Comprehensive Description
fornì da Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cypridinodes parallax
ETYMOLOGY.—Arbitrary combination of letters derived from the Greek parallaxis (to vary, decline, wander).
HOLOTYPE.—Adult male on slide and in alcohol.
PARATYPES.—BT-616: USNM 194233, ovigerous female. BT-620: USNM 194214, adult female on slide and in alcohol; USNM 194227, partly dissected ovigerous female; USNM 194228, adult female plus juvenile. BT-621: USNM 194224, 3 ovigerous females plus 1 juvenile. BT-622: USNM 194220, 3 adult males; USNM 194217, partly dissected adult male; USNM 194221, 4 ovigerous females; USNM 194222, partly dissected ovigerous female; USNM 194223, 3 ovigerous females, 1 adult female, and 1 juvenile. BT-623: USNM 194242, carapace (containing only lateral eye) in alcohol. BT-676: USNM 194240, 1 ovigerous plus 1 adult female. BT-715: USNM 194237, partly dissected adult male. BT-726: USNM 194241, juvenile. BT-730: USNM 194234, 1 adult male plus 1 juvenile. BT-737: USNM 194245, adult male. BT-761: USNM 194174, partly dissected juvenile on slide and in alcohol. BT-777A: USNM 194239, juvenile. BT-778: USNM 194230, partly dissected adult male; USNM 194231, partly dissected adult male; USNM 194232: partly dissected adult female; USNM 194229, 9 specimens (2 ovigerous females, 3 adult females, 1 adult male, 3 juveniles). BT-822: ovigerous female plus 2 juveniles. BT-836: USNM 194235, partly dissected juvenile. BT-851: USNM 194236, partly dissected adult female. BT-883: USNM 194244, partly dissected adult male.
DISTRIBUTION.—See type specimens, above.
DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE (Figures 16–20a).—Carapace with convex ventral and dorsal margins (Figure 16a,b); anterior margin of rostrum straight or slightly convex; caudal process projecting posteriorly only slightly and with posterior edge convex (left valve (Figure 16j)) or straight (right valve (Figure 16i)). Right valve with slight lateral overhang or narrow lunate process ventral to incisur (Figures 16a,b,e,h, 17b), and with row of 20–35 bristles on inner surface just within outer edge of process (missing bristles dashed in Figure 16h, and bristles not shown in Figure 17b); left valve without lunate process but with lateral overhang along anteroventral corner bearing 5–18 bristles on inner side (Figure 17a). Each valve with low process on rostrum not extending past anterior edge of rostrum (Figure 16a).
Ornamentation (Figure 16f): Surface with shingle-like appearance on well preserved specimens but appearing smooth on many specimens, and with small round pores, many bilobed; some pores with minute bristle or process.
Infold: Rostral infold with 20 bristles (mostly bifurcate) paralleling valve edge, 1 bristle proximal to inner end of incisur, and pair of bristles at inner end of incisur; 2 small bristles just ventral to inner end of incisur, and 1 small bristle posterior to them at inner margin of infold (not shown in Figure 16g). Anteroventral infold with narrow list with posterior end at ventral end of caudal process; ventral list from anterior of valve length to caudal process of right valve slightly stouter than list of left valve and appearing more strongly sclerotized (amber-colored); anteroventral and anterior part of ventral infold of right valve with single row of 31 bifurcate bristles along or just distal to narrow list (list absent in vicinity of anterior 4 bristles) (row terminates at anterior end of stout ventral list) (Figure 16h); left valve with 38 bristles along narrow anteroventral list and anterior end of slightly broader ventral list (list absent in vicinity of anterior 4 bristles); posterior half of ventral infold of left valve with 3 small widely separated bristles; small bristle at inner edge of infold near ventral end of caudal process (Figure 16i). Infold of caudal process with anterior ridge bearing 35–41 pointed processes (Figure 16i; not all shown in Figure 16j); on left valve only ventral end of ridge forms low knob (Figure 16j); posterior edge of caudal process with 5 or 6 minute bristles and numerous short straight pore canals (Figure 16i,j).
