
Habitat ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da INBio
Se observa a orillas de caminos, borde de bosque, potreros, vegetación secundaria o primaria, con cierto grado de intervención. En climas de húmedos a muy húmedos.
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INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo
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Distribution ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica: Muy distribuida en ambas vertientes, principalmente en climas muy húmedos. Elevación 0-700 m.
Distribucion General: Desde el sur de México hasta Bolivia y el este de Brasil.
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INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo
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Morphology ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da INBio
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INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo
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Population Biology ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da INBio
En parcelas de una hectárea (16) en la zona norte del país, se ha registrado una abundancia de 17 individuos/hectárea. Mientras en parcelas (4) de la Península de Osa se han registrado 3 individuos/hectárea (Zamora, 1998; Zamora & Aguilar, 1998).
drit d'autor
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo
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Diagnostic Description ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da INBio
Árbol de 6 a 20 m de altura; ramitas ferrugíneo-pubescentes y lenticeladas; estípulas decíduas. Hojas con (4-) 5, 6 (-7) pares de folíolos, elípticos a oblanceolados, ápice largo-acuminado o agudo, envés denso y diminuto pubescente, el par distal de 7 a 15 por 3 a 6 cm, par basal de 3 a 5 por 1 a 3 cm; raquis cilíndrico; glándulas interfoliolares sésiles y forma de olla http://darnis.inbio.ac.cr/FMPro?-db=imagenes2.fp3&key=34546&-img" > (Ver fotografía) , pecíolo cilíndrico.Inflorescencias en espigas, pedúnculo de 3 a 4 cm de largo, ferrugíneo-pubescente, raquis floral de 1.5 a 3.5 cm de largo. Flores con cáliz de 3 a 4 mm de largo http://darnis.inbio.ac.cr/FMPro?-db=imagenes2.fp3&key=37201&-img" > (Ver fotografía) Autor: Leonardo Donzo; corola de 16 a 20 mm de largo. Frutos aplanados de 6-18 por 2 cm , grisáceos o ferrugíneo-pubescente y con muchas semillas http://darnis.inbio.ac.cr/FMPro?-db=imagenes.fp3&key=38762&-img" > (Ver fotografía). A menudo es confundida con I. multijuga http://guest:guest@darnis.inbio.ac.cr/FMPro?-DB=UBI&-lay=WebAll&-Format=/ubi/detail.html&-Op=bw&id=607&-Find " > (Ver descripción) , pero difiere de ella por sus folíolos con el ápice abrupto-acuminado, cuspidado o largo-acuminado, varios nervios secundarios y una pubescencia serícea de pelos acostados, principalmente en el envés. Nota: Ver estructuras ilustradas en: http://darnis.inbio.ac.cr/FMPro?-db=imagenes2.fp3&key=34521&-img" > (Glosario 1) y http://darnis.inbio.ac.cr/FMPro?-db=imagenes2.fp3&key=34522&-img" > (Glosario 2) .
drit d'autor
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo
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Benefits ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da INBio
Es una especie con potencial para leña, por su rápido crecimiento, copa muy ramificada y porque los árboles alcanzan hasta 20 m de altura. Es frecuente en algunos bosques intervenidos de la zona norte.
drit d'autor
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo
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Diagnostic Description ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da INBio
Localidad del tipo: Guayana Francesa
Depositario del tipo: G-DC.
Recolector del tipo: Thibaud (s.n)
drit d'autor
INBio, Costa Rica
Nelson Zamora
Mery Ocampo
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Comprehensive Description ( Anglèis )

fornì da North American Flora
Inga recordii Britton & Rose; Standley, Tropical Woods 7: 5. 1926.
A medium-sized tree, the twigs puberulent. Stipules wanting; petiole 1-2 cm. long, terete; rachis of leaf wingless, pubescent, bearing large cup-shaped glands between the leaflets; leaflets 5 or 6 pairs, lanceolate, long-acuminate, 5-13 cm. long, shining and somewhat pubescent above, pale and appressed-pubescent beneath; spikes 2-4 cm. long, axillary or in terminal panicles; peduncles 1-2 cm. long; bractlets minute ; calyx 4— 5 mm. long, appressed-pubescent ; corolla slender, 18 mm. long, silky-pubescent; stamens 3 cm. long, the sheath included; ovary terete, densely lanate.
Type locality: Stann Creek District, British Honduras. Distribution: Honduras and eastern Guatemala.
sitassion bibliogràfica
Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose. 1928. (ROSALES); MIMOSACEAE. North American flora. vol 23(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY

Inga thibaudiana ( Aser )

fornì da wikipedia AZ

Inga thibaudiana (lat. Inga thibaudiana) - paxlakimilər fəsiləsinin inqa cinsinə aid bitki növü.


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Inga thibaudiana: Brief Summary ( Aser )

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Inga thibaudiana (lat. Inga thibaudiana) - paxlakimilər fəsiləsinin inqa cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Inga thibaudiana ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE

Inga thibaudiana ist eine Baumart aus der Unterfamilie der Mimosengewächse (Mimosoideae). Sie ist in Mittel- und Südamerika beheimatet.


