
Nòm sientìfich

Nòm preferì

Theropithecus gelada gelada (Rüppell 1835)
Sota-spece arconossù da EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Fé arferiment a la tassonomìa da Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Gelada rueppelli Gray 1843
Theropithecus gelada gelada
Sota-spece arconossù da GBIF classification
Theropithecus gelada gelada
Theropithecus gelada gelada (Rüppell 1835)
Gelada rueppelli
Arconossù da BHL data coverage
Theropithecus gelada gelada
Theropithecus gelada subsp. gelada (Rüppell 1835)
Arconossù da IUCN

Nòm alternativ

Gelada ruppelli Gray 1843
Not accepted conforma a EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Fé arferiment a la tassonomìa da Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Theropithecus senex Pucheran 1857
Not accepted conforma a EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Fé arferiment a la tassonomìa da Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Gelada rueppelli Gray 1843
Theropithecus senex Pucheran 1857
Gelada ruppelli Gray 1843
Gelada ruppelli Gray 1843
Gelada ruppelli Gray 1843
Synonym conforma a Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Theropithecus senex Pucheran 1857
Theropithecus senex Pucheran 1857
Theropithecus senex Pucheran 1857
Synonym conforma a Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024

Nòm comun

A-i é gnun nòm comun associà a costa tassonomìa.

Gerarchìe soagnà për Theropithecus gelada gelada (Rüppell 1835)

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4


200 frej adissionaj abrevià për fé curt.
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