi)
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Amerikanluhtakana: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Amerikanluhtakana (Rallus limicola) on amerikkalainen rantakana. Siitä tunnetaan kolme alalajia, joista nimialalaji limicola elää Etelä-Kanadassa ja Yhdysvaltain koillis-, länsi- ja keskiosissa, friedmanni Meksikon keskiosista maan eteläosiin ja Guatemalaan, sekä aequatorialis Kolumbian lounaiskolkassa ja Ecuadorin Andeilla. Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot kuvaili lajin holotyypin Pennsylvaniasta vuonna 1819.

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Râle de Virginie ( Fransèis )

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Rallus limicola

Le Râle de Virginie (Rallus limicola) est une petite espèce d'oiseau aquatique de la famille des Rallidae que l'on rencontre en Amérique du Nord.


Cet oiseau est représenté par quatre sous-espèces :

  • Rallus limicola aequatorialis Sharpe, 1894 ;
  • Rallus limicola friedmanni Dickerman, 1966 ;
  • Rallus limicola limicola Vieillot, 1819 ;
  • Rallus limicola meyerdeschauenseei Fjeldsa, 1990.


L'adulte est brun avec le dos et la tête plus sombre, avec les pattes brun-orangé. Il présente des orteils longs, une courte queue et un long bec fin et de couleur rougeâtre. Ses joues sont grises, avec une rayure claire sur l'œil et une gorge blanchâtre.


Carte de répartition
  • Aire de nidification
  • Présent à l'année
  • Aire d'hivernage

Le râle de Virginie niche dans les marais. La femelle pond de 5 à 13 œufs sur une plateforme construite avec des massettes et d'autres végétaux à un emplacement sec. Les deux parents s'occupent des jeunes qui sont capables de voler en moins d'un mois.


Les populations les plus au nord migrent vers le centre et le sud des États-Unis tandis que, sur les côtes Pacifique, l'on trouve parfois des individus résidents.

Cet oiseau fouille de son bec la vase ou l'eau peu profonde, mais recherche aussi sa nourriture visuellement. Il se nourrit d'insectes et de petits animaux aquatiques.

Il produit de nombreux sons, et en particulier un kuk kuk kuk que l'on peut entendre de nuit.


Cet oiseau reste globalement commun et ce en dépit de la diminution continue de son habitat. Il faut toutefois pondérer cette affirmation car il s'agit d'un oiseau très discret, plus souvent entendu que vu...

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Râle de Virginie: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Rallus limicola

Le Râle de Virginie (Rallus limicola) est une petite espèce d'oiseau aquatique de la famille des Rallidae que l'on rencontre en Amérique du Nord.

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Rallus limicola ( Italian )

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Il porciglione della Virginia (Rallus limicola Vieillot, 1819) è un uccello della famiglia dei Rallidi originario del Nordamerica[2].


Attualmente vengono riconosciute due sottospecie di porciglione della Virginia[2]:

  • R. l. limicola Vieillot, 1819 (Canada meridionale e Stati Uniti);
  • R. l. friedmanni Dickerman, 1966 (Messico centro-meridionale e sud-orientale).

In passato gli studiosi classificavano in questo taxon anche il rallo dell'Ecuador (R. aequatorialis), oggi considerato specie a parte.


Il porciglione della Virginia misura 20–27 cm di lunghezza e pesa 65-95 g. Gli adulti sono di colore prevalentemente marrone, più scuro sul dorso e sulla sommità del capo, e hanno le zampe di colore bruno-arancione. Hanno dita lunghe, coda breve e un lungo e sottile becco rossastro. Le guance sono grigie, con una striscia chiara sopra l'occhio e la gola biancastra.

Emette una vasta gamma di suoni, tra i quali ricordiamo uno stridulo kuk kuk kuk, che si ode generalmente di notte.

Distribuzione e habitat

Nidifica nelle paludi di gran parte del Nordamerica, dalla Nuova Scozia fino alla California, a ovest, e alla Carolina del Nord, a sud.