Selvage: Lamellar prolongation with smooth outer edge present along dorsal edge of rostrum anterior to hinge and along anterior margin of rostrum. Prolongation along ventral edge of incisur broad, narrowly striated; prolongation absent along dorsal edge of incisur. Prolongation medial to lunate process of right valve and also in similar location on left valve (lunate process absent) narrower than prolongation at either end and does not extend past edge of valve (Figure 17b), with minute hairs along edge in vicinity of incisur and minutely serrate or smooth elsewhere (hairs and serrations not shown). Prolongation absent along posterior edge of caudal process.
Vestment: 4 small widely separated bristles present on vestment of posteroventral part of valve proximal to inner margin of infold (not shown).
Carapace Size (length, height in mm): BT-622: USNM 194217, 2.59, 1.76; USNM 194220, 3 specimens: 2.65, 1.79; 2.50, 1.62; 2.57, 1.68. BT-709: holotype, 2.57, 1.53. BT-715: USNM 194237, 2.27, 1.59. BT-778: USNM 194230, 2.56, 1.80. BT-883: USNM 194244, 2.76, 1.93.
First Antenna (Figure 17c,d): 1st joint bare. 2nd joint with ventral, dorsal, medial, and lateral spines. 3rd joint with oblique distal margin, ventral, dorsal, and medial spines, 1 subterminal spinous ventral bristle, and 1 proximal spinous dorsal bristle. 4th joint with ventral, dorsal, and medial spines, 1 terminal spinous ventral bristle, and 1 short subterminal dorsal bristle (dorsal bristle missing on both limbs of holotype (Figure 17c) but present on USNM 194217). 5th joint without spines; sensory bristle with 9 long slender filaments followed by 3 shorter and slenderer filaments and 1 small subterminal filament. 6th joint with short tubular medial bristle (with few spines) near dorsal margin. 7th joint: a-bristle about twice length of bristle of 6th joint, with few small spines; b-bristle with short proximal filament with large sucker (with marginal fringe) followed by a slender filament with 5–7 small suckers, then a 2nd slender filament (with 7 or 8 small suckers) adjacent to a small bare filament, followed by a small bare filament; c-bristle with short proximal filament with large sucker (with marginal fringe) followed by a slender filament with 5 or 6 small suckers, then a small bare filament just proximal to a longer slender filament with 7 small suckers, followed by 6 narrow filaments. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles long, bare; f- and g-bristles long and stout, each with 10 filaments, some with 1 or 2 spines.
Second Antenna: Protopodite similar to that of C. strophinx. Endopodite with small round ventral process near distal bristle on 1st joint (Figure 17e), otherwise similar to that of C. strophinx. Exopodite: 1st joint with spines on both ventral and dorsal margins; bristle of 2nd joint with slender proximal ventral spine followed by 7 stout spines, and 4 scattered hair-like dorsal spines; exopodite otherwise similar to that of C. strophinx.
Mandible (Figure 17f): Basale with many rows of medial spines. 2nd endopodial joint: 2 single ventral bristles bare; dorsal margin with 7 long spinous bristles, 2 medium bristles with indistinct short spines, 2 short bristles with stout spines and proximal rings, and 7 or 8 short unringed bristles with indistinct anterior spines. 3rd endopodial joint with ringed stout claw-like dorsal bristle with sclerotized pointed tip, 2 stout unringed claws (about same length) with row of ventral spines along proximal (spines along distal of row stouter), and 4 slender ringed bristles (longest ventral bristle with minute proximal ventral spines). Limb otherwise similar to that of C. strophinx.
Maxilla (Figure 18a–e): Endite I with 8 spinous and pectinate bristles (Figure 18a); endite II with about 6 spinous and pectinate bristles; endite III with a proximal plumose bristles and about 6 terminal spinous and pectinate bristles (Figure 18b). Coxale with long dorsal bristle with short indistinct spines (Figure 18c). Basale with short ventral bristle with short indistinct spines. Exopodite elongate with 3 bristles (1 short with long proximal spines, 1 long bare, 1 long with few long spines). 1st endopodial joint with 2 ringed alpha-bristles (1 long bare, except for long hairs near hooked tip, and with small tooth proximal to hooked tip (detail in Figure 18c); 1 shorter with proximal spines) and 3 ringed beta-bristles (inner bristle short bare, 2 outer bristles with recurved marginal teeth). 2nd endopodial joint with 4 a-bristles (3rd from anterior pectinate along posterior edge, 4th with 3 indistinct proximal anterior spines, others slenderer bare) (Figure 18e), 3 pectinate ringed b-bristles (Figure 18d), 3 pectinate ringed c-bristles (middle bristle with slightly bulbous proximal end) (Figure 18d), and 3 stout ringed pectinate d-bristles (Figure 18e). (Rings of bristles not always shown.)