Inga thibaudiana ist ein bis zu 25 Meter hoher Baum mit grün-, grau- und rötlich-braun gefleckter Rinde und dunkelbraunen, flaumig rostrot behaarten Zweigen. Die oberseitig kahlen und unterseitig dicht feinflaumig behaarten Blätter sind in der Regel fünf- bis sechsfach paarig gefiedert, die Blättchen verkehrt lanzettlich bis elliptisch. Das äußerste Blättchenpaar ist 7,4 bis 17,5 Zentimeter lang und 2,8 bis 7,6 Zentimeter breit, das innerste 3 bis 10,2 Zentimeter lang und 1,5 bis 4,9 Zentimeter breit.

Der Blattstiel ist ebenso wie die 7 bis 20 Zentimeter lange Blattrhachis geflügelt oder zylindrisch, zwischen jedem Blattpaar sitzen becherförmige, grüne bis orange oder schwarze Drüsen. Die Nebenblätter sind 1 bis 3 Millimeter lang, behaart und hinfällig.

Die Blütenstände sind achselbürtige, dichte Ähren, die in Gruppen zu zwei bis fünf Stück stehen. Der Schaft ist 1 bis 4 Zentimeter lang und flaumig rostrot behaart, die Rhachis 1 bis 3,5 Zentimeter lang. Die Blüten sind gelblich-grün, die Staubblätter weiß. Die flachen, geraden oder gebogenen Früchte sind 8 bis 30 Zentimeter lang und 1,8 bis 2,5 Zentimeter breit.


Inga thibaudiana ist heimisch von Mexiko bis Bolivien und Zentral-Brasilien.

Systematik und Botanische Geschichte

Die Art wurde 1825 von Augustin-Pyrame de Candolle erstbeschrieben.


  • Anton Weber, Werner Huber, Anton Weissenhofer, Nelson Zamora, Georg Zimmermann: An Introductory Field Guide To The Flowering Plants Of The Golfo Dulce Rain Forests Costa Rica. In: Stapfia. Band 78, Linz 2001, S. 282, / ISBN 3854740727, zobodat.at [PDF]


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Inga thibaudiana: Brief Summary ( Alman )

fornì da wikipedia DE

Inga thibaudiana ist eine Baumart aus der Unterfamilie der Mimosengewächse (Mimosoideae). Sie ist in Mittel- und Südamerika beheimatet.

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Inga thibaudiana ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

Inga thibaudiana is a species of tropical tree in the family Fabaceae. It occurs in Central and South America, where it is known as guaba de mono, guabito [2] and guavo de playa.[1]


Inga thibaudiana is a small tree with a densely branched crown growing to a height of about 20 metres (66 ft). The leaves are pinnate with four to seven pairs of elliptical or oblanceolate leaflets, each with an elongated, often curved tip, and a bristle-like spike at the apex. There is a small pot-shaped gland at the base of each pair of leaflets. The underside of the leaves are densely felted with short brown hairs and the twigs are also hairy. The white flowers have a wispy appearance and are in short spikes with hairy stalks. Each has a short calyx, a tubular corolla, projecting stamens and a long style. The fruits are long, flattened seed pods containing many seeds.[3] Inga thibaudiana could be confused with Inga multijuga, but that species does not have leaflets with elongated tips nor a network of secondary veins along the edges of the leaflets.[3]

Distribution and habitat

Inga thibaudiana occurs in Central and South America, the Caribbean region, and Trinidad and Tobago. Its range extends from south-east Mexico to Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.[1] It is found in primary and secondary woodland, in disturbed ground, on road verges and field edges at altitudes of up to 700 metres (2,300 ft) in regions with high rainfall and a humid climate.[3]


Inga thibaudiana flowers and fruits throughout the year. It is a fast-growing tree and makes good firewood.[3] It grows in areas of forest that are seasonally flooded and is often associated with other trees, such as Virola duckei and Brownea grandiceps. Many lianas and epiphytic plants grow among its branches.[4]


  1. ^ a b c d "Inga thibaudiana DC". ILDIS World Database of Legumes. 2010-07-20. Retrieved 2012-09-12.
  2. ^ Pérez, Rolando; Condit, Richard. "Inga thibaudiana DC". Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Retrieved 2012-09-12.
  3. ^ a b c d Zamora, Nelson (1999-09-24). "Inga thibaudiana DC". Especies de Costa Rica (in Spanish). INBio. Archived from the original on 2012-12-11. Retrieved 2012-09-12.
  4. ^ Linsenmair, K. E.; Davis, A. J.; Fiala, B.; Speight, M. R., eds. (2001). Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management. Springer. p. 74. ISBN 978-0792370499.
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Inga thibaudiana: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da wikipedia EN

Inga thibaudiana is a species of tropical tree in the family Fabaceae. It occurs in Central and South America, where it is known as guaba de mono, guabito and guavo de playa.

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wikipedia EN

Inga thibaudiana ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Inga thibaudiana là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được DC. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.[2]

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă Inga thibaudiana DC.”. ILDIS World Database of Legumes. Ngày 20 tháng 7 năm 2010. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 9 năm 2012.
  2. ^ The Plant List (2010). Inga thibaudiana. Truy cập ngày 5 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Inga thibaudiana: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

fornì da wikipedia VI

Inga thibaudiana là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được DC. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.

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