Le popolazioni settentrionali migrano verso le regioni meridionali degli Stati Uniti e il Centroamerica. Alcune popolazioni stanziate lungo la costa del Pacifico sono stanziali.

Malgrado la rarefazione dell'habitat, la specie è ancora abbastanza comune, ma a causa della sua natura riservata è più facile udirne il richiamo che avvistarla.


Il porciglione della Virginia va in cerca di cibo immergendo il becco nel fango o nell'acqua bassa, individuando le prede per mezzo della vista. Si nutre soprattutto di insetti e animali acquatici.

La femmina depone 5-13 uova in una piattaforma costruita con canne e altri materiali vegetali in un luogo asciutto della palude. Entrambi i genitori si occupano dell'allevamento dei piccoli, che sono in grado di volare a meno di un mese dalla schiusa.


  1. ^ (EN) BirdLife International 2012, Rallus limicola, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ a b (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Rallidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 12 maggio 2014.

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Rallus limicola: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il porciglione della Virginia (Rallus limicola Vieillot, 1819) è un uccello della famiglia dei Rallidi originario del Nordamerica.

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Virginiaral ( olandèis; flamand )

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De virginiaral (Rallus limicola) is een vogel uit de familie van rallen (Rallidae) uit Noord- en Midden-Amerika.


De vogel is 20 tot 25 cm lang en weegt 64 tot 124 gram, de mannetjes zijn gemiddeld 20 gram zwaarder, maar verschillen verder niet van de vrouwtjes. De vogel is roodbruin op de borst en zwart op de buik met lichte veerranden tussen het zwart. De bovenkant is roodbruin, donker gevlekt. Opvallend zijn de blauwgrijze zijkanten van de kop. De snavel is van onder roodbruin en van boven zwart, de poten zijn dofbruin.[2]

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort komt voor in Noord- en Midden-Amerika en telt twee ondersoorten:

  • Rallus limicola limicola: zuidelijk Canada en de Verenigde Staten.
  • Rallus limicola friedmanni: het zuidelijke deel van Centraal-en zuidoostelijk Mexico.
  • de twee ondersoorten van de Ecuadorral die in Zuid-Amerika voorkomen, worden ook wel beschouwd als ondersoorten van deze soort.

De vogels in Noord-Amerika zijn trekvogels die de winter doorbrengen in Mexico en verder in Midden-Amerika. Het leefgebied bestaat overwegend uit zoetwatermoerassen met een goed ontwikkelde oevervegetatie met riet, lisdodde, bies en zegge maar ook wel in natte hooilanden en soms in brak- en zoutwatermoerassen.[2]


De virginiaral heeft een groot verspreidingsgebied. De grootte van de wereldpopulatie is niet gekwantificeerd. Men veronderstelt dat de soort in aantal vooruit gaat. Om deze redenen staat de soort als niet bedreigd op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN.[1]

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Virginiaral: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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De virginiaral (Rallus limicola) is een vogel uit de familie van rallen (Rallidae) uit Noord- en Midden-Amerika.

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Wodnik błotny ( polonèis )

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Wodnik błotny (Rallus limicola) – gatunek ptaka z rodziny chruścieli (Rallidae). Jedyny mały północnoamerykański wodnik z długim dziobem. Długość ciała 23 cm. Pióra na wierzchu głowy i plecach oliwkowe. Policzki szare. Gardło i pierś rdzawe. Na bokach białe i czarne prążki. Pokrywy podogonowe białe. Dziób długi, pomarańczowo-czarny. Palce u nóg długie.

Zasięg, środowisko
Słodkowodne bagna, od środkowej części Ameryki Północnej po Amerykę Południową. Zimuje na przymorskich mokradłach.


  1. Rallus limicola, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Rallus limicola. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).