Fifth Limb: Epipodite with about 50 bristles. Endite I with 7 bristles with long spines; endite II with about 5 bristles (1 posterior small weakly developed, 1 anterior fairly short with short spines, others longer, stouter, spinous, and pectinate); endite III with about 5 spinous bristles. Anterior process of protopodite short with rounded tip (sclerotized part stippled in Figure 18i). Exopodite: anterior side of 1st joint with row of 3 closely spaced bristles with long proximal and short distal spines, and 1 bristle (with long proximal hairs) closer to protopodial process (Figure 18i); main tooth comprising proximal peg (with few minute spines at tip) and 6 cuspate teeth (Figure 18h); bristle with long proximal hairs present proximal to peg. 2nd joint with posterior c-bristle with few stiff marginal spines (Figure 18h), anterior d-bristle with long proximal and short distal hairs (Figure 18h), 4 pectinate ringed a-bristles (Figure 18f), 5 pectinate ringed b′-bristles (Figure 18g), and 4 pectinate ringed b″-bristles (posterior bristle ringed in distal half, with few small teeth proximal to rings, then teeth become slightly stouter except near tip where teeth are slenderer but about same length; next bristle with rings just distal to midlength, with small teeth proximal to rings, then larger teeth to near tip, where small teeth form row; next 2 bristles ringed in distal , with few small teeth proximal to rings, then larger teeth to near tip (distal teeth larger), where small teeth form row) (Figure 16c; not clearly shown in Figure 18f). 3rd joint (Figure 18h): inner lobe with short spines and hairs, 1 proximal short ringed bristle with few marginal hairs, and 2 longer bare terminal bristles (outer strongly ringed in proximal then weakly ringed; inner ringed in distal ); outer lobe hirsute, with 2 ringed bristles (shorter bare, longer with short spines, both with long terminal spine). 4th and 5th joints fused, hirsute, with total of 5 spinous ringed bristles (Figure 18h). (Rings not shown on all bristles.)
Sixth Limb (Figure 19a): Hirsute, with 4 epipodial bristles. Endite I with 3 bristles (2 short hirsute medial, 1 longer terminal); endite II with 2 stout hirsute medial bristles, 2 long terminal bristles, and 1 small medial bristle between terminal bristles; endites III and IV each with 1 hirsute medial bristle, 2 long terminal bristles, and minute bristle between terminal bristles. End joint posteriorly extended, with 13 anteroventral bristles, 3 posteroventral bristles with bases on medial side some distance from ventral margin, and 2 broad plumose posterior bristles.
Seventh Limb (Figure 19b,c,m): Terminal segment with 4 bristles on ventral margin (with 3–5 bells) and 3 proximal to teeth (1 on one side, 2 on other, each with 3–5 bells). Proximal bristles comprise 4–6 on ventral side and 6–8 on dorsal jaw side; all bristles with 3 bells. Total number of bristles 18–21. Stout dorsal jaw with marginal row of about 21 teeth (6 or 7 slender teeth on each end of row of about 9 stouter teeth) (Figure 19b,c). Comb with about 7 long teeth (terminal tooth longest) and 6 shorter teeth (3 on each side), all teeth with rounded tips; small pointed tooth projecting inward within arc of teeth (stippled in Figure 19b).
Furca (Figures 16d, 19d): Each lamella with 5 or 6 claws (usually 6); claw 2 nonarticulated; all claws with lateral and medial rows of teeth along posterior edges (not shown); lateral row of claw 1 with groups of small teeth (separated by a slightly longer tooth) in proximal half and larger teeth in distal half; medial row of claw 1 with small teeth in proximal half and about 12 large teeth in distal half; lateral and medial rows of claws 2–5 with groups of small teeth separated by slightly larger tooth; claws 2–4 with slender distal spines along anterior margin (not shown); right lamella anterior to left by about width of claw 1.
Bellonci Organ (Figure 19e): Broader distally, with triangular tip bearing indistinct parallel rings.