  • Andrew Gosler: Atlas Ptaków Świata. Warszawa: MULTICO Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2000. ISBN 83-7073-059-0.
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Wodnik błotny: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Wodnik błotny (Rallus limicola) – gatunek ptaka z rodziny chruścieli (Rallidae). Jedyny mały północnoamerykański wodnik z długim dziobem. Długość ciała 23 cm. Pióra na wierzchu głowy i plecach oliwkowe. Policzki szare. Gardło i pierś rdzawe. Na bokach białe i czarne prążki. Pokrywy podogonowe białe. Dziób długi, pomarańczowo-czarny. Palce u nóg długie.

Zasięg, środowisko Słodkowodne bagna, od środkowej części Ameryki Północnej po Amerykę Południową. Zimuje na przymorskich mokradłach.
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Virginiarall ( svedèis )

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Virginiarall[2] (Rallus limicola) är en amerikansk fågel i familjen rallar inom ordningen tran- och rallfåglar.[3]

Utbredning och systematik

Virginiarall delas in i tre underarter med följande utbredning:[3]

Underarten aequatorialis urskiljs ibland som en egen art, ecuadorrall (R. aequatorialis).

Status och hot

Arten har ett stort utbredningsområde och en stor population, och tros öka i antal.[1] Utifrån dessa kriterier kategoriserar internationella naturvårdsunionen IUCN arten som livskraftig (LC).[1]



  1. ^ [a b c] Birdlife International 2012 Rallus limicola Från: IUCN 2014. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2015-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2017) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2017-08-14
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2014) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.9 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2015-01-01

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Virginiarall: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Virginiarall (Rallus limicola) är en amerikansk fågel i familjen rallar inom ordningen tran- och rallfåglar.

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Rallus limicola ( vietnamèis )

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Rallus limicola là một loài chim trong họ Rallidae.[1] Gà nước Virginia sống ở đầm lầy nước ngọt và đầm lầy, đôi khi là đầm lầy muối vào mùa đông. Dân số phía Bắc di cư đến miền nam Hoa Kỳ và Trung Mỹ. Trên bờ biển Thái Bình Dương, một số là người loài lưu trú. Môi trường sinh sản của nó là đầm lầy từ Nova Scotia đến Nam British Columbia, California và Bắc Carolina, và ở Trung Mỹ. Nó thường cùng tồn tại với Soras.

Chú thích

  1. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Rallus limicola: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Rallus limicola là một loài chim trong họ Rallidae. Gà nước Virginia sống ở đầm lầy nước ngọt và đầm lầy, đôi khi là đầm lầy muối vào mùa đông. Dân số phía Bắc di cư đến miền nam Hoa Kỳ và Trung Mỹ. Trên bờ biển Thái Bình Dương, một số là người loài lưu trú. Môi trường sinh sản của nó là đầm lầy từ Nova Scotia đến Nam British Columbia, California và Bắc Carolina, và ở Trung Mỹ. Nó thường cùng tồn tại với Soras.

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Центральноамериканский пастушок ( russ; russi )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Пастушковые
Подсемейство: Rallinae
Вид: Центральноамериканский пастушок
Международное научное название

Rallus limicola (Vieillot, 1819)

Охранный статус Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 176221NCBI 156759EOL 1049277FW 336068

Центральноамерика́нский пастушо́к[1] (лат. Rallus limicola) — небольшая водная птица семейства пастушковых, обитающая в Северной Америке. Как и большинство других птиц в семействе, ведёт скрытный образ жизни, скрываясь на болотах посреди густой растительности.

Небольшая птица длиной около 19 см и размахом крыльев 35 см[2], плотного телосложения, с закруглёнными крыльями и коротким, часто вздёрнутым вверх хвостом. У взрослых птиц боковые перья головы голубовато-серые. Клюв очень длинный (длиннее головы), слегка загнут вниз. Оперение верхней части тела красновато-бурое, нижней немного более светлое, рыжевато-бурое; кроющие крыльев каштанового цвета.

Ареал мозаичен - гнездится местами в Северной Америке к югу от канадских провинций Квебек, Британская Колумбия и Онтарио. В США встречается на севере и западе страны. Также обитает на юге Мексики, в странах Центральной Америки и в западной части Южной Америки.[3][4] Северные популяции перелётные.

Местообитания - пресноводные либо реже солоноватые болота, поросшие тростником, камышом, рогозом либо другой околоводной растительностью. Гнездо чашевидное, устраивается в сухом месте на болоте; в качестве материала используются стебли и листья травы. Кладка состоит из 7-12 (обычно 5-13) яиц. Инкубационный период 18-20 дней, насиживают самец и самка. Птенцы выводкого типа, при вылуплении покрыты пухом, приобретают способность к полёту через примерно 25 дней.[3]

Питаются преимущественно насекомыми, реже водными беспозвоночными и семенами растений.[3]


  1. Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 74. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
  2. C.S. Robbins, B. Bruun, H.S. Zim, «Birds of North America» New York. Western Publishing Company, Inc. 1966
  3. 1 2 3 wildlife1.wildlifeinformation.org «Rallus limicola — Virginia rail» Прочитано 2007-11-29
  4. Roof, J. 1999. "Rallus limicola" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 29, 2007
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Центральноамериканский пастушок: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

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Центральноамерика́нский пастушо́к (лат. Rallus limicola) — небольшая водная птица семейства пастушковых, обитающая в Северной Америке. Как и большинство других птиц в семействе, ведёт скрытный образ жизни, скрываясь на болотах посреди густой растительности.

Небольшая птица длиной около 19 см и размахом крыльев 35 см, плотного телосложения, с закруглёнными крыльями и коротким, часто вздёрнутым вверх хвостом. У взрослых птиц боковые перья головы голубовато-серые. Клюв очень длинный (длиннее головы), слегка загнут вниз. Оперение верхней части тела красновато-бурое, нижней немного более светлое, рыжевато-бурое; кроющие крыльев каштанового цвета.

Ареал мозаичен - гнездится местами в Северной Америке к югу от канадских провинций Квебек, Британская Колумбия и Онтарио. В США встречается на севере и западе страны. Также обитает на юге Мексики, в странах Центральной Америки и в западной части Южной Америки. Северные популяции перелётные.

Местообитания - пресноводные либо реже солоноватые болота, поросшие тростником, камышом, рогозом либо другой околоводной растительностью. Гнездо чашевидное, устраивается в сухом месте на болоте; в качестве материала используются стебли и листья травы. Кладка состоит из 7-12 (обычно 5-13) яиц. Инкубационный период 18-20 дней, насиживают самец и самка. Птенцы выводкого типа, при вылуплении покрыты пухом, приобретают способность к полёту через примерно 25 дней.

Питаются преимущественно насекомыми, реже водными беспозвоночными и семенами растений.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

コオニクイナ ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
コオニクイナ Rallus limicola.jpg 保全状況評価 LEAST CONCERN
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : ツル目 Gruiformes : クイナ科 Rallidae : クイナ属
Rallus : コオニクイナ
R. limicola 学名 Rallus limicola
(Vieillot, 1819) 和名 コオニクイナ 英名 Virginia Rail

コオニクイナ(小鬼水鶏、学名:Rallus limicola) は、ツル目クイナ科に分類される鳥類の一種である。










  • 黒田長久、森岡弘之監修 『世界の動物 分類と飼育10-II (ツル目)』、東京動物園協会、1989年、59-60、162頁。
  • 『動物たちの地球 18 タンチョウ・ヤンバルクイナ・バンほか』、朝日新聞社1991年、181頁
執筆の途中です この項目は、鳥類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますポータル鳥類 - PJ鳥類)。
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コオニクイナ: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

コオニクイナ(小鬼水鶏、学名:Rallus limicola) は、ツル目クイナ科に分類される鳥類の一種である。

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