Eyes: Medial eye bare, with brown pigment (Figure 19e). Lateral eye larger than medial eye, with black pigment and about 16 amber-colored ommatidia (Figures 16a,e, 19f).
Upper Lip (Figure 19g–i): Anterior part with 4 short pairs of processes (distal pair fused) and 1 longer fused pair (Figure 19g,i). Posterior part with elongate pointed tusks without glandular processes (each tusk with few long anterior hairs and more abundant hairs along medial and lateral posterior edges (proximal lateral hairs stouter)), and a posterior serrate process with 6 or 7 teeth (posterior 5 teeth larger) (Figure 19g,h); hirsute rounded process present between serrate process and mouth; canals within tusks with light brown pigment (Figure 19g).
Genitalia (Figure 19d,j–l): Complex lobes with stout spines and slender bristles (some sclerotized parts stippled).
Posterior of Body (Figure 19m): Undulate with 7 well-developed lobes dorsal to dorsal end of girdle, and evenly rounded ventral to dorsal end of girdle.
Y-Sclerite (Figure 19d): Typical for subfamily.
Pigmentation: Brown pigment in medial eye; black pigment in lateral eyes; light brown pigment in upper lip.
Ectozoa: Protistans with three lobes were observed on the anterior part of the carapace of USNM 194237 (Figure 20a). Similar protistans were observed on the carapace of a juvenile (USNM 194234) of undetermined sex (Figure 20b).
DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figure 21).—Shape similar to that of adult male (Figure 21a). Lunate process of right valve of USNM 194214 narrower than that of male holotype and with only 21 bristles along edge (Figure 21b), but process of female USNM 194240 similar in width to that of male; left valve without lunate process but with lateral overhang (about half width of lunate process of right valve) bearing 16 bristles on inner side (Figure 21c).
Ornamentation, Infold (Figure 21b,c), and Selvage: Similar to those of adult male.
Carapace Size (length, height in mm): BT-620: USNM 194214, 2.82, 1.98. BT-622: USNM 194221, 4 specimens: 2.81, 1.88; 2.71, 1.92; 2.65, 1.85; 2.68, 1.89; USNM 194222, 2.83, 1.95. BT-851: USNM 194236, 2.82, 1.94.
First Antenna: Joints 1–3 similar to those of adult male. 4th joint differs from adult male holotype in having a short spinous terminal dorsal bristle (this bristle probably present on other males). 5th and 6th joints similar to those of adult male. 7th joint: a-bristle almost twice length of bristle of 6th joint, with few small spines; b-bristle almost 4 times length of a-bristle, with 5 short filaments, some with few spines; c-bristle at least longer than bristle of 5th joint, with 10 filaments (6 proximal short with 1–3 spines; 3 distal longer and without spines, 1 small bare subterminal). 8th joint: d- and e-bristles longer than b-bristle, bare with blunt tips; f- and g-bristles long and stout, tips missing on both limbs of USNM 194214, with 10 filaments on longest stumps, most with 2 or 3 minute spines.
Second Antenna: Similar to that of adult male.
Mandible: 2nd endopodial joint: ventral margin with medial spine of distal pair shorter than that of adult male (Figure 21d); dorsal margin with 7 long spinous bristles, 2 medium bristles with indistinct spines, 2 short bristles with stout spines, and 8 short unringed bristles with indistinct anterior spines. Limb otherwise similar to that of adult male.
Maxilla: Endite III with 1 plumose proximal bristle and 5 terminal spinous and pectinate bristles. Limb otherwise similar to that of adult male.
Fifth Limb (Figure 21e,f): Except for teeth along middle section of b″-bristles being better defined and larger than those of adult male (Figure 21f), limb similar to that of adult male.
Sixth Limb: End joint with 18 anteroventral bristles, 3 or 4 posteroventral bristles with bases on medial side some distance from ventral margin, and 2 broad plumose posterior bristles. Limb otherwise similar to that of adult male.
Seventh Limb: Terminal bristles similar to those of adult male. Proximal bristles comprise 6 or 7 bristles on ventral side and 8 or 9 bristles on dorsal jaw side, each with 3 bells. Total number of bristles 22. Stout dorsal jaw with marginal row of 7 stout teeth and 6 shorter teeth (3 on each side) (Figure 21g). Comb with about 5–7 long teeth (terminal tooth slightly longer) and 8 shorter teeth (4 on each side), all teeth with rounded tips; small pointed process projecting inward within arc of teeth.
Furca (Figure 21h): With 6 claws on each lamella; teeth on claws similar to those of adult male (not shown).
Bellonci Organ (Figure 21i): Wider than that of adult male.
Eyes: Medial eye bare with brown pigment and smaller than that of adult male (Figure 21i). Lateral eye about same size as that of adult male, with about 19 ommatidia and black pigment (Figure 21a,j).
Upper Lip (Figure 21l): Similar to that of adult male.
Genitalia (Figure 21k): USNM 194214 with attached spermatophore on each side of body anterior to furca.
Posterior of Body: Evenly rounded, bare.
Y-Sclerite and Pigmentation: Similar to that of adult male.
Eggs: USNM 194222 with 13 eggs (eyes not developed) in marsupium, length of typical egg including transparent membrane: 0.37 mm, excluding membrane: 0.315 mm. USNM 194221, 1 specimen with about 20 elongate eggs without transparent membranes, each egg with 2 black lateral eyes, length of 1 egg: 0.44 mm. USNM 194227 with 27 elongate eggs in marsupium, each with 2 black eyes visible and appendages partly formed; length of 1 egg without visible transparent membrane: 0.34 mm; length of 1 egg including transparent membrane: 0.43 mm, length excluding transparent membrane: 0.43 mm.
VARIABILITY.—The width of the lunate process ventral to the incisure of the right valve of both sexes varies considerably. The maximum width observed is present in the male holotype (Figure 16h), but this width was observed in only four additional specimens (USNM 194174 (A–1 male), 194235 (juvenile), 194236 (adult female), 194240 (adult female)). A narrower and more common width is present in USNM 194214 (adult female) (Figure 21b), but in many specimens the process barely overhangs the valve edge. It is possible that more than one species has been included in C. parallax, but all specimens whose appendages were examined have similar furcae and 5th limbs.
COMPARISONS.—The mandible of C. parallax differs from that of C. strophinx in having two rather than five short proximal dorsal bristles with stout spines on the 2nd endopodial joint, and in having on the 3rd endopodial joint two unringed claws of equal or subequal length rather than a medial claw about longer than the lateral claw; also, the dorsal claw of the 3rd joint is more bristle-like (completely rather than partly ringed). The 2nd endopodial joint of the maxilla of C. parallax differs from that of C. strophinx in having rings on all three d-bristles. The 5th limb of C. parallax differs from those of C. strophinx, C. relax, and C. minuta in not having a few unusually large teeth on b″-bristles of the 2nd exopodial joint. The furca of C. parallax differs from that of C. strophinx in having a nonarticulated 2nd claw. The right valve of some specimens of C. parallax differs from those of C. relax and C. minuta in having a narrow lunate process ventral to the incisur, but in many specimens the process is barely indicated by slight overhang, and the valves of those could be confused with those of C. relax and C. minuta,
Cypridinodes parallax is very close to C. galatheae Poulsen, 1962:301, which is known from a single male collected off Singapore. Males of the two species differ as follows: the sensory bristle of the 5th joint of the 1st antenna of C. parallax has nine long proximal filaments compared to 12 for C. galatheae; the bristle of the 2nd joint of the 2nd antenna of C. parallax bears seven stout ventral spines compared to 10–12 for C. galatheae; the terminal dorsal jaw of the 7th limb of C. parallax bears about 21 teeth compared to eight or nine teeth for C. galatheae.
Skogsbergia Komicker, 1974
TYPE SPECIES.—Skogsbergia minuta Poulsen, 1962, by subsequent designation (Komicker, 1974:3).
COMPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION.—The genus is circumglobal between about 60°N and 10°S and has a known depth range of 2–250 m. Three species have been described from the western Indian Ocean (S. calyx Komicker, 1992; S. iota Komicker, 1992; S. plax Komicker, 1992); a new species from Madagascar is described herein.
- sitassion bibliogràfica
- Kornicker, Louis S. and Thomassin, B. A. 1998. "Ostracoda (Myodocopina) of Tulear reef complex, SW Madagascar." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-134.